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Last night some people robbed the school.
They took some supplies. They broke a
window. They stole a television and two
computers. Finally, they photocopied all the
final exam papers.
Every day my mother wakes up the children.
She drives them to the school. They learn
different subjects there. They take exams
once a week. They play their favorite sport,
soccer, on Fridays.
My fiancé sent me a package holiday to Hawaii. A
representative took it to my hotel. After days we
met to celebrate our anniversary. The hotel
representative invited us some cocktails on the
beach. They prepared delicious meals. They
prepared the meals with finest ingredients and by
the best chefs in the region.

My sister often prepares popcorn. It’s easy to

make perfect popcorn. Follow the instructions
well. She put three tablespoons of oil in a large pot
and places the pot on the stove. She heats the oil
on a high flame. Next she adds a quarter cup of
popcorn into the pot and puts a lid on it. In the
next stage, she reduces the flame and shakes the
pot gently until the corn pops. Then she removes
the pot from the stove which is turn off. Finally she
put the popcorn into a large bowl.
Harland and Wolff built The Titanic in 1912. They
designed it in a new way and they thought it to be
unsinkable. Because of this, they put enough
lifeboats for the passengers and crew. A collision
with a huge iceberg damaged it. It sank very fast.
1,513 people drowned that day. A lot of magazines
printed this disaster in many languages. For this
reason governments decided new international
safety laws and established and Ice Patrol, too. In
1985 they located the wreck on the sea bed. They
explored the ship. After that many directors made
successful films about the Titanic since then.

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