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13. Urosurgery F-118

14. Plastic Surgery F -127

15. Cardio-Vascular Surgery .... F -133

16. Neuro Surgery F-137

17. E. N.T. Surgery F -140

18. Surgical Sutures, Needles & Drains F-15


1. Introduction G

1. Definition & Importance:G-2; 2. Important Milestones in Anaesthesia : G-3;

3. Important Related Terminologyin Anaesthesia : G4; 4. Types of Anaesthesia:G-4;
5. Anatomy of Ajrways: G-5; 6. Respiratory physiology: G-6; 7. Anaesthesia Equipments : G-7
2. Intravenous fluid and Blood transfusion
3. Pre-Operative Assessment and Pre-Anaesthetic Medication
4. Monitoring in Anaesthesia
5. Steps and Stages of General Anaesthesia
6. Gases used in Anaesthesia
7. Inhalational Anaesthetic agents
8. Intravenous Anaesthetic agents

9. Managernent of Patient Airway

10. Muscle Relaxant
11. Local Anaesthetics
12. Brachial Plexus including Common Peripheral Nerve Blocks
13. Spinal, Saddle, Epidural &Caudal Block
14. Common Anaesthetic Accidents
15. Role of O. T. Technician in the O.T. room in the
management of Cardiac arrest
16. Intensive Cave Unit (|CU)
17. Golden Rules of Anaesthesia

18. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

19. Artificial
Ventilation/Mechanical Ventilation
20. Maintenance (Cleaning, ^terilization etc.) of OT and
Anaesthetic Equipments
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7. Neurological Diseases
Encephalitis : E-70;
3, Meningitis : E-71; 4. Seizures/Epilepsy : E-72
1. Headache: E-68; 2.
acciden/stroke : E-75
:E-74: 6. Cerebrovascular
5. Parkinson's disease
8. Medicaldiseases for knowledge of O. T. :E-R5.
History Taking:E-77; Physical Examination :E-79; Vital signs--Body temperature
Respiration:E-91,; Blood Pressure: E-92:
Fever: E-88; Pulse :E-89;
Ringworm infection : E-94; Furuncles or Boils :
II. Skin infectionsScabies : E-94;
Uritcaria :E-97;
Acne Vulgaris : E-96; Eczema : E-96;
III. Cyanosis : E-97; IV. Oedema
:E-98; Shock : E-99; Hemorrhage : E-102
Tuberculosis & Skeletal Tuberculosis
9. Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Intestinal E-1
10. Chronic Obstructive Puimonary Diseases
1 General Introduction to Operation Theater F.

2 Sterilization and Disinfection F-1

Disinfection :F-17; Hot air oven:F-19; Autoclave : F-19:

Sterilization of common O.T. materials : F-20

3. Bio-Medical Waste Management F-2

4. Surgery and Surgical Incision F

5. Hospital Acquired Infection F- 3
6. Different Positions of The Patient for Operation F-3
7. General Instruments for O. T. Room F-3

8. General Surgery Sets F- 5

9. General Surgery F- 56
A. Skin &Subcutaneous infections : F-58; B. Wounds :F-59; C. Breast : F-60:
D. Neck: F-61; E. Abdominal Procedures - 1. Laprotomy :F-62; 2. Gall Blader &
Common Bile Duct :F-65; 3.Liver :F-68; 4. Spleen :F-69; 5. Pancreas :F-70;
6. Oesophagus : F-71; 7. Gastro-intestinal Tract: F-73; F. Abdominal wall &Inguino
scrotal region : F-76; G. Anal Procedures : F-78; H. Thorax : F-79
10. Obstetrical and Gynaecological Surgery F- 82

Common Procedures :F-83; Instruments for obstetrics and Gynecology :F-86

11. Orthopaedic Surgery .... F- 95
Common Surgical Procedure:F-96; Orthopedic Instruments : F-98;
Orthopaedic Surgery sets :F-106
2. Ophthalmic Surgery F -109

General operations for ophthalmic surgery : F-109; General Ophthalmic Instruments : F-111;
Ophthalmic Surgery sets : F-116
Chapter Page No.


1. Cleaning of the Ward and Bed making D- 2

2. Pre-Operative care of the Patient D- 17

3. Ryle's Tube insertion and Urinary Catheterization D- 24

4. Pulling out the Dress to expose the site of Operation D- 34

5. Making various postures of the Patient for Particular operation and Care of Head, Eye,
Nose, Pinna, Breast & Genitalia during Operation D- 36

6. Opening of Sterile Wrapped packing, Care of Sterilized instruments &Trolley seting D- 38

7. Hand washing and Wearing of Sterilized Gown &Gloves D- 40

8. Pre-operative skin preparation, Scrubbing of Operable sites &Patient draping D - 48

9. Care of the Patient during Operation D- 56
10. Duties of O. T. Technicians D- 64

11. Dressings & Bandages &Care of Drains D- 65

12. Transfer of the Operated patient with due care and Cover from the Operation table D- 75
13. Vital signs D- 76
14. Post-operative care of the Patient D- 77

15. Legal responsibility of the O.T. Technician for Patient care in the light of Consumer
Protection Act D- 81

MEDICINE E-1 to -12
1. Diabetes Mellitus
2. Typhoid Fever E-2
3. Hepatitis-B ....
5. Renal Faiiure
6. Cardiovascular Diseases
1. Heart failure : E-47; 2. Cardiac arrest : E-51; 3. Hypertension : E-52; 4. Valvular Heart
5. Coronary Artery Disease: E-60; 6. Rheumatic-fever : E-61; 7. Myocardial infraction : E-62;
8. Heart Block : E-66

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