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1 (a) (i) Identifying and naming features…..1x4 = 4mks
(i) 136935; Parking
(ii) 184854; Public telephone
(iii) 122940; Camp site
(iv) 127942; Church or Chapel
(b) Correct length 1mk, correct width 1mk, values of Eastings and Northings 1mk, new scale 1mk, key 1mk,
features 5mks (i.e. 1mk each) = 10mks

(c) (i) The bearing and direction of the triangulation pillar in grid square 1692 from the information centre in
grid square 1393 is 110° South East. 2 + 2 = 4mks
(ii) Distance……3mks. Expect; measured distance: 22cm, actual distance: 11km
(d) Commenting on relief and drainage. 2+2 = 4mks
(i) For relief, accept; presence of mountainous highland, plateau with steep cliff and deep valley. The highland
covers the north, north east and south eastern part with an average height of about 400m above sea level.
There are isolated hills such as Beinn Bilideach (558m). Highly dissected, etc.
(ii) For drainage, accept; well drained with rivers and tributaries, Loch broom is the main water body (SE to
NW), mostly parallel drainage pattern, several lakes (Loch), etc.
(e) Ways by which man exploits the features of the land……5mks, single point marking
Accept; fishing-presence of water bodies, lumbering-presence of woodland, transportation-road and ferry,
tourism-view point, caravan site, etc.
2. (a) (i) Process: Volcanicity, type of plate boundary: Divergent. 1 + 1 = 2mks
(ii) Name of the circular depressions: Craters 1mk
(iii) Different hazards experienced in the area: Lava flow, ash and gases, volcanic bombs. 1x2 = 2mks
(iv) Ways that can be used by man to stay safely in area prone to earthquake and volcanicity:
Expect - Restricting the construction of houses by law in the area.
- Constructing earthquake resistant structures with high quality materials to withstand the effects of
ground vibration.
- Creation of seismic monitoring stations in the area to monitor and alert the population of an imminent
- Putting in place emergency facilities such as fire fighters and ambulances, etc. 1x3 = 3mks
(b) (i) ½ x 8 = 4mks
Autotrophs Herbivores Carnivores Decomposers
Grass Rabbit Tiger Bacteria
Tree Caterpillar Leopard Fungi
(ii) Threats to biodiversity common in our ecosystems; Expect human activities and natural hazards such as;
hunting, bush burning, overgrazing, mining, earthquake, landslide, etc. 1x2 = 2mks
(c) (i) Definition of terms; 1x3 = 3mks
 Flood is a natural event or occurrence where a piece of land or area that is normally dry suddenly gets
submerged under water
 Soil erosion is the complete or partial removal of the top soil by agents of erosion such as wind, water
and moving ice.
 Drought is a prolonged period of dry weather conditions within a geographical region.
(ii) Ways of reducing the consequences of any one of the problems. 1x3 = 3mks.
3. (a) Stating differences between pairs; 1x4 = 4mks (½mk for each right point)
(b) (i) The town with the least rainfall; B 1mk
(ii) The town with the lowest temperature range; C 1mk
(iii) The town with the highest summer temperature; B 1mk
(iv) For the possible reasons why temperature varies from place to place as in the four towns in the month of
July, expect; differences in altitude, distance from the sea, latitude, aspect, etc. 1x3 = 3mks
(c) (i) Classification of processes and landforms; ½ x 12 = 6mks
Erosional process Erosional landform Transportational process Depositional landform
abrasion Rock pedestal traction Ox-bow lake
hydraulic action waterfall suspention tombolo
attrition cirque long shore drift barchan
(ii) Using well labeled diagram to explain one feature; explanation 2mk, diagram 2mks = 4mks
4 (a) Location of elements on the world map….1x5 = 5 mks
Accept ½ mark each for correct location and ½ mark for naming.
(b) (i) Two advantages of agriculture to our economy and two disadvantages of agriculture to our environment.
2 + 2 = 4 mks. Single point marking.
For advantages, expect; source of employment, source of raw material, infrastructural development, increase in
GDP, etc.
For disadvantages on the environment, expect; pollution of the land, soil erosion, loss of vegetation and habitat,
destruction of the natural beauty of the environment, etc.
(ii) Two benefits of projects to the economy of LICs; 2 + 2 = 4 mks. Single point marking.
For Multi-purpose river development project; - Provides HEP to the population.
 Provides water for irrigation farming.
 Serves as a means of transport.
 A major touristic attraction that increases the country’s foreign earnings.
For afforestation, expect; - Helps in soil conservation
- Can provide job
- Source of income from the sale of high-value timber products.
- Source of fuel and bioproducts, etc.
(c) Strategies used by governments of NICs in developing their industries; 1 x 4 = 4mks
- Provide cheap loans and subsidies to new industries.
- Prioritise technically based education and professional training to provide skilled labour.
- Restrict import in order to protect new industries from competition.
- Reduce taxes, etc.
(d) The easiest mode of transport for importing cars from Japan to Nigeria and reasons;
Accept; 1 mark for naming and 2 marks for reasons = 3mks.
Expect; Water transport; the cheapest over such a long distance, little or no risk of stealing, little or no
congestion and pollution, etc.
5 (a) Definition of terms; 2 x 3 = 6mks
(i) Human Development Index: A system introduced by the UN in the 1970s to measure the socio-economic
development of different countries based on standard of living, rate of schooling and life expectancy.
(ii) Trade bloc: An association or group of countries which have agreed to come together to promote free trade,
e.g. CEMAC, ECOWAS and EU.
(iii) Population density: The number of people living per unit area of land, usually per square kilometre.
(b) Description of 3 problems caused by the rapid growth of cities in the world today and stating 3 measures to
solve the problems. 3 + 3 = 6 marks. Single point marking;
For problems of urbanisation, expect; Traffic congestion, unemployment, pollution, water scarcity.
For measures to solve the problems, expect;
- To reduce traffic congestion, multi-track roads and cross-over roads should be constructed.
- To reduce the rate of unemployment, taxes should be greatly reduced in order to encourage new
investors to set up new industries.
- To limit pollution, industries should be relocated at the outskirt, waste management units should be put
in place.
- NB. Measures must be tied to problems raised for maximum marks.
(c) Stating 3 advantages of HEP over fossil sources of energy; 1 x 3 = 3mks
Expect; - It is cleaner than fossil energy like coal and natural gas.
- It is easy to use.
- It is convenient to distribute via cable network.
- It is relatively cheaper than oil and gas.
- It is renewable as compared to fossil fuel.
- It is easy to transport through cables.
(d) (i) State three benefits of the tourist sector in Kenya and Tanzania; 1x3 = 3mks single point marking.
Expect; Source of foreign exchange earnings, source of employment, infrastructural development, source of
government revenue, etc.
(ii) Outlining two challenges faced by tourists visiting the countries; 1x2 = 2mks single point marking.
Expect; Language difficulties, poor transport facilities, highway robbery, etc.
6. (a) Locating and naming features…..1x5 = 5mks
(ii) Naming two major soil types found in Cameroon and outlining three characteristics of any one of them. 2+3
= 5 marks. Single point marking
For major soil types, expect; Ferrallitic soil, ferruginous soil and tropical black earth soil.
For the characteristic, expect for example ferrallitic soil has the following characteristics:
- Very deep due to intense chemical weathering.
- Reddish or reddish-brown in colour due to the accumulation of iron and aluminum oxides.
- Infertile because of intense leaching.
- Contains hard rock-like masses known as laterites.
(b) Stating four problems faced by the livestock sector in the northern part of Cameroon. 1x4 = 4mks
 The animals are usually attacked by pests and diseases, such as sleeping sickness.
 There are prolonged periods of dry weather conditions which usually lead to shortage of pasture and
 There are frequent conflicts between farmers and graziers.
 There is insufficient capital to develop the livestock sector, etc.
(c) Stating 3 reasons for low population density in the Eastern part of the South Cameroon Low plateau. 1x3 =
3mks, single point marking.
Accept: - The region is inaccessible due to the presence of the dense tropical forest.
- Contains a lot of insects and diseases such as malaria caused by mosquitoes.
- Contains heavily leached ferrallitic soil not good for farming.
- Agriculture here is mainly extensive subsistence that cannot keep large population.
(d) The likely economic benefits of the recent developments in the mining sector in Cameroon; 1x3 = 3mks.
Single point marking.
Accept; - Source of raw materials to industries.
- Job creation and employment.
- Increased government revenue through taxes.
- It is an important source of foreign exchange earnings.
- Improved infrastructural development through road construction.
7 (a) (i) Locating and naming features on map……5mks
(ii) Explaining challenges facing EITHER forest OR fish resources in Cameroon and the efforts made by the
government to sustainably manage them. 4mks, Single point marking.
 For forest resources, accept challenges such as; deterioration of timber due to harsh climate, illegal logging,
overexploitation, etc. For sustainable management, accept; fixing minimum size for all tree species,
afforestation and reforestation, creation of forest reserves, putting in place forest guards, etc.
 For fish resources, accept challenges such as; depletion through overfishing, water pollution, illegal fishing
and maritime conflicts, etc. For measures, accept; controlling exploitation through licences, limiting the use
of fertilizers and chemicals, encouraging fish farming, etc.
(b) Reasons why most industrialists would prefer to locate their industries in the Coastal lowlands rather than
the Western highlands of Cameroon. 5mks; single point marking or 2mks per amplified theme.
Accept; the comparative advantages of the coastal lowlands such as availability of raw materials, abundant
water supply, power supply, availability of markets due to high population concentration, good transport
network, etc.
(c) Reasons why Cameroon’s exports are made up mostly of primary products. 1x3 = 3mks
Accept e.g.; insufficient power supply to support heavy industries, lack of entrepreneurship skills to establish
manufacturing industries, inadequate capital to produce secondary products, over dependence on imports,
(d) Suggesting three ways by which the government can improve on the transport sector…1x3 = 3mks
Accept; - Prioritise professional education to provide experts, construct new roads and rehabilitate old ones,
construct more sea ports to improve on maritime transport, etc.

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