Passive Voice 1

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Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice.

1. The milkman brings the milk to my door.

2. The postman leaves the letters in the hall.
3. We collect the letters from the post office.
4. People steal things from the supermarkets every day.
5. Someone stole twenty bottles of whisky last week.
6. Men sweep this street ever day.
7. Nobody swept the street last week.
8. The postman clears this box three times a week.
9. He cleared the box at 2:30.
10. Someone turned on a light in the hall.
11. He opened the door
12. Women clean this office in the evening.
13. They clean the upstairs offices between seven and eight.
14. We never saw him in the dining-room.
15. A maid took all his meals up to him.
16. Someone left this purse in a classroom yesterday.
17. The cleaner found the purse.
18. We built over 1000 new houses last year.
19. This year we are building 1500 houses.
20. We serve hot meals until 10:30pm.
21. Guests can order coffee and sandwiches up to 11:30pm.
22. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses.
23. The conductors collect the things.
24. The conductors send the things to the Lost property Office.
25. An ambulance took the ill man to the hospital.
26. Drunk drivers kill and injure people on the roads every year.
27. Dogs ware the warehouse.
28. A dog saw a thief and chased him.
29. The watchman called the police.
30. The police arrested the man.
31. Tom bought a new pair of shoes.
32. They helped Tom.
33. Jack bought our older car.
34. You wash this dress but you can dry-clean it.
35. The court tried the man, found him guilty and sent him to prison.

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