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1. Honestly, “Psychology” is a new word I’ve heard when I was about to enter the college life.

Originally, Teaching is my main dream. Suddenly, the day I’ve enrolled for BS Education is also
the day where all of the course’s slot had been occupied. The college dean had recommended
me to enroll for BS Psychology. She also advised me that I am able to shift for my dream course
in the second semesters. Meanwhile, the world of Psyche had maybe nourished my thoughts.
I’ve been in loved with Psychology, with studying behavior, that’s why I’ve decided not to shift
in other courses anymore.

2. Psychology is a study of human brain and behavior. I can consider it advantage when you as a
human practices to understand why people behave and act as they do. It is really an advantage
of taking psychology once you are extrovert, once you loved to socialize with others. You tend
to have such open- mindset. And you will no longer able to have difficulties in relating your
feelings to others since you are able to identify other’s feelings too.

Meanwhile, common disadvantage of taking Psychology is that you tend to overthink and
manipulate others. Manipulating people’s behavior is a crime. Overthinking takes place once
you anticipate people’s action. Since Psychology lets human to explore other, manipulation and
overthinking is a common factors that may occur in ones own thought.

3. I believe that we as human cannot face any obstacles alone. No man is an Island, they said.
Maybe I was able to cope up in common life’s challenges through the help of my fellow
students and of my family. I am a dependent of “social relationship theory”. Peers and family’s
support have made its role in each and every human growth and development. I’ve centered
myself to others, while others have made their part too. It is the people who surrounds us are
sometimes the hands that could save us. Surround yourself with good people, and you’ll be
able to be inspired in continuing your mission too.

4. I was not yet a Professional Psychologist. It would took up 4 years of masters, financial,
emotional, and psychological stability to pursue Psychologists’ Board Examination. But, I have
passed our second board exam which called as Psychometrician Board Exam. This eligibility
enables the professional to conduct standardized test, to measure human behavior, and to
predict dysfunctionality or abnormalities in certain person. Psychology is much broad as a
career. We were able to work in jobs relating to education, medicine, law, security, and a lot of
more. For instance, psychology major is what the world needs right now. Stigma in mental
health is very rampant. The world needed someone who were able and willing to listen, to take
care, and to lay services. With that, I believe that if you’re willing to volunteer, then you should

5. Just be ready, and be who you are! Be ready for once you’ll enter the world of Psychology, you
will be able to deal with a lot serious and new incidences. Abnormality, dysfunctions, traumatic
stories, and so on. Then, be who you are. As taking BS Psychology it would touch your
innermost. Your feelings and emotions will stand its role in your journey. Be you, then you’ll be
able to identify the “real you”.

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