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Exeter class Orca pattern Gun-cutter

The term “Gun-cutter” refers to a variety of armed and armoured spacecraft that can be used for orbit-to-
ground transport, hostile landings, or even dogfighting. They can also be modified to suit various purposes and
are prized by organisations such as the Inquisition and Rogue Traders (for whom a multi-purpose spacecraft is
a great asset). The Exeter class is a highly versatile gun-cutter that can be fitted for a variety of tasks. The Orca
pattern is fitted to be used as a troop transport with a capacity of 30 soldiers and one to three medium sized
vehicles and comes standard with an “Oxpecker” utility shuttle. It is popular by Inquisitors and Rogue traders
but sees little use in the Astra Militarum due to its high cost. The pattern is sometimes used by Tempestus
scions and other elite forces.

Origin: Imperium

Registration: Military

Classification: Troop Transport, Guncutter

Pattern: Exeter, Orca pattern

Affiliation: Imperial Navy

Dimensions: 228 x 162 x 67ft. (LWH)

Register tonnage: 6,096

Cargo capacity: 210 register tons

Standard crew: 8

Passenger capacity: 30 Troops

Type: Spacecraft
Tactical Speed: 25 m/ 14 AUs
Cruising Speed: 2,000 kph/ 5 VUs per Strategic Turn in space
Manoeuvrability: -10
Structural Integrity: 65
Size: Immense (8) +40 size modifier/-40 stealth
Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 30
Crew: (8) Pilot, Co-Pilot (optional), Tech-Priest Enginseer, 2 Gunners (optional), 2 Voidsmen (optional)
Carrying Capacity: Quarters for 8 people, Barracks for 30 Armsmen
Features: Vectored engines, Enclosed, Environmentally sealed, Rugged
Availability: Very Rare

2 Pilot/Co-pilot- operated Long-barrelled Autocannons (Facing Front, Range 450m (5 AUs), Heavy, S/2/5,
4d10+5 I, Pen 4, Clip 500, Reload 2 Full) (Servitor Co-pilot BS 35)
Co-Pilot/Pilot- operated Long-barrelled Lascannon (Facing Front, Range 600m(6 AUs), Heavy, S/-/-; 5d10+10
E, Pen 10, Clip 50, Rld Replace, Felling [4]) (Servitor Co-pilot BS 35)
Pilot-operated void capable hunter killer missiles (Facing any, Range 3km (35 AUs), Heavy, S/-/-; 3d10+6 X,
Pen 6, Clip 8, Rld Replace, +20 to hit)
2 Gunner-operated Twin-linked Heavy Bolters (Facing Front/Left/Right or Rear/Left/Right, Range 120m (2
AU), Heavy, -/-/10, 2d10+10 X, Pen 6, Clip 400, Reload 3 Full) (Gunner servitor BS 35)

Special Rules

Spacecraft: This vehicle may exit the atmosphere. While in the atmosphere it may operate as a skimmer or
flyer at the pilot’s choice. It gains all benefits and drawbacks of skimmers and flyers. If operating as a flyer, it
must be moving at least half its cruising speed always lest it begin a terminal dive to the earth below. In either
case, if it becomes completely immobilised due to damage, count the vehicle as destroyed instead as it crashes
to the ground (or begins to fall out of the sky in a terminal dive).

Pilot Operated Linked Weaponry: All weapons classified as “Pilot-operated” may all be fired by the pilot as
one shooting action, at targets no more than one AU apart. Roll for hits and damage separately with each

Ceramite Hull: Designed to leave and re-enter the atmosphere very quickly, the cutter’s ceramite plating
makes it more resistant to heat-based weaponry. Attacks made against it with weapons with the Melta quality
do not benefit from that quality.

Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with a Reinforced Hull receives a Critical Hit, halve the result, rounding up.
This quality does not affect rolls on the Critical Hit chart generated by Righteous Fury.
Hardwired co-pilot servitor (Operate (Aeronautica) 45, BS 35)

2 Hardwired Gunner servitors (BS 35)

Mekaela Aeros (Enginseer)

WS BS S Agi T I Per WP Fel In

35 35 35 37 45 45 35 40 31 -

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 14

Armour: Environmentally sealed Light carapace (5 all) Total TB: 4

Skills: Athletics, Awareness, Common lore (Imperial Navy), Common lore (Tech, Adeptus Mechanicus) +20,
Forbidden lore (Archaeotech), Linguistics (Low-gothic, High gothic, Imperial codes, Techna-lingua), Logic,
Navigate (Stellar), Operate (Ground, Aeronautica), Tech-use +20, Trade (Armorer, Shipwright) +10, Trade

Talents: Ferric summons, Maglev transcendence, Mechadendrite use (Utility, Weapon), Technical knock,
Accelerated repairs, Battlefield tech-wright, Child of the dark (Voidborn), Strong minded (Voidborn)


Best quality Indrix pattern lascarbine (Basic; 90m; S/3/-; 1d10+3 E; Pen 0; Clip 60; Rld Half; Reliable, Variable
setting, Proven [3], Custom grip, Targeter)

Omnissian axe (Melee; 1d10+7 E; Pen 6; Power field, Unbalanced)

Gear: Manipulator mechadendrite, Utility Mechadendrite, Ferric lure implants, Maglev coils, Best quality
bionic respiratory system, Interface port, Locator matrix, Mind impulse unit, Photo visor, Tech-priest robes, 4
reloads for lascarbine, Micro bead, Sacred unguents, Dataslate, Combi-tool, Monotask servo skull
Internal systems:

• Long range Auspex

• Linked Vox caster
• Life support
• Emergency shutdown
• Remote system operations
• Onboard cogitator with MIU interface

Private facilities:

• Imperial Hymn caster

• Collection of Adeptus Ministorum approved reading material
• Dataslate
• Private encrypted cogitator
• Personal multitask servo skull (Grooming, Messenger, Courier, Utility, Pict recorder)
• Wardrobe with 10 sets of civilian clothes and 1 set of fine civilian clothes
• Navy uniform (Wing Captain rank)
• 3 Sets of flight suits
• Collection of unsanctioned reading material (Aerotica, Comic books, Penny dreadful’s and
• Personal grooming station (includes hair grease, ointments, and odour repellents)
• Collection of games (Imperial tarot, Imperial chess, Sanctioned dice)
• Pict screen
• Privacy settings
• Improved maglocks
• Emergency hatch
• Armscoffer with Naval pistol and 4 clips, Lascarbine with 4 clips, Mono combat knife, Flak
vest, Selenite pattern voidsuit, Rebreather, Respirator, De-tox and Medikit.
• Liquor cabinet with various cheap spirits, Lho sticks and other common stimulants.

Support vehicles

• Tauros scout vehicle

• Sentinel scout walker
• Personal utility shuttle
Onboard gear:

• 8 Selenite pattern voidsuits (RT core rulebook)

• 40 Imperial Navy voidsmen uniforms
• 40 Imperial Navy standard operations manuals
• 40 Imperial infantryman’s uplifting primer, Navy edition
• 1 Departo Munitorum manual
• 2 Medikits (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Lascarbines (DH2 Core rulebook)
• 24 Laspacks
• 8 Void spearguns (Basic, SP; 10m; S/-/-; 1d10+2 R; Pen 2; Clip 1; Rld Full) (Into the storm)
• 24 speargun spears
• 8 Blast goggles (Into the storm)
• 8 Sets of filtration plugs (RT core rulebook)
• 4 Flex tents (Into the storm)
• 3000 litres of Promethium (Into the storm)
• Ryboth travel survival kit (Into the storm)
• 8 Backpacks (RT core rulebook)
• Mezoa pattern Lascutter (Heavy, Las; 5m; S/-/-; 2d10+3 E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Rld 2 Full) (Into the
• Bulkhead cutter (Melee, Exotic; 1d10+3 R; Pen 6; Two handed, Tearing, Unwieldy)
(Inquisitor’s handbook)
• Monotask servo skull (Utility) (DH2 core rulebook)
• 8 Rebreathers (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Respirators (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Survival suits (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Months’ worth of Ration packs and purified water (RT core rulebook)
• 2 Month supply of Recaf (RT core rulebook)
• Hunting rifle with 10 clips of ammo (DH2 rulebook)
• Combi-tool (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Lamp packs (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Grav chutes (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Micro beads (RT core rulebook)
• 8 Pairs of Magboots (RT core rulebook)
• 4 Shipboard emergency kits (RT core rulebook)
• 12 uses of Hull sealant spray (Inquisitor’s handbook)
• Collected editions of Tartarus sector standard starmaps (physical and in onboard cogitator)
Buphagus pattern “Oxpecker” Utility shuttle

This small one-man craft can be used in space to perform short recognisance to inspect the outside of a larger
vessel, or for short space trips. It can also be used as a one man escape pod capable of entering and landing in
the atmosphere, although this will damage the shuttle beyond repair. The shuttle has no weapons and carries
very little fuel making it only capable of operating for short amounts of time.

Type: Spacecraft
Tactical Speed: 25 m/- AU’s
Cruising Speed: 400 kmh
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 12
Size: Hulking (5) +10 size modifier/ -10 stealth
Armour: Front 16, Side 14, Rear 12
Crew: Pilot
Traits: Environmentally sealed, Ceramite plating, Emergency drop pod, Limited fuel, Mag-grippers

Emergency drop pod

In an emergency, the shuttle can be used as a makeshift drop pod. This will burn off the shuttles protective
plating and destroy its engines and operating systems. Safely dropping into the atmosphere and landing,
requires a hard (-20) operate Aeronautica test. Each DoF deals 1d5 I damage to the pilot, ignoring armor and 1
critical damage to the shuttles hull.

Limited fuel

The shuttle can operate at half speed for up to 4 hours, and at full speed for 15 minutes. After this the ship has
emergency thrusters allowing it to move at a rate of 5m per round with a -20 to manoeuvrability for up to ten
hours before it starts to drift.


The shuttle is fitted with a retractable Mag-gripper that can be shot out and attached as a grapnel to magnetic
surfaces. This allows the shuttle to attach to a metallic object, either to secure itself or to pull an object of
hulking or smaller size closer. In addition, the shuttle has magnetic landing gear allowing it to attach to
magnetic surfaces like the hull of a larger spaceship.

Ceramite plating: Designed to enter the atmosphere very quickly, the shuttle’s ceramite plating makes it more
resistant to heat-based weaponry. Attacks made against it with weapons with the Melta quality do not benefit
from that quality.
Betsy Interior Areas
Upper Deck

The topmost level of Exeter is taken up by the shuttle bay. There is room for a single small craft up to 30 tons,
and complete facilities for repairing and refuelling such a craft. Currently the bay holds a Buphagus pattern
utility shuttle. The bay doors are in the ceiling of the chamber, retracting to fore and aft for launch (at which
time the bay is open to space). The lower wing position of the new hull design required Exeter’s large side air
locks to be offset a few feet above the main deck. As a result, the shuttle bay has raised areas in the forward
corners. A short ladder leads up to each platform which provides a view to either side of the ship (the windows
were also raised). These elevated areas serve no other function than to accommodate the air lock areas on the
deck below. A small hatch at the forward end of the shuttle bay leads down to the main deck. There is an
identical hatch above that provides access to the Heavy bolter turret or, if the turret has been moved aside, leads
to the exterior of the ship. A utility room at the aft end of the hangar bay has stairs leading down to the main
deck. There are storage rooms on either side of the aft end of the room – used for maintenance equipment and
EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) gear. Smaller lockers hold personal effects, flight suits, and various camping
and survey gear – including a couple of lascarbines and a hunting rifle. If the shuttle is removed, this area can be
used to haul an additional 200 register tons of cargo. When this is done the shuttle is either left at dock or
magnetically clamped to the hull exterior (usually over the closed bay doors).

Support Room
The equipment in this room maintains and controls the life support systems (air, water, and heat) onboard the
ship. The stairs lead directly down to the crew’s lounge.

Main Deck

There are five dedicated crew stations on the bridge though the ship can be flown efficiently with just two
personnel present. Communications only needs to be manned when the comm is in use, and the last area is a
gunnery station that also serves as a redundant Augur system and cogitator access point, including an MIU
interface port. The front of the room has three large windows, presenting a good view of the field ahead. The
ship’s primary Augurs and communications systems are also in the bow of the ship and can be accessed through
wall and ceiling panels in this room.

Captain’s Cabin
The design of this ship places the captain’s quarters adjacent to the bridge so that he or she can quickly take
control when needed. The spartan room normally contains a bed, workstation, walk-in closet and private
bathroom facilities, although the Aseus has modified this to suit his personal preferences (see private facilities

Conference Room
A large metal table surrounded by 8 chairs fills the side chamber. A large view pict-screen, wired into controls
on the table, is at one end. There is a cogitator station in the main part of the room, but the room is otherwise
kept clear as this is also the primary route to the bridge. A large storage closet holds administrative files and
various office supplies. The adjacent bathroom is provided so that the bridge crew doesn’t have to walk the
length of the ship to use the common facilities. There is a round, hatch-like panel built into the floor at the
forward end of the conference room. This provides access to the bow gunner Heavy-bolter turret.
Just forward of the air lock on the port side is a small workroom that has been converted into an indoor garden.
An assortment of metal bins and tubs have been filled with potting soil and support a variety of vegetables and
flowering plants. Sprayers and grow lights hang from the ceiling and there is often water puddled on the floor.

Main Deck Air Locks

There are large air locks on either side of the main deck. On Exeter, these are used primarily to load cargo into
the auxiliary bay while the locks on the passenger level are used for crew and paying customers. When on land
there is no easy way to access these air locks. It’s up to the docking facility to have a cargo gangway or other
loading mechanism. The modernized hull design has these air locks set higher in the hull than before and so
there are a few stairs leading up to the port-side one and a short ramp leading up to the other.

This area is used as a general-purpose workshop and contains a dense collection of electronics and mechanical
equipment. The workstation and shop table can be used to perform any sort of small repair or construction
project. Like the garden, this alcove is open to the hallway outside. An old tarp is sometimes strung up as a
curtain – more to hide the mess than to provide any real privacy. Mekaela can often be found here.

Auxiliary Cargo Bay

The cargo bay on the main deck is used to hold general ships stores and other non-commercial freight
(replacement parts, food stuffs, and even personal belongings). Maximum capacity is 70 tons. It will
occasionally be used to hold overflow commercial freight or last-minute shipments. Otherwise the room is a
combination attic, pantry, and garage all piled into one area. There are smaller closets lining the hallways on this
deck as well. These hold clothing, cleaning supplies, and other small miscellaneous items.

Crew Quarters
The middle of the main deck contains four cabins dedicated to crew quarters. Three of these rooms have bunk
beds and the last a single. Every cabin has been home to its occupants for many years and so is thick with
personal effects and memorabilia.

The four crew cabins share a common restroom. It is not gender specific. Note that there is a small shower on
the starboard side just forward of the crew’s lounge. This is used when there is a full load of passengers aboard.
Otherwise the crew will generally use the larger shower facilities on the passenger level.

Crew Lounge
This long, narrow room is cosy and comfortably furnished. Soft lighting, plants, tasteful decorations, and carpets
help to soften the usual “metal and rust” décor. The starboard side holds a wooden dining table while the other
end of the room has a gaming table (usually covered with a jigsaw puzzle of a scantily clad woman in-progress).
In between is a worn couch situated before a wall-mounted pict-screen.

Escape Pods
There are four escape pods accessible along either side of the crew’s lounge. These Niagara-class pods are
small, single person vehicles designed for a long stay and single re-entry. The pod has no piloting controls and
operates automatically using data from the ship’s main computer at the time of launch. A single person can
survive up to 6 days inside one of these pods. It might be possible to fit two people inside one, but there is only
one seat and the ride can get rough. The interior of the pods is not mapped out as it contains nothing more than
well-padded chair (with five-point harness and built-in toilet) and basic controls for the comm and Augurs.
While the shuttle can be used as a life boat, Exeter doesn’t have enough capacity to off load both crew and
passengers in the event of a catastrophic failure. This fact is usually glossed over when taking on potential
Medicae Bay
Like all Exeter-class vessels, the Orca pattern has a well-stocked medical bay. There is a combination
examination/operation chair on one side of a partition and a recovery area on the other. A locked closet holds a
variety of medical gear and medicines.

The kitchen has a large walk-in refrigeration unit, a large stove & grill, a mass rehydration unit, and a sizable
oven. While freeze-dried food is the normal fare on this type of ship, the “home cooking” aboard Exeter has
become one of its selling points to potential passengers.

Nestled in the bowels of the engine, this hot, noisy chamber allows direct access to the drive core and power
system. Supply closets on either side hold a variety of tools and small replacement parts. Panels in the walls and
ceiling can be removed to allow access to even more obscure mechanical apparatus. A hatch in the floor leads
directly to the engineering corridor that runs beneath the chamber. Mekaela can often be found here.

Troop deck
A low ceilinged corridor runs down the centre of the ship from the passenger lounge to the garage. Immediately
outside of the lounge are two small chambers, the first of which has been turned into a small gym. There are free
weights, a punching bag, and a locker holding various exercise equipment. One wall is mirrored. This grungy
room is meant for the crew and troops but passengers are welcome to make use of the facilities if they so desire.

Across the corridor from the gym, the matching room holds two laundry machines plus cabinets and shelving
packed with bedding, clothing, and similar items. This whole area is often hot and stuffy. The area above the
Laundry is used for storage of missiles and also contain the loading mechanism for the missile racks. The racks
can hold up to 8 hunter-killer missiles.

Engineering Corridor
A cramped, noisy, dark corridor runs through the length of the engine and drive system, providing direct access
to diagnostic and control systems. If this isn’t enough, wall panels or floor grating can be removed to allow
hands-on access to the parts themselves. The forward part of this corridor runs directly beneath the enginarium
and a ladder leads up to that chamber. Further back the corridor allow access to the garage at the very back end
of the ship. Mekaela can often be found here.

This would be a spacious garage except that the back half slants sharply upwards and so is unusable for storage
or parking. The exit ramp forms the wall/floor of this slanted area. There is just enough level space at the front
of the garage to hold a small vehicle such as a Tauros scout vehicle and a pair of supply closets. Currently the
garage contains a Tauros scout vehicle. A ladder at the side of the room provides the only access to the aft
observation lounge situated directly above the garage.

Observation Lounge
It’s not easy to get to this room but the view out the back of the ship is worth it. The remote location also
provides a needed sense of privacy on long journeys. A couch and pair of overstuffed chairs provide seating. A
wall-mounted pict-unit and cabinets full of books and other leisure items provide entertainment when the view
is not enough. The tail gunner Heavy-bolter turret is mounted above this room and a ladder in the middle of the
lounge leads directly up to it. The other ladder, at the end of the narrow hall going forward, leads down to the
garage. That corridor can be sealed off to preserve atmosphere when the garage ramp is lowered.
Showers and Restroom
The front end of the troop deck is taken up by a large communal restroom and shower area. Further forward on
the port side is access to the ladder which runs from the top to the bottom of the hull - with pressure hatches at
each deck and the exterior. The matching room on the starboard side is a supply closet. A couch and pict-unit
have been set up in the small area outside of the restroom, providing a little more relaxation space in the
otherwise cramped quarters.

The passenger cabins are replaced by a set of barracks. There are four rooms with a total of 28 bunks between
them. Each bunk has an accompanying locker. There are two additional small private rooms, each with a single
bed. These are set aside for officers. There is a single shower near the mess hall set aside for officer use, but
they do not have a separate toilet facility.

Mess Hall
What was formerly the passenger lounge is turned into a mess hall with additional tables and seating. Meals still
must be brought down from the kitchen on the main deck. A couch, pict-screens, and lockers with game supplies
and sundries allow this area to function as an off-duty lounge as well. Though the crew may not like it, on
longer voyages it is not uncommon for soldiers to be granted free access to the main deck as well. The shuttle
bay and cargo hold may also be employed for recreation and calisthenics if space allows.

Aft End
The aft end of the deck is the same as in other Exeter-class class freighters. There is a laundry room and small
gym just aft of the mess hall. A cramped corridor leads back through the guts of the engine to the aft garage.
Above the garage is the rear-facing observation lounge and access to the tail gunner Heavy-bolter turret.

Cargo Deck

Main Hold
The belly of Exeter is a single large cargo area 65 feet long and 50 feet across. The ceiling is only 9 feet high,
which seems claustrophobic low given the depth of the room. Well packed, the main hold can carry 300 tons of
cargo. At the forward end of the hold are a pair of heavy bay doors. These slides open to allow access to the air
lock beyond. The exterior door on the other side of the lock lowers to act as a ramp. There is also a personnel
hatch (with standard couplings) that can be accessed from the lock area. It leads down out the bottom of the
ship, and up to the passenger deck. When grounded, the exterior hatch is not usable. Note that the main doorway
is just high enough to allow a shuttle into the hold, though doing so while in flight would be extremely risky
(and would also mean venting the entire hold to space). The cargo hold currently houses a Sentinel scout walker.

Aft Hold
A step up from the main hold brings one into the aft cargo area. From here stairs lead up, through a pressure
door, to the passenger deck. There is room for up to 30 tons of cargo in this area. There are small “vaults”
(reinforced closets with electronic locks) along either wall – 4 on each side. These are used to transport sensitive
goods and passenger valuables. A few of these units also have environmental controls built in.

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