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Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 1 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted: Sep 28, 2023
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Talk to me! (30 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Create your own concept map about contemporary world.

-You will be given 5 minutes to talk to the world leaders at an international

conference, what problem you would raise and what possible solutions you want to hear.
Write your answers using your own words. Provide meaty discussion.


 If I were given the opportunity to address world

leaders at an international conference, I would
unequivocally emphasize the urgent need to
address the global climate crisis. This
existential threat knows no borders and affects
every nation on Earth. The scientific consensus
is clear: our planet is warming at an alarming
rate due to human activities, and the
consequences are already being felt in the form
of extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and
biodiversity loss. To mitigate this crisis, I
would urge world leaders to commit to immediate
and bold action.

First and foremost, we must accelerate the

transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.
This entails investing heavily in renewable
energy sources, such as solar, wind, and
hydroelectric power, while simultaneously
phasing out fossil fuels. Additionally, we must
prioritize reforestation and the protection of
existing forests to absorb carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. Secondly, international
cooperation is paramount. We need binding
agreements and commitments to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, and leaders must work together to
ensure that these targets are met. Furthermore,
we must address climate justice by supporting
vulnerable communities disproportionately
affected by climate change and assisting
developing nations in their efforts to adapt and
mitigate. This crisis requires a global response
that transcends political differences, and world
leaders must set aside short-term interests for
the long-term survival and prosperity of our
planet and future generations.
Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Activities
This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 1 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted: Sep 28, 2023
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Classroom Sharing (20 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

- According to Human Rights Career, one of the current most global issues we
need to address is mental health, approximately 1 billion people have some form of
mental disorder. The pandemic made the world’s mental health worse. The World
Health Organization mentioned that there’s been a 25% increase in anxiety and
depression worldwide. In line with that, define mental health and how you manage
your mental health as a student and as a member of the community. Your answer
should be specific and provide a meaty discussion.

 Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological,

and social well-being. It encompasses their ability to cope
with stress, maintain healthy relationships, adapt to life's
challenges, and effectively function in society. Good mental
health is characterized by emotional resilience, self-
awareness, and a positive sense of well-being. It's not just
the absence of mental disorders but a state of overall
mental well-being.
As a student and active member of my community, managing my
mental health is a priority. As a student, I ensure a
balanced routine that includes regular exercise, a healthy
diet, and adequate sleep. I practice stress management
techniques such as mindfulness and time management to
navigate academic pressures. Seeking support from friends,
family, and counseling services when needed is also crucial.
In the community, I engage in social activities, volunteer
work, and open conversations about mental health to reduce
stigma. I promote self-care practices and encourage others
to prioritize their mental well-being. By balancing personal
growth with community involvement, I aim to contribute
positively to mental health awareness and support those in
Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Activities
This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 2 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted:Sep 28, 2023
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: The World Made Closer (20 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

Identify the following questions below. Write SOLIDITY if it refers to barriers that
prevent or make the difficult movement of things. Write LIQUIDITY if the following
information is not fixed. (2 points each)

LIQUIDITY 1. Facebook

SOLIDITY 2. DCC Compound


LIQUIDITY 4. Bus Terminals

LIQUIDITY 5. Migration

SOLIDITY 6. South China Sea

LIQUIDITY 7. Communication

SOLIDITY 8. Great Wall of China

LIQUIDITY 9. World Concert Tour

SOLIDITY 10. Himalayas Mountain

Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 2 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted:Sep 28, 2023
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Globalized in Your Area! (30 points)

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

-The Davao Central College administrators will give free round-trip tickets
outside the country to deserving students. One of the qualifications for you to be
qualified is to make an itinerary from DCC as your starting point to the country you want
to have your travel to.
Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

Learning Activities
This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 3 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted:Sep 28, 2023
ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Crisis around the Globe

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question/s below.

- The pandemic has significantly shaped the world economy during the past
two years. Many industries have encountered problems and are still having trouble,
and the nations that depend on those industries are now subtly attempting to recover.
Even if the economy recovered strongly in 2021, there may yet be a downturn in
growth due to ongoing financial issues. In addition, many nations are dealing with a
rising debt burden, high inflation, and the current hot topic of geopolitical tensions, all
of which have a significant influence.

"Russia’s war in Ukraine has created immense human suffering, but it is also
damaging global trade, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a warning." Explain
this statement and provide a meaty discussion.

 The statement "Russia’s war in Ukraine has created immense human suffering,
but it is also damaging global trade, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a
warning" encapsulates the intricate interplay between geopolitical conflicts and
the global economy. Firstly, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, marked by territorial
disputes and military engagements, has inflicted profound humanitarian suffering.
Millions of people have been displaced, countless lives lost, and entire
communities upended. This humanitarian crisis is a stark reminder of the human
cost of armed conflicts and underscores the urgent need for peaceful resolution
and international cooperation.
Simultaneously, this conflict has had far-reaching repercussions on the global
trade landscape. Ukraine is a significant player in the global agricultural market,
particularly as a major exporter of grains like wheat and corn. The disruptions
caused by the conflict, from damaged infrastructure to the displacement of
farmers, have led to decreased agricultural production and exports. This, in turn,
has contributed to global food price volatility, impacting vulnerable populations
and heightening food security concerns. Moreover, the conflict has raised broader
questions about the vulnerability of global supply chains and trade routes in times
of geopolitical instability. In essence, the statement highlights that conflicts like the
one in Ukraine not only exact a tragic human toll but also have complex and often
unintended consequences for the interconnected world of international trade,
emphasizing the need for diplomacy and cooperation to mitigate such impacts
and safeguard global stability.
Juan dela Cruz St., Toril, Davao City

This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your
WEEK 3 scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

Course Title: GE ESci The Contemporary World

Instructor: Dhen Mar Villacencio
Student Name: Merry Joy E. Baret
Course: BSIT
Year: 1st
Date Submitted: Sep 28, 2023
ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Activity or Activities have different parts.

Title: Free Speech

Date of Submission:
Things to do:
 Read and understand the question.
 Provide meaty discussion.
 Cite an article, study, or any published documents that support your stand.

-Does the position of rich countries as giants in the economic chain threaten
the status of less developed countries in the global market?

 Yes, the position of rich countries as economic giants does

indeed pose significant challenges to the status of less
developed countries in the global market, and this assertion
is supported by numerous scholarly studies and reports. One
such study is "Global Income Inequality by the Numbers: In
History and Now" by economists Facundo Alvaredo, Lucas
Chancel, and Thomas Piketty, published in the World
Inequality Lab's World Inequality Report. This comprehensive
analysis of income and wealth disparities around the world
highlights how the income share of the top 1% in rich
countries has surged, often at the expense of the less
affluent. The report underscores the role of global economic
integration and capital mobility in exacerbating these
inequalities, as capital tends to flow toward where returns
are highest, which is often in wealthier countries.
Moreover, organizations like the United Nations and the
World Trade Organization (WTO) have consistently addressed
the challenges faced by less developed countries in the
global market. Reports from the UN Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) frequently discuss the unequal power
dynamics in international trade, where rich nations can
impose trade restrictions and subsidies that disadvantage
less developed countries. These disparities have been
particularly evident in sectors like agriculture, where
wealthy nations provide substantial subsidies to their
farmers, making it difficult for farmers in poorer nations
to compete. In essence, these studies and reports
corroborate the notion that the economic dominance of rich
countries can indeed threaten the status and prospects of
less developed countries in the global market. Addressing
this issue requires concerted efforts to promote fair trade,
reduce inequalities, and provide support for economic
development in disadvantaged regions.

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