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Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution
higher education institution
"Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"
Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies

Department of Development and Exploitation of Hard-to-recover Hydrocarbon Fields

Direction of preparation 21.03.01 - Oil and Gas Business


Production of oxidized bitumen on the example of TAIF-NK's Biturox unit

The job is done:
" __ " _______ 2023 г. __________ F.M. Rais

The work is admitted to the defense:

Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

" __ " ______ 2023 г. __________ A.F. Kemalov

Head of the Department of Development and

field operation
of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons,
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

" __ " ______ 2023 г. __________ M.A. Varfolomeyev

Normocontroller - employee
Basic Department of Metrology
and flow measurement devices
Oil and Gas, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
" __ " ______ 2023 г. __________ A. G. Sladovsky

Kazan 2023

Explanatory note of the diploma project contains:

62 pp., 19 tab., 12 figs., introduction., conclusion., 2 appendices.



The object of design is a unit for production of oxidized oil bitumen at TAIF-NK Refinery.
The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical and applied fundamentals of production of
oxidized petroleum bitumen and carrying out technological calculation of the main and auxiliary
equipment, material and thermal balance of the oxidation column.

In order to achieve the objective of the paper, the following tasks need to be accomplished:

1. To review the technology of oxidized bitumen production, production parameters and factors,
chemistry and kinetics of the oxidation process.

2. To present the process flow diagram of TAIF-NK's Biturox oxidized bitumen production unit, its
description, detailed drawing of the oxidation column with description of its functional parts.

3. Carry out technological calculation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the oxidized bitumen
production unit, material and thermal balance of the oxidation column.

4. analyze the manufacturing process from a safety perspective.

5. Make a feasibility study of the project of oxidized bitumen production. Present the results of
calculation of economic effect of production.

During the design process, the material and thermal balance of the reactor, structural and
mechanical calculation of the reactor for a given capacity were calculated. Also the choice of
parameters and means of control and regulation was justified. The category of the oxidized bitumen
production unit by hazard category was determined.
In the economic calculation of the project the cost price of 1 ton of bitumen and the profit of the
enterprise were determined.

Table of Contents

List of abbreviations.............................................................................................................................6
List of illustrations................................................................................................................................7
List of tables.........................................................................................................................................8
1. analytical review.............................................................................................................................10
1.1 Petroleum bitumen production technology...............................................................................10
1.2 Oxidation of heavy oil residues with air oxygen......................................................................11
1.1.1 Theoretical basis of the process.........................................................................................11
1.1.2 Industrial plants for oxidized bitumen production.............................................................12
1.1.3 Comparison of methods of production of commercial oil bitumen...................................13
1.3 Chemistry of oxidized bitumen production process, physical and chemical basis of the process
1.3.1 Chemistry and kinetics of heavy oil residue oxidation process.........................................13
1.4 Influence of hydrocarbon composition of oxidation feedstock on the main qualitative
parameters of oxidized bitumen......................................................................................................14
2. technological part...........................................................................................................................16
2.1 Physicochemical constants and properties of initial, intermediate and final products.............16
2.2 Technical characteristics of raw materials, main products and auxiliary materials.................17
3. technological scheme of bitumen production.................................................................................20
3.1 Description of the technological scheme of production...........................................................20
3.1.1 Raw material mixing and storage unit...............................................................................20
3.1.2 Feeding of raw material mixture and preheating...............................................................20
3.1.3 Process air system..............................................................................................................21
3.1.4 Chemical water treatment unit...........................................................................................21
3.1.5 Oxidation of raw materials in the reactor pos. 8................................................................22
3.1.6 Cooling and dispensing of the finished product.................................................................23
3.1.7 Bitumen unloading unit......................................................................................................23
3.1.8 Waste gas separation..........................................................................................................23
3.1.9 Incinerator unit with heat recovery unit.............................................................................24
3.2 Description of the operation of the main apparatus..................................................................26
3.3 Operating process parameters...................................................................................................27
4. technological calculations..............................................................................................................28
4.1 Mechanical calculation of oxidation column, determination of column geometrical

4.2 Column design and operating conditions..................................................................................30
4.3 Permissible stresses...................................................................................................................31
4.4 Modulus of longitudinal elasticity............................................................................................31
4.5 Additions to design thicknesses of structural elements............................................................31
4.6 Strength factors for welds.........................................................................................................31
4.7 Strength and stability calculation of the hull............................................................................31
4.8 Material balance of the oxidation column................................................................................33
4.9 Thermal balance of the oxidation column................................................................................34
4.10 Calculations............................................................................................................................36
5 Life safety........................................................................................................................................43
5.1 Main physicochemical, toxic, explosion and fire hazardous characteristics of substances and
materials handled in production......................................................................................................43
5.2 Categorization of outdoor installation in terms of explosion and fire hazard...........................45
5.3 Sanitary classification of the oxidized bitumen production unit..............................................45
5.4 Technological and technical solutions (measures) ensuring safe operation of the oxidized
bitumen production unit..................................................................................................................45
5.4.1 Quantitative assessment of the explosion hazard of a process system...............................45
5.4.2 Ensuring safe process operation.........................................................................................45
5.4.3 Safety of production equipment.........................................................................................47
5.5 Occupational health and hygiene at work.................................................................................48
5.6 Environmental protection.........................................................................................................48
6 Economic justification of the project..............................................................................................49
6.2 Basic information data..............................................................................................................49
6.3 Summary commodity balance of the plant...............................................................................49
6.4 Calculation of capital construction costs..................................................................................50
6.5 Calculation of capital expenditures and depreciation charges for equipment..........................50
6.6 Calculation of headcount and labor remuneration....................................................................51
6.6.1 Calculation of working time balance of 1 average worker................................................51
6.6.2 Calculation of headcount and tariff wage fund of main workers, auxiliary workers and
6.6.3 Calculation of TFP of production workers.........................................................................53
6.6.4 Calculation of headcount and tariff wage fund. Wages of engineering and technical
workers (ITR)..............................................................................................................................53
6.7 Calculation of production costs................................................................................................54
6.7.1 Calculation of energy costs................................................................................................54
6.8 Calculation of production cost of one ton of oxidized bitumen BND60/90.............................55

6.9 Calculation of technical and economic indicators....................................................................55
List of sources used............................................................................................................................60
Appendix A........................................................................................................................................61
Appendix B.........................................................................................................................................62


This paper is written on the basis of generalized analytical materials collected at the Institute of
Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies of Kazan (Federal) University.
Production of oxidized bitumen is an important step in the oil and gas refining process. Oxidized
bitumen is widely used in various industries such as construction, road building, rubber products
manufacturing and others. One of the largest producers of oxidized bitumen in Russia is TAIF-NK
JSC, which uses the Biturox unit for production.
The purpose of this graduate qualification project (GQP) is to study the process of oxidized
bitumen production on the example of "Biturox" unit at TAIF-NK JSC. The work will consider the
main stages of production, technological features of the unit and their influence on the quality of
oxidized bitumen.
The first part of the paper is devoted to literature review and analysis of existing research in the
field of oxidized bitumen production. The main methods of bitumen oxidation used in the industry and
their characteristics will be considered. The influence of different process parameters on the quality of
oxidized bitumen will also be studied.
The second part of the paper will be devoted to the description of "Biturox" unit at TAIF-NK JSC.
Its main technical characteristics, principle of operation and technological process features will be
considered. The influence of process parameters on the obtained characteristics of oxidized bitumen
will be analyzed.
The third part of the work will be devoted to the study of calculations of oxidized bitumen
produced at the "Biturox" plant. Test results will be analyzed and compared with the requirements of
standards for oxidized bitumen.
The conclusion of the work will be devoted to the generalization of the obtained results and
conclusions. Recommendations will be proposed to optimize the process of production of oxidized
bitumen at the plant "Biturox" in order to improve their quality and production efficiency.
Thus, this work-in-progress will provide a complete picture of the process of oxidized bitumen
production at TAIF-NK's Biturox Plant and suggest ways to improve the process.


In the course of the work the technology of oxidized oil bitumen production was studied on the
example of TAIF-NK JSC "Biturox" unit. The main parameters and factors of production, chemistry
and kinetics of the oxidation process were considered.
The process flow diagram of TAIF-NK's Biturox oxidized bitumen production unit was presented,
as well as a detailed drawing of the oxidation column with a description of its functional parts.
The technological calculation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the oxidized bitumen
production unit, as well as material and thermal balance of the oxidation column was carried out. The
results of calculations make it possible to assess the efficiency of production and optimize its
In conclusion, a feasibility study of the project of oxidized bitumen production was made. The
results of calculation of economic effect of production were presented. Based on the calculations, it
can be concluded that the plant operating at the production facility will cope with the projected load of
132,000 tons/year of finished product.
Also in the course of work were developed measures for labor protection, defined categories for
the installation on explosion and fire hazard. The feasibility study of the project was given, where the
cost of one ton of bitumen, the number of operating personnel was calculated.
The cost of one ton of bitumen production is 3,952.39rub. The average annual cost of production
is 7495rub., at full capacity utilization the net profit will be 435,516,873.15rub.

List of sources used

1 Gunn, R.B. Petroleum bitumen / R.B. Gunn. - Moscow: Khimiya, 1989 - 152 p.: ill.
2 Grudnikov, I.B. Production of oil bitumen / I.B. Grudnikov. - Moscow: Khimiya, 1983 - 192 p.:
3 Calculation of equipment used in the production of oxidized bitumen / comp. A.F. Kemalov, T.F.
Ganieva; Kazan State Technological University. - Kazan, 2009. - 68 с.
4 Bondarenko B.I. Album of technological schemes of oil and gas processing / -M.: Khimiya, 1983.
- 128 p.: ill.
5 Technological Regulations of Shop No. 06 - Bitumen Production: / TAIF-NK Refinery. -
Nizhnekamsk, 2007. - 189 с.
6 Economic substantiation of course and diploma projects: methodical instructions / Compiled by
N.V. Lyzhina, Y.V. Panteleeva; Kazan State Technological University. N.V. Lyzhina, Y.V.
Panteleeva; Kazan State Technological University. - Kazan, 2008. - 106 с.
7 Technology, economics and automation of oil and gas refining processes: Textbook / S.A.
Akhmetov, M.H. Ishmiyarov, A.P. Verevkin, E.S. Dokuchaev, Y.M. Malyshev; Edited by S.A.
Akhmetov. -Moscow: Chemistry, 2005. -736 с.
8 Kasparyants K.S. Processes and apparatuses for objects of field preparation of oil and gas / K.S.
Kasparyants, V.I. Kuzin, L.G. Grigoryan -M.: Nedra, 1977. - 254 с.
9 Dytnersky, Yu.I. Basic processes and apparatuses of chemical technology: design manual / Yu.I.
Dytnersky. - Moscow: Khimiya, 1983. - 272 p.: ill.
10 Rassokhin N. G. Steam-generator units of nuclear power plants: Textbook for universities. 3rd
edition, revision and additions. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. - 384 с.
11 Ensuring industrial and environmental safety: guidelines and recommendations for thesis design. /
comp. F.M. Gimranov, [et al.]; Kazan State Technological University. - Kazan, 1998. - 60 с.
12 NPB 105 - 03. Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations on
explosion and fire hazard., approved: 18.06.2003 Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Order 314.
13 SANPIN 2.2.1/ Sanitary - protective zones and sanitary classification of
enterprises, constructions and other objects., approved: 31.10.1996.
14 GOST 12.3.002-75Production processes. General safety requirements., approved: 01.07.1976.
15 PB 09-563-03., Industrial Safety Rules for Oil Refineries, approved by the Resolution of
Gosgortechnadzor of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2003 N 44.
16 PB-10-115-96., Rules of device and safe operation of pressure vessels, approved by the resolution
of Gosgortechnadzor of Russia from April 18, 1995 N 20.
17 Rules for the device of electrical installations. Edition7., approved: 06.10.1999 Ministry of Fuel
and Energy of the Russian Federation.
18 Abramov, N.R. Manual on labor protection. Training-practical manual for managers, specialists
and employees of organizations / N.R. Abramov. - Moscow: Safety of Labor and Life, 2005.- 352
19 Rules for the device of electrical installations. Edition7., approved: 06.10.1999 Ministry of Fuel
and Energy of the Russian Federation


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