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Nama : Mayliani Fridakurnia

NIM : 2307521172

Prodi : Sarjana Manajemen

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Kelas : C6

Absen : 11


Exercise 1 – Answer the questions related to yourself!

1) Where are you from?

2) What do you do?
3) Where do you live?
4) What's your name?
5) Do you have siblings?

Exercise 2

This is about Doni Saputra. Please introduce Doni to your friends!

Hi, everyone. I am Doni Saputra, you can call me Doni. I’m from Yogyakarta, but I currently stay in my grandma’s
house, which is in Solo Baru. I was born in Bantul, Yogyakarta, on 21st December, 2007. Now I am a student in class
8A. This is my first time to have such a meeting with new friends. I join this basketball club because I love basketball
and I play basketball since I was in elementary school. I am quite shy but I hope we can get along well. That’s all about
myself, thank you for paying attention.

Exercise 3 –

Mention what are the techniques in public speaking! Give one example for two of the techniques!


Exercise 1.

1. I'm from Karangasem Regency.

2. I’m a student at Udayana University.
3. I live at Udayana Permai Street, Blok B1/3, Jimbaran.
4. My name is Mayliani Fridakurnia, and you can call me May.
5. Yes, I have siblings. I have 3 siblings, they are two older brothers and one younger sister.
Exercise 2.

Hello my friends! Let me introduce my friend, his name is Doni Saputra, you can call him Doni. He is from Yogyakarta,
but currently, he stays in his grandma’s house, which is in Solo Baru. Doni was born in Bantul, Yogyakarta, on 21
December, 2007. Now, He is a student in class 8A. He join this basketball club because he loves basketball and he plays
basketball since he was in elementary school. He is quite and shy but he hopes we can get along well. So thats all about
my friend, Doni. Thank you.

Exercise 3

Public Speaking Techniques are public speaking skills with the aim of informing, entertaining or convincing an audience.
There are several techniques that can be used in Public Speaking, such as:

1. Confidence

Whether you can or not doesn’t matter. Number one is confidence. The first and main thing that must be instilled in
order to master public speaking is self-confidence, which is nothing but the key to conveying good information. With
self-confidence, it will be easier for you to convey something and establish two-way communication. Confidence can
also make your aura radiate better.

2. Posture and Body Language

A person’s body posture strengthens his or her image. Make sure your body posture is upright and facing the audience.
If in a standing position, open your legs parallel to your shoulders. Don’t be too small or too wide. To avoid feeling
tired and tense, you can also walk slowly while talking, but not too fast, because it will disturb the audience’s
concentration. When conveying something, you also have to use good body language. Using body language will prevent
you from appearing stiff and can also reduce nervousness.

3. Get to know the audience

Before presenting something, you must first identify who the audience you will be facing is. By knowing the audience,
you can determine what the presentation will be like. If you are going to give a presentation in front of important and
much older people, make it more formal. If you’re presenting material for a younger audience, you may want to be
more casual.

4. Eye Contact

When doing public speaking, make eye contact with the audience. Eye contact is very important, it is a sign that you
are talking to the person in front of you. Eye contact will make you look more authoritative and confident. Avoid
looking around or at inanimate objects, because this will reduce the audience’s respect. By making eye contact, you
also indirectly make the audience more focused. Without realizing it, they will feel invited to get involved and be more

5. Use varied voice intonations that attract attention

Examples include changing the tone of voice according to the content of the material being presented, and using
intonation that attracts the audience’s attention.

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