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Level: L2 - Procedure Tier: GLB - Global

Document Type: Procedure

Sub Element: AMO
Doc Number: AMO-GLB-PP-101195
Rev.: B
Effective Date: 11/21/2014

Geomarket RM Department Organization

The purpose of this document is to define the main roles, responsibilities, and authorities of the
Repair and Maintenance department.

This document has a global reach and is applicable to all Pressure Pumping Geomarkets and
districts involved in maintenance routines.

Responsibility and Authority

 Global R&M Manager
 Responsible for updating and disclosing this document
 Local Geomarket/Country/District Management
 Provides the necessary resources
 R&M Region/Area R&M Director/Manager
 Responsible for the implementation and adherence of this document

Governance Documents
 BHI Quality Policy Manual
 Control of Records

Terms and Definitions

Baker Hughes Enterprise Glossary

Last 4 Revisions
Rev. RDR Amendment Detail Reviewer Approver Effective Date
B Revised Document Number Lewis, Tim E Carrasco, Jose 11/21/2014
A -- Initial Release Carrasco, Jose Aguilera, Carlos 7/24/2014

MA-GLB-En-100030 Rev. D.1

Copyright 2014 BAKER HUGHES INCORPORATED (UNPUBLISHED WORK). All rights reserved. Terms and conditions of use: By accepting this document, the recipient
agrees this document (together with the contents) is confidential and proprietary property of Baker Hughes Incorporated and includes valuable trade secrets, proprietary
information of Baker Hughes (collectively “information”). Baker Hughes retains all rights under copyright laws and trade secret laws of the United States of America and other
countries. The recipient further agrees the documents may not be distributed, transmitted, copied or reproduced in whole or part by any means, without express written
consent of Baker Hughes, and may not be used in any way detrimental to Baker Hughes.

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Uncontrolled when printed—confirm the correct revision is used Baker Hughes—Company Confidential
Geomarket RM Department Organization AMO
AMO-GLB-PP-101195 Rev: B Effective Date: 11/21/2014

Maintenance Department Organization

The flawless execution of pressure pumping jobs has a correlation with the quality of its support
processes, like repair and maintenance. The minimum R&M organization includes, but is not limited
 Geomarket/Country R&M Manager functional reports to Region/Area R&M Director or Manager
 District R&M Supervisor reports to Geomarket/Country R&M Manager
 R&M mechanic, electrician, or welder reports to District R&M Supervisor

Figure 1: R&M Organization Chart


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Uncontrolled when printed—confirm the correct revision is used Baker Hughes—Company Confidential

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