Q&RMB Jul 2019

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Punktelive L Raserrch motrede “tn Bakr JULY 2019, P/ID 77926/RMB1B ‘Time: Three houre ‘Maximum 80 marks SROTION A— (10 x2= 20 marks) “Answer any TEN questions in 50 wards ash, 1, What a comporite ev 2 What io the probebiity Give example leap year have 63 12. What are parametric tects? SECTION B. Answer any FIVE ques 650 marks) in 250 words each, 18. Replain she concept of decision tree with an example 14. The prolabilty thet a pen manufactured by @ company will be defective is 01. 1f 12 pons are ‘manufactared, find the probability that (@) Bxectlyewo willbe defuctive 17. The following data relate to the aales in atime of trade doproasion of contain article wide demand, Do the data suggest that sales are signicantly Total 16, List out the application of factor analyse 19, Write n mote om ethos in research, 2 PAD 7792@RMEB 20 a. SECTION C— (6 10 = 30marks) Answer any THREE questions in 800 words each ‘Explain the types of probability sampling ‘The customer sooounts of « cersin departmental ‘store have an avorago balance of Re.120 and a Handard deviation of Ras0, Arouming that the ‘ecount balances aze normally datibuted. ‘What proportion of account is over 1502 ©) What proportion of accmnts is between 1ia.100 and Re. 150? (What proportion of accnunts is between Ra. and Re.90? Explain the application of satstical software for data analysic. ‘The flowing table gives tho stall prosees of a ‘commodity in somo shops selactd in thee sitios. City Price por Unit A 18 18 28 sa B 23 19 8 ¢ pw 2a Carry out one way ANOVA to fd the difference in pele changet. Discuss the format oftepart wring. 2 PADT720RMBIB

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