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Argumentative writing

“You have to work hard to achieve what you want” To what

extent do you agree with this statement?

During an interview, Mr. Khan, one of the wealthiest

personalities, was asked about the key to his success. After a
moment of silence, he confidently responded with "hard work."
Reflecting on his journey, he realized that hardships were the
greatest factor in his path. This reinforces the belief that you
need to work hard to achieve what you want. Putting in the
effort not only increases productivity but also boosts self-
confidence, bringing you closer to success. It's important to
acknowledge that reaching your destination won't be easy, and
taking shortcuts may actually lead you being confused instead of
helping you progress.

When you invest significant effort in pursuing your goals, each

of your hard work contributes to increased productivity. Mr.
Khan serves as an example, as he claims the title of the
wealthiest individual. His journey began as a factory worker,
and when his factory faced a sudden downfall in production, he
took charge of the production department. By dedicating himself
tirelessly, burning the midnight fuel day after day, he
successfully steered the factory back on track, even surpassing
previous production levels. He expressed a sense of pushing
beyond his own limitations at that stage. This proves how giving
your fullest effort leads to be the finest and fertile.
Devoting yourself to achieving your goals can have a profound
impact on your self-confidence. I can recall a time when I used
to feel fearful and anxious about math tests. However, after
receiving criticism from my teacher, I made a conscious
decision to dedicate several weeks to studying math every night.
Through consistent effort and perseverance, I managed to
overcome my fear of tests. In fact, I now approach them with
enthusiasm and energy. This personal experience exemplifies
how giving your best and investing time and effort in a specific
area can significantly boost your self-assurance.

My initial statement about hard work bringing you closer to

success in achieving success was influenced by a study
conducted by Italian researchers in the late 1990s. This study
examined a large number of wealthy and successful individuals,
and the results were surprising. It revealed that 4 out of 5 of
these individuals did not possess any extraordinary talents or
specialized skills. Interestingly, when asked about the key to
their success, they consistently attributed it to "hard work." Mr.
Khan's story aligns with this perspective, showcasing his
unwavering dedication and commitment. He emphasized that
success does not come through mere chance or mistakes.
Instead, one must endure countless sleepless nights, often
skipping meals, and consistently put their greatest efforts. This
belief reinforces the idea that giving your best effort each and
every time is what pushes you one step closer to success. This
leads me to confidently state that exerting efforts makes the
pursuit of dreams easier.

While putting in effort can certainly make achieving goals

easier, it's important to acknowledge that success can be attained
through various means. Hard work is not the sole alternative of
success. In some cases, individuals are fortunate enough to
inherit exclusive gifts from their family. For instance, Cristiano
Ronaldo's son, Ronaldo Jr., has shown remarkable talent in
soccer and has been praised as a potential star in his own right.
During a match where his team triumphed with a score of 5 to 0,
Ronaldo Jr. demonstrated his skills by scoring four goals,
surpassing older opponents despite his young age. Ronaldo
himself, considered one of the greatest soccer players of all time,
acknowledged that his son was born with more inherent talent
than he possessed, and furthermore had the advantage of
Ronaldo acting as his coach. Although Ronaldo had to put
immense effort to reach his current status, his son was able to
join the same football club with relatively less sweat. This
example serves as a reminder that while hard work is a
commendable choice, there are other valid paths to success as

In conclusion, achieving what you want requires hard work.

While it may be tempting to rely on luck or gifted abilities, luck
is not guaranteed and talents have their limitations. When faced
with challenges and setbacks, it is important to persevere and
work diligently. Although it is easier said than done, many
people only make small progress and then loses hope due to lack
of dedication, often giving complaints. Starting may not be easy,
but if you remain dedicated and committed, your efforts will
eventually bear noticeable results. Begin with small steps and
gradually increase your efforts. By doing so, you are moving in
the right direction.

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