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Chapter 1 -Introduction to

International Marketing
2. Transportation and Communication
1-1 Principles of Marketing Improvements
Value equation: 3. Product Development Costs
4. Quality
4p: 5. World Economic Trends
6. Leverage (type of advantage that a
company enjoys by virtue of the fact
that it has experience in more than
one country)
7. Restraining Forces
The important of global marketing:
Examining the size of individual product
markets, measured in terms of annual Chapter 2 - The Global Economic
sales, provides another perspective on Environment
global marketing’s importance
2-1 Economic System
Management orientation:
4 Types of economic system
-> Ethnocentric Orientation: people assume
- Market capitalism: individuals and
that their country is superior to the rest of
firms allocate resources and
the world
production resources are privately
-> Polycentric orientation: management’s
assumption that each country/business is
- Centrally Planned Socialism: where
the state has broad powers to serve
-> Regiocentric orientation: region becomes
the public interest as it sees fit
the relevant geographic unit
- Centrally planned capitalism: where
-> Geocentric orientation: views the entire
command resources allocation is
world as a potential market and strives to
used extensively in an environment
develop integrated global strategies
of private resource ownership
- Market socialism: ??

1-2 Forces Affecting Global

Integration and Global Marketing
1. Multilateral Trade Agreements
-> General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), World Trade
Organization (WTO), Europe Union 2-2 Stages of Market Development
World Bank divide 4 categories based on
GNI -> useful for STP
1. Low Income Countries
GNI per capita: < $996. Marketing Implications:
The characteristics: - Guide for marketers in evaluating
- Limited industrialization product saturation levels /
- High birth rates, short life percentage of potential buyers
expectancy - Market entry and strategies
- Low literacy rates - Economic downturns
- Heavy reliance on foreign aid - Global marketing
- Political instability and unrest
- Concentration in Africa south of the 2-3 Balance of Payments
2. Lower-middle income countries -> The records of all economic transactions
GNI per capita: $996 - $3,945 between residents of a country and the rest
The characteristics: of the world
- Consumer markets in these 1. Current account: Merchandise
countries are expanding rapidly (manufactured goods) and services
- have a major competitive advantage trade (intangible)
in mature, standardized, Surplus: outflow < inflow
labor-intensive light industry Deficit: outflow > inflow
- represent an increasing competitive 2. Capital account: A record of all
threat as they mobilize their long-term direct investment, portfolio
relatively cheap investment, and other short and
long-term flows
3. Upper-middle income countries Minus signifies outflow
(developing countries) -> The important fact to recognize about the
GNI per capita: $3,946 - $12,195. overall balance of payments is that it is
The characteristics: always in balance. Imbalances occur in
- percentage of the population subsets of the overall balance
engaged in agriculture drops sharply
as people move to the industrial 2-4 Trade in Merchandise and
sector and the degree of Services
urbanization increases
-> The fastest-growing sector of world trade
- High literacy rates and strong
is trade in services
education systems
-> Services include travel and
entertainment; education; business
4. High income countries (OECD)
services, such as accounting, advertising,
GNI per capita: $12,196 or higher
engineering, invest- ment banking, and legal
The characteristics:
services; and royalties and license fees that
● The service sector accounts for
represent payments for intel- lectual
more than half of the national output
● Knowledge trumps capital as the key
-> a country can run a surplus in both
strategic resource
accounts, a deficit in both accounts, or a
● Intellectual technology is more
combination of the two (merchandise or
important than machine technology
service trade accounts)
International finance: - Call option: the right, but not the
Foreign exchange markets is where buyers obligation, to buy the foreign
and sellers meet to trade currencies currency
- Spot market: immediate transaction
- Forward market: future date and
Chapter 3 - The Global Trade
-> Devaluation -> reduction in the value of a
nation’s currency against other currencies
3-1 WTO & GATT
Economic exposure: the impact of currency
fluctuations on a company’s financial
performance ● Established in 1947
-> If a company expects the foreign ● Goal: Promote international trade by
currency to weaken, it can hedge to prevent reducing barriers and tariffs
transaction losses.
-> Conversely, if the foreign currency is WTO:
expected to strengthen, it can anticipate
gains when converting foreign revenues into ● Established in 1995
the home currency. ● Goal: Facilitate global trade
-> To protect themselves in global relations and simplify customs
transactions companies can use; ● Established TFA
- Internal hedging: forward contracts and
currency options 3-2 Preferential Trade Agreement
- External hedging: price adjustment
-> A mechanism that confers special
treatment on selecting trading partners.
Favoring certain countries, it leads to such
Managing exchange rate exposure: ways of
agreements to frequently discriminate
managing cash flows to eliminate or reduce
against other countries
exchange rate risks
- Free trade area: formed when two or
more countries agree to eliminate
- Hedging exchange rate: establishing
tariffs and other barriers that restrict
an offsetting currency position such
that the loss or gain of one currency
- Customs union: logical evolution of a
position is offset by a corresponding
free trade area
gain or loss in some other currency
- Common market: the removal of
- Forwards market: mechanism for
internal barriers to trade and the
buying and selling currencies at a
establishment of common external
preset price for future delivery
tariffs, the common market allows for
free movement of factors of
- The put option: gives the buyer the
production, including labor and
right, not the obligation, to sell a
specified number of foreign currency
- Economic union: common
units at a fixed price, up to the
marketplace not only for goods but
option’s expiration date.
also for services and capital
Countries: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Hierarchy: Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand were
the original six members.
-> Vietnam became the first Communist
nation in the group when it was admitted to
ASEAN in July 1995.
-> Cambodia and Laos were admitted at the
organization’s 30th anniversary meeting in
July 1997.
-> Myanmar joined in 1998
North America and Trade Agreement:
Canada, US, Mexico ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA): has
- High product ownership levels - resulted in intraregional tariff reductions
associated with high income and among the six founding ASEAN members.
relatively high receptivity to Challenge:
innovations and new ideas ● ASEAN countries are in different
NAFTA: stages of development.
- To promote economic growth ● The new AFTA removes tariffs on 90
through tariff elimination and percent of traded goods among the
expanded trade and investment partners.
- At present, there are no common
external tariffs nor have restrictions
on labor and other factor movements 3-6 Western, Central, and Eastern
have been eliminated
- The issue of illegal immigration from
Mexico to the US remains a
contentious one 3-7 Middle East

3-8 Africa
3-4 Latin America
-> Caribbean and Central and South Chapter 4 - Social and Cultural
America Environments

4-1 dd
3-5 Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific: The Association of Southeast Chapter 5 - The Global Customer
Asian Nations
ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian
5-1 The Political Environment
-> Established in 1967 as an organization political culture -> relative importance of the
for economic, political, social, and cultural government and legal system and provides
cooperation among its member countries. a context within which individuals and
corporations understand their relationship to Chapter 6 -
Global Marketing
the political system Information System and Research

Sovereignty: supreme and independent

6-1 IT and Business Intelligence for
political authority.
- considered free and independent Global Marketing
- regulated trade, managed the flow of IT -> organization’s processes for creating,
people into and out of its storing, exchanging, using, and managing
boundaries, and exercised undivided information
jurisdiction over all persons and MIS -> a system of hardware and software
property within its territory that a company uses to manage information
- had the right, authority, and ability to Big Data -> Extremely large data sets that
conduct its domestic affairs without can be subjected to computation analysis to
outside interference and to use its reveal patterns and trends
international power and influence Intranet -> A private network that allows
with full discretion authorized company personnel or outsiders
to share information electronically in a
Political Risk secure fashion without generating papers
-> the possibility of a change in a country’s - A 24-hour nerve center
political environment or government policy that - Allows a company to operate as
would adversely affect a company’s ability to real-time enterprises (RTEs)
operate effectively and profitably
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) -> Allows
a company’s business unit to submit orders,
issue invoices, and conduct business
electronically with other company units as
well as with other companies
- Improves inventory management
and restocks

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) ->

Joint initiative of members of supply chain to
benefit customers
- Utilizes electronic point of sale
(EPOS) – Data gathered by
checkout scanners to help retailers
identify product sales patterns and
consumer preferences

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

-> Two-way communication between
company and customers
- Allows companies to determine
which customers are valuable and
react in a timely manner with Chapter 7 - STP
customized product and service that
matches the customers’ needs
7-1 Global Market Segmentation
- Enhance profitability and employee
productivity -> the process of identifying specific
- Benefits customer by providing segments whether they be country groups
value-added products and services or individual consumer groups of potential
customers with homogeneous attributes
Sales Force Automation (SFA) -> A who are likely to exhibit similar responses to
software system that automates routine a company’s marketing mix
aspects of sales and marketing functions -> Premise: companies should attempt to
such as lead assignment, contact follow-up, identify consumers in different countries
and opportunity reporting who share similar needs and desires.

Demographic Segmentation -> based on

6-2 Formal Market Research
measurable characteristics of populations
Sources of Market Information: (income, population, age distribution,
- Personal sources gender, education, and occupation)
- Direct sensory perception Psychographic Segmentation -> grouping
(Information gathered from seeing, people in terms of their attitudes, values,
feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting) and lifestyles
Process of collecting data and converting it Behavior Segmentation -> whether people
into useful information steps: buy and use a product & how often and how
1. information requirement much they use or consume
2. problem definition Benefit Segmentation -> based on
3. choose unit of analysis marketers’ superior understanding of the
4. examine data availability problem a product solves, the benefit it
5. assess value of research offers, or the issue it addresses, regardless
6. research design of geography (focus B in V B/P)
7. data analysis Ethnic Segmentation -> subcultures are
8. interpretation and presentation composed of people whose similar outlooks
and aspirations
Market research:
Factor analysis: grouping the segments -> Criteria for assessing opportunity in global
sampling analysis target markets:
Cluster analysis: grouping the - Current size of the segment and
market/customer (characteristics) anticipated growth potential
- Potential Competition
Emic Analysis -> Comparing a country’s - Compatibility with the company’s
data with the host country's data overall objectives
Etic Analysis -> Comparing a country data - Feasibility of successfully reaching a
with another country’s data designated target.

Framework for selecting target market

- Marketing model driver: factor
required for business to take root
and grow in a particular country
market environment

General positioning strategies:

- Attribute or benefit
- Quality and price
- Use or user
- Enabling condition: structural market - Competition
characteristics whose presence or Additional positioning strategies:
absence can determine whether the - Global consumer culture positioning
marketing model can succeed - Local consumer culture positioning
- Foreign consumer culture
7-2 Targeting and Target Market positioning
Strategy Options
Standardized Global Marketing Chapter 8 - Importing, Exporting,
(undifferentiated target marketing): mass and Sourcing
marketing in a single country by creating the
same marketing mix for a broad mass 8-1 Export Selling and Export
market of potential buyers
-> premise: a mass market exists around
the world Export selling -> does not involve tailoring
the product, the price, or the promotional
Concentrated Global Marketing: devising a material to suit the requirements of global
marketing mix to reach a niche (a segment) markets

Differentiated Global Marketing Export Marketing -> targets the customer in

(Multisegment targeting): targeting two or the context of the total market environment
more distinct market segments with multiple (sets prices to fit the marketing strategy and
marketing mix offerings does not merely extend home-country
pricing to the target market)
7-3 Positioning
1. An understanding of the target
-> process of developing strategies for market environment
“staking out turf” or “filling a slot” in the mind 2. The use of marketing research and
of target customers by attribute or benefit, identification of market potential
quality and price, use or user, or competitor 3. Decisions concerning product
design, pricing, distribution and
channels, advertising, and them- selves of a great deal of
communications—the marketing mix government information concerning
the location of markets and credit
8-2 Organizational Export Activities risks)
- Export promotion (take the lead in
Stages of exporting: setting up trade fairs and trade
1. The firm is unwilling to export; it will missions designed to promote sales
not even fill an unsolicited export to foreign customers)
order. This may be due to perceived
lack of time (“too busy to fill the Trade show: pop up store to different
order”) or to apathy or ignorance. countries -> conduct market assessment
2. The firm fills unsolicited export
orders but does not pursue
8-3 Tariff Systems
unsolicited orders. Such a firm is an
export seller. -> one of against-import government
3. The firm explores the feasibility of programs (including duties and import
exporting charges)
4. The firm exports to one or more
markets on a trial basis. Single-column tariff: a schedule of duties in
5. The firm is an experienced exporter which the rate applies to imports from all
to one or more markets. countries on the same basis.
6. After this success, the firm pursues Two-column tariff: “general” duties plus
country- or region-focused marketing “special” duties indicating reduced rates
based on certain determined by tariff negotiations with other
criteria (all countries where English countries
is spoken or all countries where it is -> Preferential tariff: reduced tariff rate
not necessary applied to imports from certain countries
to transport by water).
7. The firm evaluates global market
potential before screening for the Categories of CUSTOM DUTIES
“best” target markets to - Ad valorem duty: Percentage of the
include in its marketing strategy and value of the goods -> to be price
plan. competitive with local producers
- Specific duty: specific amount per
Pro-export government programs: unit (the sale of merchandise in
- Tax incentives (applying a lower rate export markets at unfair prices)
to earnings from these activities or - Combination of both method
by refunding taxes already paid on
income associated with exporting) -> Dumping: the sale of merchandise in
- Outright subsidies (direct or indirect export markets at unfair prices
financial contributions or incentives -> Countervailing duties (CVDs): additional
that benefit producers) duties levied to offset subsidies granted in
- Governmental assistance to the exporting country
exporters (Companies can avail
KEY EXPORT PARTICIPANTS 2. Through an export partner affiliated
- Foreign purchasing agents: variously with the domestic marketing
referred to as buyer for export, structure that takes
export commission house, or export possession of the goods before they
confirming house leave the country.
- export broker: receives a fee for 3. Through an export department that
bringing together the seller and the is independent of the domestic
overseas buyer marketing structure.
- Export merchants/jobbers: identify 4. Through an export department within
market opportunities in one country an international division.
or region and make purchases in 5. For multidivisional companies, each
other countries to fill these needs of the preceding options is available.
- export management company
(EMC): independent marketing Selection of the options depends on:
intermediary that acts as the export - Assessment of the export marketing
department for two or more opportunity
manufacturers (principals) whose - Management orientation
product lines do not compete with - Resource allocation strategy
each other
- manufacturer’s export agent (MEA): Organizing for exporting in the market
export distributor or as an export country:
commission representative Direct market representation
- Export distributor: pays for the goods - (+) gain control concerning business
and assumes all financial risks development
associated with the foreign sale; it - (+) Assurance over the
handles all shipping details implementation of necessary effort in
- Export commission representative: developing the market
handles several accounts and hence - (+) Obtain wider access to
is also known as a combination information and feedback from the
export management company market
- Cooperative exporter/export - (-) Costly
vendor/mother hen: export - (-) Involve management of HR
organization of a manufacturing
company retained by other Indirect
independent manufacturers to sell -
their products in foreign markets
- Freight forwarders: licensed 8-3 Trade Financing and Methods of
specialists in traffic operations,
customs clearance, and shipping
tariffs and schedules 1. Letter of Credit (L/C): a document
stating that a bank has substituted
Arrangements for handing exports: its creditworthiness for that of the
1. As a part-time activity performed by importer/buyer
domestic employees.
2. Documentary collection (Draft): Chapter 9 - Global Market Entry
method of payment that uses a bill of Strategies
exchange (payment instrument that
transfers all the risk of nonpayment
9-1 Licensing
onto the exporter-seller)
3. Cash in Advance -> contractual arrangement whereby one
4. Sales on open account: exchange company (the licensor) makes a legally
controls are minimal and exporters protected asset available to another
have had long-standing relations company (the licensee) in exchange for
with good buyers in nearby or royalties, license fees, or some other form
long-established market of compensation
-> Disadvantage: limit market control & the
Issue of export and import: agreement may have a short life if the
-> Duty drawback: refunds of duties paid on licensee develops its own know-how and
imports that are processed or incorporated begins to innovate in the licensed product or
into other goods and then re-exported technology area

8-4 Sourcing Contract manufacturing -> provide technical

specification to a subcontractor / local
Sourcing: the procurement of supplies from manufacturer
legally independent activities / the purchase
of goods or services that were previously Franchising -> contract between a parent
provided internally company-franchiser and a franchisee that
-> Whether a company makes or buys its allows the franchisee to operate a business
products as well as where it makes or buys developed by the franchisor in return for a
its products fee and adherence to franchise-wide
policies and practices
Outsourcing (Offshoring): shifting production
jobs or work assignments to another
9-2 Investment
company to cut costs
FDI -> Investment made by individuals,
Insourcing: the assignment of a project to a businesses, or governments in one country
person or department within a company into assets or enterprises located in another
rather than to a third party country
- Advantages Host Country:
Factors into sourcing decision: ● Economic growth
- Management vision ● Infrastructure development
- factor costs and conditions ● Knowledge and skills transfer
- customer needs ● Global competitiveness
- public opinion - Advantages Home Country:
- Logistics ● Market access
- country infrastructure ● Resource acquisition
- the political environment ● Cost savings
- exchange rates ● Technology transfer
- Challenges: 9-3 Global Strategic Partnerships /
● Political and regulatory risks Strategic alliances
● Cultural and legal differences
-> linkages between companies from
● Economic fluctuations
different countries to jointly pursue a
● Operational challenges
common goal
Joint Venture -> entry strategy for a single
target country in which the partners share
ownership of a newly created business
-> Types:
- Equity Joint Venture – Participants
create a new legal entity (e.g., a
corporation or partnership) and each
holds a share of ownership in the
joint venture
Success factor: mission, strategy,
- Contractual Joint Venture – Parties
governance, culture, organization, and
agree to collaborate on a project
without necessarily forming a new
legal entity
- Must carefully select skills and
- Limited Liability Joint Venture – This
structure combines elements of both
- Develop safeguards against
equity and contractual joint ventures,
unintended informal transfers of
allowing participants to limit their
liability while collaborating on a
- Limit transparency of their operation
specific project
Ex: Chaebols in South Korea
-> Advantages: Risk sharing, Access to
expertise, Market entry, Resource pooling,
Risk diversification, Shared costs and 9-4 Market Expansion Strategies
-> Disadvantages: Conflict and
disagreements, Loss of control, Shared
profits, Dependency on partners, Intellectual 1. Country and market concentration
property concerns, Exit difficulties, Cultural - Narrow focus
and communication challenges - Targeting a limited number of
customer segments in a few
- Investment via Equity Stake: simply countries
an investment; if the investor owns 2. Country concentration and market
fewer than 50 percent of the shares, diversification
it is a minority stake; ownership of - Country focus
more than half the shares makes it a - A company serves many
majority markets in a few countries
- Full Ownership: the investor has 100 3. Country diversification and market
percent control concentration
- Country diversification
- A company seeks out the
world market for a product
4. Country and market diversification
- Global diversification
- Corporate strategy of a
global, multi business

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