Accuracy of COPD Diagnosis During An Admission Che

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[ Correspondence ]

Editor’s Note: Authors are invited to respond to Correspondence that confirmation of COPD diagnosis in these studies ranged
cites their previously published work. Those responses appear after the
related letter. In cases where there is no response, the author of the from 46% (2014 England and Wales audit) to
original article declined to respond or did not reply to our invitation. 51% (European COPD Audit), with 12.9% of patients in
the European audit with spirometric results having
Accuracy of COPD Diagnosis values not compatible with a diagnosis of COPD. These
clinical audits differ methodologically from the work of
During an Admission Wu et al in that they do not rely on clinical coding;
The European Perspective eligibility for inclusion is made by a senior clinical
decision maker on admission and then confirmed
To the Editor: clinically at discharge. Second, although in most
We read with interest the recent publication in clinical audits there is a follow-up period of up to
CHEST (June 2017) by Wu et al1 analyzing the 90 days, the recording of spirometry is confirmed by
spirometric results from two large databases of data either predating the admission or acquired
patients admitted to the hospital with COPD during the admission. Third, these audits have for the
exacerbation as the primary cause of admission. By most part required a record of postbronchodilator
matching two databases, admissions and spirometric spirometry.
results, the authors identify cases of COPD exacer-
We suggest that there are two key lessons underlined
bation based on International Classification of Dis-
by the audit data. First, clinicians need to challenge a
eases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes and
clinical diagnosis of COPD that is not evidenced by an
are able to provide valuable information on the
obstructive pattern on spirometry. Second, we
disagreement between clinical and spirometric diag-
recommend that when such evidence is not available
noses of COPD, finding a considerable number of
at admission, spirometry should be performed either
misdiagnosed cases.
at the point of discharge or as soon as possible
We write first to raise some concerns regarding the lack afterward to confirm an accurate diagnosis.
of detail in the methodology, specifically, the process for
matching the two databases, the protocol for identifying Jose L. Lopez-Campos, MD
readmissions, and the criteria and method used to assess Seville, Spain
the quality of spirometry in a database. Second, we raise Ady Castro-Acosta, MD
concerns about the lack of recognition of the breadth of Francisco Pozo-Rodriguez, MD
previous publications that have highlighted similar Madrid, Spain
issues. The authors benchmark their results with Sylvia Hartl, MD
previous studies, mainly in the United States, with the Vienna, Austria
exception of one Spanish series. C. Michael Roberts, MD
London, England
Clinical audits are in this respect useful tools for
identifying deficiencies in clinical practice, and there is AFFILIATIONS: From Unidad Médico-Quirúrgica de Enfermedades
Respiratorias. Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Hospital
now established European literature in the field of the Universitario Virgen del Rocio/ Universidad de Sevilla (Dr Lopez-
clinical audit of COPD admissions. We wish to draw to Campos); CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES),
the authors’ attention this body of evidence by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Drs Lopez-Campos, Castro-Acosta, and
Pozo-Rodriguez); Servicio de Neumología, Hospital Universitario 12
providing the results of the diagnostic accuracy of the de Octubre (Drs Castro-Acosta and Pozo-Rodriguez); Ludwig
clinical discharge diagnosis measured in the main Boltzmann Institute of COPD and Respiratory Epidemiology,
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care, Otto Wagner Hospital
clinical audits in Europe (Table 1), namely, the (Dr Hartl); and Barts and The London School of Medicine and
European COPD Audit2 (16,018 cases from 13 Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London (Dr Roberts).
European countries), the Spanish AUDIPOC study3 FINANCIAL/NONFINANCIAL DISCLOSURES: None declared.
FUNDING/SUPPORT: AUDIPOC study was supported by the
(5,178 cases in Spain), and the British Audits 2003-2014 Spanish Ministry of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FIS
(> 31,000 cases combined).4,5 The spirometric project numbers: PI07/90129, PI07/90309, PI 07/90486, PI07/90503,

1396 Correspondence [ 151#6 CHEST JUNE 2017 ]

TABLE 1 ] Distribution of the Diagnosis of COPD
Wu et al1
Predischarge and Wu et al1 EU COPD Audit AUDIPOC
Postdischarge Prior to Discharge Prior to Admissiona Prior to Admissiona
Variable (n ¼ 826) (n ¼ 826) (n ¼ 16,018) (n ¼ 5,178)
Spirometry not available 271 (32.8) 271 (32.8) 6,587 (41.1) 2,669 (51.5)
No spirometry recorded 175 (21.2; 64.5) 175 (21.2; 64.5)
6,512 (40.7; 98.8) 2,437 (47.1; 91.3)
Unable to perform spirometry 96 (11.6; 35.4) 96 (11.6; 35.4)
Spirometry incompletely NA NA 75 (0.5; 1.1) 232 (4.5; 8.6)
Successful spirometric 555 (67.2) 449 (54.3) 9,431 (58.9) 2,509 (48.5)
No airflow obstruction 68 (8.2; 12.2) 46 (5.6; 10.2)
1,226 (7.7; 12.9) 233 (4.5; 9.2)
Reversible obstruction 22 (2.7; 3.9) 13 (1.6; 2.8)
Confirmed COPD 437 (52.9; 78.7) 366 (44.3; 81.5) 8,205 (51.2; 87.0) 2,276 (44.0; 90.7)
Likely COPD 28 (3.4; 5.0) 24 (2.9; 5.3) NA NA

Results expressed as absolute frequencies (relative frequencies related to the whole cohort; relative frequencies related to those patients within the same
group of spirometry availability). NA ¼ not available.
Refers only to postbronchodilator spirometry.
Defined as a complete reversibility between preadmission and during admission spirometric examination in available cases.
Defined by Wu et al as FEV1/FVC, prebronchodilator < 0.7, no postbronchodilator measurements.

PI07/90516, PI07/90721, PI08/90129, PI08/90578, PI08/90251, PI08/

90529, PI08/90129, PI07/90403, PI08/90447, PI08/90457, PI08/ Response
90486, and PI08/90550, the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en
Red de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), and the Spanish To the Editor:
Society of Respiratory and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). The European
COPD Audit was supported by the European Respiratory Society.
We appreciate the interest and observations of
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Jose L. Lopez-Campos, MD, Hospital Dr Lopez-Campos et al regarding our article1 recently
Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Avda. Manuel Siurot, s/n; 41013 published in CHEST on spirometric confirmation of
Seville, Spain; e-mail:
COPD in patients hospitalized for COPD
Copyright Ó 2017 American College of Chest Physicians. Published
by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. exacerbation.
Having used an electronic medical record for 20 years,
Acknowledgments the Veterans Healthcare System data bank allows
Role of sponsors: The sponsor had no role in the design of the study, simpler methods. Stored individual medical records of
the collection and analysis of the data, or the preparation of the
inpatient and outpatient service include discrete
spirometric measurements. All spirometry is performed
in a central pulmonary function testing laboratory by
References trained certified pulmonary function testing technicians
1. Wu H, Wise RA, Medinger AE. Do patients hospitalized with COPD
have airflow obstruction? Chest. 2017;151(6):1263-1271. under the direction of pulmonary physicians, with each
2. Lopez-Campos JL, Hartl S, Pozo-Rodriguez F, Roberts CM; European test reviewed by a senior pulmonary physician before
CA team. European COPD Audit: design, organisation of work and release. Each enrolled patient had a unique identifier
methodology. Eur Respir J. 2013;41(2):270-276.
that allowed synchronization of information between
3. Pozo-Rodriguez F, Alvarez CJ, Castro-Acosta A, et al.
Clinical audit of patients admitted to hospital in Spain due clinical and spirometric databases. Readmissions were
to exacerbation of COPD (AUDIPOC study): method and readily identified and eliminated by using the unique
organization [in Spanish]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2010;46(7):
349-357. identifiers.
4. Roberts CM, Stone RA, Buckingham RJ, et al. Acidosis, non-invasive
ventilation and mortality in hospitalised COPD exacerbations.
The European COPD Audit was the first European
Thorax. 2011;66(1):43-48. transnational prospective audit of COPD care and
5. Price LC, Lowe D, Hosker HS, et al. UK National COPD Audit 2003: required highly complex methodology to collect,
impact of hospital resources and organisation of care on patient
outcome following admission for acute COPD exacerbation. Thorax.
protect, and incorporate data across differing health-
2006;61(10):837-842. care systems, countries, and languages, most without 1397

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