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Course Title: Basic Communication

Course Code: ENG1008 TPC 1 2 2

& Value Science – I
Version No. 1.0
Course Pre-requisites/
Co-requisites/ anti-
requisites (if any). Basic knowledge of High School English
Otherwise, please
indicate as ‘None’
1. To understand the concepts of life skills and its importance.
2. To introduce them to business communication skills.
Objectives: 3. To enable learners use these skills effectively in academic and
non-academic contexts.

CO's Mapping with PO's and PEO's

Course Outcome Statement PO's / PEO's
On successful completion of this course students will be
able to:
Understand different types and aspects of communication
Analyze situations and create appropriate messages in response
CO2 PO9, PO10 & PO12
using English language
CO3 Evaluate information received from different sources
Communicate effectively and confidently in English in social
and professional contexts.
CO5 Enable leaners to look within and create a better version of self
Total hours of
instructions: 30
Introduction to
Module No. 1 Number of instructional hours: 06
 Types of communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal
 Barriers of Communication
 Overview of communication skills
 Active and passive listening
 Self-introduction: Formal and informal
Elementary Grammar and
Module No. 2 Number of instructional hours: 06
Vocabulary Enrichment
 Understanding basic grammar--Parts of speech
 Understanding Tenses
 Common mistakes in everyday conversation
 Asking for and giving information; Questions and Statements; Reported Speech
Module No. 3 Phonics of English Number of instructional hours: 06
 Sounds – Vowels and Consonants – Minimal Pairs
 Consonant Clusters-

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 Past Tense Marker and Plural Marker.
 Stress and Intonation
Module No. 4 Writing Skills Number of instructional hours: 06
 Story writing
 Formal and Informal ways of writing
 Email etiquettes and email writing
 CV / Resume
Module No. 5 Introduction to Life Skills Number of instructional hours: 06
 Finding purpose of life
 Values as guiding principles in personal and professional life & in decision making
 Stress and Time Management Skills
 Team skills
Text Books
1. Kumar. Sanjay & Pushplata, Communication Skills, 2nd Edition, OUP, 2015
2. Koneru, Aruna Professional Speaking Skills, OUP, 2015.
1. Mc‘carthy, Michael & O‘dell, Felicity, English Vocabulary in Use,CUP,2010
2. Saroj Hiremath, Saroj, Business Communication, Nirali Prakashan, 2018.

CAT-1 Weightage (in %) 20

CAT-2 Weightage (in %) 20

FAT Weightage (in %) 20

Mode of Evaluation Internal Weightage (in %) 15


Lab Weightage (in %) 25

Total 100

Prepared by
Recommended by the
5th BoS, 02-01-2021
Board of Studies on
Date of Approval by the
5th Academic Council, 02-03-2021
Academic Council

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Lab Activities

1. Listening and note taking

2. Speaking: Socializing Skills - Introducing - Ones Goals & SWOT
3. Narrating a story
4. Describing objects
5. Extempore
6. Role-play: Understanding Inter and Cross-Cultural Communication Nuances
7. Listening to Ted Talks and introducing the personality (focus on values and life skills of
8. Phonetic transcription
9. Vocabulary building exercises: Newspapers
10. Email Writing
11. Resume Making
12. Taking Interview of a professional
13. Creating a Ted talk for a professional (based upon the interview)

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