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WIKI: Speech Writing

Section 3: Practice Speech Writing

By: Justine Mae Agravante | ABM L

1. The WIKI: Speech Writing guides you as you go through Section 3 of this course. This WIKI
discusses the 4 steps in writing your speech. These 4 steps are the following:

a. Decide on what Communicative Approach you will use in writing your speech.
b. Think of a topic.
c. Create an outline of your speech.
d. Start writing a draft of your speech.

2. For you to know more about the 4 essential steps on writing your speech, access the wiki on
Speech Writing. This serves as your guide as you start writing your speech.

3. Encircle or list down the word(s) that you think is/are not familiar with you. Look at their
definitions in a dictionary or thesaurus.

4. After reading the WIKI: Steps on Speech Writing, answer the following questions to check how
well you understood these 4 steps discussed to you.

a. What is the best way to make sure you write a structured and organized speech?
● You have to flow these steps: Communicative Approach - Topic - Outline - Draft.
This will not only help you write a good speech but also to choose an approach
and a topic that you are really interested in and comfortable with.

b. What is the importance of following these steps in writing a speech?

● Following these steps will allow us to produce a good and well-thought-of
speech, where we can easily express ourselves because we’re comfortable with
the topic and everything.

c. Why do you think you are advised to follow your outline when writing your actual
● Because the outline serves as the guide on what I, as a speaker, will talk about or
write about in that certain period of the speech. Having an outline, and following
it, will most likely result in an organized and well-written speech.
d. How do these 4 steps contribute to the success of the outcome of your speech?
● If you notice, the step does not only focus on the writing, it is also focused on the
brainstorming of what topic you should focus on and what approach you should
choose. So, doing all of the steps will surely lead one to success because you will
produce a good, organized speech about something that you’re really interested in
while doing the approach that you’re capable of.

e. What do you think will happen if you skip or omit one or more steps?
● If you skip a step, surely you will still be able to produce a speech. But, the result
will not be as good as when you follow all the steps, and there’s a high possibility
that even you will be lost in your speech because it is not organized and

5. Write your answers in one (1) to two (2) sentences per question in your notebook.

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