Brown and Green Scrapbook Art History Presentation

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THE 1935

The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine
Providence, in order to establish a government that
s h a l l e m ­b o d y t h e i r i d e a l s , c o n s e r v e a n d d e v e l o p t h e
patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare,
and secure to themselves and their posterity the
blessings of independence under a régime of justice,
liberty, and democracy, do ordain and promulgate this
The 1935 Constitution of the Philippines established the Commonwealth
of the Philippines and declared Philippine independence upon
American withdrawal. It outlines the composition, powers, and duties of
the three branches of government, the General Auditing Office, and
the civil service framework. The President holds veto power on
legislative bills and emergency powers during times of war. The
Constitution adopts the Regalian Doctrine, which states that the state
owns its natural wealth and allows its citizens to use it. The draft of the
1935 Constitution was adopted by the Philippine Constitutional
Convention on February 8, 1935, and was ratified on May 14, 1935. In
1940, the Philippine Second National Assembly adopted Resolution No.
73, proposing amendments to the Constitution, including a bicameral
Congress and a Commission on Elections. The President's term of office
was limited to four years, but can continue for up to eight years. In
1947, a plebiscite was held to ratify the proposed amendment granting
US citizens the right to the disposition, exploitation, development, and
utilization of Philippine natural resources. The amendment passed.
President under 1935
Vice President

Manuel L. Quezon Sergio Osmeña

First Filipino to head a government of

the Philippines
1935 constitution
Approved by the 1934 constitutional convention On February 08 ,1935
Certified By the president of the United States (March 25,1935) .Ratified by plebescite on May 14 ,1935

October 09 ,1934 Seven wise Men and had a significant Contribution to the draft of 1935 constiton are ;
Conrado Benitez
Manuel Briones
Manuel Roxas
Miguel Cuaderno
Norberto Romualdez
Vicente Singson Encarnation

The 1935 constition consist of

4 year term for president
A Bicameral Congress and an
Independent judiciary
It is also known Tyding's Mc Duffie Act. Which created and provided legal basis to the Philippine Commonwealth
and also serves as the basis for an Independent Philippine government. From 1946-1973 and considered a
transition government before granting of the Philippine Independence with American inspired constitution.The
Philippine government world Eventually Pattern it's Government System after American government.

The Three Branches of Government Under 1935 Constitution are;


Purpose of 1935 Constitution.

To speak our nations decision.To Establish Political order based on Democratic principle of representation
.Accountability and the of law
it is made to meet the requirements set forth in the Tydings Mc Duffie Act. To preapre the country for

1 2 3 4

What does the What was the Who authored it (if What was the context
document/artifact provenance or source applicable) of the primary source’s
say? of document/artifact? production?
The Filipinos are ordering and promulgating this
Constitution, imploring the grace of Divine Providence, in
order to create a government that will represent their
values, protect and grow the nation's heritage, foster the
general welfare, and ensure the blessings of independence
for themselves and their posterity under a system of law,
equality, and freedom.
The provenance of the documents/artifact is
when the United States Congress authorized the
creation of a constitution for the Philippines in
accordance with the Tydings-Mcduffie Act of
1934, a Constitutional Convention was
established to draft a charter for the Philippines
and it finished its work on February 8, 1935.
1934 Constitutional Convention completed its
task. On March 25, 1935, the Constitution was
sent to the President of the United States for
The 1935 Philippine Constitution was authored by the
Constitutional Commission of 1934 headed by Claro M.
Recto. The constitution was presided over by Claro M. Recto
with 202 elected Filipino delegates who decided that the
constitution to be written would cover not only the
transitional Commonwealth, but would apply to the Republic
as well. Claro Mayo Recto Jr.was a Filipino statesman, jurist,
poet and one of the foremost statesmen of his generation.
Claro M. Recto was a Philippine nationalist leader and
president of the 1934 constitutional convention. He was one
of the most vocal advocates of Philippine political and social
the 1935 constitution established a legislative
system for this with the Commonwealth
Government which before providing
independence to the Philippines with an
American-inspired constitution, was deemed a
transitional government; the Philippine
government will also gradually model its
government structure after the US legislature.
Gold In-Laid Chest (Repository
of 1935 Philippine Constitution)
displayed at Quezon Museum
in Quezon Memorial Circle,
Quezon City, Philippines

Philippine independence was eventually achieved on July 4, 1946. The 1935

Constitution, which featured a political system virtually identical to the American
one, became operative. The system called for a President to be elected at large
for a 4-year term (subject to one re-election), a bicameral Congress, and an
independent Judiciary

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