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1. Set the members minds for action.

By mentally preparing them for sharing the

gospel by showing them that they need to be intentional about soul winning. Such as
a bible study or speaking in mark 16:15 for personal ministries time Jesus told us
to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). Those words are not
merely addressed to pastors, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries; they are
addressed to every follower of Jesus Christ! You have permission to be a personal

2. Have a clear understanding of what the gospel is

Your testimony is not the gospel. A random verse of scripture is not the gospel.
The gospel is the good news about Christ. While sharing these other things are
good, helpful, and necessary, they play a supporting role to the gospel itself.
Understanding this will benefit you in the long run. The goal is always to talk
about what Jesus has done for us. John 3:16 focus

I like Greg Laurie‘s definition of the gospel: “The message that God will give us
pardon from our sins and eternal life with Him in heaven, if we will turn away from
our sins and turn to Him, accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).”
Having a

3. Show them that "Know that God is for you" hence you do not evangelize alone but
rather with a Angelic detail and the Father, Son and Spirit as your leader.

4. Be resilient and Let go of pre-conceived ideas of how things "must" turn out

Sometimes you’ll attempt to share the gospel and get shut down. Sometimes a child
will need something or some other need will arise and you’ll be thwarted. Sometimes
spiritual warfare will be intense. Sometimes you will blunder your way through and
feel like a plumb idiot. Don’t let these things discourage you or stop you from
doing it again.This is all part of sharing the gospel and is perfectly normal!
Trust me~ smile!
And very often, the person you are sharing with may not be over-the-moon-thrilled-
and-responsive. This is also normal. Remember there are two parts to a harvest:
sowing and reaping. Each time we share the gospel, we scatter seeds. We can keep
sowing regardless of the response because we leave the results to the Lord of the
harvest who is Faithful and True.

5. Pray.
**ask God for opportunities to share the gospel, then I accept by faith that He has
heard and honored that request. It has taken me a long time to get to this point so
I hope by sharing this, you can get there quicker than I did

6. Be a team player and Involve a friend or loved one. Old couples, young couples,
thinking about marriage couples, Just friends, etc. Best thing to do is to
evangelize together.

The disciples were sent out two by two into the towns and villages. While you don’t
have to physically be with someone else to share the gospel, it does provide
courage, prayer support, and focus if you can go with someone. I won’t be doing my
challenge with someone else standing beside me, but I will have a friend on the
other side of the world doing it where she lives and holding me accountable. Why
not ask someone to join you in your personal EV challenge?

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