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SS stand on opposite sides, first to jump on FC


First team to finish gets to play naughts or crosses


Eg DO YOU … AT THE WEEKEND – pass the ball, when music stops they are out - teams

Back mirror drawing

Teams. One paper on wall one on back, one SS draws the other tries to mirror the drawing


2 opposite teams, SS say target structure if answer throw, if not pass to team mate. Stand up and out, get hit and out


If SS answer incorrect they get squirted by water


Back2Back sumo wrestling

SS compete back2back wrestling for point

Back drawing line

SS stand in line with paper on back, SS draw on back, team with most accurate wins

Q&A LINE Target

2 lines, SS Q and Q, person at front throws sticky ball at target first to score

Grab and answer

Students race to take ball, bring back put in cup – groups, if wrong lose point

The cabbage game

Students are given an object, e.g. an empty box or a piece of plastic fruit, each time they score a point but lose the
point if they drop the object. This means that students who get lots of points will find it harder and harder not to
drop things and so the scores should be evened up. You can bias it further in favour of students who don’t usually do
so well by giving bigger objects to the students who have more points.

SS answer questions then throw dart to score team points


2 teams\. SS answer QandA. 1st SS to flip bottle upright proceeds to tic tac toe

8. One letter to guess

Every time they score a point they are given a letter of a word or sentence that they have to guess to win the whole
game. Different teams can get the next letter for the common word or sentence or each team can have one each to
guess. The letters can be given in order (much easier) or mixed up. This is good for tying a game about new language
(for which they score the points) in with revision of old language (of which the word or sentence they have to guess
is an example).

Snake game or squares variation

SS take turns answer question, then make one connected line

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

Again, the students work in teams. This time, the goal of the game is for each team to have the longest ‘snake.’ So,
for example, in the first round a team answers number 1 correctly. In the next round, if they answered number 2 or
6 or 7 correctly (the snake can only move 1 space vertically or diagonally) then these two numbers would be

This game is nice with competitive groups as a bit of strategy is involved in blocking the other teams movement, etc.

The problem, for me, is often keeping track of which snake belongs to which team. Either different color markers or
assigning a different shape (circle, square, triangle) to each team helps keep everything clear.


2 balls, 2 SS come and throw; first to get, gets go on tic tac toe


Draw target on board; if team member hits target, gets a go on tic tac toe


SS shoot a basket to play noughts and crosses


2 Sets of FCs, music stops, those without FCs out the game, those with Q&A


SS opens one layer of paper when answer correct, If correct sit in chair, if wrong go to loser area

Pictionary BUZZER

Each team has buzzer, TT draws, if wrong Loser sit in loser box if correct sit in middle


Put the minicards in a bag. Choose of the shapes to be the "kaboum" card. One child comes and picks a card and says
the English, getting 1 point. But if it is the "Kaboum!" card everyone shouts out "Kaboum!!!" in a big voice.


Each SS makes a plane, perhaps corners or SS hold FC, other SS throw planes


Write winners and losers on the floor-Actor cycles through the FCs and acts / draws, First to guess , qualifies and sits in middle, if
guess wrong sit on losers box.


Correct answer permits a penalty for extra points

Musical chair variation

-Place a picture on each chair. Write 1-14(no of SS) on the floor for losers to sit in order.
-Play music, take seats away, stop music, SS sit on chairs. Losers sit on designated floor
-Each SS says their pic. If pronunciation wrong they change places with losers at front of designated row,

Miming-flashcard variation
FCs all in middle, SS walk around tin circle to music, TT takes away some cards, music stops, SS pick up FCs, Loser sits on side, SS
say FCs, if incorrect swap with loser in side row


Write 1-14(no of SS) on the floor for losers to sit in order.TT is police, SS drive cars, TT says stop, SS freeze if move go to jail
(variation swap with inmate) TT says becareful, SS run, if caught say FC
Musical flashcard basketball/
SS sit in circle and pass around 2 sets of flash cards, when music stops, say a FC, 2 SS run to balls and shoot to win


Set up two desks at the front of the room. Put a soft object (Ex. paper ball) on each desk. Have 2 students come up to stand at a
desk and face each other. Then put a card on each desk.

Give some kind of signal to start the quickdraw. The students then race to flip their card over, produce the language you want
them to say, and then throw the ball to try and hit their opponent. The first student to correctly produce the language and hit
their opponent wins. Students are allowed to dodge what's thrown at them, but I find that running around the room makes the
game not so exciting. So tell them they can dodge as long as their feet don't move (Matrix moves are just fine). Also, be careful
of head shots.

First to draw battle

TT say word SS race to draw

4 Corners

FC each corner, TT blind folded, SS stand under FC, TT calls out a FC, those SS our out the game.

Savenger hunt

Hide fc around room , call word, 2/3 SS race to find

Musical cards

In circle, SS pass around card. Music stops, SS says word and is out the game.

Candy cups

Place two cups, one with candy under, and two FC facedown, SS guess are, if correct can guess candy cup


Put cups above FC, SS say FC to guess corresponding cup

Hammer time

FC lined up on floor, TT says word, first to whack wins

FC turn number student race

Two teams. Number both teams. Say a word and number, two SS run to touch the correct one.

Whats missing realia

Use realia of target vocabulary, blind fold SS, cover realia with blanket and remove an object, SS takes blind fold off to say what’s


FC in row on floor, TT runs finger along row, repeating the FC she wants ss to stop on. SS shout stop when finger crosses FC. TT
then goes faster.

Draw in

SS puts paper on head, TT says FC, SS draw.

Vocabulary basket

SS sit in a circle with a chair in the middle. Each SS has a FC. Person in middle calls 2 FC, who race to change seats. Person in
middle tries to change seats.

SS collect pairs turnt over.

CCQ Team vote

Team with most correct wins


Make two identical rows of FC, teacher stretch to hit the correct FC.


SS guess the card to collect. E.g. whats this? It’s a _______. After give all groups a set off FC, to play the game.

Drawing race

Numbered battleships
Number FCs on board, one team member writes down number other team have 2 guess. Can have both team
write number first to guess correctly wins

True/false combos standup-sit down

Number FCs on board, TT says a number and FC combination, if correct stand up, if not sit down.

Colouring FCs

Place FCs on walls call out colour and FC, SS race to colour.

Numbering sentences

Place flash cards on board and number

Team with most correct wins

Answer the question

Ask a question about the FC e.g. What has food inside - tin, etc

Slap the wall cheerleaders

Everybody chats flashcards, SS race to walls

First letter

- Divide the class into 2 teams. Say the first letter of 1 word, Ss in 2 teams say a word from the previous lesson
that starts with that letter.

Ex: T says “B”, Ss say “Bakery”

Give star for the quicker correct answer.

Pointing game

SS points to another student to follow request e.g. touch your arm. That SS then does same.

1vs1 fc battle

TT points FC, first to shout out wins

Slap the board speaking charades

TT mimes pic, SS slap the board and say word for point

Chanting hotseat

Class chants FC, SS race to sit in seat

Air clap, or suitable action

While standing, first SS clap in air when see correct pictureing, sit down, for next round

Pick up Q&A race

SS race to pickup limited pictures for opportunity to say structure for point

Musical flashcard Comfy seat

In teams SS pass around FC. Music stops. TT shouts FC, first to sit down wins

Musical flashcard neighbour seat

In teams SS pass around FC. Music stops. TT shouts FC, first to sit on chair in front class wins

Human semi-chain hot seat

2 teams, 1 semi circle, TT and TA follow flashcard checking pronunciation. Last student of each team run to
chair to sitdown

Lets vote – SS vote answer e.g. true/false. Team with most correct wins. Vote same time. No changing answer

Team stealing.

Place two sets of FC in row in front of team. Teams take turns to say and steal to add to their row e.g. hes my

Slap the board Cheerleaders

SS all chant the FC, SS race to slap the board

Hotseat circle

Teams sit in circle around chair and pass flashcards, music stops, teacher calls flashcard. First to sit in seat wins

Hotseat circle speaking

Teams sit in circle around chair and pass flashcards, music stops, teacher shows flashcard. First to sit in seat
and shout word wins


TT says word and cycles through FC, SS yell stop!

Rythmic lineup

Put flashcards in row get SS to chant in rhythm dog cat pig cow dog cat ……, go faster with confidence

Slap the circle

Put FC on board with circles under. 2 students back against board, tt says word, SS spin round slap the circle

Hot flashcards

Students stand in circle and pass 1 flashcard one by one, when tt says stop SS shout flashcard

4 lines

4 lines opposite students have to run to other line give and say FC then sit down

Find and link Q&A

SS mingle asking questions (e.g. what do you like? I like ducks) When they find ss with same answer they link

Flip the card Q&A

SS flip flash can , make question, other ss answers


FC row on board with chairs under pics, 1st SS to sit under wins

FC hunter double trouble

Place to sets of FC on floor, first to pick up and hold up wins

Step forward

Two teams, 2 sets of FC, Teams stand in line. Call word first student to step forward wins

Sit carefully seat race (speaking)

Row of chairs with FC each, SS race to correct seat, hold up and say

Sit carefully

Tape 2 sets of flash cards to chair, SS race and sit,

Pick up structure race

Nominate students to run to FC, pick up and say e.g. I like cats

Semi circle human chain\]

SS sit in circle with TT and TA in middle opposite sides, Team A one half circle, team b other half. SS say and
pass FC until reaches TA or TT

3 guesses

Place FC on board; SS back against board has three guesses – she’s my …. It’s a ….. etc,

Teacher guesses the card

Give SS card each, teacher keeps guessing until guess correct. SS says yes, I do or No, I don’t.

Rolling chair Q&A

Spread FC on floor around the room SS on roling chair other student ask question chair student answers and
steers SS to FC.

Spelling first come first serve

First team call out letter gets point

FC Battleships

SS have FC each. And have to guess others FC to get them out

Team battleships Q&A

Teams have FC each. And have to guess others FC to get them out i.e. this is an _______

Queue speaking

SS in line race to teacher to say FC.

Q&A / vocabulary cupping

SS sit in circle with number of FC matching students (minus 1) in middle. Play music. When music stops
students cup FC each SS with no card is out. The rest practice Q&A or say vocab.

Q&A seat grab

Teams A/B + A/B four chairs – first pair race to sit down and ask the question. 2 nd pair race to seat to answer.

Jumping centipede race

Teams line up with hands on soulders, shout the flash card then jump forward as a team - race

1 Step drill

TT blind folded, TT and SS can only take 1 step as shout word, if TT catches SS they out

2 line speed set

Place 2 sets of flashcards in line students race through cards saying them to win

2 line speed set Q&A

SS race to ask and answer questions

hand one bounce out

Similar to volleyball, without the court

Speed sets

Teams – SS say set as quick as possible to win e.g. Mon/tue/wed; Jan/feb/mar; 12345; fist; second, third;

Pass the blind man / slap the board

SS sneak pass teacher to slap the board

Stucture flip

Put cards face down in row, 2 SS from one team goes through each card and guess to collect by A&Q and
flip0ping over. E.g. hows the weather; it’s sunny

One Bounce out

Students form circle, kick football, if bounce twice, say flash card

Avoiding the blind man

Teacher is blind, ss run from him , if caught say FC.

Chopstick draw

Write words or sentence on words on paper and call out a sentence. First student to pick up with chopsticks


e.g 3 chairs, flash cards over side, students run around, grab flash card, shout structure. E.g. it’s a pencil


Team chant sentence; students find FC

Sentence slap the wall

Write sentences on paper and stick on wall, call out sentence, first student to find wins.

TET Dragon

Stick words or sentences on walls, SS form human chain; call out word or sentence, first team to find wins
First person

Show FC, first to shout gets poing for team

Blind man walking

SS blindfolded walk to collect nominated card, listen to team to guide


SS slowely tip toe forward saying word, when I turn around they freeze. First SS to touch teacher wins

Grab and run

Throw 2 balls in air, whoever catches, run and slap the board

Pronunciation last man standing battle

SS sitdown if pronounce wrong.

Music scramble

Place number of FCs on floor minus 1 Student, When music stops, SS grab FC each, SS without FC is out.
Other SS answer questions e.g. where are you from? I’m from. SS out can help ask question?

Flahcard Relay

2 teams in line, Teacher/TA sit end of line, SS race to give FC and say sructure e.g. it’s a book, this is my mom

Vatiation: speaking relay

Last man miming – speaking

2 teams; get SS to call out action; last one to do is out; or first one to do is through


Make a set of pictures and a set of word flashcards. Deal to SS and ask them to match picture to word. One
player starts with one card facing up. Next player add either the word or pic. If SS does not have corresponding
card they lose their go, and next student continues. Player to finish all cards win.

Double trouble

Make a triple set of FCs, 2 for Students; 1 for teacher. Deal cards out to SS. Call out one word and the two SS
with the corresponding pictures run to the corner of the room, where the first one to arrive gets to drop the cards
in the box. The second student keeps the card and goes back to chair. First to rid all cards wins the game,

Consecutive rows

Put FC on board and number. Divide class into teams. Go to one team, each person says a FC, if incorrect
move on to next team, winner team who can say all

Each group has a set of flashcards with 2/4 copies each, ask SS to shuffle and deal out cards equally,each
player now has a pile of cards. In turn the players turn up a card, say what it is and place it in the middle. If card
same as previous one, they shout snap!, and wins cards. Person who acquires all cards is winner.

Whisper and run

2 teams in row. Place FC around the room. Whisper word to first two students of rows, who whisper to next
student. Students at end run to find card and bring it be or pin on board


Place five or six flashcards in a line on the board, and draw chalk boarder around each picture. Drill each item
and then remove the last card. Drill again, up to and including the removed item. Remove another card.
Continue in this way until all the flashcards have been removed and your students remember all the missing

Musical flashcards show me

Two teams pass a set around each, music stops, TT calls word, first SS to stand up with card wins


Give SS set of cards each, and call out FC for SS to show


Put FCs on board teacher sáy word SS hít target with ball to win card


Give 2 cards to each class. During a player’s turn, he/she can either try to guess the other side of one of the
cards of any other player (the specific card must be touched before the guessing occurs), If they manage to
correctly guess the other side, they keep that card (every time a player adds a card to their hand they can
choose which side they want to face other players).If the current player fails to correctly guess the other side of
the card, they must donate one of their own cards either to the person they guessed from (in case they guessed
from another player)


Similar to The Yes?! Game, students compete to say a word or sentence in the most extreme way they can, e.g.
they take turns being as angry as possible and the angriest person wins.

Ball game

Have a soft ball ready for this activity. Stick 8-10 flashcards on the blackboard. Children stand in a circle. Hold
up the ball, say One, two, three… and name one of the flashcards on the blackboard e.g. Dog! as you throw the
ball to a child in the circle. The child who catches the ball repeats the procedure and names another flashcard.
The game continues in the same way until all the flashcards on the blackboard have been named.Team with
most flashcards win

SS who cathces ball can bring team player back or nominate SS to eliminate
Pictionary 2

Show card to SS to draw, teams have to guess

Memory 2

Put cards in a row, SS listen and repeat. Turn the cards around, SS try remember all words in order for points. If SS
takes to long or say wrong word, start again with another SS.

The circle

SS form a circle, facing inward with one in middle. Each SS has FC, held behind back so teacher can see. Now teach
shouts 2 FC and they must exchange seat. Person in middle trys to steal seat.

Bring me

Put cards at end of classroom, and 3 chairs at other end. TT sits in middle, with SS at either side, teacher shouts
brings me FC, SS sprint to bring back.

Dodgeball/Scoopball vocab review

SS throwball person it hit says word, ì wrong, out the game


Kaboom dodgeball/scoopball

Have some kaboom cards to give more chance for strong students to be eliminated

Blind fold pair

2 sets of cards. Space students out. Give SS a flash card each and blindfold them SS múst find pảir by calling out their
FCs. When they touch they complete the task


2 SS in middle of circle, circle has FC each – 2 lístening and look for their card

Go fish

2 sets of FCs. Sit in circle Give SS FC each , SS have to find to pairing FCs, using do you like. Do you have…. Guess
corect get point for team.

FC shootout

SS face back2back with FC, TT shouts tủn around, first SS to do so wins

Dual Sentences

2 SS come front òf class; show FC; first to form sentence wins.

Human chain

2 parallel lines. Give SS FCs at beginning of lines. They then ask and answer quickly and pass the FC down the line e.g.
are you brave; yes, I am. First team to get FC to end of line wins. Monitor; if SS don’t say clearly, make them repeat.
Once SS have played can play with more FCs

Variation (more accuracy)

2 lines; one line passes FC; one line shoots ball in basket, then swap. Team with most balls in basket wins. Give to or
3 goes at each activity.

Guess and collect

SS have a set of FC each, face down; SS take turns to guess FC if correct they collect card to their set and shuffle, SS
collect all cards win

Circle run

- Put flash cards in centre òf circle, 2 SS run around circle and sit on FC

FC hunter (Qs and As)\

2 teams, each has a FC and hold up. 2 SS are called up to front; one from each team. 2 SS scout around for 30 secs
trying to remermber. Then shout cards down! Teacher says question to students ‘which student would [travel
around the world] if they one the lottery? The 2 SS then go around to various SS asking the question i.e. ‘Would you
travel around the world?’ , which the SS reply ‘yes, I would or no I wouldn’t’. If yes, they collect the flash card. If both
SS go up to same SS, and collects the card, can call it even.


SS don’t show cards up at beginning . They ask as many students as they can.

FC collector

Teacher calls for volunteer SS to stand in front of board (e.g. 4 ss from team A). Hand rest of SS a flash card each. TT
calls cards up, while SS hold their cards up. They then scout around trying to remember for 30 seconds. TT then says
cards down. SS then have 30 seconds to name the cards each student has. When they guess correctly they can
collect the flashcards. TT then countdown from 10, then shout stop; SS hand FC to Teacher who then reward points.
Collect flashcards and shuffle and redistribute.


SS run around the class with flashcards behind their backs. Team A tries to see FC of team B. Vice versa. Team A line
up facing white board, team B do same on other side of the room. Can have SS hold FC behind their backs. SS shouts
FC of SS, TT stops the game to check, if correct that SS it out. If SS back up against wall, teacher counts to 5, if fail to
move they are out


Set the FC disorganized in a row on floor. Explain game on board by drawing a picture with a river with stepping
stones. Point to the floor to make sure they know FC ard stepping stones. Draw picture of crocodile. Explain you are
the crocodile. SS take turns stepping on FC, each time saying them. If mispronounce, TT runs towards them and
gobbles them up, usings arms as crocodile jaw. SS successfully cross river gets point for team

Cards up cards down

(VOCAB) In teams, give student card each, write students names on board. SS all hold up cards for 30 secs, while SS
try remember , ss then put card face down. Pick player from team A and as who, for example, is holding ‘banana’., if
correct get a point. (PRONUNCIATION) Alternatively can ask what card a SS has and they name the flashcard. To
make more challenging ask them to identify more than 1 students FC.


Can ask questions e.g. who has a very small snack etc?who has a sweet snack….? Does student 4 have packet of
crisp/french fries?

Charades musical chairs

SS walk around chairs, take two away, stop music, 2 students not to find chair come to front, show other SS FC, they
either mime or describe in English.They turn around. Last student to say the word of the two students, is out of
game. Repeat.

Put FC in row on board, call 2 students, SS turn their back to the board, TT takes a FC, SS turn around, first call
missing FC wins point for team.

Lucky Dice

Put FC on board and number. 2 SS called to front of class, Roll dice; first to call out gets point for team. Best of three
for each pair.


Put Flah cards on chairs or floors (can be duplicate) SS walk around, call out flashcard, ss sit on word wins

Put all cards on each chair, minus 1, then shout vocab students sit down as fast as possible with correct FC in hand


Cycle through cards saying wrong word, when SS hear corect word they do action e.g. spin around sit; first SS wins

Book race – Find pic in text book



Sit the Ss with you in a circle. T holds up an object or flashcard and says its name (e.g. "Pen"). T passes it on to the
next S who also says its name and passes it on to the next S. Variations: change directions, speed rounds, have many
objects going round at the same time.


 Students circulate in the room with cards, quizzing each other and then finding their match.

 They cannot show their card to their classmates.

 Examples:

o the person who has the picture of a shoe searches for the one who has the word “shoe.”

o all the children have to group together according to their flashcards – so members of the family
together, weather conditions together, fruit, vegetables, numbers, colours etc.

o they can either ask ful questions such as “Have you got a fruit?” or just say their word to their
friends “banana”

CARD COLLECTOR (large classes)

Give SS a small card of vocab each. SS then mingle, challenging others to rock, paper, scissors. SS have to say what
card they want first. Loser gives card. If no cards, ss still challenge others for thiers


Place FCs face down, across the floor, Teach calls out flash card, 2 students scramble to find,


2 Sets of FC; SS flip over to match, team with most cards win. Have uneven set of cards for more fun towards end.
Drill. Alternate goes.

Magic card

Variation 1 (works well for review lesson)

Stick flash cards in row on board, with one card above. SS form a circle and hold hands (younger learners). One SS
(ghost) walks around taping each student on soulder and saying a flashcard on each SS (i.e. apple, bananna, orange,
apple etc…) then calls out the magic card on on SS, they both run in opposite directions around the circle to claim
the space. Change ghost regularly.

Variation 2 – student just repeats single word and gives flashcard to nominated student

Race to draw/write

Place flash cards (or words) in a row on the top of the board, draw 2 columns; team A team b on lower part of
board.SS etither race to draw or write the word

Dangerous card (combine with other game for better learning i.e. jump)

Scatter flashcards on the floor. SS must stand on a flash card. Call out flash card, explain that SS on that flashcard
explodes and they are dead or out. Shout change! Students go to another flashcard. Now TT turn around and shout a
FC, continue until one student left or ss from same team. Because cannot see, get TA to shout nobody, if nobody on
exploding flashcard


Put flashcards on board. Draw 12 step ladder scoring system, have magnet drop down each time they are last. 2
rows; TT shouts flashcard, first SS to hit with squatter or plastic. S1 must quickly pass bat to student 2 and go back of
the queue. Repeat process etc,


Have SS sit in semi circle, call out FC and nominate 2 students, who then pick up the bats, hit the flashcard and
return bat to centre of room before sitting back down

Shoot 'em Upat gets point

Stick the FCs on the walls around the classroom, The teacher calls out one of the FCs. The first student to point to
that FC wins a point for their team.

As a follow up to Shoot ’em Up, I often get the students to go round in pairs, pointing to each FC on the wall,
asking and answering target language questions. For example if the FCs are for colours, the students could be going
round in pairs saying, “What colour is it? “It’s [blue].” If the FCs are for food, they could be asking, “Do you like
[Lasagne]?” “Yes, I do.” Or if the FCs are for animals (plurals), they could be asking each other, “What are they?”
“They are [giraffes].”


Start with fruit salad warmer. Write fruit salad on board (explain meaning). Elicit some fruit and write underneath
fruit salad, Then designate each SS a bananna, apple or orange.(hands up apples;banannas; oranges. Explain when
say ‘apples’, all apples must change seats etc demonstrate. Shout ‘fruit salad’; all students change seats (minus one
chair). SS becomes teacher, has to shout banana , apple orange or fruit salad to gain a chair.

Can now adapt game to any 3 cards

Association drill

Put flashcards on board and number. TT asks what is number [7]; SS shout. [baseball]!, gets a point. Continue as so,
then call out word; ss calls out number. Draw ladders and magnets for score


Replace numbers with collocations i.e. [go] shopping [ride a] bike [do] kung fu [eat] lunch. Or replace with associated
words [car] garage [shower] bathroom etc


Point and drill to flashcards, when teacher shouts, all SS have to sit down as soon as possible; last SS to sit is out. If SS
who are restless are out, can call them stand behind the teacher. Alternatively, can take out first 4/5 SS, team with
most standing are winners

Random card

Cycle through flashcards and drill. When SS see the monkey/robot/tree card they will realize randomness of card. TT
explain that when they see monkey card they must stand up, turn around, and sit down again. – (Demonstate –
shout monkey) First team to all complete the action first, wins and awards points

Backs to the Board Game: This one is good for higher level kids. Make two teams and stand one S from each team
in front of the board, facing away from it. Place a flashcard picture on the board (e.g. "hamburger") and the Ss have
to explain that word to their team member (e.g. you can buy it in McDonalds, it's got cheese and ketchup in it). The
first S out of the two standing in front of the board to guess the word wins a point for his/her team.

Basketball Card 2

2 teams; line up. 2 students step up; show flashcard. Fírst student to say gét two shots. Every goal, point for team.

Concentration 2: Level: requires basic reading. Make a set of cards. On half of them put a picture of a theme
related subject (for example body parts, food, furniture etc) on the other half put the word relating to each picture
(ex. nose, mouth, lips, eye...). Laminate if possible. Place all cards face down on the table. The first player turns two
at a time (or three for the very young) over to match the word to the picture. If it matches the player can keep the
pair if not, the cards are returned and then next player goes. These cards can also be used so that a child or team
simply matches the words to the pictures.

Four Corners: T hangs a flashcard (4 in total) in all 4 corners of the room. One S is chosen to stand in the middle with
his/her eyes closed and counts to ten while the other students scramble to one of the four corners. At the count of
ten, the S in the middle shouts "STOP" and picks one corner by naming it's corresponding flashcard. The students in
that corner are "out" and must sit down. Continue game until only one student remains; he/she is then "it" (the
counter in middle). (Submitted by Sister Soco).

Guessing Question Game: This is good practice for asking simple questions. T hides any flash card behind his/her
back and Ss try to guess what the object is by asking questions: "Is it a dog?", "Is it a ball?", "Is it a book?", etc. until
they guess the flashcard. (Submitted by Nagwa).

Hint Animal Game: As a review of animals flashcards, T holds some cards without showing any to the Ss. Then the T
tells the kids that they are going to receive 3 hints, so they need to listen carefully. For example: 1. I am yellow. 2. I
have long hair. 3. I am strong. Who am I? Well, a lion of course! You can make it in deferent levels depending on
how much English you use or which vocab you use.

Jump On It: Spread out flashcards on the floor and have Ss stand at one end of the room. Shout out a card and the
Ss have to find the card and jump on it. The first S to do this wins a point. Variation: Make 2 teams for a relay race.
The first 2 Ss try and jump on the flashcard first to win a point for their team.

Keep the in Order: Each student has a set of cards (pictures with names) similar to the teacher. The teacher places
his/her cards in a particular order in two or three rows, and so do the students following instructions. T starts calling
the cards in pairs so that the two cards named change positions. Make a few changes in this way (don´t let students
see the changes, they must follow them only by listening carefully). Afterwards, T. calls a student to say the cards in
order. If all the cards are well placed the student can lead a new game. Students love the game and learn a lot of
vocabulary. (Submitted by Amparo Andrés)
Lightning Flashcards: T stands at front of class with flashcards. Ss form two teams standing in a line. Two Ss go first
and face away from the T, T says 1.2.3. what is it? and Ss quickly turn around and the first S to call out the correct
answer wins a point for their team (good for review of vocab). (Submitted by Laurie Pich)

Musical Flashcards: Ss walk around some flashcards in a circle as some music is playing. When the music stops T
shouts out a flashcard and the Ss must race to step on that card. The first S to step on it keeps the card (1 point) and
the game continues.

Over-under: Line up the kids in two teams. Give the two kids at the front each a flash card. When you say go, the
first in line says the word and passes the f/c over their head, the next kid says the word and passes the card under
between their legs, the next kid over, then under, etc. The last kid in line races to the front to hand the f/c to the
teacher and says the word. The first team to do so gets a point. (submitted by Sarah Litwin-Schmid).

Paper Rock Scissors Islands

Pass: Sit the Ss with you in a circle. T holds up a flashcard or object and says its name (e.g. "Pen"). T passes it on to
the next S who also says its name and passes it on to the next S. Variations: change directions, speed rounds, have
many objects going round at the same time.


Picture Recognition Game: Have all the Ss stand at one end of the room and the T in the middle. Hold up one
picture flashcard and Ss come forward and whisper the word in the T's ear. If correct they can go over to the other
side of the room. Ss can have as many guesses as they like.

Quick Peek: T holds a flashcard with the picture facing towards him/her. T quickly shows it to the Ss for a quick
peek. The S who guesses the card wins a point.

Slam: Sit the Ss in a circle and place some flashcards in the middle of the circle. Tell Ss to put their hands on their
heads. T shouts out the word of one of the flashcards and the Ss race to touch it. The S who touches it first get to
keep the object. The S who has the most flashcards at the end of the game is the winner.

Slow motion: T holds a pack of flashcards with the pictures facing towards him/her. The last card should be turned
around so it is facing the Ss but is hidden as it is behind the pack. Slowly pull the flashcard up inch by inch so the Ss
can only see part of the flashcard. As the picture is slowly revealed Ss try and guess what it is. The first S to guess
correctly keeps the card (for 1 point). Variation: To make it a little more difficult turn the flashcard upside down.

Tic Tac Toe: Place 9 flashcards (representing words, phrases, questions, etc) face down and numbered (or letters of
alphabet) on a large taped grid on the floor. Students call out number or letter to see flashcard. S or team with
correct response claims that space with an X or O. (submitted by Michelle K).

Touch: Place flashcards around the room and have Ss run around the classroom touching the flashcards that T orders
them to do (e.g. "Touch the car" "Touch the bicycle" "Touch the bus").

Uncover: After the vocabulary has been thoroughly taught sit and slowly expose a flashcard until someone can
guess what it is. Reward everyone as they will tend to guess at the same time. (Submitted by: Gregory Stein)

Vanishing Flashcards Game: place a number of flashcards in front of the Ss. Give them a few moments to memorize
the pictures and then tell them to close their eyes. Take away one of the flashcards and then tell the Ss to open their
eyes again. The first S to guess the missing flashcard can win that flashcard (for 1 point) and take away a flashcard in
the next round.


- If 10 SS put 9 cards down, SS grab flashcards, say words – repeat 1 less card
Vocab monster – reviewing lexis
You will award the flashcards to the students who can call out the correct name first. Then they need to return
them to you and get back to their seats without being caught by the monster. (you)
The teacher slowly pulls the last flashcard up and wait for the student's to try and call out the correct name or
word on the card. The first student to say it correctly gets to take and hold the flashcard in their seats.
After all the flashcards are with the students (I use 8 at a time in a class of 24) the fun part really starts. I look
around at the students ... and the ones who are trying to hide their cards from my sight. I ask the class who has
___? (name of the flashcard) The student holding it needs to bring it back to the teacher.
Their goal is to give the card back to you, and run back to their seat without being caught by you.

The Flashcard Exchange

Put the students' chairs in a circle (minus one chair). Each student sits in a chair and holds a flashcard. One
student stands in the middle of the circle with no flashcard. If you were teaching sports, each student
would have a different picture of a sport on their flashcard. Then you call out two different sports. The two
students who have those sports on their flashcards must swap places. The student in the middle has to try
to sit in one of their seats while they are swapping chairs. If the student in the middle manages to sit in one
of the chairs, the student left standing has to give their flashcard to the student who took their place. then
you call out two more sports and so on. All the students should have each flashcard at least once by the
end of the game.

Put card on 2 students backs; they have to wrestle to grab and say the card on the opposition’s back

2 teams. 2 sets of FCs on board Then draw a line on the board to separate the two teams. Whisper ¾
words to back rows. SS whisper foward. They must do this in the order, they heard the words. The student
at the front stick in correct order. The first team to put up wins.

Variation for prepositions

Add preposition cards. Whisper a phrase to the two students at the back, e.g. The ball is in the box. The student at
the front would have to form the flashcards, e.g. ball, in, box. Then say the complete sentence. For higher-level
students, use flashcards with words rather than pictures.


TT describe word, SS guess e.g. ít’s tall has leaves, a monkey likes to climb it.

Mixed sentences

TT says jumbled sentence; first to put in order wins; e.g. morning he every brushes teeth – he brushes hí
teeth every week


Fix large paperclip on FCs and fashion a fishing rod with magnet on end, Call out word first ss to fish and give to SS wins
Read my lips

SS guess the sentence

The Twins

Lay cards on the table with images facing up or down. Taking turns, players must correctly guess the other side of
two cards of same suit


SS draw answer on back with finger and ask question e.g S1:.How many circles? S2: 3 circles.



with each incorrect guess the man drops down a step. Will the class guess the word and save him? (Although there
are groups who actually lose on purpose so the poor chap gets eaten!

Connect 4

Connect 4 is a bit like Bingo, but for two players, played on one board of 8x8. Players have a set of cards each,
of different colours, and have to make a line of four.

colouring objects

place 2 sets of pics on each side, 2 boxes of crayons. SS race to colour, 1 point first / 1 point accuracy

Survey Mingle
Example likes/dislikes

Find someone who has same card

Matching pairs

Mystery word

Say a sentence with target vocabulary missing. SS chooses correct word.

DEF concentration

Matching cards; 1 pic; 1 def. Cards face down SS flip over to match and keep.


ESL Kids Game: Bankrupt!

Before English class, get twenty vocabulary or picture flashcards and write
different values of money on the back of the cards. For example, $50, $100, $100,
$150, $50, etc. On the back of two of the cards, write 'Donation' and on the back of
another flashcards, write 'Bankrupt!'

On the back of each flashcard, write a different value i.e. $50, $75, $100, etc. On one
card write ‘Donation’ and on another write ‘Bankrupt!’
In class, divide your class into two, three or four teams (depending on how many
students you have in your class.) Stick your ESL flashcards on the board, with the
money values hidden.

To the side of the board, write your team names on the board and every team starts
with $200. Ask the first team to choose a flashcard. If they can say the word, or
better still use it in a sentence, then they turn the card and win the amount which is
on the back for their team! Write the amount the team has next to their name on the

If they are unlucky and find the 'Donation' card, then they have to give all of their
current money to another team of their choice. If they find the 'Bankrupt' card, then
their current winnings go down to $0 and they have to start from nothing (the
other kids LOVE this!!)

Keep going until all the flashcards have been turned over. The team with the most
amount of cash at the end is the winner!

Snowball Fight!

This ESL activity is good for kids who are elementary level and above. Before your
English class, write down on a piece of paper the following:

Age: ___________________

Favourite colour: ___________________

Favourite animal: ___________________

Favourite movie: ___________________

Favourite city: ___________________

Now make enough photocopies so that each student has a copy (I always print out
one or two more in case new students turn up).

What to Do in Class

Each student writes down their answers and screws their paper up into a ball . Now
get your class into two lines facing each other. Have the two teams throw their
snowballs at the other team.

Keep it up for 30 seconds, so all the papers are mixed up. Students now need to pick
up a random ball, unwrap it and find the student whose paper they have by
speaking with as many people as possible.

Ss are blindfolded and search for the flashcards

Board relay

SS pass an object along their line with their elbows before reaching and
naming the flash card

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