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Assessment Manual


Micro Projects

“ Moving hot air ballon”

Computer Engineering Programme

(I Scheme Curriculum)

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

Part-A Micro Project

Title of Micro-Project
1. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project :
Learn to convert 3D object into 2D object and also how the object is moved using
computer graphics. Computer graphics is a study of graphics to improve communication
between human and machine. The word computer graphics means picture, graphs or
scene is draw with the help of computer Computer graphics allows communication to
pictures, charts and diagram 1000 words can be replaced by single picture.

2. Course Outcomes Addressed:

1.Devlope program 3D into 2D.

2.Implement standard algorithm to draw various graphics object using C.

3. Proposed Methodology

1.First we collect information about selected topic.

2. Then we make the algorithm for program.
3.Implement program and run it.

4. Action Plan

S. Details of Planned Planned Name of

Activity Start date Finish Responsible
date Team Members
1 Discussion & Finalization of topic 12-08-2023 15-08-2023 Prachi Sawant, Saniya
Govekar, Yuga parkar
2 Preparation & submission of abstract 07-09-2023 11-09-2023 Prachi Sawant

3 Collect information about project 25-09-2023 28-09-2023 Saniya Govekar

4 We construct C program 03-10-2023 04-10-2023 Yuga Parkar

5 Then Implement the program and run 04-10-2023 04-10-2023 Yuga Prakar
6 Prepare report using plan (A)&(B) 09-10-2023 10-10-2023 Prachi Swanat

7 Final Submission of micro project Prachi swanat ,Saniya
Govekar,Yuga parkar
6.0 Resources Required

S. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks


1 Destop computer with os Intel core i5 processor Computer

with 16 GB RAM ,1TB
2 Word documrnt --- 1 Software

Names of Team Members with Roll No. :-

1. 2216- Prachi B. Sawant

2. 2230-Saniya V.Govekar
3. 2261- Yuga L.Parkar
Annexure – II
Part – B Micro-Project Report

Title of Micro-Project: Moving hot air balloon

1.0 Rationale :
This micro-project is important as it will develop soft and technical skills in us. By
doing this micro-project we will become very much familiar with the different form
controls and their events. The simplest algorithm for replacing pages is this one. The
operating system maintains queue for all of the memory pages in this method, with
the oldest page at the front of the queue.The first page in the queue is chosen for
removal when a page has to be replaced.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project :

Learn to convert 3D object into 2D object and also how the object is moved using
computer graphics. Computer graphics is a study of graphics to improve communication
between human and machine. The word computer graphics means picture graphs or
scene is draw with the help of computer Computer graphics allows communication to
pictures, charts and diagram 1000 words can be replaced by single picture.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed :

1.Devlope program 3D into 2D.

2.Implement standard algorithm to draw various graphics object using C.

4.0 Proposed Methodology:

 First we collect information about selected topic.

 Then we make the algorithm for program.
 Implement program and run it.
6.0 Actual Resources Used
S. Name of Specificat Qty Remarks
N Resource/material ions
1 Desktop computer with OS Intel Core i3 Processor Computer
with 4 GB RAM, 1 TB
2 MS-office-2007 software -- 1 Software
7.0 Program-code

#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
void main()
int i;
int gd=DETECT,gm;
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "turbocdbyd");

for(i=0; i<100; i--)

setcolor (9);
rectangle(60,350+i, 110, 400+i);

line(110,350+i, 120, 285+i);
line (60,350+1,50,285+I);

arc (85,220+1,0,180,50);
line (85,170+1,85,285+i);
line (35,220+1,50,285+i);
line (135,220+i, 120, 285+i);

line(35,220+1,135,220+i); line (50,285+i, 120, 285+i);

line (85,170+1,115,220+i);
line (85,170+1,55,220+i);
line (55,220+1,67.5, 285+i);
line(115,220+1, 102.5,285+i);




Output :
Evaluation Sheet For the Micro Project
Academic Year :…………………… Name of Faculty : ………………………………………………………

Course : ………………… Course Code : ………………………………. Sem:………….

Title of the Project : Moving Hot Balloon.

CO’s addressed by the Micro Project : Write only COa, COb, COc etc.
Major Learning Outcomes achieved by Students by doing the Project:

A) Practical Outcomes :

B) Unit Outcomes in Cognitive Domain :

C) Outcomes in Affective Domain :

Comments /Suggestions about Team Work/ Leadership/Inter-personal

Communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for

performance in performance in
Roll No. Student Name Total Out of 10
group activity (D5 Oral/ Presentation
Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
2216 Prachi B. Sawant
2230 Saniya V. Govekar
2261 Yuga L. Parkar

Name & Signature of Faculty

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