Sel-Regulated Strategies 2

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self-regulated learning strategies

Self-regulated learning involves a continuous process of self-monitoring and self-directing

towards a learning goal. A partially digital learning environment where traditional face-to-face
classes are supported by online activities conducted through blended learning software is
called blended learning (Anthonysamy et al. 2020). The rise of blended learning and the
prevalence of affordable devices has become a trend in higher education institutions as
students are accustomed to using their digital devices for almost anything such as
communication, collaboration, accessing multiple sources of information for future research
should develop adaptive training approaches that consider intra-individual differences in self-
regulated strategies. As one of the self-regulated strategies, students can use technology to
learn Mandarin more effectively and advance their skills. future research should develop
adaptive training approaches that consider intraindividual differences in SRL. For instance,
studies that used intensive longitudinal data to assess the dynamics of SRL revealed
substantial variability in SRL strategy use over time (Liborius et al., 2019; Theobald,
Breitwieser, Murayama, & Brod, 2021). Self-regulation is an important factor for learning
success in flipped classrooms, as students who lack self-regulation may learn little or fail to
comprehend content before class, which will further lead to less effective learning outcomes
or disengagement in subsequent in-class activities. On the contrary, students with better
self-regulation would be able to more effectively utilize and learn materials. Thus, developing
self-regulated learning strategies is essential for students to perform well in flipped learning
environment (Zheng, B., Ward, A., & Stanulis, R. 2020). Predictive models provide timely
information about learners at risk of dropout in order to inform interventions. Both, teachers
and learners, can benefit from the results of the predictive models (blinded). For example,
teachers can adapt their courses to engage and support their learners, by providing them
with personalized support while learners can get insights and receive feedback of their
learning process. Particularly, predictive models can serve to generate alerts for instructors
and learners, adapt the contents, motivate their learners with information about how they are
doing, and improve the curriculum design, among others (Cui, Chen, Shiri, & Fan, 2019). To
facilitate the learning process, especially involving Mandarin language skills, teachers are
the closest example in helping students in effective self-learning strategies. Teachers should
act in the capacity of a facilitator. Teachers must be familiar with all aspects of teaching.
learning a new language to improve the way you teach

Parisi, G. I., Kemker, R., Part, J. L., Kanan, C., & Wermter, S. (2019). Continual lifelong
learning with neural networks: A review. Neural Networks, 113, 54–71.

Anthonysamy, L., Koo, A. C., & Hew, S. H. (2020). Self-regulated learning strategies in
higher education: Fostering digital literacy for sustainable lifelong learning. Education
and Information Technologies, 25, 2393-2414.

Theobald, M. (2021). Self-regulated learning training programs enhance university students’

academic performance, self-regulated learning strategies, and motivation: A meta-
analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 66, 101976

Zheng, B., Ward, A., & Stanulis, R. (2020). Self-regulated learning in a competency-based
and flipped learning environment: learning strategies across achievement levels and
years. Medical education online, 25(1), 1686949.

Cui, Y., Chen, F., Shiri, A., & Fan, Y. (2019). Predictive analytic models of student success
in higher education: A review of methodology. Information and Learning Sciences.

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