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Industry Visit Class


 Introduction of industry visit.

 Which type of factory for FDT & AMT?
 Organ gram of a factory.
 Different types of factory details.

 Industrial textile mill visit is one of the important

element of professional education especially
for Fashion Design or Textile
Engineering education. By mill visit students can
learn about textile factories and mills, the production
cycle, and the roles of workers.
Visited Factory Type

 Spinning mill
 Knitting Factory
 Knit Garments factory
 Knitting Composite factory
 Fully fashion(Sweater)
 Woven Garments factory(Denim)
 Trims & Accessories factory
Classification of Apparel sector based on fabric construction & garment manufacturing method:

Apparel Sector



Cut & Sew Knitwear/ Fully Fashion

Tubular Knitwear/ Knitwear /Coarse
End product: Shirt, Light Knitwear / gauge knitwear/
Trouser , Jacket etc. Fine gauge Knitwear Heavy Knitwear

End product: T- shirt, End production:

polo-shirt, sportswear sweater, pullover,
etcetc. Cardigan. Ctc.
Organ-gram of a factory
Spinning mill

 Spinning is an important part of textile

and apparel manufacturing industry.

 Textile spinning factories produce different types

of yarn (carded yarn combed yarn) for the next
process of textile such as weaving, knitting.

 Spinning is getting more competitive and the

market is also expanding.
List of most popular Spinning mill

 Ha-meem Spinning Mills Ltd. (Sreepur)

 Badsha Textiles Limited (Bhaluka)
 Square Textiles Limited (Kashimpur, Gazipur)
 NRG Spinning Mills Limited (Bhaluka)
 NZ Textile Limited (Rupgonj)
 A&A Textiles Ltd. (Sitakunda)
 Akij Textile Mills Ltd. (Manikganj)
 Aman Spinning Mills Ltd. (Ashulia)
 Beximco Synthetic Ltd. (Kabirpur, Savar)
 Matin Spinning Mills Ltd. (Kashimpur, Gazipur)
 Nassa Spinning Ltd. (Comila EPZ.)
Different types of Spinning Machine

 Mixing and Blending Machinery

 Saw Ginning Machine
 Opening and Cleaning Machinery
 Lap Forming Machinery
 Carding Section Machinery
 Drawing Frame Machine
 Lap Former Machine
 Combing Machine
 Simplex or Roving Frame Machine
 Ring Frame Machine
 Rotor Spinning Machine
 Auto Coner or Cone Winding Machine
Mixing and Blending Mach
Saw Ginning Machine
Opening and Cleaning Machinery
Drawing Frame Machine
Rotor Spinning Machine
Types of Yarn



Types of Yarn on basis on process


Carded Combed
Yarn Manufacturing Process

Yarn Package
Knitting Factory

Knitting is a method for production

of textile fabrics by interlacing yarn loops with loops
of the same or other yarns. It is used to create many
types of garments. Knitting may be done by
hand or by machine.
Flow chart of Knitting
Different types of Knitting Machine.

Circular Knitting machine

Jacquard Knitting machine
Flat Knitting machine
Direction/way of Knit Fabric
Different types of Knit Fabric

Depending on how the loops are made there are two

types of knitting
 Warp knitted fabrics
 Weft knitted fabrics
 Crochet fabrics
Knit Garments Factory

 A knit garments factory is a manufacturing facility

specialized in producing clothing items made from
knitted fabrics.
 These factories utilize knitting machines to create
garments like t-shirts, sweaters, and other knitted
apparel. The process involves shaping and stitching
fabric loops to create comfortable and stretchable
clothing products.
Different department of Knitting Garments

 Garments department (CAD + Cutting)

 Print & Embroidery department
 Maintenance department
 Accounts & commercial department
 IE & Planning department
 Supply chain department
 HR department
 R&D department
 D&D department
 Store department
Complete list of knit item

 T-shirts Jumpsuits
 Polo shirts Joggers
 Tank tops
 Henley shirts
Active wear
 Sweatshirts
 Hoodies
 Crew neck Loungewear
 Cardigans Baby clothing
 Pullovers Underwear
Knitting Composite Factory

 Knit composite refers to the whole process of dyeing

yarn to fully knitted readymade items that are ready
for shipment to the consumer.

 A knit composite factory involves several stages and

operations, such as yarn dyeing, knitting, fabric
dyeing, washing, printing, embroidery, garment
manufacture, and so on.
Production Flow Chart of Composite Knitting
Different department of Knitting Composite

 Knitting department
 Knit dyeing department
 Yarn Dyeing department
 Garments department (CAD + Cutting)
 Print & Embroidery department
 Maintenance department
 Accounts & commercial department
 IE & Planning department
 HR department
 R&D department
 D&D department
 Store department(Yarn, Fabric, Trims & accessories)
Yarn Dyeing

When dyeing is done after the fiber has been spun into yarn,
it is called yarn dyeing.
In this method, the dyestuff penetrates the fibers to the core
of the yarn. Yarn dyeing is slightly difference from woven or
knit dyeing.
Dyed yarns are used for making stripe knit or woven fabrics
or solid dyed yarn fabric or in sweater manufacturing.
Process of yarn dyeing?
Design and development
Design and development in garment production is a
process that involves creating new fabric designs
and styles of clothing, as well as improving existing
garments — the goal is to create products that are
both stylish and functional.
This can be done by:
 Attending trade shows
 Reading fashion magazines
 Talking to trendsetters
Pattern making
Once the design is finalized, a pattern must be created.
• This is done by transferring the design onto paper or fabric
and then cutting out the individual pieces that make up the
garment. As with any other garment production process, the
pattern maker is important for manufacturing. Patterns are
used to create the basic shape of a garment — usually created
by hand or with the help of a machine.
• Once the pattern is complete, it is then used to cut fabric and
construct the garment.
G ra ding
T his is do ne by creat ing dif f erent v ersions of t he
pat t ern in dif f erent sizes. Af t er t he pat t ern is cu t ,
t he garment goes t hrou gh a series of processe s cal l ed
“g rading . ” G rading is creat ing dif f erent sizes of a
garment f rom a base size.
T here are t w o t ypes of grading:
 Horizont al
 V ert ical
Marking and fabric cuttings
 Marking is the process of creating lines or markings on fabric
to indicate where to cut the fabric.
 Cutting is cutting the fabric along those lines or markings.
There are a few different ways to mark fabric for cutting.
 Once the fabric is marked, it is time to cut it. This can be done
with a rotary cutter, scissors, or a knife. It is important to use
sharp tools when cutting fabric to avoid fraying or tearing the
So rt ing o u t & b u ndling cu t f abric
Af t er t he f abric is cu t accordi ng t o t he
pat t ern, it is sort ed based on size, co l o r, and
st yl e. T he so rt ed pieces are t hen bu ndl ed
t oget her and l abel ed f or easy ident if icat io n
du r ing t he sew ing pro cess. Bu ndl ing ensu res
t hat t he correct pieces are u sed f or each
g arment , redu cing t he risk of errors and
improv ing ef f iciency in t he produ ct ion
 Screen printing is the process of applying paint-based
graphics to fabric using presses and textile dryers.
Specifically, screen printing involves sweeping a rubber
blade across a porous screen, transferring ink through a
stencil and onto the fabric.
Textile Printing Screen
 The word of “printing” has
derived from a Latin
word which
means “pressing “. It implies
a process that uses pressure.
 Textile printing is one kind
of localized dyeing where
dyes or pigments & chemical
applied by any method
which can produce a
particular effect of color on
fabric according to design. Block
 In a word, Applying colored
patterns and designs to Printing
decorate a finished fabric is
called ‘Printing’.
Print Paste Ingredients
a) Dyestuffs or pigment.
b) Wetting agent.
c) Thickener.
d) Solvents dispersing agents.
e) Defoaming agents.
f) Oxidizing and reducing agents.
g) Catalyst and oxygen career.
h) Acid and alkali.
i) Career and swelling agent.
Alternative of Printing

 There are some alternative processes for applying colorful design

on fabric. But printing is the cheapest process that’s why it is
widely used. The other processes are……..
 By dyed yarn in form of woven fabric.
 Embroidery
 Knitted with colored yarn.
 Appliqué etc.

Yarn dyed Stripe Fabric Embroidery

Styles & Methods of Printing

Discharge Style
of Printing

Discharge printing is the process of using

water-based inks to bleach the
manufacturer’s dye out of a shirt and
replacing it with whatever dye color you
This kind of discharge screen printing is
done with water-based inks that soak into
the fabric, instead of just sitting on top of
it. Typically this is done with cotton tees
that are black, gray or darker in color.
The most widely used discharging agents
are the formaldehyde sulphoxylates
Resist Style of Printing
 Resist Prints involve a two-
step procedure
 Printing
 Piece dyeing

 Printing a pattern design in a white fabric

with a chemical (or) wax like resinous
substance which will prevent or resist the
penetration of dyes. (or)

 Tiny Puffs of fabric were pulled over a

pointed object, and waxed thread was tied
tightly below the small puff. Whenever the
fabric was to resist the color, it was tied
securely with the waxed thread.

Dyeing: After tying (or) printing the
desired design with was, the fabric was
dipped into a dye bath. If two, three (or)
more colors were desired, the thread was
removed and the fabric retied.
Flock Printing
Flock may be prepared from
many synthetic fibres by cutting
them accurately into pre-
determined lengths using a
suitable machine.
With cotton and wool fibres, it is
usually prepared by grinding and
lengths may be as short as
0.3mm (0.013 in). The flock may
be dyed or uncolored.
A suitable material is chosen to
form the base fabric for the flock
and the base material, and the
flock may be composed of the
same or different fibres.
Burn out printing, is a
fabric technique where
textiles and garments
Burn Out
Burn out possible on
blended fiber only.
Mostly used fabric is
of mixed-fiber
compositions undergo Style
1.60% polyester 40%
a chemical process to
2.40% polyester 60%
dissolve any cellulosic
fibers, leaving behind
only the synthetic
Protein based fiber (silk
fibers such as )+ Cellulose fiber
polyester. (viscose, cotton, Polyester
or + Other fiber
(But not polyamide.)
rayon) burn out chemical
Sodium hydroxide burn out chemical
solution Sodium dihydrogen

Polyamide(Nylon) +
Other fiber (But not
Polyester) . burn out
chemical Aluminium
Gel Printing
Gel printing is a
monoprinting technique
with a gel printing plate.
A gel printing plate,
sometimes called a gelli
plate, is a sort of soft
and sticky plate made
out of a polymer
Methods of Printing
Block printing is a method where the pattern was cut
into wooden blocks, or was built through an assembly
of metal stripes, nails and so on. The print paste is
applied to the design surface on the block and the
block then pressed against the fabric.
The process is repeated with different designs and
colors until the pattern is complete. The block printing
is used from time immemorial and is still being
practiced in all Asian countries as it can be done even
at homes by the people in their free time.
Block printing is a slow and laborious process and is not
suitable for high volume commercial use. This printing
method is used only at small scale or in cottage
industry and is not used at industrial scale because of
less flexibility and productivity.
• Printing
In this method, engraved copper cylinders or rollers are used
in place of handcarved blocks. When the rollers move, a
repeat of the design is printed on the fabric.
• Roller printing has traditionally been preferred for long
production runs because of the very high speeds possible. It is
also a versatile technique since up to a dozen different colors
can be printed simultaneously.
• The basic roller printing equipment consists of a number of
copper faced rollers in which the design is etched.
Roller Printing
• There is a separate printing
roller for each color being
• Each of the rollers rotates over
the fabric under pressure
against an iron pressure roller.
• A blanket and backing cloth
rotate over the pressure roller
under the fabric and provide a
flexible support for the fabric
being printed.
• A color doctor blade removes
paste or fibers adhering to the
roller after contact with the
fabric. After the impression
stage the fabric passes to the
drying and steaming stages.
Screen Printing Screen
Rotary Screen Printing
A printing machine that utilizes seamless
cylindrical screens made of metal foil was
originally developed in Holland. This process is
called rotary screen printing.

The machine employs a rotary screen for each

color, as in flat screen printing and the design
for each rotary screen is made in a manner
similar to automatic flat screen printing.
Rotary Screen Printing
Process Flowchart for Rotary Screen Printing
Fabric is fed into the printer section

The fabric passes under the rotating screens

Pumping of printing paste

Squeezing of print paste

The fabric passes into drying woven

Curing and Washing
Em b ro idery a nd screen print ing :
Emb r o ider y and screen print ing are t w o
pro cess es t hat occu r onl y if direct l y specif ie d
by t he cu st omer; t heref ore, t hese processe s are
co mmo nl y su bcont ract ed t o of f -sit e f acil it ies.
Embroider y is perf ormed u sing au t o mat ed
equ ipment , of t en w it h many machines
concu rrent l y embroid er in g t he same pat t ern on
mu l t ipl e g arment s.

 The sewing process is one of the most important steps

in garment production. It is responsible for joining
together all the pieces of fabric that make up a
garment. Without sewing, garments would simply fall
apart — along with the world we imagine.
Sewing can be done by:
 Hand
 Machine
Some common types of stitches include:
 Straight stitches
 Zigzag stitches
 Buttonholes
 Checking
 Spot Cleaning and Laundry
 Fusing and Pressing
 Packaging and Shipping
Fusing and Pressing
Spot Cleaning and Packaging and
Laundry Shipping
Woven Garments Factory (Denim)
Trims & Accessories factory
Fully Fashion(Sweater)
Fully fashioning:
Fully fashioning is a method (technique) & shaping a knitted structure
by increasing (+) & decreasing( -) the number of Wales or needles.

In Fully fashion there is no cutting but need to increase or decrease of

needle to create a shape.
Advantage & disadvantage of fully fashioning:

Advantage: Name of Fully fashioned knit

1. Zero wastage garments garments:
2. edgeless garments. •Sweater
3. No cutting section •Cardigan
4. No sewing section •Tights
5. We can repair the hole of garments. •Stockings
6. Save manpower & money •Lingerie, etc
7. From single M/c we can produce many designs.

The main disadvantage of fully fashion knitwear is low volume
production because operator has to increase & decrease the number of
needles for creating a shape.
Classification of Knitted Structure


Warp knitted
Weft knitted

Circular Flat Bed

Tricot Raschel
Knitting Knitting

Small Dia M/C

Hand Driven

Large Dia M/C

Power Driven
Flow chart of production Warehouse arrangement and yarn inspection.

proceeds of fully fashioned Winding section

knitwear Yarn cone distribution section

Knitting section

Knitted panel Inspection

Linking inspection

Linking inspection section

Linking continue/ trimming section

Light check Inspection

Mending section

Washing & Drying section

Pressing / Ironing section

Finishing section
Manufacturing Process of Sweater garments:

•Winding Section: Yarn comes into factory in two forms:

1)Hanks & b) Cone

Hanks to Cone transferring section are called Winding section.

•Yarn distributing center: After winding all yarns cone comes to this section.
Hanks to cone winding machine

•Knitting Section: All parts of sweater are knitting here.

•First Inspection: Every part of sweater is knitted in the knitting section and passed
them off First Inspection to get those checked whether each part is properly knitted
or not, and to get confirmed if any yarn is wasted.
•Linking Section: All garment parts joining to each other.

Dual linking machine

•Trimming Section or Mending Section: Extra yarn edge should be trimmed in this
•2nd Inspection: After trimming then it needs to check the garments.
•Light Checking: Thoroughly checked in the Second Inspection and then to light
checking with a view to ensuring if any hole is present in the sweater.
•Washing Section: Washing the garments for chemical hazards.

Washing machine
Hydro extractor Section: Squeezing the garments to remove water & garments
become dry.

Dryer Section: To dry the garments by dryer machine

•3rd Inspection: For Shrinkage check & Accurate measurement is tested in

the Third Inspection.
•Label attaching: The sweaters are passed through the labeling section,
where neck, care and size label are attached.
Steam Iron Section: Steam ironing for completion

•Quality Control Section: In the quality control section, where each part of sweater is
checked carefully, thus if the sweaters are found not up to the standard, they are sent
back to the Third Inspection section for mending the loopholes.
•Poly Packing Section: After quality checking needs to attach hangtag, price tag to
garments, then it turns into poly bag.
Two types of poly bag is used: 1) Blister poly 2) Single or solid poly.
•Packaging section: In this section, garments turn to carton means cartooning.
•Inspection by Buyer: After 100% completion of packaging, garments are checked by
the Buyer representatives according to AQL. Mainly 1.5 & 2.5 AQL is used but more
preferable AQL is 2.5.
Types of Machines used in sweater garments:

•Winding m/c.
•Knitting m/c.
•Linking m/c (Adjusting all parts).
•Over lock m/c.
•Washing m/c.
•Hydro extractor m/c (For water removing).
•Iron/ Steam Iron.
•Single needle lock stitch m/c ( For adjusting label)
Single Jersey/ Single Knit/ Plain Knit/ Basic Type
1) Appearance: Technical face has V shape stitch/ jersey stitch and Technical
back has semi circle stitch.
T/B () () () ()
Stitch diagram of Single Jersey:


Loop diagram of Single jersey:

Semi circle stitch is also known as purl stitch because it looks like purl.

Technical Face: Technical Back:

1) Edge curling: Normally occurs T/F to T/B in lengthwise direction but some times
occurs T/B to T/F in widthwise direction. The reason of it is yarn tension/ torque
because the back needles were inactive during manufacturing.

Edgecurling is a disadvantage because it hampers productivity in linking section.

Tension is a tightness or looseness factor of knitted structure.

Remedies of edge curling:

After knitting before linking use iron at the edges.
1) Dimensional stability: Dimensional stability is comparatively poor than other

Dimension means shape. After stretching the fabric if it recovers to original

shape dimensional stability is good and if does not recover properly stability is

Methods of increasing dimensional stability:

i. Increase loop density (for both light & heavy knit fabric)
ii. Apply resin finish (for light knit fabric, if buyer required because it stiff the

2) Unraveled: We can unrope the yarn from the both end.

3) Elasticity (stretch ability): Almost same/ equal elasticity both in lengthwise

and widthwise direction.

Laddering: Laddering can be repaired in flat bed knitting but not in circular
It is a defect which occur because of-
What is single knit fabric?

• Single knit fabric or single jersey is a general term for knitted fabrics
produced by the knitting machines using one set of needles only.
• The fabrics could be composed of different patterns, stitches, materials and
different weight and thickness.
Diagrammatic notation
Single Jersey

Graphical notation
Characteristics and properties of single jersey
• Plain jersey is produced by a single set of needles, drawing the
loops away from the technical back and towards the technical face side
of the fabric.

• The technical face is smooth, with the side limbs of the needle
loops having the appearance of columns of Vs in the wales.

• On the technical back, the heads of the needle loops and the bases of
the sinker loops form columns of interlocking semi-circles.
• The single jersey is a weft knitted fabric formed with face knit
stitches on the face side, and back knit stitches on the rear.

• The fabric has good extensibility in both length and a width

direction, but width-wise extensibility is usually much higher than
length-wise extensibility.

• The fabric curls at the free edges on flat surface-towards the front
at the upper and lower edges, and towards the back at left and right
• The fabric shrinks in width/circumference, and the
extent of shrinkage is about in the range of 25-40 per

• The fabric thickness is approximately twice the

diameter of the yarn used.

• Properties like rigidity, air permeability, bursting

strength and GSM of the fabric change with change in
loop length.
End uses
• Yarn /course can be unroved from start and end
of knitting.
Plain knit structures are used for basic t-shirts (men's and
ladies), undergarments , men's vests, ladies' hosiery, fully
fashioned knitwear, etc.
Double Knit Fabric:

• Double knit fabrics or double jersey are knitted

fabrics produced by machines using two set of
• They can be produced by:
1. Rib and non-jacquard machines
2. Interlock machines
2x2 rib

Fancy Rib (broad rib)

(1) Rib is produced by two sets of needles being alternately set
orated between each other.

(2) The simplest rib in (1 * 1) rib

(3) It is now normally knitted with two sets of latch needles and
known as double jersey fabric.

(4) Rib has a vertical cord appearance

(5) Relaxed 1 x 1 rib is twice as thick and half the width of an

equivalent plain fabric.

(6) 1 x 1 rib normally relaxes by 30% compound with its knitting

End Use: 1x1 rib
• Underwears
– It is common to use this structure for men’s underwear
such as the vest, knitted on 16 gauge with 20Ne cotton
– This gives a light weight and elastic fabric of 100-120
• Sweater
– In the cut and sewn knitwear group, 1x1 rib of the
medium gauges (7-12) knitted on wool or acrylic yarns
are for ladies’ jumper. For example 2/32 Nm acrylic yarn
on 12 gauge machine.
• Waist Band
– The rib cuff, waist band or neck strap of the sweaters
are usually 1x1 rib structure.
– All the rib top of socks are 1x1 rib plus rubber inlay.
Double Jersey/ Interlock:
If the plain stitches are one behind the other the fabric/ structure is
known double jersey.

Needle diagram of Double Jersey:

1) Appearance: Both sides
are same in appearance. Both
technical front and technical
back has V shape stitch/
jersey stitch.
1) Edge curling: This fabric also does not curl at the edges. Reason is that it is
more balanced fabric because all needles are active on both sides (T/F and
T/B bed). So tension is uniform on both sides.

2) Dimensional stability: Dimensional stability is very good.

3) Unraveled: We can unrope the structure from the end section only (because
it forms from double bed).

4) Elasticity: In comparison to other knit fabric; (especially rib) elasticity is

poor. Laddering can not be repaired in both flat bed knitting and
circular knitting. Because both side needles are active at opposite direction.

Density: In comparison to other knit fabric; density is heavier.

End Uses:
Normally for heavy knitwearinterlock is used because it is fitted.
Light knitted is preferred for sportswear (sports T-shirt) because it absorbs
sweat well and dimensional stability is good.
For ladies skirt. And also for tube fabric to make pocket.
Differences between Rib and Double
jersey knit: Rib Double Jersey

Has semicircle loops in Do not have semicircle

between V shape stitches at loops; only V shape stitches
both sides. at both sides.
Elasticity is good. Elasticity is poor.
Density is lighter than Density is heavier than Rib.
double jersey.
Dimensional stability is Dimensional stability is
good. better than rib.
It is mendable (Laddering It is not mendable
can be repaired)
Similarities between Rib and Double(Laddering
jersey knit:can’t be repaired)
1) Both
All side same
needles areinnot
active of All needles are active of both
2) Can be unroped the yarn from only the end section.
both beds. beds.
3) Edge curling does not occur.
4) Both are double bedded structure. Manufacturing by using
both T/F and T/B needle bed.
5) Made by two set of needle; i.e. dial needle and cylinder
Characteristics and properties of interlock
• Fabrics are dimensionally stable, heavy and costly.

• Machines have two beds. Machines may be flat or

circular, but generally circular.

• Minimum two yarns are needed to produce a fabric.

• Fabric has double faced as well as very stable structure.

• Fabric surface is smooth.

• Fabric is equally thicker to rib but much more compact.

• Fabric neither curls nor ladders.

End uses
Interlock fabrics are suitable for underwear, trouser,
suits, shirts and sportswear.

Derivatives of interlock structure

•• Eight lock,
Ponte- di-Roma,
• Ottoman rib,
• Bourrelet,
• Texi pique,
• Pin tuck,
Characteristics and properties of purl structure
• Alternative courses are made of all face loops and all back
loops. As a result, each wale is made of face loop and back loop
in an alternative order.

• Fabric has horizontal corrugation or rib appearance on the

surfaces, i.e. opposite to rib fabric.

• Fabric is reversible in appearance and has soft handle.

• Fabric has very high extensibility in length direction,

making it suitable for kidswear.

• Fabric does not curl at the edges because of alternate face

and back loop courses.

• Fabric thickness is theoretically double to that of a plain

End Uses
Purl fabric is suitable for children's clothing, knitwear, heavy
outerwear, golf sweaters and sportswear
Purl structure
ldentifieation of Single jersey and
Weft knitted fabrics may beapproximately divided into single or double
according to whether they were knitted with one or two sets of needles.

Single jersey fabrics have the folowing features :

• AIl face Ioops are in one side and alI back loops are in other side.
• Both sides are should be different appearance.

Double jersey fabrics have the following features-

• Both sides of the fabric contain only face loops (basic rib and interlock
fabrics) or only backloops (basic purl fabric) or combination of face and
back Ioops.

• Both sites are same appearance for basic and balanced structure, but
different on other structures

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