Lab 8

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University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

Department of Electrical Engineering

Power Electronics

Lab Manual 8

Simulation and analysis of Buck Converter and Boost converter using

semiconductor devices

Name of Student:

Reg. No.:


Rubrics Marks Obtained

Data Presentation 5
Data Analysis and interpretation 5
Total 10

Prepared By
Engr. Zainab Shahid Awan

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Lab Objectives:

The objectives of this lab are:

• To analyze the current and voltage graph of buck and boost converter
• To analyze the inductor current ripple and output voltage ripples.
• To study the effect of duty cycles at the output.
• To find the apparent power (Vrms(Irms)) from input and output powers.

Equipment Required:
• Laptop/Computer with MATLAB installed.

Buck converter:

Function Decrease voltages on output side

Limitation Maximum voltages on output equals the input voltages
Output 𝑉 = 𝐷𝑉𝑔
Ripple voltages ∆𝑖𝐿𝑇𝑆
∆𝑣 =
Ripple current 𝑉𝑔 − 𝑉
∆𝑖𝐿 = 𝐷𝑇𝑆

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Function Boost voltages on output side
Limitation 𝑉𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 = 𝑉𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 limited by practical losses.
Output 1
𝑉= 𝑉𝑔
Ripple voltages 𝑉
∆𝑣 =
Ripple current 𝑉𝑔
∆𝑖𝐿 = 𝐷𝑇𝑆

Lab Tasks:
Paste the circuits and results. Results should reflect your findings.

Task 1:

In the DC-DC buck converter shown the duty cycle of the controllable switch is 50 % and its
switching frequency is 10 kHz.
• Design a converter with following specifications:
o Resistive load of 4Ω o Current and voltage ripples should not be more
than 10% of output.
• Check rated currents and voltages of MOS and diode if they are within range.

Points to analyze:

• Graphs for currents and voltages.

• Inductor current ripple and output voltage ripples.
• Effect of duty cycles at the output
• Apparent power (Vrms(Irms)) of input and output.

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L1= (Vg – V)* DTs/ 2*I = (10-5)*0.5*0.0001/ 2*0.1 = 1.25mH
C1= Ts/8 = 0.0001/8 = 1.25mH
Pin = 6.03W
Pout = 5.94W
Efficiency = 93.5%
Vripples = (Vp – p/2)*100 / Vde = (0.918/2) / 4.82 = 2.03%
Iripples = Ip-p*100/Vdc = 8.48%

The attached photos show that the voltages and currents across diodes and MOSFET can be
handled easily.

Task 2:
In the DC-DC boost converter shown the duty cycle of the controllable switch is 50 % and its
switching frequency is 10 kHz.
• Design a converter with following specifications:
o Resistive load of 4Ω o Current and voltage ripples should not be
more than 10% of output.
• Check rated currents and voltages of MOS and diode if they are within range.
Points to analyze:
• Graphs for currents and voltages.
• Inductor current ripple and output voltage ripples.
• Effect of duty cycles at the output
• Apparent power (Vrms(Irms)) of input and output.

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L1= 10*0.5*0.0001/ 2*0.1 = 2.5 mH
C1= (10/0.5)*0.5*0.0001 / 2*4*0.1= 1250 microF
Pin = 96.9 W
Pout = 95.7W
Efficiency = 93.7%
Vripples = (0.193/2) *100 / 19.6 = 0.492%
Iripples = (0.583/2)*100/ 10.4 = 2.82%

All values are under limit.

Lesson Learnt:
In this lab I learnt about:
 Design of Buck and Boost Converter
 Deep Analysis of both Converters.

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