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Equations: A company manufactures two types of pr

eq.1 3x + y <= 9 (nickel) 3 grams of nickel and 1 gram of chromium
nickel and 2 grams of chromium. The firm
eq.2 x + 2y <= 8 (chromium) grams of chromium. The profit is Rs. 40 o
x and y >= 0 (non null Rs. 50 on each unit of type B. How many
constraint) manufacture so as to earn maximum pro
Objective Function:
Z = 40x + 50y

Solution to Equation:

eq.1 ----> 3x + y = 9
Sol1 -----> 3 0
Sol2 -----> 0 9

eq.2 ----> x + 2y = 8
Sol1 -----> 8 0
Sol2 -----> 0 4

Hence, the company will be enjoying maximum profits when

2 products of variety A and 3 products of variety B.
ufactures two types of products A and B. Each unit of A requires
l and 1 gram of chromium, while each unit of B requires 1 gram of
ms of chromium. The firm can produce 9 grams of nickel and 8
um. The profit is Rs. 40 on each unit of product of type A and
nit of type B. How many units of each type should the company
as to earn maximum profit? Use linear programming to find the solution.

On solving the objective function:

eq1--> 3 1 9
eq2--> 1 2 8

Solution-> 2
Hence eq1 and eq2 intersect at (2,3)

Putting different values in objective function:

At A(3,0)
Z = 40(3) +
Z = 120
aximum profits when it produces
of variety B. At B(2,3)
Z = 40(2) +
Z = 230

At C(0,4)
Z = 40(0) +
Z = 200



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