Live Tiktok UTBK 27 Oktober 2023

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Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

1. Mr. Albert ... a teacher since 2018.

A. Have
B. Has
C. have been
D. has been

2. I'm ... at the library right now.

A. Study
B. Studies
C. Studied
D. Studying

3. Moana ... guitar at the moment.

A. Plays
B. is playing
C. has played
D. has been playing

4. My dad always .... up at 4 o'clock

A. wakes
B. wake
C. waked
D. woke

5. Q: How do you go to school?

Y: We ___ the bus to school.
A. Rode
B. Ridden
C. Ride
D. Riding
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

The impact of electronic commerce in a developing country can be

helpful rather than detrimental. Electronic commerce has the
potential to tie developing countries into the rest of the world so they
are no longer considered outsiders. For example, electronic
commerce can enable more people to access products and services
that once were not available. Another benefit is that electronic
commerce stores are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As the
infrastructure for electronic commerce keeps growing, service that
was not offered in the past become available. Many of these benefits
have not been proven yet, but the technology may still be
detrimental in many developing countries; however, the constant
innovation of software and hardware will hopefully reduce these

Consumers in developing countries can benefit from electronic

commerce because they can buy products that could only be found
in major cosmopolitan cities. Electronic commerce is closing the gap
between countries that have a wide availability of products and
those with limited availability. The basic purpose of electronic
commerce is to provide goods and services to consumers who do not
live close to the physical location of the product or service and would
otherwise have a hard time acquiring these products and services.

Society and consumers alike have only begun to enjoy the benefits of
electronic commerce. Since new developments are made on a
continuous basis, it will eventually affect every individual. Some of
the benefits enjoyed by society and consumers, for example, are ease
of transaction, comparability of products, quick delivery, and the
ability to make any type of transaction at any given time of day.
Electronic commerce facilitates the delivery of public and social
services, such as healthcare, education, and the distribution of
government social services at a reduced cost, improving the quality
of care and living in these communities. For example, healthcare
services can reach patients in rural areas.
1. What is the topic of the text?
A. Government policy on electronic commerce
B. Type of business suitable for electronic commerce
C. The benefit of electronic commerce for developing countries
D. The gap between countries applying and not applying electronic
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

E. Minimum requirements of software and hardware for electronic


2. Which of the following statements is true according to both passages?

A. Plasmodium can make human red blood cells explode
B. P. Falciparum was more likely to cause severe symptoms
C. Malaria is a single-cell organism known as Plasmodium
D. Plasmodium falciparum is a type of malaria in Africa
E. Plasmodium vivax is leading to death

The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the world’s most amazing

landmarks. Rising high above the Sahara Desert in the Giza region of
northern Egypt, the Great Pyramid stands some 450 feet into the
burning desert sky and occupies of an area of 13 acres. The rough
climate of the Sahara has caused the pyramid to shrink 30 feet from its
original height. The pyramid was such an amazing feat of engineering,
that it remained the tallest structure in the world for over 3800 years!
The entire pyramid was originally faced with polished limestone to
make it shine brilliantly in the sun.
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

Most Egyptologists, scientists who study ancient Egypt, agree that the
Great Pyramid was built around 2560 BC, a little more than 4,500 years
ago. It took tens of thousands of workers twenty years to build. The
pyramid contains over two million stone blocks. Although most of the
blocks weigh two or three tons, some weigh up to 80 tons!

The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered built by the Pharaoh Khufu as
a magnificent tomb. His vizier (advisor) Hemon is credited with being
the pyramid’s architect. Khufu’s pyramid is part of a complex of
pyramids that includes the Pyramid of Khafre, the smaller Pyramid of
Menkaure, a variety of smaller pyramids and structures, and the Great
Sphinx. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the last remaining of the Seven
Wonders of the World.
3. How many stone blocks make up the pyramid?
A. 4,500
B. Over 2000,000
C. 2,560
D. 4,500
E. 2,000

In 2015, Indonesia’s Social Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that

40 percent of children in Indonesia who commit suicide do so as a
result of bullying. She added that she even knew of instances where
students had cut their wrists after being taunted to do so through text
messages from bullies. Three years earlier, in a 2012 survey released
by Indonesia’s National Child Protection Commission (KPAI), 87.6
percent of 1,026 participants polled reported they had been bullied
either physically or verbally in school. Many schools, the organization
found, are indifferent to bullying, considering it a natural part of their

Cyberbullying, on the other hand, is just a more technologically

advanced version of what numerous children in schools all over
Indonesia are already facing. And since Indonesia is advancing
technologically, Cyberbullying should be a worry. According to We Are
Social’s 2018 report, Indonesia has a 50 percent (132.7 million)
penetration rate of Internet users, 49 percent (130.0 million)
penetration rate of active social media users, 67 percent (177.9 million)
penetration rate of unique mobile users, and 45 percent (120 million)
penetration rate of active mobile social users. Visiting a social network
(which is naturally where most cyberbullying occurs) was placed as the
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

highest weekly online activity with 37 percent of said activity occurring

via mobile phones, and six percent by computer.
4. The word ‘taunted’ in the first paragraph has the same meaning as …
A. Weak
B. increase
C. insult
D. advance
E. penetrated

In 2015, Indonesia’s Social Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that

40 percent of children in Indonesia who commit suicide do so as a
result of bullying. She added that she even knew of instances where
students had cut their own wrists after being taunted to do so through
text messages from bullies. Three years earlier, in a 2012 survey
released by Indonesia’s National Child Protection Commission (KPAI),
87.6 percent of 1,026 participants polled reported they had been
bullied either physically or verbally in school. Many schools, the
organization found, are indifferent to bullying, considering it a natural
part of their culture.

Cyberbullying, on the other hand, is just a more technologically

advanced version of what numerous children in schools all over
Indonesia are already facing. And since Indonesia is advancing
technologically, Cyberbullying should be a worry. According to We Are
Social’s 2018 report, Indonesia has a 50 percent (132.7 million)
penetration rate of Internet users, 49 percent (130.0 million)
penetration rate of active social media users, 67 percent (177.9 million)
penetration rate of unique mobile users, and 45 percent (120 million)
penetration rate of active mobile social users. Visiting a social network
(which is naturally where most cyberbullying occurs) was placed as the
highest weekly online activity with 37 percent of said activity occurring
via mobile phones, and six percent by computer.
5. It can be said that the schools …
A. normalize the bullying action that occurred there
B. have prevented the bullying action
C. creating some counseling program for the victim of a bully
D. minimize the victim of a bully
E. prevent students from using cellphones during school time.
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris

People manage to count even when they do not have names for
numbers. Early men demonstrated numbers to each other by counting
their fingers and some primitive tribes still do this. Some tribes have
names for only the numbers “one” and “two” and can only indicate
higher numbers by pointing to a particular finger. In other tribes, the
numbers do have names, but these names are directly connected with
finger counting.
The text tells us about …
6. A. early demonstrations of numbers
B. the use of fingers in counting
C. the importance of numbers
D. primitive tribes
E. various names for the number

The United States and Mexico signed a peace treaty on February 2,

1848. Mexico had to give up much of its land to the U.S. The land
included Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. The treaty signers
did not know that James Marshall had just discovered gold in California
10 days earlier. Nobody knew this outside of the area near the
Sacramento River. One year later, everybody knew.

In 1849 the world heard about the gold discovery. Gold fever brought
thousands of people to California. We call the people who joined the
gold rush "forty-niners". They all thought they could become rich
quickly. They thought they could stay in California a
short lime and return home as wealthy people.

7. The main information of the text is about

A. a peace treaty between the U.S. and Mexico
B. James Marshall, the gold miner
C. the discovery of gold in California
D. the gold rush in the United Slates
E. the dream of the forty-niners to get rich quickly
Persiapan UTBK/SNBT: Literasi Bhs Inggris


The United States and Mexico signed a peace treaty on February 2,
1848. Mexico had to give up much of its land to the U.S. The land
included Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. The treaty signers
did not know that James Marshall had just discovered gold in California
10 days earlier. Nobody knew this outside of the area near the
Sacramento River. One year later, everybody knew.

In 1849 the world heard about the gold discovery. Gold fever brought
thousands of people to California. We call the people who joined the
gold rush "forty-niners". They all thought they could become rich
quickly. They thought they could stay in California a
short lime and return home as wealthy people.

8. From the text, we may conclude that…

A. Mexico regretted that it had to give up California to the U.S.
B. James Marshall did not publicly announce his discovery
C. a lot of "forty-niners" became rich within a very short time
D. California became a place where many foreigners lived
E. Mexico made great efforts to win California back

Rebecca Friedman earned her M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership and

Teaching the Adult Learner, and a post-Masters certificate in School
Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University’s School
of Education. Mrs. Friedman is currently a 5th-grade teacher at Ohr
Chadash Academy, a 3rd & 4th-grade teacher at Beth Am Religious
School, and an Adjunct Professor for Baltimore City Community
College, all located in Baltimore, Maryland. She has presented
Professional Development workshops on using American Sign
Language in the classroom at Hopkins, Beth Am, and Ohr Chadash. She
has also presented at the Baltimore Convention Center on this topic at
the annual AIMS and MANSEF conferences during Fall of 2011.
9. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. To introduce Rebecca Friedman
B. To describe John Hopkins University
C. To discuss Ohr Chadash Academy
D. To describe the Baltimore Convention Center
E. To introduce AIMS and Mansef

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