1716 - WEEK 3 Basic Tech Jss2

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A. Important guidelines to good construction

1. In technical drawing, all horizontal lines are drawn with a T-square and
all vertical lines are drawn with a set-square placed on a T-square.
2. When drawing a line with a triangle or set-square ensure that it’s edge
rest firmly on the edge of the edge of the T-square
3. Always ensure that the stock or head of the T-square. Slide firmly on the
left hand side edge (the square of the drawing board). The T-square
should never be used to draw a line in any other position
4. Use wall pointed pencil and take utmost care of draw lines through the
required points otherwise the result would be unsatisfactory.
5. In using dividers and compasses, avoid pressing the points deeply into
accuracy. Remember that a point has position only and should have no
6. In joining two points , adopt the following procedure;
a. With the pencil point, firmly placed on one point , slide the set-
square up.
b. Swing the lower portion of the set-square until the line ups the other
points on a straight line with the first point.
c. Check the second point for the alignment by putting the pencil on
d. . Draw the line joining the two points.
7. There is no alternative to constant practice, if you intend to draw
accurately, neat and fast.

B. Bisection of Lines
To bisect a line means to divide a line into two equal parts by construction
using a pair of compasses.
1. Draw a given line AB
2. With centers A and any radius greater than half of the line AB, draw
arcs above and below the line.
3. With Centre B, draw arcs of the same radius to cut the previous ones.
4. Draw a line through the intersection of the arcs , up and down.
5. The line drawn through the intersection of the arcs will bisect the
given line AB at C and D
N/B: A bisector is a line that divides a lines into equal parts.

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