What Is The Purpose of Operational Plans

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1. What is the purpose of operational plans? What are they base on ?

The purpose of the Operational Plan is to provide organisation personnel with a clear
picture of their tasks and responsibilities in line with the goals andobjectives contained
within the Strategic Plan. Basically, the Operational Plan is a plan for the
implementation of strategies contained within the Strategic Plan.

2. List 6 situation that will require an initial or an adjustment to an extending

operational plan
1. Introduction of a new product or services
2. Legislative changes
3. Business growth and contraction
4. Introduction of new systems
5. Changes in the market
6. New competitors
3. List the key of legislative requirements which may be consider in
operational plans across organization operating in the tourism travel
hospitality event industry
1. Hours of operation
2. Establishment of location

4. Give 2 examples of source documents which would help in researching

staffing requirements for an operation
1. What do we want to archive
2. How we want to archive
5. Give 2 examples of source of documents which may help in researching
production requirements for an operation
1. Consulation
2. Setting goals
6. Give 2 examples of source of documents which would help finance
requirements for an operation
1. Fund new operations
2. Use a budget when developing any kind of plan

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7. What are the principles of budgeting you will need to consider when
developing any operational plan ? list 5 factor this would commonly include
1. Staff costs
2. Production cost
3. Profitability
4. Impact of global financial situation
5. Marketing cost
8. List 4 stakeholders with whom you would discuss research and analysis of
resource and requirements
1. Internal customers
2. External customers
3. Government
4. Your project team management
9. Give 2 examples of source documents which would help in researching
resources stock

10.Which aspects relating to intellectual property must be consider when

planning projects as part of operational planning activities

11. List 2 ways in which consultation with stake =holder may occur

12. How does developing kpl help with the development of the operational
plan? List 2 options how kpl CAN be set or determined
It provide a clearly way defined way of measuring wherever the goal is
archive. It should be based on quantifiable measurements
13. How will you plan a budget for a plan to deal with any unforeseen incident
or unforeseen expenses? Which provisions can you employ to deal with
cost blows out due to contractors not meeting contrsctual scheduled or

14.Give 3 examples of strategies you can use when developing contingency


15. Why must your operational plan be approved before being implements

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16. What need to be consider when employing new staff inducting staff into
new roles to meet organizational requirements ? list 5 item you would
include in an induction pack

17. Give 3 examples of monitoring methods to ensure the work is proceeding

on time , within budget and being conducted safely

18. List 5 benefits of business of coaching and mentoring programs

19.Do operational plans cover the short to medium or medium to longterm

business goals

20.Give 5 examples of alternative resource usage effectively and waste

programs you should investigate when creating your operational plan

21. Why is it important to notify managers and upper level stakeholders as

soon as possible when variations are discovered? What would this need to
include accordingly

22. Give 2 example of financial reports you can use to monitor profitability.

23. What are the last 2 steps in managing under performance are :

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