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Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

Rahma SY, ST

ST 10200345

Department of Islamic Economic Bank Finance, International Open University

Dr Mansoor Danish

30 November 2022
Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

I. Introduction

Thibbun nabawi is a way of health treatment that comes from Prophet Muhammad with

syar’i arguments. Cupping, ruqyah syar’iyah and naturah herbal remedies are part of thibbun

nabawi. Health methods treatment that are courced from Quran and Sunnah are not only

effective for healing but also improve the body. So that impact is also not only to gain a healthy

but also to get an ideal body

Trend of the Prophet’s healthy lifestyle has a grown phenomena in the public society, this is

become the initial introduction to Mrs Zubaidah Rachman – an entrepreneur of Thibbun nabawi,

owner of Pondok Ummah. Someone who started studying thibbun nabawi form Ibnu Qayyim

books-The Prophet’s Medicine Method which to be practiced for her family then developed it

into a business

Pondok Ummah is a brand that was created from the quotes of Ibnu Qayyim about qanaah

and simplicity. Pondok is describe as a small hut, remembering that life purpose is Allah, doing

enough only for Allah and do the best for Allah’s sake. So, whoever someone who stay there

(patient or herself) will take dunya in hand not in his heart. Ummah come from the word of

mother, who will treat her family (patient) with care, gentle, kindness and then let trust to Allah

to do the rest – healing.

Pondok ummah establish from 2015, this business has been running for seven years and still

keep getting positive response. In addition to conveying the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, this

business also provided job opportunities for the local community by producing herbs and beauty

Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

II. Start the business

2.1. Marketing research

The practice of tibb nabawi in Palembang city is carried out at Rumah Bekam, there are

already 10 locations in town like as Holistic Medical Center, Rumah Bekam Wahida, Rumah

Bekam Asy Syifa and so on. Mrs Zubaidah is previosly joined the Holistic Medical Center, but

when the covid outbreak in 2019 made the place temporarily closed, she chooses to opening

cupping and herbal practices at her home to focus on continuing her abilities in tibb nabawi.

Without us realizing it, Allah only entrusts the test to those who are able. Therefore, often

children with special needs (autis) only God entrust to people who are capable both in terms of

mental, faith and financial. Children with autism require special care and special herbs. As well

as people who have a history of diseases such as autoimmune, myoma, endometriosis who feel

tired of the doctor's treatment with drugs and surgery will choose to thibb nabawi method.

The herb in thibbun nabawi can also used to improve appearance, woman who want to

get rid of double chains, wrinkles, belly fat, in order to get an ideal weight will try to this method

after comparing prices, result obtained, and side effect will do this treatment. Those who succeed

in getting the ideal/proportional body will promoting this and finally create an increasing the

number of this service. As a price comparison, the price that must be spent for 1 package of diet

products such as Herbalife is one million rupiah the same as the price of three times the diet

cupping therapy which shows significant results, specifically the waist circumference is reduced

by two centimeters.

2.2. Opportunity and constrain

Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

Government allow thibbun nabawi as a business by regulation of Permenkes No 15/2008

even issued a circular by SE No HK.02.02/IV.2243/2020 regarding the use of herbs/traditional

medicine for health maintenance, disease prevention, and health care when covid attack in 2020.

Cupping has two methods, dry cupping and wet cupping. The big different is wet cupping

is considered a minor surgary have a certain rule, so the one who gets allowed is the doctor. But

be a member of IIMF (international Islamic Medicine Foundation) will be enough to shade for

licencing. Mrs Zubaidah is also try to focus in cupping herbal without bleeding so there is no

need to be constrained by medical standards and sterilization

As an herbalist, Mrs Zubaidah is never feel enough to continue learn and research method

and find alternative herbs. The use of herbs that are carried out depend on the skills and expertise

of the herbalist. The efficacy of a method requires accuracy of diagnosis, drug formulation,

dosage determination, accuracy of how to use, indications and contradictions. That is the reason

why an herbalist needs to maintain her patient to find out the progress.

2.3. Business management

As a pure family business, controlled and operated by members ofine / several families,

this business using their own money without taking a loan from the bank.

Using the best raw materials is the key but it gains the cost. So, an herbalist will produce

it own using free space in her bhouse, know how to grow up, how to applicate the fertilizer and

the best time to cultivate their herbs.

Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

III. Business Product

3.1. Cupping

Focus on dry cupping with herbs / clay. Considered cupping as a medium to open the

pore of blood vessel to inject the effectts of herbs into the body. Dry cupping therapy can

improve the health and overall quality of life of the people by positively influencing their

physical and psychological health perceptions (Majeed Salman 2019).

Not only focusing on curing disease, cupping has developed into a process that can shape

body fat, almost half of the patients of Pondok Ummah are women socialite who want to look

better in her age doing beauty treatment like as remove wrinkles, belly fat and breast tighten.

3.2. Herbs

Tea or cha is an aromatic beverage prepared by pouring hot or biling water over cured or

fresh leaves. Dried flower like Crysanteum and lavender are used in this business. Based on

quistionnare research, 97,9% of respondents showing interest in consuming tea dried flower.

Even 71,45 of respondednt are accustomed to consume this tea, which may be influenced by

75% of respondendt think that dried flower tea is able to give a good impact on healthy and

beauty (Alysa Dewi 2019). Pondok Ummah create majoram tea,

Although herbs medicine has not been adequately proven by modern scientific studies,

from many experiences accumulated from clinical observations, herb combination may give

therapeutic benefits. (Molecules 2013)

Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

3.3. Beauty care

From herb, Mrs Zubaidah developed her abilityto produce soap, face masks and serums.

Soap product are made from charcoal mix by vegetable oil has been clinically tested and has a

pH of 7. This business has opened up job opportunities, recruite more than three person to

produce. Then she gave a licence to her friend who manufactures and doing markets this product.

Picture. Carcoal Soap product of Pondok Ummah

IV. Conclusion

Even though thibbun nabawi has not been clinically tested. That’s sunnah has been turned on

which in addition to providing health also has a positive impact as a business.


Dewi Alysasa & Iswanto Rendy (2019) Bisnis untuk Produk Teh Bunga “Beautea”: VICIDI Vol

9 No 1. (Page:1 -14)
Thibbun Nabawi, Business Potential Beginning to Sorround Up

Molecules (2013). Herb-herb combination for therapeutic enhancement and advancement:

theory, practice and future perspectives. Doi: 10.3390/molecules 18055125

Majeed Salman, Majeed Mahwash & Ajike Moshood Ameenat (2019) Traditional Medicine

Research 4(1):12-24

Rokom (2022, Oct 31) Langgar Ketentuan Kemenkes Kembali lakukan Sidak Penyehat


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