Promotion Strategy of IKIO Coffee As A Tourism Spot in Madiun City

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Dean Faiz Maulana

NPM 203106056





The Writer : Dean Faiz Maulana
NPM / Class : 203106056 / 6B
Study Program : English Study Program

has been approved by the final project report supervisors for further approval
by the Board of Examiners.

Madiun, ...............................

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Ita Permatasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. Jannatul Laily Noviabahari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0025039201 NIDN. 0028118705



The Writer : Dean Faiz Maulana
NPM / Class : 203106056 / 6B
Study Program : English Study Program

has been presented on seminar session on …..(day)…, …(date, month, year) and
APPROVED by the Board of Examiners :

No. Name Signature

Head of the Examiners

1. ...........................................
NIDN ....................

First member of the Examiners

2. ...........................................
NIDN ....................

Second member of the Examiners

3. ...........................................
NIDN ....................

Madiun, ...............................

The Head of Business Administration


NIDN ...............

Dean Faiz Maulana, 203106056, 2023, Promotion Strategies of IKIO Coffee
as a Tourism Attraction in Madiun City. English Diploma Three,
Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun.

This report discusses the promotion strategy of IKIO Coffee, one of the
tourism sub-sector in Madiun city. Tourism brings multiple benefit between
tourist, tourism travel agents, and tourism attractions including the facilities
and infrastructure that were provided by the community, private, or
government. Food and beverage have an important role in tourism, because it
generates profits and greatly supports other tourism sectors. Therefore, a
promotion strategy is needed to keep consumers coming. The writing method
used is descriptive qualitative method carried out with observing IKIO
Coffee, interviewing employees and documentations. The writer observed
and interviewed the supervisor and head barista at IKIO Coffee. In collecting
data, the writer found that the promotion strategis in IKIO Coffee was not
fully implemented. The implemented promotion strategies are publicity,
promotion sales and personal sales. For the public relation, IKIO Cofee is not
using it as it’s promotion strategy. Therefore, the writer hopes that IKIO
Coffee added public relation as it’s promotion strategy.

Keywords: Tourism, Food and Beverage, Promotion Strategy

Dean Faiz Maulana, 203106056, 2023, Promotion Strategies of IKIO Coffee
as a Tourism Attraction in Madiun City. Program Studi Bahasa Inggris,
Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Madiun.

Laporan ini membahas tentang strategi promosi IKIO Coffee, salah satu sub-
sektor Pariwisata di kota Madiun. Pariwisata membawa banyak manfaat
antara wisatawan, agen perjalanan wisata, dan daya tarik wisata termasuk
sarana dan prasarana yang disediakan oleh masyarakat, swasta, atau
pemerintah. Food and beverage memiliki peran penting dalam pariwisata
karena menghasilkan keuntungan dan sangat menj=unjang sektor pariwisata
lainnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi promosi agar konsumen tetap
datang. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan pendekatan metode kualitatif
deskriptif dengan mengamati IKIO Coffee, mewawancarai karyawan dan
dokumentasi. Penulis mengobservasi dan mewawancarai supervisor dan
kepala barista di IKIO Coffee. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis
menemukan bahwa strategi promosi di IKIO Coffee tidak sepenuhnya
terimplementasi. Strategi promosi yang terimplementasi adalah publisitas,
promosi penjualan dan penjualan pribadi. Untuk humas, IKIO Coffee tidak
menggunakannya sebagai strategi promosinya. Karena itu, penulis berharap
IKIO Coffee menambahkan humas sebagai strategi promosinya.

Kata kunci : Pariwisata, Food and Beverage, Strategi Promosi

APPROVAL SHEET.......................................................................................ii
APPROVAL SHEET......................................................................................iii
LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................ix
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................1
A. The Background of The Report.........................................................1
B. Problem of The Report........................................................................3
C. Objective of The Report......................................................................3
D. Scope of The Report............................................................................3
E. Significance of The Report..................................................................3
F. Time and The Place of The Report......................................................4
CHAPTER II....................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................5
A. Tourism..............................................................................................5
B. Tourism Attraction.............................................................................5
C. Food And Beverage...........................................................................6
D. Promotion Strategy............................................................................6
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................8
WRITING METHOD.......................................................................................8
A. Method...............................................................................................8
B. Report Procedure...............................................................................8
CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................12
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...................................................................12
A. General Description.........................................................................12
B. Findings...........................................................................................13
C. Discussion........................................................................................17
CHAPTER V..................................................................................................20
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................20
B. Suggestion........................................................................................20

LIST OF REFFERENCES.............................................................................22

Table I.1. of the report......................................................................................4

Figure II.1. 4 ways to do promotion.................................................................7
Figure IV.1Spots in IKIO Coffee...................................................................12
Figure IV.2 IKIO Coffee’s instagram stories.................................................13
Figure IV.3 IKIO Coffee’s instagram feed.....................................................14
Figure IV.4 Promo on IKIO Coffee’s birthday..............................................15
Figure IV.5 Discount package in IKIO Coffee...............................................16
Figure IV.6 Direct Marketing in IKIO Coffee...............................................16
Figure IV.7 Loyalty card IKIO Coffee...........................................................17

Appendix I : Surat izin penelitian..............................................................24
Appendix II : Interview guide.....................................................................25
Appendix III : Naskah hasil wawancara.......................................................26
Appendix IV : Naskah hasil wawancara.......................................................27
Appendix V : Documentation procedure....................................................28
Appendix VI : Documentation sheet............................................................29

A. The Background of The Report
The tourism sector has an important role as a source of foreign
exchange earnings, and can encourage national economic growth, especially
in reducing the number of unemployed and increasing the productivity of a
country. Based on Lickorish and Jenkins (2011:1), “tourism is an activity
which cuts across conventional sectors in the economy”. Tourism activites
bring multiple benefit between tourist, tourism travel agents, and tourism
attractions. This activities including the facilities and infrastructure that were
provided by the community, private, or government.
Tourism is an important economic sector in Indonesia. In 2009, tourism
ranked third in terms of foreign exchange earnings after oil and gas
commodities and palm oil. Based on 2022 data from Indonesian Statistic
Center (BPS), the number of foreign tourists who came to Indonesia grew by
2.028,65% compared to the previous year. When compared to the previous
month, the number of foreign tourists visit in August 2022 also increased by
The tourism industry’s major function is to serve travellers. Its success
depends on the positive inter-relationships of all sectors. Camilleri (2017:6),
defined that “tourism comprises four main sectors: (i) Transportation (ii)
Accommodation (iii) Ancillary Services and(iv) Sales and Distribution”. All
of those sectors really help the development of tourism both for tourists,
service providers, and the government.
Every tourism sector certainly requires supporting facilities to support
the running of the sector, and these supporting facilities are ancillary
services. “Ancillary services are public facilities that can be used by tourists
to support the implementation of a tourism activity such as ATMs, banks,
houses hospitals, telecommunications and others” (Sunaryo, 2013).

Shopping, catering and wifi facilities are included as important aspects of the
tourism product. As ancillary aspects, the access to business centres,
interpreters, financial services and communication facilites may also be
necessary requirements in tourist destinations.
One of main ancillery service’s sub sector is food and beverage. “Food
and beverage is a way of arranging, decorating and serving food using the
right tools and providing services when customers enjoy food and drinks at
the dining table” (Waryono, 2018). For many travelers, the consuption of
food and drink forms an important part of the travel experience. Usually,
tourists consumption patterns change when they are away from home. Many
tourists gain great enjoyment from dining out, particularly, if they are not in
the habit of doing this at home, whilst other may decide to consume
convenience foods.
Every tourism product that written above are supporting each other,
without any of it, tourism activity will not work correctly. To support every
tourism product, every related parties must find ways to attract tourist to
come to their place, this can be done by using promotional strategies..
In facing business competition, companies need a promotion strategy.
Based on Saladin and Oesman (2002:123), “Promotion is a communication
of seller and buyer information aims to change attitudes and behavior of
buyers information aims to change attitudes and behavior of buyers, which
previously did not get to know get to know so to be a buyer and remember
the product”. The main goal of a company is achieving profit and this can
also be used as a benchmark for success or failure of a company in achieving
its goals.
One of the culinary tourism attraction in Madiun City is Ikio Coffee.
Ikio Coffee is an F&B place with a garden concept but there is also an indoor
room. Ikio Coffee is one of the popular coffee shop in Madiun City, many
Instagram media highlight it, such as @ngopidimadiun, @sam_kuliner and
@arimadione. Besides that, ikio coffee was visited by the former governor of
DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan during a working visit in the city of madiun. To
keep the crowd, of course this place needs a good promotion strategy.
Therefore, the writer made an educational work and useful discussion
by forming the Final Project Report entitled “Promotion Strategies of IKIO
Coffee as a Tourism Attraction in Madiun City”.
B. Problem of The Report
Based on the background of the report, the writer recognized the
problem to discuss. The problem of the report is:
How is the promotion strategies of IKIO Coffee as a tourism attraction
in Madiun City?
C. Objective of The Report
The Objective of the report is as follows:
To know the promotion strategy of IKIO Coffee as a tourism attraction
in Madiun City.
D. Scope of The Report
This report mainly focused on discussion about the the promotion
strategy of IKIO Coffee that can make the place always busy with visitors.
E. Significance of The Report
1. For the Writer
a. To develop the knowledge about promotion strategy of IKIO
2. For State Polytechnic of Madiun
a. To fulfill Final Project Report in State Polytechnic of Madiun
to get Diploma Three Degree.
b. To increase the English Program Student’s knowledge of
English Program especially about tourism.
3. For The Reader
a. To inform the readers about the promotion strategy for F&B
place in Madiun City
F. Time and The Place of The Report
This report wrote in Madiun City by visiting IKIO Coffee. This report
done in seven months during January until July 2023. It started from pre
asssignment survey, Establishment of theme and title, literature review,
proposal preparation, collecting data, precessing data, and final project
Table I.1. Time Of The Report
No Activities January February March April May June July
1 Preparation
2 Title
3 Data Collecting

4 Proposal
5 Proposal
6 Final Project
7 Final Project
8 Final Project
9 Final Project
10 Finish stage
A. Tourism
According to Isdamanto (2017:3), tourism is an activity with the motive
to filling spare time, having fun, relaxing, studying, religious activities, and
for sports activities. In addition, all these activities provide benefits for the
perpetrators, both physically and psychologically, termporarily and in the
long term, as well as for their long-term prospects (sustainable tourism).
Moreover, Fonseca et al. (2016:1), defined that tourism is a complex
phenomenon involving a wide range of people, increasingly seeking for new
and unique experiences in order to satisfy the most diverse motives, reason
why the worls tourim landscape has been changing in the last decades. As a
further matter Ajith (2021:2), defined that tourism is the nodal agency
responsible for coordinating the activities of various agencies related to
tourism, they have an important role to play in framing, and maintaining
policies related to tourism and allied activities in the country.
Based on the explanations above, it can be defined that tourism is a
complex phenomenon of activites, which involving a wide range of people
with each motive, in orser to play in framing and maintaining policies related
to tourism and allied activities in the country.
B. Tourism Attraction
According to Sari et al. (2019:65), tourism attraction is a type of
tourism that has just been developed in Indonesia. This tour is prioritized for
tourists who have special motivation. Thus, tourists must have the expertise
to hunt, mountain climbing, rafting, medical purposes, agro-tourism, etc.
Moreover, Yuliati et al (2018:536), defined that tourist attraction is the main
focus of tourism activity trigger in a destination. A tourist attraction as a
prime driving factor can motivate tourists to visit such a site. A potential
tourist attraction has several objectives, including generating benefits, either
in terms of economic benefits such as foreign exchange and economic growth
or in terms of social benefits such as improving people’s welfare and
eliminating poverty.
Based on the explanation above, tourism attraction is a tourism that
main focusing on special attraction, which trigger and motivate the tourist to
visit the place. Therefore, it can develop the preservation, national identity,
and natural environment of tourism.
C. Food And Beverage
Based on Davis et al. (2018:22), “The provision of food and beverages
away from home forms a substantial part of the activities of the hospitality
industry and, indeed, of the economy as a whole”. Like the industry of which
it is a major part, food and beverage operations are characterized by their
diversity. Outlets include private and public sector establishments and rage
from small independently owned and operated units to large multinational
corporations managing global brands and from prison catering to catering in
the most luxurious hotels in the world.
It is however very difficult to get hold of consistent statistics about the
hospitality industry and about food and beverage operations as there is no one
single definition of what the boundaries of the various industry sectors and
subsectors are and therefore what should and should not be included.
D. Promotion Strategy
Adefulu (2012:20), defined that “Promotion is one of the key factors in
the marketing mix and has a key role in market success. Promotion is used to
ensure that consumers are aware of the products that organization is
Based on Alexandrescu and Milandru (2018:273), promotion strategy is
one of the action areas of marketing, being expressed through a set of
activities and means of informing and attracting potential buyers to points of
sale in order to meet their needs and desires and, implicitly, to increase the
economic efficiency of the activity of the producing entity. There are 4 ways
to do a promotion:


Promotion Sales Public Relations Personal Sales Publicity

Figure II.1
4 ways to do promotion (Alexandrescu and Milandru, 2018:273)

a. Promotion Sales
Promotion sales are intended to increase the speed or volume of
sales, with a faster and stronger reaction from consumers.
b. Public Relations
Public relations represent a set of activities used to create,
maintain, and influence a favorable activity for the organization.
c. Personal Sales
Personal sales offer specific motivations which the other elements
of the marketing mix cannot offer specifically. It is complementary to
advertising, but its relative importance depends on the nature of the
product and the behavior of the customer.
d. Publicity
Publicity is that form of promotion represented by a complex of
activities designed to make products or services known or appreciated
by consumers/users, or to form favorable attitudes towards an idea,
action, theory,etc.
Based on the explanation above, promotion strategy is one of the action
areas of marketing and has a key to a role in market success to increase the
economic efficiency of the activity of the producing entity.
A. Method
This final project report used descriptive qualitative method.
Qualitative data analysis involves sorting and categorizing field notes and
interview transcripts in a systematic way, Williamson et al. (2018:484). The
goal was transforming raw data into findings or results. In other words,
qualitative data analysis was the way of researcher make senses with the data
that they have collected, in order to communicate their findings to others.
According to Bryman in Azungah (2018”2), the qualitative approach
highlights “contextual understanding” with an emphasis that researchers
usually seek to understand the “behaviour, values, beliefs, and so on in terms
of the context in which the research is conducted”
Vaismoradi et al. (2016:100), defined that qualitative research as a
group of approaches for the collection and analysis of data arms to provide an
in-depth, socio-contextual and detailed description and interpretation of the
research topic.
Based on the definitions of qualitative report method, the writer used
descriptive qualitative report to solve the problem of the report. Based on the
purpose and final project report about: “Promotion Strategies of IKIO Coffee
as a Tourism Attraction in Madiun City”, the writer chose descriptive
qualitative as the method. The reason is to get real information in field and
describe in narration, tabulation, visible image, and others to describe as
purpose of this final project report.
B. Report Procedure
1. Problem Review
On this report, the writer focused on promotion strategies of IKIO
Coffee. The writer explain about how is the promotion strategies of
IKIO Coffee.

2. Data Sources
The writer took the data from the interview with IKIO Coffee
supervisor and employee by exploring the appearance, condition, and
events, directly and non-directly related to tourism; and documentation
by get some data or pictures about IKIO Coffee.
There are two types of data to get information, which is accurate
and appropriate, such as:
a. Primary Data
Primary data are the data that can give valuable information
directly. In other words, the primary data is giving prominent data
related to reporting problems (Sugiyono, 2008). For the primary
data, the reporter uses observation, documentations, and
interviews. In a qualitative report, observation, documentations
and interviews results can be used as the strongest source to get
information. In this report, the writer took the data from
documentation and interviews with supervisor and employees of
IKIO Coffee.
b. Secondary Data
According to Doughlas in Ajayi (2017:2), secondary data is
the data already collected or produced by others. But the most
important difference is that primary data is factual and original
whereas secondary data is just the analysis and interpretation of
the primary data. While primary data is collected with an aim for
getting solution to the problem at hand, secondary data is
collected for other purposes. The writer used secondary data to
support primary data that has been obtained such as internet,
literature, journals, and books, which related to the problem of
the report.
3. Data Collecting
On this report, the writer used some collecting data techniques, as
a. Interview
According to Adhabi (2017:3), as complex as the concept
appears to be, the interview can be simply described as a form of
consultation where the researcher seeks to know more of an issue
as opinionated by the individual being asked (Adhabi, 2017).
Based on the explanation, the writer used the interview by giving
some questions on three subjects, which is the supervisor and the
employee. The interview instrument sheet can be seen in
appendix 2
b. Documentation
According to Harsono in Sondak et al. (2019:671),
documentation is data retrieval that processed through
documents. The documentation method is used to collect data
from document sources that may or even contradict with
interviews and observations. On this report, the writer visited
IKIO Coffee to collect the documentation in the form of pictures,
related to the data needs in IKIO Coffee.
4. Data Processing
The writer has several processes to report this final project report
with Promotion Strategies of IKIO Coffee as a Tourism Attraction in
Madiun City. There were several steps to process the data analysis,
which presented as follows:
a. First, the writer made a group of files based on the time and
place where the files was got, and classified it based on the
type of files, such as document, audio, and photo
b. Second, the writer transcribed, analyzed, sorted, and
arrranged all information from the audio of interview with
all informants that related with the report.
c. Third, the writer sorted the result of photos, based on the
appropriateness and fitness with data need, in order to
support the Final Project Report.
d. Fourth, the writer cross checked all of the collecting data
result, before including it to the Final Project Report.
e. Last, the writer inputted the data on the Final Project Report
based on the needs and plans of the writer and made the
conclusion for all problems of the report.
A. General Description
Madiun City has some serving beautiful and contemporary tourist
destinations. Many tourist are starting to come for visit and enjoy various
tourist attractions that present a pleasant holiday sensation. The tourist
attractions are also supported by various sectors, one of which is the culinary
One of the famous f&b place in Madiun City is IKIO Coffee. IKIO
Coffee is a f&b that has a place with an attractive garden design and provides
lots of food and drinks. The menu that is mostly served at IKIO Coffee is
coffee-based drinks such as black coffee, milk coffee, cappuccino, espresso
and latte, but IKIO Coffee also provides other non-coffee-based menus.
Besides being a place to enjoy coffee, IKIO Coffee is a very suitable place to
work, exchange information, or just hang out.

Figure IV.1
Spots in IKIO Coffee

IKIO Coffee is also a place that is often highlighted by several culinary
media in the city of Madiun such as @samkuliner, @ngopidimadiun,
@madiunngemil and @arimadione. this place was also visited by former
governor of jakarta anis baswedan during a working visit to the city of
B. Findings
This sub chapter focused on the data displays from the report about the
promotion strategy in IKIO coffee. The data were collected from the
documentations and interview with the supervisor and employee at IKIO
coffee. IKIO Coffee used various type of promotion strategies such as:
1. Publicity
Based on the interview, documentation and observation that has
been done, the writer found that IKIO Coffee did publicity through
instagram stories everyday to inform opening and closing hours, to
promote product, discount or just to update current condition in IKIO
Coffee, so the viewers are interested and wanting to visit IKIO Coffee.

Figure IV.2
IKIO Coffee’s instagram stories

Every morning, IKIO Coffee uploaded opening and closing hours

to inform people. IKIO Coffee promotes product that are being
highlighted and also upload a post if there is a promo on that day.
Besides instagram stories, IKIO Coffee also doing promotion
through instagram feed. The contents in the instagram feed are to
promote new products, inform about existing promos or just to show
some updates. IKIO Coffee are uploading new post at it’s instagram
feed about 3-4 content every week.

Figure IV.3
IKIO Coffee’s instagram feeds

When IKIO Coffee releases new product, the product will be

prepared as best as possible and then photographed or videographed by
the content creator team before uploaded it. For several events, all
employees at IKIO Coffee also upload the advertisement to their
personal WhatsApp stories, this is done to spread the information more
widely. For the existing promos, the post will be erased after the promo
is over. Publicity promotion in IKIO Coffee is targeted to all social
media users and does not target specific customers.
2. Promotion Sales
Based on the interview and documentation that has been done,
the writer found that IKIO coffee uses promotion sales as one of it’s
promotion strategies. IKIO Coffee giving product discount at special
days or some hours on regular day. This promotion is carried out to
attract more visitors or to upsell products that are less desirable to
For some days like IKIO Coffee’s birthday, IKIO Coffee gave
discount promo to celebrate and also to promote IKIO Coffee to the
customers. However, the discount are only for customers who want to
dine in and not for take away. The target of this promotion are all the
customers who visit IKIO Coffee.

Figure IV.4
Promo on IKIO Coffee’s birthday

IKIO Coffee gives discounts to customers at certain hours. This

promo is carried out for upselling products which of course will be
interesting to customers if there is a price discount. This promo is valid
for every purchase of selected food and drink packages at lunch time.
The target of this promotion is to attract people who are looking for a
good place to hang out or work and are in need of lunch.

Figure IV.5
Discount package in IKIO coffee

3. Personal Sales
Based on interview that has been done with supervisor and
employee at IKIO Coffee, the writer found that IKIO Coffee using
personal sales as it’s promotion strategy. IKIO Coffee’s employee
suggests several menus to visitors while they are choosing menu to

Figure IV.6
Direct marketing at IKIO Coffee

IKIO Coffee employees will suggest new products, less desirable,

or products that are in great demand by other visitors, which will attract
customers to buy the suggested products. This promotion is targeted at
every customer who comes and is seen choosing a menu, and is not
done for customers who already know what menu they will order.
Apart from suggesting products directly to customers, IKIO
Coffee also provides loyalty cards. This loyalty card is given to loyal
customers who always visit IKIO Coffee. Customers who have loyalty
cards will get discounts on selected menus, this will make customers
continue to visit IKIO Coffee and get profits from it.

Figure IV.7
Loyalty Card IKIO Coffee

Free loyalty cards are only given to really loyal customers that
are already close with the employees, and there is no expired date for
this loyalty card. Regular customers must pay to get loyalty card, and
the cards have an expired date. So if the customers wants to renew the
loyalty card, they must pay again.
4. Public Relation
After doing interview with the supervisor of IKIO Coffee, the
writer found that IKIO Coffee does not using public relation as it’s
promotion strategy, IKIO Coffee does not use it because there is no
need that requires public relations as a promotion strategy.
C. Discussion
In this sub-chapter, the writer discussed about the promotion strategies
at IKIO Coffee. The data were obtained through documentations and
interviews with the supervisor and employee. The writer discussed the
problem statement that the writer took, namely how is the promotion
strategies of IKIO Coffee as a tourism attraction in Madiun City.
1. Publicity
Based on Apuke (2018:32), publicity implies communication
about a product or organization by the placing of news about it in the
media without paying for time and space directly. IKIO Coffee used
Instagram social media to carry out promotions, the methods used are
through Instagram stories and feeds. The Contents uploaded by IKIO
Coffee are contents such as product advertisements, discount promos
that are currently at IKIO Coffee and opening and closing hours. If
there are no advertised products and no discount promos, IKIO Coffee's
Instagram posts are just the activities of employees and the atmosphere
of IKIO Coffee's customers. The contents uploaded by IKIO Coffee are
contents that have previously been designed in such a way by the
content creator team. For some special promos, all of the employees
will upload promotional advertisements through their personal social
media accounts.
2. Promotion Sales
Gedenk et al. (2009), defined that promotion sales are a
marketing tool for manufacturers as well as for retailers. For promotion
sales, IKIO Coffee conducts promotions by giving discounts to
customers on certain special days, as for special days such as IKIO
Coffee's birthday, Chinese New Year, etc. IKIO Coffee also provides
promos to customers at certain times such as during lunch hours. with
the discount, people will come to IKIO Coffee for lunch and it is hoped
that they will promote IKIO Coffee to their friends and relatives in the
future which will have an impact on increasing sales at IKIO Coffee
3. Personal Sales
According to Abdul (2012), personal sales is a two-way
communication that involves social interaction with prospective buyers.
It is complementary to advertising, but its relative importance depends
on the nature of the product and the behavior of the customer. IKIO
Coffee uses personal sales to promote its products. Employees will
offer visitors who are selecting a menu of recommended products,
products that are in high demand, and products that IKIO Coffee will
be upselling.
Besides doing promotions directly to customers who visits, IKIO
Coffee provides loyalty card that can be obtained for free by IKIO
Coffee loyal customers. The advantage that can be obtained with this
loyalty card is a permanent discount on selected products. For IKIO
Coffee customers who don't have a loyalty card and want one, they are
required to pay a certain amount of money to get a loyalty card. The
loyalty card that is obtained has a usage time limit and if it has
exceeded the limit, the customer must pay again to get a new loyalty
4. Public Relation
Sitepu (2011), stated that public relations is face to face
relationship between groups in an order. The writer found that there is
no type of this promotion being used at IKIO Coffee.
The writer found that IKIO Coffee used 3 types of promotion strategy
which is publicity, promotion sales and personal sales, and not using public
relation as it’s promotion strategy.
A. Conclusion
Based on the previous chapter, the writer concluded that from the 4
types, IKIO Coffee only apply 3 types of promotion which is publicity,
promotion sales and personal sales. IKIO Coffee used publicity with
instagram as it’s daily promotion media to advertise, and the promotion sales
were only meant for customers who came to IKIO Coffee and people who
watched the advertisement in instagram. IKIO Coffee also apply personal
sales as it’s main promotion strategy to sell product one by one to each
customers. For the public relation, IKIO Coffee didn’t use it. IKIO Coffee
applying good promotion strategies in order to increase the volume of sales.
The implementation of the promotions are carried out by all the employees at
IKIO Coffee from supervisor, barista, cashier, waitress and kitchen crew..
B. Suggestion
1. For the State Polytechnic of Madiun
The writer hopes that this final project report can be used as a
literature, refference, and a learning resource in the library of the State
Polytechnic of Madiun.
2. For IKIO Coffee
a. The writer hopes that IKIO Coffee can always improve its
promotion to increase the volume of sales
b. The writer hopes that IKIO Coffee maintained and
improved the quality of its product and advertisement to
keep the visitors
3. For the next writer
a. The writer hopes that this final project report can be used as
a reference to enhance knowledge.
b. The writer hopes that this final project report can be used as
literature and learning source to study
c. The writer hopes that in the future, the next writer can write
a better final project report
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2


Observation : Promotion strategies

Place : IKIO Coffee

Date : Thursday, 8th June 2023

No Aspects Results
1. Promotion sales In the observation the writer found that IKIO Coffee
implemented promotion sales to promote the products.
The writer can see the pamphlet of the lunch promo neaer
the cashier and almost every customer giving attention to
2. Personal sales In the observation the writer found that IKIO Coffee
implemented personal sales mostly to female customers
who are still looking the menu book. the cashier will
suggest some menus to those customers.
Appendix 3

Interview Guide

In the previous part of this final project, the writer already mention the
method that used, in order to get a data from resources. In here, the writer
have planning before doing the interview itself. The writer prepare several
steps in collecting data by doing interview are:

Framewor Components No Questions

k .
Promotion Promotion sales 1 In order to increase the speed and
strategy volume of sales, does IKIO Coffee
use promotion sales?
2. If yes, how is the proccess of the
promotion sales that IKIO Coffee use
to achieve more sales?
3. Why does IKIO Coffee use it?
Does IKIO Coffee gets benefit from
it? And
4. How much is the impact of this
promotion in IKIO Coffee
Personal sales 1. Does IKIO Coffee use public
relations as an instrument to do
2. promotions?
If yes, what kind of promotion that
3. IKIO Coffee use?
4. Why does IKIO Coffee use it?
What is the advantage and
disadvantage of this promotion?
Public relation 1. To promote the products, does IKIO
Coffee use personal sales?
2. How is the proccess of the personal
sales that IKIO Coffee use?
3. Does IKIO Coffee get benefits from
doing this?
4. How big is the role of this promotion
in selling IKIO Coffee products?
Publicity 1. Does IKIO Coffee use publicity as a
promotion instrument?
2. Does it have a big impact in selling?
3. Is there any target for marketing?
4. How big is the impact of this
promotion in IKIO Coffee
Appendix 4


Waktu : Kamis, 1 Juni 2023
Tempat : IKIO Coffee
Narasumber : Faiz Putra Setiawan
Sebagai : barista &supervisor
P : Penulis
N1 : Narasumber 1
P Permisi kak sebelumnya saya Faiz, Mahasiswa dari Politeknik Negeri Madiun
mohon izin untuk mewawancarai mas Faiz untuk bahan penelitian tugas akhir
saya dengan judul promotion strategy of ikio coffe as a tourism attraction
in madiun city. Yang pertama saya ingin menanyakan apa saja sih mas
promosi yang dilakukan oleh IKIO coffee itu?
N1 Untuk IKIO coffee kita mempromosikan lewat media sosial seperti instagram
P Oke kalau promosi lewat media sosial itu apakah ada prosedur prosedurnya
atau targetnya sehingga mempengaruhi konten itu sendiri?
N1 Kalau untuk targetnya kita tidak ada, karena kita mempromromosikan kepada
customer yang ingin membeli ke kita, kita ada free makanan atau minuman
P Kalau selain dari media sosial itu ada nggak mas?
N1 Tidak ada
P Mungkin collab ketika ada event?
N1 Ada, seperti event musik atau event-event seni rupa bisa kita sponsorin
P Berarti sebagai sponsor gitu ya mas?
N1 Iya
P Lalu kalau promosi langsung kepada customer itu ada atau tidak?
N1 Kalau promosi kepada customer, kita sebelum mengupload yang ada di media
sosial kita ngobrol dengan customer ada promo misal hari senin, ada potongan
untuk makanan atau minuman
P Mungkin terkait hal itu nanti saya bisa langsung interview dengan kasir ya
Lalu kalau proses promosinya sendiri untuk konten instagram itu bagaimana
sih mas? Dari sebelum upload sampai setelah upload
N1 Untuk prosesnya kita upselling produk yang kurang diminati oleh customer
kita, kita upselling itu biar customer tertarik sama produk kita
P Berarti Untuk kontennya itu lebih memprioritaskan produk baru atau lama
yang sekiranya kurang laku?
N1 Iya
P Lalu IKIO Coffee meningkatkan kecepatan dan volume penjualan itu selain
dari promosi media sosial itu tadi ada lagi atau tidak?
N1 Kita ada loyalty untuk temen-temen yang sering ngopi disini untuk
meningkatkan penjualan juga, agar sering ngopi disini kita kasih potongan lima
ribu, sepuluh ribu
P Berarti untuk customer yang sering banget datang kesini, IKIO Coffee
memberikan loyalty. Jadi setiap mereka beli dapat potongan gitu ya mas
N1 Iya
P Yasudah mas kalau begitu terima kasih, mungkin nanti saya lanjut interview
dengan kasir
N1 baik mas, sama sama
Appendix 5


Waktu : Kamis, 1 Juni 2023

Tempat : IKIO Coffee
Narasumber : Huda Salafi
Sebagai : head barista & supervisor
P : Penulis
N1 : Narasumber 2
P Permisi mas sebelumnya boleh minta waktunya sebentar buat interview
N1 Boleh
P Saya Faiz, mahasiswa dari Politeknik Negeri Madiun minta waktunya sebentar
buat bahan saya mengerjakan tugas akhir dengan judul strategi promosi di
IKIO Coffee sebagai daya tarik sub-sektor pariwisata di Kota Madiun.
Promosi yang dilakukan IKIO itu apa aja?
N1 Yang pertama kita promosi tempat ya, karena kalau coffee shop harus punya
tempat dulu, dengan teknik sosial media kita pamer vibe nya. yang kedua kita
ngadain promo untuk menarik pelanggan supaya bisa memperkenalkan pada
P Contoh promonya kayak apa mas? Kaya yang ada sekarang ini?
N1 Iya, paket bundling, paket makan siang, dulu pernah ada promo Kopi Pagi jam
8 sampai jam 12 siang
P Oke saya ingin menyoroti yang selain dari sosial medi adulu mas, untuk yang
promosinya selain promo itu apa lagi
N1 Gak ada
P Kan waktu HUT ikio ada diskon, lalu sekarang juga ada disokon, itu penentuan
waktunya gimana sih mas untuk pemilihan tanggal promo
N1 Itu tegantung event nya, kayak kemarin ulang tahun. Kita traktiran dengan
diskon 50% untuk semua minuman. lalu ada event puasa kita pakai bundling
promo buka puasa. Ya seperti itulah kalau ada event event tertentu
P Kalau untuk promosi yang direct marketing itu ada nggak mas?
N1 Untuk itu kita nge upselling menu yang kurang populer, jadi lisan ke lisan
misal ada customer yang bingung mau pesan apa, itu kita arahkan mau cari
yang coffee atau non coffee trus mau yang soda atau yang tea. Lalu yang kedua
itu kita harus menghafali minat customer supaya target pasar kita itu tercapai
P Kalau yang selain itu kan di ikio itu juga ada sistem loalty card gitu mas, itu
gimana prosesnya
N1 Itu jatuhnya sebagai reward sih kepada customer yang sering ke ikio kan
beberapa juga sering ke ikio kayak temen temen pelanggan tetap, kita punya
reward buat mereka, tanda terima kasihnya ya kita kasih potongan harga lewat
loyalty card. mungkin loyalty card juga bisa dijadikan promosi untuk temen
temen yang mau ngopi di ikio dengan diskon tapi dengan cara ada pendaftaran
khusus, ada fee nya juga, berlakunya cukup lama mungkin bisa sampai setahun
atau nunggu pembaruan lagi
P Lalu sekarang saya masuk yang promosi media sosial ya mas. Di ikio coffee
itu kalau promosi menggunakan media sosial itu pakai media sosial apa aja
N1 Kalau media sosial itu kita pakai instagram sama link kasir, Cuma link kasir itu
bergunannya buat nanti promosi ke promo yang ada hari ini apa, nanti bisa
langsung di link instagram, trus ada menunya ada promonya apa aja, event nya
yang kedepan datang apa aja gitu
P Terus kan saya ada beberapa temen yang kerja di ikio juga mas, itu kalau
sometimes ketika ada open recruitment atau mungkin promo ramadhan atau
apa itu kan mereka mengupload di wa atau instagram story masing masing,itu
apakah masuk dari bagian strategi promosinya ikio
N1 Betul, karena kan kita punya pegawai beberapa ada yang followersnya banyak
mungkin itu bisa dijadikan acuan, kalau kita punya pegawai yang followernya
banyak yaudah
P Lalu konten publish di instagram itu ada jadwalnya gak mas? Lalu prosedurnya
itu bagaimana
N1 Kita punya tim konten kreator, jadi target untuk pengupload an tidak ada
jadwal khusus tapi seminggu itu sekitar 3-4 kali, kalau untuk story itu setiap
hari. Kalu proses pembuatannya mungkin ya kalau gak ada promo tertentu kita
Cuma buat konten buat minuman apa, buat minuman apa, dailynya di ikio
seperti apa
P Berarti untuk yang instagram feed itu hanya untuk mempromosikan promo
yang ada dan kalau sedang tidak ada promo hanya untuk mengisi itu aja?
N1 Betul sekali
P Kalau yang story itu gimana mas isinya?
N2 Yang pertama kita pasti mengabarkan bahwa kita udah buka, jam 8 udah bikin
story lalu yang kedua kita upload yang dipromokan hari ini apa aja, nanti orang
bisa lihat “oh di ikio ada promo ini”, lalu yang kedua pamer vibe nya ikio
seperti apa, dari videonya mungkin pamer pancuran air, video kondisi hari ini
seperti apa
P Oh iya maaf mas saya tadi lupa, untuk yang promosi pertama tadi yang bukan
media sosial, seperti promo ang ada sekarang ini untuk target pasarnya itu
siapa aja?
N2 Targetnya kita untuk karyawan-karyawan yang makan siang sih karena
kebetulan kita kita ramainya antara jam 11 sampai jam 2 dan itu rata rata orang
orang kantor lagi istirahat, bapak bapak PNS dan pegawai kantoran yang
swasta mungkin datang, mereka selalu pesennya itu kopi sama makannya satu,
mungkin dengan adanya promo makan siang ini dia bisa ngajak makan bareng
bareng di sana
P Berarti target jangka panjang nya itu agar mereka mempromosikan ikio kepada
teman temannya
N2 Betul sekali
P Lalu untuk yang promosi yang langsung dari kasir yang untuk mengupsell tadi,
itu targetnya hanya untuk orang orang yang datang?
N2 Hanya untuk orang orang yang berkunjung kesini
P Terus yang loyalty card ituhanya untuk pelanggan tetap ya berarti mas
N2 Yang free nya pelanggan tetap, kalau ang berbayarnya untuk publik
P Lalu untuk yang instagram itu sasarannya siapa aja mas?
N2 Maunya itu semua pengguna insatgram sih tapi kita kan range nya nggak
sampai segitu
p Oke masuk yang terakhir mas, kalau ikio coffee apakah melakukan promosi
menggunakan humas atau public relation?
N2 Nggak pakai
P Oke berarti hanya itu tadi ya mas, baik kalau gitu yasudah mas mungkin cukup
sekian wawancara saya, terima kasih banyak untuk waktunya
N2 Terima kasih kembali
Appendix 6

Documentation Procedure

The wiriter took some steps in prepared in the documentation are as


1. The writer collected data from visiting IKIO coffee.

2. The writer prepared the equipment for documentation media that
was needed such as phone to take pictures and videos.
3. The writer took several pictures at IKIO coffee.
4. The writer collected all data to be used as an instrument in data
Appendix 7

Documentation Sheet

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