MUH050216 Mercenaries v2 DTRPG

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Soldiers of fortune, bodyguards, pirates, cut-throats, and heroes. The worst villains and the greatest heroes of the G5
can all be found in this great melting pot of freelancing warriors. From the flickering bulbs of Novyy Bangkok’s fighting
pits to the luxuriant skyscrapers of San Pietro, there is always someone willing to pay for their problems to be met
with belt-fed subtlety and under-barrel discretion. Lone wolves, invisible techno-pirates, and even squads of murdering
reavers, the mercenaries of the Human Sphere follow age-old traditions and work for the highest bidder, adapting and
using all the latest technologies. Strangers to the ideals of patriotic love or loyalty, hard cash—or even better, solid
quantronic credit accounts!—is the way to their hearts, and even more cash is the key to their loyalty.

From the construction of the first orbital elevator to the ongoing conflict in Paradiso, many factions have turned to
mercenaries for cost-effective violence and intimidation. Whether escorting doctors and refugees out of Ghezirah,
providing close protection for paranoid executives across Neoterra, or brutally resolving a miner’s strike in Human’s
Edge, the mercenaries of the Human Sphere will take your money and get the job done. Never have mercenaries been
in higher demand thanks to the political situation in the various theatres of the Sphere, and both Hypercorps and G5
governments employ the services of these soldiers for hire. Sometimes in the open, sometimes undercover, it seems

these lords of war are a necessity in the power games of the future

But the life of a merc isn’t all bullets, venture onto the War Market where the cold and pragmatic business of war has
never been so civilized. Meet Free Company Captains and review their units according to their performance both in the
battle and in Maya. Your preferred company may be cost effective, but are they giving their extra with the WarCors and
livestreams? Because in the Human Sphere, everything is about how good you look to the public!

The Mercenaries Sourcebook includes:

• Information on six of the major mercenary companies in the Human Sphere plus independent units such
as the glamorous Foreign Company, the despicable Ikari, the discreet Spiral Corps, and the formidable
Dahshat Company.

• Rules and guidelines to develop your own career in the War Market, plus Lifepaths for Warmongers,
Wardrivers, Recruiters, Arms Dealers, and others.

• Weapons, equipment, and vehicles to kit your up-and-coming mercenary troops in order to fulfil their
latest contract including antitank weapons, supplies, enhancement drugs, and pulpibeer!

• Detailed rules on how to create your own Free Company and play a campaign focused on

ISBN 978-1-912200-49-8

9 781912 200504
MUH050216 Printed in the UK

Benn Graybeaton, Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger, Marc Langworthy, Mark Redacted,
Rodrigo Vilanova, Giles Pritchard, Mitchell German, Nick Bate

Bagus Hutomo

Aituar Manas, Toma Feizogas, Vincent Laik, Cristi Picu, Aleksi, ENIQMA,
Bagus Hutomo, Reynan Sanchez, Ho Seng Hui, Louis Stephane

Marc Langworthy, Rodrigo Vilanova


Benjamin Page Michal E. Cross Kimberly Nugent


Richard Gale Alberto Abal, Carlos Llauger "Bostria" Marshall Oppel
and Hugo Rodriguez


Benn Graybeaton Marc Langworthy


Gutier Lusquiños Rodríguez, Alberto Abal, Carlos Torres, and Carlos “Bostria” Llauger


Jay Little

Benn Graybeaton, Nathan Dowdell, Mark Redacted, Justin Alexander, Marc Langworthy


Chris Birch Sam Webb Virginia Page


Peter Grochulski Salwa Azar Lloyd Gyan

Thank you to Corvus Belli—Alberto, Gutier, Carlos, and Fernando—for letting us play in your world!

PUBLISHED BY Modiphius Entertainment

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Product Number: MUH050216
2nd Floor, 39 Harwood Road ISBN: 978-1-912200-49-8
Fulham, London, SW6 4QP
Artwork & Storyline © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2019
United Kingdom
INFINITY is © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2019

The 2d20 System and Modiphius logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2019. All 2d20
System text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is
illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended.
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental
and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.
INTRODUCTION The Exchange��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
Fluctuating Markets����������������������������������������������������������������� 41
THE BUSINESS OF WAR���������������������������������������2 Hirings And Dismissals ����������������������������������������������������������� 41
Weapons of War ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Break Glass ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
CHAPTER 1 The Competition����������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Example of Security Company����������������������������������������������� 45
MERCENARIES ��������������������������������������������������������� 4
The Modern Mercenary��������������������������������������������������������������5
The Politics of War����������������������������������������������������������������������7 CHAPTER 5
Life As a Mercenary ��������������������������������������������������������������������9
Black Sanction�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 GEAR���������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Running Mercenaries In Infinity��������������������������������������������� 12 Metachemistry����������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Gear Catalogue������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48

COMPANIES OF NOTE ������������������������������������������14
Dahshat Company��������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 MERCENARY VEHICLES������������������������������������62
Druze Bayram Security������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Vehicle Upgrades��������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
Foreign Company��������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Mercenary Vehicle Upgrades Catalogue������������������������������� 62
Free Company Of The Star (STARCO)������������������������������������� 20 Vehicles Catalogue��������������������������������������������������������������������67
The Ikari Company������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Spiral Corps������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Mercenary Units ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 CHAPTER 7
Varangian Guard������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Wardrivers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 MERCENARY CHARACTERS�����������������������������74
Yuan Yuans��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29

WARMONGERING 101��������������������������������������������82
WARZONES AND CONTRACTS ����������������������30 What Came Before������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Ariadna��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Campaign Scope����������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Haqqislam��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Mercurial Moods����������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
Nomads ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Freebooting themes����������������������������������������������������������������� 85
PanOceania������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Starting a PMC ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Yu Jing ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Managing a PMC����������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Aleph ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Contract Negotiations������������������������������������������������������������� 88
Corporations ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Contractual Objectives������������������������������������������������������������ 90
O-12������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Large Scale Warfare����������������������������������������������������������������� 95
Submondo��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Private Contracts���������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
CHAPTER 4 ADVERSARIES ������������������������������������������������������96
Cry Havoc!��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
THE WAR MARKET ���������������������������������������������� 37 Named Adversaries����������������������������������������������������������������� 104
The First Days Of The Market������������������������������������������������� 38
Corporate Sponsorship ����������������������������������������������������������� 38 INDEX ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 108


Mercenary. Often considered a dirty word by the right one for their intended task. This chapter looks
allegedly civilised bureaucrats of the G5 nations, at the more famous (and infamous) companies
many guns-for-hire that tread where others available for hire, including the Dahshat Company,
wouldn’t dare act more honourably than the Druze Bayram Security, StarCo, Varangian Guard,
double-dealing corporate executives that pay for and more!
their services. Of course, there are still plenty of
mercenaries that live up to the reputation attached CHAPTER 3 — WARZONES
to their chosen career. For no matter a mercenary AND CONTRACTS
company’s deeds, the memories of such brutal On a case-by-case basis, this chapter examines how
conflicts as the Nanotech Wars and Lunar Colony each of the factions in the Human Sphere interacts
Wars will always haunt their profession. with mercenary companies. From Ariadna to Yu Jing,
and ALEPH to Submondo, every faction with any
Regardless of past or present deeds, however, there influence in the interstellar economy has their own
is still a thriving market for professional companies methods and viewpoints.
that choose to turn war into a business. Hypercorps
and megacorps seek out mercenaries for corporate CHAPTER 4 — THE WAR MARKET
espionage with zero accountability, additional An in-depth treatise on that most peculiar of
security to protect their interests, or simply to entities that allows O-12 to centralise and
bolster their overstretched forces. Though the life regulate the diverse array of mercenary companies
of the average mercenary is often risky, particularly operating in the Human Sphere. From a detailed
amongst the more disreputable units, it can also look at its inception, to an examination of
be one of opportunity and rich reward — a life free how the Wilderness of Mirrors can impinge
of the ties that shackle ordinary citizens of the upon its operation, this chapter provides an
Human Sphere. invaluable insight into the War Market.


War has been a driving force behind numerous
Delving deep into the life of a mercenary and the technological advancements throughout humanity’s
companies that employ them, this book takes a history, and the mercenary companies have spent
detailed look at the factors that can make or break vast resources on improvements that extend their
an individual and their unit. Serving as an all-en- survivability and operational scope. This chapter
compassing scrutiny of everything Mercenary, this highlights some of the unique gear available to
sourcebook includes everything you need to create them, from the aerocam Remotes of the WarCors,
characters, run campaigns, and immerse yourself to the Yangwater used by mercs across the Human
completely in your character’s outfit. Sphere, and everything in between.


MERCENARIES A Private Military Company can find itself under
This chapter provides an overview of mercenary contract on the strangest of battlefields under the
life, including their evolution across the years worst conditions. The ability to access, supply, and
into the high tech soldiers of fortune that now manoeuvre in those warzones is a necessity that
take the battlefields of the human sphere. The many mercenary companies invest heavily in. New
political landscape that applies to mercenaries is TAGs, transports, gunships, and more can be found
also examined, as well as the more clandestine in this chapter.
operation simply termed black sanctions. The final
section looks at methods of including mercenary CHAPTER 7 — MERCENARY
characters in a game of Infinity the Roleplaying Game. CHARACTERS
In addition to their affiliation, there are a variety
CHAPTER 2 — MERCENARY of careers available to a mercenary seeking
COMPANIES OF NOTE employment. Players can make their fortune as
With so many mercenary companies registered an Arms Dealer trading their wares to the highest
on the War Market, it can be hard for a potential bidder, chase lucrative contracts for their employers
employer — or indeed employee — to choose the as a Recruiter Agent, and run the business aspect

2 Introduction

of a mercenary company as a Warmonger. Or they mercenary company will offer unique challenges.
could simply join the sharp end of their chosen This chapter offers advice and insight on
firm as a Druze Shock Trooper, Free Company constructing campaigns that focus on the players
Irregular, or Kaplan Tactical Services Member. hiring out their services.


CAMPAIGNS AND WARMONGERING As much as mercenaries can serve as the deadliest
From a GM’s perspective, a mercenary campaign of foes, they must also contend with the most
can offer a plethora of opportunities to run ruthless of enemies. The adversaries on offer in
exciting games across a near-infinite number of this chapter include the elite Anaconda TAG Pilot,
arenas. For the players, operating as an elite team the shrewd Contract Negotiator, the ruthless
within a larger unit or starting at the top and Ikari Soldier of Fortune, the deadly Outcast
dealing with the various aspects that challenge a Ninja, and more.



Mercenaries have had a long history, with the first backgrounds. Trades people, blue-collar workers,
records of their use dating from the time of ancient and labourers rub shoulders with former teachers,
Egypt. From Xenophon’s Anabasis to Maya dramas scientists, and doctors. It is true that a large number
like Olfram’s Crew, mercenaries have enjoyed a of mercenaries are ex-military or those who enjoy a
mixed popularity. For some they are a necessary good fight, but the stereotype does not define the
evil, for others they are thrill seekers exploiting profession.
the violent tendencies of our species, and for
others still they are like dark rock stars, heroes and Many companies actively contract mercenary
villains both. units with a variety of backgrounds and skill sets,
because as often as not, when a company lands at
In the early days of the Human Sphere the use of a port it means not just the entry of a dangerous
mercenaries, at the time still commonly referred group of fighters, but of a whole mix of skills
to as Private Military Companies (PMCs), was not and professions. The arrival of a company often
widely publicised. The employment of PMCs in leads to an economic upturn, as many companies
Africa and the Middle East left the occupation encourage their units to continue to work their
with a reputation for unprofessionalism and a civilian roles when not on deployment. The most
tendency to ignore the rules of war. As nations successful mercenary companies run strict training
expanded across multiple systems, and war flared and physical conditioning facilities, where the
hot across such vast distances, the use of PMCs to mercenaries, whatever their backgrounds, are
support or execute official military operations rose drilled into a professional fighting force. Such
significantly. training programs are just as necessary for former
soldiers, and while combat training is vital, so too
Maya grew to become the connective tissue of the is learning how to function as a cohesive unit and
human experience, and the movies, news headlines, execute the tactics and mission types required
and entertainments it provided highlighted some of the company. The make-up and reputation
of the more dramatic missions undertaken by of mercenary companies run the gamut, and
PMCs. The word ‘mercenary’ became in vogue their reception at any specific port of call is just
again, and has stuck, replacing the politically as varied.
ambiguous PMC with a title that heralds a long
history much idealised. These dogs of war are more Mercenary companies rarely have a single base of
numerous than ever. Admired and despised, they operations, and while some have offices in major
are sent on gruelling and dangerous operations cities around the sphere, the actual contractors,
and used widely as private security. The role of the the mercenary soldiers, are almost always on
mercenary is ascending. the move. Few companies own a shuttle of their
own, and only the wealthiest possess intrasystem
Some of the most famous mercenary companies, ships. While some contracts will include terms
like the Foreign Company, which includes media for transportation, it is usually expected that the
darlings and Aristeia! Champions on its books, required soldiers will assemble near enough to
are regularly the subject of Maya dramas and the target location for this to be mainly short
documentaries, and even have their own line of hop shuttles, air, or ground vehicles. Almost all
merchandise. Others, like the Free Company of mercenary companies work hard to maintain a
the Star, the most famous company in the Human good relationship with traders and cargo haulers.
Sphere, have become idealised visions of an ethical These members of the Freetrade Brotherhood,
private organisation willing to fight the good and even the Haqqislamite Corsairs, provide the
fight for those who are unable. Other companies vehicles that allow the Mercenary companies to
still, like the Ikari Company, have a reputation for move from planet to planet or between systems.
ruthlessness, criminality, and violence. These arrangements are often quid pro quo, with
the mercenary company providing protection
Hard-bitten ex-military and thugs willing to risk and muscle for the ships that carry them. Only
life and limb for a payday are the stereotypes occasionally will a company use the Circulars, and
that come to the public mind when thinking of the security teams of Bureau Aegis or the Order of
mercenaries. The soldiers of fortune of popular Santiago are not typically thrilled to see units of
myth come from a wide and varied set of mercenaries come on-board.

4 Chapter 1

Lurking on the edges of the Warmarket are the to weaponry and a collection of flying, ground
bounty hunters, thieves, and assassins. These are vehicles, and TAGs used by mercenary companies
smaller operations that fill distasteful but arguably throughout the Human Sphere. Lastly there is a
necessary roles across the Human Sphere. The most rogues’ gallery of adversaries a GM might choose to
accepted of these outside the true mercenaries include in their campaigns.
are, without a doubt, the bounty hunters. Bounty
hunters are loosely governed by the Bounty Hunter Bringing mercenaries, bounty hunters, and their
Syndicate, which supposedly provides a framework ilk into a game session provides plenty of meat
that guides the remit and actions of the many for story-telling and high adventure. Maybe the
bounty hunters who operate across the Sphere. characters run afoul of a mercenary company
Bounty hunters tend to operate individually, or working at odds to their own objective, making
in small teams, and enjoy an even more varied dangerous enemies in the process. Perhaps
reputation than the mercenaries. Able to cross the characters are forced to work alongside a
national borders in pursuit of their quarry, most mercenary unit, with in-game tension built around
law enforcement agencies make use of bounty how each group believes they should execute their
hunters when the situation demands it. Of course, objectives. It could be that the players want to run
more often than not a bounty hunter is contracted their characters as a mercenary unit looking for a
by corporations, Submondo groups, or by private contract with a larger company. It’s possible the
citizens after revenge or justice. players want to run a small mercenary unit taking
whatever contracts they can find in the hope of
Many large corporations maintain their own force making a name for themselves and growing into a
of mercenaries, and this usually means they will company in their own right. Maybe the characters
have a bounty hunter or two on their books as well. work together chasing down criminals who have
Bounty hunting is usually about tracking down escaped to the dark corners of the Human Sphere.
an individual who has escaped the long arm of Whether the subject of this book is used to create
the law, but more and more often bounty hunting deadly adversaries, or as inspiration for a group of
has also come to mean industrial espionage, asset characters doing what they can to achieve fame
requisition (aka theft), and information gathering. and fortune, the possibilities for adventure and
A bounty hunter of the Human Sphere is usually a mayhem are endless.
dangerous fighter, an unrelenting pursuer, and a
diligent tracker, but may just as easily be a gifted THE MODERN
hacker or gregarious confidence artist. MERCENARY
In this book, GMs and players will find extensive Admired and despised in equal measure, the rise
background information that will allow them to of the modern mercenary has been unstoppable.
include mercenary outfits or bounty hunters as Used throughout the Human Sphere, in military
allies and adversaries. Some of the most famous and private roles, mercenary groups fill a number
mercenary companies are detailed, including of vital functions. Their presence in the dramas and
information about their histories, structures, headlines on Maya has popularised the profession
equipment, and personalities. In addition to to a degree, and the recent reclassification by O-12
fleshing out the rich setting of the Infinity of some of the larger companies as ‘Non-Aligned
universe with these dogs-of-war, the rules and Armies’ (NA2) has resulted in a boom to the industry.
advice provided will allow GMs and players to
run characters as mercenaries. Whether working Mercenary companies may be large or small; a
alongside characters from other backgrounds and corporate organisation with offices, full bureaucracy,
organisations, or with the play group operating as a and CEO, or may simply be a small team of
mercenary unit, this book will provide the GM with ex-soldiers, thrill-seekers, or adventurers looking
everything they need. for a pay-day. At their core, even many of the
largest mercenary outfits are made up of small
The Warmonger Rules Module includes advice units of individuals who may have served together
for GMs about the types of campaigns they might or who share some other commonality. These units
choose to run if the characters are mercenaries, are often contracted independently or to larger
from objectives to combat tactics, equipment, mercenary companies, which have the benefit of
and even creating their own mercenary company. access to ongoing contracts with regular employers.
The Lifepath system brings the experiences and Almost all mercenary companies have a specific
backgrounds of mercenaries into focus, and this uniform and company emblem, but typically switch
allows players to create mercenary characters with these out for disruptive pattern uniforms specific to
a unique and flavourful history. There is also an their area of deployment. Many companies follow
extensive array of equipment any dog-of-war might a similar ranking structure to the armies of the
drool over, from specialised military equipment major forces in the Human Sphere, but a handful

Mercenaries 5
of smaller ones, usually created by or drawn from often corporations, governments, and even O-12.
ex-special forces soldiers, follow a more open The Bounty Hunters Syndicate is meant to provide
command structure. some framework and rules on how bounty hunters
carry themselves, and what sorts of actions are
Mercenary companies are most widely employed as legal or acceptable, but as always, money talks, and
private security, protecting corporate or privately there are always those few who are happy to push
held assets, whether they be people, stations, or beyond the boundaries if the pay is right.
facilities. These companies run the gamut, from
little more than swaggering security guards to In an age where evercasting and the non-stop news
well-equipped and highly-trained, private armies. service splashes updates and information around
the clock for a hungry audience across the Sphere,
A large number of companies operate in aggressive many mercenary companies thrive on constant
rather than protective roles, either privately funded self-promotion. This has been fed by the rise of
or under pay from a government or military. These the War Market, and it has become increasingly
front-line roles may be in warzones, as bounty necessary for mercenary contracts to include non-
hunters, assassins, or even performing espionage disclosure terms. The need to maintain a reputation
operations. Those mercenaries used for front- for integrity to their trade means that while news
line duties, where the expectation is that they and stories of mercenary operations are popularly
will engage in military action, provide a unique recounted, the details of a vast majority of actual
opportunity for their employer, and are often sent operations are never shared. Of course, there have
on missions that are highly dangerous, borderline been a number of well documented mercenary
illegal, or outright criminal. operations, the details of which have been revealed
through investigations undertaken in the criminal
The risks inherent to the job are high, and courts on Concilium or unearthed by a dogged
mercenaries are still not granted the rights and Maya journalist. These persistent glimpses of
protections that are supposed to be applied to the truth, mingled with the dramatizations seen
enemy combatants under the Concilium Convention. on Maya, keeps volunteers signing up in ever
According to this body of international laws, higher numbers.
mercenaries have no right to claim the status of
a combatant or prisoner of war, both of which are The details of missions, in-so-far as they are
meant to provide some level of protection for the available, and how those details enter the public
soldiers on both sides of a conflict. The latest move sphere, are often controlled by the mercenary
to redefine the larger mercenary companies as company and are usually carefully constructed
Non-Aligned Armies (NA2), and the wider military by a media agent to represent the company in
employment of mercenaries in the ongoing the best possible light. Having a good reputation
conflicts of the Human Sphere, especially Paradiso, and a record for success means a lot, especially
may see some changes to how mercenaries are when it comes to the War Market. The War Market
treated under law, but no such change has yet is an O-12 initiative to inject some level of
been made. accountability into the operational practices of
mercenary companies. Like the stock market, the
Mercenaries are regularly contracted to perform value of a company can rise and fall on a range
missions that require them to operate across of scales, all of which will impact the public
national borders, which cannot be legally perception of the company, and has shown to have
sanctioned or executed by official organisations a significant effect on the number of contracts a
such as intelligence services or law enforcement, company is likely to attract.
or which require the use of soldiers that cannot be
traced back to their employers. Missions regularly From an outsider’s point of view, it might seem
walk a grey legal line, and many are outright illegal. that the obvious missions to send mercenaries
While they are regularly employed by governments on are those too dangerous for ‘proper’ military
and agencies across the Human Sphere, personnel. However, it is a simple fact that money
mercenaries themselves are typically treated with earned cannot be spent from the grave. No
suspicion and disdain, usually mixed with equal mercenary is likely to accept a job that looks like
measures of fear and awe. certain death. They are professionals and will
make their own assessment of whether a proposed
Jurisdiction and the mess of international laws operation fits within an acceptable risk range.
often requires the use of bounty-hunters or agents Companies typically have military strategists who
who can move across borders and execute justice will tap intelligence assets to build as complete a
where official legal channels are closed. Employers picture of a proposed operation before agreeing
of mercenary units performing such missions may to undertake it. Many smaller companies, or units
be private citizens looking for justice, but are more working freelance, are not in so lucky. There are

6 Chapter 1

numerous cautionary tales of small-time mercenary THE POLITICS OF WAR

companies biting off more than they can chew
by not doing their due diligence before signing Geo-political analysis of the Human Sphere
a contract. places humanity in a situation defined as Code:
Infinity. A state in which the nations and power
Ubiquity of equipment is not as common as might brokers of the Human Sphere teeter on the brink
be assumed from the dramas on Maya. With most of war. The Japanese Uprising and the more formal
large companies made up of contracted units, these recognition of the Non-Aligned Armies by O-12
units often bring their own equipment. However, has pushed humanity even closer to the precipice.
companies do provide for their units though, a Constant minor skirmishing between Yu Jing and
majority enforce strict training and fitness regimes, PanOceanian forces, a lasting remnant of the Neo-
and specialised equipment for specific operations Colonial Wars never quite forgotten, have been the
is typically supplied by the company and paid for staccato rhythm of politics for more than a decade.
as a part of the contract. Equipment, including the With the Japanese Uprising, these skirmishes have
weapons and ammunition a unit is required to evolved into larger and more bloody conflicts. The
use, may sometimes be supplied by the contractor. rift in Yu Jing has seen internecine war across the
This typically happens when the unit is executing Human Sphere. Conflicts between the Nomads,
an operation on behalf of a corporation or PanOceania, and ALEPH have been constant,
governmental agency that does not want anything though often buried. The Commercial Conflicts
left behind that is traceable. that have riven the economic base of Ariadna’s
developing resources industry has only devolved
For small companies made up of a single or small further with recent developments on the planet.
number of units, or highly professional large
companies that employ rather than contract their The need to legitimise some of the larger private
soldiers, uniforms, weaponry, and training are armies and mercenary companies to help support
usually a part of the package. For many companies ongoing conflicts in an ever more unstable political
there is also the contracted or implied expectation landscape has also had a significant impact on the
that the units they contract will behave themselves steadiness of the political environment. Alliances,
as well off mission as they do on mission. Contracts economic ties, mutual dependencies, and treaties
have been torn up for rowdy, violent, or illegal are a tangled web that if pulled too severely in
behaviour, but this will largely depend on the any direction will drag the entirety of the Human
company involved. Sphere with it.

When a contract is signed it is typically logged If humanity were alone in a cold universe this
with O-12, with the details of its value and contract confluence of factors would be dangerous and
duration carefully recorded. Payments are then highly worrying, but it is not alone. The threat of
made to a licensed third party, usually a broker, the Combined Army is growing. The conflict on
though many of the larger companies represent Paradiso is becoming more desperate. Rumours
themselves in this matter. A contract may specify that this war has spilled through the Daybreak
that a percentage of the monies paid may be Blockade in the Paradiso system to Dawn appears
accessible before signoff, and after signoff there is to place humanity in a bloody and slow retreat in
typically a cooling off period before the remainder the face of an implacable enemy. The Tohaa, seen
of the payment may be accessed of the company. by so many as allies who could stand side-by-side
A company will take its slice of any earnings with humanity and hold off the Combined advance,
(this varies from company to company), and the seem to have their own agenda, and new alliances
remainder will be passed on to the unit or units formed through the Japanese Uprising has given
that executed the contract. them unprecedented and largely unmonitored
access to Human Sphere.
Contract arrangement and payment is a
complicated process that is largely monitored An escalation of tension and conflict throughout
by O-12, but it is designed to ensure mercenary the Human Sphere has seen the demand for
companies and those hiring them both have all mercenary companies ride a meteoric rise. This is a
the usual protections involved with the trading boom time for mercenaries, but it is also something
of goods and services. Of course, Black Sanction of a double-edged sword. With the number of
mercenaries, those hired directly and privately, or contracts increasing, and the ‘stocks’ of the War
those working for Submondo groups avoid all of Market in a bull rush, a number of companies
the procedures imposed by O-12, but the risks are have undone themselves either by overextending
also inherently higher. and promising more than they can deliver, or
by rushing operations with deadly and at times
criminal results.

Mercenaries 7
The need for mercenaries to maintain a reputation risk assessments and suitability, but also for the
for independence, to appear above the petty image taking them might create. Taking too many
party politics of the Human Sphere, is essential. contracts from companies and agencies linked to
While many companies exist that operate purely PanOceania, for example, might be useful fodder
for a single nation state and its corporations, for a rival company when both are tendering for
many others strive to maintain their integrity as a contract from Yu Jing. ‘Can they be trusted?’ is
independent operators, able to take contracts from a constant question. Successful, independent
a variety of sources. The variety of markers used companies maintain their success by constantly
by the War Market to rate mercenary companies working on their image and being careful about
on a public exchange has helped with this thorny the contracts they take on.
problem, but it is not a perfect solution.
Smaller companies, or those struggling with
With tensions between the nations of the financial difficulties, can rarely afford to be so
Human Sphere so high, petty politicking between choosy. Many companies that would like to operate
companies, smear campaigns, and insidious as independent can find themselves reliant on
rumours can have a significant impact on a one client or nation state because they have been
company’s ratings and the contracts they are forced too often to take contracts from that source,
offered. It is also not unknown for security and something that may make them an untenable
intelligence agencies to falsify companies made option for rival companies or nations. The
up of their own operatives in an effort to gather appearance of allegiance can be a deadly mistake
intel, undermine, or outright attack other nations or that forces a small company into a situation of
corporations. forced dependence on a specific client. Breaking
this image can be difficult or next to impossible,
Some of the larger companies are very selective and it has led some companies to take drastic
about the contracts they take, not just based on actions directly against their usual employers. Such

8 Chapter 1

companies have even been marked as traitors, company. Operating a mercenary company can be
criminals, or terrorists for attempting to get out a challenging proposition fraught with difficulties,
from the yoke of their dependence. Disbanding a but these are the dangerous waters of a high- How mercenaries are
company and founding a new one has occasionally stakes industry in uncertain times. treated depends largely
been a successful strategy, but if the personalities on how well known or
involved are well known, whatever reputations LIFE AS A MERCENARY recognised they are, and
they held with a previous company follows them what that reputation
to the next. ‘A necessary evil’ is the more pragmatic view on stands for. Yuan Yuan
mercenaries held especially by the members of pirates are regarded
To maintain a reputation for independence, many governments and corporations who engage their broadly as reckless,
large companies have personnel on their books services. Psychopaths, warmongers, and unethical dangerous, violent, and
who function in the roles of diplomats, negotiators, or morally bankrupt criminals are all criticisms chaotic. Many bounty
investigators, and media representatives. These levelled at the existence and use of soldiers of hunters are B-Grade Maya
manage the difficult task of maintaining the fortune. Equally though, and in large part thanks to celebrities, especially those
public image of the company and ensuring the the popularisation of the profession through Maya, who release media content
contracts they solicit won’t damage the ability of the job of mercenary also comes tinged with an after a hunt. Mercenary
the company to take contracts in the future. These element of hero-worship, adulation, and admiration. companies like StarCo are
personnel are a vital part of driving up the ratings Mercenaries and their use is not a concept that seen popularly as a force
of large companies on the War Market and are just is largely unknown or ignored, as at other times for good, soldiers without
as important as the soldiers on the ground. in history. Many of them, like Aristeia! Champions, borders, fighting the good
have followers and fans, and produce media fight for the downtrodden
Having the financial depth to employ such content that is lapped up across the Human Sphere. and suffering. Others
personnel is next to impossible for small Some even have their own lines of merchandise, like the Ikari Company
companies and individual units. Many units are from clothing to plushies. are highly controversial,
run by the soldiers that make them up, and while with the range of popular
they may be experts in the field, their ability to When a mercenary company rolls into port their opinion describing them
negotiate the political and public waters of the War reception will hinge around their popularity and as terrorists or freedom
Market and industry at large is often lacking. This is reputation with the civilian population. With fighters. The Foreign
one key reason why units tend to be contracted to the authorities, it is quite a different matter. The Company is followed by
larger companies, as these provide the depth and arrival of a mercenary crew is a double-edged rabid fans who support
skill sets the smaller units lack. sword for authorities like security teams and law- them like a loved sports
enforcement. A team of trained soldiers arriving team. They are true
‘Do your due diligence’ is the mantra that defines in one location can be benign or even positive, celebrities with all the
the most successful mercenary outfits. But the and mercenary companies often bring with them perks and baggage that
problems inherent with this simple statement are people with a variety of useful skills, as well as entails. In truth, many
many. More often than not corporations hiring money to spend locally. However, it is also cause for mercenary companies are
mercenaries do so through nested shell companies significant concern, with police and security teams not widely known, and
that make tracking back to the actual client very increasing their ‘on-duty’ numbers to ensure they some keep it this way
difficult. This is typically done for security and are best able to deal with any problems should on purpose, deeming the
privacy reasons, but it is a situation that has been they arise. It is common practice for a mercenary adulation of a fandom
manipulated in the past. team to report to local law-enforcement almost and the associated media
as soon as they arrive in a location. This has presence it brings more
North Sea is a company that stands out in recent become fairly standard across the Human Sphere trouble and difficulty than
history as a cautionary tale. North Sea was an and serves to ensure that the authorities are put it’s worth.
independent and successful company with good at their ease as much as possible, and that the
ratings in the War Market and a solid reputation. mercenaries themselves aren’t overly harassed or
MagnaObra hired a Maya journalist to run an monitored during their stay.
exposé on the company, revealing that almost all
of its contracts came from MagnaObra itself, a If a job entails taking aggressive action in a
fact unknown to North Sea. It was implied in the built-up area or station, it is not uncommon for a
news story that MagnaObra and North Sea were mercenary company to coordinate with local law-
both aware of this connection, and that they had enforcement and critical response teams to ensure
deliberately hid the fact from the War Market that civilian losses do not occur. However, given the
through the use of shell companies. The story hit nature of the job such coordination is not always
the War Market with force, and while MagnaObra possible. It may only serve to alert the target, put
took a publicity hit, it was only short lived. In more law-enforcement on the streets, or the local
the process they managed to make North Sea law-enforcement or security may even be the target.
an untenable hire for other corporations. This
was a form of hostile take-over carried out by The relationship between law-enforcement and
manipulating the public image of the mercenary mercenary companies and bounty hunters is

Mercenaries 9
fraught with tension. Law-enforcement are often Of course, the reality is always different than
distrustful of mercenaries, or are openly hostile perception. Pay rates for many mercenary
toward people, especially bounty hunters, they companies are often worse than those of full-time
view as trying to do their job for them. While it soldiers, and the risks are usually just as high, with
is common for mercenary companies and bounty fewer protections or safety nets in place should
hunters to check in with local security or law- things go badly. Much is made of the rivalry
enforcement when they arrive in a location, it does between military units and mercenary ones, both
not always mean the relationship is going to be claiming title to the rank of best trained and most
cordial or even professional. Law-enforcement are elite. Again, the truth here is mixed, and varies
often concerned that the arrival of a mercenary greatly depending on the military and mercenary
crew is going to lead to trouble they have to clean units involved. With the reclassification of some of
up afterwards. the larger mercenary companies to ‘Non-Aligned
Armies’, a rise in joint operations, especially in
Despite the obvious tensions, professional fronts on Paradiso and Dawn, seems likely to
mercenary crews typically do what they can to precipitate a shift from the current state of rivalry
ensure their actions are not going to provoke an and tension toward a more collegiate one, but only
unnecessary response from security or military in time will tell.
the area, and that damage to the infrastructure
and people is kept to a minimum. Ensuring they Many locations around the Human Sphere,
do their job cleanly and without causing a general especially orbitals and stations, have very strict
ruckus will influence a company’s ratings in the War regulations about carrying or possessing weaponry,
Market and is time invested rather than wasted. armour, hacking devices, or items that can be used
to cause damage to infrastructure (even something
O-12 and many nation-states provide identity tags as benign as a powered multitool may require a
that can be added to the patina of a mercenary permit). When docking in a port, visitors will usually
soldier registered with a company on the War be asked to check in their possessions, any items
Market. In some places or cases, these might that are regulated may be required to be locked
even allow the mercenaries certain freedoms not up in a safe-box or kept on-board whatever vessel
accessible to normal civilians, including the right the visitor arrived in. Some items may require the
to carry weaponry of a certain class, wear armour, purchase or possession of a special permit, and
and so on. Most of the time such tags are only some may be banned completely. This is especially
visible at certain security levels, so a police-officer true in habitation domes, stations, or any location
or soldier might be able to see a designation in the where damage to the hull or interior wall could
mercenary’s patina, which is otherwise invisible to have deadly consequences.
the general public.
In such locations it is likely that a ranged weapon
It is often the case that a mercenary chooses not to or hacking device of any sort is totally restricted,
display whatever tag or authority they have so as and even tools may be limited to cleared personnel
not to draw undue attention. Trying to legitimately only. Depending on the location, being a mercenary
go about their business as a mercenary or bounty with a registered company may be enough to
hunter is never an easy task. The desire to move grant a permit (although this may be restricted to
about unmarked and unknown always seems a simple side-arm), or permits may be purchasable.
juxtaposed against the desire to ensure they are Punishments and fines for breaking laws around
left alone by the authorities and allowed to get the the possession of regulated items are often severe.
job done without interference.
Openly carrying weaponry when not executing
Tension is also high between mercenary companies a mission is not the norm. Aside from any laws
and professional military forces. Jealousy, not surrounding this issue, it can also attract the wrong
unfounded, seems to be the key factor, with military sort of attention. Street thugs and gangers want to
personnel often feeling disgruntled that mercenary prove how tough they are by provoking someone
companies are well paid, well known, and rarely who is armed, and Submondo groups are willing
have to bother with the day-to-day procedures that to start a fight to gain items they can flip on the
dominate a soldier’s service. ‘Hurry up and wait’ is a black market. The threat of attracting this sort of
favourite aphorism describing the life of a soldier negative public attention is especially true if the
across almost all militaries in the Human Sphere, mercenary involved has some level of fame, and
and many military personnel feel that mercenaries more than one merc has landed themselves in
never really have to bother with the waiting part, or legal trouble because they were being baited by a
the things officers find to fill them up. person trying to look tough in front of their friends.

10 Chapter 1

Fame is a double-edged sword, it can open doors include assassinations, attacks on civilian targets,
and make things that would be a problem for sabotage with the intent to kill, kidnappings, acts
anyone else just disappear. Equally however, it of terrorism, and torture, all the way through
makes it difficult to operate without attracting to merely illegal activities like smuggling, drug
attention, and this can mean that as the fame of a running, theft, and the use of force to intimidate.
mercenary or company increases, certain missions
that would require subterfuge or stealth become The direct connection of a Black Sanction mission
untenable due to how easily the soldiers may be to a mercenary company on the War Market can
recognised. have dire consequences for that company. Criminal
charges aside, the damage to the company’s ratings
Fame in one place is not fame everywhere, and a and reputation and the possibility of being delisted
unit famous on a small station on the Human Edge from the Market is significant enough that this
is likely going to go completely unrecognised even alone is a substantial deterrent. However, there are
in nearby stations. Social media and fandom being always those willing to push the boundaries, they
what they are, however, fame is not something that may be in debt enough to make the associated
may be attached to a specific location, it may be risks worth taking, they may be wanting to make
within a Maya bubble or community. Mercenary a lot of money quickly, they may be coerced, or
units may lend their faces and names to characters they may just not give a damn. Companies like
in a Maya series or game, and while it may not the Druze have long been connected to stories of
be a blockbuster, fans of that content may crop Black Sanction operations, and Yuan Yuan pirates
up even in the most unlikely of places. A unit may basically live for them.
have been involved in a mission that related to a
specific Maya community, and for members of that Those companies, units, or individuals that regularly
community the mercenary soldiers of that unit may take on Black Sanction missions are usually in
be loved or hated. The physical location of the significant debt to a Submondo group or heartless
members of such communities, as fans of a series corporation, being coerced into acting against
or game, may be anywhere in the Human Sphere. their own moral code, or are straight-up thugs and
psychopaths. Like the host of legally sanctioned
The double-edged nature of operating in such a mercenary companies, the types and operational
dangerous occupation and courting fame at the strengths of Black Sanction regulars are varied,
same time can also lead to problems in the field, from wanton marauders to calculated killers, and
where specific companies and soldiers are analysed the missions they are required to fulfil are just
like sports stars for their strengths and weaknesses, as varied.
their strategies, and preferred plays. Mercenary
Operations like the Foreign Company, which On the lowest end of the scale are the missions
can maintain stardom and continue to operate which simply operate outside the law, smuggling
successfully, are rare. In these cases, dynamism VoodooTech from Paradiso, running guns or drugs
and change are the key to success, both for the for Submondo groups, and corporate espionage
maintenance of their fan-base and for ensuring and theft. These are usually performed by low-level
they do not become predictable on the field criminals or mercenary groups hard up for cash.
of battle. At the very worst Black Sanction missions are
designed to sow mayhem and wreak destruction.
BLACK SANCTION Missions like public assassinations, the use of mass
violence to force a mining colony to abandon its
Black Sanction can refer to any contract taken stake, terrorist strikes against civilian targets, or
on the War Market that is listed in generic the kidnapping and torture of corporate, military,
terms, but for which the operational details are or government personnel. Rumours and stories
either highly illegal or criminal (i.e.: A one-week swirl around Maya and Arachne of Black Sanction
security operation on Dawn which is actually an operations approved by governments for false flag
assassination). Black Sanction is also sometimes terror attacks and weapons testing on populated
used to describe operations taken directly from a areas. Those mercenaries who take on the worst
client, or from the Lists, the underground rival to types of Black Sanction missions usually fall
the War Market. into one of two camps. There are those who are
heedless of their own vile reputations, or revel in
Universally, there is an unsavoury and illegal them, and lay happy claim to the terrible things
connotation to the term ‘Black Sanction’, which they have done (these are wanted criminals one
refers to mercenaries and missions that involve and all). Or those that operate in the dark, who plan
dirty work, brutality, and a total disregard for the carefully and seek to leave no clue that can trace
Concilium Conventions. Such operations may the horror back to them.

Mercenaries 11
Those mercenaries who have a long history of the key questions the play group needs to address
Black Sanction missions almost always fall into in order for the group to function cohesively is
the second camp and represent some of the most ‘Why are we together?’. The Infinity RPG Corebook
dangerous fiends in the Human Sphere. To be assumes that characters in the Infinity RPG will
connected to killings, torture, or atrocities is to be operatives for Bureau Noir. While this may
place a price tag on your head, and those who are not be the case for your playgroup, if your group
careless, unlucky, or uncaring soon find themselves includes just one or two mercenaries and a mix of
tracked down by intelligence operatives or bounty other character types such as operatives, soldiers,
hunters to face the full extent of the law for their adventurers, or whatever, the players who are
actions, or they are simply shot dead. To last in the running the mercenaries need to work out why
business of taking Black Sanction missions requires their characters are working alongside the others.
both intelligence and connections, to say nothing
of the ability and willingness to take any job, no The answer to this question may be found in
matter how abominable. the life goals or current circumstances of the
mercenary characters, and these aspects can make
Of course, the higher the stakes the higher the pay, for interesting story points that can be leveraged
and Black Sanction missions are often executed to create difficult choices and raise the tension in
for exorbitant fees. These payments must be a game. Perhaps the mercenary is only with the
carefully hidden, and they may involve donations other characters because a job is a job and they are
or payments made to shell companies or charities being paid to be there. Or life as mercenary wasn’t
connected to the mercenary being paid. They may working out, and the current situation provides a
take the form of goods, vehicles, or a host of other more reliable source of income.
resources. A more unusual case has it that one of
the largest payments recorded was made in rare They could be jaded, burned out by their past
and unique items for the Maya game ‘Another Day experiences or a mission gone wrong, and want to
in Hell’ (an MMO set on Paradiso), which were then bury themselves among other people to escape the
sold to gamers eager to pay cash in exchange. This life. Perhaps they hope ticking off some operations
interesting mode of payment was only discovered with the rag-tag group they are currently with will
because of a Bureau Noir operative who was an provide the impetus to get them noticed by the
avid player and noticed a connection between the company of their dreams, StarCo, or the Foreign
accounts selling off the in-game items. It led to a Company. Maybe they wronged their last crew
three-year operation and the eventual arrest and somehow, or were implicated in doing so, and
subsequent jailing of a number of mercenaries, and hope to escape notice as they work through the
their leader Jacinta Reed, for terrorising the trading Human Sphere. Or the last operation or two they
ships of the Asfour Family freetrading company, and were on were Black Sanction, and now they want
a number of stations on the Human Edge where to escape their company or the law. They could be
they had offices. It is assumed Reed and her crew a bounty hunter, and the rest of the party has some
were hired by a rival company, but no arrests for connection to their current target.
engaging Reed were made.
Whatever reasons exist for the mercenary to be
RUNNING MERCENARIES working alongside the other PCs, having a reason
IN INFINITY can make the character more interesting, dynamic,
and fun. Such reasons can also come with a host of
Mercenaries are a mixed bag, and the way they implications. These may be reflected in character
are represented as characters in the game will traits, or they may be in-world implications. If the
undoubtedly reflect this. Personalities and moral character is trying to escape the life, why? What
‘Who’s that man you were tendencies aside, there are some issues that if that life or the reason to leave it catches up
talking to Rex?’ players and GMs may have to address, depending with them again? If they want to gain attention or
on the structure of the character group and their reputation enough to join the crew of their dreams,
‘Nobody. Don’t worry motivations for operating together. This section what if they do? If they wronged their last crew
about it.’ will look at a number of different options that are or were thought to have done so, this former crew
most common in terms of running Infinity with could make for some really interesting ongoing
mercenary characters. adversaries. If their last mission was Black Sanction,
what did they do? What if they are recognised?
A THORN AMONG THE ROSES What if the law catches up with them, or the old
Every group of characters is as varied as the players crew? What if it involved family or friends of one of
that make them up. If the group of characters the other PCs? What if, while perusing the bounties
is a random mix of professions, with different available to be claimed, the PC sees the name of
backgrounds, skill sets, and motivations, one of one or more of his current group?

12 Chapter 1

Trust and morality can make for interesting story What do they want to achieve? As a unit perhaps
points. Mercenaries are soldiers for hire, so if they are travelling around hoping to gain experi-
the bullets start flying, will they stick around to ence and notoriety enough to be contracted to a
see it out or run to fight another day? Whether larger company. Perhaps they take what contracts
the players decide to run a character that is they can find. Or do they hope to gain enough
trustworthy and reliable or otherwise is one thing, resources and experience to start their own small
but equally interesting is what the other PCs make company? Maybe they have been working from
of their mercenary companion. Do they trust them? the lists and want to make the move to more
legitimate and less illegal operations on the War
This can be worked into a game session to create Market? Spending some time with the play group
an interesting dynamic between the characters. Will developing these goals can be the basis of an
the merc be left alone with that bag of money? Will entire campaign.
they be trusted not to take the offered bribe? Will
they back up the other PCs as they promised? Another interesting aspect to consider is how the
PCs wound up together? Sure, they might be a
Morality is another good source of story. The life unit of mercenaries now, but how did they wind
of a mercenary often requires the suspension or up working side-by-side? Was it a single incident?
shifting of what is deemed morally right. How Maybe they were all on a ship boarded by pirates,
a mercenary elects to deal with a prisoner, a and had to work together to fight them off? Do they
surrender, an innocent bystander, or witness may share some commonality of background (perhaps
come as a shock to the rest of the party, especially they are all ex-operatives or ex-military)?
if their backgrounds or motivations are significantly
different. Having some touchstone of common ground that
brought the PCs together helps define the reason
Some players will want to create a backstory of for why they stay together, and it helps develop
nuance and depth. Creating an internal tension the stories of the characters’ lives with consistency.
between their past choices and the choices that When developing the group goals, some of the
lay before them, pitting morality and motivation PCs might differ, might not care about what the
against opportunity and circumstance is a future holds, may have no opinion yet, but having
great way to achieve that. The background of a that commonality provides the raison d’être for the
mercenary is full of such opportunities. Some in-game ‘now’.
players just want to play a hard-bitten merc, the
deeper emotional or moral implications of their life Tension is a key component in any good story, and
be damned. In these cases, the past experiences or the answers to the questions of how the PCs got
actions of the merc may best be reflected through together and what their eventual goals are can be
in-world tensions such as adversaries from the past a great source of tension between characters. As
rather than through internal strife. described in the section ‘A Thorn Among the Roses’
above, the morality of the characters can also
If the playgroup contains only one or two provide for some interesting internal and between-
mercenaries, it is a wonderful opportunity for the character tensions. Perhaps the PCs want to make a
players and GM both to bring story and tension into name for themselves as a mercenary unit, but one
the game. A mercenary is likely to have a chequered or two of the PCs are happy to take Black Sanction
past. This provides fodder for creating character missions while the others are not. What happens if
depth and internal tension, as well as some that PC is placed in a situation where they are the
in-game, in-world consequences the GM can use to one to sign the next contract?
throw a wrench into the play group’s plans.
The life of a mercenary is a life of danger and
DOGS OF WAR adventure. With the next contract coming from
It may be that the entire group of PCs is made a corporation, a Submondo group, a government
up of mercenaries, or they are a mixed group of agency, or an individual with an agenda, sources
professions who want to operate as a mercenary for interesting and action-packed story ideas are
unit or small company. If this is the case the endless…. Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war!
reasons and motivations for the play group to
operate together is much easier to work out.
Instead of developing ideas around how the
mercenary will integrate with others, the question
instead revolves around what the group of PCs is
aiming for.

Mercenaries 13

Appearance: A tall man of
indeterminate age. Vigorous
and healthy. He is often
described by others as a
seasoned businessman with
an unflappable calm. His DAHSHAT DAHSHAT COMPANY AT A
intense gaze is legendary,
both for prying free secrets COMPANY GLANCE
Typical jobs: Corporate security, personal protection
and hiding mysteries that for businessmen and corporate executives, escorting
might not be known by valuable shipments, Zumurroda security.
any other person alive.
Roleplaying: Common employers: The Boylik Corp’s subsidiaries,
• Intense stare that Fahesh himself, the Silk Lord Sohrab Bey, Amanda Vine’s
strips the soul bare. Corporate Spies Maya show, Over/Under Shipping
• Restless; always ready to Corporation, other corporations that are seeking a
move on to the next thing. discreet operator.
• Impeccable dress sense:
flowing scarves and Tactics: Rely on the appearance of competence and
elaborately embroidered weight of numbers. Patrols and escorts coordinated by
tunics. officers who aren’t necessarily promoted on the basis of
Background: Fahesh is ability. Soldiers often stay in garrison in one place for a
staggeringly wealthy, and his while, getting to know the local environment.
business interests are hugely
diverse. This is part savvy Typical deployment: A squad of eight privates (Jundi)
investment strategy, part led by a sergeant (Raqib) and a lieutenant (Mulazim), all
restlessness and relentless wearing red and tan uniforms with rank markings. New
energy. Tall and healthy, he Sword of Allah-regulation AS Sayad rifles, tailored light
benefits greatly from the What began as personal project of Qaid Fahesh combat armour, earpieces, and berets.
biomedical and therapeutic has since grown into a lucrative business
treatments available to subsidiary of the Boylik Corp. Serving as the
wealthy Haqqislamites. private security service and armed response force STRUCTURE & ASSETS
Rumours abound that he has of the corporation, Boylik have also fostered the
undergone a variety of rare private military company into a formidable force Dahshat Company is quietly one of the largest
and experimental genetic with a reputation for getting the job done with employers of mercenaries in the Human Sphere.
enhancements. no questions asked. They hire out for contracts They keep a much lower profile than the other
Although most people assume on the War Market like any other company, but major companies — they have no need for glitzy
Fahesh spends all his time always keep enough troops in reserve to cater PR campaigns, instead relying on the Boylik Corp’s
on his island paradise of to Boylik Corp’s business requirements. These many subsidiaries and business interests to find
Zumurroda, in reality he’s are diversified throughout the Human Sphere, work. This allows them to fly below the popular
constantly on the move. Partly touching on virtually every corner of commerce. radar, despite the ubiquity of their red and tan
this is out of security concerns: But Dahshat Company is also about appearances. uniforms throughout the Human Sphere.
like all wealthy Haqqislamites, Though he sits on a board, Qaid Fahesh considers
personal threats and himself the head of an empire, and every empire Dahshat soldiers are very well supplied, courtesy
assassination attempts are benefits from a show of force with which to keep of the staggering affluence of the Boylik Corp.
a part of daily life. Mostly, its enemies at bay. The Directors, Fahesh included, like their soldiers
though, it’s because he’s to look impressive, so their equipment is always
always searching for the Dahshat has a more formal structure than many well maintained. Company uniforms include unit
next adventure or business mercenary companies. It has a relatively rigid markings, rank insignia, and decorations, and they
opportunity. hierarchy, and mercs are assigned to units in are easily mistaken for a regular army. Conversely,
much the same way as a regular army. There is the uniforms of the highest ranks— captains and
some additional flexibility to ensure the company majors — are distinctly lacking in military honours
can cater directly to Fahesh’s varied desires, and such as medals and tour ribbons, as the Boylik Corp
recruitment policies are more lax than national insist the senior officers present a more corporate
service. Nevertheless, Dahshat is an attractive veneer. Dahshat is one of the few mercenary
option for mercenaries who miss the order and companies that can boast its own interstellar
structure of military life, or wannabe soldiers who transport. The Rakhsh is a refurbished corsair ship,
never quite cut it in the regular armed forces. named for the noble horse ridden by the hero
Rostam in the Persian epic Shahnameh, and

14 Chapter 2

it is predominantly equipped for troop transport. men and women who look like they batter down
Nevertheless, a large, opulent suite of rooms is doors for fun. Sometimes it means soldiers who PERSONALITIES
reserved for Fahesh and his guests, though it’s look smart in the crisp red and tan Dahshat OF DAHSHAT
mostly used by high-ranking corporate clients. The uniform. Rare amongst mercenary companies, COMPANY
Qaid Fahesh takes great pride in his ship. Dahshat actually operates recruitment offices.
These can be found in Dar El Funduq on Bourak, Colonel Ravshan Dostum,
ZUMURRODA AND DAHSHAT nestled at the base of the space elevator, and on Dahshat Company Director.
Zumurroda (Infinity Corebook, p. 236) is Fahesh’s caravanserai throughout the Human Sphere. These Sanford Beale, Fahesh’s current
private island, off the coast of Parthalia on Bourak. offices are basically the entirety of Dahshat’s PR Odalisque and a spy for Silk
Essentially free from interference by Haqqislamite arm: impressive-looking rooms staffed by impres- Lord Sohrab Bey.
authorities, it is both Fahesh’s personal resort, and a sive-looking officers. Mulazim Elanur Durak, driven
thriving tourist destination. The island is not heavily recruitment officer in Boushra
Caravanserai, Human Edge.
militarised; Dahshat’s main barracks and storage NOTABLE OPERATIONS Arezoo and Abha, twin
warehouses are in the outskirts of Dar El Funduq.
Nevertheless, Dahshat uniforms are a common HÚDIÉ UNDERGROUND RAILROAD sisters, one stationed
sight on the island since they provide security for During the Japanese Uprising, a significant number in Sol, one in Bourak.
Zumurroda’s high class clientele. of Japanese citizens were looking for ways to Lunde, Three Arts/Dahshat fast
escape Yínghuo, the Yu Jing capital on Mars. Many courier with serious Aristeia!
As a perk of employment, all Dahshat soldiers
of these escapees passed through Húdié (The gambling debts.
are entered into a yearly lottery for a week’s
vacation on the island, at the Boylik Corp’s expense. Butterfly), where they were aided by a low-key
Approximately a hundred of these vacations are Dahshat unit. These mercenaries kept them safe
offered each year, and exceptional service can earn from StateEmpire patrols and made sure they
you extra entries into the lottery. were smuggled on to friendly transports headed
for Earth. Fahesh saw this as an opportunity to
BOYLIK BUSINESS INTERESTS curry favour with the new Japanese nation without
Vardar Labs, a medical research and pharmaceuticals exposing his Yu Jing business interests to too
company based in Medina that specialises in Silk much risk. He could easily cut loose the Dahshat
applications. Currently locked in conflict with rival unit working on Húdié if necessary. The Dahshat
firm Pyxis Pharma. Dahshat serve as both offence Company soldiers never wore the red and tan and
and defence in acts of corporate espionage, theft, did their best to hide their true affiliation.
and kidnapping.
Koson Logistics, a fast courier service owned by
Boylik. They have a specialised service that delivers
documents without leaving a quantronic trail.
Deliveries are performed by a branch of Dahshat,
occasionally using regular Dahshat soldiers for
The Remote racing team Divine Spark is financed by
the Boylik Corp. Dahshat provides race-day security,
both in and out of uniform, as well as fact-finding
and (occasionally) counter-sabotage operations
against rival teams.
The Boylik Corp has a commercial alliance with the
piratical businessman Taner Aksoy, whose three
ships lurk in Human Edge. Aksoy’s ships are often
loaded down with Dahshat soldiers as boarding
parties and shipboard defence.

The Dahshat Company prefers recruits with former
military or combat service. The Boylik Corp has no
desire to spend money on raw recruits. Beyond that,
the Company doesn’t much care about a recruit’s
history or record. Anyone is welcome, provided
they’re willing to sign on the dotted line and
personally commit to the interests of the Boylik
Corp. What does matter to the Dahshat Company is
appearances. The Boylik Corp wants mercenaries
who look the part. Sometimes that means giant

Companies of Note 15
chiselled, with a top knot Typical jobs: Riot control, intimidation, corporate security,
and a pointed chin beard. assassination, extortion.
• Poorly disguised hoodlum Common employers: Qapu Khalqi and the Ikari Company
accent. (Druze Shock Teams). MagnaObra, Pharmacomp, Silk
• Grinning and relaxed, unless Lords Harald Bey and Samerthize Begum, Tunguskan
he’s pushed. banking families, and Druze Society kingpins.
• Loves ostentatious displays
of wealth: big guns, fine booze. Tactics: Druze Bayram Security are a shock force. Fierce
Background: Arslan has been and uncompromising, they know how to deliver a
a gangster his whole life, message that leaves a target in no doubt. Contracts are
rising from nothing to lead followed to the letter, without remorse, conscience, or
Druze Bayram Security. His concern for the law — it’s simply business.
criminal career started as a
lookout before he was even Typical deployment: A Druze Shock Team forms the core,
ten years old. By thirteen, he brutal mafia enforcers in distinctive yellow, insectile
was leading his own gang. Not helmets. Supported by bounty hunters, Haqqislamite
long after, he set up a Druze mountain scouts, surplus military remotes, and even
smuggling ring in the Free Anaconda TAGs. Equipment varies wildly, but is
City of Jerusalem, clearing out frequently overkill: HMGs, MULTI Sniper Rifles, and
all black-market opposition Druze Bayram Security are a legitimate mercenary Panzerfausts.
from the city. Arslan’s roguish company wholly owned by the Druze Society,
demeanour hides a ruthless one of the most powerful Submondo criminal
survival instinct and a knack organisations in the Human Sphere. They are
for taking advantage of a brutal fighting force, mafia enforcers with a
the slightest opportunity. fearsome reputation, and a very thin veneer or Bayram Security mercenaries make sure that it is
Following the Dolly respectability. You don’t hire the Druze when safe and secure. Provided, of course, the Society
Dagger’s raid on the Bayram you’re looking for a soft touch. You hire them to wants you there.
caravanserai, in which Arslan’s make a very clear, very violent statement. Although
mentor Jethro was killed, he individual Druze Shock Teams have sold their skills RELIGION AND TAQIYYA
was promoted to his current on the War Market for a long time, Bayram Security All members of the Druze Society are united by the
role as Chief Security Officer. is a recent development. Formed as an offshoot of Druze religion, whose rituals and beliefs are kept
He used the moment to build the security corps aboard the Druze-owned Bayram secret, reserved only for initiates. They practice
Bayram Security, launching caravanserai, it serves a number of purposes: it taqiyya, the art of concealing your true beliefs by
a lucrative new business for generates money for the Druze Society, it keeps blending in with local customs. Taqiyya extends to
his Druze Society masters. Druze soldiers sharp and combat-ready, and it gives the Society’s membership rituals, as well as its true
In doing so, he cemented his them ample opportunity to reinforce their deadly plans and goals. The Druze Society does not speak
own position near the peak reputation through public displays of violence. for all Druze people.
of the criminal organisation.
The Druze Society are a Submondo mafia dating
back to the construction of the space elevator The core of Druze Bayram Security are the Druze
KEY PERSONALITIES in Eastern Africa. To this day, they control the Shock Teams. Each of these is an independent
SECURITY commercial routes through Asia Minor to the unit, with widely varying expertise and equipment.
Hamza, a heavy with
elevator. They have also spread throughout Sol and Some focus on high-tech warfare, using hackers
a reputation for
the Fareedat system, where they own the partially and refurbished PanOceanian Remotes, whereas
impossible strength.
constructed Bayram caravanserai near the Paradiso- others rely on HMGs and Panzerfausts to get the
Al-Hakim, Druze Society
Concilium wormhole. job done. Some are hot-blooded, some cold, but all
fixer on call for when
are brutally efficient teams. Security Chief Arslan
operations go bad.
Most of these activities are aided by bribery and restructured Bayram Security, and his innovation
Samira Schreiber,
extortion; the Society has politicians and powerful was to supplement Druze Shock Teams with outside
WarCor secretly on the
corporate executives in their pockets, particularly specialists: bounty hunters, Hunzakuts from Bourak’s
Druze Society payroll.
in Bourak’s Funduq Sultanate. The Druze Society Gabqar mountains, Anaconda TAGs, and others. This
Pakhet, mysterious Druze
are the secret masters of docks and warehouses has only reinforced their fearsome reputation as an
Kingpin responsible for
all across the caravanserai network. As well as organisation with both the will and the expertise to
Sol Ceres Belt operations,
providing a legitimate source of income, the Bayram get even the most unpleasant work done.
sometimes called Alhakima
caravanserai is a convenient headquarters for many
(The Governess).
of the Druze Society’s illegal activities.

16 Chapter 2

Since their owners are a Human Sphere-spanning all of the staff to come over as part of the deal.
criminal organisation, Bayram Security units can Instead, all three company founders slipped out of Druze Shock Teams, Infinity
call on a variety of unusual resources. These include their contracts and went freelance. Many of their Corebook p. 207
networks of safe-houses and weapons caches, as staff followed suit. PingCo quietly hired Druze
well as political and legal support from officials in Bayram Security. A campaign of terror followed,
the Society’s pocket. Nevertheless, Bayram Security including the destruction of a maker hub where
units prefer to operate on their own as much as Lord kept an office, the extortion of Halldor’s profits
possible. Partly this is internal politics but calling from her company’s sale, and the murders of three
on Society resources also runs the risk of increased low-level staff members. As the carnage grew,
attention from intelligence agencies and law Watts (thought to be the true brains behind W-H-L)
enforcement. presented himself to PingCo, begging them to hire
him at a fraction of his original salary.
Only members of the Druze faith are permitted Located in the Ceres Belt, the Greenfly Orbital
in the Druze Shock Teams. A steady flow of Druze was a shipping hub frequently used by the Druze
seeking experiences beyond their own enclaves find Society to move goods to and from Earth. When the
the Druze Society to be an attractive option. They Măfēng Triad made a play for the Greenfly docks
are able to experience the Human Sphere while and began extorting money out of transport ship
maintaining links to their spiritual home, climbing captains, the Druze Society had no intention of
the ranks if they demonstrate aptitude, ferocity, and allowing this upstart to encroach on their business.
loyalty. Of course, membership in the Druze Society They immediately dispatched three Shock Teams
is nothing like the sales pitch given to recruits. and their support units, including an Anaconda TAG.
Unfortunately, it’s already too late by the time most In the resulting violence, every member of the Triad
recruits realise this. The Society’s mysteries, as was killed, down to the lowliest enforcer. Over a
well as shared taqiyya, bind Shock Teams together. fifth of Greenfly was depopulated. To this day, the
Each group is loyal to its own, forming tight-knit dockworkers pay fealty to the Druze Society.
units that compete for the best jobs, and for favour
in the organisation. This constant competition is
encouraged by the Society, keeping their fighting
force sharp and thirsty for conflict. Security Chief
Arslan’s external specialists may be completely
loyal, but they will never be true Druze unless they
convert. Even then, late converts are often treated
with suspicion.

The Druze believe that death in combat is only a
temporary state, that they will be reincarnated to
terrorize their enemies once more. The depth of this
conviction has led some to suggest that the Druze
Society has a literal way to resurrect their best foot
soldiers. They may have their own Cube bank or
corrupt officials in resurrection facilities.


When the megacorp PingCo, specialising in military

comlog development, bought out the interface
design company Watts-Halldor-Lord, they expected

Companies of Note 17
BEAU BRYANT, COMPANY Typical jobs: Anything high profile. Personal security,
pirate-hunting, daring raids.
CONSULTANTS Common employers: Maya celebrities, sports stars,
Appearance: A powerful, spotlight-loving politicians, flamboyant businessmen.
elegant woman with a People who appreciate having fame on the payroll.
halo of blonde hair and
tiny glasses balanced on Tactics: Varies hugely depending on which celebrity
her nose. A short, round Foreign Company mercs are deployed. If it’s Hannibal, it
man in a three-piece suit. will involve an ingenious plan which probably won’t be
Roleplaying: clear to anyone until it comes together. Sometimes it
• Behave like they’re won’t even be clear what the real job is until it’s done.
always on camera, playing Foreign Company operatives (virtually) always assume
to an invisible audience. cameras are watching.
• Sly winks and friendly
smiles, particularly when Typical deployment: A team of celebrity mercenaries
people realise what (or aspiring celebrity mercenaries), each with their own
they’re really doing. personal style and characteristic equipment. Usually
• Frequently make ranging from a duo to a squad of five or six, sometimes
physical contact. supported by rank-and-file mercs recruited for this
Background: Nystrøm and specific job.
Bryant descend upon new Van Orton, warmonger of the Van Orton Military
Foreign Company recruits like Contracts Foreign Company, knows the value of
each is a personal project. publicity. It made his career, and he’s used it to STRUCTURE & ASSETS
Bryant is all about your turn the Foreign Company into the most famous
look: distinctive, memorable, mercenaries in the Human Sphere. The soldiers The Foreign Company’s biggest asset is its all-star
practical, the distillation of on his roster are household names, and the Maya roster of mercs. They are supported by an army of
the personality you’re trying to broadcast rights to their exploits bring in almost publicists, image consultants, WarCors, and Maya
project. Nystrøm is all about as much money as the mercenary contracts journalists. The best of these support staff attach
the team: who are you, what do themselves. The Foreign Company focuses on themselves to the most successful mercenaries
you do better than anyone else, prestige clients and charges rates to match. A lot in the company, but even the lowliest recruit will
and how can you look good of their bread and butter is personal security for spend some time with a publicity team. Foreign
doing it? The two seem to be celebrities. Celebrity tours and performances often Company mercenaries are also very well equipped.
all about appearances, but become jointly managed media events when high- (Unless shabby or out-of-date equipment is part
countless Foreign Company profile Foreign Company mercenaries are involved. of a carefully-managed image — everyone loves
recruits have been surprised Lest anyone think the Foreign Company are merely an underdog!) Personal style is crucial, and so
to realise that under their celebrity mercenary-wannabes, they maintain a the Foreign Company doesn’t have uniforms or
tutelage, they’ve managed to tremendous record in the field. This is perhaps standard load outs. Each soldier is encouraged
hone not only their visual style, unsurprising since their operations routinely take to develop their own image (a distinctive one
but also their fighting skills. place in the public eye, with high profile clients. can even help you get recruited) and carry
It’s a high-stakes game, where failures can have equipment to match.
catastrophic consequences for the company’s
PERSONALITIES The Foreign Company maintains their own
OF FOREIGN THE FIGUEROA ESTATE transport ship, the FCS Modern Wife. This ship
COMPANY The seed money for the Foreign Company came from is famous, appearing in countless Maya dramas,
The Badgers, a team of flashy the Figueroa Estate, a Tunguskan banking family documentaries, and exposés. Its visually impressive
combat engineers, able to with a dubious history and many shady dealings. profile and military-chic interior are well known.
breach any fortification. Van Orton works hard to keep this connection This popularity has its benefits, including priority
Coltrane, a Foreign Company secret. Nevertheless, rumours swirl around Foreign docking access and the occasional police escort. It
workhorse, serving in all Company involvement in (extremely) hostile does, however, make stealth virtually impossible.
of their backup squads. takeovers, unpleasant debt recovery actions, and data
VaudeVille Rose, surfs news security for the notorious Tunguskan banking family.
trends looking for Foreign
Company job opportunities.
Qi-Jung, bodyguard to
the stars.

18 Chapter 2

RECRUITMENT building a network of contacts, stealing data and CAPTAIN

hawking it on the black market, until the day she YOLANDA
Publicity is the Foreign Company’s primary fell into a digital trap laid by Hannibal. CARDOSO
recruitment tool. They are the Human Sphere’s Appearance: A short,
coolest mercenary outfit, and that attracts a Señor Massacre: Always running off at the mouth, dark-skinned woman, always
particular kind of attention-hungry recruit. Given Massacre is all ego. A grinning skull-masked wearing a StarCo logo.
their operational profile, the Foreign Company can persona created for underground fighting rings
afford to be selective. Unlike frontline mercenary on Corregidor, Massacre was legitimately skilled, Roleplaying:
companies, they don’t need to keep a large number but poor impulse control drove him to drugs and • Little interest in ceremony or
of rank-and-file soldiers on their roster. Publicity is debt. He joined the Nomad Military Force to escape, motivational speeches.
also the route to success in the Foreign Company. but his time there left him radiation-burned and • Fiercely loyal and
Resources, including personnel, equipment, disfigured by military-grade assault viruses. He unyielding when it comes to
training, and access to the most desirable contracts once again donned the mask and went freelance, her company and soldiers.
naturally accrue to the soldiers and captains who eventually finding his way to Hannibal and Aristeia! • Never needs to raise her
draw the most publicity. Van Orton prefers positive voice.
publicity, but the Human Sphere loves an anti-hero BACKUP Background: Mercenary
too. All that really matters is success and ratings. The Soldiers of Fortune are a close-knit team, warmongers usually take the
There is a dark side to all this focus on publicity: but they don’t always work alone. Sometimes rank of colonel. In StarCo it’s
internal competition. Making a name for yourself Hannibal’s plans require backup. These jobs are traditional to take the rank of
is heavily incentivised, and some Foreign Company a golden opportunity for up-and-coming Foreign captain instead because StarCo
recruits think the best way to do this is at the Company recruits: a chance to be seen fighting leaders are frontline combat
expense of their comrades. More than one unit has alongside the Soldiers of Fortune, and perhaps officers just as much as they
come apart as a result of internal rivalries. even more importantly, a chance for Hannibal to are tacticians or commanders.
notice you. The current StarCo Captain is
SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE Yolanda Cardoso, hand-chosen
The Soldiers of Fortune are an Aristeia! team. UNDERCOVER JOBS by the Mexican General to
They’re also on the Foreign Company books, making Very occasionally, the Foreign Company is hired replace Henry Cissokho, who
them the most high-profile merc unit in the out for truly clandestine work. They charge (rumour has it) was killed in
Human Sphere. exorbitantly for these jobs, partly due to the an off-the-books operation
challenge of maintaining a low profile, but mostly for the Black Hand. Cardoso
Hannibal: The Man with the Plan, consummate because they can. came over from a long career
strategist and natural born leader. A dapper in the Corregidor Jurisdictional
gentleman with a taste for the finer things— NOTABLE OPERATIONS Command. Her transition was
especially art— Hannibal uses his brilliant military rocky, the combination of
mind to finance his lifestyle. He served as Van THE DEFILER hostility towards an outsider
Orton’s second-in-command and Chief Strategy The Defiler was one of the most reviled pirate ships and her own blunt personality.
Officer until he gathered the wealth and contacts in the Human Sphere. Their trail of pillage and Nevertheless, the soldiers of
necessary to bankroll the Soldiers of Fortune destruction stretched across four star systems. The StarCo have grown to love her.
Aristeia! team. His relationship with the Foreign audacity of their raids captured the attention of the Not only has she demonstrated
Company continues, with Van Orton offering him public, and not even a military escort guaranteed considerable strategic and
the choicest jobs. safety. They also captured Hannibal’s eye. The tactical skill, she has shown
Foreign Company accepted a bounty co-financed herself to be a fierce advocate
Valkyrie: A towering, muscle-bound warrior with by the Maya channel Oxyd, whose drone cameras for her soldiers and her
long blonde braids, Valkyrie epitomises her name. followed every stage of the unfolding chase. company. An uncompromising
When Hannibal found her, she was a vicious pirate. Hannibal hatched one of his signature plans to lure negotiator raised in the harsh
Her origin is a mystery hidden behind “access the elusive pirate ship into a trap. Foreign Company Corregidor Lazareto modules,
denied” sigils, and all that’s known about her is mercenaries boarded the Defiler, and Hannibal she prefers contracts with
that you don’t want to stand in her way when she masterminded some of the most thrilling shipboard charities and non-profits.
shoulders her axe and charges through. fighting ever seen on Maya. The true star of the
show turned out to be one of the pirates. Valkyrie —
Laxmee: A Maasai from Corregidor, her life changed still a kid, albeit a massive one — took down four of
when her gang raided a barge and found a Hannibal’s men before she could be subdued. When
shipping container loaded down with military gear. she had served her time in prison, Hannibal was
Laxmee went straight for the hacking device and waiting for her with an offer she couldn’t refuse.
never looked back. She travelled the Human Sphere,

Companies of Note 19
FIERO OF THE STAR Typical jobs: Training (Gestalt Officers), security advice
and consulting, security in volatile areas and conflict
Appearance: A lanky woman
(too many hours in zero-
(STARCO) zones, and intelligence gathering.

g?) with a fuzz of shaved Common employers: Bureau Aegis, non-governmental

blonde hair. organisations, and charities (Freedom International,
Roleplaying: Children Protection, Volunteers Without Borders,
• Virtually never found in her Stop Famine!).
command chair.
• Treat her with respect and Tactics: Rapid response and professionalism are StarCo
she’s got your back. hallmarks. Their teams coordinate extremely well, and
• Swears like a sailor. frequently provide security advice and training services
Background: One of StarCo’s even if it’s not officially their role. StarCo units are
two re-purposed freighters, inappropriate for frontline combat roles, in part due
the SCS Fiero is Captain to their cost, but well-equipped to adapt to a rapidly
Ballou’s pride and joy. Not changing environment.
that you’d know it—Ballou
demonstrates her affection Typical deployment: A single (sometimes Gestalt)
for her ship by constantly officer in an advisory role, often accompanied by a few
complaining about its failings. StarCo bodyguards. Alternatively, an elite, well-oiled
There’s always some system team with a diversity of skills and equipment: medics,
that’s misbehaving, and hackers, Anaconda TAGs, Highlander snipers, and heavy
Ballou always knows about armour support.
it. Ballou doesn’t take kindly
to receiving orders from the The Free Company of the Star, commonly known as
mercs she transports. StarCo StarCo, is the most famous private military company competitors, and an imperative to uphold democracy
unit commanders quickly learn in the Human Sphere. They have an extremely and freedom throughout the Human Sphere.
to treat everything as a polite positive reputation for a mercenary organisation, Not coincidentally, the defence of democracy
request. On three occasions, particularly one whose origins are in the Nomad is a founding principle of the Nomad Nation.
the SCS Fiero has disappeared Mothership Corregidor. This is largely because StarCo The Normative Quartet are:
on (apparently) unsanctioned focuses on contracts that support freedom and 1. Every StarCo contract states that StarCo is
missions. Ballou and her crew uphold democracy throughout the Human Sphere. committed to respecting the Concilium Convention
remain silent about these This strict ethical position is encoded into StarCo’s and international human rights law.
adventures, claiming only that DNA through a set of guidelines called the Normative 2. StarCo contracts are ruled by strict transparency
they were personal matters. Quartet. Guided by these principles, they prefer protocols. Complete contracts are always made
contracts that support Bureau Aegis peace-keeping available to appropriate authorities for auditing or
missions, non-governmental organisations and inspection.
charities such as Volunteers Without Borders, and 3. StarCo commits to exhaustively verify that their
PERSONALITIES logistics and construction in troubled areas. They’re own staff have never committed any human rights
OF STARCO also known for providing training, consulting, and violations. All staff resumes are made available to
Master Sergeant Ian JW, intelligence expertise. StarCo’s highly-trained officers contracting parties and appropriate authorities.
StarCo's main tactical are perhaps even more valuable in advisory roles 4. In the event of any human rights violations, StarCo
instructor and one of the than direct combat operations. It would be unwise to will call for an independent, external investigation.
finest Gestalt Officers. consider these pacifist leanings as a sign of weakness. This investigation will be handled in accordance with
Lieutenant Nur, a new StarCo was born in the dangerous early days of principles of maximum transparency.
Corregidor Jurisdictional Corregidor, and they still recruit heavily from its rough,
Command liaison. vacuum-hardened warriors. StarCo’s deep-space
Emily Handelman, intel agent conflict expertise is without par — no other company
who can provide a direct can boast as much experience in anti-smuggling, The Mexican General Juan Sarmiento, the most
link to StarCo. trans orbital search and tracking, on-board escort, and famous of resident of Corregidor, understood the
Ramión Ayala, StarCo's contract space security. value of his people: they were space-worthy but also
officer with Volunteers battle-hardened. Their skills as zero-g construction
Without Borders. and maintenance workers were easy to sell. He
recognised, however, that no foreign power would
The Normative Quartet are the ethical principles on
be comfortable employing mercenaries with close
which StarCo was founded. They provide a threefold
ties to a rival nation. StarCo was his solution to this
benefit: The PR-boost of a noble reputation, a clear
problem: founded by Corregidor, recruiting heavily
differentiator between StarCo and its less-scrupulous

20 Chapter 2

from Corregidor, but (apparently) independently training advice for the rapid integration of multi- The Mexican General
financed, with an independent chain of command. national taskforces. In transit between El Arsenal Juan Sarmiento, Infinity
and the Elysium-3 orbital, an Ikari Company unit Corebook p. 173
This close connection continues to this day, boarded her transport and attempted to kidnap
under a special arrangement whereby Corregidor her. Although she and her bodyguard Nils Arnalds
Jurisdictional Command soldiers can take a leave managed to keep them at bay until rescue could
of absence to serve in StarCo. Once their stint in arrive, this incident is the cause of on-going
StarCo is up, they return to their old positions with animosity between StarCo and the Ikari Company.
full rank and privileges intact. The mutual benefits
of this arrangement are many: StarCo has access to THE ANDROV-FULLER
a pool of skilled soldiers who can supplement their MINING PLATFORM
pay with lucrative mercenary contracts. Moreover, A mining facility located in the Orthys Belt of
the dispersal of StarCo units throughout the Human Edge, Androv-Fuller was financed by a pair
Human Sphere means the Nomads have soldiers of Earth-based moguls looking to expand their
they can call up for active duty wherever they’re mercantile activities beyond Sol. After suffering a
needed. StarCo also maintains naval assets: two string of damaging pirate raids, the pair used their
re-purposed freighters known as the SCS Rencor considerable wealth to employ StarCo to advise on
and the SCS Fiero. Their captains are resourceful, station defence. A week after the StarCo advisors
and provided they can set the terms of engagement, arrived at Androv-Fuller, all communications with
they can stand up surprisingly well even against the base ceased. The pirate captain Sheth decided
small gunships and torpedo vessels. to take the mining facility for himself and launched
an all-out assault. By the time the dust settled
RECRUITMENT a month later, Sheth’s fledgling pirate navy was
scattered. Moreover, the command staff of Androv-
In addition to its close relationship with Corregidor, Fuller was apprehended by the StarCo team for a
StarCo recruits from across the Human Sphere. variety of illegal activities, including attempted
Its units routinely include soldiers from Ariadna breach of the Concilium Convention, and the
and Haqqislam, as well as corporate security and station was handed over to its workers. The station
ex-PanOceanian operatives. Every mercenary is still a common recruiting ground for StarCo.
company with such diverse hiring practices faces
the same problem: how do you integrate a group
of soldiers that don’t even share a language, let
alone common training or operational experience?
StarCo have solved this problem with uniquely
powerful training methods. The core principle of
these so-called Gestalt Techniques is that every
new recruit enters at exactly the same level — the
lowest— regardless of prior training or experience.
A severe training regime follows, in which the new
recruits learn to work together, forging an identity
as a team. After these difficult early stages, each
soldier gradually re-introduces their previous
skills and experience. In this way, they become
the best fusion of their old and new selves, able
to efficiently share their personal expertise
with soldiers trained on the same baseline. The
effectiveness of the Gestalt Techniques has led
to their adoption throughout the Nomad Military
Force. Gestalt Officers, trained to teach using this
method, are in incredibly high demand. StarCo
takes commercial advantage of their expertise by
offering their services as instructors to clients.

Sergeant Sandra Okumo is a Gestalt Officer, hired
by the Paradiso Coordinated Command to provide

Companies of Note 21
Appearance: A crisp suit and
cold, dark eyes. COMPANY Typical jobs: Whatever the client wants done, no
questions asked. Anti-piracy operations in Human
Roleplaying: Edge, lightning raids (destruction, theft, or both), and
• Barely contained fury. strike breaking.
• Disdain for pleasantry
or manners, especially Common employers: Unscrupulous corporations
Japanese ones. (MinesCorp, Pharmacomp, MagnaObra), criminal
• His palm always organisations, or anyone aiming to hurt Yu Jing.
rests on his katana.
Background: Ikari was an Tactics: Ikari operations are characterised by speed and
honourable man. Born into force. They hit hard, with little concern for collateral
a bushi family in Yu Jing, his damage or casualties. They are unsubtle and often
sense of duty drove him to excessive, but they know how to cover their tracks
serve in the Japanese Sectorial just enough that no one has been able to successfully
Army. Like all Japanese prosecute them in Concilium courts.
soldiers, he endured the
most dangerous assignments Typical deployment: Ikari Company units can be wild
and the disrespect of Yu and unpredictable— furious bikers, screaming Yuan
Jing High Command, always Yuans, and opportunistic Bashi Bazouks descending in
fighting with honour and a hail of fire. Nevertheless, they often have a core of
skill. He believed that doing hardened and well-equipped soldiers who defected
so elevated himself, his The Ikari Company is infamous for taking any job alongside Colonel Ikari. These ronin warriors are the
family, and his people. Ikari if the price is right. Ethical and moral issues do true terror in any Ikari operation.
transmitted his ideals to his not concern them and enter into the conversation
three children, who followed only when it is time to negotiate a price. If
him into the military. Both you’re hiring the Ikari for something of dubious
of his sons died needlessly legality — and Ikari’s clients frequently are — you’ll Aided by a dishonourable Yănjīng officer called Mr.
during the NeoColonial Wars, be expected to pay. What you’ll get in return is a Daixo, he stole weapons and supplies. He commit-
but it was the order that company of bloodthirsty warriors who will execute ted treason after treason to set up his fledgling
his daughter Asumi commit their contract without asking any questions. The mercenary company. These defectors, with their
seppuku and the subsequent Ikari Company are frequently accused of illegal stolen equipment and well-earned fury, form the
death-by-sadness of his wife practices: breaches of the Concilium Convention, brutally efficient core of the Ikari Company. They
Taname that finally broke Ikari. theft, and use of excessive force. So far, no one are absolutely loyal to their Colonel, sharing his
He saw that his honour and has managed to officially pin anything on them. beliefs and his ideals. They’re the bedrock on which
devotion were chains, used There’s always just enough doubt that Ikari everything else is built. The seat of Ikari Company
by the Yu Jing StateEmpire Company lawyers can slide the organisation out power is Human Edge. Colonel Ikari fought there
to bind him and his people. from under prosecution. Part of the service the for the StateEmpire many times. His familiarity with
Ikari swore vengeance. He set Ikari Company provides is enough complications its isolation and lawlessness made it the logical
in motion a years-long plan to protect themselves and their clients from legal place to stockpile stolen Yu Jing equipment. Their
to leave the StateEmpire. repercussions. headquarters in the system is the hidden Sēfurokku
As a parting gift, he ensured station, a safe haven for pirates and corsairs,
that the officers responsible All of this — the lack of morals, brutality, and controlled absolutely by the Ikari Company. They
for the death of his children willingness to skirt the law —springs from the also have a presence on Novyy Bangkok—their first
were disgraced or murdered, Ikari Company’s warmonger, Colonel Genzo Ikari. A base in Human Edge — as well as security contracts
one by one. Colonel Ikari’s former officer in the Japanese Sectorial Army, he for the Avro-Kaizuka orbital in the Tindarid Trojans.
hatred is the driving force has the rage of a once noble and self-sacrificing Both are common places to meet and negotiate
behind the Ikari Company. He man who has learned that everything he believed sensitive contracts with Mr. Daixo.
has been a soldier his entire in was a lie.
life, but now he is freed from
any constraints of honour
or nobility, and the soldiers
The core of the Ikari Company are the hand-chosen
who follow him are the same. When Colonel Ikari decided to defect from the Yu loyalists recruited when Ikari defected from the
They reserve a special hatred Jing StateEmpire, he did not go quickly. He took StateEmpire. Many of these soldiers came directly
for the Yu Jing StateEmpire, his time, recruiting soldiers who were personally from the mobile command centre of the Japanese
and the corrupt Japanese loyal, and who shared his disaffection and rage. Sectorial Army in Human Edge, the tactical
nobility that enable it.

22 Chapter 2

deployment and assault ship Yūshi. Like Ikari, these THE JAPANESE UPRISING
were once noble soldiers, loyal to the StateEmpire Colonel Ikari is no fan of Japanese authorities in Appearance: Dark shades and
and the Japanese High Command. Like Ikari, they the Human Sphere. Nevertheless, when the kuge an icy smile. Tanned skin and
have abandoned these loyalties and embraced the industrial aristocracy approached him through an dark beard.
ronin philosophy. Since then, Ikari’s recruitment intermediary (the MagnaObra Corporation), looking Roleplaying:
practices have dramatically loosened. They now for support in Human Edge, the opportunity was •Impassive. Icy smile and no
seek out soldiers with the worst reputations: too good to pass up: a chance to inflict grievous emotion. Speaks softly.
morally flexible, violent, and willing to do whatever harm on the StateEmpire, and make the Japanese •Appears unexpectedly —Mr.
they must to earn their pay. Naturally, these soldiers kuge pay handsomely for the privilege. Daixo decides when you meet.
come from across the Human Sphere— Libertos During the Japanese Uprising, the Ikari Company Moves hands when speaking,
terrorists from Varuna, desperadoes from the supported Japanese rebels on Yoake (Dawn) which is unusual for someone
Ariadnan south, escapees from the Yu Jing Wú Míng station in the Helicon Belt, and Kibō (Hope) in of his cultural background.
penal regiments, and even renegade Morat soldiers. the Ephesian Trojans. They transported elements •Gets very close when he
All that’s required to join the Ikari Company is a of the Tatenokai and provided them with wants to be threatening.
violent past and moral flexibility. A hatred for Yu weapons, supplies, and a safe hiding place in Background: Mr. Daixo is
Jing is a bonus. the independent Avro-Kaizuka orbital. Whenever Colonel Ikari’s right hand. He is
the Ikari Company and the Imperial Service the Ikari Company’s fixer, with
NOTABLE OPERATIONS clashed, the fighting was savage — both sides underworld and intelligence
share a deep hatred for each other. Ikari Company contacts throughout the
NOVYY BANGKOK AND THE support was decisive in securing independent Human Sphere, and a knack
BREITSCHWERT GROUP stations in Human Edge for the newly risen for making difficult problems
Novyy Bangkok is a dwarf planet in Human Edge’s Japanese. With their contracts now expired, it’s (violently) disappear. He
lawless Homeric Belt. Originally established as a an open question how the Ikari Company and the finds the supplies and
mining colony, its corporate owners the Blinov- Japanese Secessionist Army will interact when they equipment needed to keep
Ngamsan quickly went bankrupt. In the resulting next meet. the company running, and
power vacuum, Thai Submondo groups called personally negotiates their
the Chao pho took de facto control. They spread most important contracts. He
their influence throughout the planetoid, but the even recruits new soldiers for
evacuation of corporate assets left them in a weak the Company, finding those
position. The Breitschwert group, a private security with the right combination of
service turned rogue, decided to take advantage ferocity and moral flexibility.
and launched a violent takeover. Surprisingly little is known
Colonel Ikari, who had been stockpiling stolen about Mr. Daixo. His history
materiel in Novyy Bangkok, sided with the Chao in the Yănjīng intelligence
pho, and met the Breitschwert boarders in Novyy service is characterised
Bangkok’s winding tunnels. The elite core of by repeated contact with
the Ikari Company, itching for a fight since their organised crime, drifting
defection, were frighteningly effective. Breitschwert further into the world of
were caught unawares, their soldiers all but Submondo until he finally
annihilated in brutal corridor fighting. broke with the StateEmpire
Ikari’s first major operation was a stunning success, altogether. His capacity for
and a brilliant piece of strategy: it secured a base brutally inventive solutions
of operations for the new Ikari Company, and to tricky problems serves the
it established their reputation as deadly and Ikari Company well.
uncompromising fighters. Moreover, it reinforced
Colonel Ikari’s own image as a master tactician, a KEY PERSONALITIES
skill for which he is still in high demand. Thanks to OF THE IKARI
the fact that the infamous Harry’s Bar serves as an
Nameless (Qin), a Wú Míng,
unofficial meeting point, Novyy Bangkok operates
secretly a Yănjīng spy
as a secondary headquarters for the Ikari Company.
infiltrating the Ikari Company.
The cantina is located in the imaginatively named
Sansō Jun Ikeda, a Keisotsu
“Main Strip”, wedged in amongst the other casinos
defector, obsessed with Ikari.
and pubs that populate the place. Ikari aren’t the
Ibo, a bounty hunter
official security force of Novyy Bangkok, but they’re
who only takes contracts
always called in when the local authorities need
targeting Yu Jing citizens.
support— assuming they have the funds to pay for
Takechi Teru, a boastful and
their services, of course.
brash low-class samurai
from the Tanko Zensenbutai
who has an addiction to
liquor and companionship.

Companies of Note 23
Typical jobs: Historically, private security
Appearance: A wetsuit
and escort. Current operations focus
under his combat webbing.
on counterespionage, particularly anti-
Swimmer’s shoulders.
Shasvastii tactics.
• Serious and taciturn, there
Common employers: Initially, medium-sized
seems little to smile about.
interplanetary organisations focussed on securing
• War is hell. You’ve lost
their assets against competitors. A media frenzy
enough friends to it.
in the wake of the Kurage Crisis led to hypercorps
• Humans are naive. We’re
engaging them for their expertise concerning
here to show them the truth.
alien infiltration.
Background: Twenty years of
war against the most brutally
Tactics: The Spiral Corps are experts at exposing
oppressive intelligence
the deeper darkness within the shadows. To do
currently known to the
that, they have become masters at cataloguing
universe is enough to taint
data for negligible variances, and they are
anyone’s view. The inhabitants
unparalleled in their patience. They analyse,
of the Human Sphere are only
watch, wait, and strike when the enemy is at their
just now getting an inkling of
most confident.
what is to come. Adaa views
Until recently, Spiral Corps was a failing company.
it as her duty to enlighten
Consisting of only a few squads operating out Typical deployment: Predominantly Tohaa in
anyone who will listen to the
of a re-purposed mobile mining rig on Varuna, species origin, Spiral Corps units are a mixture
facts: the Combined Army
their reputation was poor. Contracts were drying in terms of size and composition, though they’re
will not rest until they have
up after a string of failures, and the company all excellently equipped. As a company that’s still
what they want, and only the
was struggling to pay salaries, let alone service finding its feet after a major restructuring, they
Tohaa can teach humanity
its debts. Bankruptcy loomed. Seemingly out rarely muster more than ten mercs for any single
how to resist. Although she
of nowhere, Spiral Corps was reinvigorated by job. But then they rarely need more.
accepted Luubna’s invitation to
an influx of cash at the hands of its new owner,
enlist with Spiral Corps, Adaa
Luubna Kaaram. Having been stranded in the
chafes under the civility of her
Human Sphere after the fall of the Daedalus Gate, to preserve and aid the T’zechi Digesters (Infinity
current role. Much more used
some of the Tohaa— Luubna included —began Corebook, p. 318) in their knowledge-gathering
to the violence of battlefields
looking for opportunities beyond the confines quest, the Triumvirate would force them to divulge
overwhelmed by Morats and
of the Trident. The events of the Kurage Crisis their secrets so they can use them to defeat the EI.
other minions of the Evolved
focussed the eyes of the masses onto the fact Humanity represents an opportunity for the
Intelligence, Adaa is the blunt
that the Combined Army threat was not only Triumvirate, a distraction to draw the EI away
instrument to Luubna’s silk
very real, but it could also manifest itself deep from Tohaa space. Working in the Human Sphere
glove. If Spiral Corps need to
inside any system. Suddenly, nowhere was safe. is challenging, however, since Tohaa movement
reinforce a point or browbeat
Enter Spiral Corps. This joint Tohaa-human is restricted by O-12. This is where Spiral Corps
someone into submission,
enterprise specialises in the exposure and capture comes in: the mercenary company provides
Adaa is the one to take
or elimination of Combined Army infiltrators, the Triumvirate with a footprint and some
centre stage.
especially the Shasvastii. Thanks to their diverse manoeuvrability within the Human Sphere.
range of expertise, Spiral Corps has rapidly Above all, the Triumvirate would dearly love
KEY PERSONALITIES established itself as a premium private military
OF SPIRAL CORPS to learn where humanity has hidden their only
company capable of managing the political, T’zechi Digester. Taken from the Last Cosmolite
Private Wynham, an Australian physical, and quantronic integrity of high-profile on Paradiso, it is concealed in a top-secret
female merc; average skills, but clientele. Though few admit to openly trusting research facility called the Penny Arcade. The
very lucky. them, many have privately turned to this outfit Triumvirate does not know the location of
Baldie, an ex-Helot Militiaman for their unfailing ability to root out the vipers this facility; Spiral Corps provides them with
turned mercenary with no in a nest. soldiers who can chase down any leads.
Libertos connections.
Captain Kody Horner, SCAF
Maelstrom’s CO. Expert pilot,
The Triumvirate are a secret Tohaa conspiracy STRUCTURE & ASSETS
ex-naval officer, and veteran of the
whose goal is to safeguard their race from the EI.
Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts. Until their recent purchase, Spiral Corps was a fairly
They see themselves as true patriots, willing to do
Chief Gunner Kanzu, SCAF prestigious mercenary company who had fallen
the unthinkable in order to protect Tohaa society
Maelstrom’s master-at-arms, onto hard times. A scandalous media frenzy related
(and their position in it). Where other Tohaa seek
possessed of a thick Australian
accent and a fearsome reputation.

24 Chapter 2

to the persecution of Helots and the resultant NOTABLE OPERATIONS LUUBNA KAARAM
abandonment by their employer, MagnaObra, led Appearance: A towering female
to frozen assets and the incarceration of any THE ASSASSINATION OF Tohaa with a captivating voice.
Spiral Corps tactical personnel stationed on DR. ARLO TAKAMATSU Roleplaying:
Varuna. Virtually bankrupt and seemingly doomed The downward spiral of the company’s previous • Skilled businesswoman
to an ignoble death, Spiral Corps were even on Warmonger began with a straightforward security able to switch from warm
the verge of selling their most valuable asset, the job. Dr. Arlo Takamatsu was a skilled Remote smile to menace in an instant.
SCAF Maelstrom. Then Luubna Kaaram arrived mechanic, working for a minor circuit racing team • Eyes shift slowly
fresh from the Paradiso Front, and the company’s called the Kilburn Fast-trackers. His cutting-edge and deliberately to
fortune changed overnight. Spiral Corp’s sudden work propelled them to the top, and scouts from absorb every detail.
windfall has led to a spending spree. After paying the major leagues were sniffing around. The extra • Phero-blossom suffers
for crucial repairs and maintenance, they have attention produced an uptick in threats from rivals violent tremors occasionally.
begun stockpiling ordnance, including a variety of and unhinged fans. Neither Takamatsu nor his Background: Luubna Kaaram
surplus Remotes. In some cases, they’ve purchased teammates considered them particularly serious, is the de-facto leader of Spiral
equipment without the necessary expertise to but they hired a security team from Spiral just in Corps. There is no mistaking
operate it, hoping to use it as a recruitment tool in case. Spiral’s reputation was a little shaky, but they her for the company’s
areas that they hope to expand into. This spending were cheap, and no one expected they’d actually Warmonger, as she plays up
has triggered red flags in every clandestine agency have to do anything. On race day, a lone stranger to the role unceasingly. She
in the Human Sphere. Particularly as there are breached Spiral’s perimeter, walked right up to acknowledges that she saved
rumours that some of the new equipment arriving Dr. Takamatsu on the Kilburn race deck, whispered the company from ruin, uses
seem to be lacking purchase orders. Spiral Corp something in his ear, and detonated an explosive it as a haven for displaced
itself has also been completely restructured. The device. Takamatsu and the bomber were both killed Tohaa with a burning hatred
fall of the Daedalus Gate led to an increase in instantly. It was a catastrophic security failure, and of the Evolved Intelligence,
disenfranchised Trident soldiers looking for a thanks to all the cameras, a very public one. and provides a service to the
new home in a foreign setting. Luubna Kaaram Human Sphere by exposing
hand-picked those with specialist skills and invited the Shasvastii menace.
them into her fold. None refused. She was shrewd Given her media presence
enough to keep human employees in prestigious and gregarious personality,
positions if their skillset and experience beat the people assume that Luubna
competition from her own species, but no-one is in specialises in blunt, aggressive
doubt that Spiral Corps has a Tohaa majority. operations. On the contrary,
her expertise is subtlety.
She prefers to pull strings
RECRUITMENT and direct covert operations,
Spiral Corps has no real recruitment or training coordinating her mercenaries
policies in place yet. Until recently, that was simply from a distance to expose the
out of necessity — their poor reputation meant they alien menace. For this, she
couldn’t afford to turn anyone away. They tended needs soldiers who follow
to attract mercs who found it difficult to hire on orders precisely no matter
anywhere else: the desperate, the mediocre, the their background or species.
outright failures. More than a few of their soldiers When covert operations go
were reaching the end of their careers, hoping to south, which sometimes
draw a pay cheque and stay out of danger. happens when Shasvastii are
involved, Luubna is quick to
Following their purchase and the retirement of highlight the inefficiencies
most of the senior staff, Luubna Kaaram has let within a corporation’s own
the worst of Spiral Corp’s dead weight go. The core structure rather than any error
that remains are extremely competent, providing that can be apportioned to
an optimistic outlook for the company’s future. For Spiral Corps.
the first time in a while, Spiral Corp is offering
attractive recruitment contracts, particularly
targeting mercenaries with security tasks or Tohaa Triumvirate: see
espionage expertise. The former reflects recent Crossroads of Paradiso, Infinity
equipment purchases, the latter is an order from Corebook p. 319
the company’s new owner.

Companies of Note 25
have diverged even further. Each pilot makes
MERCENARY UNITS minor modifications to suit their own skills and
preferences, often including custom paint jobs.
Big companies like StarCo and the Ikari Company
dominate public perception of mercenaries, but the TAG NAMES
EXAMPLE War Market swarms with smaller mercenary units. Most Anaconda pilots name their TAGs, treasuring
TAG NAMES Some of these are long-running organisations with their quirks and personal histories. In the few
• Aces deep operational histories, others are informal cases where pilots have retired or been killed,
• Eights groupings based on similar skill sets, and still their replacements tend to keep their TAG’s name,
• Turtle others form long enough to bid for a single believing it is bad luck to change.
• Silver Eagle contract and then go their separate ways once the
• Rain of Fire job is done. Mercenary units frequently subcontract ANACONDA TAG SQUADRON
• The Beast Within out to the major companies. They fill holes in a REGULAR CLIENTS
• Mallard larger company or regular military’s operational Mercenary companies: The Anaconda TAG
• Fleeting Breeze profile, or they provide specialist skills for a specific Squadron have an excellent working relationship
• The Last Word mission. Usually these agreements are brief, but with StarCo, based on their common Corregidor
• Symphony No. 2 sometimes mercenary units prove so useful they heritage. They also regularly deploy alongside
• Samantha become semi-permanently or even permanently Druze Bayram Security. Spiral Corps have one TAG
integrated into command structures. Five pilot, the inimitable Neena Nandwa, on permanent
significant mercenary units are described below, secondment. Regular militaries: Anaconda TAGs
ranging from the elite Kaplan Tactical Services to are permanently integrated into the command
the informal network of infowar specialists who structure of the Force de Résponse Rapide
call themselves the Wardrivers. Merovingienne, the French-Ariadnan sectorial army.



Not every mercenary can be highly-trained

It beggars belief that the Anaconda TAG Squadron ex-special forces, no matter how much clients
keeps operating. The cost of running a fully- might wish it were so. Rather, the majority are
mechanised unit is outrageous: replacement parts, thugs, thrill-seekers, and rough characters who
specialised support equipment, trained engineers enjoy doing violence but don’t have the discipline
and pilots, ammunition, and transport. Some believe to cut it in a regular military. Some signed up
they must have a hidden benefactor. They point to and washed out, or they were dishonourably
the ease with which the Squadron obtains supplies discharged. Others never even tried conventional
from the Nomad Military Force, and the financial service, instead coming up through organised
support of the obscure Tyomkin Bank on Tunguska, crime or piracy. Whatever their origins, Brawlers
as evidence of the Black Hand’s involvement. The are all over the War Market. They rarely stay with
Anaconda is a heavy reconnaissance TAG, purchased one organisation for long— they get bored, or poor
surplus from PanOceania and upgraded in the Black impulse control catches up with them. They’re a
Laboratories of Praxis. Its armour was lightened dime a dozen, but they’re useful. Unsubtle, familiar
using polyceramic compound plates, its interface with intimidation tactics and armed assault, ready
and movement controls updated, and a swift to do what needs to be done provided there’s a
evacuation system was added. payday. Brawlers are barely even an organisation.
Since the squadron went mercenary, their designs

26 Chapter 2

The name is an ironic badge of honour, adopted by KTS REGULAR CLIENTS

a certain type of merc following a speech in which Mercenary companies: KTS subcontracts to the DOUGLAS KIRK,
the General Councillor of Bureau Athena said that Dahshat Company, although they keep each POLITICAL OPERATOR
high-risk, high-pay work with no job security and other at arm’s length. The Qaid Fahesh doesn’t
constant threat of death must “appeal to no-one like that he can’t completely control them, and Appearance: Short and round,
but the lowest denomination of brawler.” the KTS are suspicious of his motives. Regular completely bald, with a
militaries: The KTS are so thoroughly integrated tremendous furry moustache.
Brawler Regular Clients into the Haqqislamite armies of the Funduq Roleplaying:
Mercenary companies: Brawlers can be found in Sultanate that they’re sometimes known as “the •Funny and friendly.
virtually every mercenary company, although they Sultan’s tigers”. •Scrupulously (sometimes painfully)
are particularly favoured by rougher organisations honest.
like The Ikari Company and Druze Bayram Security. VARANGIAN GUARD •Shadowed by a pair of Varangian
KAPLAN TACTICAL SERVICES Background: William McKellar
knows that securing the Varangian
Guard’s future is as much a political
exercise as a military one. Though
his own fame provides valuable
political leverage, he recognises
that it is a finite resource, used
up if it is deployed too freely.
He needs someone he can trust
to argue their case, to seek out
government contracts, and place
his highly-trained soldiers in the
positions where they expect to
fulfil their contract. Douglas Kirk is
McKellar’s go-to when he needs to
The Varangian Guard are a premier unit renowned apply political pressure with more
for their ferocity and fearlessness. Unapologetically subtlety than his own fame allows.
The Kaplan Tactical Services consider themselves Ariadnan, the unit recruits almost exclusively from Kirk is apparently harmless, and
noble mercenaries with a rigorous code of ethics. disaffected Caledonians seeking escape the frontier almost impossible not to like. His
They recruit from all walks of life, and they expect politics of their homeland. main political weapon is his honesty:
their soldiers to display bravery, wisdom, and a Kirk isn’t afraid to say what needs
spirit of self-sacrifice in the defence of Haqqislam’s VARANGIAN GUARD AT A to be said, trusting in the good in
humanistic virtues. Any breach of these ideals GLANCE others to keep him safe. Kirk lobbies
leads to instant dismissal. The KTS believe they’re Typical jobs: Frontline combat operations. for the Varangian Guard any way
a cut above mercenaries and regular soldiers alike. Supporting national militaries on assaults, he can, particularly with cultivating
Kaplan is Turkish for “tiger”. The KTS motto is “Tüm holding defensive positions. Peacekeeping duties. allies and hunting out new contracts.
kurtlar Kaplandan korkar”: “All wolves fear the tiger”. Occasional anti-Combined Army advisory roles. Kirk has Varangians assigned to
The KTS are a branch of Beyhan Resources Sti, Common employers: Bureau Aegis (especially on guard him at all times. He treats
owned by the wealthy Silk Lord Hikmet Bey. Beyhan Paradiso). his bodyguards as members of
specialises in engineering and construction— the Tactics: The Varangian Guard fight with his own family. It’s a post that is
KTS were originally founded to defend Beyhan military-style tactics blended with ferocity and much sought-after amongst the
orbital projects during the chaos of the Silk Revolts. stubbornness. They coordinate well with regular Varangian Guard.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, they specialise in sabotage militaries, and they are often used to supplement
and counter-sabotage missions; their combat their numbers. They are mostly indistinguishable
engineers are top-notch and well-equipped. KTS from a regular army unit, except by their unit
have a long list of security contracts with the patches and colourful tartans. Ariadnan Expeditionary
Funduq Sultanate, where they are frequent rivals Typical deployment: As a frontline combat Corps, Infinity
of Druze Bayram Security. Both organisations abide unit, the Varangian Guard often deploy in their Corebook p. 24
by deeply-held codes, philosophically at odds with entirety, or in small, specialised fireteams.
each other. They mistrust each other intensely.

Companies of Note 27
After a tour of Paradiso, the Varangian Guard’s RECRUITMENT
CORPORAL commander, William McKellar, realised the
DOUGAL “TEN opportunities available to those willing to leave The Varangian Guard recruits primarily from Dawn.
TOUR” MCNAB Dawn behind and immediately set to gathering This reflects William McKellar’s personal goal:
Appearance: A small man with like-minded Caledonians. The unit’s fearsome rescuing the youth of Caledonia from Dawn’s
lined eyes, a scraggly beard, reputation has risen exponentially ever since. harsh frontier to furnish them with off-world
and a lax attitude to uniform. As one of the most famous veterans of the experience and technological expertise. He offers
Roleplaying: Ariadnan Expeditionary Corps, William McKellar has them the chance to pull themselves out of the
• Laden down with all proven he is a savvy individual. He understands mire and take control of their own destinies. The
sorts of odds and ends. that the savage frontiers of Dawn shape some clans don’t necessarily like the fact that William
• Likes to trade gossip. ‘I of the toughest specimens of humanity seen is stealing their youth from under their very
couldn’t help but overhear….’ anywhere in the Human Sphere. Forging those noses, but he simply answers this with ‘That’s
• Always the second recruits in the jungles of Paradiso and other their problem’. Varangian recruitment officers also
to volunteer, never last. hotspots across the G5 nations provide them with tour the Ariadnan outposts on Paradiso. Virtually
Background: Corporal McNab the skills and experience the unit so crucially every member of the Ariadnan Expeditionary Corps
is an Ariadnan Expeditionary needs to be competitive. The Varangian Guard who shows some promise will be approached
Corps grunt, and one of provide tough-as-nails frontline support in hostile as their tour draws to a close. Recruiters receive
the Varangian Guard’s best territories and combat zones. They regularly a commission to supplement their pay for each
recruiters. He is good friends contract out to Bureau Aegis, both on Paradiso Ariadnan they recruit who serves out at least a
with William McKellar, having and elsewhere. Their recruiters can often be found year in the Varangian Guard. These recruiters are
served with the Warmonger on the Ariadnan frontier, where they engage with typically also combat veterans —who better to
during his Expeditionary Corps unsettled Caledonians, antipodes, and opportunistic assess the suitability of future candidates and
days. By arrangement with a representatives from elsewhere in the Human entice them to sign? This latter tactic effectively
friendly clerk in Command, Sphere alike. outsources Varangian Guard training to O-12, which
McNab is kept moving so not only saves money but also has the benefit
he can scout for the sorts of STRUCTURE & ASSETS of introducing the Ariadnans to modern military
soldiers that the Varangian strategy, tactics, and hardware.
Guard need. Whenever The Varangian Guard maintain a loose military
anybody asks McNab how chain of command. Compared with other NOTABLE OPERATIONS
many tours he has served in mercenary units, this results in a degree of
the Ariadnan Expeditionary structural and strategic flexibility that suits their THE DEFENCE OF BITTER LAKE
Corps, he always says the same fierce nature. Though individual fireteams can Bitter Lake was a small settlement on the
thing: “This is my tenth and often find themselves spread thin, they more Norstralia continent of Paradiso, a short distance
last.” He rotates through units than compensate for this with their combat from Ishmailiyya. Situated on a lake at the
fast, and he is always well- effectiveness and ferocity. Most Varangian fireteams bottom of picturesque waterfalls, it housed an
regarded by his squad-mates are built around a tough core of veteran soldiers all-important ALEPH node. During the early stages
and officers. accustomed to fighting in alien environments. of the Second Paradiso Offensive, before Paradiso
The Varangian Guard aren’t going to panic when Coordinated Command had a good handle on the
the situation deteriorates, and they can keep it size of the Combined Army assaults, two fireteams
together in chaotic and rapidly-evolving conflicts. from the Varangian Guard were sent to bolster AEC
KEY The strength of the Varangian Guard is its soldiers, forces defending the fledgling settlement. When
OF VARANGIAN not its equipment. As with the Ariadnan Army, they the true extent of the Combined Army attack on
GUARD prefer rugged tools that can be easily maintained Ishmailiyya became clear, the ALEPH node was
in the field. They rely on other organisations for remotely bricked. The Varangian Guard were
Captain Rowenna interstellar transport: O-12, when contracted unaware — they had lost their only Wardriver in the
Stewart, logistics officer to Bureau Aegis, or the Freetrade Brotherhood. first day’s fighting and were out on the perimeter
for the Varangian Nevertheless, William McKellar is interested in amongst the worst of the fighting. Worse, they
Guard and AEC veteran. modern weapons and materiel for the Varangian never received the order to abandon Bitter Lake.
Private Stev, a Shasvastii Guard. He always has an eye open for military The entire Varangian contingent was assumed
infiltrator. surplus that he can purchase, and rumour has it lost. A few weeks later, a routine air patrol over
The Brothers Koposov, last that he instructs his senior officers to turn a blind the region spotted a signal flare. To their surprise,
survivors of a Varangian eye to any equipment that recruits “liberate” when the Varangian Guard were still holding out. They’d
unit assigned to Paradiso. they sign on. lost almost two-thirds of their number, but the
Liam Williamson, a bright-eyed settlement and its now-useless ALEPH node were
raw recruit. still secure.

28 Chapter 2


Hiring Yuan Yuans is a calculated risk. They’re

The Wardrivers are part (de-centralised) wild and almost impossible to control, looting
professional association, part informal gathering and rampaging when they should be retreating,
of hackers and infowar specialists. The loose charging when they should be fortifying their
organisation includes members from all position. They’re best used as a shock tactic,
backgrounds: the lowliest, self-taught street followed up by more disciplined mercenaries. Yuan
hackers all the way up to military-trained, Yuans often come in groups with an assortment
quantronic warfare experts. Despite this variety of personal and familial ties. They ply the space
of experience and history, the Wardrivers are a lanes in their patchwork and ramshackle transports,
close-knit group. They regularly meet in secret taking whatever opportunities come their way. This
locations all across Maya, to discuss everything personal loyalty can be a boon —it’s surprising
from technological developments and Maya shows what a Yuan Yuan is willing to do when they lose
to which units are hiring and who to avoid. A lot a mate. But that loyalty to their own group is the
of informal training goes on at these meets; this only real attachment a Yuan Yuan recognises. Yuan
keeps the cohort safe and ensures that a Wardriver Yuans are skilled in space combat. They were born
patch actually means something. Hiring a Wardriver and raised on struggling (often failed) asteroid
grants you not only a skilled hacker, but also some colonies and wrecked or stolen transports. They’re
degree of access to their network. The downside is clumsier on the ground, so they prefer to drop
that Wardrivers talk: bad clients or commanders get directly from their own ships into combat. For some
blacklisted. “Blacklisting” can mean anything from employers this is a weird disconnect: you hire a
trouble recruiting hackers in the future, to repeated team of low-tech pirates carrying scavenged and
denial of service attacks, or even complete digital stolen equipment, and they bring with them a
erasure. functional intra-system transport.

Yuan Yuan Regular Clients

Wardriver Regular Clients Mercenary companies: The use of frenzied Yuan
Mercenary companies: The Ikari Company often Yuans as a shock tactic is well-suited to the Ikari
employs Wardrivers, as do the Foreign Company Company, particularly as their unscrupulous morals
(typically to provide security against hacking of fit well with Ikari’s merciless behaviour.
remote camera feeds). The Varangian Guard also Regular militaries: Only the (barely regular) corsair
regularly have a Wardriver accompany their units armies of the Funduq Sultanate’s Qapu Khalqi are
into the field. willing to regularly contract Yuan Yuans.
Regular militaries: Lacking combat hackers of their
own, Ariadna often employs Wardrivers.

Companies of Note 29
Lusheng Prospections has long tried
to extend the territory they hold
around their Huā mining facility. Now WARZONES AND CONTRACTS
masked soldiers have been terrorising
a settlement close by, and the Kazaks
have decided to act. Your mercenary unit Across the Human Sphere conflict rages as spot While these conflicts served to galvanise the
is contracted to open the doors to the fires and infernos, some burn hot and swift, others identity of Ariadna as a nation state, the memories
heavily secured Huā facility. Hacking are protracted, a slow grind that takes a long of actions past, and the blood still being shed,
and force will be required, after that the toll of lives. While it’s true that a vast majority serve as a constant reminder to Ariadnans that the
soldiers of the settlement can vent their of mercenary companies earn their money rest of the Human Sphere disregards them, and
frustrations and the army can arrive to through working security, those that perform they are willing to pontificate and watch while
break up the struggle. Gāng Tie should front-line combat roles see action all across the the people of Dawn suffer. Mercenary units in the
get the message. Human Sphere. employ of powerful corporations apply the worst
OUR POUND OF FLESH… kinds of tactics designed not only to seize ground
Colonel Antonio García led a mercenary Mercenaries performing active combat roles risk and take resources, but to break the will of the
outfit working for the WarTechWorks their lives in battles on Dawn and the fight against local peoples by whatever means necessary. To
Inc. corporation, responsible for the Combined Army on Paradiso. But many of most Ariadnans, the concept of an honourable
numerous atrocities. Your contract the conflicts throughout the Human Sphere are mercenary is laughable.
asks you to find him on Acontecimento small scale. Pirates or thugs threatening violence
and ask him for the names of the and destruction on a lone cargo vessel or small Ariadnans are a tough and resilient people, proud
executives that gave him his orders. outpost on the Human Edge, or spec-ops missions of the fact they have held off the ravages of the
No-one said you had to ask nicely. to isolated stations manufacturing illicit drugs violently greed-stricken nations and corporations
TIME TO COME HOME... or subversive media content. These small-scale that have long tried to control them. They believe
USAriadnan soldier Sam Michaels was conflicts involve more mercenary units that might strongly in fighting their own battles and see those
enrolled in a new training program run otherwise be supposed, where desperate citizens nations that hide behind a corporate façade, or pay
in partnership between the Stavka and might rally together to buy protection from the others to fight while their own men and woman
Bureau Aegis. There he learned how enemies that ravage them, or the station targeted risk nothing, as weak. Despite this general dislike
to navigate the quantronic maze of for assault sits outside the jurisdictional remit of a of the mercenary trade, many Ariadnans serve
InfoWar, and he was a promising student. national power. A single company may have units as mercenaries, and many mercenary companies
Possessed with some unpatriotic and performing operations in dozens of locations at the work contracts for Ariadnan clients. Not often
silly notion that he needed to see the same time, some relegated to protecting the life of used in front-line roles where Ariadnan soldiers
Human Sphere before his term of service an ungrateful ambassador, others training security are available, mercenaries are sometimes hired by
was up, he disappeared, last seen on teams to improve their skills, units on active duty in small settlements to face off against those hired by
the C8 circular headed from Paradiso a warzone, or even ‘on vacation’--a term often used an aggressive corporation.
to the Human Edge. Bring him home, to describe classified or Black Sanction missions.
and alive, if possible. His skills are Ariadna, and the Stavka particularly, also make
now too valuable to let wander about. In this chapter, we will drill down into the factions, extensive use of bounty hunters and hit squads,
HAQQISLAM: the relationships they have with mercenary carrying justice into the Human Sphere well
MY SON, MY SON... companies, and the missions that require soldiers beyond the jurisdiction or capacity of Ariadnan
Mohammad Aldairwary is the son of a of fortune. The object here is not to expansively soldiers. The Stavka have a long list of targets,
prominent merchant. Destined to assume cover every detail, but to focus on some unique from seditious turn-coats and mercenary captains
the mantle of his father and lead the and flavourful themes that GMs can use in their who gave the orders that filled mass graves, to
company forward, he has shown little campaigns. At the end of each faction section there corporate executives who callously think that
interest in anything except travel, getting are three adventure seeds. These provide ideas for a deeper pocket gives them the right to take
into trouble with his dubious friends, operations that may come from the War Market, the what rightfully belongs to the people. Mercenary
and carousing. It is time for the boy to Lists, Black Sanction missions, and Bounty Hunts. units are regularly hired to do what the courts of
grow up. Find him and bring him home. Concilium cannot or will not do to uphold justice
I’m sure his friends won’t be a problem. ARIADNA for the people of Dawn. Mercenaries may also be
HITCHING A LIFT... Corsair captain employed if they provide access to a skill set, such
Fatima Ali is looking for a reliable Ariadna has a long and sordid history when it as hacking, which is hard to find on Ariadna.
mercenary unit to supplement her comes to mercenaries, and Ariadnans generally
crew. Her ship, the Shaheen, has a have a low opinion of mercenary companies. This Mercenaries hired by Ariadna are most often paid
Letter of Marque for non-Japanese Yu dislike is deep seated and traces back to the in Ariadnan Rubles, although sometimes raw
Jingese vessels, and she is targeting rediscovery of Dawn by the rest of the Human materials or territory are negotiable in place of a
trade in the Human Edge, near the Sphere. The scrabble for control over Ariadna, and larger fee. Ariadnans are usually cautious about
Bandakar caravanserai. Unfortunately, the Commercial Conflicts that continue to rage on the mercenaries they hire, and they will not have
the merchant ship she targets is a Dawn’s soils over the rich mineral wealth of the anything to do with a unit or company that has
cover for Yu Jingese troopers hell-bent planet have seen bloody battles, terrible atrocities, served one of the corporations that pillage the
on supressing a Japanese cell in the and a litany of war crimes. surface of Dawn.

30 Chapter 3

HAQQISLAM The relationship between the Qapu Khalqi and the
Corsair captain Sadiq Almusawi is
many mercenary forces it hires is contracted and
operating on the Human Edge with
Haqqislam is a small but wealthy nation-state, and professional. The Funduq Sultanate often places
a forged Letter of Marque. While he
while they operate a formidable standing army, the contracts in the War Market or through the Lists
is small-time enough not to bother
Sword of Allah, as well as the Qapu Khalqi, they looking for mercenary companies to work with, with
with, a recent boarding action taken
also make use of mercenary forces in specific and an established preference for small- or medium-
against a merchant ship with ties to the
supplementary roles. While the Sword of Allah sized companies. If the mercenary company
Funduq Sultanate demands a response.
does use mercenaries when the Haqqislamite High performs well, and a positive relationship is
Find his ship and his crew and punish
Command requires it, the most extensive use of established over multiple such short-term contracts,
them. It should be brutal enough to
mercenaries is undoubtedly the Qapu Khalqi. Their it is often the case the Sultanate will establish
send a clear message. If the use of
role as a semi-autonomous military force is largely extended contracts negotiated directly with the
subterfuge is not enough, a small corsair
in the security of the Silk Route and the interstellar mercenary company or units themselves.
vessel can be appropriated to support.
trade routes. While Haqqislamite soldiers of the
Qapu Khalqi are almost exclusively used for This preference for moving away from the War
security along the Silk Route, mercenary forces are Market to direct dealing is one of the reasons the
A small Nomad Mining colony in
regularly hired for extended periods to supplement Sultanate often works with smaller companies.
Human Edge is threatened by a group
security forces on the interstellar trade routes. For Within the ranks of the Qapu Khalqi are a host
of pirates who claim to have hacked
mercenaries hired in this role it will most often of mercenary troops, from Nomads to Yuan Yuans,
the mining colony’s data-sphere. If they
mean manning trade vessels and performing Druze teams, StarCo units, and more. The Sultanate
don’t hand over the mineral deposits
security detail on the many caravanserai dotted is a reliable paymaster, usually paying directly in
they have mined, the pirates will open
around the Human Sphere, although it may also Haqqislamite Dinar or Concilium Sol. Beyond the
all airlocks. Defending the colony will
sometimes involve more directly aggressive Qapu Khalqi, mercenaries are regularly hired by
involve hacking and fighting, and if
operations. Many mercenaries are also hired by Haqqislamite corsairs or may be contracted by
the pirates’ base of operations can be
Silk Lords as private security and military forces, specific caravanserai to perform security. Corsairs
found, eliminating them will stop the
protecting their assets and applying pressure to and mercenary companies have a long relationship
colony worrying about future attacks.
their enemies. of interdependence, with many mercenary

Warzones and Contracts 31

companies eschewing the headache and costs of to employ capable fighters to extend their turf,
THE DOORS TO PERCEPTION... running their own starship to a reliance on their make their deliveries, or send a message to their
Some clever soul in the Black Labs relationship with the corsairs. opponents.
has developed a quantronic worm that
should allow a hacker unprecedented Each corsair is different, and as such relationships A majority of contracts from the Nomad nations are
access to the ‘mind’ of an ALEPH Aspect between mercenary units or companies and corsair paid in Nomads Skënder, although Concilium Sol
or Functionary, not that the mercenary captains is often highly individual. More often than is in increasingly used alternative. Quite often the
crew will know this to begin with. All not, mercenary units exchange their berth aboard payment terms are quite negotiable, and a variety
they know is that they must capture the corsair vessel for service to the captain when of goods may be used in place of actual currency.
an Aspect of Functionary alive and it comes to any boarding actions the corsairs may These terms are usually negotiated directly with
make the drop in a specific location. undertake. This quid-pro-quo relationship will also the handler taking out the contract.
EQUINOX CELL... usually mean that the mercenaries aboard a corsair
An Equinox cell is manipulating the vessel are regarded as crew for the purposes of Handlers are often independent businesspeople
data-sphere of one of the communes on dividing any loot gained through boarding actions. not tied to specific groups or motherships. They are
Bakunin with some dire effects. While More than one mercenary unit has made a career hired by a client to register an operation through
many of the cell were captured and standing side-by-side with a friendly corsair captain. the Lists and will never willingly reveal who those
killed, the leader, Danny Lines, managed clients are to the mercenaries taking an operation.
to get away in a light freighter headed NOMADS A mercenary company will know that they have
for Svalarheima. It is thought he will been contracted and paid by a specific handler, but
try and sell his mind-hacking program Nomads love freedom and enterprise and have no they will not normally know who commissioned the
to a Yu Jingese company operating compunction about using mercenaries, which they handler to register the operation. Some mercenary
from the planet’s surface. Find him view as a completely legitimate form of business. companies refuse to take operations registered by
in the ice and snow and bring him A majority of the contracts taken by Nomad handlers, or on the Lists for this reason.
back, dead or alive. companies, groups, or bureaucracies, are taken
PANOCEANIA: through the Lists, rather than through the War PANOCEANIA
THE FINAL FRONTIER... Market. ALEPH’s role in running the War Market, as
A system consisting of a T-type brown purely functional as it may be, combined with the The largest, wealthiest, and arguably most powerful
dwarf and a number of gas-giants was fact that it is closely tied to Maya on almost every nation in the Human Sphere, PanOceania sits
discovered by the Space Exploration level, means that while some contracts issued by resplendent as a model for success they believe
Division some years ago. The system is the Nomad nations will appear in the War Market, all others would do well to emulate. Holding the
rich in metals, and a number of teams these are usually few and far between. More than most territory requires an enormous standing army
have been working on prefabricated one mercenary company keeps their finger on the to secure from both from domestic instability and
mining stations to be sent there, due to pulse of the Lists, not because of the chance to from the depredations of rival nations. Projecting
launch next month. The small orbital take seedy operations, but for the chance to ensure power out into the Human Sphere, to protect
left to claim the system on behalf they don’t miss any registered by the Nomads. shipping lanes, defend orbitals, acquire new
of PanOceania has recently recorded While the forces of the Nomad nations are more territory, and hold the line against their enemies
numerous pirate vessels in the system. than capable of looking after themselves, they still and the Combined Army requires that army to be
Your job is to ensure the orbital remains make extensive use of mercenary companies when constantly on the move and spread across vast
intact, if it goes, so too does PanOceania’s looking to execute operations around the Human distances. Given the size and depth of the military
legal claim. Others may be waiting in Sphere. For all the talk of acceptance O-12 likes it is capable of drawing on, the PanOceanian
the wings for just that opportunity. to express, the Nomad nations are still viewed as Military Complex doesn’t often call on mercenary
TEST OF FIRE... vagabonds and feckless wanderers by many of the forces to fill out their ranks. Despite this, mercenary
A facility on the Mithran River, in powers in the Human Sphere. companies are widely utilised throughout
Septentria on Paradiso, is a secret PanOceania by the Hexahedron, although this
corporate research facility with high- Using mercenaries in place of their own units is usually unknown to the mercenaries, and by
level quantronic security systems and when executing a mission can avoid the red corporations, outposts, orbitals, merchant vessels,
a full-time security team. A map of the tape and headaches of needing to justify and and sometimes by the Space Exploration Division.
facility is provided with the contract, and explain themselves every step of the way. Using
files kept on one of the underground mercenary companies also provides a level of PanOceania is home to some of the wealthiest
servers are worth a lot of money. Get plausible deniability, especially for missions taken hypercorps in the Human Sphere, and a majority
them. By whatever means necessary. through the Lists. Because the Lists are difficult to of these have sizeable security forces. Largely in
On the ground the mercs may notice track, there is an inbuilt level of uncertainty over the name of protecting their own property (both
that the security team appears very who contracted the mercenaries, over what their physical and intellectual) from damage, theft,
well trained. It is actually a Hexahedron objectives in executing a specific mission are, and and espionage, the size and armaments of these
facility, and the mercs have been hired over who paid the bill. security forces has been steadily escalating over
by the Hexahedron to test their own the last few decades. It has sharp parallels to the
defences. A debrief will occur after the With Nomad motherships and stations home to military situation of the Human Sphere, a privately-
mission, presuming there are survivors. many of those who fall through the cracks in owned arms race in a geopolitical climate in which
societies all through the Human Sphere, there the political and military clashes of nation states
is a sizeable Submondo presence always keen have spilled into the corporate arena.

32 Chapter 3

With the capital, influence, and capacity to viewed in their totality as demonstrating no bias
operate across the murky legal waters of multiple or collusion, that have given pause to consider GETTING AHEAD...
international boundaries, the hypercorps of what contracts they take from Yu Jingese sources, Infamous pirate Ahad Abdullahai has
PanOceania represent the biggest employers of whether national or corporate. This has freed up a penchant for collecting the heads of
mercenary companies in the Human Sphere. While many contracts for medium and small mercenary those he kills in boarding actions. His
many of these fulfil security roles, the use of companies eager to fill the void. recent plunder, the Alvora, was carrying
mercenaries to aggressively push a corporation’s the lead scientist Richmond Xu, a
interests is widespread. Seizing ground, performing With the forces of the StateEmpire currently software developer for Moto.tronica. He
espionage operations, testing security, and fighting their own internecine war against the may be dead, but his cube is still inside
bullying the competition are all common uses Japanese Sectorial Armies (JSA), there has been a his head somewhere in Ahad’s despicable
for mercenary forces. Mercenaries operating for distinct rise in the use of mercenary companies collection. Bring Richmond home.
the Hexahedron are most commonly employed by the Party and against Yu Jingese (JSA) targets. YU JING:
on Black Sanction operations, where the ultimate Yu Jing, despite official hand wringing and VOICE OF THE PEOPLE...
connection to the intelligence service is unknown. disapprovals from across the Human Sphere, has An underground media company in the
Contracts may be issued by shell companies, executed its response to the Japanese Uprising freezing city of Bei Men, on Yutang, is
private individuals, or through an agent. While with decisive action and extreme force. At the same spreading seditious content in support
most of the time the operation will be initiated, time, contracts issued by the newly recognised of the Japanese cause. An espionage
executed, and paid out with no connection being Japanese nation have flooded the War Market in mission is required to find out where
made to the true employer, it is not unknown, a desperate search for soldiers they can use to they are getting their footage and
especially for intelligence operations, for a supplement their own stretched forces in the fight information. Once this information has
mercenary unit to be debriefed by a government against their former oppressors. The last year has been gathered, the company can be
agent afterwards. Missions initiated by the Space seen an explosion in both the number of contracts shut down, violently and permanently.
Exploration Division may involve defending new available from Yu Jing and Japanese sources, as SUPERNOVA...
ground or resource rich locations, or even clearing well as an increase in the number of smaller Zhi Ruo is the daughter of a prominent
away whatever rag-tag settlers or pirates have mercenary companies given the opportunity to Party member. She has it in her head
attempted to lay claim to the Divisions’ discoveries. take contracts they could have only dreamed of in that she is destined to be some sort of
Contracts issued by the hypercorps or government years past. Maya Star, and while she has achieved a
institutions of PanOceania are almost always paid certain level of popularity, her eventual
out on time and usually in Oceanas. However, it It used to be that the Yu Jingese StateEmpire and inevitable failure will bring
is usually worth having a lawyer read through and most Yu Jing corporations liked to work shame to the family. She’s currently
contracts issued by the hypercorps. with companies they knew already, or that had filming some sensaseries in Yinquan,
ties in some way to the StateEmpire (whether on Paradiso. Bring her home. Yes, she

YU JING personnel, familial, or economic). This trend has won’t want to come, but it’s for the best.
dropped sharply in the last year, and many more THE SNOW TRAIN...
Second only to PanOceania, the StateEmpire has companies are finding doors open that were The Yukiressha, or Snow Train, smuggles
long made extensive use of mercenaries, and a closed to them not too long ago. Of course, Yu Jing Japanese citizens and dissidents from
majority of the contracts listed in the War Market imposes a serious vetting process on all mercenary Chunqiu on Svalarheima to the safe
from Yu Jingese sources come from corporations. companies it employs, large or small. As masters haven Kōritawā. Style yourselves as
The line between corporate interests and national of strategically infiltrating the other powers in the dissidents standing up for the Japanese
interests has been blurred with the release of Human Sphere, they are careful the same does cause by attacking Yu Jingese soldiers in
Qingdao Report. This explosive report indicates not happen to them. A vast majority of mercenary Chunqiu and ingratiate yourselves with
that a significant number of economic ties between contracts taken out by Yu Jing sources are paid in the Japanese enough to be smuggled
Yu Jingese, PanOceanian, and O-12 corporations Yuan, while the contracts issued by the Japanese along one of the Yukiressha routes. At
were politically motivated, allowing an easy route tend to be paid in Sol. Although Yen is often offered, some point on the journey, set off the
for government agents to move about the Human it is rarely accepted. alert beacon, allowing our Yu Jingese
Sphere and infiltrate the social, economic, and soldiers to descend. This mission could
governmental structures of their adversaries. The ALEPH equally be played by reversing the roles,
implications of this report were mostly felt in the and having the PCs operate for the JSA.
geopolitical arena, but shockwaves rocked the War It is assumed by a majority of the citizens in the ALEPH:
Market too. There is rising concern among some of Human Sphere that ALEPH is just a part of the HACKING CUBED…
the larger mercenary companies that operations backdrop to life in the Human Sphere. ALEPH A small hacktivist group operating from
contracted from Yu Jingese private entities are the is full of helpful advice and support, and helps an orbital on the Human Edge recently
subversive use of company soldiers to further the humanity fight the Combined Army on Paradiso, but made some worrying posts on Arachne
political aims of the StateEmpire. is not actively involved in military style operations that they had managed to hack into the
elsewhere in the Human Sphere. The Utgard Cube 2.0 and disengage the capacity
For many companies such concerns mean little. If Accords forbid ALEPH from deploying the Special of a Lhost to initiate Directive 7. While
the employer pays then it matters not exactly who Situations Section for missions that do not directly highly unlikely, the implications for the
they were or what they were aiming for. But there relate to their primary function of enforcing the Human Sphere are significant. These
are enough larger mercenary companies who work Non-Proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and dissidents must be rounded up and their
hard to ensure that the contracts they take can be Singular AI Laws. While the definitions of these leaders brought to Paradiso. Any who are
ancillary to purpose should be executed.

Warzones and Contracts 33

A small mining colony in the Dawn conditions can be stretched and bent, it is often Those operations that appear on the War Market
system has hit upon an asteroid with a far easier to employ mercenaries when the link are typically related to security and training.
Teseum core and have kept the discovery between the mission parameters and the clauses Mercenary forces are hired to perform security,
quiet. They have been using smugglers of the Utgard Accords are tenuous or shaky. Every train the security forces of the corporation, or to
to shift the material out of the system mercenary contract issued by ALEPH is untraceable faux-attack corporate facilities under controlled
and are looking for potential buyers. back to ALEPH. While Bureau Toth, Noir, and other conditions (and usually with weapons that fire
Worth millions, the possession of such intelligence communities around the Human dummy rounds or rubber bullets) in order to test,
a rich opportunity by a small group Sphere strongly suspect ALEPH of making use of trial, and train their own security set-ups.
with ties to PanOceania threatens to mercenary forces on a range of missions, the only
destabilise the economic balance of evidence available is circumstantial or coincidental There are a number of successful mercenary
the mining operations in the system at best. Dossiers maintained by Bureau Noir, the companies that thrive in the industry of testing
and could precipitate an escalation Hexahedron, and other such agencies are full of corporate security through actively engaging
in the Commercial Conflicts. Find out operations executed by mercenaries where the with them. This so-called white-hacking or
where they are shipping the material, mission outcomes seem in some way to coincide white-attacking missions are penetration testing,
then destroy the colony. The mineral with the goals of ALEPH. A great number of these designed to probe and find the weak points in the
will be returned to Ariadna, as per their only track back to shell-companies, or mercenary security services already employed by a corporation.
sovereign right. agents rather than the original source. Such penetration testing may revolve around
HORROR SHOW... infowar or warfare, but most often combine the two.
Notable collector Peter Norris maintains Such missions generally involve some level of
a personal museum and library on a espionage against corporate targets suspected of Black Sanction missions are regularly taken
specially designed orbital, Libris. Rumour breaking the Sole AI bills, against targets assumed out for the same reason they are executed by
suggests he has just paid a large sum of to be planting Arachne nodes, or against targets governmental agencies, and that, fundamentally,
money for piece of memorabilia taken suspected of circulating seditious material. A is plausible deniability. Operations undertaken for
from the battlefield on Paradiso, an EI reasonable number of the missions on file are corporate paymasters may involve shake-downs
Cube, possibly functioning. It must be categorised as ‘random’, because the mission or the physical destruction of a rival company’s
obtained, and he must be eliminated. goals cannot be discerned. Supporters of ALEPH facilities, through to industrial espionage and
Peter’s museum also contains many within the intelligence community see the random data-theft. Another popular use of mercenary forces,
living specimens, and taking down the missions as a clear sign that the AI is doing what specifically taken by weapons manufacturers, is in
security to enter and retrieve the cube it needs to do to protect and stabilise the Human active combat roles in warzones around the Human
may well shut down any security holding Sphere, making the assumption that there must Sphere, field testing newly developed technology,
the living displays in place as well… be some reason behind them, even if it is not equipment, and weaponry. Such contracts will
CORPORATIONS: clear from the outside what that is. For others less typically stipulate the use of specifically provided
WHAT’S THE WORST willing to allow an AI, even ALEPH, to execute a weapons for the length (or portion thereof)
THAT COULD HAPPEN?... hidden agenda with paid up soldiers, any mission, of the mission, and a thorough debriefing is
A corporate facility on Paradiso has from those that appear legitimate to the ‘randoms’, usually held afterwards with the engineers and
been overrun by a unit of Morats. are viewed in an uncomfortable light. product development teams who will make
Clear them out. The Corporation any adjustments required as the product moves
provides the weapons to be used. Missions suspected of being initiated by ALEPH are forward in its development cycle. This real-world
Unfortunately, the whole operation usually paid in Sol. Tracing the money back tends testing of weaponry and equipment destined for
is a field test for their weapons. They to lead directly, or through a chain of transfers, to the front-line has proven to be well worth the
lured the Morats in. The GM may unnamed accounts across a number of private and cost. The old saying that ‘no plan survives contact
spend 2 Heat at any time to render the national banks. with the enemy’ is just as true of new technology.
ammunition in any one weapon duds. While laboratory testing and simulations are useful,
This may be used multiple times. CORPORATIONS they just do not provide the same rigorous testing
BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH IT... ground as an actual conflict.
Esta Parata killed herself, knowing that Many of the hypercorps own and operate their
the contract she had only just signed own private security forces, and some of these Corporations are a wide banner beneath which
with Quick Silver Co. would see her are large enough to be regarded as privately-run many varied entities are bundled together.
resurrected. She may be a brilliant armies. In truth however, the forces employed by Hypercorps dealing in currency exchanges or
software engineer, but she is lazy hypercorps are spread out across the holdings software development through to arms dealers,
when it comes to reading contracts. of the company, which may be many hundreds of weapons manufacturers, and Silk Lords; all fall
If she had bothered, she would know individual locations across the Human Sphere. Just beneath this nebulous heading. For the most part
her contract with us is not voided in because a company has a large security force on corporations are usually fairly reliable when it
the event of her death, and technically its payroll, however, does not mean it has no use comes to payment, and more often than not are
she is still our employee. She has for mercenaries, the truth is quite the opposite. accommodating in paying the mercenary company
work to finish, so please return her The world in which the largest corporations in in whatever currency the company requires. It is
to her desk. No, I doubt Quick Silver human history operate is a murky one. The use of well known, however, that mercenary companies
will be pleased… mercenary forces, often hired by shell companies taking on corporate jobs need to ensure they do
difficult to tie back to the real owners, are as often their due diligence and have a lawyer check over
Black Sanction as they are legitimately War Market. the contract.

34 Chapter 3

O-12 For O-12 the utilisation of mercenary companies IT KEEPS GOING, AND GOING,
depends strictly on the ranking of the company in AND GOING...
With a host of bureaus to call upon, and the remit question. Only companies with high ratings will A rival arms manufacturer has managed
to act in support of international laws anywhere be awarded contracts, and companies found to be to restructure the bank of cells and
in the Human Sphere, it is often surprising for in breach of O-12 laws and regulations, like the cooling ducts systems of the NJR-32
people to learn how regularly O-12 makes use Concilium Convention, will never be hired unless Power System, used commonly on
of mercenary companies. In part, it is because under extreme circumstances. mid-sized Remote Presence Drones
O-12 is relatively small given the sheer volume of manufactured across the Human
space it is required to have some sort of presence SUBMONDO Sphere. The new design miniaturizes
across, but it is also the result of habit. That habit the system, reducing its size and weight
grew from the creation of the War Market itself. A great number of mercenary companies make a without compromising functionality.
With a new regulatory body and structure created very tidy income never touching a mission from One operation is to secure a sample
to legitimise and control the employment and the War Market. The Lists provide for all the of this new technology (or at least
operation of mercenary groups across the Human opportunities they could ever hope for, and a large the technical files). After testing to
Sphere, O-12 needed to demonstrate that it was number of mercenaries hired through the Lists find ensure our reverse engineered version
viable. It did so not solely through employing a themselves in the employ of Submondo groups. is functional, a second mission will be
range of carrots and sticks designed to encourage Contracts may be every bit as detailed as those contracted to destroy the manufacturing
nation states, corporations, and individuals to use traditionally used in the War Market, or they may be facility. This should buy us time to
the War Market, but also by making extensive verbal agreements. There is no gold standard that ensure our version hits the market
use of it themselves. A significant number of everyone adheres to. earlier or around the same time.
operations that would usually fall under the 0-12:
remit of Bureau Aegis were instead turned over This variance in contracts is often touted, by O-12 BUREAU AEGIS...
to the mercenary companies of the War Market. and ‘legitimate’ mercenary companies, as one of the Soldiers are required to execute a
This allowed O-12 to refocus the activities and dangers of the Lists, but for those who make their retrieval operation on the surface of
personnel of Bureau Aegis to revolve more living through them, it is one of the advantages. Paradiso. A Forward Observation Post on
around security, peacekeeping, and the war on The lack of bureaucratic oversight and pointless the Norstralian Front has been overrun
Paradiso. Some commentary from libertarian and red-tape allows mercenary companies working by the Combined Army. Sneak in and
politically-motivated pundits has gone so far as to through the Lists to get on with the business of wipe the computer systems before their
suggest that Bureau Aegis should be downsized or engaging in operations. That the Lists are home hackers can crack the security, then
disbanded altogether in favour of the War Market, to disreputable and less professional and able demolish the outpost with the supplied
but such cries have been largely ignored. mercenary companies is an often quoted opinion D-Charges. Things will likely get hot from
disguised as a fact. The truth is that while many that point on, if they haven’t already…
Operations commissioned by O-12 tend to be of the companies that operate through the Lists 0-12:
issued by Bureau Aegis as open War Market may be leaning toward the disreputable, they are BUREAU TIANDI...
contracts. These may include security operations no less capable or able than those who operate The O-12S Asbolas, an exploration
for small mining outposts or settlements, pirate through the War Market, and there are many vessel with a crew of 8, has gone missing
hunting, breaking up criminal operations, and companies that use both. at the attached co-ordinates. It was
supporting O-12 sanctioned military actions surveying the moons of a gas giant
(usually on Paradiso). The esteemed mercenary To provide some level of anonymity and protection, on the Human Edge when it stopped
company known as StarCo has shown a particular both for the client and the mercenaries, a person sending back updates. Find them, or what
strength that ensures they are regularly on Aegis’s known as a broker, agent, or fence is often used happened to them.It may be a simple
books. Other Bureaus regularly hire mercenaries as the go between for the two groups; the client malfunction or accident, but it could
through the War Market too; Bureau Ganesh often (often a Submondo group), and the mercenaries. equally be something more dangerous…
utilises mercenary units to hunt down or stop This layer of protection allows for a level of SUBMONDO:
smuggling operations or pirate groups, Bureau plausible deniability for the mercenary companies, WILD THINGS...
Athena has hired companies for peace-keeping and a level of identity protection for the clients. The Rosa is a pirate ship we contract
missions, and so on. Bureau Noir also occasionally Given the types of missions often contracted from time to time when we know of a
makes use of mercenary companies, but these are through brokers, both are very useful features of ship carrying something we need. After
often for Black Sanction or clandestine missions, the service. Any go-between operating in this role successfully completing their mission,
where the involvement of O-12 is unlikely to will often take a small percentage of the missions the pirates on-board the Rosa just had
be known. they arrange. to take a peek in one of the crates. Now
the ship floats derelict, with a number of
O-12 is a reliable pay-master, utilising the War While the Lists provide a one-stop shop for Shrike Tardigrades, intended for fighting
Market not simply because it is useful to do so, the contact information and endorsements pits, loose on board. Capturing the beasts
but also to demonstrate that it is useful to do of mercenary companies, those that complete alive would be ideal, oh, and some of the
so. Payments and contracts are always upheld, one job successfully will often find themselves crew might have survived. These do not
and breach of contracts investigated thoroughly. dealing more directly with the clients who hire need to be captured alive, or even left
Payment is usually made in Sol, though they will them. Successfully completing one mission for a alive for that matter…
occasionally authorise payment in other currencies. Submondo group can often lead to more work from

Warzones and Contracts 35

that group, and over time a sense of connectivity involve criminal acts of petty revenge, through
SUBMONDO: can build between the mercenary and the client to to the noble defence of a citizen body unable to
FIRE IN THE HOLE... the point where missions are offered directly from defend themselves from an aggressor. Small-time
A number of mining settlements in an people high within the Submondo group. merchants looking for bodyguards, mining outposts
asteroid field have decided to renege threatened by a rampant Submondo group, or a
on their payments. It would be good to Submondo groups make significant use of private research facility searching for the fountain
remind them why keeping on paying mercenary forces as a way to flex their muscles of youth that require some resources not able to be
their bills is worthwhile. The ‘Stranger’ or achieve specific objectives without directly acquired through any common marketplace.
is one of the small mining operations in implicating themselves in the process. This often
the cluster, and these things can be very means that missions are highly illegal and/or Operations may be legal or illegal, in support of a
unstable. A small amount of hydrogen political in nature, and may involve executing people desperate for their independence and safety,
released into the oxygen-rich settlement beat-downs on rival groups, assistance in turf-wars, or some bunkum research station manufacturing
dome and a spark could all be achieved the running or smuggling of illicit or dangerous snake oil. They may be a wealthy private citizen
with a just a little force and a little goods, snatch-and-grab operations, kidnappings, tired of being bullied by corporate thugs or
hacking. Hell, the other colonies might intelligence operations, assassinations, people Submondo gangers, they may be a family looking
just even think it was an accident. But trafficking, and a range of other crimes. for revenge against the cult that took their son, or
we’ll remind them that in order to avoid they may be an affluent collector in search of some
any more accidents, they had better keep A mercenary company operating in these dangerous prized piece for their collection.
paying their bills... waters needs to understand the fundamental
dangers implicit to taking work in this arena. One Missions undertaken from private sources run the
of those dangers that can be most significant is the gamut from the reasonable and legitimate, the
fact that operating for one Submondo group often petty and vengeful, to the strange and bizarre. The
means acting against another. Making enemies is Odet family, who own a series of asteroid mines
just one of the risks inherent to the job. in the Concilium system, hired a mercenary unit
to push back against the shipping firm who were
PRIVATE CONTRACTS bullying them with exorbitant fees and the threat
of violence if those fees weren’t accepted. Richard
While a great many of the mercenary contracts Anwar became a wanted criminal after hiring a
filled through the War Market or the Lists come mercenary unit to exact revenge on the board of
from governments, corporations, or Submondo directors who voted him out of the CEO’s chair.
groups, a significant portion are registered by other Red Team managed to crowd fund the hiring of a
groups or sources. Such people looking to have mercenary unit to attack and seize the computer
a contract filled might represent an independent equipment of Green Team during the final of the
orbital on the Human Edge, a space station third, wildly popular, season of ‘Groundside’, a
unaffiliated with a specific nation or corporation, competitive Maya-based game. While completely
research facilities that are privately funded, or unconventional, it was not outside the rules of
that collect their funding from a number of the game, and deemed technically legal (the
governmental or corporate sources, or just private mercenaries had strict instructions not to cause
citizens with disposable income and an agenda significant physical harm to any of the eight
to fulfil. members of Green Team). The rules have since been
changed to ban this sort of action.
Contracts from these sources may be paid from a
number of government or corporate sponsorships, Payment from such a wild variety of sources is
as a part of a grant application, privately, or even always questionable, and while they usually involve
through crowd funding. In almost every case, money in whatever denomination the client finds
contracts derived from these sources reflects easiest, may also include a range of other promises,
the immediate needs of the client, whether it be goods, or services, depending on the client and
protection, the procurement of resources, revenge what they are capable of supplying. It is not
on some other party for that party’s previous unknown for mercenary companies to make useful
actions, or something else entirely. contacts in the world of shipping and transport,
medicine, hacking, engineering, or politics through
Clients looking for mercenaries or bounty such contracts. Mercenary companies have found
hunters from this variety of sources are filed as themselves unpaid, or only partially paid, after
‘private’, even if they represent a large number of a mission is completed. Due diligence and a
individuals (such as an independent orbital). The willingness to take a calculated gamble seem the
types of operations required of these sources is as order of the day when taking on private contracts.
mixed as the people who register them, and may

36 Chapter 3



From a stern security officer to the construction spill out and lead to armed confrontation, O-12
of a full company of TAGs, the enterprise of war quite pragmatically created the War Market with
overshadows the entire Human Sphere. Mayacasts the intent to centralise and regulate mercenary
constantly advertise the achievements and services operations. A certain degree of civility and legality
of Free Companies, Hypercorps invest heavily in was imparted to PMC contracting with the creation
warmongers capable of protecting their holdings of the War Market. Those warlords with ambition
and interests wherever they are, and Holodramas and common sense saw an opportunity to not only
embellish the exploits of the quantronic condottieri. increase their wealth, but also translate those
Lives and fortunes are made and lost as easily as benefits into a very profitable and comfortable
the signing of a holo-contract. retirement that far outstrips the short-lived and
scandalous exoduses of infamous pirates and
Contacting, hiring, and terminating the services of corsairs.
a Private Military Company (PMC) is a process that
requires knowledge, urgency, willingness to take Those who could see beyond the short-term
very real risks, and resources. Making a mistake upheaval provided support and validation to the
when working with a PMC can lead to scandal at War Market, guaranteeing that future brutality and
best and far worse besides. An angry Mercenary is violations would be kept to a minimum.
one thing, an angry armoured column quite another.
Thus, in order to reduce situations that might

the war market 37

HARSH REALITY THE FIRST DAYS OF THE enterprises in the new system would make efforts
Still, it had to be expected MARKET to ensure the non-legal competition was controlled,
that the efforts of the War absorbed, or even removed, allowing for increased
Market revolved, after all, The carefully observed and measured bazaar known profits and business opportunities. By avoiding a
around the brutality of war, as the War Market or The Exchange was carefully militia and corsair conflict where each Power in the
and no matter how much designed to allow participating members to keep Human Sphere would use these irregular fighting
O-12 tried to ensure the tabs on various aspects of PMCs in a constantly forces without any real responsibility, and with
proper alignment with the growing arms industry that operates across the removal of national filiations of these armies,
Concilium Convention, terrible everchanging theatres. O-12 forced all the involved actors to view the
violations of human rights War Market as a business opportunity first and a
still occurred. Conflicts such As new wormholes were discovered, stabilised, and political tool second (if even that).
as the Inner Sol Crisis and the explored, the rising demand for ever more versatile
Ariadnan Commercial Conflict security arrangements during the Second Space The first years of the Market were crucial and it
saw companies like the Druze Race meant that traditional security agencies and took the joint effort of several entrepreneurial
acquire infamous renown for mercenary companies had to think bigger. In turn, interests and fledgling companies like StarCo, who
their extreme violence during this demanded capital, human resources, and strict had a real spacecraft infrastructure to present
the “negotiation phase” of their organisational skills. an inter-system catalogue of services required
contracts. With each conflict, for the Market, to gain validation across all the
though, the War Market grew While some companies like StarCo undoubtedly had potential customers in the Sphere. To this end,
in stability and validation. an initial advantage over the competition by dint Bureau Ganesh worked closely with the G5 and
The fortunes of participating of being able to launch straight into the market, the recently founded Bounty Hunter Syndicate,
companies grew and their this didn’t prevent Free Companies from forming laying out the rules, taxes, and penalisations for
service catalogues expanded. all across the Human Sphere. Some launched the War Market. During these early days, the main
Those that could not or were with clear business plan and honourable goals, companies signed up in the Market were Corporate
unwilling to adapt simply while others — such as Druze Bayram Security, for contractors and a few Free Companies. As the
disappeared, either absorbed instance — took to expanding their powerbase Second Space Race gained momentum and with
by other more powerful in other ways wherever possible. It was soon the discovery of Human Edge and the start of its
companies or obliterated in clear that mercenary endeavours could be highly Corporate Crises, new Companies surged and the
some dark theatre of action profitable, but that leaving such a prosperous viability of investing in Warmongers through joint
in a remote asteroid in the market unregulated would be a recipe for disaster. efforts became a valid and fast way to profit for
Human Sphere. Urgent action was needed to avoid falling into an those risky enough to gamble in the War Market.
age of piracy in which a mid-sized spacecraft could
readily be used to interfere with the development CORPORATE
and colonization of a whole system, or small SPONSORSHIP
smuggling operations could easily bankrupt
intra-system commercial endeavours. At the same time, the different powers of the
After careful discussions with all potential Human Sphere began to appreciate the advantage
stakeholders, O-12 enacted legislation intended of having Free Companies undertake controversial
to create a stable jurisdictional system of military or politically compromising ventures under a legal
outsourcing which would be equitable and umbrella. The Megacorps and Hypercorps began
transparent whilst still remaining profitable. Enter investing in security subsidiaries as a cheap and
the War Market. efficient means to both gain access to plausible
industrial espionage and guarantee the security of
INSTITUTION their numerous assets.

By involving the whole of the Human Sphere The PanOceanian and Yu Jingese Hypercorps
and not leaving each power to regulate their also spotted an opportunity to sell outmoded
own security services, O-12 negated the very real hardware, equipment, and munitions to the up
possibility of repeating humanitarian disasters and coming companies, guaranteeing a handsome
like the Barabara Vita road wars — which were profit. An army of specialists and auxiliary jobs and
indirectly responsible for the formation of posts emerged around the War Market in order
the Druze Shock teams and the Wildcats of to make it more efficient and customer oriented.
Corregidor. The Central American Campaign, the Recruiters in the form of company contractors and
Second Nanotech War, and the Lunar Colony freelance agents, medical specialists, technicians
Revolts each saw mercenaries set loose upon and engineers, information managers and brokers,
civilian populations without any real threat of publicity agencies, financial aides (including
recrimination from Concilium or the G5 Nations. insurance and bond brokers), entertainment
purveyors, caterers, Submondo parasites, and,
At the same time, both Free Companies and of course, the Wardrivers became part of the
corporate contractors willing to become legal ecosystem of the War Market.

38 Chapter 4

By the end of the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts, THE EXCHANGE Once it was clear the
the War Market was a solid institution that experiment was sustainable
included the Bounty Hunter Syndicate, dozens Beginning with an Operative Unit, customers can beyond the computer models
of Corporate Security Agencies, and thousands hire units ranging from company-sized down and single planetary systems,
of mercenaries in either a freelance capacity or to single-figure operatives for specific tasks. the War Market acquired
else on the payroll of one of the mercurial Free Acquiring the services of a single bodyguard autonomy and steadily grew
Companies of the Human Sphere. Even if O-12 or a couple of OUs for security purposes can be into a solid economic structure
did not fully achieve the creation of a legal and simple enough. However, hiring the services of capable of generating
honourable mercenary culture (as contradictory specialised operatives or a full OU company for profits and sustaining jobs.
as it sounds), it did establish a solid venue aggressive actions or inter-system missions is more Surprisingly, it also led to
for the trade of stock, interests, and resources complicated than buying tickets for the Aristeia! reforms in the politics of the
revolving around the enterprise of War beyond finals. It requires contacts and knowledge of the Human Sphere, as virtually
the exclusively political lobbies of the G5 nations. War Market Stock Exchange, often known simply as any minor nation could now
After that, it was only a matter of time before Maya “the Exchange”. enforce their own laws and
made sure the War Market and the Free Companies guarantee their security
became a profitable and even “glamorous” part of While the Exchange is readily accessible through through the Free Companies.
everyday life to the citizens of the Human Sphere. the Stock Market in Maya, it’s easy for first time The War Market operates in
buyers to misread the value of a particular asset a similar manner to a regular
LEGISLATION and more than one armchair general has found stock market, though many
themselves buying a squadron of TAGs instead of also compare it to sports
When an unregistered Free Company or security the less glamourous light infantry needed to get gambling as the particular
enterprise requests access to the War Market, it is the job done. Also, acquiring stock in a particular outcomes of specific theatres
subjected to rigorous evaluation by O-12’s Bureau Company does not mean that access is granted or actions can spell a rise
Ganesh. From their offices on Baronha, Concilium to all its services. On the contrary, depending on or a decline in stock value.
Prima, the bureau establishes the estimated value the percentage of stock, the only perk normally The added presence of live
of the assets of the applicant company, then available is direct access to the company´s Maya streams adds to the War
translates them to the market through the Initial upper echelon. Market´s entertainment value,
Public Offering based on how many shares the which is particularly useful
company wishes to float on the Market. Depending Of course, larger and more successful companies for security companies and
on the type of company — an inter-system Company will have a whole staff for customer services, recruiting agents. Services
will have a higher number of shares and value than which includes the pampering of wealthy and are offered to each participant
a small, planet-side security firm, for instance — the important clientele, as the products offered in the company with a stock value,
range of stock acquisition will vary. War Market do not come cheap. In order to rank in with their fees fluctuating
the Exchange, a company has to complete several according to their client’s
To hire the services of any given company, the protocols, which include licensing, obtaining proposal and oppositional
interested party can either contact the company’s permits, and scoring positively in the War Market performance reviews, along
agent to schedule a meeting or speak directly measurement system that regulates all movements with restrictions, maintenance
with the company’s agents at a WarCon (see page and procedures among the Free Companies. costs, and any red flags the
49). Again, depending on the type of company and company has.
the services offered, this can be a simple request The measurement system that orders the War
for security personnel or a series of meetings and Market Stock Exchange is referred to as the Scales.
interviews in order to reach the desired product Based on seven key statistics, these attributes
and pricing. Some companies will have offices are carefully tracked by complex algorithms
to attend customers in several planets (like CSU) which include:
while others only have one base of operations, with
agents travelling all over the Human Sphere (like EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
Ikari, for example). Once the potential customer Closely related to Customer Satisfaction (see
has contacted their preferred company, it will next page), employment history is crucial in
be a matter of deciding which of the packages understanding the career and trajectory of the
offered by the company’s agent suits their needs. company under consideration. The customer can
The basic unit handled by the War Market is the review past and current assignments, plus the
“Operative Unit” (OU), which refers to a ten- person overall performance evaluation of the mercenary
unit that includes its ranking officer. Originally company. Updated monthly, it is adjusted according
called a “Battle Group”, the War Market has since to the current success evaluations of previous
taken to adopting corporate euphemisms in an contracts. Some Megacorps or nations will simply
attempt to disguise the unsavoury nature of the not want to be involved with mercenary units that
services on offer. have poor media representation in the client’s

the war market 39

home system(s). For example, Ariadnan clients describes the legal health of the company, along
would definitely avoid hiring the Druze Society. Red with its capital and legal assets. Almost all
flags are marked under this heading, along with the companies have one or more lawsuits against
reasons for the negative evaluation. them at any given moment. Potential clients can
assess a mercenary company’s legal liability to
COMBAT VICTORY RECORD ensure they are able to complete the contract
An apparently subjective evaluation value, it they are being considered for. Law firms can attain
actually works on an elegant, objective-based Megacorp levels of wealth by taking on certain
algorithm. Ranked from 0 to 100, it measures the cases, with Tunguska-based lawyers considered
average performance of previous combat scenarios the most prestigious and therefore most expensive
based on tactical reviews, live reports, and of them. Free Companies dream of having at least
visual evidence. A perfect score implies decisive one of these black-clad legal sharks on their
victories in all engagements with minimum loss payroll. SecLock and StarCo have some of the most
of personnel and materiel, plus the completion solid and experienced law departments in the
of all objectives. Careful analysis of the type of War Market.
engagement is required in order to avoid being
misled on the company’s performance. For example, ESTIMATED COMBAT POTENTIAL
a “pacifying” action against impoverished miners in Customers expect combat readiness and the ability
Human Edge is quite different to a Cube retrieval to complete contracts with the least problems and
near the NiemandsZone. delays. This factor measures a number of factors
including the logistical flexibility of the company
COST EFFICIENCY AND (both planetside and intra-system) and their
COLLATERAL DAMAGE equipment, and then compares against a standard
(CECD) ESTIMATE PanOceanian regiment (infantry or armoured,
In the Human Sphere, all actions have depending). This heading requires deeper analysis
consequences that are more often than not by the potential customer, as Combat Potential is
economical. Brutal and careless units like Yuan not measured against specific services. For example,
Yuan pirates simply tend to destroy everything the celebrated combat readiness of Ikari, Druze, and
they cannot carry, while other companies tend to Dahshat does not imply they are particularly good
“lose” material and equipment in the aftermath of at hostage situations and humanitarian services.
their engagements. Collateral damage estimate
is usually a negative value that translates directly MEDIA COVERAGE
to execution costs, bonds, and similar overhead In the media-driven Human Sphere, all potentially
and maintenance factors. Hiring mercenaries lucrative endeavours will be recorded and
known for careless use of munitions will increase streamed to the data sphere. With the rise of Maya
your insurance costs, as is the case with one channels like Sabot! there is a huge demand for
of the current highest CECD companies: the real-life documentaries and newscasts revolving
Anaconda Squadron. around mercenary life. Warcors and Public Relations
managers manoeuvre to ensure they get the best
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND footage to an avid public. A successful mercenary
SERVICE EXTENSIONS (CSSE) is expected to provide an entertaining spectacle
A happy customer is a loyal and paying customer. for the subscribers both on and off the field. This
No matter how effective their services, mercenary aspect is very important to overall profitability,
companies deal with the promise of death and and while it only relates to approximately 10% of
violence, so it’s important to keep clients happy. the company’s overall evaluation, a high Media
PR for mercenary companies in the Exchange is Coverage rating is crucial for attracting significant
a lucrative business, as there is always seems to investors, clients, and new recruits. Currently, only
be some reason to complain about a company’s the Foreign Company of Van Orton has a perfect
work. Keeping the customers content involves rating here, as their aggressive campaign both in
not only precise execution of the troops but also the media and Aristeia! championship makes it
bribing and wooing the customer with luxurious the most popular Free Company throughout the
entertainments. Thanks in part to their PR Human Sphere.
programs, big companies like the Foreign Company
and SecLock Contingencies have the highest The Exchange is a stable stock market option, and it
ratings on customer happiness. updates daily with monthly reports to all investors.
The more successful and satisfied the customers,
PRESENT LEGAL RISK the higher the stocks of a company and the better
When your business revolves around destruction, pay everyone involved receives.
theft, and sabotage, the Human Sphere’s legal
systems become a common factor. This heading

40 Chapter 4

FLUCTUATING MARKETS Warmongers usually employ a right-hand with an

expertise in finances. Such employees are jealously
After the recent Japanese Uprising and the guarded at all times, not least because they hold
resultant Kurage Crisis on Dawn, huge fortunes all of a company’s secrets. Buying and selling
have been invested and lost in the Exchange, stock on the War Market can be a double-edged
which is experiencing one of the most turbulent blade, as the all-too real possibility of selling a
periods in its history. Alongside the attrition war majority of stock can result in a feral Warmonger
of the Paradiso front, this means that many Free being demoted to a captain or worse. Carefully
Companies are beginning to strain their resources, timed sales have left confident buyers in charge
making it an ideal moment for up and coming of depleted companies, while the former colonel
Warmongers and ambitious soldiers of fortune. This who once led the outfit has fled to the Human
is particularly true on Dawn, where the profile of Edge with only a few credits to show due to the
the hired gun works perfectly with outsiders and rigged sale.
frontier people. So far, the reticent politics adopted
by Yu Jing and PanOceania during the Phantom HIRINGS AND DISMISSALS
Conflict have meant that a number of scandalous
operations have not adversely affected the entire Once a customer has chosen a company, the
Exchange directly. The vastness of the Human company’s agents are contacted via the Exchange
Sphere has also allowed any calamities to mostly and a standard, regulated contract negotiation
be contained within a system. So long as any begins. No matter the variable factors, the specifics
company involved does not draw any additional of the contract will always follow the provisions
attention, relying on this tactic benefits both the of O-12’s Mercenary Hiring Treaty defining the
stability of the Exchange and a company’s employer, expected behaviour, rights, and obligations for both
who will certainly also suffer the mitigated the mercenary and the hiring party. This treaty,
consequences of such scandals if anyone else signed by all G5 nations, backs the Concilium
becomes involved to clean up the mess. Convention, Human Rights Charters, and even
Commerce and Salvage Regulations. Alongside
Even if these rather hypocritical tactics have several other regulations, mercenary contracts
prevented a collapse, the Exchange still expressly forbid weapons banned by the Concilium
experiences the ebbs and flows familiar to any Convention, require all civilians to be respected in
healthy stock market. Some Haqqislamite analysts, their basic human rights, state that no engagement
however, insist that the constant growth of the War actively targets an objective indiscriminately
Market is more symptomatic of an impending crash (i.e. identification and background checks should
that will result in the bankruptcy of the majority be established), and that all materiel, salvaged
of the enterprises listed. What repercussions vehicles, and cargo are carefully declared as soon
this would have among a population of soldiers as a safe port is reached.
armed to the teeth in critical theatres across the
Human Sphere is not hard to predict. As one would As a minimum, a mercenary contract requires the
expect, being listed in the Exchange has its own following items:
risks for the unexperienced Warmonger. Selling
stocks of your company in an open market invites SCOPE AND FEES
the fact that third parties can and will influence Each company has different ways of approaching
the development and decision-making processes the handling and conditions for specific tasks.
of said company. In relatable terms, a military StarCo, for example, is renowned for strictly
unit ruled with an iron fist by the strongest, most monitoring adherence to the Concilium Convention
cunning warrior suddenly finds their decisions and Human Rights Charters in its operations. On
hampered by a Board of Directors as they no longer the other hand, Ikari and Druze are known to leave
have the voting majority required to enact their these compliance responsibilities with either the
will. Selling stocks is an efficient way to quickly client or a third-party watchdog of questionable
gather resources through an established legal capability, capacity, and thoroughness.
process. Careful administration still needs to be
exercised here, however, as these resources are CONTACT DURATION
expected to be used to improve performance and AND EXTENSION TERMS
further increase profit, such as the recruitment This is extremely important and will be very
of experienced troops, the purchasing of better carefully worded by the company’s agents, as an
equipment, or the undertaking of specialized unplanned extension of the contract can generate
services, for example. Unfortunately, it is all too losses and logistical problems. Usually, contract
common for inexperienced Warmongers to waste duration will be expressed as a specific action,
their investments on entertainment and hosting. such as “escort the Freighter Aquilonia from Venus
Which is one of the reasons wealthy and successful to the Neon Lotus orbital in Mars”, or else clearly

the war market 41

defined by dates, like “the Free Company will carry it difficult, if not suicidal, to undertake certain
out operations from August 1st to December 31st 70 contracts. At the same time, this clause protects
NC”. Time extension clauses are usually detailed, the customer in case the mercenary simply
and while few mercenaries will offer open-ended takes off without warning, allowing for the Red
contracts, it’s not uncommon for very wealthy Flagging of both the company and the individuals
customers to provide quarterly retainers to a involved. A dismissal is a contract terminated by
mercenary company. the client, and this has direct repercussions in the
Exchange on the company’s credit line. In cases
PAYMENT TIME AND METHOD of contested claims between a customer and
Mercenaries with an agreed contract are subject company, the client is advised to ensure his lawyers
to contractual arbitration. To streamline this, and backup security are competent, as there are
each company must log a contract’s total value few things worse than incurring the wrath of a
with O-12, and the resultant funds must be mercenary company!
deposited with a licenced third-party. The signoff
requirements for these third parties can vary, but In some cases, it is in the interest of the client to
most work under a timed-release payment clause offer the contract publicly rather than privately
designed to allow for client appeal and refund scour the War Market. This is a very common
procedures. alternative used by smaller corporations or
individuals with tight budgets. Bureau Aegis and
CONDITIONS FOR CANCELLATION, many non-profits such as Freedom International,
DISMISSAL, AND VOIDANCE Children Protection, and Volunteers Without
With the increasing presence of the Combined Borders will defer to this process if additional
Army in Paradiso, Free Companies are aware now security and/or peacekeeping forces are required.
more than ever that conditions sometimes make

42 Chapter 4

The customer can ask for an audit at any time, seem, not every mercenary will “do anything for a
whether related to staff, equipment, or even buck”. Some mercenaries maintain strict rules of
general financial health of the company. Although personal conduct and are likely to react badly when
not very common, NGOs and Bureau Aegis have propositioned as assassins.
been known to request strict evaluations of
prospective companies before assigning any kind of Even if a mercenary willing to perform a nefarious
contract, no matter each company’s size. A company deed can be found, there is still the question of
can refuse an audit, but those who jump through ensuring payment to them. It’s not uncommon for
the hoops usually gain recurring contracts. StarCo’s a customer engaging a mercenary away from the
healthy relationship with Bureau Aegis is just one Exchange to pay them through it regardless. “30
example of the benefits of complying with an Days Securing Varuna”, made legendary by the
audit request. Maya Series Death in the Shade, is a common
euphemism for such a contract. In such contracts,
Public contracts mean that any Free Company the mercenary is employed and paid for a standard
is allowed to offer its services for the specifics security contract regardless as to whether there
required by the would-be client. This usually is an actual job in the location. The mercenary
transpires through a Maya publication stating then undertakes whatever private task they have
the nature of the mission, its duration, budget, been assigned secure in the notion that they have
and any other specific requirements. Interested a legitimate contract for payment of legitimate
Free Companies then seek to offer that service services. Remember, souvenirs cost extra!
whilst also appearing attractive to the client
through lower prices or additional services. WEAPONS OF WAR
Another type of public contract revolves around
the customer providing a general list of services It’s a sad reality that human ingeniousness thrives
required instead of detailed requirements, which during and wherever there is war. There is also
often includes the total budget for the contract. always someone willing to turn a profit from it, and
Free Companies then engage in bidding wars, while there will always be men and women willing
offering services, personnel, and reduced prices to shed blood for others, they still need one thing:
in order to win the contract. This type of auction the tools for that shedding. In a self-replicating
usually caters to long-term security contracts that loop, mercenaries, Hypercorps, corrupt politicians,
are not anticipating any field action. Choosing the ambitious military, intelligence agencies, pirates,
winner in these bidding wars is also a delicate and unethical merchants will find ways to stoke
matter. The buyer’s agents have to balance pros the fires of war through the sale of weapons to all
and cons of acquiring the services of a little sides involved in a conflict, whether old rifles to
known but extra cheap mercenary unit against an top of the line TAGs, fresh out of the factory or air-
experienced unit of veterans freshly out of Paradiso. dropped into the middle of a muddy jungle.
Greed, resources available, bribes received, and
a willingness to push your luck will be some of Known as War Dogs, these traders in misery focus
the factors intervening in the final selection of a on logistics, including the transportation of Free
Free Company. Companies to and from their assigned theatres.
Securing a route, either through legal or illegal
While pampering an interested would-be customer means, is vital, as it allows the gunrunner to have
in a home or office during an interview is one open lines of communication. Having the resources
thing, agents and freelancers can go to extremes and cargo vessels required to fulfil this endeavour
to obtain public contracts, including bribery, price is vital, and War Dogs will stop at nothing to ensure
dumping, sabotaging the competition, and even they have the means to carry out their business.
blackmail. No matter how cleanshaven, polite, Some War Dogs enjoy the clandestine support of
and cultured the client, they will sometimes be their government through intelligence agencies
looking for something “extra” to be carried out like the Hexahedron, while others are financed
beyond the public scope of services rendered by by Hypercorps interested in expanding their area
the company. After all, this is the War Market. These of influence. Others endeavour to outsource
additional services require a degree of anonymity, their transport lines, with some going as far as
and brokers and agents work to ensure the client’s recruiting pirates and other unsavoury characters.
privacy. Any illicit contracts are carried out away Those working for Submondo are likely not only
from the Exchange and are never registered in the fencing weapons and logistics, but probably
company’s sheet of services. Not all companies running the full gamut of unsavoury smuggling
will work “Off the Exchange”, while those who do services, including slavery, drugs, and other highly
might not necessarily provide the service that illegal trades.
the client is seeking. Strange though it might

the war market 43

One of Vaudeville’s most BREAK GLASS legally on the Exchange, there are five more
famous and exclusive venues, operating illegally, unregulated, and uncontrolled
it is also the epitome of every In emergency cases, mercenary companies across the Human Sphere at any given point. The
neutral bar and joint. The have been known to improvise and hijack or system is flawed, they argue. While the War Market
Human Sphere’s Casablanca. commandeer any available vessels, leaving the tab engenders as much order and lawfulness as is
In an ironic twist for a bar that to be picked by their employees. Larger companies possible when dealing with mercenaries, it is true
enjoys intense media coverage, will try to avoid this, as it will certainly affect their that there are mercenary associations and militias
it is also one of the best places ratings, but field operatives are rarely considerate that peddle their services via illegal channels. In an
to go unnoticed, as the frenetic of the company’s image when they need to effort to confront the War Market, the underworld
nightlife of the club is sure to evacuate ASAP. The usual hierarchy for this type of and Submondo cultures have created the Lists, an
distract everyone’s attention manoeuvre is along the lines of merchant vessels underground hiring and contact resource for all the
from a discreet meeting in first, unprotected NGO transports, local cargo not so legal, disgraced, red flagged, runner up, and
one of the luxurious private transports, public transports heading to Circular rogue mercenary companies and operatives looking
rooms or booths. Also, the boarding points, private shuttles, official vehicles, for a contract.
absence of ALEPH’s presence and — in truly desperate cases of emergency —
in the mothership makes it military spacecraft. A totally underground effort, the Lists provides
particularly attractive for “Off basic information like costs, availability, services,
the Exchange” deals. Finally, The second element to consider is the source of and contact information. It’s assumed that most, if
their signature cocktail, Clone equipment. Depending on the individual and/or not all, of the companies and individuals included
on the Beach, is a must have. company, the acquisition of weapons can be done in the directory are open to illegal missions and
legally and transparently (e.g. StarCo) through black operations. In order to have access to the
GANNBATE CANTINA government or Hypercorp deals. The other option, Lists, a person will either need to have contacts
Located in the Avro-Kaizuka however, is to steal or bribe functionaries in order in Submondo or at least some passing knowledge
orbital, Human Edge, it was a to get hold of the required arsenal. If the WarDog of how the underworld operates in relation to
renowned hotbed of Tatenokai has been covertly engaged by an intelligence hiring hitmen, thugs, and saboteurs. If none of
agents throughout 176 NC. agency, the supplies will have their serial numbers these options are available, a good hacker can
Mercenaries, pirates, and physically or digitally wiped. This hopefully avoids conduct a deep search to find Monica Blue, the AI
criminals generally frequent any political scandal if the conflict organised by program tasked with organising and running the
this locale in the aftermath the agencies doesn’t turn out as expected. The Lists. From there, generating an account is a simple
of the JSA Uprising. The fact same thing goes for contractors working Off the enough task.
that it is the main recruitment Exchange. Interestingly enough — for spies and
and business centre for the investigative journalists at least — investigating the Although not a closely guarded secret, the Lists
Ikari Company says more of shipments and type of weapons sold by a particular is not something openly discussed due to the
the Japanese mercenaries WarDog can reveal much about their contacts, implications and risks of being linked to such
than anything else. Off the origins, intentions, and, most importantly, backers. highly illegal activities. Nomad brokers can and
Exchange deals and hiring Important economic partners are required in order do offer services from both the Exchange and
from the Lists is a daily and to source and transport certain types of weapons, the Lists without any sense of guilt, usually
common occurrence, as is as demonstrated by the Anaconda Squadron during as one large holographic spreadsheet ranging
random (and usually deadly) their creation, which can provide a particularly from the most respectable in the Exchange
violence. Novyy Bangkok deadly game of cat-and-mouse for journalist types. to the more accommodating in the Lists.
residents will kill you if you Watching over the shoulder of the members of
say this out loud, but the Importantly, it should be noted that independent the Lists, the Free Company Guild stands out as
Gannbate cooling liquid contractors and WarDogs have nothing of the one of the most solid and successful intermediary
Bourbon rivals the finest loyalty expected in the Mercenary contract as companies outside of the Exchange. Undercut
Caledonian whiskey for kicks stipulated earlier. Unless specifically attached to by the War Market’s vast resources and media
and staying power. a particular nation or Hypercorp, WarDogs will presence, the Guild act as middlemen for clients
usually feel no compunctions in selling weapons and mercenaries that are seeking to avoid the rules
to any or all of the parts involved in a conflict, and and regulations imposed by the Exchange. They
real humanitarian tragedies have occurred thanks make it a point to recruit talented new mercenaries
to ambitious WarDogs treating the Concilium without any of the fuss or extensive training
Convention with disdain and fuelling civil wars programs that the bigger companies require.
beyond the scope of the conflicts. An experienced hand with backstage scenarios,
the Guild has access to the most vulnerable
THE COMPETITION populations in the Human Sphere, making it easy
for them to recruit young and inexperienced
Some critics of the War Market, particularly those personnel without concern for overhead costs or
in Concilium, have pointed out that legitimising acquaintance with the Concilium Convention.
mercenary companies is hypocritical and
subversive to any real peace efforts. They highlight Known for being relatively modest, the Free
the fact that for each Free Company operating Company Guild has recently enjoyed a credit

44 Chapter 4

injection that has many people wondering how tabs on said independent armies. Secret agents, Located in Franklin, USAriadna,
and why the irregular company obtained their reporters, corporate spies, and even O-12 inspectors and known as the traditional
additional resources. Rumours abound over the will often infiltrate or shadow the actions of the founding place of the
Guild fielding a unit of Krakot Renegades in the Free Companies in the field. Meanwhile, the same USAriadnan Ranger Regiment,
Paradiso System, which has several intelligence thing will be occurring at the company’s HQ, where it is also the meeting point of
agents worrying about the possibility of the Guild industrious spies will seek to obtain as much plenty of veterans who may be
being infiltrated by the Combined Army. Most information as possible from the company and its willing to hire themselves for
dismiss it as another rumour generated by War employers. Few archives are so ripe with sensitive a quick job either as security
Market aficionados seeking to irreparably harm information as those of the Free Companies and or something more creative,
the Guild’s already shady reputation. Finally, the Security Firms. If mercenaries are a morally obscure so long as the mission and
Lists also include a vast directory of freelancers lot, what can be said of anyone willing to hire price are right for the zealous
with ratings and performance evaluations so low platoons of men and women to fight a war and USAriadnans. For all the
that no respectable customer would ever think of kill others in your name? The War Market is not an bravado and loyalty to local
hiring them. Made up of thugs, disgraced Ronin, and innocent place where you can make friends and beers and bourbon, the “Tara
broken bounty hunters who are referred to as the trusty allies. It is one of the most brutal Psywar Libre” is a nice refreshing
“Unemployables”, this file can nonetheless point theatres in the Human Sphere, where backstabbing cocktail with a splash of
to an occasional up-and-coming bounty hunter or is an all too real alternative, both literally and the last Coke available in
mercenary trying to make a name for themselves by figuratively. the Sphere.
climbing from the bottom to the top.
In this regard, it is not uncommon for customers HARRY’S BAR
WARCON to want to avoid any link with both the Free Another “jewel” of Human
Companies and the operation paid for. False Edge, this sordid bar is located
Although the name is part of an ongoing joke fronts and identities are all too common, as in Novyy Bangkok. Mercenary
among mercenaries — “Where can I hire White it’s quite frequent for an inexperienced or bodyguards are highly
Star? Go to the War Market Convention!” — the eager Warmonger or Captain to be hired by a recommended if conducting
concept of Warcon refers to hotels, bars, and non-existent corporation and later be either any business there. Still, it’s the
off-world installations where mercenaries can be blackmailed or simply blamed for anything that best den to place highly illegal
interviewed, show off their goods, and hopefully has gone awry, with all incriminating evidence commissions such as hiring
get hired. Warcon also refers to all those places registered in the Exchange. This is why working off the Lists or contacting
and situations where the agents, brokers, and Off the Exchange and getting paid via “30 Days dubious companies like Ikari
management operatives of any given company Securing Varuna” clauses should be taken seriously, and the fearsome Yuan Yuan.
can be met. Usually, only high-end companies like as many a mercenary has been burned this way. Avoid drinking simple water at
White Star and SecLock will meet in well-respected Paranoid Warmongers, on the other hand, will all costs. The Flaming Dagger
clubs and exclusive installations where they can keep records and blackmail material on all their will save you from poisoning
guarantee their customer’s privacy, which means customers in case a little leverage is needed in yourself, though two or three
that other clients looking to hire the services of the future. At the same time, it is not uncommon others can get you blind
a mercenary will need to rendezvous with their for competitive (if not antagonistic) Colonels and drunk or burnt to a crisp. Do
agents in seedy and sometimes outright dangerous captains to sabotage other companies or even not order one of these in the
places such as the Conga Club or Harry's Bar. implicate them in illegal activities, such as the presence of the SSI.
planting of ammunition or equipment stolen from
WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS the enemy inside a competitor’s base. Having a THE FRACTAL
corrupt journalist or diplomat nearby to help shed This virtual bar is said to have
Working in the War Market can be as risky as some light into this situation always helps the its main node somewhere
running lucrative accounts in the regular stock cause, taking out competition and leaving juicier in Varuna, yet it gathers
exchange, only more deadly as some Warmongers contracts ripe for the picking. Wardrivers and otaku from
and customers can be very sore losers when it all over the Human Sphere
comes to dovetailing assets and resources. Despite EXAMPLE OF SECURITY where they brag about their
Captains and Warmongers always tending to walk COMPANY latest achievements and gigs.
away from dire straits more or less intact — usually Customers looking for hackers
thanks to the sacrifices of the rest of their unit Ophidiam Antipode Security is a clear example of here have to be careful to
— nobody really wants to risk a failed mercenary the rising demand in the War Market being faced avoid being swindled by
action as it raises too many questions. The by ambitious warmongers. In this case, USAriadnan, unskilled hacker wannabes
consequences in terms of politics, finances, military Francine Gomez, CEO and founder of OAS, the first though. Being a virtual bar,
displacement, and humanitarian efforts wind and foremost private security service on Ariadna. every type of digital drink
up being a diplomat´s worst nightmare. Anyone A veteran sanitary officer from the USAriadnan is on offer here, though
entering into business with a mercenary should Marine Corp, Gomez noticed that injured and the cool kids stick to hot
understand that nothing will be black and white, “orphaned” K-9 members, the brutal Devil Dogs, chocolate. Oddly, the coding
starting with the interests involved. Whilst it’s true were discharged and left to their resources, which for J42m1n3 T34 seems to
that the G5 nations favour the existence of non- usually meant a life of hardships for the Dogfaces leave anyone drinking it with a
aligned armies, that doesn’t mean they won´t keep and more often than not death for the depressed migraine for days.

the war market 45

and dysfunctional Antipodes who simply were undergoing rehab, that she manages to legally sub-
penned until they ceased to be a problem. Annoyed hire through military contacts. Currently focused
by this, Gomez also saw an opportunity. After on security services, she is resisting the temptation
returning to her hometown of Four Tracks, she to field her teams in combat operations as a full
ran an experiment with a crew of 4 Dogfaces and military action might have an unpredictable effect
1 Antipode which she managed to get hold of as on her often impetuous troops.
part of a “rehabilitation” program. The result was
a solid security unit, and they were hired by Four Once she has enough resources, Gomez plans on
Tracks customs services to inspect and intercept listing Ophidiam in the Exchange and opening
smugglers. an office either on Neoterra or Sol, where she
hopes to sell her high-quality guards and sniffers
A year later, Ophidiam has grown into a modest to a Hypercorp like Interspace Trust, Compass, or
security company that operates across the Human Neon Lotus. She has had moderate success selling
Sphere. It is even starting to accept contracts her stock to Ariadnans, particularly USAriadnans
for the Exclusion Zone, though they have not and Merovingian investors, but foreign investors
yet accepted interplanetary contracts. Gomez seem too focused on the Novyy Cimmeria crisis
still hasn´t the resources to apply for a place to invest in Ophidiam. As a first step to becoming
in the Exchange, but currently Ophidiam has a interplanetary, she is currently brokering a security
healthy presence in the Dawn Lists, where they’re contract with Yu Jing officials in Yaochi City so that
gaining renown among Ariadnans and serve they can demonstrate their skills when operating
as an attraction to non-Ariadnans seeking the away from Dawn. Since Gomez is an Ariadnan, she
opportunity to brag about working with Antipode, and her teams are particularly well adapted to the
Dogface, and Wulver security teams. Currently, tasks at hand and will quickly demonstrate to all
Francine has an experienced team of trainers, other foreign units how to implement strict security
medics, Antipode controllers, and veterans who measures.
accept and train Wulvers, Dogfaces, and Antipodes

46 Chapter 4


Unlike professional militaries with publicly METACHEMISTRY When granted a
funded supply chains and requisitions, every MetaChemistry implant by
piece of equipment a Mercenary company MetaChemistry is an O-12 designation for batteries a Lifepath event, roll on the
purchases and keeps in their inventory damages of nano-chemical compounds that enhance table below, then choose
their bottom line. As a result, there is constant physical and tactical fitness and render subjects whether to A) gain the
pressure to reduce costs on every possible receptive to augmentation. The procedure is implant; B) replace a current
axis –maintenance, transportation, sourcing, equivalent to a full-body biograft augmentation implant with the new one,
governmental fees, employee salaries– and seek installation, but instead of gaining an implant, or C) gain a MetaChemistry-
high-pay, low-risk work. Risk is usually the first the subject’s Resistance tests on future Aug related Trait.
compromise a PMC’s Warmonger learns to make, installations are at -2 difficulty for the next four
Quartermasters stop questioning equipment’s years. If any of these installations generates a All augmentation page
origins, Tactical Managers ignore the ethics of complication, the GM can spend 2 Heat to give the references are to the
effective gear, and individual mercenaries learn subject a new side-effect Trait. Infinity Corebook Gear
to use anything they can get their hands on Catalogue, p.361 – 386 For
for an edge. Those who don’t, don’t last long. MetaChemistry implants are affordable equivalents MetaChemistry process
Clients often care about public perception as much of implants that usually require subtle Biograft or or Implant pricing, see
as they care about results, so it’s important to Silk technology, and they are uniquely compatible Augmentations Table, p.59-60
protect one’s reputation and avoid red flags. Many with those who have undergone the process.
PMCs do maintain strong traditions of ethical The extensive redundancies and microflora
professionalism. But very few clients understand customisation involved means they are usually
just how hungry those they hire are, how intensely full-body Cyberware, and Resistance tests to
desperate or broken you must be before you’re install them in subjects who have not undergone
willing to threaten and fight and kill strangers MetaChemistry are at +2 difficulty.
for nothing more than a paycheck. Or how brutal
conflicts outside of Maya’s panopticon can become.
Ariadnans understand better than most: wounds
Attribute Augmentation 2 (Brawn or Agility
are still fresh on the frontier, and many modern 1-2
benefits halved after 1d20 years
Mercenaries served in the Commercial Conflicts.
Yu Jing and PanOceania use Mercenaries as a Bioimmunity Organ equivalent, benefits
more disposable extension of their own militaries, halved after 1d20 years
catspaws for tasks they don’t want to take officially, 5-6 Gecko pade equivalents, +1 vigour, -1 Resolve
and as a profitable secondary market for military
7-8 Neural Shunts, +1 Resolve, -1 Vigour
surplus equipment. Corporations generally treat
PMCs and Mercenary specialists as just another 9-10 Pain Filter equivalents, +2 Resolve, -2 Vigour
set of useful contractors, and as a way to project Regeneration Augmentation equivalent.
military force without maintaining official militaries. Other augmentations are rejected when
Haqqislamites, and especially Nomads, have a installed, but allows the installation of
more nuanced relationship with the concept – their 11-12
other augmentations later (albeit at +4
lifestyles often mirror Mercenaries, and many spend complication range to installation Resistance
a portion of their lives as one. tests)
13-14 Sixth Sense equivalent, and new Trait: Twitchy
Warmongers negotiate for supplies and equipment
as part of their contract, Quartermasters and Subdermal Grafts in all locations, only add +1
Tactical Managers insist on certain standardised complication range to Personality-based tests
items, and clients can require the use of particular Super-Jump, no Maintenance cost, prices to
gear for oversight reasons. But for the most 17-18
repair halved
part Mercenaries are permitted and expected to
assemble their own unique loadout from whatever Re-roll, but implant is large instead of full-
19-20 body. If rolled a second time, it becomes an
they can scrounge, loot, or buy. Well-connected
ordinary-sized implant instead.
traders, docs, and dealers are a wise merc’s
best friends.

AEROCAM GEAR CATALOGUE on a person in Reach, it renders them immune to
REMOTE (TROOPER) all damage and effects from Adhesive and Goonade
ATTRIBUTES 360˚ VISION/VISOR ammo for the scene, and it frees them if already
Lhost biosynthetic vision research at the University immobilised. If sprayed into an adjacent zone, it has
Agility 8
of Medina led to the current benign, albeit invasive, the Area (Close) quality, and gives Scale 0 vehicles
Awareness 10
installation process of 360˚ vision augmentations. or people immobilised by those munitions’ effects a
Brawn 10 Users can see in all directions, granting a bonus chance to escape at -2 difficulty (minimum 0).
Coordination 10 d20 on Observation tests. Unimplanted 360˚visors
Intelligence 10 are less intuitive, adding +1 complication range to AEROCAM REMOTE
those tests as well. An invaluable companion for any War
Personality 6
Correspondent, this flying remote incorporates a
Willpower 7 410 FLAGGING 360˚ array of cameras and holographic rangefinders,
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE An unofficial Red Flag-equivalent among it can continually record weeks of audio and visual
Combat +2 +2 wardrivers, this designation requires the agreement footage for later editing. Many users install sensor
Fortitude +1 +1 of over 41% of all registered members (though arrays to add layers of context and detail to their
who counts as registered is an endless source aerocam’s recordings, and locational beacons to
Movement +1 1
of debate). Though not kicked out, the flagged ensure they can recover it if lost or stolen.
Senses +1 1 Wardriver is added to a public listing of reliably
Social - - unreliable, incompetent, and malicious hackers, BAD DOG X
Technical +1 1 gaining the Trait: 410 Flagged. Removing Sold in Caravanserai under the brand name K2o
DEFENCES the flag requires a massive achievement on (for Kötü köpek, bad dog in Turkish) as a supposed
behalf of all Wardrivers, or decades of clean deterrent to wildlife. When burned and inhaled
Firewall 10
work without any registered complaints. this drug induces aggression and increases pain
Security - Truly noxious further bad behaviour leads to tolerance in many species, particularly avians
Resolve 8 being 820’d: permanent disbarment as a Wardriver. and canines, although humans are immune to its
Morale - Contact or assistance from anyone in good standing effects. If a Guard Dog or similar working animal
Structure 12
becomes a 410-able offense. It’s open season on protector is exposed to its effects, however, it
hackers marked in this way: few survive long. becomes violently and permanently aggressive
Armour 0
against any individual whose scent and appearance
ACROGENIC BLADE X it is not already familiar with, gains immunity to
GEAR: 360˚ Visor + Recorder Also known as an ‘ace’ or ‘acro’ knife, these slim, Psywar techniques when attacking or pursuing an
COMMON SPECIAL ABILITIES: piercing knives are made from slow-grown interloper, and gains X § additional Vigour (and an
Inured to Disease, Poison, crystals cultivated on the exteriors of asteroid additional Wound box per Effect rolled). Even the
and Vacuum, Flying, habitats for sale to passing visitors, particularly most callous wranglers use the substance sparingly,
Superhuman Awareness 1. mercenaries and bravos. Though visually stunning however, as animals exposed to the substance
EYE IN THE SKY: The aerocam and incredibly sharp, assessing one’s quality rarely survive long, permanently losing 1+1 §
can fly continuously for days requires a Science (D2) or Lifestyle (D3) test. Vigour every week until dead (or dying immediately
at a time and move vertically Force-grown counterfeit blades chip and fracture if an Effect is rolled).
without reduction in speed. under stress, shattering completely the first time a
FAITHFUL COMPANION: When complication or Effect is rolled on an attack with BANDOLIER
an aerocam is controlled by a one. Unlike other Frangible weapons, however, a Popularised as military fashion during the
geist or its native LAI, it gains a real acrogenic blade only reduces the number of § Commercial Conflicts by mercenaries who took
Morale Soak of 4, grants its user in its damage rating by 1 if X+1 Effects are rolled. them as trophies from dead Ariadnan troops,
a Morale Soak of 1 and also (Melee, 1+2X § damage, 1H, Concealed 1, modern bandoliers are a band that goes around
grants +1d20 on observation Non‑Hackable, Piercing X, Subtle 1, Thrown, the chest, with a series of pouches and stick-
tests. Unforgiving 2) Acrogen is the scientific term for pads embedded in a smart-layer that slides
FLOCK TOGETHER: Thanks to a flowerless plant, such as a fern or moss, where independently for quick, quiet access, allowing
simple charging/data cradles growth occurs from the tip of the main stem. The the user to swap between ammo types as a Free
additional cambots do not term is now primarily used to describe a zero-g Action once a round. Any mercenary wearing one
increase maintenance costs. crystal cultivation technique for the eponymous that looks Dawn-made around Ariadnans is stupid,
SEMI-AUTONOMOUS CAMBOT: blades, despite heated Maya-posts from protesting suicidal, or both.
When operating autonomously, botanists.
the aerocam sticks close to its BIDENDUM SUIT
user, continually recording its ADHESIVE SOLVENT Based on similar principles as high-impact
surroundings and providing A go-to for troublemakers, rioters, and the private CrashSuits and stylish Bakuninian Flexwear, these
feeds of relevant holographic, security teams that immobilize them, this spray Earth-made armoured clothing outfits are laced
auditory, and visual data, adding dissolves the gelatinous adhesives used in common with string-tube segments that can inflate with
1 Momentum to the user’s crowd-control adhesive ammo. With a Tech (D1) test, dense quick-foam as a Minor action or 2 Heat
successful Observation tests a solvent canister can be used in one of several Reaction, providing short-lived protection against
and Defence Reactions ways. If sprayed on a Scale 0 vehicle, the wielder, or harm. Once inflated, the foam segments provide

48 Chapter 5

2 Armour Soak to hit locations the first time they double mental damage until recovered and suffers
are struck, and 1 Armour Soak against subsequent intensely personal nightmares). Acontecimento Step - see
attacks for a half-hour. Clearing the string-tube Infinity Corebook, p. 224
segments with solvent and re-priming their micro- BULAVA AMMUNITION
pumps takes ten minutes and a Tech (D1) test, but Named for an ancient multiple-warhead missile,
the suits are surprisingly unobtrusive until inflated, these Rodinan rounds are fitted with crude COLD PEACE
making them ideal uniforms for PMCs with image- electronics and explosive cores. When the first in As the Ariadna Commercial
conscious clients. a burst strikes, the others nearby explode into a Conflicts drew to a close,
crowd of shrapnel in hopes of additional damage. a series of significant
BLITZEN They are easily suborned – targets with any comms neomaterial discoveries
A linchpin of Kaplan Tactical Service’s victories device gain Cover Soak equal to the higher of their on Svarlarheima led many
during the Silk Revolts and their ongoing Tech or Hacking expertise against them – but can defence contractor marketing
operational strategy, the E/M-pulse-emitting be fired by any weapon capable of firing Standard analysts to predict a new
Blitzen is a Panzerfaust variant designed for ammunition, and add Comms, Salvo (Spread 1, round of NeoColonial Wars
anti-quantronic impact against enemy systems. It Vicious 1), and Unsubtle to the weapon. between PanOceania and Yu
contains two Reloads – once used, the weapon Jing to fully seize control of
is empty and cannot be used until reloaded. CAMSIGHT the planet once and for all.
Disassembling the weapon to reload it requires a Often contractually required and paired with Widespread production of
Tech (D2) test as a Standard Action. armour-mounted sensors, this software takes a armour, vehicles, and military
5-second snapshot of a ranged weapon’s optics materiel adapted to the icy
BOOTLEG COMBAT ARMOUR and correlated data feeds each time the weapon planet’s climate ensued, only
For infiltration, cover for false flag operations, is fired. This provides details to Tactical Managers, to be pre-empted by the
false claims of military valour, or seamlessly and an audit trail of a mercenary’s engagements for Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts,
augmenting existing forces, nothing beats wearing internal review, behavioural coaching, termination and again by the Paradiso
the combat armour and uniform of a faction’s proceedings, or legal deposition. Installing it Offensives. As a result, unused
military forces. Fortunately, for the right price requires only a Standard Action and a Tech (D1) military surplus equipment
corrupt quartermasters in every human military test, and it adds 1 bonus Momentum and -1 with Adapted [Arctic] is
service will happily supply contraband versions difficulty to Analysis or Observation tests to form available at cut-rate prices
of the real thing, and even falsified quantronic an accurate understanding of a firefight from throughout the Human Sphere,
tags and inventory records to elude suspicion. the user’s perspective after the fact. Altering a particularly if one is willing to
Random inspections and LAI scrutiny can make this CamSight’s records after the fact requires a Hacking buy in bulk.
unexpectedly costly and dangerous, represented progressive skill test (D3, 6 Momentum, 3 failures).
by varying Tariffs per faction.
• ALEPH, Yu Jing, PanOceania: +T3 CUBE SCALPEL
• O-12, Nomads, Haqqislam: +T2 This curved monofilament knife has a retractable
• Minor Nations, Corporate: +T1 adhesive probe. It is designed to rapidly excise
• Ariadna, Mercenaries: +T0 and extract an installed cube from the base of a
patient’s (or target’s) skull. Those used by Tohaa
BOUNCE Cube Jägers feature a biological segmented blade
Named after the low gravity ‘Acontecimento Step’, spine that is flexible across its entire length
and popular with both PanOceanian partiers and selectively adhesive, substantially speeding
and undisciplined Mercs expecting brief combat, extraction. While medical devices for Cube removal
bounce is a euphoric with an intense comedown. are almost as old as Cubes themselves, Human
Sold in disposable oral sprays, it is banned in Yu Sphere medical manufacturers have almost entirely
Jing and Haqqislam’s territory due to dangerous converted their production lines to bootlegs of
side-effects if abused. Special Effect: Once this more efficient and effective design. If used on
administered, the user gains +1 Morale Soak and a corpse, or an unconscious and immobile victim,
+4 Resolve for three hours. Once those three hours a cube scalpel allows the destructive removal
are up, they heal 4 Mental damage, and quickly of a cube as a Standard Action Coordination +
descend into deep REM sleep for the next six hours. Medicine (D1) test, with +2 complication range
if the wielder has a Medicine Focus of 2 or less.
Addiction 1 (4 doses), Compulsion 1 (Melee, 1+3 § damage, 1H, Concealed 1,
Overdose Wound Effect: all overdose damage is Monofilament, Subtle 2, Unforgiving 1)
doubled and taken as mental damage. Withdrawal
2+2 § mental damage, Harm Effect (user takes

POINT AND KILL D-SPRAY CHARGES use, the weapon is empty and cannot be used until
Nomads’ sales of lightweight In less than a second, this easy-to-use spray-foam reloaded. Disassembling the weapon to reload it
and concealable D.E.P.s to explosive forms a hardened outer skin to direct requires a Tech (D1) test as a Standard Action.
Merovingian traders, and the its energy into whatever surface it is applied
Metros, Zouaves, and other to, before catalysing and detonating moments EXCELRATE
units they supplied, were a later. In theory, at least. In practice, quality variesA degenerative drug popular with Ikari personnel
key way they aided Ariadnans’ wildly, and falsified best-sold-by metadata is and bōsōzoku bikers, ExcelRate allows a user to
defence of their homelands common. Setting a D-Spray charge requires only process battlefield stimuli at incredible speed.
during the Commercial a Minor Action Tech (D0) test at +3 complication EXXO auto-injectors are the most common
Conflicts. Many of these range, and the charge detonates in 3 rounds, delivery method, but Nagakura Pharma’s derma-
disposable weapons are still plus or minus one round per Momentum spent. patch blister packs make it easy to track how
easily found on Dawn, albeit (Charge, 1+4 § damage, 1H, Anti-Materiel many doses one’s taken – an easy mistake to
under the brand name R.E.P., 1, Disposable, Piercing 2, Spread 1, Unsubtle, make in the heat of battle. Special Effect: Once
short for “repose en paix”, the Vicious 1) administered, the user gains a bonus d20 on
French equivalent of D.E.P. Coordination-based and Awareness-based tests
D.E.P for 1d6 rounds. At the end of that period, the user
Always popular with guerrillas and irregulars is Dazed for 1d3 rounds as their perception snaps
looking for inexpensive anti-tank power, a D.E.P. is back to normal. Multiple doses stack, and if Dazed
a lightweight single-shot Corregidor-kitbashed periods overlap, the user is Staggered instead.
Panzerfaust variant. Whether Descanse En Paz – Addiction: 1 (9 doses), Compulsion 1
“Rest in Peace” — refers to user or target depends Withdrawal: 1, 1+5 § damage, Harm Effect (+1
on accuracy. Each D.E.P. contains 1 Reload, and after Difficulty to Coordination tests due to tremors)

50 Chapter 5

FEUERBACH from all attacks with the Incendiary quality for the MEDIUM COMBAT
These cannons use lightweight, quick-loading next 1 + (Effects rolled on the Fugo attack) rounds, ARMOUR
projectiles with built-in propulsion for a rapid and the duration of their Burning X conditions are VARIANT: KTS
rate of fire, in exchange for shorter range and doubled. Fugo adds Indiscriminate (Close) and Kaplan Tactical Services
less destruction per projectile compared to other Nonlethal to the weapon, and Terrifying 3 against takes extensive advantage of
launchers. Popular –if expensive– primary weapons those who have seen it in action. their parent company Beyhan
for heavy infantry and powered armour squads, Resources STI’s pharmaceutical
they are officially named for their rate of fire and FULGOR RIFLE knowhow to enhance
destructive capacity (“river of fire” in German), Fulgor (‘blaze’ or ‘bright’ in Spanish) is the performance. KTS security
but rumour insists the name’s actual origin was Corregidoran nickname for a FrancoGermanique units’ armour contains three
their designer’s fondness for the eponymous armaments SG-5 Alraun2 Combi Rifle when auto-injectors pre-loaded with
German philosopher. Feuerbach are Heavy MULTI combined with a pre-installed underslung LF-4 mission-specific combat drugs.
weapons, but they fire Needle instead of Standard light flamethrower. While slightly more expensive
ammunition in their primary mode and can only than a standard combi rifle, mercenaries and
fire Explosive rounds in their secondary mode. Corsairs prize it for boarding actions and urban TRIBUTARIES OF FIRE
(Range L, 2+4 § damage, Burst 3/1, Unwieldy, combat, in part because it comes with a specialised Feuerbach’s patent is held by
MULTI Heavy, Unsubtle) customisation kit that simplifies repairs or PanOceania’s FGA (Franco-
Needle Burst Mode (Primary): Piercing 2, Spread swapping its secondary weapon to a Simple (D0) Germanique armaments), who
1, Vicious 2 Tech test. only produce a handful every
Explosive Round Mode (secondary): Area (Close), (Range C/M, 1+5 § damage, Burst 2/1, 2H, Expert 1, year to maintain their rights,
Spread 1, Vicious 1 Multi Light Mod (with light flamethrower installed), then license it for exorbitant
Vicious 1) fees to keep profits high.
FIREFLIES FGA’s board of directors keeps
Usually delivered via repurposed grenade casings, G-RATIONS Warmonger Qaid Fahesh
these Yu Jingese micro-drones blanket an area Reformulated from military surplus survival on a generous retainer for
in low-grade sensors, providing quick-and-dirty rations by any one of hundreds of grey-market rigorous kinetic enforcement
telemetric data on opponents in cover. Once suppliers, these compact nutrient powders are of their rights against
thrown or fired into a zone, if the attacker makes laced with mood-elevating and pain-suppressing counterfeiters.
an Analysis (D1) test, they can spend Momentum neurochemicals. Mildly flavoured and consumed
to reduce the effective Cover Soak of targets in once mixed with water, each unit of G-Rations
the zone by 1 § per Momentum spent. If a target’s contains enough nutrients for three weeks. NARC HUNTING
Cover Soak is reduced to 0, they are Marked until G-Rations add 1 Morale soak and 1 Vigour for the Every nation has a distinctive
they leave their current zone. The benefit can be first three weeks of consumption. If consumed version of forward observation
shared with networked allies as a Minor Action. continually in place of ordinary food and water equipment to avoid potential
over an extended period, they are physiologically subversion and sabotage by
FORWARD OBSERVER NARC dangerous – roll 1 § every 3 week period after opponents. Naturally, they
Forward Observers are specialists who provide the first 3 weeks: the user loses the amount rolled each sell subtly subverted
allies and Tactical Managers telemetry data on in either Vigour or Resolve, their choice, on a 1 and sabotaged versions of
hostile forces, optimising indirect support fire. or 2, or one of each on an Effect. One lost Vigour their equipment on the open
To do this, they carry NARCs, state-of-the-art or Resolve is recovered each week they eat only market, and they often include
communications equipment used to mark a visible healthy and nutritious food, and completely abstain them in equipment provided
target via a Tech (D1) test, at +1 Difficulty per range from G-Rations. to mercenaries in their employ.
category beyond Close. If successful, the target For 2 Heat, the GM can declare
is Marked, allowing all d20s to be re-rolled on GYRE SHELLS NARC equipment purchased
ranged attacks against them until the user’s next Named for the North Pacific Gyre, a massive region from a particular nation
turn – Guided weapons gain further benefits. It can of plastic and garbage on pre-O-12 Earth, these or faction is compromised.
also be used as a Flash Pulse, but tests to do so are shells explode into pressurized nets of sticky long- Tests to use it against their
at +2 complication range unless the wielder has a chain proteins – similar to those used to restore law enforcement or military
Tech Focus of 3 or more. Earth’s oceans – to immobilize their target. While forces are at +4 complication
attacks with them do not degrade cover, Athletics range and +2 difficulty, and
FUGO AMMUNITION tests to avoid being Hindered or Stuck by them are Infowar attacks against the
Used as an intimidation tactic, particularly by at +1 difficulty. A favourite of Bounty Hunters, gyre wielder by their hackers gain
Ikari Company enforcers, and for its devastating shells add Immobilising, Knockdown, Nonlethal, +2§ damage.
incendiary potential, this airburst munition and Spread 1 to the shotgun.
saturates an area in a short-lived but incredibly
volatile and flammable gel. Instead of dealing GUSHBLADE
damage, anyone not already in full cover or who A foul union of high-tech engineering and low-tech
fails to make an Athletics (D2) Defence Reaction to spite, these weapons are made of industrial-
avoid being coated in the gel takes +3 § damage grade serrated blades embedded in crude

GESELLSCHAFT piping, alternated with hydraulic micro-pumps HEADHUNTER SUITE
DER HANDEN that spray the pressurised chemicals inside the So prohibitively expensive they are often provided
Initially a running joke among pipe on impact. First created by a Nomad Black as part of a flagship bounty to favoured bounty
Doktor Herbst’s closest friends, Ship roaming Human Edge’s frontier, they were hunters, these bulky sensors are purpose-built
after seeing imitations of stolen by desperate workers turned pirate. The to detect a single target’s DNA and unique
her augmentations used for design grew popular enough to be explicitly olfactory profile. The Headhunter adds 2d20 to
criminal purposes, Handen banned under an amendment to the Concilium in-person Observation tests to detect the target’s
joined Moto.aug’s staff to Convention, illegal to make or own anywhere in presence, or Science tests to find forensic traces
ensure they were sold only the Human Sphere. Despite the ban, gushblades anywhere they’ve spent a significant amount
to worthy recipients. She are a mainstay boarding weapon for Yuan Yuan and of time. Once found, the suite provides 2 bonus
closely follows the careers and other suicidally violent pirates. Momentum to tests that benefit from knowing the
exploits of those who receive (2+4 § damage, 2H, Grievous, Improvised 1, Toxic 2, target’s location.
them, particularly mercenaries. Unforgiving 1, Vicious 2)
Those who demonstrate HEAVY SHOTGUN
bravery, professionalism, HAMAKA Technically portable artillery, these scaled-up
and a keen eye for profit are A key Caribbean export, TaínoTek’s full-enclosure boarding shotguns are commonly mounted on
quietly offered entry into her climate-controlled hammocks have been iconic vehicles or used as an integrated weapon for
Society of Hands, a nominally travel gear since the very start of the 2nd space Remotes, or by individuals with the strength or
apolitical mercenary and race, when they won a supply contract with the servosystems to absorb their extreme recoil. They
corporate clearinghouse for nascent PanOceanian Space Exploration Division, gain Backlash 3 and +3 complication range if fired
intelligence and favours, and their logo appeared in the background of by someone with a Brawn of 13 or lower, unless
with a remarkably diverse the first transmissions from Acontecimento’s mounted on a vehicle, TAG, or emplacement.
membership of medical orbit. Now shops selling them are mainstays of (Range C, 2+6 § damage, Burst 1, 2H/Mounted,
researchers and field medics. Caravanserais, Commercial Missions, and even Knockdown)
Merovingian trading caravans, and company- Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread
branded versions are a popular signing bonus 1 AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
QUAKER among mercenary companies seeking recruits. Their
Australian slang bold colouring and legendary durability have only JITTERBUG RATIONS
popularized by Neoterran improved in the centuries since, and the addition Available in dozens of flavours, brands, and form
troopers deployed on of a built-in 2-Oxygen Load lining, 1 BTS against factors ranging from dense nutrient bars to shakes
Paradiso. Considered a quantronic intrusion, and thoughtful smart-material or instant noodles, these cases of shelf-stable
slur anywhere outside construction ensures a profoundly restful and meal-replacements provide nutrition sufficient for
their territory, for those undisturbed sleep. Anyone who spends a full night one person for a week, and contain slow-release
with nerve degeneration of sleep in a Hamaka has +1 Morale Soak for their stimulants and vitamin supplementation to reduce
or tremors from combat first hour after waking up, and they can make the user’s dependence on sleep. The difficulty
drug or augmentation either a Resistance (D0) test to recover all of their of Resistance tests to avoid fatigue from sleep
side-effects. Vigour, or a Discipline (D0) test to recover all of deprivation is reduced by one, and users gain a
their Resolve. bonus d20 on tests to avoid becoming unconscious
FLAGSHIP BOUNTIES or stunned. The rations are damaging if used
A favourite of money-minded HANDEN AUGMENTATION continually – each week beyond the first a user
bounty hunters – and is there Co-created by Moto.aug and mercenary surgeon relies on them reduces Vigour by 1, to a minimum
any other kind? – ‘flagship’ Henrietta “Handen” Herbst after the loss of her of the user’s Resistance focus. Each week without
bounties are spiked with notoriously steady hands while defending a restores 1 § Vigour, with complete recovery if
large rewards from private Moto.tronica research facility, these versatile an Effect is rolled.
individuals, attracting intense replacement hands contain Serum auto-injectors, Jitterbug Profitability: Tunguska slang for making
and even permanently reinforced servo-joints, extensible finger-segments, just enough to cover expenses.
lethal competition. To avoid and even monofilament scalpels. Wrapped in
a cascade of dangerous durable synthskin, they add +1 Armour Soak to NEUROCINETICS AUGMENTATION
behaviour, and keep costs the user’s arms, and 2 Armour Soak against Called Illegal throughout the Human Sphere, this nervous
down, most of these Shot Momentum spends targeting their hands. system augmentation enhances the user’s reaction
additional rewards come Installed in pairs, they contain two Serum per time and reflexes but can cause serious nerve
with strict time limits and hand, add a bonus d20 and 1 bonus Momentum degeneration over time. Users must constantly
caveats for the bounty to to Medicine tests to provide Serious Treatment control their reactions, and they are easily
qualify. On particularly or install augmentations, and add Parry 1, Subtle recognized by their obsessively slow and cautious
contentious bounties these 1, Unforgiving 2, Vicious 1 (and optionally movements. Users can make warfare reactions for
caveats can be ambiguous Monofilament) to Unarmed Strikes or attempts to one less Heat but take 1 § of Vicious 1 physical
or contradictory, requiring inject a target with a drug, Serum, or poison. damage that ignores all armour each time they
careful documentation to
maximise payment.

52 Chapter 5

do so. If this inflicts a Wound, they permanently them, but they are widely available on Human
lose one Vigour, to a minimum of their Resistance Edge’s grey market from less-ethical fabricators. NUL-ZED ZONDBOT
Focus. They gain the Ballistics and Close Combat Named for the corpse-fire spirits of Japanese
Quick Draw talents while the augmentation is legend, their incendiary payloads are laced with ATTRIBUTES

active, but if it is deactivated – for example by a ultra-short half-life radioactive isotopes tothat Agility 12
Breach Effect– they lose access to those talents, as turn the zone they detonate in into D3 Hazardous Awareness 10
well as any Ballistics or Close Combat talents that terrain for three hours after they detonate, dealing
Brawn 8
depend on them. half the mine’s usual damage (with all the same
qualities) to anyone who fails an Extraplanetary Coordination 10
NIGHTMARE (D3) test to safely move through or in the zone. Intelligence 10
Named for the bloodshot eyes and pallid skin They are often manually detonated once friendly
Personality 5
of long-term users, this Grade-5 combat drug forces are safely out of range rather than waiting
suppresses the user’s natural fear and hormonal for enemy forces, semi-permanently denying an Willpower 8
responses, dulling tactically undesirable emotions area to invaders or counter-attackers. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
at the risk of impulsive behaviour and long-term (Mine, 2+4 § damage, 1H, Comms, Disposable,
nerve degradation. For six hours after ingesting or Incendiary 2, Indiscriminate (Close), Radiation 2, Combat +1 1

injecting the drug, they are immune to intimidation, Terrifying 1) Fortitude - -

seduction, fear, and Terrifying weapon effects, and Movement +3 1
become much harder to predict: Psychology tests PACKMOD
targeting them gain +1 Difficulty. At the end of Supposedly based on canis lupus pallipes scent Senses +1 1

a scene where mental harm is ignored due to organelles, this experimental bio-augmentation is Social - -
Nightmare’s effects, the GM gains three Heat. At derived from Tohaa pheromonal modulation, and Technical +1 1
the end of the Nightmare’s six-hour effect, the user the xeno-transplantation of poorly understood
takes 1 § Physical and Mental damage, ignoring Antipode syncopation membranes. It requires DEFENCES

all soak, plus one § per dose taken in the previous extensive hormonal profiling and tissue samples Firewall 10
month – if a Wound is inflicted, the GM chooses an to ensure compatibility, but successful installation Security -
Attribute to permanently reduce by 1. allows 3-6 individuals to act more effectively as a
Resolve 8
collective – as a pack.
NITROV OUTFIT Packmates must acquire the augmentation at the Morale -
A Nomad fast-fashion microbrand popular with same time at Moto.aug’s Svarlarheima Ensom Dal Structure 8
on-leave Mercenaries dressing to impress, NitroV facility, and it only functions if they all survive Armour 1
(as well as its more formal N5 and sexier NVee implantation. Once installed, packmates can
lines) is available for Middle clothing costs, and it make the Bolster, Imply, and Rally Psywar actions GEAR: climbing plus, repeater
can give the appearance of Upper class apparel for targeting one another as a Free action at up to COMMON SPECIAL ABILITIES:
half of each month clothing maintenance is paid. Long Range, gain +2 Morale Soak when within Inured to Disease, Poison,
Available in a variety of cuts and styles, the outfits Long Range of at least one other packmate, and Vacuum.
are made of short-lived smart-materials that mimic roll 2d20 when making group tests together. If ARACHNE-ROOTED: When
more expensive fabrics for a few weeks, but stain at Extreme Range or farther from the others controlled by a geist or its
easily and wear down to a matte grey-green with for a day or more, packmates lose their Morale native LAI, a Nul-Zed gains
use, adding +1 complication range to Persuade or Soak bonus, and must make a Discipline (D1) test Security Soak of 4 against
Command tests with individuals of Upper social every six hours or take 1+2 § mental damage. If non-Nomad hackers.
class or higher, or with Lifestyle Expertise of out of contact for a week or more, they add +1 OPEN-SOURCE: Zondbot
3 or more. Complication Range to all Personality tests, but systems specifications are
cease taking damage. If a packmate dies, survivors widely shared, granting -1
NUL-ZED ZONDBOT lose connection to one another until they each pass difficulty on tests to repair,
A Russian/English designation (0 in each language) a Personality + Discipline (D1) test. remove, or add equipment if
for stripped-down zondbots commonly available the mechanic has access to
at Nomad Commercial Missions, this model retains PITCHER Arachne’s datasphere.
its mobility and relay capabilities, but its weapons, Modified grenade launchers, pitchers increase ZIPPY LITTLE THING: Zondbots
ODD, and hacking equipment are removed before the effective range of tactical Hackers, firing survive by staying mobile. They
sale to non-Nomad outsiders. The result is a much deployable repeaters as Reloads just as grenade reduce Defence reactions Heat
cheaper but still reliable Zondbot popular with launchers fire grenades. The weapon inflicts no costs by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Mercenary start-ups and tinkerers on a budget. damage and targets a zone rather than a normal
target with a Ballistics (D1) test, modified as
ONIBI MINE normal for range. If successful, the deployable
A favourite of the Ikari Company despite repeated repeater lands in the targeted zone and deploys
legal censure, these simple mines remain dubiously immediately. (Range M, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
legal thanks to standard IFF and tracking systems. Munition, Speculative Fire)
No legitimate weapons manufacturer will make

PULPIBEER substantially increases the chance of inflicting
Tales resound in the Human Sphere’s worst deadly wounds – the Combined Army fields heavier
watering holes and suspect dives of PulpiBeer’s and more stable equivalents.
magical qualities. How it can make you appear (Range M, 1+5 § damage, Burst 3, 2H, Spread 2,
in unsuspected places without knowing how you Grievous, Unsubtle, Vicious 1)
got there, drink the night away without a trace
of a hangover if paired with just the right spicy RETI AMMUNITION
noodles, and perform feats of incredible strength Largely deprecated in favour of lighter but more
and dexterity while stealing all memory of your compact Dancer ammunition, these guided heavy
prowess. Some, far into their cups, will claim the rounds are named for double-ended barbed Maori
drink has a mind of its own, and lures unsuspecting spears tied with cords for easy retrieval. They are
imbibers on mad quests through the strangest only produced by Varuna’s Syurga Munitions LLC,
places in search of more. Pulpibeer is sold in which relies on the region’s abundant rare earths
BigCans suitable for one hour of drinking for one to keep prices low. Reti ammunition adds Guided,
imbiber, SixPacs good for three, and DayKegs good Unsubtle, and Vicious 1 to the weapon.
for a continuous twelve hours. After the first three
hours a character spends drinking Pulpibeer, and SAUK & JOAD SENTINELS X
each hour of drinking thereafter, roll 1 § for each A soldier’s most important piece of kit? Veterans
hour they’ve drunk in the last 24 hours: are nearly unanimous – reliable and comfortable
footwear. After years of marching and standing
NOR HELL A FURY watch freezing or sweltering in cheaply made boots,
Yu-Jingese Red Furies were For They temporarily gain 1 Security, Morale or Armour S&J Sentinels don’t seem nearly as expensive
each 1 Soak (their choice), and +1 complication range to all
designed by Yungang Corp for rolled: tests until they stop drinking.
as they might to a rookie. They add two bonus
Pheasant Rank Imperial Agents Momentum to Discipline and Resistance tests
They temporarily gain +1 Agility, +1 Brawn, -1
decade ago and were fairly For Awareness, and -1 Intelligence. Attributes cannot be against cold, heat, or exhaustion from marching or
exclusive until recently. O-12 each 2 raised above 18 or lowered below 4, and if one would standing watch. Variations compatible with every
analysts report Submondo rolled: do so from a roll, it is adjusted 1 in the opposite faction’s combat armour are available, where X
direction instead. The GM gains 2 Heat.
dealers have sold entire cases equals the leg armour soak provided by the armour.
of fresh-fabbed Red Furies They temporarily lose 1 Firewall, Resolve, Vigour, and
Cashflow, only recovered if every die rolled on a future
multiple times over the last For roll is an Effect, or after 24 hours of painful sobriety
six months, and several bounty each 0 (+2 complication range to all tests). If a temporary A military sysadmin variant of Shield-1 U-Turn,
hunters who completed Druze rolled: damage track is reduced to zero, the drinker takes the this program allows the user to designate friendly
appropriate Harm for each blank rolled, immediately
Society contracts received one
falls unconscious, and the GM gains 3 Heat.
targets equal to their Hacking Focus within Long
as part of their reward. The quantronic range. When a Guided attack is made
The GM loses 1 Heat and the Difficulty of remembering
escape by disgruntled Yungang Effect what occurred while drinking increase to the number
against one of those designated, the user can make
Corp engineer Zhao Kit-Wai 6: of Effects rolled (or remain at the same number if less a Hacking (D1) test as a special Reaction to inflict a
from Imperial questioning 18 than the current difficulty). +2 difficulty to the attack test, and if the attack test
months ago is likely tied to fails, the user can spend 2 Momentum to remove
this newfound abundance. the Marked condition from all designated friendlies.


PACK Brewed by Yuan Yuan pirate-chemists and the
Not everyone can get their hands on cutting-edge similarly deranged, SHVYY, aka “shiv”, is sold in
airborne deployment devices, even if they can cheap spraycans and applied to melee weapons
afford them. But for pirate raiders, hobbyists, or the with a Tech (D1) test just before combat, lasting for
surprise trooper on a budget, there’s always last 1d20 rounds plus one round per Momentum spent.
decade’s military surplus to ensure your low-orbit It adds Biotech, Grievous, and +4 complication
atmospheric entry. When using one for airborne range to the weapon while it lasts. If a
deployment, Pilot tests are at +1 difficulty, with +2 complication is generated by the Tech test, the user
complication range. suffers a Wound.


Like the Spitfire it is based on, a Red Fury is a Common among Martian Yínghuo colonists who
mid-range machine gun designed for urban combat. regularly visit planets with heavier gravity, and
Red Furies are equipped with a more robust firing fighters looking for a hidden edge, this full-body
mechanism, and a heavier chassis and barrel augmentation laces the user’s skeleton with
to avoid overheating and dampen recoil during sculpted titanium, smart-materials, or even bands
sustained use, allowing for a similar rate of fire of Teseum. The resulting tensile strength allows
without the need for light-weight munitions. The the user to push their body beyond ordinary limits,
resulting increase in accuracy and Shock impact adding +X Brawn, 1 Internal Armour Soak to all

54 Chapter 5

locations, and +X § damage to their unarmed variety of sizes mimicking standard shipping
strikes. The augmentation subtly shifts the wearer’s containers. Each has a dense interior coating
balance and mass, and it can be detected with an that blocks E/M, quantronic, radioactive, and
Observation (D3), Close Combat (D2), or Medicine other emissions from its contents, and an
(D1) test. elaborate active spoofing system that falsifies
sensor and sniffer scans with innocuous
SKUNK-TUBE imagery, adding +X Difficulty to Observation
This Yungang Corp single-use, under barrel, and Analysis tests to detect its true contents.
nano-pulser was supposedly invented to contend If aware of a scan and quantronically connected to
with Paradiso’s predatory flora and fauna, and the stash-crate, a user can make a special Reaction
it is not standard issue for any faction’s military. to force a face-to-face test, testing Intelligence
Unofficially, however, its inexpensive construction + Science (D1) against the scanner’s Observation
and devastating payload is popular with soldiers, or Analysis. If successful, they inflict a Metanoia
particularly mercenaries looking for a lightweight on the scanner, who ignores the stash-crate until
room clearer. It is easily identified by its brightly something arouses their suspicion. Due to their
coloured adhesive stripe and designed for complexity, they cannot be less than a half-metre in
installation on weapons with the MULTI Light Mod any dimension, and larger sizes are less expensive.
quality in place of the usual secondary weapon, The following are the most common configurations:
requiring a Tech (D1) test to do so. Swapping out a Shipping-Pod: 2.5 meters high, 12 meters long, with
used cartridge for a new one is similarly a Standard a hexagonal cross-section for easy manipulation by AUGMENTATION
Action Tech (D1) test. remotes and 4-axis magnetic stacking in zero-g. VARIANT: SECLOCK
(Range C, 1+5 § damage, 1H, Biotech, Disposable, Hex-pod: 6 meters long, triangular cross-section, 6 CSU SIXTH SENSE
Subtle 3, Torrent, Vicious 1) x 2 = 12 fills a Shipping-Pod. SecLock’s Corporate
Stack-crate: .5 to 2 meters long, triangular cross- Security Units (CSUs) have
SNIFFER X section, 3 to 12 per hex-pod. sophisticated implants to
Sniffers scan their immediate surroundings for monitor environmental
suspect particles or signals using overlapping STASHPOCKET X factors —ambient temperature,
sensors, giving operators the chance to establish Flat shielded pockets without quantronic tags or non-human visual spectrums,
and safely monitor security perimeters. They other identifying branding, a simple sealant-strip wideband audio, airborne
function as sensor suites with X+1 different sensor along one edge, and a press-adhesive coating chemical concentrations,
types, but deploying one only takes a Standard one side, stashpockets are commonly used by etc.— and coordinate with
action because they’re designed to set up quickly mercenaries and couriers to smuggle flashbills, Locke, their pseudo-AI, to
and easily in the field. Once deployed, they can be drugs, or other small items through customs. interpret data and warn
used by any networked ally, and have sufficient Expensive versions incorporate photoreactive about threats before they
power to stay active for twelve hours. Characters coatings to match skin tone, clothing, or are consciously aware of
can treat targets within Close range of an allied surrounding materials, and even embedded E/M them. This adds the Comms
Sniffer as within Close range for the purposes of countermeasures to baffle sensors. They have Quality to their Sixth Sense
Observation tests, and they take -1 Difficulty and Concealed X and add Concealed X to One Handed augmentation, and Locke’s
one bonus Momentum on those tests. or smaller items stored inside, but they require an calm confidence removes
(Armour Soak 1, 1 Structure, Fragile, sold in additional 1 Momentum to re-stow the item after the Twitchy trait that usually
sets of 3). accompanies it, providing 1
TACTICAL WEBBING Morale soak as long as they
SPIKE A full-body system of selectively adhesive belts, remain in quantronic contact
A favourite of Aristeia! competitors, many of whom braces, and straps to attach equipment to for with the LAI.
sponsor their own brands, a spike is an adhesive quick access, tactical webbing allows an attached
patch embedded with gel packets of fast-acting item to be drawn as a Free Action once a round. GM OPTION:
medications that absorb through the skin when However, Thievery tests to steal attached items are MODPOCKETS
the patch is slapped on. Spike can be administered at -1 difficulty, and the webbing is obviously and With GM approval, ModCoats
once a round to absterge physical conditions, unmistakably military equipment. with already-integrated
inflicting 1+1 § damage per dose that ignores Stashpockets can be common,
armour and BTS. Ten minutes after dosage, the TACGEIST UPGRADE X particularly from Submondo,
user becomes Fatigued until they get a full night’s Mercenary recruits come from a variety of Nomad, and Merovingian
sleep – multiple doses stack additional condition backgrounds, many of them relatively non-violent traders – ignore all Tariffs
instances requiring rest. and free of conflict, so higher-end mercenary when purchasing ModCoats
companies often offer Geist upgrade bundles to with built-in Stashpockets. In
STASH-CRATE [SIZE] X get their charges up to speed quickly. Installed as a return, the GM can spend X
A smuggler’s favourite, and invaluable for single package, they contain a preset combination Heat at any time to reveal an
Mercenaries attempting to unobtrusively transport of 3X skill ranks, X Talents (provided the Geist adversary wearing a ModCoat
materiel without awkward conversations has appropriate pre-requisites), and 3X Attribute has a ModPocket X installed,
with customs agents, these crates come in a improvements. While this provides consistency with a useful One Handed or
smaller item inside.

MRCY & Company is a across troop’s Geists, such a massive integration TESEUM HATCHET
clothing manufacturer requires a great deal of technical skill, adding +X A civilian, one-handed hand axe popular with
founded by 1st Ranger complication range to the Tech or Hacking test to Ariadnan hunters and farmers, and standard kit for
Division veterans Moses install it. If any complications are generated during Highlander Cateran irregulars. Teseum hatchets
Renen and Camilla Youphes to installation, the Geist will have +1 Complication saw bloody use during the Commercial Conflicts,
make the tough long-wearing range when using skills, talents, or attributes becoming prized memorabilia for mercenaries who
apparel they missed from affected by the package. Once purchased, the raided outlying communities. While a common
Earth — jeans, boots, work upgrade can be installed on any number of Geists. piece of useful and long-lasting –albeit expensive–
pants — and that Dawn’s kit, a galactic carrying one on Caledonia’s frontier,
frontier demanded. Their TESEUM HARDCASE particularly one with a martial look, is on a short
goods are icons of USAriadnan Made out of a small fortune in Teseum, these trip to a shallow grave. (Melee, 1+3 § damage,
culture and frontier fashion. hard shells for hacking devices were gifted to 2H, Grievous, Non-Hackable, Piercing 2, Subtle 1,
Several recent public contracts Wardrivers as thanks for their invaluable aid by Thrown, Vicious 1)
with the USARF involved Ariadnan employers at the end of their service in
public-private partnerships the Commercial Conflicts. They are available in TRIPS X
with hypercorps, leading to limited quantities to hackers who prove themselves These simple one-use sensors burst-transmit
widely publicised employee Dawn’s allies. They add Armoured 4 to the hacking their readings to authorised users or systems
and customer protests. Thanks device –of any type– they were made to house, when triggered, before dissolving into forensically
to a successful public relations provide +2 BTS vs attacks with the E/M quality, and useless slag. Like sensor suites, they are always
campaign, however, their grant a bonus Momentum on Psywar techniques sensitive to X different types of phenomena, and
recent bulk sales to Mercenary against Ariadnans and other Wardrivers. They are similar to recorders they add 2 bonus Momentum
companies are seen as a sign also inscribed with their new owner’s handle when on Stealth tests to conceal them and have an
of their independence from created: altering the inscription requires a Tech Observation skill target number of 10+X. They
governmental control, rather (D3) test. can be combined with a grenade or ammunition
than a sellout to galactics.

56 Chapter 5

reload to create an ad-hoc mine or charge with XINGTIAN ARMOUR

a Tech (D1) test at +1 complication range, and for Like the Chinese deity that fought on even after HWARANG ARMOUR
two Momentum the resulting explosive does not decapitation, the self-repairing systems in this Jeontu designers initially
have the usual Improvised 1 quality on its attacks. Heavy armour from Jeontu JJM allow troops to defy named Xingtian armour
Especially paranoid mercenaries add them to their the odds. In addition to the Self-Repairing quality, after the Hwarang
gear when in transit to ensure it isn’t tampered users can make a Tech (D2) test as a Standard (Flowering Knights in
with or stolen. Action once per day to push repair systems beyond Korean), an ancient Korean
their standard parameters, restoring 2 Armour group of elite warriors,
USARF FIGHTING UNIFORM Soak to all locations. The armour requires periodic until executives sensitive
[ENVIRONMENT] infusions of special materials and is known to to political considerations
The USARF fighting uniform uses photoreactive include a variety of Imperial backdoors. It provides forced a name change and
e-inks alongside extracts from abundant local no BTS against StateArmy hackers. a series of functionality
plants for terrain-customised camouflage patterns. reductions and aesthetic
These include Winter Sun for snowy conditions, X-VISOR alterations to better suit
Sandstorm for southern desert environments, Technological aids, that enhance visual focus, Imperial biases. Head
and Forestland for Dawn’s dense forests. While X-Visors increase the effective range and accuracy engineer Gi-yo So-yeon and
incompatible with other kinds of camo, they of the user’s aimed gear in combat. They are her team quit in disgust,
are quite effective in their target environment, often added as an upgrade to AR Eye Implants and after unsatisfactory
counting as a kit for face-to-face Stealth tests or armour. The user can ignore one difficulty’s negotiation with dozens
made against targets at Medium range or farther worth of penalties due to range on Ballistics or of organisations and
and granting a bonus Momentum to successful Observation tests. corporations, founded
face-to-face Stealth tests. A DARPS innovation Wonhwa Ltd, a now
mass-produced by MRCY & Co., and they are YANGWATER well-regarded crew of
popular with off-world mercs thanks to their Slang for stimulant powders often blended with independent mercenary
durable construction and competitive pricing. alcohol, Yangwater is laced with compounds that armourers. For a modest
accelerate the user’s metabolism and bind with fee, they will restore
VUVUZELA AMMUNITION muscle tissue mitochondria, artificially boosting Xingtian armour’s
Named for the simple horns used by PanOceanian endurance and strength, along with a pleasurable optimized design, adding
sports fans, these nonlethal heavy rounds detonate warming sensation. a Chameleonwear
into programmable cacophonies of sound. Used coating and removing
for signaling, assaults, and dispersal of crowds The best night and the worst hangover you’ll ever its Heavy Armour
or Antipodes, their audio and guidance libraries have. Yangwater adds +3 Brawn and +0 Morale quality – this increases
are notoriously vulnerable to exploits. Wielders Soak until the user sleeps or falls unconscious. For its maintenance cost by
lose 2 Firewall per Reload of the ammo they 10 hours after they wake up, fatigue toxins and 1, since it invalidates
carry. Vuvuzela ammunition adds Deafening, drug byproducts flood their bloodstream, causing Jeontu’s warranty.
Indiscriminate (Medium), Nonlethal, Stun, Terrifying an inescapable headache that reduces Brawn and
2, and Unsubtle to the weapon. Morale Soak by 1d6 each, to a minimum of 6 Brawn
and 0 Morale Soak.

Name Category Qualities Added to Weapon Restriction Cost Tariff
Bulava Standard Comms, Salvo (Spread 1, Vicious 1), Unsubtle 2 (Ariadna 1, Rodina 0) 3+1 § -
Fugo Heavy Indiscriminate (Close), Nonlethal, Terrifying 3¹ 3 (Submondo 1, Yu Jing 2) 5+1 § T3
Gyre Shell Immobilising, Knockdown, Nonlethal, Spread 1 1 4+2 § T2
Reti Heavy Guided, Unsubtle, Vicious 1 3 (PanOceania 1, Varuna 0) 4+1 § T1
Deafening, Indiscriminate (Medium), Nonlethal,
Vuvuzela Heavy 1 3+1 § T2
Stun, Terrifying 2, Unsubtle

¹ See entry for details.

Armour Soak
Armour BTS Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff Maintenance
Head Torso Arm Leg
Bibendum Suit 2/1 2/1 2/1 2/1 0 Hidden Armour 2 2² 6+2 § T1 1
Bootleg Combat
per armour +1 +3 § 1 +1
Armour [Faction]
Better Stealth in
USARF Fighting
1 2 1 1 0 1 environment, USAriadna 2² 7+2 § T2² -
Heavy Armour,
Xingtian Armour 3 4 2 3 2¹ 3 (Yu Jing 1²) 11+2 § T2² 4

¹ See entry for details. ² Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk (4 or more).

Augmentation Category Type Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff Maint
360˚ Vison Cybernetic Replacement (eyes) Aug 2 (Haqqislam 1) 8+2 § T1 -
Handen Replacement Parry 1, Subtle 1, Unforgiving 2,
Cybernetic 4 (Corporate 3, Merc 3) 10+2 § T2 2
Augmentation (hands) Vicious 1 Monofilament¹
Cybernetic Full-Body Aug 4 (Nomads 2, Submondo 3) 8+2 § T3 1
Augmentation 2 Cybernetic Full-body Aug² 2 6+2 § T2 -
Bioware² Full-body 1,2 3 (any faction’s military 1) 9+1 § T1
Cybernetic² Full-Body Aug² 2 10+1 § T2 -
Gecko Pads
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+1 § T2 -
Neural Shunts
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+2 § T2 -
Pain Filters
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+1 § T2 -
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+2 § T2 -
Sixth Sense
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 8+1 § T2 -
Subdermal Grafts
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+1 § T1 -
Cybernetic² Full-body Aug² 2 6+1 § T2 -
PackMod Replacement
Silk Aug Moto.aug 3¹ 6+3 § T1 1
(each packmate) (olfactory system)
Cybernetic Full-body Aug X 8+X § T1 1
Reinforcement X

¹ See entry for additional details. ² See MetaChemistry, p. 47, for additional details.

58 Chapter 5

Drugs Restriction Cost Tariff
Bad Dog 3 (Haqqislam 1) 3+1 § T3
Bounce 2 (PanOceania 1, Haqqislam 3, Yu Jing 3) 3+1 § T1
ExcelRate 3 (Submondo 1²) 3+2 § T2²
Nightmare 3 (Yu Jing 2) 3+2 § T3
Pulpibeer BigCan (1 hour) 1 2+1 § -
Pulpibeer SixPac (3 hrs) 1² 4+2 § T1²
Pulpibeer DayKeg (12 hrs) 1² 6+4 § T2²
Spike 1 (Aristeia! 0) 3+1 § T1
Yangwater 1 (Yu Jing 0) 4+2 § T2

² Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk (4 or more).

Name Category Damage¹ Size Qualities² Restriction Cost (per 3) Tariff
Comms, Disposable, Indiscriminate (Close),
BoomRat Mine 1+4 § 1H 3 (Yu Jing 2³) 7+3 § T1³
Unsubtle, Vicious 1
Anti-Materiel 1, Disposable, Piercing 2, Spread
D-Spray Charge 1+4 § 1H 2³ 3+2 § T1³
1, Unsubtle, Vicious 1
Disposable, Indiscriminate (Close), Nonlethal,
Fireflies Grenade N/A² 1H 2 (Yu Jing 1³) 5+1 § T1³
Speculative Fire, Thrown, Unsubtle²
Comms, Disposable, Incendiary 2, 4 (Human Edge
Onibi Mine 2+4 § 1H 5+2 § T3
Indiscriminate (Close), Radiation 2, Terrifying 1 1³, Submondo 2)
¹Do not add Bonus Damage from attributes to explosive devices. ²See entry for additional abilities. ³ Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk.


Weapon Damage Size Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff
Concealed 1,
Human Edge 1,
Acrogenic Blade X 1+2X § 1H Nomads 2, 4+2X § -
Piercing X, Subtle 1,
Haqqislam 2
Thrown, Unforgiving 2
Concealed 1,
Cube Scalpel 1+3 § 1H Monofilament, Subtle 3 (Submondo 2, Tohaa 1) 9+3 § T1
2, Unforgiving 1
Grievous, Improvised
Gushblade 2+4 § 2H 1, Toxic 1, Unforgiving 3 (Submondo 2, Yuan Yuan 1) 5+3 § T2
1, Vicious 2
Teseum Hatchet 1+3 § 1H Piercing 2, Subtle 1, 3 (Ariadna 2) 4+2 § T4¹
Thrown, Vicious 1

¹ Tariff only applies to Mercenaries buying from Ariadnan sellers. ² See entry for details.

Poison Restriction Cost Tariff
SHVYY 3 (Submondo 1) 1+5 § T3

Type Rating Program Damage Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff
SHIELD 3 Cloverleaf - ¹ 2 (Wardriver 1) 4+3 § T1


Weapon Range Damage Burst Size Ammo Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff
2H 3
Blitzen L 2+5 § 1 E/M2 Munition¹ 8+1 § T2
(Haqqislam 2)
D.E.P. L 2+5 § 1 2H Needle 2 (Nomads 1²) 5+1 § T2²
Needle/ MULTI Heavy,
Feuerbach L 2+4 § 2/1 Unw 3 (PanOceania 4) 10+2 § T2
Explosive Unsubtle
Expert 1, 3
Multi Light Mod(w/ (Nomad 2, PanO
Fulgor Rifle C/M 1+5 § 2/1 2H Standard¹ 7+3 § T2²
LF installed), 2²)
Vicious 1
Normal Shells /
Heavy Shotgun C 2+6 § 1 2H¹/Mou Knockdown 3 9+1 § T1
AP Slugs
Deployable Munition,
Pitcher M - 1 Unb 3 (PanOceania 2²) 8+2 § T2²
Repeater Speculative Fire¹
Spread 2, Grievous,
Red Fury M 1+5 § 3 2H Shock 2 (Yu Jing 1²) 8+3 § T1²
Unsubtle, Vicious 1
Skunk-tube C 1+5 § 1 1H - Disposable, Subtle 2 (Yu Jing 1²) 4+1 § T2²
3, Torrent, Vicious 1

¹ See entry for additional abilities and details ² Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk (4 or more)

Remote Restriction Cost Tariff Maintenance

Aerocam Remote 1 (WarCor 0) 6+1 § T1 1³

Nul-Zed Zondbot 2 (Nomad 1²) 8+3 § T2 3

¹ See entry for additional abilities ² Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk (4 or more)
³ Additional remotes of this kind do not increase Maintenance cost

60 Chapter 5


Item Qualities Restriction Cost Tariff Maintenance

360˚ Visor - 3 (Haqqislam 1) 7+2 § T2 -

Adhesive Solvent Disposable, Area (Close) ¹ 2 (Nomads 1², Submondo 1²) 3+1 § - -

Bandolier - 1 4+1 § - -

CamSight Comms, Expert 1 2² (Hypercorp 0²) 5+1 § T1² -

Forward Observer NARC Comms, Armoured 1 3² 6+2 § T2² 1

G-Rations - 3 (Mercs 1, Submondo 1) 2+1 § T1² -

Armoured 2,
Hamaka 2² (Haqqislam 0², Nomads 0²) 6+2 § T2² -
Jitterbug Rations - 1² (Nomads 0²) 2+1 § T1² -
Per Middle Lifestyle Clothing
NitroV Outfit Fragile 2² (Nomads 1²) - 2, Nomads 1
(1+1 §)
Ramshackle Combat 1
Disposable, Fragile 3+1 § T2 -
Jump Pack (Mercenary 0²)
Sauk & Joad Sentinels X Armoured X X-1² 7+X § - -

Headhunter Suite Comms 2 8+3 § T3 1

Sniffer X Comms X (Haqqislam 1²) 6+X § T(X) -

Armoured X, Concealed X¹ Nomad X, Submondo X-1 1+4X § T2 1
[Stack-crate] X
Armoured X, Concealed X¹ Ariadna X+1, Nomad X, Submondo X-1 3+3X § T1 1
[Hex-pod] X
Armoured X, Concealed X¹ Ariadna X-1, Nomad X, Submondo X 7+X § - 1
[Shipping-Pod] X
Stashpocket X Concealed X¹ X-1 X+X § T(X-1) -

Tactical Webbing Non-Hackable 1 5+1 § T1 -

TacGeist Upgrade X - 3 (Mercenary 2) 1+4X § T2 -

Armoured 4,
Teseum Hardcase 5 (Ariadna 3, Nomads 4, Wardrivers 2) 8+4 § T2 -
+2 BTS vs E/M
Comms, Fragile,
Trips X (per set of 3) 1² 2+X § T(X)2 -
Concealed 2
X-Visor Comms 2 6+1 § T1 -

¹ See entry for additional abilities ² Restriction 1 and no Tariff if Buying in Bulk (4 or more)




Hours per
While Bounty Hunters and other solitary VEHICLE UPGRADES
Mercenaries can usually rely on public
Scale 0 2 transportation infrastructure, and even the VEHICLE CUSTOMIZATION AND
Scale 1 3 wealthiest PMCs rely on Circulars for system-to- HARDPOINTS
system movement, ground and air vehicles are an These rules extend those in Chapter 11 of
Scale 2 4
essential investment: they determine a company’s the Infinity Gamemaster’s Guide: see Vehicle
Scale 3 6 supply chain logistics, mobility between and during Customization on p.135 – 142 for hardpoint
Scale 4 8 jobs, and most importantly its ability to project categories and common upgrades. In summary, each
Scale 5+ 12 force in the field. hardpoint represents the space and capacity to
replace, refine, change, or upgrade a specific aspect
Chassis or
+2 Due to exclusivity clauses and legislation dating of the vehicle’s function. Different hardpoints
back to the first Concilium Convention, military accept different types of upgrades, and different
Comms or contractors are often unwilling or unable to vehicles have different quantities of those six types
sell cutting-edge military hardware to PMCs or of hardpoints: Chassis, Comms, External, Internal,
External or non-governmental buyers. This forces company Motive, and Weapons.
Weapons quartermasters to stock their motor pools with
Halves time what they can scrounge via shady grey and After basic repair and maintenance, vehicle
Rugged required, -1 secondary market connections, carefully bid on upgrades are the most common duty for Mercenary
difficulty auctions of outdated military surplus, and if all else motor pool technicians, and usually under intense
-1 Scale, -1 fails, convert civilian vehicles into what’s needed. time constraints. Each upgrade uses up one
difficulty or or more of a vehicle’s hardpoints, and all the
Modpods -2 if also Even when military vehicles are available, upgrade’s listed hardpoints must be available to
Rugged (see
transporting them long distances can be install it. Conversely, when an upgrade is removed,
entry below).
prohibitively expensive, so PMCs often bring those hardpoints are freed up for future upgrades.
supplies to mount as much weaponry, equipment, The time to install or remove an upgrade depends
and armour as they can on locally sourced or on the vehicle’s scale and qualities, and the type of
client-provided vehicles instead, carrying proven upgrade involved.
combinations of add-ons with them from job to
job. Those well-funded enough to cover transit Installing or removing an upgrade is a complex
costs usually focus on a small stable of heavily Tech skill test, with difficulty equal to the number
customized vehicles to ensure they can hit the of hardpoints the upgrade uses, total Momentum
ground rolling, and they modify them for additional required equal to the vehicle’s Scale +1, and a
utility between jobs. A handful of vehicle sellers maximum number of failures equal to twice
offer short-term leases to Mercenaries, though the technician's Tech Expertise. If multiple
their insurance rates and damage premiums are complications are generated on a single roll, the
punishing. test fails. Unless the technician spends Parts equal
to the vehicle’s Scale +1 the vehicle loses one
Due to these constraints, well-connected fixers, Hardpoint, either of the technician’s choice if they
reliable gearheads, and pilots who know when to generated at least one success, or the GM’s choice
press their advantage and when to strategically if they did not. Once removed, an upgrade can be
retreat are the savvy Warmonger’s first recruits installed elsewhere.
when starting a venture. These connections
safeguard their investment in combat-ready MERCENARY VEHICLE
vehicles and upgrades. A few hypercorp jobs in UPGRADES CATALOGUE
return for loĝanto considerations early on can save
even individual mercenaries a small fortune in VEHICLE CUSTOMIZATION AND
expenses – blurring the line even further between HARDPOINTS
employee and independent contractor. These items are designed for use with the
hardpoint rules in Chapter 11 of the Infinity
Gamemaster’s Guide: Vehicle Customization on
p.135 – 142 for hardpoint categories and common
upgrades, and The Mod Shop table on p.141-142
for pricing. Each upgrade’s hardpoint category is
listed in parentheses after its name.

62 Chapter 6

AFTERBURNERS X (MOTIVE) determined by Scale. Rating 1 turrets can hold a

Only applicable to Aircraft with a Thrust rating of pair of One-handed weapons, Rating 2 a pair of
2 or more, this system allows the aircraft to gain Two-handed or smaller, and Rating 3 Unwieldy,
a short burst of speed at the cost of powerplant Mounted, or smaller. As with a character dual
stress and increased fuel consumption. Afterburners wielding weapons, this allows the vehicle’s gunner
can be used once per turn and up to X times in a to use the Swift Action Momentum spend by paying
scene, and they double the vehicle’s Thrust rating only 1 Momentum, rather than the usual 2, so
for the turn they are activated. The vehicle must be long as both Actions are ranged attacks with the
moving in Thrust mode to activate its afterburner akimbo turret’s mounted weapons against the same
system and cannot use the Air Brakes momentum target – or target zone if the weapons have Area,
spend during that turn. The system can be used one Indiscriminate, or Torrent qualities.
additional time beyond its rating limit, but doing
so pushes the vehicle beyond its safe performance COLLAPSIBLE (CHASSIS +
envelope, requiring a D(3) Pilot test to avoid CHASSIS + INTERNAL)
immediately taking X Faults. More complete redesign than upgrade, rendering
a vehicle collapsible requires replacing key rigid
AKIMBO TURRET X (EXTERNAL) structures with smart materials that fold into empty
As with an ordinary Additional Weapon Mount, this spaces within the vehicle, or modular pieces that
external upgrade turns an External hardpoint into can be partially deconstructed to conserve space
a Weapons hardpoint, which must be operated by and reduce the vehicle’s proportions. Converting
quantronic link (whether by a passenger, remote the vehicle into its collapsed form takes its Scale
operator, or Geist), and can be disabled by Breaches in hours and a Tech (D2) test, and re-assembling
to the vehicle’s network. Unlike conventional it requires double that time. While collapsed, the
mounts, however, each akimbo turret mounts and vehicle can be stored and transported as though it
fires a matched pair of smaller weapons instead was one Scale less than usual.
of a single one, with the maximum weapon size

Mercenary Vehicles 63
EVAC SYSTEM (INTERNAL) each time the vehicle suffers a Fault, 1 § physical
A Zero-Zero evacuation device (i.e., functional at damage if an effect is rolled for mental damage,
zero altitude and zero speed) derived from aircraft and a further 1 § firewall damage if a second
ejection devices, this system launches upwards to effect is rolled for physical damage. In exchange,
deliver its occupant –a single protected passenger– the pilot gains a bonus Momentum when making
from a grounded stationary position to a location Pilot or Hacking tests with the vehicle.
far from a compromised or incapacitated vehicle.
It uses a small explosive charge to open a pre-set EYEPAINT (COMMS + EXTERNAL)
portion of the vehicle’s bulkheads, hull, or cockpit, Most famously sold by Kuraimori’s paint producer
miniature rockets to propel the occupant’s seat Mokumokuren before Japan’s secession, this paint is
upwards for an adequate distance, and an anti- embedded with thousands of microscopic recorder
shock gel bubble akin to a crashsuit to guarantee beads and light-sensitive polyfilaments. While
a safe and successful landing 1+3 § zones away. It relatively low-resolution individually, they can
also contains a pair of smoke grenades designed collectively create 360˚ imagery of the vehicle’s
to fire at the start and end zones of its brief flight surroundings and use on-board visual processors
– notoriously unreliable, they only fire if an Effect is to highlight notable details. This grants a bonus
generated when determining landing distance. d20 to all passengers on Observation tests, though
those filling the Pilot, Co-Pilot, Gunner, or Hacker
With a Pilot (D1) test, the occupant can steer roles have +1 complication range on those tests as
somewhat, landing 1 + Momentum spent nearer or well. If the vehicle is Exposed, passengers’ attacks
farther than they would in ordinary circumstances. with weapons with the Expert quality, such as
Alternatively, they can make a Ballistics (D1) test Combi Rifles, have their Expert quality increased
to manually fire the included smoke grenades at by 1. If the vehicle suffers 1 or more damage from
the starting and ending zones of their flight, or a an attack with the Blinding quality, the eyepaint
Ballistics (D2) test each to aim them elsewhere. The is scrambled during each of the passengers’ next
system takes up a single passenger space, protects turns, adding +1 complication range and no
a single passenger, and launches automatically if benefit to tests that would ordinarily benefit from
the vehicle takes its last available Fault. It can also the upgrade.
be triggered with a Pilot (D0) test as a Minor Action
or Reaction by the occupant, by an ally connected FLARECHAFF ARRAY (EXTERNAL +
to the vehicle’s network with a Hacking (D0) test WEAPON)
as a Reaction, or by a hostile hacker who makes Useful only in combination with the ECM upgrade,
For Evac System upgrade, a successful CLAW-2 Expel attack and spends and on Aircraft with Thrust of 4 or more, this
see p.65. 2 Momentum. micromissile array fires clouds of smart-magnesium
chaff and magnetised micro-munitions to interfere
DEDSEAT (COMMS + INTERNAL) with guidance systems and divert or destroy
Passengers firing from A favourite of pilots equally comfortable with projectiles. The vehicle’s ECM rating increases by 1,
an Omniport can benefit hacking devices and behind the wheel, this upgrade the Cover Soak provided by the Jink Aircraft Thrust
from Eyepaint. See is only applicable to Single-Seat vehicles or those Mode Momentum Spend against Guided ranged
Omniport, p.66. with a Neural Interface, and an integrated hacking attacks is tripled, and it is doubled against all other
device of any kind. It allows the pilot to assume ranged attacks.
the role of hacker without penalty – they apply
their Firewall and Security Soak to the vehicle they LUX UP-ARMOUR X (EXTERNAL)
WILDFIRE AND are piloting as usual, and can additionally attempt While many manufacturers are reluctant to
FORGET Infowar attacks with the vehicle’s hacking device sell directly to PMCs, when their ArmaLux line
Despite attempted censure, during their turn, and defend against Infowar of reinforced building cladding suffered from
the Ikari Company regularly attacks against the vehicle as though it was their unpredictable cosmetic degradation after only
uses flarechaff arrays at low own network. Due to the dangers involved, they a few years’ exposure to the elements, Cosmica
altitudes to “accidently” set see minimal civilian use outside of elite Tristeryon Ltd. Rapidly pivoted to the Mercenary market.
fire to non-combatant housing, couriers and overconfident and occasionally highly- Modular slabs sold in a variety of shapes, sizes,
hospitals, and other targets skilled mercenaries. and densities, Lux materials and adhesives are
forbidden by the Concilium perfect for improvising vehicle armour, converting
Convention. As with their many The system connects to a pilot’s implanted Neural even civilian vehicles into durable combat-ready
other exploits, the charges are device (a neural-implanted comlog, neural hacking transportation for much less than traditional
mired in O-12 sub-committees socket, or similar Comms item with the Neural Vehicle Armour upgrades.
by subverted officials, then quality). If the pilot doesn’t have one, the seat’s
quietly discarded. headrest can create a Neural connection directly, The vehicle must be Enclosed, have Scale X or more,
though this takes a Standard Action to establish and have a Speed of 2 or more before installation
each time they assume the vehicle’s Hacker role. In – the added weight and bulk reduces Speed by 1,
either case, feedback causes 1 § mental damage and adds the Cumbersome type if the vehicle does

64 Chapter 6

not already have it. Any Rebalanced Mass upgrades OMNIPORT (INTERNAL)
eliminate the armour’s Cumbersome penalty, A mechanically simple weapon mounting and
rather than their usual benefits. In return for these gunport for Enclosed vehicles, the Ariadnan
inconveniences, the vehicle gains +X Armour Soak, omniport integrates with a passenger’s weapon of
and since the panels are easily replaced, repair up to Unwieldy size with a Standard Action (D1)
times to recover armour soak are halved. Tech test, allowing them to fire outside the vehicle
as if the vehicle was Exposed, while remaining
MAGTRAX (CHASSIS + MOTIVE + protected by the vehicle’s full armour; detaching
MOTIVE) a weapon is a (D0) Tech test. Omniports can only
Made of thousands of ferrous segments, sturdy accommodate one passenger at a time – they must
smart-material hubs, and a vectored thrust system, place themselves at its location and manually
this ground/water transport system can be operate their weapon: ranged attacks through
dynamically configured to suit whatever’s needed, one are at +1 complication range. Since it creates
though the power requirements involved radically a disruption in its structure, the vehicle loses 2
alter the vehicle. It must be at least one of Hover, Structure and two passenger spaces per omniport,
Tracked, or Wheeled to be upgraded, and gains and a special 3 Heat or 3 Momentum spend can be
whichever types it does not already have once made to bypass the vehicle’s Armour entirely when
installed: switching between modes is a Standard attacking a passenger that fired through one on
Action Pilot (D0) test. The vehicle’s Speed is now their most recent turn. For 1 Momentum or Heat, a
2 in Hover or Tracked mode and 3 in Wheeled Fault Effect that destroys or disables an omniport
mode regardless of prior ratings, but it receives can also apply to its mounted weapon.
the benefits of all three types in pursuits. For
each Effect rolled on a pursuit roll, the vehicle PACENOTE GEIST UPGRADE
adds +2 to its pursuit roll (Hover + Wheeled), and (COMMS)
it ignores 2 Obstacle Soak (Tracked + a unique The recompilation of a vehicle’s Comms systems to
MagTrax bonus). perfectly mesh with Geists’ idiosyncratic structures,
along with a customised data module to fully
MODPODS X (COMMS AND/OR familiarise new Geist drivers with every nuance
INTERNAL AND/OR WEAPONS) of a vehicle’s operating envelope and affordances,
A motor pool mechanic’s dream, this upgrade this upgrade significantly enhances Geists’ ability
separates and containerises X categories of vehicle to pilot the upgraded vehicle. A Geist must also
systems –Comms, Internal, or Weapons– into be updated –once– to integrate with Pacenote
easily swapped modular housings. This takes up upgrades. Installation prices for Geists and vehicles
significant space: one hardpoint in each improved are listed separately below, but both are required
category, and the vehicle’s max passengers is for an updated Geist to take advantage of the
divided by X (round up, minimum 1 passenger upgrade. When serving as the vehicle’s Pilot, an
space lost, cannot reduce passengers below 1). In updated Geist gains an additional Momentum
return the vehicle is treated as one Scale smaller on Pilot tests as though the vehicle had Expert 1
for installation, removal, or alteration times for (or +1 to the vehicle’s existing Expert rating if it
upgrades in the improved categories, and Tech tests already has one), and one additional Pilot Talent
to do so are at -1 difficulty, or -2 difficulty if the of the character’s choice, provided it could be
vehicle is Rugged. accessed via talents the Geist already has (or Ace NEWS FLASH
otherwise). Once installed in a vehicle, any number After a series of exposés by
NARC RACK (COMMS + WEAPON) of Pacenote-acclimated Geists can take advantage Arachne journalist duo FleshR
A scaled-up version of the communications of the upgrade, though a Geist can only utilise & WydeI highlighting the
equipment used by Forward Observers to rapidly Pacenote upgrades in vehicles with Scale equal to long-term damaging effects
transmit target telemetry combined with a high- or less than their Pilot Expertise. Chauffeur Geists of repeated pulse array and
lumen set of spotlights. A NARC Rack allows a ignore this restriction and roll an additional 1d20 Screambox array use on
vehicle’s gunner to mark a single zone within line when taking advantage of the upgrade. civilians, both weapon systems
of sight until the beginning of their next turn with were banned by the Concilium
a Tech (D1) test or Ballistics (D2) test. In either PULSE ARRAY (WEAPON) Convention from use by law
case, this is at +1 difficulty per range category An aimable battery of a dozen or more flash enforcement or PMCs expected
nearer or beyond Medium. If successful, all targets pulse emitters, this vehicle-mounted array floods to interact with the public.
in the zone are Marked, allowing all d20s to be an area with focused beams of hard light and Unsubstantiated rumours
re-rolled on ranged attacks against them until the data. In addition to damage, its discharge inflicts claim Ikari Company troop
user’s next turn. Allied Guided forces gain further temporary blindness on anyone caught in the transports and crowd control
benefits: ranged attacks by targets Marked in this affected zone. As with an individual flash pulse, trucks are equipped with the
way against anyone but the vehicle illuminating the array’s mirrored barrels and smart-material banned arrays, disguised as
them are at +1 Difficulty and +1 Complication range. lenses need careful maintenance and tuning to innocuous sensor bands and
use effectively, requiring the use of the Tech skill communications transmitters.

Mercenary Vehicles 65
instead of Ballistics when attacking. Because of SCREAMBOX ARRAY
OMNIA Q-CASES their significant power requirements, they cannot (EXTERNAL + WEAPON)
While most sleeper housings be mounted on Scale 0 or Scale 1 vehicles. The Officially an Active Denial System, this vehicle-
are created by hobbyists or array fires Flash ammo, and in an emergency can mounted, nonlethal, directed-energy array disperses
Submondo mechanics, Omnia draw on the vehicle’s power systems to recharge. unarmoured crowds. Its high-energy beams excite
Research & Creation’s Q-Case With a successful Tech (D2) test, the vehicle’s water and fat molecules in the first .4mm of skin,
line of modular weapons cases gunner can clear any “out of ammo” Complications inducing agony that lasts until targets flee the
are the perfect starting point for affecting the weapon. If the test fails or any area. Manufacturers claim it causes no lasting
a weapon upgrade housing. They Complications are generated, the vehicle suffers physical damage beyond small blisters, as beam
add +2 base cost and +1 Tariff 1+5 § Structure damage that bypasses all armour, wavelengths are too short to penetrate the skin,
compared to an ordinary sleeper and if a Fault results the weapon is disabled as but the psychological effects can be permanent –
housing, but installation times a Fault Effect. (Range M, 1+6 § damage, Burst 1, physical damage it inflicts is also taken as mental
are halved. Mounted, Blinding, Indiscriminate (Close), Unsubtle, damage, in addition to its Terrifying quality. Full
removes Marked) cover or modern armour, even armoured clothing,
blocks its effects, but those without full head-
RHINO REINFORCEMENT (CHASSIS to-toe protection or cover must make a Brawn
+ EXTERNAL + INTERNAL) + Discipline (D5) test to take actions other than
Improved passenger protection, this upgrade adds fleeing the targeted area in terror. (Range M/L,
layered banks of rechargeable neomaterial crumple 1+6 § damage, Burst 1, Mounted, Indiscriminate
zones and internal shock absorbers to the vehicle’s (Medium), Grievous, Nonlethal, Spread 1, Terrifying
exterior and seating, providing superior passenger 3, Unsubtle)
protection against collisions. Whenever passengers
would suffer damage due to the vehicle suffering SLEEPER HOUSING X (CHASSIS)
a Fault from a collision, loss of control, or ranged Also known as ‘rat panels’, these smart-material
weapon attack, the upgrade grants passengers sockets and bodywork casings disguise a vehicle
+4 § additional Armour Soak. It also reduces upgrade, adding +X difficulty to Observation tests
Backlash when ramming by 1, to a minimum of to notice or discover its real purpose. Depending on
Backlash 1, but halves passenger space and takes the upgrade, the GM can rule it remains disguised
up three hardpoints: one Chassis, one Internal, and even while active. Otherwise, when the upgrade
one External. is used, attempts to identify it as the source of
attacks, interference, or other advantages are only
at +1 difficulty, regardless of the housing’s rating.
They always require some degree of custom fit, so
the housing is usually purchased in combination
with what it disguises – adding one to an already-
installed upgrade doubles installation time.


An Aircraft Haulage upgrade, turbofans are
powerful replacements for a vehicle’s powerplant
and VTOL engines, allowing it to exert incredible
force to lift and manoeuvre heavy cargo, granting
+2 Brawn. The upgrade takes up Motive hardpoints
equal to the vehicle’s Vector Speed, X, and due to
the stresses involved cannot be purchased for an
Aircraft with Vector Speed of 4 or more.

66 Chapter 6


Formerly mounts for Haqqislam’s prestigious HARDPOINT
ANACONDA TAG X Maghariba Guard, after a bare minimum of UPGRADES
Best known as the iconic mounts of the Anaconda Artefaktech XPR-1 Bokböceği (beetle in Turkish) Many of the vehicles in this
Mercenary TAG Squadron, ordinary Anacondas were upgraded into XPR-5 Akreps, the remainder section contain hardpoint
are obsolete PanOceanian Reptile Series heavy were dumped into grey and secondary markets to upgrades from the Infinity
reconnaissance TAGs, with below-average armour recoup project costs. While they lack Akreps’ optics, Gamemaster’s Guide,
and chassis reinforcement, a built-in FGA MLN claws, and articulated tail mount, Bokböceğis’ p.136-140, or the preceding
Panzerfaust, and one of two loadouts of basic six-legged redundancy, respectable anti-ballistic section. These upgrades do
integrated weaponry. Unused spaces in the chassis, defence, and troop-transport capacity makes them not take up hardpoints as
however, along with modern miniaturisation an ideal reliable PMC TAG, and one that doesn’t they are already installed,
techniques, allow considerable alteration. For break the bank. The Bokböceği’s best features, at and they are listed in
the right price, or the right friends, Praxis’ Black least as far as motor pool mechanics are concerned, parentheses after the
Laboratories will partially replicate their Anaconda are the weapons mounted on stubby armour- number of other available
Squadron revamp –lightweight, polyceramic- shrouded arms beneath its chin. Foremost is the hardpoints of their type; a
compound plate armour, an evac system, superior CineticS Tausung Heavy Machine Gun. Largely removed upgrade restores
neural interfaces and kinetic actuators, even designed around it, the construction minimises the vehicle hardpoints.
Bakunin techno-warlock-grade firewall hardening. weapon’s recoil and barrel heating for surprisingly
Accounts from Anaconda-pilot mercenaries who’ve accurate sustained fire and gives easy access for For example, Chassis 2
faced the Squadron TAG-to-TAG and survived to tell repair and maintenance. A Heavy Flamethrower, (Ballast) becomes Chassis
the tale indicate the Black Labs keep some secrets similarly accessible, supplements the Tausung 3 if the Ballast upgrade
in reserve, even from trusted outsiders and their but can cause serious discomfort for the pilot is removed.
fellow Nomads. if overused.



Scale Speed Brawn Scale Speed Brawn
2 2 16 (+1)
2 2 16 (+1)
Attempting to capitalize
DETAILS DETAILS on comparatively strong
Max. Passengers Impact Max. Passengers Impact XPR-1 secondary sales,
1 3+5§ (Knockdown) 1 3+5§ (Knockdown) Artefaktech released
Hard Points several poorly received
Hard Points
variants under the XPR-S
Chassis 1, Comms 2, External 1, Internal 1, Motive 1, Weapons 0 Comms 0 (ECM 1), External 0 (Running Boards)
Scarab designation.
DEFENCES DEFENCES “Innovations” included
Structure 14+X Firewall 8+X Structure 14 Firewall 9 replacing its heavy pistols
Armour 4+X BTS 4+X Armour 8 BTS 5
with notoriously unreliable
light flamethrowers, the
Panzerfaust: Range L, 2+5 § damage, Burst 1, 2H, Munition, Piercing
HMG: Range L, 2+5 § damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle model that significantly
2, Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious 2
SECONDARY WEAPONS: compromised structural
Heavy Flamethrower: Range C, 2+5 § damage, Burst resilience and adding
Spitfire: Range M, 1+5 § damage, Burst 3, 2H, Spread 2, Unsubtle
1, 2H, Incendiary 3, Munition, Terrifying 2, Torrent) a loud underbelly
Light Flamethrower: Range C, 1+4 § damage, Burst
SPECIAL ABILITIES: track system for road
1, 2H, Incendiary 3, Munition, Terrifying 2, Torrent)
Braces: External running boards can hold up to four speed. They shuttered
passengers, and the pilot can take Pilot (D1) Guard
HMG: Range L, 2+5 § damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle development after five
Reactions against ranged attacks that target them.
Chain-Colt: Range C, 1+4 § damage, years of continuously poor
Clamber: Can ignore difficult or hazardous terrain X with a Pilot (D(X-
Burst 1, 2H, Concealed 1, Torrent, Vicious 1
1)) test. sales, but overproduction
SPECIAL ABILITIES: in the interim created a
Black Secrets: At rating 2+, add an internal Evac System well-distributed supply
upgrade. At rating 3, also add comms Neural Interface and of XPR-compatible
Expert 1 upgrades. In conflict with Nomad Military Forces or the
spare parts, which keeps
Mercenary TAG Squadron, lose all X benefits to BTS, and add +X
Bokböceği and Akrep
complication range to Acrobatics, Hacking, and Observation tests.
Custom Comfort: Personalised smart-material maintenance prices low.
cushioning and environmental mods are standard
even for stock Anacondas, providing +1 Morale Soak.
ZG-Jets: Ignore penalties imposed by zero-g conditions.

Mercenary Vehicles 67
This self-propelled food truck’s awning, seating, Artefaktech’s flagship VTOL dropship, the Efreet
cooking surfaces, and even the vending machines is designed to rapidly deploy troops into enemy
at its nose and tail all retract into a narrow oblong territory, provide fire support, and rapidly exfiltrate
housing, presenting a seamless exterior when them should the battle turn against them. Its
closed up or in self-cleaning mode. In transit, it has durable and collapsible construction can satisfy
surprisingly high ground clearance, with only small even the pickiest techs and transport-conscious
spherical wheels at the corners in contact with the quartermasters, and at price points that tempt
ground. But when it expands, the interior becomes even the tightest-fisted Warmonger. The birdlike
a full – if compact – kitchen with a full-length fuselage, integrated weaponry, multiple exits, and
counter, and it can extend a variably transparent underwing engines are sufficiently battle-proven
roof and walls against the elements or sun, and that buyers insist on the design: even imitators
full-length picnic tables for additional seating. such as Compass’ GT-4 Griffin and Interspace Trust’s
Vending machines at either end provide additional A-9 Ibis, while legally distinct, have almost identical
(and often less expensive) drinks or other amenities, functionality. The catch is that much of that
with housings that serve as a small awning while design’s cost-cutting simplification comes at the
perusing one’s options. Popular with independent expense of creature comforts – temperature control,
restaurants and hypercorp megabrands alike, vibration suppression, seating beyond fab-foam
they are ubiquitous at outdoor events or urban and Kevlar straps – otherwise considered standard,
sidewalks and marketplaces, serving as casual making for a seriously rough ride. Its quantronic
spaces to grab a bite, browse Maya, enjoy a
pleasant day, or meet with friends. Exclusive EFREET TRANSPORT
brands, served via DinerPod at private events, are a
common loĝanto perk. ATTRIBUTES
Scale Speed Brawn
DINERPOD 3 2/4 14 (+3)
Max. Passengers Impact
18 8+8§ (Knockdown)
For Aircraft and other Scale Speed Brawn
Hard Points
vehicle type details, see 2* 2 14 (+1)
Infinity GM Guide, p. 124. Chassis 1 (Collapsible x2, Convertible*), Comms 1 (ECM 1), External 3,
DETAILS Internal 3 (Collapsible), Motive 1 (Turbofans x2), Weapons 1 (Akimbo
Max. Passengers Impact Turret, HMG)

For Convertible and 0 2+5§ (Knockdown) DEFENCES

Turbofans upgrades, Hard Points Structure 28 Firewall 14
see Infinity GM Guide, Chassis 0 (Collapsible x2*, Environmental Conditioning) Comms 1 Armour 3 BTS 4
p. 136-139. (Repeater), External 1 (Smart Coating), Internal 1 (Collapsible*),
DEFENCES HMG: Range L, 2+6 § damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle
Structure 15 Firewall 10 REAR BALL TURRET:
For Akimbo Turret Akimbo Combi Rifles (x2): Range C/M, 1+5 § damage,
and Collapsible Armour 3 BTS 3
Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1
Extendo-Seating: With one minute and a Tech (D0) test, the pod Aces High: The forward zone is taken up by stations for a pilot and a
can shift to one of several modes, as long as doing so will not co-pilot: either can serve as gunner without penalty, and they can assist
HITCHCOCK place a human in danger. While it can only travel in its collapsed the other with Pilot or Ballistics tests. Unless both have Pilot Expertise
DSV VARIANT: mode and cannot carry passengers, it can accommodate up to of 3 or more, Pilot tests to manoeuvre the aircraft are at +1 difficulty.
SEA STINGER 5 staff in the kitchen, 10 bar customers, and 15 on the patio. Cargowalls: Instead of a retractable roof, a rear ramp or fuselage
Though it compromises the •1 zone, kitchen only, enclosed for 2 § Armour Soak, and fully doors on either side of the rear two cargo zones can be opened
with a Minor Action by the pilot or co-pilot, changing that
sub’s stealthy profile, some Environmentally Conditioned for 1 Morale Soak and +1 BTS
section to Exposed for easy movement of cargo or passengers.
PMCs replace their Hitchcock’s •2 zones, kitchen (1 § Armour Soak), and bar seating beneath an awning
If done while airborne, that zone becomes Difficult Terrain 3.
hands and Weapons hardpoint •3 zones, adding a 3rd patio zone, with or without Modular Interior: The two rear cargo zones can each
with an Ariadnan water- roof and walls. If both, 1 § Armour Soak and hold one Shipping-Pod’s worth of materiel, though
proofed AKNovy Drozhat AP Environmental Conditioning for patio and bar.
only one Scale 2 vehicle at most between them.
HMG and extra ammo stores, LAI Hospitality: When controlled by its native LAI, the DinerPod gains Rough Ride: At the start of each hour of flight, crew or passengers
repurposing it for sub-hunting a Morale and Security Soak of 3 and grants +1 Momentum to customer with Brawn + Pilot Expertise + Resistance Expertise of 12 or less must
and aquatic fire-support. service tests. make a Resistance (D1) test to avoid taking 2 § Nonlethal physical and
mental damage, which cannot be recovered while a passenger. Each
passed test doubles the time until the next required test, removing it
permanently once 4 tests are passed.

68 Chapter 6

defences are respectable for the price, however, and HITCHCOCK DSV Until recently the PanOceanian
its chin-mounted HMG and akimbo Combi Rifle ball ENCLOSED, HANDS, HIGH-PERFORMANCE, SINGLE- corporation Vulcain had an enviable
turret beneath its tail help clear and cover landing hold on the casket-drone market,
zones – ensuring survival goes a long way toward ATTRIBUTES thanks in part to savvy product
re-earning troopers’ affections, and many ‘freets are placement in an early Candy Double
Scale Speed Brawn
beloved PMC mascots. plotline and a catchy follow-up
1 3 11 (+1)
marketing campaign. Following the
HITCHCOCK DSV DETAILS recent escape — which some sources
Officially designated the SSV Gazelle, this stealthy Max. Passengers Impact tagged as a kidnapping— of its
single-seat Deep-Submergence Vehicle picked 1 2+4§ (Knockdown) Projects Director, Henryk Mahlke, to
up its nickname, “Hitchcock”, from test pilots who Yu Jing competitor Jizhong, a series of
Hard Points
would suddenly surface to surprise monitoring covered-up issues with the Valkyrie
scientists during acceptance testing. It has a Chassis 1 (Rebalanced Mass), Comms 0 (Deflector-1, Neural Interface), line were strategically leaked,
External 0 (Camouflage*), Internal 0, Motive 1, Weapons 1
cramped, lie-down cockpit and no defences beyond demolishing Vulcain’s stock price,
its manipulator arms’ claws, but the teardrop- DEFENCES and placing a considerable number
shaped hull incorporates TO Camo sheathing Structure 16 Firewall 16 of Randgrid, Skuld, and Hildr models
and sound-suppression baffles that effectively Armour 3 BTS 5 onto the secondary market.
shield it from sensor detection. So effectively, in
fact, that outside analysts are uncertain why the A Teardrop in the Ocean: +2 difficulty to Observation tests to detect For Rebalanced Mass, Deflector
Hexahedron allows its sale, rather than insist on it provided it makes only Manoeuvre or Careful Piloting movement X, Hacking Terminal, Neural
10-year exclusivity clauses as is usually required and its arms are retracted, except against ALEPH, Yu Jing, or Interface, Camouflage,
of military contractors. The consensus is a hidden PanOceanian military sensors. Impact Protection, and High-
flaw somehow exposes it to PanOceanian Military Jump Scare: Make a Pilot (D1) test to disable camo Performance upgrades, see
Complex sensors. But even on Varuna its pricing and suddenly surface, inflicting 4+2 § Piercing Infinity GM Guide, p. 137-140.
2 mental damage to surprised observers.
makes it ideal for PMCs offering coastal and
Lifeboat: Ignores penalties imposed by pressure, even at extraordinary
oceanic infiltration.

Mercenary Vehicles 69
MANTA LCH the end of the journey in less than three hours.
This swift Littoral Combat Hovercraft’s flying-wing Its basic integrated firewall, reliable power supply,
RANDGRID CASKET- fuselage resembles its namesake, presenting a and dead-simple component wiring make it
DRONE (ELITE) narrow silhouette to oncoming enemy fire, but easy to add communications upgrades. While it
requiring the crew –pilot, gunner, hacker– to lay can’t haul much cargo, it can accelerate to near-
ATTRIBUTES face-down in their respective stations, which takes suicidal speeds very quickly – the ideal vehicle for
Agility 9 some getting used to. A short-lived line from Moto. recon, perimeter checks, or flanking manoeuvres
Awareness 9 tronica and an offshoot of early Stingray TAG on budget.
platform research, they are ideal for coastal defence
Brawn 9
and Infowar strikes, though only a handful remain RACKHAM BUGGY
Coordination 9 on the open market, at price points reflecting their TERRAIN, WHEELED
Intelligence 12
rarity, cutting-edge construction, and TAG-grade
Infowar defence system. When purchased directly ATTRIBUTES
Personality 6 from Moto.tronica, the craft can optionally be Scale Speed Brawn
Willpower 9 acquired without its stock Agallocha weapon 1 4 10 (+1)
system, providing 2 Weapon hardpoints instead.
Combat - - MANTA LCH Max. Passengers Impact
Fortitude +1 1 NIMBLE, WATERCRAFT 2 2+4§ (Knockdown)
Movement +2 2 Hard Points
Chassis 1 (Collapsible x2), Comms 3, External 2, Internal 1 (Collapsible),
Senses +1 1 Scale Speed Brawn Motive 1, Weapons 1
Social - - 1 4 11 (+1)
Technical +2 2 DETAILS Structure 9 Firewall 6
DEFENCES Max. Passengers Impact Armour 2 BTS 2
Firewall 12 3 2+4§ (Knockdown)
Hard Points Flatpackable: With a D(1) tech test, can be converted into
Security -
Chassis 1 (Rebalanced Mass), Comms 0 (Deflector-1, Hacking Terminal an Unwieldy and easily shipped package in an hour, or back
Resolve 8
[Hacking Device], Neural Interface), External 0 (Camouflage), Internal 0 into a functioning vehicle in two hours. The time required can
Morale - (Impact Protection), Motive 1, Weapons 0 (Flash Pulse, HMG) be halved a single time for one Momentum.
Bare Metal: If the vehicle moved four or more zones this turn, any
Structure 8 DEFENCES damage from resulting failed terrain tests is doubled, and is Vicious 2
Armour 0 Structure 16 Firewall 16 instead of Vicious 1.
Armour 4 BTS 6
GEAR: AutoMediKit Common
Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, MOUNTED WEAPONS: RANDGRID CASKET-DRONE
Poison, Vacuum Flash Pulse: Range M, 1+5 § damage, Burst 1, 1H, Blinding Used for the rapid medical evacuation, or medevac,
Valkyrie: When controlled by its HMG: Range L, 2+6 § damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle of critically injured patients from accidents and
native LAI, the remote gains a SPECIAL ABILITIES: battlefields, casket-drone remotes have lost
Security Soak of 4, a Morale Soak
Agallocha: If equipped with the stock weapon system, after some of their life-or-death importance since the
a successful Flash Pulse attack on a target, the Manta’s
of 2, and has a target number of introduction of Cube technology, but they remain
gunner can make a Swift Action Momentum spend for only
12 on AutoMediKit Treat tests.
one Momentum to make an HMG attack on the same target.
essential for medically stable transit. Bounty
Bedrest: If a Fault is suffered from Low-Profile: Gains +3 Soak per Cover die Effect, Hasty Piloting or Flat Hunters find them especially useful for transporting
an attack or impact, the patient (if Out movement adds +1 difficulty to ranged attacks on it until the bounties, since they can repair any incidental
any) suffers only 2+2§ Spread 1 pilot’s next turn. damage caused during capture, provide a record of
Stun damage. Rough Ride: At the start of each hour of flight, crew with Brawn safe custody while transporting them to the client,
Quadrotors: As a Minor Action, + Pilot Expertise + Resistance Expertise of 12 or less must make and keep the subject in a conveniently immobile
can move to a zone within Long a Resistance (D1) test to avoid taking 2 § Nonlethal physical and induced coma throughout. Named for one of the
range on the ground or the zone mental damage, which cannot be recovered while a passenger. Each Norse Valkyries who carried the slain to Valhalla,
above in the air, and if it starts its passed test doubles the time until the next required test, removing it the Randgrid is an excellent representative
turn airborne moves as a Vector 2/ permanently once 4 tests are passed. of modern casket-drone design. Oblong and
Thrust 4 Aircraft. Sealed Hull: Getting into or out of the Manta requires a Standard rectangular, it resembles a soft-edged casket with
Action, and Quick Entry/Exit vehicular momentum spends to enter or an articulated leg and jet-rotor at each corner.
exit are impossible.
Sides and lid can retract for easier loading and care,
a smart-material interior accommodates patients
RACKHAM BUGGY of nearly any size, and a built-in AutoMediKit and
Affordable enough for the stingiest quartermaster, eight-Serum reserve do everything possible to
this stripped-down, lightly armoured, all-terrain ensure survival, spending maximum Serum each
military buggy can be disassembled into an turn until the patient is stable (no longer suffering
easily shipped flat pack in less than an hour by from conditions besides unconsciousness).
a skilled technician. It can be reassembled at

70 Chapter 6

ROC TRANSPORT near an EXXO-Transit Rental Centre, though

Made by the Gökmen Aeronics corporation, this purchasing one outright is safest, since those NARCHAM BUGGY
gargantuan airborne cargo-and-troop transport centres also serve EXXO’s scientists and Loĝanto, The sole product of Shentang
is most notably flown by Haqqislam’s Sword of which can suddenly spike rental and leasing prices, startup McDull’s Krewe, these
Allah state army’s desert combat wing, but also or even cut off rentals entirely during high-demand new Rackham buggy kits
sold under culturally targeted brand names to periods. include ambiguously sourced
other markets and militaries: the Hakawai to Running Board and NARC Rack
PanOceania, the Fenghuang to Yu Jing, and so forth. S4 SUNDA TRUCK upgrades, in a similarly modular
A staple of Human Sphere militaries and usually RUGGED, WHEELED
and easily dis/assembled style
heavily altered after purchase, Roc-class aircraft that barely increases shipping
are popular rentals for large Mercenary companies ATTRIBUTES footprint. Repeatedly investigated
on extended planetary contracts; delivering Scale Speed Brawn for supposed Triad ties (and
vast quantities of materiel into inhospitable 2 2 15 (+2) threatening better-connected
environments is practically their job description. manufacturer’s profits), they are
DETAILS in talks with Tunguska’s Tyomkin
ROC TRANSPORT Max. Passengers Impact Bank to fund scaled-up production,
AIRCRAFT, CUMBERSOME, ENCLOSED, GROUND, 4 3+6`§ (Knockdown) necessitated by a recent successful
Hard Points StarCo supply bid, and to cover

ATTRIBUTES Chassis 2 (Environmental Conditioning, Rhino Reinforcement), Comms sunk costs from a failed attempt to
1 (Modpods), External 1 (Rhino Reinforcement), Internal 1 (Kit Locker, develop a Screambox-integrated
Scale Speed Brawn
Modpods, Rhino Reinforcement), Motive 1 (Terrain Adaptation), Weapons prototype for the Ikari Company.
5 2/5 15 (+5)
2 (Modpods)
Max. Passengers Impact
Structure 24 Firewall 6
67 9+10`§ (Knockdown)
Armour 4 BTS 3
Hard Points
Chassis 4 (Convertible*), Comms 3 (Expert 1, Repeater), External 5,
Internal 15, Motive 3 (Turbofans x2), Weapons 5
Used to transport cargo on the Transtartaric
DEFENCES Railway, and then via heavy-duty treads overland
Structure 60 Firewall 20 from the nearest station to their destination,
Armour 3 BTS 5 traintanks are the indispensable backbone of
Rodinan supply lines to otherwise-isolated Tartary
Aces High: The forward zone is taken up by stations for the pilot, co-pilot, and an
optional gunner or hacker. Unless both pilot roles are filled by characters with TRAINTANK
Pilot Expertise of 3 or more, tests to manoeuvre the aircraft are at +1 difficulty. ENCLOSED, HANDS, LINKED NON-HACKABLE, RAIL,
The co-pilot can also assist the pilot or gunner with Pilot or Ballistics tests. RUGGED, SINGLE-SEAT, TRACKED
Cargowalls: Rather than a retractable roof, wall sections on either side of the
fuselage in the Roc’s four cargo zones can open with a Minor Action by the pilot ATTRIBUTES
or co-pilot, changing that section to Exposed for easy movement of cargo or Scale Speed Brawn
passengers. If done while airborne, that zone becomes Difficult Terrain 3. 2 2 13 (+3)
Modular Interior: The four rear cargo zones can each hold a Shipping-Pod’s
worth of materiel and vehicles up to Scale 2, or a total of five Shipping-Pods’ DETAILS
worth between them if every cargo zone has identical contents, or two Scale 3 Max. Passengers Impact
vehicles and no other cargo besides the vehicle’s crews.
17 8+7§ (Knockdown)
Hard Points
S4 SUNDA TRUCK Chassis 1, Comms 0, External 2 (Running Boards), Internal 0, Motive 0
Purpose-built for the genetic engineering (Haulage, Tracked), Weapons 2
hypercorp EXXO’s field scientists, a thriving DEFENCES
aftermarket for these Rhino-reinforced trucks
Structure 15 Firewall 12
among off-road enthusiasts led to the S4 Sunda, a
Armour 3 BTS 3
model refactored for the general public. Named For failed terrain tests, see Out
for a Javanese rhinoceros recently returned from SPECIAL ABILITIES: of Control! in the Infinity GM
Cargowalls: Wall sections on either side of the boxy
extinction by the company’s archaeogenetic Guide, p. 127.
cargo zone can hinge open with a Pilot (D0) test,
division, it has built-in environmental conditioning, exposing it for easy movement of cargo or passengers.
For Convertible, Expert 1,
respectable bio-filters, high ground clearance, and Stack ‘em: The cargo zone can hold a Shipping-Pod’s worth of Repeater, and Turbofans
durable modpodded construction for easy repair materiel. Up to three cargo zones can be stacked on a single upgrades, see Infinity GM
and alteration. These features make them an easy Traintank’s engine-base, though each cargo zone beyond Guide, p. 136-139.
pick for PMCs operating on the frontier anywhere the first adds +1 complication range to Pilot tests.
Tanky: No Non-Hackable penalties if driver has Pilot Focus of 3 or

Mercenary Vehicles 71
For Rhino Reinforcement A Yu Jing gunship design that’s been continually
upgrade, see p.67. updated and improved since before humanity ATTRIBUTES
colonized the stars, the first ZQ-88 established Scale Speed Brawn
a category of nimble hover-capable weapons
3 3/4 12 (+1)
For Environmental platforms which completely supplanted their attack
Conditioning, Kit Locker, helicopter predecessors. Now replaced in turn by DETAILS
and Terrain Adaptation TAGs and Remotes, they remain incredibly popular Max. Passengers Impact
upgrades, see Infinity with PMCs for urban combat fire support and 4 4+5§ (Knockdown)
GM Guide, p. 136, p.139, forward deployment on a budget. Designated the Hard Points
and p.140. ZQ-88 Shi Jin after the Chinese epic Water Margin’s
Chassis 1 (Collapsible x2), Comms 1, External 1, Internal 1 (Collapsible),
nine-tattooed outlaw, they are almost universally
Motive 1, Weapons 1
referred to as “ninetats”, inspiring countless
For Air Brakes and mercenary pilot’s retro-gaudy tattoos and halo- DEFENCES
Fast Turn, see Aircraft icons. After decades of refinement, the design is Structure 15 Firewall 12
Thrust Mode Momentum easy to maintain and disassemble for long-distance Armour 3 BTS 3
Spends, p.132. transport, but it retains its sinister trilaterally MOUNTED WEAPONS:
symmetric fuselage and trio of vectored-thrust Nanopulser: Range C, 1+5 § damage, 1H, Biotech, Subtle 3, Torrent,
engines on articulated superstructures. The most Vicious 2
recent iteration answers generations of grunts’ Spitfire: Range M, 1+5 § damage, Burst 3, 2H, Spread 2, Unsubtle
prayers: the three-soldier complement of infantry HMG: Range L, 2+5§ damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle
now rides inside the central hub, rather than SPECIAL ABILITIES:
strapped beneath its engine-limbs. 9-Flip: The pilot can make Fast Turn Momentum spends for only 1
Momentum; making an Air Brakes spend after doing so reduces its speed
to 2.
Drop Doors: The three passenger seats are isolated compartments with
independently servo-hinged floors, allowing entry or exit as a Free Action,
or as an Athletics (D0) Reaction at any point in the vehicle’s movement
during a turn.
Overwatch: If attacking from at least one zone above targets on the
ground or in a building, ranged attacks are at -1 Difficulty, and any Cover
Soak is halved.

72 Chapter 6


Upgrade Categories Restriction Cost Tariff
Afterburners X Motive X 6+X § T(X)
Akimbo Turret X External 2 4+2 § T2
Collapsible Chassis + Chassis + Internal 3 (Nomads 1, PanOceania 2) 6+3 § T1
Evac System Internal 1 4+4 § -
DedSeat Comms + Internal 1 5+1 § T1
Eyepaint Comms + External 1 (Japan 0) (Scale) + 2 § T2
Flarechaff Array External + Weapon 2 5+3 § T1
Lux Up-Armour X External 1 (Hypercorp 0, Mercenaries 0) 3+X § -
MagTrax Chassis + Motive + Motive 3 7+3 § T1
Modpods X Comms +/ Internal +/ Weapons 1 (Haqqislam 0, Nomads 0) 3+1 § -
NARC Rack Comms + Weapon 3 (PanOceania 1, Yu Jing 1) 3+3 § T2
Omniport Internal 1 (Ariadna 0) 8+3 § T1
Pacenote Geist Upgrade Comms (Scale - 1) 6+1 § T2
Pulse Array Weapon 3 7+4 § T1
Rhino Reinforcement Chassis + External + Internal 1 7+1 § T1
Screambox Array External + Weapon 3 (Yu Jing 2) 8+1 § T3
Sleeper Housing X Chassis X (X-1 Illicit) 2+2X § T3
Turbofans X Chassis + … 2 2(Scale) + X § T(X)


Upgrade Effect Cost Increase
Pacenote Geist Upgrade Expert +1, single Pilot Talent (see entry) +4 §


Vehicle Scale Speed Strength Armour BTS Impact Restriction Cost Tariff
Anaconda TAG X 2 2 16 (+1) 4+X 4+X 3+5 § X+2 12+2X § T(X)
Bokböceği TAG 2 2 16 (+1) 8 5 3+5 § 13+1 § T2
(Haqqislam 3, Mercenary 3)
DinerPod 2 2 14 (+1) 3 3 2+5 § 1 10+1 § -
Efreet Transport 3 2/4 14 (+3) 3 3 8+8 § 3 12+2 § T2
Hitchcock DSV 1 3 11 (+1) 3 3 2+4 § 3 (Mercenary 2) 12+1 § T11
Manta LCH 1 4 11 (+1) 4 4 2+4 § 3 12+3 § T1
Rackham Buggy 1 4 10 (+1) 2 2 2+4 § 1 8+2 § T1
Roc Transport 5 5 15 (+5) 3 3 9+10 § 4 16+2 § T2
S4 Sunda Truck 2 3 15 (+2) 4 4 3+6 § 1 10+2 § T2
Traintank 2 3 13 (+3) 4 4 8+7 § 3 (Rodina 1) 8+2 § T2
ZQ-88 Gunship 3 3 12 (+1) 3 3 4+5 § 2 9+3 § T3

¹ No Tariff for Mercenaries

Remote Restriction Cost Tariff Maintenance

3 (At least one career phase as a Bounty Hunter, Remote Operator, Medical, or Police: Restriction
Randgrid Casket-Drone 11+1 § T2 5 – Medicine or Tech Focus, minimum Maintenance 1
1 and Tariff 1)

Mercenary Vehicles 73
“At no point in human CHAPTER 7
history has it been easier
to turn money into
—Konrad Sokolov, Xperydes
Omni-national Valuation
Analyst. Presentation to Every Mercenary comes from somewhere. Even have two factions: their current faction, and their
the executive board on War if they’re born to the industry, they still claimed “true faction” where their loyalties actually lie. By
Market etiquette. factional allegiance somewhere before committing default, Double Agents use their current faction
to the War Market. M-Corp laws keep mercenary when determining careers, restriction, tariffs, etc.
MERCENARY FACTION companies from having citizens per se, so If they wish, they can use their true faction in its
CAREER TABLES mercenaries still maintain nominal citizenship in place, though this is risky; any rolls involving your
their heritage faction for convenience if nothing true faction double their complication range (so
D20 CAREER else. Mercenary characters can be created using a complication range of 1 becomes 2, a range of 3
1 Special Forces¹ the variant rules in this chapter, rather than those becomes 6, and so on).
in the Infinity Corebook. If doing so, the entries In a Wilderness of Mirrors campaign, Double
2 presented here supersede their counterparts in Agents have two different handlers; one each
the corebook. for their current and true factions. When giving
3 Bounty Hunter¹ out covert objectives, the true faction handler
Remote MERCENARY LIFEPATH will be cognizant of the Double Agent’s need
4 DECISIONS to protect their cover; this may require altering
The Lifepath Decisions outlined on p. 38 of the covert objectives. GMs are encouraged to use their
5 Ship Crew¹
Infinity Corebook should be followed with the discretion. If a Double Agent’s current faction
Corporate following exceptions for characters belonging to becomes suspicious, it will take steps to ascertain
Security Unit³ the Mercenary faction. the character’s true loyalties. If their cover is ever
blown, a Double Agent can no longer use their
Free Company
Irregular DECISION SEVEN - current faction when making rolls; though that’s
ADOLESCENT EVENT likely the least of their concerns.
10 The decision to become a Mercenary is rarely DESCISION EIGHT -
made lightly or casually: it’s often the direct CAREERS
11 Wardriver result of impactful events. Unsurprisingly, plenty
12 Recruiter Agent of career mercenaries are spurred into the field Very few Mercenaries are born to the life: though
by events which occurred during their youth. many take to it as though they were. Mercs
13 Arms Dealer
Roll 1d6 to determine which Adolescent Event commonly enter the War Market from some other
14 Hitter Table to use, then roll 1d20 to determine your walk of life, bringing their skills, experience, and
Druze Shock Adolescent Event. scars with them. Mercenary characters can, if they
Trooper so desire, roll on their heritage’s Faction Career
Table (Infinity Corebook, p. 55), to represent their
16 Warmonger²
life before going Merc. Doing so either requires
Kaplan Tactical D6 CAREER
spending a Life Point, or taking on a 5 Asset debt,
Service Member² 1-3 Mercenary Adolescent Event Table representing challenges faced in the transition to
Roll on Faction their new life.
4 Adolescent Event Table A¹
18-20 Table of Your
Choice 5 Adolescent Event Table B¹
¹ Career from Infinity Corebook. 6 Adolescent Event Table B¹
² Career has a prerequisite of
1 — Infinity Corebook, p. 56-58 D6 CAREER
belonging to this faction. You can’t
hazard this career unless you’re of 1-3 Mercenary Career Event Table
the matching faction. If you roll into DOUBLE AGENTS 4 Career Event Table A¹
this career, you automatically fail In the espionage-rich world of Infinity, double (and
your defection check. You can over- even triple) agents are rare, but not unheard of. 5 Career Event Table B¹
ride these limitations by spending 1 Due to the nature of their work, Mercenaries make 6 Career Event Table B¹
Life Point (in which case you were attractive candidates. But whether a character is
somehow undercover while working sent to infiltrate, or develops divided loyalties, 1 — Infinity Corebook, p. 56-58
the career). Double Agents have a lot to keep track of. Upon
rolling a result of Double Agent, immediately roll
again. Keep rolling until you get a result other
than 15, 16, or 20. That faction is your “current
faction” that you’re sent to infiltrate. Double Agents

74 Chapter 7


While flying to a Circular, your ship was boarded by pirates. The
1 Mercenaries hired to provide security were outnumbered and outgunned: Hero Worship Gain +1 to Resolve.
yet they somehow got you through to safety.
Someone close to you was killed, while Hypercorp security forces stood
2 Vendetta Increase the complication range of Discipline tests by +1.
and watched.
Your childhood crush got accepted into a prestigious Mercenary training Hopeless Gain a... rival? Ally? Bit of both? Whatever the
program. Before you were parted, you swore to find each other again. Romantic circumstances, gain a Mercenary contact.

4 You fell in with a rough crowd: not everybody from that scene lived long. Fatalistic Gain +1 rank in Thievery.

While exploring an uninhabited planetoid, you accidentally stumbled Gain +1 rank in Extraplanetary. Additionally, a pirate
5 across a pirate den. While you managed to escape, the pirates didn't take Pirate Problems organisation is hunting you, and is unlikely to pass up
kindly to you exposing their hideout. opportunities to do you harm.
You became obsessed with underground fighting rings, even trying your Increase the difficulty of non-intimidation Persuade skill
6 Bloodthirsty
luck in a handful of brutal bouts. tests by +1. Gain +1 rank in Resistance.
Washed out of university, burned out of your apprenticeship, banned Increase the difficulty of Personality-based tests by +1
7 from re-entering the corporate enclave: you and rules had a strained Rebel Heart when dealing with authority figures, or members of the
relationship. Corporate Faction.
Your supposed best friend stabbed you in the back while you were at
8 Suspicious Reduce Morale by 1.
your most vulnerable.
Contagions, including drugs and poisons, generate +1
While trying out new drug concoctions with your friends, you had a nasty Scorched
9 bonus Momentum on tests against you. A cure exists, but it
interaction from which you never quite recovered. Immune System
will cost 3+6 §.
Enamoured with heroic tales of masked vigilantes, you tried your hand Spend 1d6 years in jail before starting your first career. The
10 at crime fighting...or, as the courts called it, "reckless vigilantism." Time in Loose Cannon underworld knows your name: add +2 § to Psywar attacks
jail did little to cool you off, however: now the crooks couldn't get away. against Submondo.
Other kids might have had playground equipment: you had abandoned
11 Rock-Legs Gain +1 rank in Extraplanetary.
asteroid mines to cause a ruckus in.
They say that before embarking on a journey of revenge, you should first Gain an Organisational nemesis that you’ve sworn venge-
12 dig two graves. Clearly, they never met you: that entire organisation is ance upon. Add +2 § to attacks against its members, who
going to pay for what they did. For what they took from you. gain +1 bonus Momentum on attacks against you.
You spent a summer on your uncle’s farm, working with livestock. Barnyard
13 Gain +1 rank in Animal Handling.
Contrary to your expectations, you thoroughly enjoyed yourself. Manners
Traumatic You can freely select Free Company Irregular for any career
14 You ran away from home and joined a Free Company.
Memories phase.
You got involved in the racing scene: the riskier, the better. Except when Adrenaline
15 Gain +1 rank in Pilot. Gain a 2 Asset debt.
you lost. Junkie
Your parents or guardians were always running from something. Late The stress has taken a toll on your health: reduce Vigour
16 one night, they told you they loved you, and to run. You haven’t seen Missing Family by 1. At least you honed your skills during the sleepless
them since. nights: gain +1 rank in Analysis.
Gain a suit of Signature Armour (Heavy). For better or
Your aunt was a top Merc in her time. When she decided to retire to an
worse, other Mercs know your name: generate +1 bonus
17 office, she left you her custom armour, though her legacy seems to weigh Weighty Legacy
Momentum -- but increase complication range by +2 -- on
a lot more.
all Personality-based tests with Mercenaries.
You interned with a small team of storm chasers out in the Human Edge.
Increase the difficulty of all Willpower-based tests by +1.
18 While a career in meteorology might not be in your future, an addiction Thrill Seeker
Gain +1 to your Awareness.
to danger looks to be.
Your parents were Mercs. Your cousins are Mercs. You always assumed You defect to a new faction. Roll on the Faction Table
you’d follow in their footsteps. Then you met someone who was part (Infinity Corebook, p. 41) to determine your new allegiance.
19 Vendetta
of something bigger than themselves, and it gave them purpose. You On a roll of 15, 16, or 20, you haven’t actually defected:
couldn’t help but wonder if it could do the same for you. you’re a Double Agent (see p. 76).
There wasn’t supposed to be any fighting nearby, yet factions clashed,
Your character died and was resurrected. See the rules for
20 catching you in the crossfire. Waking up, you realized that in war, the Anti-Nationalist
Resurrection in the Infinity Corebook, p. 54.
battlefield always loses.

Mercs wind up on different sides of a conflict all the time. It’s nothing personal. But
1 you keep seeing the same face again and again. And they’re gunning for you every Gain a Nemesis rival who is hunting you.
You can acquire 6 Assets and gain the trait Red Flag, or you
2 You’re supposed to keep your hands to yourself, but this job made it difficult.
can gain +1d20 on your next hazard test.
Desperate to keep up with your peers, you cut a deal to get some bleeding edge Gain the Sixth Sense augmentation. Gain trait: Invasive
3 tech on the cheap. The aug works fine, but now your Geist “improves” your text and Adware. This trait can be removed by spending XP, but also
translated speech with various advertisements, and you can’t turn it off. requires paying off a 10 Asset debt.
While getting drinks with your company, a brawl breaks out. Everybody enjoys it so
4 much, that it becomes a semi-regular outing, getting you banned from bars, clubs, and Gain Trait: Known Troublemaker. Gain +1 rank in Close Combat.
houses of worship across the Human Sphere.
Waxing nostalgic about your childhood, you return to your old neighbourhood to find
5 it in dire straits. Warm memories are chased away by old acquaintances looking for a Either gain a debt worth 7 Assets or gain the Trait: Sellout.
You were just following orders. Nothing you could have done. At least, that’s what you
6 Gain Trait: Haunted.
tell yourself when the nightmares keep you awake at night.
You win some, you lose some. Well, you just lost a big one in decisive fashion, and
7 Reduce Resolve by 1.
you’ll be picking up the pieces for a while.
Your client had strict rules in place for the job, with a zero-tolerance policy. Yet you You are Fired (see Infinity Corebook, p. 54). Gain Trait: Red Flag,
broke them anyway, costing you the gig. Why? or some other character trait related to the experience.

9 It was just another skirmish. But this time, your friends didn’t make it through. Gain Trait: Sole Survivor. Increase Resolve by +1.

Reduce your Earnings by 1. Gain 4 different Standard Reloads,

The client couldn’t pay what they were supposed to, but at least they tried to make it
10 some Basic Medical supplies, and a USAriadnan Entrenching
up to you with supplies.
During an attack, you wind up saving a VIP’s skin. Needless to say, it leaves a big Gain an Ally in a random faction. You can freely select the
impression on them. Bodyguard career at any point during the Lifepath.
Orders are orders. Civilian safety wasn’t part of the mission objectives, and you Unless you’re working the Kaplan Tactical Service Member
12 weren’t getting paid to be a hero. But even knowing the consequences, you still broke career, gain the character trait: Red Flag. Gain an ally in a ran-
ranks to get them to safety. dom faction, who will remember what you risked for them.
If it can go wrong it will, right? Well, it just did, in spectacular fashion. With luck like
13 Gain Trait: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
this, you might legitimately be cursed.
Nobody planned for you to be in charge. Then again, the people in charge didn’t plan Increase your Social Status by 1 step. You can freely choose
to get shot, either. Still, you carried the day. the Mercenary Officer career for your next career phase.
A contact you'd previously worked with offers a share of their take to let them crash
Gain 3 Assets. Also, either gain a Bounty Hunter rival or a
15 with you for a week. It seemed too good to be true. When a Bounty Hunter kicked in
Criminal Record.
the door, you realized it was.
You can defect to the Corporate faction at this time. If you do,
16 A Hypercorp talent scout approaches you with an offer they hope you can’t refuse.
increase your Earnings by +1.
Gain Trait: Arachnophobia. If a Jorōgumo or other arachnid
17 You never considered yourself afraid of spiders. But after this last job...
deals you a Wound, suffer a Metanoia effect as well.
Your client omitted some information, and the job went bad. Of course, you got sad-
18 You are Fired (see Infinity Corebook, p. 54).
dled with the blame.
Your character died and was Resurrected, as well as Fired. (see
You knew that the job was risky going in. At least, that’s what you wrote down. You
Infinity Corebook, p. 54). You can choose a Standard Lhost at
19 awaken a year later in a state-of-the-art Lhost, with no memory of what transpired,
no Life Point Cost or deduct 1 LP from the Cost of a Lhost of
and a note that simply says “Good job. We’re even.”
your choice.
Roll again three times on the Career Event Table for this
Mercenaries respect few laws besides Murphy’s: that is to say, that if something can career phase. (When spending a Life Point to choose a specific
20 go wrong, it will. Given the maelstrom of Interesting Times in which you find yourself, event, you may not choose this result. If you roll duplicate
that seems to be holding true. Buckle up. events, it means some similar event has occurred. If you roll
Murphy’s Law again, add additional rolls.)

76 Chapter 7



It might not be the most violent era in humanity’s Working under the auspices of the Bayram Security
history, but it’s certainly among the better-armed. Company, Druze Shock Teams are perhaps the To a Mercenary, reputation
With the popularity of Aristeia!, carrying personal Druze Society’s most notable export. You do is more than a matter of
armaments is more fashionable than it’s been for not hire a Druze Shock Team when you want semantics: it’s the lifeblood of
centuries, with affluent citizens proudly sporting a something protected. You hire them when you want their career. While a good rep
duelling pistol on their hip, or a decorative necklace unscrupulous thugs to make a gigantic mess of on the War Market takes time
of microgrenades to match their evening gown. a situation, leave naught but ashes in their wake, and effort to cultivate, a bad
The modern Arms Dealer enjoys benefits that their and retain your deniability. While the vast majority one can only take a moment.
contemporaries never did. It’s tough for a detective of Druze Shock Troopers are not only members of Going off-script, refusing
to crack down on a dealer when their boss is the Society, but Druze themselves, they’ve been to follow orders, desertion:
a customer. Even so, these new developments known to employ individuals from any background actions like these can earn
primarily impact an Arms Dealer’s place in society, provided that they can hold up their end of the Mercenary characters the Red
not their bottom line. Whether they come by their bargain. That bargain is violence, brutality, and the Flag character trait. They are
stock honestly or not, Arms Dealers fill an important wanton destruction of targets with no questions not only haunted by their rep
niche in the Human Sphere’s economy, and they’ll asked. Generally speaking, Druze Shock Troopers are in future dealings, it makes
be the first to remind you of that. bad people, though they can always be worse. And finding and keeping work
ATTRIBUTES for the right price, they’ll be worse in the direction of that much harder. Characters
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL your enemies. with the Red Flag trait add +1
difficulty to all hazard tests on
- +2 - +1 +1 +2 +3 ATTRIBUTES the Lifepath.
Mandatory Discipline Lifestyle Observation 1+5 § +2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2 +2
Elective Ballistics Persuasion Stealth
GEAR: AR Eye Implants, Armoured Clothing (several styles), Heavy
Pistol, Nanopulser. Mandatory Ballistics Resistance Thievery 1+2 §
Elective Persuasion Hacking Tech

CORPORATE SECURITY GEAR: Combi Rifle (with 3 Normal Reloads) or Killer Hacking
UNIT Device, Viral Pistol, Medium Combat Armour

Most mercenary jobs involve as little contact

between client and company as possible. But when
working in Corporate Security, expectations are
entirely different. Corporate Security Forces are
expected to fit seamlessly within their client’s
corporate culture, providing a polished, professional
face to a modern security apparatus. The pay is
competitive, the work is steady, and the job usually
boils down to keeping all involved parties honest.
That said, when things get hot — as they eventually
do — Corporate Security forces are expected to
act swiftly, decisively, and precisely; collateral
damage and rowdy antics are a good way to get
fired. SecLock Contingencies’ CSU units are widely
considered the gold standard, lending the position
its name, but countless private firms offer their own
Corporate Security Units. They’re expensive, but
the old adage holds true: you really do get what
you pay for.
+1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1
Mandatory Discipline lifestyle Observation 2+1 §
Elective Ballistics Persuasion Stealth
GEAR: AR Eye Implants or Climbing Plus or Gecko pads, Sixth Sense or
Subdermal Grafts (all hit locations except head), Armoured Clothing (Uniform)
or Pistol.

Being a Mercenary can be a
FREE COMPANY Much like Earth’s fabled French Foreign Legion, or
high-pressure gig. New Mercs IRREGULAR joining the modern clergy, Free Companies often
are constantly trying to keep act as a refuge for people trying to escape their
up with their peers and prove Smaller Free Companies fill an important niche in past. Free Companies don’t care where you came
their worth. But when your the War Market. Staffed by professionals from a from, so long as you bring useful skills to the table.
peers have the advantage variety of backgrounds, Free Companies aim for a Drifters always have a trick or two up their sleeves.
in experience, equipment, diverse array of skillsets. That way, they never need
and impressive scars, you to rely on outside help. A Free Company Irregular FREE COMPANY GEARHEAD
need any advantage you can could be wiring light fixtures one day, and in a Take a quick look around any Free Company’s
get. Sensing an opportunity, firefight the next. They often moonlight in the camp, and you’ll see something that needs fixing.
plenty of vendors have started civilian sector when not on assignment. Contrary to Keep looking, and you’re likely to see a gearhead
offering merchandise on the usual image of stim-addicted, violent, adrenaline wander by, grumbling to themselves, and somehow
credit, getting more than their junkies, Free Companies enjoy a wholesome, down- getting it back in working order. It’s said that a Free
money’s worth in interest to-earth reputation. After all, their arrival doesn’t just Company Gearhead can get more done in one day
payments over the course of mean professional soldiers are available. It means with spit, adhesives, and cursing than a city repair
the loan. Mercenary characters a diverse crew of professionals are now available at team accomplishes in a week. Either way, the work
can acquire “phantom Assets” competitive rates. keeps them thick-skinned, cynical, and tough.
to spend during Decision Nine
by taking out loans. By taking ATTRIBUTES FREE COMPANY MEDIC
on 1 point of Maintenance, AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL Anyone with serious medical experience is
they gain 5 Assets to acquire +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 highly sought-out by Free Companies, by local
gear, Augmentations, and communities when they come into port. From
Weapons. Once play begins, SKILLS EARNINGS dentistry to STD tests, most Medics are kept busy
the Maintenance cost can Mandatory Athletics Ballistics Observation See FCS enough by their own company to act as a second
be eliminated by paying off Elective See Free Company Specialisations career, although they usually make low-cost,
the debts, though it costs GEAR: See Free Company Specialisations. discreet services available to the local community.
7 Assets for each point of
SPECIAL: When taking this career for the first time, roll on the Free
debt Maintenance. Other
Company Specialisations Table to determine your Specialisations. Once
Maintenance costs cannot you’ve determined your Specialisations, you no longer roll upon taking this QUANTRONIC EXPERT
be reduced this way, and any career, but if desired, you can attempt an Average (D1) hazard test to repeat More an IT professional than full-time hacker, a
Assets acquired in this fashion this career in the Specialisations of your choice. In any case, you can instead Free Company’s Quantronic Experts often spend
disappear if not spent before spend 1 Life Point to simply choose your Specialisations. more time cleaning out malware from people’s
the end of Decision Nine. Comlogs than in InfoWarfare. And while they
FREE COMPANY SPECIALISATIONS don’t have the reputation of the Wardrivers,
People wind up in a Free Company for a variety of more than one enemy has made the mistake of
reasons, and they pick up an array of skills while underestimating them. It rarely happens twice.
out on assignment. These backgrounds might
well outnumber the stars in the sky, but they can
generally be sorted into a few different categories.


D20 Specialisation Elective Skills Gear Earnings
Breaking & Entering Kit,
Persuasion, Stealth,
1-6 Drifter Fake ID 1, Wetspike or 0+4 §
Assault Pistol
Armoured Clothing
7-12 Gearhead Discipline, Resistance, Tech (Coveralls), Flash Pulse, 1+2 §
Powered Multitool
Armoured Clothing (Medi-
Medicine, Psychology,
13-16 Medic cal Uniform), Basic Medi- 2+2 §
cal Supplies, Stims (3)
17-20 Quantronic Expert Education, Hacking, Tech Hacking Device, Repair Kit 2+1 §

78 Chapter 7

“Allegiance is for suckers.” “Loyalty is a myth.” “What’s
yours is mine, and what’s mine is heavily guarded.” +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1
Whatever maxim they adhere to, Freebooters are SKILLS EARNINGS
beholden to no authority beyond themselves, their
Mandatory Close Combat Tech Thievery 1+1 §
commander, and whatever local authorities can track
them down. Pirates, scavengers, and adventurers, Elective Extraplanetary Pilot Spacecraft
when they’re not lurking on a trade route, or
harassing merchant vessels, many a Freebooter GEAR: Sickblade, Smoke Grenades (2)
also plies their trade on the War Market. For
clients willing to swallow their pride, “Freebooters
offer a remarkably straightforward service. They FREEBOOTER GEAR TABLE
understand that their employers are likely looking Special: In addition to the above gear,
for cheap cannon fodder, amoral thugs, or otherwise roll one d20 and one d6, then consult
expendable assets. And they’re very comfortable the Freebooter Gear Table and gain the
with that. And if it seems like they’re not too worried listed gear.
about their low pay, it’s probably because they intend
to steal everything that isn’t nailed down while on


D20 1-2 3-4 5-6
Armoured Clothing (Outdated
1-6 Heavy Pistol (with 3 Normal Reloads) Ramshackle Combat Jump Kit
Chain Rifle (with 2 Normal Reloads), Ballistic Vest, Nitrocaine (2 Doses), Stun Grenade, Viral Grenade, EM Grenade,
Adhesive Grenade Tactical Bow, Basic Medical Supplies Banshee Grenade
10-13 Painkillers (7 Doses) Light Flamethrower D-Charges (6)
Hard Hat, 3 Normal Reloads, Repair Engineering Waldo 1, Powered
14-15 Modcoat, Long; Aletheia Kit, Bottled Water
Kit Multitool
16-17 XO Suit, CombiRifle, Climbing Kit Sports Padding, 3 Picks, Cosmetics Kit Spotbot, USAriadnan Entrenching Tool
18-20 AutoMediKit Silk (2 Doses) Rifle (with 5 AP Reloads)



Whether it’s political, personal, or simply business, More than just unit commanders, Mercenary Captains
there’s always been those who believe the world and Colonels are equal parts soldier, project manager,
would be a better place without one specific person. entrepreneur, and legal advocate. If that sounds like
Thus, there’s always been a small but resilient it’s too many roles to juggle, wait until you see the
community of Hitters ready to take the job. Hailing schedule they keep. Captains are responsible for
from every background, ethnicity, and gender, Hitters finding work, setting up long-term contracts, and
provide discreet and thorough services for those perhaps most importantly, gauging whether or not
who can meet their prices. Nobody takes being a given client is going to screw them over. Colonels
murdered lightly, even in a world where resurrection handle a company’s logistics, everything from
is possible, and the cost is lost time and memories making sure that permits are up to date, to large-
rather than life itself. Hitters walk a precarious line scale equipment acquisition. Then of course, there’s
across legal jurisdictions and personal vendettas, to the small matter of actually leading troops into
say nothing of the fact that it’s incredibly difficult battle, with captains leading their individual teams,
and time-consuming to plan a murder that can’t be while colonels take charge in larger skirmishes and
traced to your client. Or you, for that matter. A given manage the company through long-term conflicts.
Hitter rarely has more than one job in a year because
getting it done right takes time. But when you want ATTRIBUTES
it done right, you hire a professional. Then you get AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
out of their way. +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
Mandatory Analysis Command Discipline 2+2 §
+2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2
Elective Ballistics Psychology Resistance
SKILLS EARNINGS GEAR: AR Eye Implants or Military Geist, Light Combat Armour, Pistol
Mandatory Discipline Stealth Thievery 1+6 § or Rifle
Elective Ballistics Close Combat Stealth
GEAR: Sniper Rifle or Wetspike, Breaking & Entering Kit or
Cosmetics Kit, Garrotte RECRUITER AGENT
Competition in the War Market can be fierce. There’s
KAPLAN TACTICAL plenty of work to go around, but convincing a
SERVICE MEMBER prospective client to give you that work — or
knowing about the job in the first place — is a tall
For many Mercs, being seen as a public nuisance is order for many Mercs. Recruiter Agents are dedicated
part of the deal. The reputation of being loud, selfish, professionals who make forming those connections
and generally unfit for polite company follows most their stock in trade. Freelance Agents represent
Mercenaries like their shadow. It’s just something individual Mercenaries — protecting their interests,
to get used to. Unless, of course, they work for finding jobs, making sure that they’ve got access to
Kaplan Tactical Services. A subsidiary of Beyhan plenty of ammo — in ways that a Captain couldn’t
Resources, Inc., with origins in the Silk Revolts, the even if they wanted to. A Captain’s responsibility is
Bourak-based KTS enjoys a heroic status throughout to their unit, whereas an Agent advocates for their
Haqqislam; a halo that extends to all its members, client. Some Recruiter Agents work directly for larger
regardless of their origin. KTS recruits from all walks mercenary companies, usually working as dedicated
of life, from every corner of the Human Sphere. Its talent scouts, seeking to bolster their company’s
employees are expected to behave themselves ranks with the very best freelancers, as well as with
and are held to KTS’ robust code of ethics without freshly-poached talent from their direct competitors.
exception. This has led to a resilient esprit de corps, But whatever their role, their work is essentially the
with Kaplan Members regarding themselves as not same, to make sure that Mercs are getting paid. And
only a cut above their mercenary peers, but most of course, that they get their cut.
national militaries as well. ATTRIBUTES
+2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2 +2
+2 +2 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1
Mandatory Analysis Command Discipline 2+2 §
Mandatory Ballistics Discipline Observation 2+2 §
Elective Ballistics Psychology Resistance
Elective Acrobatics Medicine Tech
GEAR: CombiRifle, MediKit or Powered Multitool, Light Combat Armour GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Business Casual), Negotiator’s Suite
(Kaplan Tactical Services-Branded) (7 Days Access)

80 Chapter 7


Though many use the term interchangeably with
“mercenary hacker,” proper Wardrivers — an oxymoron At the end of the day, a mercenary company is a
if ever there was one — are part of a decentralised business. A business rooted in violence — or at
group of semi-aligned private Maya Clusters, least the potential for violence — but a business
comprised of like-minded mercenary hackers. all the same. The people who run them need to
Taking their name from early vehicle-based military have all the savvy and acumen expected of any
InfoWarriors, every WarDriver has a unique handle, corporate executive, while also being able to speak
and employs a colour-coded system denoting the language of the soldiers, vagrants, and maniacs
their area of expertise: White-class for defence, that comprise the bulk of their workforce. Some see
Black-class for assault, Grey-class for multipurpose their teams as just another asset to be managed,
capability; and so on. Not every Wardriver is an part of a larger portfolio, a profitable — albeit
active hacker. Their Lilac kitbashing community volatile — element of their larger business plan. For
creates one-of-a-kind hardware and software to some, it’s a vanity project; a chance to play armchair
give their members an edge, and it is as fiercely general with others’ lives, experiencing the thrill
innovative as any quantronic infiltrator. While there’s of warfare without ever risking their own necks.
no shortage of internal competition, at the end of Others still are grizzled veterans in their own right,
the day, Wardrivers always have each other’s backs. former mercenary soldiers applying their expertise
While they might be on opposite sides of a conflict, to this new battlefield. Whatever their background,
or they are hired by competing firms to chase the without Warmongers, there would be no War Market.
same goal, once the job is done those distinctions And that means no Mercenaries, at least not in the
will fade, and they’ll always be Wardrivers. modern sense.
+1 +2 - +2 +3 +1 - - +2 - - +2 +3 +2
Mandatory Hacking Observation Tech 1+3 § Mandatory Discipline Lifestyle Persuasion 2+5 §
Elective Hacking Pilot Stealth Elective Analysis Command Education
GEAR: Armoured Clothing, Nanopulser, Negotiator’s Suite (13 Days
GEAR: Assault Hacking Device or Defensive Hacking Device or Access)
White Hacking Device, Boarding Shotgun


“People walk the mercenary path for any number of for profit, which is certainly of relevance to any
reasons. Excitement, bloodthirst, relative freedom merc unit trying to establish an income. Finally,
from national constrictions, plus a million others. the ALEPH sourcebook provides a discourse on
Ultimately, though, a mercenary’s life can be campaigns that focus more on military action and
boiled down to one thing: pay. This is Ikari’s prime objectives than anything else, which is definitely
consideration in accepting a contract and a great pertinent to warmongering for money.
influence on how we recruit the best. Potential
employers of Ikari might think that they have It’s highly unlikely that the PCs wind up fighting
chosen us, particularly as we are almost always back-to-back with the Steel Phalanx, of course,
required to fulfil a contract with no questions asked. but the PCs could always find themselves
In truth, however, it is us who chooses them based caught up in the kind of high impact action
upon how much they are willing to pay.” that Achilles eats, sleeps, and breathes. Some of
the subjects discussed in this chapter, then, will
-- Colonel Genzo Ikari extolling the merits of Ikari parallel material already available in the faction
membership to potential applicants in the visitors’ sourcebooks mentioned here, though they will
mess hall at Novyy Bangkok. now be viewed through the lens of a mercenary
outfit and their particular requirements or areas
At once different and similar to the default Infinity of interest.
campaign, which establishes the players as Bureau
Noir agents operating in shades of grey, mercenary BATTLEFIELD TOURS
campaigns provide a great deal of freedom for both
GMs and players alike. Particularly in respect of As mentioned above, various Infinity RPG
short-term goals and story arcs. However, there are sourcebooks offer different methods for designing
a number of nuances that will need consideration and running a campaign set within the Human
when establishing a mercenary campaign. Some of Sphere. A mercenary campaign is an excellent
these aspects will apply to every type of campaign, setting to explore any one of these or even tie
while others can be completely optional or ignored aspects of them together. Logistics, profiteering,
altogether in others. and battlefield objectives are part and parcel of a
Warmonger’s life.
This Warmongering chapter is intended to tie
together all the information seeded throughout The campaign’s scope in terms of the depth of the
the book as a basis for GMs to create exciting PCs’ involvement should be considered alongside
campaigns that provide a challenge to mercenary the components that drive it. This can be evaluated
companies of every ilk. Previous campaign chapters by the types of role and level of management that
within sourcebooks for Infinity the Roleplaying the PCs will be adopting.
Game have been designed with a specific faction
in mind, and while this chapter certainly explores THE ALPHA TEAM
campaign design through the lens of the non- The PCs are the heart and soul of their outfit,
aligned, the very independence of most mercenary whether that’s a small unit that only encompasses
companies provides a great deal of latitude that themselves or a larger unit with multiple
might otherwise be restricted in a specific faction employees on the books. While they will certainly
campaign. That said, there are certainly a number face their own challenges during the course of a
of campaign options explored within this chapter session, the PCs will need to consider the logistical
that can be applied to the campaign options and financial aspect of transporting themselves
presented within other faction sourcebooks and and any additional personnel or materiel. This
vice versa. The Ariadna sourcebook offers advice can be even more nuanced if there are multiple
on mercantile campaigns, which not only offers theatres for the various branches of the company
plenty of opportunities for a merc outfit to gain to contend with.
employment but might also provide useful insight
into the logistics of moving goods and materiel Aside from logistics, the PCs will also need to deal
for operations. The Haqqislam sourcebook looks at with contract handling and the financial intricacies
corsairs and the questionable antics they undertake of running their company. One PC can take centre

82 Chapter 8

stage as the overall leader of the mercenary unit their resolution should be respected. Any fallout
with the other PCs providing supporting roles. from the decision should be handled via GM
Alternatively, any major decisions can be voted Intervention, above.
for by a committee of characters, with the most
votes deciding the outcome. This type of scope RESPECT: While the company’s leader is the final
works well where the PCs are engaged in guiding decision-maker, they should agree to respect
and growing a mercenary company, particularly if their team’s input. If the PC in charge of finances
they each have their own management role within states that a mission shouldn’t be undertaken
the company (and consequently they all enjoy because it will result in a loss, the leader should
distinct opportunities to shine within their area of consider this advice and act on it when reasonable.
expertise). Each other PC’s input should be respected and
valued when offered, with an agreement to act
GROUND RULES upon unless a reasonable counterpoint can be
Some cautionary notes should be considered if the offered. For instance, the leader might provide a
Alpha Team style of campaign is being employed counterpoint that fulfilling the mission will open
and one player is taking on the overall leadership doors to even bigger pay-outs following the initial
mantle of the mercenary company. With one financial outlay.
person being the final arbiter of decisions that
make or break the company, there is a small risk BOOTS ON THE GROUND
of the game devolving into arguments and chaos The PCs are a small cog in a large machine. The
at the table, or even worse, player-versus-player Warmonger points at a target and expects his
combat within the game. Either of which can lead bidding done. In the scope of this campaign, the
to hurt emotions and tension outside of the game. PCs will probably care little for the logistics of
Because of this risk, it’s extremely important to how they arrive at their location. All of the transfer
establish some ground rules for the management arrangements for themselves and their equipment
of the company at the outset. While this list is are taken care of ‘off-screen’, which allows them to
by no means exhaustive, ground rules can cover arrive with the minimum of fuss and get straight
things like: to the task at hand. The PCs also aren’t likely to
be bothered with the intricacies of the company’s
CHANGE OF LEADERSHIP: The players agree to finances. So long as they’re paid at the end of the
consider a change of leadership if bad decisions job, everyone’s happy. This type of scope works well
are endangering the campaign and the company. where each game session is its own self-contained
This can be a simple vote with a majority decision narrative with a fixed objective (though each
winning. The GM gains one vote during split session can still link together as part of a larger
decisions. The players agree to respect the outcome interconnected story).
and continue using any ground rules previously
Somewhere between the scope of the previous
GM INTERVENTION: Though railroading by forcing two, this places the PCs into a larger organisation
a player along a particular path in a game is never with personnel in their charge. They aren’t
advised, the GM can agree with the players that any pulling the strings of the outfit, but they do have
repercussions for an ill-considered decision will subordinates to consider. The PCs can readily
be enacted via the props of the setting the players spend a handful of sessions dealing with a large
are part of, rather than undertaken directly by objective and might only need to consider their
each other. For instance, if the leader of a company immediate unit’s logistics on a scale that relates
sends their troops into a situation that they’re to a budget provided by their overseers. While
ill-prepared for and in the face of sound advice, the financial considerations in terms of succeeding
NPC officer in charge of the mission is the one to at a given objective are certainly a factor, the PCs
kick open the leader’s door and vent in their face. can focus more on which missions they undertake
for their company, rather than which contract
ONE MERC TO RULE THEM ALL: In a similar manner to win. This type of scope is perfect for PCs that
to the RESPECT heading opposite, the other enjoy elements of both bookkeeping and action,
players within the company agree that the person but don’t particularly wish to track every aspect
taking on the pinnacle leadership role is the final of their associated mercenary company. With a
decision-maker. The players in supporting roles little bit of tinkering and plenty of delving into
can offer advice, which will be acted upon when the other chapters of this book, the default Bureau
not doing so will have a detrimental effect on the Noir style of campaign from the Infinity Corebook
company, but the leader is the ultimate shot-caller. can be tailored to cover the “Boots on the Ground”
If a sensible counterpoint to the advice is provided scope presented above. Simply replace Bureau
and the leader makes a decision against the advice, Aegis and O-12 with the group’s mercenary outfit

and their paymasters and then plan away. Even COMRADES IN ARMS: Any good soldier knows that
the Wilderness of Mirrors aspect of the game is a their own life and that of their comrades will be
straightforward transfer in this type of game. Aside extended if they guard each other’s backs. Though
from the objectives, which works well in a “Boots the PCs might rub each other the wrong way when
on the Ground” style of campaign, much of this off the field, they pull together and put their lives
chapter relates to “The Alpha Team” and “Middle on the line for each other when the bullets start
Management” headings of the campaign’s scope. to fly. Light-hearted banter, plutonic bonds, and
comradeship set the main mood.
KNIFE EDGE: In terms of both finances and
Establishing the overall mood for a campaign and battlefield assignments, the life of the average
the underlying mood for each session will help mercenary is far from easy. Wondering where the
determine pacing and engagement. Subtle use of next batch of credits will come from and what will
music and props to translate a campaign’s mood need to be done to secure their transfer will be
will enhance the experience for everyone involved an intense experience. This mood lends itself to
— take care, though, as the mood and anything tension alongside determination or inevitability.
supporting that shouldn’t be overpowering. Just be sure to give the PCs some lighter moments
Remember that a mood can fluctuate, the PCs amongst the angst.
might be enjoying the sun on the golden beaches
of Varuna one moment, and then contending with a SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE: The Human Sphere
Libertos terrorist attack the next, so the story (and encompasses a vast amount of space that includes
any music) should be subtly adjusted accordingly. multiple systems and planets, any one of which
If the PCs are then required to follow a group of might have need of mercenaries to get a particular
subversive Omn into the oppressive and alien job done. The overarching mood can be quite light-
deeps of Varuna’s oceans, the mood can shift once hearted, then interspersed with tension and danger.
again. While there are many moods that will work
for a mercenary campaign, some particularly apt
ones for warmongering include:

84 Chapter 8

FREEBOOTING THEMES it means great personal cost. Sacrifice, the cost of

holding on to ideals, and hearts and minds are all
Just as the mood chosen for a campaign and its great sub-themes that directly relate to the main
component sessions can help ground the players’ theme. Of course, the theme could just as easily
involvement, so too can the theme help to focus descend into one of corruption and decadence if
their goals and drives. Keep in mind that themes the PCs continue to make the wrong choices, but
can alter during the course of events just as much they should feel they’re responsible for their own
as the mood can. The PCs might enjoy being foot destiny either way.
soldiers bouncing from mission to mission at
the start of a campaign, but eventually they may CONFLICT RESOLUTION
develop a hunger for determining their own fate
by establishing their own mercenary outfit. Rather As any good mercenary knows, not every conflict
than try to force it unnaturally, GMs should aim to takes place on a Warfare battlefield. Neither is
be guided by the natural flow of the game. There every conflict won at the end of a gun barrel. Much
are many themes that would suit a mercenary of the advice in this chapter may seem focussed on
campaign, but some especially apt ones include: the physical plane, but with plenty of Warcors and
Wardrivers operating alongside many companies,
DISTANT FRONTIERS: The Hypercorps have their there should also be ample opportunities to
own exploratory branches, of course, but why risk explore conflict — or the avoidance thereof — in the
their personnel on unknown frontiers when they Infowar and Psywar arenas.
can employ expendables instead? There are fewer
insurance policies to worry about then. With a Introducing Psywar to a session through intense
Distant Frontier theme, the players can expect contract negotiation is a simple and effective way
to be operating far from the core systems of the to introduce a social scene, but there are also
Human Sphere. Maybe they’re part of a hidden plenty of other opportunities to ramp up the social
mercenary base, undertaking clandestine ops tension. Perhaps the mercenaries need to win over
in a remote region, or supporting a deep space the hearts and minds of a local civilian population
science mission in Human Edge or beyond. The in order to gain valuable supplies, or they are
opportunities for adventure are limitless, but so are required to undertake non-aggressive crowd
the dangers. Finite resources, strange and exotic control in order to deal with a threat. Infowar,
lifeforms, and the predations of rival teams are all on the other hand, often supplements Warfare,
very real threats that can help inform the mood. meaning the PCs might need to hack open security
doors and contend with security systems to achieve
NO REST FOR THE WICKED: There are countless their objective, or fend off the actions of enemy
skirmishes and Code: Infinity situations taking place hackers during a conflict. Some interesting mixes
across the Human Sphere on any one standard can also be considered where Infowar and Psywar
Sol day, which provides plenty of opportunities for are concerned, such as stealing sensitive data from
an active mercenary group to hop from conflict a corporate representative to provide the PCs with
to conflict. Everchanging battlefields, objectives, an edge during contract negotiations. Ultimately,
and opponents keep each session fresh, though though resolving a conflict in one way or another
this likely comes at the cost of an overarching is how a mercenary makes money, this needn’t be
narrative. A military style briefing or “This message limited to the confines of the Warfare arena.
will self-destruct in five seconds” style introduction
could even be used at the start of each session STARTING A PMC
to set the mood and objective. The PCs might not
know where they’ll find themselves from session to If the PCs have decided to establish their own
session, but they can be sure that each session will outfit, every Warmonger will need to follow a few
be different. This type of theme lends itself well to basic steps in order to get their PMC ready for the
the Boots on the Ground type of scope mentioned War Market:
HONOUR BEFORE CREDIT: To the average corporate Every PMC needs to register with the War Market
executive and citizen of the Human Sphere, the (or the Lists if they’re operating outside of
term ‘mercenary’ is liable to draw disdain and conventions). Agree on a name for the outfit.
prejudice. However, not every mercenary is a
gun-for-hire looking to trade in other peoples’ 2. DECIDE WHO LEADS
misery. Units such as StarCo strive hard to shed Whether it’s an NPC, PC, or council that combines
these preconceptions, as have the PCs in this type both, an outfit needs people in a position of
of campaign. They might be working for cash, but command. If one player steps forward to be
they value principles and honour foremost, even if the leader, this should be at the agreement of

everyone else. The PCs and GM should establish MANAGING A PMC
the boundaries of leadership at the outset and
remind players that their characters are part of an There are a million and one aspects that a
established military command. Who takes orders Warmonger will need to consider to successfully
from whom and is there a process for questioning grow and maintain a PMC. Not everything can
orders? If the leader is an NPC, then the GM can be covered within this book, but the following
work with the group to decide on their background rules provide an outline for GMs and players to
and relationship with the PCs. Is the leader a handle a few of the key factors that will need to be
grizzled military veteran, savvy businessman, or considered when organising and operating a PMC.
bored rich kid? Do they have any personality
quirks? What are their leadership qualities? Are
there any contracts they won’t consider? KEEP IT FUN
Not every rule included here needs to be used.
3. ESTABLISH THE CORE TEAM For instance, if the GM and/or the players
The core team should definitely revolve around don’t have a head for numbers, assume
PCs, though it can readily include NPCs if there an accountant or other NPC handles the
are areas that need filling out. What roles do the financial aspects and hand-wave this area to
PCs fulfil and what is their area of expertise? How some degree. Unless their outfit is extremely
are the PCs connected, if at all? Did some of them wealthy, the players won’t be able to buy up
serve in the same unit or on the same front line? units of TAGs or spend inordinate amounts
Are they connected by blood ties? on new technology, but there should rarely
be a problem with day-to-day operations. The
4. RECRUIT UNITS point being that the campaign should remain
Decide on the size of the outfit and recruit units fun. If being bogged down in the minutiae of
to fill out the roster. This can be established by the operating a PMC is sucking the fun out of the
GM based on the campaign, or everyone involved campaign, consider reducing or offloading the
can agree on it. The units provided later can be aspects that are stifling the game and move on.
used as a baseline, but GMs should feel free to
create their own. When not on operations, each
unit requires 1 Capital per quarter year to finance it. CAPITAL
Capital is discussed under Managing a PMC. The first element that needs to be considered is
the sheer magnitude of transactions between
5. ESTABLISH SPECIAL EQUIPMENT PMCs, their potential employers, and any
Determine any special equipment the PMC and its companies that provide the mercenary outfit
component units possess. Each unit is considered with resources. Where the Acquisitions rules
fully equipped at PMC creation, but do they have (p. 238 of the Infinity Corebook) are sufficient
any extra qualities such as power armour upgrades, for a character purchasing individual items and
non-standard weaponry, or specialist training? even for smaller units consisting of only one or
Does the PMC have any transportation in terms of two fireteams, they are too small-scale for the
planetary or interplanetary assets? dealings that take place on the Warmarket. The
rules included here to handle a PMC’s finances
6. ESTABLISH UPKEEP delve into the world of negotiations and corporate
To maintain their Lifestyle ratings, the core team assets, which are themselves further expanded
and leader require 1 Capital per quarter. Each on in the Hypercorps sourcebook. The wealth of
component unit also requires 1 Capital per quarter a corporation or large PMC is tangibly different
when not on operations (their wages are paid by to an individual’s salary and material wealth, and
the contract when on operations). Resupplying, it exists in such concentrated quantities that it
maintaining, and administrating the PMC equates grows with time: beyond a certain critical mass,
to 1 Capital per 2 units over a year, rounding up. wealth accumulates by itself. A mercenary outfit’s
financial resources are known as their War Fund.
7. ESTABLISH STARTING WAR FUNDS Operating on this macroeconomic scale requires a
So that they don’t disappear as soon as they different perspective to normal acquisitions. The
register, each PMC begins with a starting War Fund central difference is that companies operating on
equal to 1 Capital per unit under their command, this scale trade in Capital. Each unit of Capital
plus 1 for the core team. Assume that any upkeep will have a short description, which describes
has been paid for the first six months following a what that Capital represents, as well as one of the
PMC’s registration on the War Market. following keywords: Sapient, Financial, Natural, or
Manufactured. This description has no effect by
itself, but it may provide opportunities or influence
how it can be used in trade and negotiations, or to

86 Chapter 8

build something larger. The keyword ties into the naturally in the environment, and normally includes LIQUIDITY
rules described under Synergy below, with each land, and renewable or non-renewable resources.
keyword representing a category of Capital. •Manufactured Capital covers artificial resources, Capital represents something
such as infrastructure, machinery, tools, factories, far more valuable than just
and similar which can be used to create goods, money: each unit of Capital
DEFINING CAPITAL move resources, and manufacture products for sale, has the potential to make
Each unit of Capital represents significant as well as the manufactured goods themselves. a company much wealthier
economic power or substantial amounts of over the long-term. But
resources, such as a large quantity of credit Particular combinations of Capital keywords sometimes it’s necessary to
or stocks and shares in a particular company produce Synergy Capital by working especially well quickly convert some of those
or fund, ownership of certain land or resource together. This works in two ways: investments into cash.
rights, a portion of a property portfolio,
the equipment or facilities for producing •For every four Capital with the same keyword, the A character can attempt
something rare, a skilled workforce, patents character gains one extra Synergy Capital. to liquidate a single unit
or other intellectual property, replacement of Capital, turning it into
suits of power armour, an armoury stocked full •For every full set of Capital – four units, one with a number of Assets. This
of high-tech weaponry and ammunition, or each keyword – the character gains one extra represents a sale that
something similarly valuable. Various activities Synergy Capital. prioritises speed over value,
that a PMC or corporation undertakes relate and thus may only provide
to the transient nature of Capital in the grand Synergy Capital cannot be traded directly or a fraction of the Capital’s
scheme of the Human Sphere’s economics, liquidated (see Liquidity sidebar) – it only appears theoretical worth. This requires
such as a corporation providing financial from other Capital owned – but it functions in the that the character attempt a
compensation or fixed resources (Financial same way as other Capital in all other regards. Lifestyle test, at a Difficulty of
or Manufactured Capital) to hire elements of their choice: success means
the PMC (Sapient Capital) to destroy a rival’s DEVILISH DETAILS that the character gains a
ore production facility (reducing the rival number of assets equal to
corporation’s Natural Capital). This is handled No negotiation happens in a vacuum. Even the ones twice the chosen Difficulty
mainly through broad abstraction and the that happen in the literal vacuum of space – more plus their Lifestyle Expertise.
GM’s discretion, as the Infinity RPG is not a than a few deals relating to the Exchange are made (For example, a character who
macroeconomic simulator. At the most basic aboard Circulars – have an impact that ultimately chose a Difficulty of D3 with
level, each unit of Capital can be traded on a reaches far beyond those directly involved. Allies Lifestyle Expertise 4 would
one-to-one basis for another unit of Capital and competitors alike will have their fortunes gain 10 Assets – 6 from twice
– any two units of Capital are considered to shift as a result of any new dealings, and in any the Difficulty, plus 4 from
be worth roughly the same. However, trading market, there is a complex web of connections and their Lifestyle Expertise.)
any amount of Capital normally involves some relationships between the various corporations, Momentum may be spent to
amount of negotiation, so a company may get shareholders, hedge funds, and other groups. improve this further, gaining
more or less for the Capital they trade. +1 Asset per Momentum spent.
As a result, when setting up negotiation scenes
relating to the engagement of a PMC, the GM There is no reliable means
should assign some details to the party seeking of turning Assets back into
SYNERGY to hire their services. The engaging group is Capital: it’s difficult to break
Certain combinations of Capital can be worth far simply called a Company in game terms, and into that level of society with
more than the sum of their parts. Each unit of all Companies —including the PMC— include a cash alone, even for those who
Capital has an associated keyword and description number of common details that define the scope might otherwise be considered
which provides information as to what the Capital of negotiations they can undertake. This section wealthy. Gaining Capital is left
is. provides some guidance on quickly creating them. at the GM’s discretion.
•Sapient Capital is resources related to intelligent
beings and their capabilities. This includes a Each Company consists of the following details:
PMC’s component units, but also covers anything •Name: The operating name of the
which springs from humans, Lesser AIs, aliens, and Company, whether it exists as a PMC,
similar intelligences. This normally takes the form corporation, a lobbyist group, a hedge fund,
of labour and skills, social connections, privileged or some other business entity.
information, access to political systems, trust and •Scale: The size of the Company. This is a
reputation, influence, or power. number, equal to the amount of Capital
•Financial Capital relates to money directly – large the Company has, which indicates the
quantities of valuables, ownership of debts, size and resources of the Company.
investment portfolios, bearer bonds, property, or •Quality: The typical quality of the Company’s
similar monetary assets. It is the most versatile representatives – negotiators, lawyers, and similar.
type, but it can’t really achieve much by itself. This will be listed as one of three categories:
•Natural Capital relates to resources which exist Basic, Talented, or Exceptional. Representatives

of Basic skill make tests with a TN of 9 and for contract procurement and rotate them regularly.
Focus of 1. Add 2 to representative’s TN and •Wiggle Room: Contracts provide financial incentive
1 to their Focus for each skill level above this. and guarantees, but how much flexibility is there
•Leverage: Not every Company will have this. in relation to these? Can the PCs negotiate a
Some Companies have a particular advantage in higher fee? If so, what’s the ceiling? If a lower fee
negotiations and other dealings owing to their is accepted, can better guarantees be provided? Or
position in a market, sensitive information held vice-versa?
against their opposite number, or some other
factor. If a Company has Leverage relating to their REPRESENTATIVE QUALITY
opposite number during the bargaining, it may Every Company lists the quality of its
only be used once during that session. Timing is representatives. In terms of the PMC, the players
everything. When used, Leverage adds 1d20 and 1 can take part in the negotiation using their own
§ damage to a test during a negotiation between skills, or else hire someone to carry them out on
two Companies. their behalf. The GM may use this as guidance to
write up NPC negotiators and similar, but they can
In addition, each Company will have a relationship also use the quality rating directly to establish a
with at least two other Companies. The GM may negotiator’s abilities. The NPC may attempt Analysis,
decide to give a Company a relationship with Education, Lifestyle, Observation, and Persuade
more than two Companies, but they shouldn’t have tests using a Target Number, Focus, and bonus
relationships with more than half the total number Psywar damage determined by the quality rating.
of Companies created. Each relationship is rated The NPC also has Resolve equal to their Target
Hostile, Poor, Good, or Aligned. Any Companies Number, and a base amount of Morale Soak equal
which do not have a relationship to one another to their Focus.
are considered to have a relationship of Neutral.
Each relationship step away from Neutral increases
or decreases the difficulty of tests by 1 (Hostile +2,
Poor +1, Good -1, Aligned -2). QUALITY TARGET Bonus Psywar
CONTRACT Green 7 0 -
NEGOTIATIONS Regular 9 1 -
It’s a given that mercenaries work under contracts. Veteran 11 2 +1 §
Doing so ensures the unit gets paid and the hiring
Elite 13 3 +2 §
party is largely protected from recriminations. The
type of campaign and themes that have been
chosen will largely dictate whether a contract
negotiation is relevant at the table or not but
involving them occasionally can provide just as AT THE TABLE
much tension as any Infowar and Warfare scenario
is able to offer. Put simply, the PMC has something to offer that
While Chapter 3: Warzones & Contracts and the engaging Company would like to make use
Chapter 4: Warmarket offer some guidance on of. Whether that is in the form of boots on the
where those contracts can take place and what ground, a TAG company, or specialist interstellar
form they take, there are some peripherals relating transportation avenues, needs to be established at
to said contracts that need answering. The advice the outset of the negotiation.
here assumes the PCs wish to engage in contract
negotiations to some degree, of course. This list is KEEPING IT SIMPLE
not exhaustive. A single unit of Capital can represent a great many
things. So far as PMC’s are concerned, however,
•Representative Focussed: Are the PCs handling the this is likely to be in the form of troops, vehicles,
contract negotiating themselves, or using a proxy? logistical support, and weaponry. Although each
If they are holding the meetings themselves, who is unit of Capital will have a differing comparative
the representative sitting on the other side of the cost in real terms when viewed next to each other,
table (which could be AR or VR also)? If they’re not, assume each to carry an initial fixed cost of 1
how are the offers and counteroffers relayed? Capital: every Warmonger worth their salt knows
•Two-Way Street: Unless working on a theme of that they need to not only pay their staff, but
desperation, an offer the PCs receive should rarely also garner profit. The extra funds will then pay
be the only one on the table. Likewise, if the PCs for repairs, expansion, and additional equipment,
are scouring the Warmarket for an objective to allowing the PMC to take on larger contracts in the
pursue. GMs should keep several objectives handy future. Most Warmongers approach negotiations,

88 Chapter 8

therefore, with a 3:1 ratio in mind in terms of number of Metanoia equal to the baseline Capital
Capital. That’s to say that a single unit of the PMC’s has been inflicted. If the baseline Capital is 3,
Capital will require three times as much Capital for instance, which would provide 6 bargaining
from the engaging Company in order to procure Capital (9 Capital in total minus 3 baseline), the
their services. Hiring a unit of foot soldiers will negotiations should still conclude once 3 Capital
need 3 Capital. Adding a TAG squadron to the mix have been bargained away.
will require 6 Capital, and so forth. This system
assumes that the 3 Capital from the engaging Most Companies won’t think in terms of the
Company is split into 3 components. One Capital Warmonger’s profit, as in they won’t purposefully
covers staff wages and any resources they require set out to reduce the Warmonger’s assumed 1
for the term of the contract, another covers repairs Capital profit. Instead, they’ll seek to bargain on
and replenishment, and the final relates to the terms that eat into that profit in other ways. If
PMC’s profit. Warmongers can opt to begin the the contract is in another system, they might still
bargaining process from a position lower than this, expect the PMC to provide their own transportation
of course, but those who regularly do so rarely stay to the site. Or they might stipulate that there are
in operation on the War Market for long. no salvage rights on a contract relating to anti-
piracy. They could also expect a PMC to resupply
COMPROMISE and repair their own equipment. Each Metanoia
The unit of 1 Capital is the absolute baseline a that the Company inflicts in the negotiation allows
Warmonger can expect to receive for an equivalent them to effectively bargain away 1 of the PMC’s
resource. If the negotiation is ever brought to negotiating Capital. Conversely, each Metanoia the
this point, the Warmonger must either accept the PMC inflicts allows them to gain 1 Leverage on
deal or else walk away. The remaining 2 Capital a subsequent test. Once again, it’s recommended
essentially form the bargaining points for the that the negotiation concludes once a number of
negotiation. This remains true for baseline Capital Metanoia has been inflicted equal to the baseline
in negotiations concerning multiple resources. Capital established at the start of the negotiation.
If a contract relates to a unit of infantry and a
squadron of TAGs equates to 2 Capital, then the SEALING THE DEAL
PMC effectively has 4 negotiating Capital from a War Market contracts can be relatively simple or
starting position of 6, with negotiations ending infinitely complex, but everyone agrees that the
if the baseline of 2 is ever reached. Either party rules surrounding them require expertise and an
can accept the negotiation at any point. It’s ability to handle continual adjustments to terms by
recommended that negotiations conclude when a O-12. The rules presented here are an abstraction

AND THE VEIL of the bargaining procedure that takes place Optional Rules: Working “Off the Exchange” is not
The Subterfuge Intensity when a Company is seeking to engage a PMC. The only dangerous, but also often highly illegal. Any
rules in Chapter 7: Behind thrust and counterthrust of the negotiation can mercenary that chooses to do so is usually either
the Veil of the Infinity RPG be roleplayed out or handled with a few key dice highly skilled and sought after, or a vainglorious
Gamemaster’s Guide also rolls that condense the excitement. As with any fool. For the duration of the contract, all PMC units
work really well where abstraction, however, the actual reasoning behind and any allies within a scenario can reroll 1d20 on
mercenary companies are the process can become a little unclear. failed Willpower tests and gain 1 bonus Momentum
concerned, particularly if for any attempts at stealth or deceit. The new result
there are a number of covert A Warmonger getting what they want for their must be accepted. Until the end of the contract, the
operations being conducted. services is core to the negotiation. The engaging GM begins each session related to the contract’s
The rules will allow GMs to Company paying the least for those services fulfilment with 1 additional Heat per PC. Successful
tailor scenarios that involve serves as the core counterpoint. Approaching fulfilment of the contract grants an additional 2
clandestine operations the negotiation and keeping these goals in mind § Capital, with Effects counting as 2. Failing to
even more finely. They also will allow both players and GMs to roleplay the fulfil the contract and being exposed will result in
provide rules for affecting encounter using their respective character’s dismissal from the Exchange and possibly worse.
the PMC’s reputation with personality while relying on the rules to handle
any other factions that have specific reference points. At the heart of it, DEFENSIVE RETAINER
an interest in the outcome of negotiations are a Psywar affair that relate to the A PMC contracted to a defensive retainer has been
the operation, allowing for profit or loss associated with the contract under tasked with a garrison duty that has additional
the PCs’ actions to grow their negotiation. If a Company is hoping to secure the requirements. Operating from a fixed base that they
reputation in both positive and services of a PMC, they’ll need to consider that they will need to defend, the units on task can also be
detrimental terms within the probably have other offers. They’ll need to make expected to provide relief to other forces in the
shadowy world of black ops. an offer good enough to entice the Warmonger vicinity, undertake peacekeeping patrols, perform
without bankrupting themselves. If the offer is riot duties, and any number of additional tasks they
‘Black Ops? I don’t quite know good enough, both sides can start negotiating the agree to. These types of contract often run for a
what you’re asking me. We’re details, making PsyWar attacks and other actions fixed term that ranges anywhere from six months
an upstanding Private Military back-and-forth to adjust the deal in smaller ways to a year.
Company who operate fully to each side’s benefit. Leverage is how each side
within the rules as defined will push to get their way (making a PsyWar attack Optional Rules: Most PMCs train their troops under
by the Exchange. Now take more effective), attempting to inflict Metanoia one of two mindsets: hearts and minds or martial
your assignment…hmmm, that and concessions on the other side until someone law. If the leaders of the PMC choose hearts and
much, eh? Well now. How is agrees to the deal. minds, the PCs can reroll 1d20 on Persuade tests
your golf handicap?’ when interacting with the local populace. If they
CONTRACTUAL choose martial law, they can instead roll 1d20 on
--Mr. Daixo, Ikari Company, OBJECTIVES Command tests when interacting with the local
to an unknown client during populace. In both cases, the new results must be
a meeting on the Avro- A PMC can be engaged to deploy on any number accepted. Regardless, the presence of the PMC
Kaizuka orbital. of operations across the entirety of the Human has disturbed the local economy, increasing the
Sphere. From Sol to Paradiso on operations ranging complication range of all Lifestyle tests by 1 for the
RANDOM from Cube recovery to anti-piracy patrols, the duration of the contract. Successfully completing
CONTRACTUAL corporations of the G5 nations have any number of the contract will provide 1 additional Capital.
OBJECTIVE TABLE uses for soldiers of fortune when they don’t wish
to risk their own personnel. The following table DISTRACTION FORCE
D20 ROLL MISSION OBJECTIVE and descriptions provide the basis for a number of It’s a well-established tactic for military
operations that mercenaries can be engaged for, commanders to undertake an apparent main thrust
1-2 Clandestine Op
though the list is by no means exhaustive. only for it to later be discovered that this was
3-5 Defensive Retainer nothing more than a diversionary ploy to hide the
6 Distraction Force CLANDESTINE OP main goal. Whether aware of it or not, the PMC
The PMC’s potential employers want something have been hired as a diversionary force in a theatre
7 Extraction
handled off the grid. This means that it will never of operations. They could be tasked as an assault
8-9 Garrison Retainer be traced back to them, or at the very least they force in a warzone, disturbance force in peaceful
10 Gather Intel can cling to plausible deniability. Acts of terrorism — territory, or harassing force behind enemy lines. The
whether through Warfare or Infowar — to PMC need to make themselves as big a target as
11 Instruction Cadre destabilise rival factions, assassinations, and theft possible, but also need to make sure they survive
12 Recover HVT of data all fall under this category. Not every PMC until the true main force arrives. Trust in the
13-14 Relief Force will even consider engaging in this type of activity, engaging Company should be explicit.
officially at least. The punishment for working “Off
15-16 Security Retainer the Exchange” will be severe if caught, and will Optional Rules: Hit-and-run tactics, smoke and
17 Spearhead Offensive certainly include disbarment from the Exchange, mirrors, and hammer blows are the order of
18-20 Tactical Raid plus potentially a prison sentence or worse. the day for PMCs undertaking these types of

90 Chapter 8

contracts. Pre-theatre training focusses on speed Momentum on Stealth and Thievery tests to remain
and manoeuvrability. PCs and their allies within hidden amongst the local populace. Fulfilling the
a scenario gain 1 Momentum on Acrobatics and contract nets the PMC 1 additional Capital.
Pilot tests related to movement during the period
of this contract. Whenever the GM pays Heat for GATHER INTEL
reinforcements, they may include 1 additional Understanding the enemy’s intentions, movements,
Trooper for free during scenarios relating to this and disposition provides an essential advantage to
contract. Successfully completing the contract both attack and defence. All too often have allied
will cover the upkeep of any units engaged in commanders deployed their forces in response
its completion for one quarter of a year. Failing to intel they received, only to find they were
to fulfil the contract requires the PMC’s leader duped into overstretching their position. This is
to make a Daunting (D3) Command test. If they true whether facing an enemy on the battlefield,
succeed, all of their units return. On failure, one within Maya, or across the table in a boardroom.
unit of their choice fails to return. The engaging company are seeking to get ahead
of their opponent, and they want the PMC to
EXTRACTION do the digging. Much like extraction contracts,
Similar to HVT recovery tasks, extraction raids the gathering of intelligence can border on
relate to the procurement of someone or clandestine ops.
something from another hostile party. There is
also, of course, the likely chance that a person Optional Rules: Slipping through the cracks in
being extracted will be hostile to those extracting defences — whether physical or quantronic—and
them, making the contract that much more difficult digging through detritus can often net better
to fulfil. A PMC engaging in an extraction should results than the direct approach. The PCs and their
always ensure the legality of the operation, as the allies gain 1 Momentum on Hacking and Stealth
last thing they need is to be hauled in front of O-12 tests during scenarios relating to the completion
on kidnap charges. Some extractions, therefore, of this campaign. Danger levels often intensify,
might be better off termed as clandestine ops. however, allowing the GM to add 1 Heat to their
pool whenever a PC makes such a test (regardless
Optional Rules: Smash-and-grab operations such of success or failure). Fulfilling the contract will
as these usually focus on arrival, recovery, and net the PCs 2 Leverage that can be used during
departure. Planning and focus are key to the any future contract negotiations. Failing to fulfil
success of the operation. For the duration of the the contract means the GM gains 2 Leverage
contract, the PCs and any allies can reroll 1d20 to use against the PCs during a future contract
when making an Analysis or Discipline test during negotiation.
a scenario (the new result must be accepted).
Adversaries within a scenario gain an additional 1 INSTRUCTION CADRE
§ of Cover Soak from any cover they use. Fulfilling Given the sheer scope of operations that a
the contract will net the PMC an additional 1 § mercenary outfit can undertake across a virtually
Capital (Effects count as 2). Failing the contract limitless array of battlefields, it’s small wonder
costs the PMC 1 § of Capital in legal fees. that corporations and G5 nations sometimes turn
to PMCs to train their own troops for specialist
GARRISON RETAINER theatres. Instruction cadres can also relate to the
Similar to a defensive retainer, but usually in a training of insurgents behind enemy lines, however,
much more relaxed capacity, garrison retainers or the development of militia in remote locations.
require the PMC to occupy a strongpoint or series The latter assignments are considered almost as
of defensive structures and provide protection favourably as garrison retainers, while insurgent
to the local populace. Some G5 nations employ training is reserved only for the most hardened and
mercenary units on garrison retainers so that they disciplined amongst the outfit’s number.
can send their own units to battle, while others are
simply so overstretched that they simply cannot Optional Rules: There is a clear focus on the train-
cover the entirety of their ever-expanding borders. the-trainer techniques for these types of contracts,
Garrison retainer assignments on core worlds are with discipline and instructional methods given a
considered as R&R by most regulars. high priority. For the duration of the contract, PCs
and their allies gain 1 Momentum on Command
Optional Rules: Defensive tactics and use of tests relating to local authorities and Education
structures for protection are the focus of drills for tests related to instruction and training. Adversaries
these types of contract. The PCs and their allies gain 1 Momentum on Stealth and Thievery tests
gain +1 § Cover Soak when defending a position to remain hidden amongst the local populace.
or using cover during any scenario relating to Fulfilling the contract in a peaceful region nets the
the fulfilment of the contract. Adversaries gain 1 PMC 1 additional Capital. Fulfilling a contract to

train insurgents nets the PMC an additional 1 § PMC an additional 1 § of Capital. Failing to fulfil
Capital, with Effects counting as 2. the contract requires the PMC’s leader to make a
Daunting (D3) Command test. If they succeed, all
If you look after people, RECOVER HVT of their units return. On failure, one unit of their
they look after you. It’s the It’s a sad and unfortunate fact that civilians are all choice fails to return.
same in business. Look too often embroiled in the bitter struggles between
after the money, and it opposing forces. Some civilians end up on the front SECURITY RETAINER
soon starts looking after line due to their capacity to aid the war effort in Corporations will always seek to protect their
itself. It isn’t hard. Now the a unique way. Capturing such high value targets own assets against clandestine ops, extraction
HexaDome is where I get (HVTs) offers promising rewards for enemy forces. missions, and other enterprises that target their
to leave all of that behind. Captured HVTs are often well-protected by the key resources. Who better to guard against these
I get to look after myself. enemy, making their recovery particularly difficult. undertakings than the very personnel that engage
That’s where I get to have Where the Combined Army is concerned, humanity’s in such activities? Whether a person, place, piece
real fun.’ commanders also hope and pray that the HVTs can of data, or item of equipment, the PMC have been
be freed before a Sepsitor has been employed.… engaged on a security detail to protect a particular
--Hannibal, Aristeia! star asset. Most often, the asset is in a protected
and Foreign Company Optional Rules: In a similar manner to when they location on a populated core world, but some are
strategist, in a rare have taken on distraction or extraction contracts, also hidden in remote and dangerous locations.
interview with Final Boss, PMCs train their units to strike with speed and
sports commentator for precision whilst shielding their target from the Optional Rules: The protection of the asset and
VissioRoma channel. assault as much as possible. For the duration of understanding of the environment in which
the scenario in which they are seeking to recover they’re deployed are both critical to the successful
their target, the HVT the PCs and their allies have completion of the contract. For the duration
been assigned to recover receives +2 § Armour of the contract, the asset the PMC have been
Soak against any damage received as a result of assigned to protect receives +2 § Armour Soak
an attack by one of its members, which includes against any damage received from an attack by
attacks with the Blast and Indiscriminate quality. one of its members, which includes attacks with
The PCs and their allies can choose to ignore this the Blast and Indiscriminate quality. The PCs and
rule at any time. Adversaries can reroll 1d20 when their allies can spend 1 Momentum on any attack
making Discipline and Resistance tests during to ignore this benefit— they might decide to try
the same scenario, but they must accept the new and cause a vehicle surrounded by enemies to
results. Successfully fulfilling the contract will explode, for instance. Whenever the GM pays Heat
net the PMC an additional 1 § worth of Capital. for reinforcements, they may include 1 additional
Failing to fulfil the contract will cost the PMC 1 § Trooper for free during scenarios relating to this
in legal fees. (Effects count as 2 in both instances.) contract. Successfully fulfilling the contract will
net the PMC 1 § of Capital. Failing to fulfil the
RELIEF FORCE contract damages the PMC’s reputation, providing
More than they’d like to admit, the G5 nations the GM with 2 Leverage to use against the PCs
find themselves overstretched and outnumbered during future contract negotiations.
on complicated battlefronts. Particularly where
Paradiso is concerned. It often makes better sense SPEARHEAD OFFENSIVE
to turn to the War Market and hire in troops than Sometimes, a PMC isn’t just asked to reinforce a
throw more of their own into the grinder and leave battlefield or warzone, but they’re also required to
somewhere else weakened. A relief force is sent take over operations and lead the offensive against
in to bolster a warzone, so the PMC can expect to the enemy. They might even be required to launch
be going in hot. Typically, an engaging company is the offensive and establish the warzone. Regardless,
already in a precarious position when they seek the the PMC can expect to be at the thick of the
support of a mercenary outfit, so a PMC might start fighting. Being the lynchpin of the assault means
a negotiation with some Leverage to bargain with. they’re assured of support, but it doesn’t lessen the
danger any.
Optional Rules: The PMC know that they’ll be
landing in a warzone, so they train to strike hard Optional Rules: The PMC train their personnel hard
in order to grab themselves a foothold. For the to ensure they remain at the centre of the battle in
duration of the contract, the PCs and any allies the thick of the fighting. After all, it’s what they’re
gain +2 § to damage rolls when attacking enemy being paid to do, and reputation is everything. The
equipment and war materiel in any scenario kill or be killed intensity fires their blood and
relating to the contract’s fulfilment. Until the end drives them to new heights of prowess. For the
of the contract, the GM begins each session related duration of the contract, the PCs and any allies
to the contract’s fulfilment with 1 additional involved in a scenario relating to the contract gain
Heat per PC. Fulfilment of the contract nets the 1 Momentum on their melee and ranged attacks.

92 Chapter 8

‘Insurmountable odds?
Being on the frontline in the thick of the action GMs should break the contract down into between I don’t understand,
intensifies the danger, so the GM adds 1 Heat to one to three key scenes. Each scene should be compadre. I am Señor
their pool at the start of each combat round in connected, even if only loosely, and should answer Massacre. There is nothing
a scenario. Successfully completing the contract a number of key points and follow-up questions. that I can’t overcome with
will cover the upkeep of any units engaged in my blades or my wit.’
its completion for one quarter of a year. Failing ACTION SCENE
to fulfil the contract requires the PMC’s leader CHECKLIST ‘What about Diva Davinia?
to make a Daunting (D3) Command test. If they Wasn’t she responsible for
succeed, all of their units return. On failure, one To make the most of an action scene relating to the you supposedly giving up
unit of their choice fails to return. objective, GMs should consider answering these close protection work?’
key points.
TACTICAL RAID ‘Well now, amigo, there is
The most common type of contract offered on ELEVATOR PITCH no need to get personal.
the War Market, a tactical raid provides a fixed A short description of the scene, the environment Are you ready to duel?’
objective for a PMC to conduct an operation it takes place in, and its connection to the overall
against. Unlike other contracts that likely require objective. To help set the scene and mood during --Señor Massacre, Aristeia!
months or years to fulfil, a tactical raid can be the game, this can be even be passed to the players star and Foreign Company
completed within weeks of the digital signature as a brief from their intelligence operatives or contractor, when being
being received. Tactical raids often target assets commanders. interviewed by Sabot over his
or installations that are outside of conventional current employment with the
jurisdictions, meaning they’re fair game and won’t DIFFICULTY mercenary outfit.
attract repercussions for the PMC. They’re often How difficult is the scenario intended to be? This
risky and take place far from supply lines, which relates to the adversaries involved and/or the ‘With civil unrest spilling over in
translates to a certain amount of Leverage at the information that can be gained during the scenario. Akuna Bay and production facilities
bargaining table. Tactical raids sometimes stray It will also need to be considered against both the being affected, Pharmacomp are
into clandestine ops and extraction territory, but as Objectives and Stakes. If the Combined Army need searching for Libertos sympathisers
they mostly take place outside of O-12 jurisdiction, to steamroll over the PMC’s position in order to among the Ateks. Hot weather and
there’s little anyone can say about it. break into humanity’s rear guard, then the stakes warm rains only fray tempers further
are extremely high and an EI Avatar might be in the favelas on the outskirts of the
Optional Rules: Unhurried training and slick drills included to commensurately increase the danger. industrial sector.’
are key to success, as is detailed planning and Then again, a routine peacekeeping patrol through ‘Human Edge is a hotbed for
contingencies. For the duration of the contract, the refugee camp outside of Valkenswijk might humanity’s fringe elements, including
Heat costs relating to the seizing of initiative are expose the team to little more than pickpockets, pirates. Cosmica Ltd. pay well to
doubled. Rarely do the defenders give up their but it will serve to meet objectives relating to keep their supplies flowing, but that
ward without a fight, however. For the duration of morale. Difficulty can also be related to the three doesn’t mean they remain incident
the contract, any adversaries involved in a scenario aspects of conflict. A scenario that features a free. The most recent shipment has
relating to the contract gain 1 Momentum on moderate risk in terms of Warfare might become reported an attack by pirates, but
their melee and ranged attacks. Fulfilment of the deadly if Infowar has a dangerous impact. sensors are unable to confirm due to
contract nets the PMC an additional 1 § of Capital. the region’s effect on sensors.’
Failing to fulfil the contract requires the PMC’s OBJECTIVE
leader to make a Daunting (D3) Command test. If Not only the overall objective of the contract,
they succeed, all of their units return. On failure, but the objectives of each party involved in the
one unit of their choice fails to return. scenario. In the first example under Elevator Pitch,
Pharmacomp want to root out Libertos elements
CLOSING THE CONTRACT and their sympathisers, but will they want to do so
The objectives enable GMs and players to define gently or with maximum authorised force? For their
the outlines of the contract, which is the reason part, the sympathisers want to avoid discovery and
that they have been employed in the first place. prevent any harm to the community. The Libertos
The actual timeline involved in the fulfilment terrorists, on the other hand, will likely care little
of the contract can span a considerable length, for any harm that befalls the humans — friend
especially if long journeys and the transportation and foe alike. GMs should make a note of each
of multiple units are involved, and particularly if faction’s objective so that they can refer to it when
the PMC are becoming embroiled in protracted playing the scenario out. A short note relating to
conflicts. To speed up the process of contract the major players’ objectives and how they relate
fulfilment, the entire period of the contract can be to the contract’s fulfilment can also be included. If
broken down into a number of key action scenes you need an objective on the fly or would like to
that relate to the overall objective. GMs and players include an element of randomness to your faction,
can play through the entire period of the contract use the Random Scenario Objective Table. Roll
if they wish, but this will significantly slow the a descriptor to determine the overall purpose of
expansion of their PMC. With the objective in mind, the scenario and then an objective to determine

The rules here also introduce the intent behind the purpose. The descriptor and needs to be represented in the Warfare sense either.
a unit’s skill level as a trait, objective may not seem naturally related, but it Perhaps there is a strange magnetic disturbance
which serves as a combination can be a fun and rewarding exercise to connect affecting Infowar aspects, or crowds of people at
of training and morale. the two together. PCs tasked with negotiating the scene impact Psywar attempts. Make a note of
GREEN: Units with the Green a conspiracy might find themselves delivering all three dynamics if necessary.
quality increase the complication political leaflets on the turf of their employer’s
range of the Force Commander’s rival faction; being assigned to destroy historical PARTICIPANTS
Command test by 2 during data might involve corrupting local records to hide Who are the key participants of the scene? The PCs
an Engagement (Infinity RPG a trail; and negotiating Combined Army activity and their adversaries will clearly be the focus, but
Gamemaster’s Guide p. 114). means the PCs might find themselves acting as are there any other individuals or groups that could
REGULAR: Units with the Regular patsies for the procurement of VoodooTech. GMs have an impact on the narrative and/or systems in
quality gain no additional positive can also build specific rewards or penalties into the play? Innocent bystanders, irate sympathisers, local
or negative modifiers to their tests. scenario that directly relate to success or failure. If law enforcement, corporate executives, and alien
VETERAN: Units with the Veteran the PCs succeed at the scenario’s objective, maybe infiltrators are just some examples of other parties
quality add 1 Momentum to the they begin the subsequent session with additional that might be present.
Force Commander’s Command test equipment or an extra Infinity Point, for instance, or
during an Engagement (Infinity perhaps even bonus Capital at the end of the entire STAKES
RPG Gamemaster’s Guide p. 114). contract. Likewise, if they fail to complete the Closely associated to objectives, stakes relate to
ELITE: Units with the Elite quality objective, perhaps a rival faction gains more allies the elements that each faction involved stands
add 1 Momentum to the Force or equipment, or the GM begins the subsequent to gain or lose. For the PCs, it might simply be
Commander’s Command test during session with additional Heat points. There should a case of losing their contract. The scenario’s
an Engagement and can ignore be relatable consequences for the status of an outcome, however, will also have an effect on
any complication generated on objective. everyone involved (and even some who aren’t).
the test (Infinity RPG Gamemaster’s What happens if the PCs uncover sympathisers?
Guide p. 114). ENVIRONMENT Does it lead to more unrest and do the Libertos
The environment has an undeniable impact on the begin taking a direct hand against them? Do
PCs’ preparations and the scenario itself. Making a Pharmacomp want the PCs to dig deeper for
note of these effects beforehand and translating information relating to the Libertos cell? And is
them to the players will make for exciting some other party covertly assisting the Libertos
dynamics during the game. Not every environment with their efforts?

94 Chapter 8


The theme and mood of the campaign can come OBJECTIVE TABLE
into play here, though the contract can also DROPSHIP SQUADRON
introduce a number of new elements. Are there Armoured dropships used to ferry ground forces D20
any specific visuals that need relating? What and provide tactical air support during assault
other sensory elements can provide a focus? Also or defence. Schematics
(weapon, base,
consider the pacing of the scenario. Is it a slow, 1 Explore 1
ship, plane,
rambling, roleplay-heavy scenario that introduces Pace 4 Impact 4 §, Piercing 1 vehicle)

the PCs to different characters in Valkenswijk’s Size 3 Strength 12 Resilience 3 Technological/

refugee town? Or is it a slow-building scenario 2 Recover 2 scientific
Airborne, Close Support, Regular, Trans- discovery
that ramps up the tension until the Libertos spring Traits
their trap? 3 Attack 3
LARGE SCALE WARFARE Power armoured infantry with a fierce reputation 4 Destroy 4 A weak point

for getting the job done, sometimes too 5 Protect 5 An access gate
The following stat blocks relate directly to successfully.
6 Deliver 6 Escape route
Chapter 10: Large Scale Warfare of the Infinity RPG
Gamemaster’s Guide. Enacting combat with these 5 §, Grievous, Vi- 7 Capture 7 Conspiracy
Pace 1 Impact
rules is an excellent way to represent large PMCs cious 1 Chemical
8 Find/Locate 8
conducting military operations within a session,
Size 3 Strength 10 Resilience 4
particularly if they’re supporting the troops of 9 Negotiate 9 Criminal activity
other factions. Traits Shock Troops, Veteran Covert
10 Reconnoitre 10
operations data


Whether veterans of multiple engagements A battery of sturdy Ariadnan Remotes with one
12 Distract 12 Rival faction
or highly trained from the outset, the Force is purpose: pounding the enemy into submission.
composed of extremely skilled personnel who are 13 Expose 13
easily capable of outclassing lesser opponents. 8 §, Area (Close),
The truth to a
When making an engagement test with the Force, Pace 1 Impact Suppressive, Piercing 14 Hide 14
cover up
the Commander gains 1 Momentum for the test. 1, Vicious 1
What is at the
15 Evacuate 15
Size 2 Strength 8 Resilience 4 location

What happened
Traits Artillery 3, Regular, Supporting Fire 16 Patrol 16

SQUADRON WARCOR ATTACHÉ 17 Guard 17 A traitor’s identity

A small group of motorised warriors who race Frontline journalists who risk life and limb to 18 Steal 18 Historical data
into action with deadly precision. uncover the truth. Nerves of steel allow them to
face down hails of bullets and enraged generals 19 Insert 19
5 §, Piercing 2 (from without flinching.
Pace 3 Impact Skirmishers trait), 20 Rescue 20
Combined Army
Vicious 1 4 §, Piercing 2 (from
Pace 2 Impact Skirmishers trait),
Size 2 Strength 8 Resilience 3 Suppressive
Traits Infowarriors 2, Regular, Skirmishers Size 1 Strength 5 Resilience 1
ANACONDA TAG SQUADRON Traits Infowarriors 1, Veteran, Skirmishers
A unit of Anaconda TAGs from the mercenary
company of the same name. Professionalism and WARDRIVER UNIT
heavy armour pack a serious punch. Mercenary hackers offering their services
as cybercombat operatives, Wardrivers work
Pace 1 Impact 5 §, Vicious 1 diligently and seemingly effortlessly to protect
Size 2 Strength 8 Resilience 3 their fellow soldiers from quantronic dangers
7 §, Piercing 2,
Traits Elite, Shock Troops, Skirmishers Pace 2 Impact
Vicious 1

BRAWLERS Size 2 Strength 6 Resilience 2

Highly trained and brutally efficient, Brawlers Traits Infowarriors 3, Regular, Scouts
take the fight straight to the enemy.
Pace 1 Impact 5 §, Vicious 1
Size 2 Strength 8 Resilience 3
Traits Elite, Shock Troops, Skirmishers


CRY HAVOC! law enforcement cannot. They have their share
of villains too. In truth, those who stay the course,
It is a special kind of person who seeks out a life who serve and survive, are a hardy bunch. Tough
as a mercenary. It is an even more special kind of and reliable, they fight not just for the next pay-
person who remains a mercenary after the first day, but also for the reputation of their unit and
bitter and scarring taste of what that life can hold. their company. The vagaries of the War Market are
They are a varied bunch: some with honour, others influenced by how well a job is done, and good
without, some working for the next pay cheque, standing is essential in order to secure future
or glory, or reputation. The wise will carefully contracts. It is not a glorious job, whatever the
weigh the odds, and only play if they believe Maya dramas spin. It’s difficult and often brutal,
those odds are in their favour. They train and plan requiring well-drilled soldiers to go places and
carefully, while others recklessly play the hero. The fight fights that corporations and nations cannot
reputation of the mercenary, as a concept, is one or will not do themselves. Those that manage
largely built on rumour and on the glorification to survive a few contracts are hard, unrelenting,
or vilification of a group of people sometimes professional, and resolute. They are close knit
painted the hero, sometimes the monster. It is an and mix only with their own kind, and they make
occupation that has seen a rebirth of its image, terrible foes.
with Maya dramas extolling the virtues of private
soldiers, often displayed as vigilantes doing what

96 Chapter 9



Anaconda TAG units originated as a Nomad Some degree in a suit once said that mercenary
mechanized squadron, disbanded prior to the work must ‘appeal to no-one but the lowest
NeoColonial Wars. Somehow strings were pulled denomination of brawler.’ Chances are they never
and the squadron was reborn as a fully mechanized saw the dark side of the real world, the blood and
mercenary unit. They served throughout the the violence. Brawlers take the name as a badge
NeoColonial Wars and the Commercial Conflicts, of honour. The simple fact is that there are many
during which they formed a strong and lasting jobs that those who like to keep their clothes clean
relationship with the Force de Résponse Rapide and their boots shiny just aren’t willing to face,
Merovingienne. Anaconda TAG pilots are cocky but they still need to get done Brawler Enforcers
and self-assured, but they have the experience are just those people, willing to take pretty much
and grit to back up their arrogance. To make it to any job that pays. They are experts in the tactical
a fully-fledged Anaconda TAG Pilot requires years delivery of extreme violence. It won’t earn them
of simulated training, followed by on-the-ground any commendations, but a reputation to be feared
experience. Anyone that has earned the badge of is award enough.
Anaconda pilot, and has been issued their own TAG,
represents a massive investment for the unit. These ATTRIBUTES
people are tough, well-drilled, experienced, and AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
some of the best pilots in the Human Sphere. 10 9 9 10 8 8 8


AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL Combat +3 3 Movement +1 0 Social +0 0

10 9 8 11 9 7 8 Fortitude +2 1 Senses +1 1 Technical +0 0


Combat +2 1 Movement +3 2 Social +1 0 Firewall 8 Resolve 10 Vigour 11

Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +2 0 Security 1 Morale 1 Armour 2

Firewall 11 Resolve 8 Vigour 8 Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
Rifle: Range M, 1+6 §, Burst 2, 2H, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1
Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+5 § Burst 1, Unbalanced, Knockdown
Knife: Melee, 1+3 §, 1H, Concealed 1, GEAR: Light Combat Armour
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1 SPECIAL ABILITIES
Spitfire: Range M, 1+6 §, Burst 3, 2H, Spread 2, Unsubtle Common Special Abilities: Menacing 1
GEAR: Light Combat Armour Hard: Brawler Enforcers are tough as nails. They gain a Morale Soak
Cocky: Anaconda TAG Pilots are well known for their arrogance. They Ultra-Violence: Specialising in brutal interventions, a Brawler Enforcer
gain a Morale Soak of 2. may re-roll any § from the current attack once.
Like my own Skin (1 Heat): An Anaconda TAG Pilot may reroll any dice
that did not score a success when making a Piloting test, but they must
accept the new result.

Adversaries 97

Every private citizen or company that engages If a special person goes missing in action, and that
Mercenaries does so through one or more Contract person is a corporate asset with knowledge too
Negotiators. Usually a private citizen or small valuable to let slip, they become a target. Whatever
business will engage a company that specialises the reason, and every mission has its own, there are
in contract negotiations in the War Market or a long list of people willing to pay for the services
through the Lists. This company will tap one of the Cube Jägers. Elite and experienced in battle,
of their contract specialists to hammer out the comfortable operating behind enemy lines, and as
details of the arrangement and engage with the skilled with a scalpel and Medikit as with a gun,
contract negotiator representing the Mercenary the Cube Jägers are a unit that specialises in the
unit or company. Corporations and governments retrieval of cubes.
have specialised personnel whose role is contract
negotiation, and these will deal with the mercenary ATTRIBUTES
companies directly. Of course, the specifics vary AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
wildly, especially when negotiating with a company 10 10 9 10 9 7 8
sourced through the Lists. Deals often involve
more than the exchange of money, and many less FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
honest merc groups have been known to try and Combat +2 0 Movement +3 1 Social +0 0
sneak nasty little surprises into contracts when Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 1 Technical +3 1
they think they can get away with it. The best
thing for anyone seeking to hire a mercenary is
Firewall 12 Resolve 8 Vigour 9
to follow the civilised route. They should engage
a specialist who understands the usual terms Security 1 Morale 3 Armour 2
and arrangements, and who has experience in ATTACKS
the market. Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
ATTRIBUTES Rifle: Range M, 1+7 §, Burst 2, 2H, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Knockdown
7 9 7 7 9 8 8 GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Medikit
Combat +0 0 Movement +0 0 Social +1 1 Immune: Cube Jägers are tough and hardy, through training and bloody
Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +2 1 experience they have developed an immunity to things that would
knock others off their feet. When attacked Cube Jägers treat Shock
DEFENCES Ammunition as if it is Standard Ammunition.
Firewall 11 Resolve 8 Vigour 7 Seen it All: Cube Jägers have seen things that would make even the
Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 1 toughest weep, they gain a Morale Soak of 3.

ATTACKS Deft Hands (X Heat): Specialising in Cube retrieval, Cube Jägers may
Knife: Melee, 1+3 §, 1H, Concealed 1, reduce the Difficulty of any Medicine test made to retrieve a Cube by 1
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1 for every 1 Heat Spent (up to a maximum of 2)
Pistol: Range R/C, 1+5 §, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
GEAR: Armoured Clothing
Gift of the Gab: Able to talk themselves in or out of any situation, a
Contract Negotiator gains 2 Morale Soak.
Honey Smile (1 Heat): A Contract Negotiator can re-roll any of the dice
rolled when making a Persuasion or Psychology skill test.

98 Chapter 9



Dahshat Troopers are mercenary soldiers who Uncompromising, capable, and deadly, the
are often treated like Qaid Fahesh’s personal mercenaries of the Druze society are highly trained
army. From security detail to body-guard work and well-equipped. Druze hackers are widely
and military escort duty, Dahshat’s contracts cover regarded as some of the most dangerous in their
a wide range of services. Dahshat soldiers are field, able to cut through quantronic defences
typically ex-military, always well equipped, and and specialising in pinpoint attacks against
often rely on visual intimidation and display of identified targets. Druze Hackers are often hired
force to get the job done. That is not to say they in supporting roles, or operate as a part of Druze
aren’t capable. Dahshat isn’t one of the most Shock Teams, where their ability to stun and attack
successful mercenary companies in the Human a target through their own quantronic network
Sphere for nothing! fits perfectly with the assassination, extortion,
and riot control missions the Druze are well
ATTRIBUTES known for.
9 8 9 9 7 7 7 ATTRIBUTES
8 9 8 10 11 7 10
Combat +2 1 Movement +1 0 Social +0 0
Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +1 0 FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
Combat +2 0 Movement +1 1 Social +0 0
Fortitude +2 0 Senses +2 1 Technical +3 1
Firewall 8 Resolve 7 Vigour 9
Security 2 Morale 0 Armour 3 DEFENCES
ATTACKS Firewall 14 Resolve 12 Vigour 10
Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1, Security 2 Morale 2 Armour 3
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+5 §, Burst 2, 2H, ATTACKS
Expert, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1 Knife: Melee, 1+3 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+4 § Burst 1, Unbalanced, Knockdown Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+6 § Burst 2, 2H,
GEAR: Medium Combat Armour Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1
SPECIAL ABILITIES Pitcher: Range M, -, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Image (1 Heat): Dahshat Troopers look threatening, well trained, Deployable Repeater, Munition, Speculative Fire
and expert. Dahshat Troopers can re-roll any of the dice rolled when GEAR: Medium Combat Armour, Assault Hacking Device or Killer
making a Persuasion skill test. Hacking Device.
Overwhelming Force (2 Heat): Dahshat Troopers operate in numbers. SPECIAL ABILITIES
The GM may call in reinforcements at the cost of 2 Heat per Trooper.
Quantronic Experts: Druze Hackers may re-roll one D20
when making a Hacking Test but must accept the new result.
Druze: Followers of a secret religion, Druze Hackers gain a Morale
Soak of 2.
Brutal: Druze Hackers gain one Heat, which they may use on any tests
related to Hacking.

Adversaries 99


The Ikari Company is well known for accepting
Close personal protection can mean a lot of any job, for a price, without worrying about
things. For any other mercenary company this troublesome things like the lawfulness or morality
usually means a quiet bodyguard detail, but for of the job being offered. Ikari Soldiers of Fortune
the Foreign Company, it means high stakes and are capable warriors, experienced in a range of
high ratings. While the Foreign Company does actions and theatres. They are also more than
take contracts performing bodyguard detail for willing to bend or break the rules of what is
a range of politicians and celebrities around the acceptable or legal in order to fulfil a contract. The
Human Sphere, they are most famous for their Ikari Company is known for the brutal efficiency
work protecting Maya stars and Sensaseries with which it gets the job done. They are often
personalities casting from some of the hottest hired by Corporations to fulfil morally questionable
warzones in the Sphere. If a star is travelling to actions such as breaking up strikes and strong-
Paradiso to take a snapshot of the frontline, or arming or killing vocal opponents or activists
a reporter has gained an interview with some who have become a problem. The Ikari Soldiers of
kingpin Submondo boss, chances are they will be Fortune aren’t interested in bleeding heart stories
protected by the Foreign Company. This kind of or questions around the legitimacy of a mission,
work looks glitzy, but the dangers are very real, and all they want to know is whether the money has
the stakes are massive. Any other company that has been paid.
a bad day can swallow it and move on to the next
job. The Foreign Company makes its business from ATTRIBUTES
the publicity that goes along with their work, and AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
trading on reputation means you must be able to 9 8 9 9 7 6 8
back it up when the lead is flying. Make no mistake,
while the Foreign Company CPT revel in their FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
celebrity, they are more than capable of following Combat +2 1 Movement +0 0 Social +0 0
through on their reputation! Fortitude +2 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +0 0

Firewall 7 Resolve 10 Vigour 11
Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
8 9 9 10 9 9 9
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
Combat +2 1 Movement +1 0 Social +3 0 Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Fortitude +2 0 Senses +2 0 Technical +1 0 Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+5 §, Burst 1, 2H,
Knockdown, Medium MULTI.
DEFENCES • Normal Shells mode (Primary): Area (close), spread 1.
Firewall 10 Resolve 11 Vigour 11 • AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
Light Grenade Launcher: Range M, 2+4 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Security 2 Morale 3 Armour 3
Heavy, Grenades, Area (Close), Munition, Speculative Fire.
ATTACKS GEAR: Light Combat Armour.
Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1 SPECIAL ABILITIES
Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+6 §, Burst 2, 2H, Immoral: Ikari Soldiers of Fortune don’t really care what the job is, as
Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1 long as they are getting paid to do it. They gain 2 Morale Soak.
Pitcher: Range M, -, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Experienced: Ikari Soldiers of Fortune may re-roll one D20 when
Deployable Repeater, Munition, Speculative Fire making a Combat Test but must accept the new result.
GEAR: Medium Combat Armour, AR Eye Implants, Recorder.
Famous: Foreign Company CPT gain 1 Heat, which may be
spent on any test related to the Social Field of Expertise.
Reputation: Foreign Company CPT know that they have a reputation
to fulfil, they gain 3 Morale Soak.

100 Chapter 9



Originally founded to protect to protect Beyhan Renegade Morats willing to sell their services
orbital projects, Kaplan Tactical Services has to anyone who can pay their price, the Krakot
evolved into a mercenary unit with a reputation for Renegades are the most brutal solution to any
reliability and principles. Kaplan soldiers adhere problem requiring force. Berserk, chaotic, and
to a stringent moral code, and they will not accept unpredictable, they will achieve the mission
jobs that contravene or test their vision of the parameters, but they bear no responsibility for the
Haqqislamite faith. They are capable soldiers, well damage incurred in the process. Krakot Renegades
known for their engineers and capability when it delight in the fury of combat. They are Morat
comes to sabotage and counter-sabotage missions. criminals who have escaped a sure death penalty
to live out their purpose for war.
9 9 8 10 10 8 9
10 8 13 10 8 6 8
Combat +2 1 Movement +2 0 Social +1 0
Combat +3 2 Movement +1 1 Social +0 0
Fortitude +1 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +2 0
Fortitude +2 2 Senses +1 0 Technical +0 0
Firewall 12 Resolve 10 Vigour 9
Firewall 8 Resolve 10 Vigour 15
Security 1/2 Morale 4 Armour 2/3
Security - Morale 2 Armour 2
Knife: Melee, 1+3 §, 1H, Concealed 1, ATTACKS
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1 Morat Scimitar: Melee, 1+10 §, Unbalanced,
Spitfire: Range M, 1+6 §, Burst 3, 2H, Spread 2, Unsubtle Grievous, Non-Hackable, Vicious 2
ATTACKS (Elite): Chain Rifle: Range C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, 2H, Spread 1,
Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+5 §, Burst 2, 2H, Torrent, Vicious 1
Expert, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1 Red Fury: Range M, 1+5 §, Burst 3, 2H,
Adhesive Launcher: Range M, 1+6 §, Burst 1, Unwieldy, Shock, Spread 2, Grievous, Unsubtle, Vicious 1
Area (Close), Immobilising, Knockdown, Nonlethal, Munition GEAR: Light Combat Armour.
D-Charges: Charge, 2+6 §, 1H, Anti-Materiel 2, Comms,
Disposable, Piercing 3, Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious SPECIAL ABILITIES
Morat Aggression: The Morat’s brutal outlook grants them a Morale
GEAR: Light Combat Armour. Soak of 2.
GEAR (ELITE): Medium Combat Armour Berserk: The Krakot Renegades are ferocious in close combat. When
SPECIAL ABILITIES dealing damage in melee, they will inflict a bonus +2 § in damage
Faithful: Kaplan Security Service soldiers are deeply religious and (included in stats above).
bound by a code of ethics. The gain 4 Morale Soak.
Saboteur (Elite): Kaplan Security Service soldiers gain 1 Heat which
may be spent on any skill tests involving explosives. Additionally, any
explosives they use gain +2 § Damage.

Adversaries 101


As long as there have been ninjas, there have Experts at instilling the discipline and high-level
been outcast ninjas, those for whom the discipline training that the Free Company of the Star is
and lack of recognition was too much to bear, or famous for, the Gestalt Officers of StarCo are some
too much against their nature. With the Japanese of the most highly sought after trainers in the
Uprising, and the division of Ninja clan loyalties Human Sphere. Mastery of how to get a disparate
between the StateEmpire and the Japanese group of individuals to work as a tight-knit
Empire, there are some ninja for one or both team that is interdependent and co-reliant is a
sides represent something they no longer believe rare talent.
in or can follow. Outcast ninja are silent killers,
experts in infiltration and exfiltration, and masters ATTRIBUTES
of disguise and deception. They are able to get AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
close to people and into places few would dare 8 9 8 8 12 10 8
attempt. They are also trained killers, able and
deadly. Extremely few in number, the legendary FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
ghost, Saito Togan, is the most well-recorded of the Combat +2 0 Movement +1 0 Social +2 1
clanless ninja to stalk the Human Sphere. Fortitude +1 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +3 1

Firewall 15 Resolve 9 Vigour 9
Security - Morale 2 Armour 1
11 10 10 10 8 6 8
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Knife: 1+3 § 1H, Concealed 1
Combat +3 2 Movement +3 1 Social +1 0 Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown Unforgiving 1
Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +1 0 Pistol: 1+4 §, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
GEAR: Armoured Clothing, Analysis Suite
Firewall 9 Resolve 8 Vigour 10
Experienced Educators: A Gestalt Officer can use the Technical Field of
Security - Morale - Armour 1 Expertise in place of Social when making Command or Persuade Tests.
Seen It All: A Gestalt Officer has heard all the excuses before, they
gain a Morale Soak of 2.
Sword: Melee, 1+7 §, Unbalanced,
Non-Hackable, Parry 2, Vicious 1
Tactical Bow: Range C, 1+5 §, Burst 1, 2H,
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Vicious 2
GEAR: Armoured Clothing
Catlike: As it so happens, Ninja leap off their fair share of buildings.
They treat any distance fallen as being three zones shorter when
calculating damage.
Kenjutsu: When making a melee attack, the Ninja can reroll up to 3
§ but must accept the new results.

102 Chapter 9

The Varangian Guards have a reputation as Unpredictably chaotic is probably the best way to
being the best of the best when it comes to describe the Yuan Yuan Pirates. They lack discipline,
mercenary operations against the Combined Army. consistency, and a reliability, but they make up for
Mostly drawn from the Ariadnan Expeditionary all their shortcomings through the shock value they
Corps, these soldiers each have many tours of bring. Often plying the space lanes in the search for
experience serving and training for combat in the anything vulnerable enough to attack, they board
unpredictable environment of Paradiso’s jungles. their target vessels like a howling wind. In ground
This high-intensity experience has made them combat they prefer to operate through air-insertion,
formidable warriors in any sphere of operation, but coming in from their own ships in low orbit.
on Paradiso, they are premier.

12 8 12 9 6 7 6
10 9 11 11 8 6 8
Combat +3 2 Movement +2 2 Social +0 0
Combat +3 2 Movement +1 0 Social +0 0
Fortitude +0 0 Senses +1 0 Technical +0 0
Fortitude +2 2 Senses +2 0 Technical +0 0
Firewall 8 Resolve 10 Vigour 13 Firewall 6 Resolve 6 Vigour 12
Security 2 Morale 2 Armour 3 Security -/1 Morale - Armour -/2

Teseum Claymore: Melee, 2+7 §, 2H, Plasteel Pipe: Melee, 1+4 §, Unbalanced,
Grievous, Non-Hackable, Parry 2, Piercing, Vicious 2 Improvised 1, Non-Hackable, Stun
Chain Rifle: Range C, 1+7 §, Burst 1, 2H, Chain Rifle: Range C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, 2H,
Spread 1, Torrent, Vicious 1 Spread 1, Torrent, Vicious 1
GEAR: Medium Combat Armour, Multispectral Visor Flash Grenades: Grenade, 2+4 §, 1H, Blinding, Disposable,
SPECIAL ABILITIES Indiscriminate (Close), Non-Lethal, Speculative Fire, Thrown, Unsubtle,
Experienced: A Varangian Guard Veteran has served enough tours of removes Marked
duty not to lose their head when the shells start landing, they gain a ATTACKS (Elite – in addition to above)
Morale Soak of 2. Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+5 §, Burst 1, 2H, Knockdown, Medium
Jungle Specialists: Having served and trained for the jungles of
• Normal Shells mode (Primary): Area (close), spread 1.
Paradiso, Varangian Guard Veterans gain 2 Bonus Heat which they may
• AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
use during Warfare Scenes that take place in the Jungle.
GEAR: None.
GEAR (ELITE): Light Combat Armour
Crazed (Elite): The Yuan Yuan are ferocious in close combat, when
dealing damage in melee they will inflict a bonus +2 § in damage
(Not included in stats above).
Impetuous: Yuan Yuan Pirates will always act in a turn as if they have
Seized Initiative.
Booty Mad: Yuan Yuan Pirates are particularly susceptible to bribes,
shiny things, and things that aren’t tied down. In any negotiation
or persuade attempt with a Yuan Yuan, the offer of money or goods
(of a reasonable quantity) will gain any offering character a bonus 2
Momentum which they may spend on that negotiation or persuade

Adversaries 103
Former man of the cloth, Father Lucien Sforza is still One-time champion of a highly illegal fighting ring
devout, pious, and a man of God. He is also one of the on Corregidor, before the fame and the drugs took
most feared bounty hunters in the Human Sphere. control, Señor Massacre is a phenomenon. He had
Intelligent and dispassionate, commanding and imposing, amassed 34 victories in the ring, six more than
with all the saintly poise of a gentleman, and the smile the next most successful fighter, before he took
of a lion. Father Lucien Sforza still wears the collar of his first beat down. Between the haze, shakes, and
his former career, despite working as Bounty Hunter for lagging reaction time, he went from a sure bet to
more than 30 years. Those targets sentenced to die are a let-down. Mired in debt and seeking a way out of
often found with a neat pattern of four bullet holes in the hole he had dug for himself, he enlisted in the
the shape of a cross. This is the mark of a monster hunter, Nomad Military Force. He served with distinction
a connection that is as carefully deliberate as his hunts. until a boarding action on a San Jiao battlecruiser
Father Sforza carries himself with a quiet confidence, but left him disfigured with radiation burns and scars
he can impose himself on a room with a cutting word or from military-grade viruses. Discharged from
movement. He prefers to hunt those who are marked to duty, Señor Massacre turned to the one career
die, it cuts out the messy business of having to drag what that offered the most opportunity for his uniquely
is left of them back to whoever issued the contract. He trained skills set. Over the years that followed he
is not known for wanton cruelty but is happy to use any served throughout the Human Sphere in a number
means required to get the job done efficiently. He is a of famous and infamous operations. His place
shark. He doesn’t kill for the joy of it, it’s just in his nature. in the spotlight as a member of the Soldiers of
ATTRIBUTES Fortune Aristeia! team allows him to sometimes
take up work with the opulent Foreign Company
mercenary outfit. Highly aggressive and with little
11 10 9 11 11 9 9
regard for his own safety, he is capable of pulling
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE off missions others would describe as impossible.
Combat +4 2 Movement +3 0 Social +3 1 He is a deadly foe, masked in the persona he
Fortitude +1 0 Senses +2 1 Technical +2 1 developed and maintained from his early days in
the fighting fighting rings of Corregidor. Much has
DEFENCES been said and written about him, but one thing
Firewall 13 Resolve 10 Vigour 10 everyone can agree on is that where he goes,
Security 1 Morale 4 Armour 2 death follows!
Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1, ATTRIBUTES
Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
Stun Baton: 1+5 §, 1H, Non-Hackable, Knockdown, Subtle 1, Stun
Heavy Pistol: Range R/C, 2+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, 13 10 11 12 9 8 7
Vicious 1.
MULTI Rifle: Range C/M, 1+7 §, Burst 2/2, 2H,
Viral, Expert 1, Medium MULTI, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1. Combat +4 3 Movement +3 0 Social +1 1
Viral Ammunition adds: Biotech, Grievous, Toxic 2. Fortitude +3 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +1 0
Adhesive Launcher: Range M, 1+6
§, Burst 1, Unwieldy, GOO. Munition.
GEAR: Light Combat Armour Firewall 10 Resolve 10 Vigour 14
SPECIAL ABILITIES Security 2 Morale 3 Armour 3
Man of Faith: As a former man of the cloth, Father Lucien Sforza ATTACKS
maintains an unshakable faith in his righteousness and duty, he gains Sword: Melee, 1+7 §, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Parry 2, Vicious 1
a Morale Soak of 4. Stun Baton: 1+6 §, 1H, Non-Hackable, Knockdown, Subtle 1, Stun.
Holoprojector 1* (2 Heat): Father Lucien Sforza is a master of using Heavy Pistol: Range R/C, 2+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1,
holoprojector technology to confuse and misdirect the enemy. For 2 Vicious 1.
Heat he can make himself look like any of his many programmed Breaker Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+7 §, Burst 2, 2H,
alter egos. It takes a Daunting (D3) Observation Test to notice that his Breaker. Biotech, Breaker, Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Piercing 1, Vicious 1.
appearance is holographically modified. GEAR: Medium Combat Armour
Holoprojector 2* (2 Heat): For 2 Heat Father Lucien Sforza can project SPECIAL ABILITIES
up to two other holographic alter-egos anywhere within Close. It No F*#@s to Give: Señor Massacre appears to lack any predilection to
takes a Daunting (D3) Observation test, or a Challenging (D2) Hacking self- preservation, he gains a Morale Soak of 3.
or Analysis test to notice these are holograms. Each hologram will Regeneration (2 Heat): For 2 Heat Señor Massacre may recover one
act in accordance with a pre-programmed suite of behaviours and Harm Effect or three Stress.
responses, tweaked on the fly by Father Lucien Sforza and his Geist.
Dual Blades: Señor Massacre wields two-swords with the ease that a
In an Infowar Scene Holoprojector 1 may be used to make Father
normal person wields one. In Melee the values of the Parry and Vicious
Sforza appear to be some other entity in the Zone being analysed.
Qualities of his Sword is doubled (Parry 4, and Vicious 2).
Holoprojector 2 may be used to spoof the presence of up to two
other entities. Any Breach Effect inflicted on Father Sforza will
reveal the holographic nature of both Holoprojector 1 and 2.

104 Chapter 9



When the Yănjīng decided to play their usual game ATTRIBUTES

of messing with PanOceanian interests by secretly AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
supplying and training some young, hot-headed 12 10 10 14 9 7 8
revolutionaries from the Independent Corporate
Republic of the Meteora Group, they unknowingly
Combat +3 3 Movement +4 3 Social +0 0
set Joe Turner on a path of destruction and havoc.
Being trained as a TAG pilot in a secret Yănjīng Fortitude +3 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +0 0
facility was one thing, being fed a dangerous DEFENCES
cocktail of Grade-5 combat drugs was quite another. Firewall 9 Resolve 11 Vigour 13
The drugs changed Joe, already an angry young
Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 0
man, and turned him into a violent sociopath with
the reactions of a cat, front-line combat training,
and a temper that ran so hot it was molten. After ATTACKS
the revolt he found that the place he had fought Knife: Melee, 1+5 §, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Thrown, Vicious 1
for no longer wanted him, so he left, making his Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Knockdown.
way as a mercenary TAG pilot. Still reliant on the GEAR: Ramhorn TAG (use the stats for the Anaconda, found in
Grade-5 drugs, and hopping from system to system this book on Pg.67)
serving in whatever conflict was happy to pay for SPECIAL ABILITIES
him, he traded his old Yănjīng issued TAG with a Been there, shot that: Joe Scarface Turner has served in a huge
Ramhorn-327, and over the years modified it so number of conflicts, seen it all before, and gains a Morale Soak of 2.
heavily that internally it’s like no other TAG in the Assault: Every time Joe Scarface Turner generates Momentum, he
Sphere. During one of those conflicts he managed gains 1 extra Momentum.
to take out an O-Yoroi, with only a sword slash to
Frenzied: Once Joe Scarface Turner has taken any form of Stress
the face of his Ramhorn in damage. Proud of his Damage, he becomes frenzied and may ‘Seize the Initiative’ at no Heat
achievement, he never had it repaired, and so came cost.
by the nickname Scarface, a badge he wears with
delight. A strange tragedy took his parents, and this
violent mercenary found himself looking after his NEMESIS
little sister, Cordelia. With this new responsibility CORDELIA
he finally managed to kick his drug habit, though
he still has a temper like a wounded bear. Dragged ATTRIBUTES
from warzone to warzone, Cordelia took to AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
engineering and mechanics like a fish to water, and
10 10 9 10 14 9 8
soon enough the pair became an inseparable duo.
Scarface and Cordelia are described as the monster FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
and the fairy godmother. He’s still one of the most Combat +2 1 Movement +2 1 Social +2 1
dangerous TAG pilots in the Human Sphere, and Fortitude +2 0 Senses +2 1 Technical +4 2
she has tweaked the Ramhorn to precision.
Firewall 18 Resolve 10 Vigour 11
Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Thrown, Vicious 1
Assault Pistol: Range R/C, 1+6 §, Burst 2, Unbalanced, Vicious 1.
Combi Rifle: Range R/C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1,
Vicious 1 MULTI Light Mod
D-Charges: Charge, 2+6 §, 1H. Anti-Materiel 2, Comms,
Disposable, Piercing 3, Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious 2.
GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Engineering Waldo, Repair Kit,
Powered Multitool
Courageous: Cordelia has seen more conflict than most, she gains a
Morale Soak of 2.
Been around: Cordelia has grown up in warzones, she gains a bonus
D20 to any Stealth test made to avoid being detected.
Expert: Cordelia gains a bonus D20 to any Tech tests made when
dealing with TAGs, if the TAG she is working on is Scarface, she also
gains a bonus 1 Momentum.

Adversaries 105


First serving in the Cameronians as a volunteer Growing up an Atek in PanOceanian society does
Dog-Warrior, Tearlach McMurrough was trained not bode well for your prospects. As a young
in the arts of combat and set loose on the woman living with her parents in a remote village
enemy. Over the term of his service he fought in Albania, the only prospects she was told she’d
in the Commercial Conflicts and in a number of have were as a waitress or a prostitute, probably
other skirmishes around Dawn. Once his term of both. A mind like Valerya doesn’t sit well with
service was done, he chose not to re-enlist, taking such impositions, however, and working as a
work instead as a mercenary. Massive, powerful, waitress allowed her access to the technicians
terrifyingly fast, and with the temper to match his servicing a nearby satellite tracking station. She
appearance, Tearlach McMurrough is a demonic smiled, laughed, and most of all, she listened. She
force of destruction on any battlefield. learned what she could from the technicians of
her hometown, before deciding that her prospects
ATTRIBUTES lay out there, living large in the Human Sphere.
Valerya Gromoz made her way to the East African
Space Elevator and managed to secure a job as
12 10 14 11 9 7 7
a script kiddie, then served for five years with
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE the Nomad Foreign Company, gaining valuable
Combat +4 3 Movement +3 2 Social +0 0 combat training and experience. After leaving the
Fortitude +3 1 Senses +3 1 Technical +0 0 Foreign Company, she worked with a Haqqislamite
Corsair crew for three years. After that she decided
DEFENCES she knew enough to strike out on her own, as
Firewall 9 Resolve 10 Vigour 17 an independent mercenary battlefield hacker.
Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 2 Her record is excellent, and her reputation as a
Wardriver to be feared is growing…
Teseum Chopper: Melee, 1+9 §, Unbalanced,
Non-Hackable, Piercing 4, Vicious 2. ATTRIBUTES
Chain Rifle: Range: C 1+8 §, Burst 1, 2H, AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
Normal. Spread 1, Torrent, Vicious 1.
9 11 9 10 13 9 9
Grenades: 2+4 §, 1H. Area (Close), Disposable, Indiscriminate,
Speculative Fire, Spread 1, Thrown, Unsubtle, Vicious 2. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
GEAR: Light Combat Armour Combat +2 1 Movement +2 0 Social +2 0
SPECIAL ABILITIES Fortitude +2 1 Senses +3 1 Technical +4 2
Common Special Abilities: Keen Senses (smell)
Immune: Any time an Effect is rolled when dealing damage to DEFENCES
McMurrough, any Weapon Qualities provided by non-explosive and Firewall 17 Resolve 11 Vigour 11
non-viral Ammunition are ignored. Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
Transform: Lurking inside every Dogface is a monster, waiting to break
free. At the cost of 1 Heat, they can transform into their Dog-Warrior
form, adding +2 to their Brawn, Agility, and Armour. They also unlock Knife: Melee, 1+4 §, 1H, Concealed 1,
the “Dog-Warrior” abilities listed below. At the end of the scene, they Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1.
return to normal, suffering the Fatigued condition. Pistol: Range R/C, 1+6 §, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1.
Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+7 §, Burst 2, 2H,
Common Abilities (Dog-Warrior): Fear 1, Superhuman Agility 1,
Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1.
Superhuman Brawn 1, Menacing 1, Monstrous.
Pitcher: Range M, -, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Aggression (Dog-Warrior): Possessed of unmatched primal fury, the Deployable Repeater, Munition, Speculative Fire.
Dog-Warrior’s attacks might not always connect, but they hurt like hell
GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Hacking Device
when they do. When making a Combat test, they can reroll up to 4 §
but must accept the new result. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Experienced Hacker: When making an Infowar Attack, Valerya Gromoz
Snarling Beast (Dog-Warrior): All Personality-based tests not based
may reroll up to 4 §.
on intimidation are made at +2 difficulty.
TAG Hunter (2 Heat): One of the tricks Valerya Gromoz has picked up
Super-Jump (Dog-Warrior): The Dog-Warrior can vault over obstacles
over her years of experience is a knack with TAGs. If Valerya manages
up to their height without penalty. The difficulty of skill tests to move
to Inflict Firewall Harm to a target TAG, she may activate the vehicle’s
through difficult terrain are reduced by one.
eject system for the cost of 2 Heat.

106 Chapter 9


There are two stories that describe the origins of

the mercenary known as Yojimbo, and both are
perhaps as unbelievable as each other. In the
first Yojimbo is a recreation, manufactured by the
CEO of a Japanese Mega-Corporation to serve as
a bodyguard. After a falling out he was forced to
wander as a Ronin, masterless and with only his
wits and swords to rely on… In the second story
Yojimbo was an ex-Domaru, slain by the Yakuza for
some shady reason. He was brought back to life
by the Ninja Fukurō Clan in a Lhost and trained to
be a deadly swordsman. Abandoned by the ninja
clan after a scandal, he took the name Yojimbo
after the character from the Kurosawa film. Of
course, neither of these stories could be true. What
is known is that Yojimbo is one of the deadliest
swordsmen alive. A virtuoso with his katana, he has
cut a swathe through innumerable enemies. Often
forced to work unseemly jobs due to his penchant
for handing out IOU ‘Giri Cheques’, which are often
traded, sold, or stolen, he is a blade for hire, and
has never left a contract unfulfilled.

14 11 10 11 8 8 8

Combat +4 3 Movement +4 2 Social +0 0
Fortitude +2 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +1 0

Firewall 9 Resolve 10 Vigour 12
Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
Hand-Crafted Blade: Melee, 1+7 §, Unbalanced.
Anti-Materiel 1, Non-Hackable, Parry 2, Vicious 1
Nanopulser: Range C, 1+7 §, Burst 1, 1H, -. Biotech,
Subtle 3, Torrent, Vicious 2
Contender: Range M, 1+6 §, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Anti-Materiel 1 Vicious 2.
GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Kinematika, Motorcycle
Blade Master: When making a Melee Attack,
Yojimbo may reroll up to 5 §.
Flurry (1 Heat): Yojimbo may pay 1 Heat to make a second Melee
attack against the same or a different target in range.
Expert Rider (1 Heat): When on a motorcycle, Yojimbo may Spend 1
Heat to make a Pilot test as a Minor Action.


360˚ Visor 48, 61 Blitzen 49, 60 Efreet Transport 68, 73 56, 61-62, 68, 71, 73, 75-7685-86
410 Flagging 48, 61 Bokböceği TAG 67, 73 Evac System 64, 73 Ibo 23
Abha 15 Boomrat 59 Excelrate 50, 59 ikari Company 1, 3-4, 9, 16, 21-23, 26-27,
Acontecimento 30, 49, 52 Bootleg Combat Armour 49 Explosives Table 59 29, 39-41, 44-45, 50-51, 53, 64-65, 71,
Acro See Acrogenic Blade Bounce 49, 60 Extendo-Seating 68 82, 90, 100
Acrogenic Blade 48, 59 Bounty Hunter Syndicate 5, 38-39 EXXO 50, 71 Ikari Soldier Of Fortune 100
Adaa 24 Bounty 5-6, 9-10, 12, 16, 19, 23, 30, 36, Eyepaint 64, 73 Ikari, Colonel Genzo, 22, 82
Adhesive Solvent 48, 61 38-39, 45, 51-52, 54, 62, 70, 73-74, Fahesh, Qaid 14-15, 27, 51, 99 Jitterbug Rations 52, 61
AEC 28 76, 104 Feuerbach 51, 60 JSA 33, 44
Aerocam Remote 2, 48, 60 Bourak 15-16, 80 FGA 51, 67 Kaaram, Luubna 24-25
Afterburners 63, 73 Boylik Corp 14-15, see also Dahshat Fiero, SCS 20-21 Kanzu, Chief Gunner 24
Agallocha, 70 Company Figueroa Estate 18 Kaplan Tactical Service Member Career
Akimbo Turret 63, 73 Brawler Enforcer 97 Fireflies 51, 59 80
ALEPH 1-2, 7, 28, 32-34, 44, 49, 69, 82 Brawlers 26-27, 95, 97 Flarechaff Array 64, 73 Kaplan Tactical Services (KTS) 3, 26-27,
Alvora, The 33 Breitschwert Group 23 Force de Résponse Rapide 49, 51, 74, 76, 80, 101
Ammunition Table 57 Bulava Ammunition 49, 57 Merovingienne 26, 97 Kaplan Tactical Services Career 101
Anabasis 4 Bureau Aegis 4, 20, 27-28, 30, 35, 42-43, Foreign Company Close Personal Koson Logistics 15
Anaconda TAG 3, 16-17, 20, 26, 40, 44, 83 Protection (CPT) 100 Krakot Renegades 101
67, 73, 95, 97, 105 Bureau Athena 27, 35 Foreign Company, The 1, 4, 9, 11-12, Kurage Crsisi 24, 41
Anaconda TAG Pilot 97 Bureau Ganesh 35, 38-39 18-20, 29, 40, 92-93, 100, 104, 106 Lhost 33, 48, 76, 107
Anaconda TAG Squadron 26, 95 Bureau Tiandi 35 Forward Observer NARC 51, 61 Libertos 23-24, 84, 93-95
Androv-Fuller Mining Platform 21 Bureau Toth 34 Free Company Gearhead 78 Lifepath Metachemistry Options 47
Aquilonia, The 41 Caledonians 27-28, 44 Free Company Irregular Career 78 Locke 55
Arachne 11, 33-34, 53, 65 Cambot 48 Free Company of the Star See StarCo Loĝanto 62, 68, 71
Aragoto Senkenbutai Squadron 95 Cameronians 106 Free Company Specialisations Table 78 Lunde, 15
Arezoo 15 Camsight 49, 61 Freebooter Career 79 Lux Up-Armour 64, 73
Ariadna 1-2, 7, 21, 23-24,26-29, 30-31, Caravanserai 15-16, 30-31, 48, 52 Freebooter Gear Table 79 Maelstrom, SCAF 24-25, 76
34,38-40, 45-49, 50, 56-57, 59, 61, 65, Cargowalls 68, 71 Fugo Ammunition 51, 57 MagnaObra 9, 16, 22-23, 25
68, 73, 82, 95, 103 CECD Estimate 40 Fulgor Rifle 51, 60 MagTrax Chassis 65, 73
Aristeia! 4, 9, 15, 19, 39-40, 55, 59 77, Collapsible Chassis 63, 73 Funduq 15-16, 27, 29, 31 Manta LCH 70, 73
92-93, 104 Coltrane 18 Gannbate Cantina 44 McKellar,William 27-28
ArmalLux, 64 Concilium 6, 11, 16, 20-22, 30-32, 35-36, Gecko Pads 47, 58, 77 McMurrough, Tearlach 106
Armour Table 58 38-39, 41, 44, 52, 62, 64-65 Geist Upgrades Table 73 Megacorps 2, 17, 38-40
Arms Dealer Career 77 Contract Negotiator 98 Gesellschaft 52 Melee Weapons Table 59
Arslan, Ziad 16-17 Corporate Security Unit Career 77 Gökmen Aeronics 71 Mercenary Officer Career 80
Artefaktech 67-68 Corregidor 19-21, 26, 38, 50, 104 Gomez, Francine 45-46 Merovingian 46, 50, 52, 55
Asfour 12 Cosmica Ltd 64, 93 G-Rations 51, 61 Metachemistry 1, 47, 58
Asumi 22 CSSE 40 Gromoz, Valerya 106 MinesCorp 22
Ateks 93.106 CSU (Corporate Security Unit) 39, 55, 77 Gunships 2, 21, 72-73 ModCoat 55, 79
Augmentation 47-48, 52-55, 58, 76, 78 Cube Jäger 49, 98 Gushblade 51-52, 59 Modpocket, 55
Augmentations Table 58 Cube Scalpel 49 Gyre Shells 51, 57 Modpods 62, 65, 71, 73
AutoMediKit, 70, 79 D.E.P. 50, 60 Hamaka 52, 61 Monica Blue 44
Avro-Kaizuka Orbital 22-23, 44, 90 Dahshat Company, The , 1-2, 14-15, 27, Handelman, Emily, 20 Morat 23-24, 34, 101
Ayala, Ramión 20 40, 99 Handen Augmentation 52, 58 Moto.tronica, 33, 52, 70
Bad Dog 48, 61 Dahshat Trooper 99 Hannibal 18-19, 92 MRCY & Co 56-57
Bakunin 32, 48, 67 Daixo, Mr. 22-23, 90 Haqqislam 1, 4, 14-16 21, 27, 30-31, 41, Mulazim 14-15
Baldie 24 Dedseat 64, 73 47, 49, 58-61, 67, 71, 73, 80, 82, 101, NARC Rack 65, 73
Ballou 20 Defiler, The 19 106 Narcham Buggy 71
Bandakar Caravanserai 30 Dinerpod, 68, 73 Headhunter Suite 52, 61 NeoColonial Wars 22, 49, 97
Bandolier 48, 51, 61 Dropship Squadron 95 Heavy Shotgun 52, 60 Neoterra 46, 52
Barabara Vita Road Wars 38 Dropship 68, 95 Herbst, Doktor Henrietta 52 Neurocinetics Augmentation 52, 58
Baronha 39 Drugs Table 59 Hexahedron 32-34, 43, 69 Nightmare 53, 59
Bashi Bazouks 22 Druze Bayram Security 1-3, 11-12, Hitchcock DSV 68-69, 73 Ninetat See ZQ-88 “Ninetat” Gunship
Beyhan Resources Inc 27, 51, 80, 101 16-17, 26-27, 31, 38, 40-41, 54, 74, 77, Hitters Career 80 Ninja 3, 102, 107
Bidendum Suit 48, 58 95, 99 Húdié Underground Railroad 15 Nitrov Outfit 53, 61
Biograft 47, 58 Druze Hacker 99 Hunzakuts 16 Nomads 1, 7, 19, 21, 26, 31-32, 44, 47,
Bioimmunity 47, 58 Druze Shock Team 95 HVT 90-92 49-50, 52-53, 55, 58-61, 67, 73
Bioware 58 Druze-Shocktrooper, 77 Hwarang Armour 57 Norris, Peter 34
Blinov-Ngamsan 23 D-Spray 50, 59 Hypercorps 2, 24, 32-34, 37-38, 43-44, Novvy Bangkok 22-23, 44-45, 82

Nul-Zed Zondbot 53, 60 Random Scenario Objective Table 95 Stash-Crate 55, 61 Vehicle Costs Table 73
Nystrøm, Ida 18 Ranged Weapons Table 60 Stashpocket 55, 61 Vehicle Upgrade Timeframe Table 62
Omn 84 Recruiter Agent Career 80 Submondo 1-2, 5, 7, 10-11, 13, 16, 23, Vehicle Upgrades Table 73
Omnia 66 Redfury 54 32, 35-36, 38, 43-44, 54-55, 57-61, 66, VoodooTech 11, 94
Omniport 65, 73 Remotes Table 60 75, 95, 100 Vulcain Corp 69
Onibi Mine 53, 59 Rencor SCS 21 Svalarheima 32-33, 49, 53 Vuvuzela Ammunition 57
Ophidiam Antipode Security (OAS) Representative Quality Table 88 Tacgeist Upgrade 55-56, 61 WarCon, 39, 45
45-46 Reti Ammunition 54, 57 Tactical Webbing 55, 61 Warcor Attaché 95
Outcast Ninja 102 Rhino Reinforcement 66, 71-73 TAGs 2, 5, 10, 16, 20, 26, 37, 39, 43, 49, Warcor 2, 16, 18, 40, 60, 85, 95
Oxyd 19 Roc Transport 71, 73 55, 67, 72, 86, 89, 95, 105-106 WarDog 44
Pacenote Geist Upgrade 65, 73 S4 Sunda Truck 71, 73 Takamatsu, Dr Arlo 25 Wardriver Career 81
Packmod 53 Sarmiento, General Juan 20-21 Taqiyya 16-17 Wardriver Unit 95
Pakhet 16 Sauk & Joad Sentinels 54, 61 Tatenokai 23, 44 Wardrivers 1, 26, 29, 38, 45, 48, 56,
PanOceania 1, 7-8, 16, 26, 21, 32-34, 38, Scarface 105 Teseum Hardcase 56, 61 60-61, 74, 78, 81, 85, 95, 106
40-41, 47, 49, 51-52, 57, 59-60, 67, 69, Screambox Array 65-66, 71, 73 Teseum Hatchet 56 Warmonger Career 81
71-73, 105-106 SecLock 40, 45, 55, 77 Togan, Saito 102 Watts-Halldor-Lord Reprisals 17
Panopticon, Maya 47 Sēfurokku Station 22 Tohaa 7, 24-25, 49, 53, 59 Wormholes 16, 38
Paradiso 6-7, 10-12, 16, 21, 24-25, Señor Massacre 19, 93, 104 Tools & Other Items Table 61 Wú Ming 23
27-28, 30, 32-35, 41-43, 45, 49, 52, 55, Sepsitor 92 Traintank, 71, 73 Wulver 46
90, 92, 103 Sforza, Father Lucien 104 Traktor Mul Battery 95 Xenophon 4
PharmaComp 16, 22, 93, 95 Shaheen, The 30 Trips 56-57, 61 Xingtian Armour 57-58
Pitcher 53, 60 Shasvastii 24-25, 28 Tristeryon 64 Xperydes 74
PMC 4, 37-38, 47, 49, 62, 64-65, 67-69, Sheth 21 Triumvirate 24-25 X-Visors 57
71-72, 85-93, 95 Shield-3 Cloverleaf 54 Tunguska 16, 18m 26, 40, 52, 71 Yakuza 107
Poisons Table 60 SHVYY Poison 54, 60 Turbofans 66, 73 Yangwater 2, 57, 59
Programs Table 60 Skeletal Reinforcement 54, 60 Turner, Cordelia 105 Yănjīng 22-23, 105
PulpiBeer 54, 59 Skuld 69 Turner, Joe 105. See also Scarface Yojimbo 107
Pulse Array 65-66, 73 Skunk-Tube 55 ,60 Tyomkin Bank 26, 71 Yu Jing 1-2, 7-8, 15, 22-23, 33, 41, 46-47,
Pyxis Pharma 15 Sleeper Housing 66, 73 USARF Fighting Uniform, 56-58 49, 57-60, 69, 71-73
Quadrotors 70 Sniffer 55, 61 USAriadna 30, 45-6, 56, 76, 79 Yuan Yuan Pirate 103
Quaker 52 Spike 55, 59 Utgard Accords 33-34 Yuan Yuans 1, 9, 11, 22, 29, 31, 33, 40, 45,
Rackham Buggy 70-71, 73 Spiral Corps 1, 24-26 Valkyrie 19, 69-70 52, 54, 59, 103
Rakhsh, The 14 StarCo (Free Company of the Star) 1-2, 9, Van Orton 18-19, 40 Yukiressha (Snow Train) 33
Ramshackle Combat Jump Pack 54, 61 12, 19-21, 26, 31, 35, 38, 40-41, 43-44, Varangian Guard Veteran 103 Yungang Corp 54-55
Randgrid Casket-Drone 69-70, 73 71, 85, 102 Varangian 1-2, 27-29, 103 ZQ-88 “Ninetat” Gunship 72
Random Contractual Objective Table 90 Starco Gestalt Officer 102 Varuna 23-25, 43, 45, 54, 57, 69, 84 Zumorroda 14-15


LONDON, 2012.
Mithras, god among vampires, returns from diablerie at the fangs
of Montgomery Coven. The Heralds of the Sun awaken from torpor
unable to remember who they are, but driven to seek five artifacts to
restore their master to his full glory. The Second Inquisition rises to
burn London’s Kindred to ashes.

What legacy will you leave?


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