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In today’s era almost all tasks are digitalized. We have Smartphone in hands and it is nothing

less than having world at your fingertips. These days we aren’t even using fingers. We just

speak of the task and it is done. There exist systems where we can say Text Dad, “I’ll be late

today.” And the text is sent.

That is the task of a Virtual Assistant. It also supports specialized task such as booking a

flight, or finding cheapest book online from various e-commerce sites and then providing an

interface to book an order are helping automate search, discovery and online order operations.

Virtual Assistants are software programs that help you ease your day-to-day tasks, such as

showing weather report, creating reminders, making shopping lists etc. They can take

commands via text (online chat bots) or by voice. Voice based intelligent assistants need an

invoking word or wake word to activate the listener, followed by the command.

For my project the wake word is JIA. We have so many virtual assistants, such as Apple’s

Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana. For this project, wake word was chosen JIA.

This system is designed to be used efficiently on desktops. Personal assistant software

improves user productivity by managing routine tasks of the user and by providing

information from online sources to the user.

This is effortless to use. Call the wake word ‘JIA’ followed by the command. And within

seconds, it gets executed. Voice searches have dominated over text search. Web searches

conducted via mobile devices have only just overtaken those carried out using a computer and

the analysts are already predicting that 50% of searches will be via voice by 2020.Virtual

assistants are turning out to be smarter than ever. Allow your intelligent assistant to make

email work for you. Detect intent, pick out important information, automate processes, and

deliver personalized responses.

This project is based on Android application development and provide personal assistant using
voice recognition or text mode operation. This program includes the functions and services of:
calling services, text message transformation, mail exchange, alarm, event handler, location
services, music player service, checking weather, Google searching engine, Wikipedia
searching engine, robot chat, camera, Bing translator, Bluetooth headset support, help menu
and Windows azure cloud computing.

As it integrates most of the mobile phone services for daily use, it could be useful for getting a
more convenient life and it will be helpful for those people who have disabilities for manual
operations. This is also part of the reason why it has been chosen as the degree project.

This project is originated from a popular application from Apple called “Siri” This application
was released on the date when the iPhone4S was published. This application is very
interesting, easy going and convenient, with wide real-world usage and large developing

This application is not limited by different generations and occupations, and can be applied to
many industries that we have in the real world. For instance, the voice assistance is very useful
for personal assistants, direction guides or driving, helps among the disabled community, and
so on.

This is a short description about “Siri” from Wikipedia to illustrate the voice product: “Siri
“an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator which works as an application for
Apple's iOS. The application uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make
recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of web services.

Apple claims that the software adapts to the user's individual preferences over time and
personalizes results, and performing tasks such as finding recommendations for nearby
restaurants or getting directions


There already exist a number of desktop virtual assistants. A few examples of current virtual
assistants available in market are discussed in this section along with the tasks they can
provide and their drawbacks.

SIRI from Apple

SIRI is personal assistant software that interfaces with the user thru voice interface, recognizes
commands and acts on them. It learns to adapt to user’s speech and thus improves voice
recognition over time. It also tries to converse with the user when it does not identify the user

It integrates with calendar, contacts and music library applications on the device and also
integrates with GPS and camera on the device. It uses location, temporal, social and task-
based contexts, to personalize the agent behavior specifically to the user at a given point of

Supported Tasks

 Call someone from my contacts list

 Launch an application on my iPhone
 Send a text message to someone
 Set up
 a meeting on my calendar for 9am tomorrow
 Set an alarm for 5am tomorrow morning
 Play a specific song in my iTunes library
 Enter a new note


SIRI does not maintain a knowledge database of its own and its understanding comes from the
information captured in domain models and data models.


ReQall is personal assistant software that runs on smartphones running Apple iOS or Google
Android operating system. It helps user to recall notes as well as tasks within a location and
time context. It records user inputs and converts them into commands, and monitors current
stack of user tasks to proactively suggest actions while considering any changes in the

It also presents information based on the context of the user, as well as filter information to the
user based on its learned understanding of the priority of that information.

Supported Tasks

 Reminders
 Email
 Calendar, Google Calendar
 Outlook
 Evernote
 Facebook, LinkedIn
 News Feeds


Will take some time to put all of the to-do items in – you could spend more time putting the
entries in than actually doing the revision.

According to the overall description in the context, the purpose of the project is to develop an
Android application that provides an intelligent voice assistant with the functionalities as
calling services, message transformation, mail exchange, alarm, event handler, location
services, music play service, checking weather, searching engine (Google, Wikipedia),
camera, Bing translator, Bluetooth headset support, help menu and Windows azure cloud
Many years ago, software programs were developed and run on the computer. Nowadays,
smart phones are widely used by all people. About 35 percent of the Americans have some

sort of Smartphone. This shows that the market is increasing fast and there are also more
capabilities for Smartphone because of this wide use.

Therefore, the software development on the Smartphone is very promising. The operation
modes on the Smartphone are by working with gestures and through the keyboard. It is not a
convenient way for users with completely manually input.

The common way of communication used by people in daily life is through the speech. If the
mobile phone can listen to the user for the request or handle the daily affairs, then give the
right response, it will be much easier for users to communicate with their phone, and the
mobile phone will be much “Smarter” as a human assistant.

This project is focusing on the Android development over the voice control (recognition,
generate and analyze corresponding commands, intelligent responses automatically), Google
products and relevant APIs (Google map, Google weather, Google search and etc.), Wikipedia
API and mobile device references ranging from Speech-To-Text, Text-To-Speech technology,

Bluetooth headset support and camera; advanced techniques of Cloud computing, Multi-
threading, Adobe Photoshop image editing skills. As all those functionalities and services for
the project have been explained, the main structure and construction of the project has been
basically illustrated with its goals.


Main objective of building personal assistant software (a virtual assistant) is using semantic
data sources available on the web, user generated content and providing knowledge from
knowledge databases. The main purpose of an intelligent virtual assistant is to answer
questions that users may have.

This may be done in a business environment, for example, on the business website, with a chat
interface. On the mobile platform, the intelligent virtual assistant is available as a call-button
operated service where a voice asks the user “What can I do for you?” and then responds to
verbal input.

Virtual assistants can tremendously save you time. We spend hours in online research and then
making the report in our terms of understanding. JIA can do that for you. Provide a topic for
research and continue with your tasks while JIA does the research. Another difficult task is to
remember test dates, birthdates or anniversaries.

It comes with a surprise when you enter the class and realize it is class test today. Just tell JIA
in advance about your tests and she reminds you well in advance so you can prepare for the

One of the main advantages of voice searches is their rapidity. In fact, voice is reputed to be
four times faster than a written search: whereas we can write about 40 words per minute, we
are capable of speaking around 150 during the same period of time15. In this respect, the
ability of personal assistants to accurately recognize spoken words is a prerequisite for them to
be adopted by consumers.

This project was started on the premise that there is sufficient amount of openly available data
and information on the web that can be utilized to build a virtual assistant that has access to
making intelligent decisions for routine user activities


Purpose of virtual assistant is to being capable of voice interaction, music playback, making
to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather,
traffic, sports, and other real-time information, such as news. Virtual assistants enable users to
speak natural language voice commands in order to operate the device and its apps.

There is an increased overall awareness and a higher level of comfort demonstrated

specifically by millennial consumers. In this ever-evolving digital world where speed,
efficiency, and convenience are constantly being optimized, it’s clear that we are moving
towards less screen interaction.

Voice assistants will continue to offer more individualized experiences as they get better at
differentiating between voices. Developers will also need to focus on maintaining a user
experience that is consistent within the coming years as complexity becomes more of a
concern. This is because the visual interface with voice assistants is missing. Users simply
cannot see or touch a voice interface.


The mass adoption of artificial intelligence in users’ everyday lives is also fueling the shift
towards voice. The number of IoT devices such as smart thermostats and speakers are giving
voice assistants more utility in a connected user’s life. Smart speakers are the number one way
we are seeing voice being used. Many industry experts even predict that nearly every
application will integrate voice technology in some way in the next 5 years.

The use of virtual assistants can also enhance the system of IoT (Internet of Things). Twenty
years from now, Microsoft and its competitors will be offering personal digital assistants that
will offer the services of a full-time employee usually reserved for the rich and famous.


Python is OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) based, high level, interpreted programming
language. It is a robust, highly useful language focused on rapid application development
(RAD). Python helps in easy writing and execution of codes. Python can implement the same
logic with as much as 1/5th code as compared to other OOPs languages.

Python provides a huge list of benefits to all. The usage of Python is such that it cannot be
limited to only one activity. Its growing popularity has allowed it to enter into some of the
most popular and complex processes like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML),
natural language processing, data science etc.

Python has a lot of libraries for every need of this project. For JIA, libraries used are speech
recognition to recognize voice, Pyttsx for text to speech, selenium for web automation etc.

Python is reasonably efficient. Efficiency is usually not a problem for small examples. If your
Python code is not efficient enough, a general procedure to improve it is to find out what is
taking most the time, and implement just that part more efficiently in some lower-level

This will result in much less programming and more efficient code (because you will have
more time to optimize) than writing everything in a low-level language.


Pyttsx stands for Python Text to Speech. It is a cross-platform Python wrapper for text-to-
speech synthesis. It is a Python package supporting common text-to-speech engines on Mac
OS X, Windows, and Linux. It works for both Python2.x and 3.x versions. Its main advantage
is that it works offline.

Speech Recognition

This is a library for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs,
online and offline. It supports APIs like Google Cloud Speech API IBM Speech to Text,
Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition etc.


SQLite is a capable library, providing an in-process relational database for efficient storage of
small-to-medium-sized data sets. It supports most of the common features of SQL with
few exceptions. Best of all, most Python users do not need to install anything to get started
working with SQLite, as the standard library in most distributions’ ships with the sqlite3

SQLite runs embedded in memory alongside your application, allowing you to easily extend
SQLite with your own Python code. SQLite provides quite a few hooks, a reasonable subset of
which are implemented by the standard library database driver.

1.3 Method and Resources

This project mainly concerns the work on Android application development; request calling
between different Android applications, human-mobile phone interaction, database creation
and management, the program will reference a lot of APIs from Google, Wikipedia, and
Android development skills.

Apart from the project itself, there is also some investigation works on the existed products in
this area and the tendency of voice product, personal assistant developing. Two products were
mainly investigated that are popular and representative, the English product of “Siri” and the
Chinese product of “iFly” [Chinese name: 讯飞语点 [3]].

The investigation focusses on how those ideas originated; what functionalities and services
they have; how they provide these services to the customers; test the product and related
functions to get the architect, structure, logical algorithms of those products; how they spread
and promote the product in marketing; and how they refine and upgrade the products from
different versions. Table-1 shows the comparison about some basic functions between “Siri”
and “iFly”.

With several significant breakthroughs over the years, voice assistants have a long history. On
smartphones and wearable technology, voice assistant for dictation, search, and voice
commands has become a standard function.

In order to offer general information (theory and concepts) concerning voice control, virtual
assistants, fields of application, and other topics, the study is based on an incomplete review of
the literature. There are many examples in daily life of intelligent programs that are currently
on the market that have the ability to process natural language in a range of roles.

Bell Laboratories developed Audrey, the first speech recognition system, in 1952. Audrey was
relatively technologically illiterate and constrained, understanding only ten digits, spoken by
specific persons (Pieraccini, 2012).

A decade or so later, IBM created and unveiled its Shoebox Machine. 16 different spoken
words, including all ten numbers from "0" to "9," as well as calculations like "plus" and
"minus," were recognized and responded to by the device.

Only in English by a designated speaker, the Shoebox Machine recognized and responded to
16 spoken words, including the ten digits from "0" through "9".

Later, these restrictions proved to be troublesome, which raised doubts about voice
recognition. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was introduced around 1970. (Rabiner,1989).
The HMM significantly changed the process of creating a workable voice recognition
programmer. With the use of HMM, voice recognition technology began calculating the
likelihood that sounds could represent words.

Due to the method's ability to increase the number of comprehensible words to a few
thousand, the possibility of being able to recognize an infinite number of words has now
become imminent. Because of the options for observation distribution in each model stage,
practically any sort of data can be accurately modelled.

Apple Inc. introduced the first voice command system that was widely usable when it released
the Siri virtual personal assistant in 2011. (Bostic, 2013). Siri, an intelligent bot, is now a
regular feature on Apple's mobile devices and is regarded as a key

component of them. Siri is a personal assistant that employs natural language processing to
respond to inquiries and delegate tasks to web services, which are then completed on the user's

Similar to this, Zabaware Inc. developed the chatbot HAL to serve as a virtual assistant for
computer users. In an effort to arrange the data provided to it, the bot also makes use of
natural language processing algorithms to communicate with the user and record what the user
says. IBM has made significant investments in this area and developed Watson; a system
designed to compete on the Jeopardy! television programmer.

This system defeated the two most talented human participants on the show, demonstrating
the current capabilities of intelligent systems with natural language recognition.

The chatbot Kari, who serves as a virtual girlfriend, stands in contrast to these positions. This
system interacts with the user and attempts to start a social conversation with them by
employing techniques similar to natural language processing.

With the aid of algorithms created to aid the programmer learn from its inputs, the software
aims to give personal companionship and to replicate human interaction as accurately as

Digitization brings new possibilities to ease our daily life activities by the means of assistive
technology. Amazon. not, in today’s world you can interact with your Alexa, Apple Siri,
Microsoft Cortana, Samsung, to name only a few were successful in the age of smart personal
assistants (spas).

A voice assistant is defined a digital assistant that combines artificial intelligence, machine
learning Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speech Synthesis and
various actuation mechanisms to sense and influence the environment. We use different NLP
techniques to convert Speech to text (STT), then process the text, convert Text to Speech
(TTS), add various functionalities.

However, SPA research seems to be highly fragmented among different disciplines, such as
computer science, human computer interaction and information systems, which leads to
‘reinventing the wheel approaches’ and thus impede progress and conceptual clarity. In this

paper, we present an exhaustive, integrative literature review to build a solid basis for future

Hence, we contribute by providing a consolidated, integrated view on prior research and lay
the foundation for an SPA classification scheme. machine. What is interacting with a

Obviously giving it some input, but what if the input is not in the conventional way of typing,
rather it is your own Voice. What if you are talking to the machine, giving it commands and
wanting the machine to interact with you like your assistant? What if the machine is not giving
you answers just by showing you the best results but also by advising you with a better al

An easy access to machine with voice commands is the revolutionary way of human system
interaction. To achieve this, we need to use speech to text API for understanding the input.

Many companies like Google, Amazon and Apple are trying to achieve this in generalized
form. Isn’t it amazing that you can set reminders by just saying remind me to...? Or set alarm
with wake me up at.

Understanding the importance of this we have decided to make a system that can be placed
anywhere in vicinity and you can ask it to help you do anything for you just by speaking with
it. In addition to this, you can also connect two such devices through Wi-Fi and make them
communicated with each other in future.

This device can be very handy for day to day use and it can Instead of pattern recognition we
use nap techniques to recognize the text which is context based. Operates online as well as
offline. Data is Stored in Application itself, reduces Time and Space Complexity.

In 21st century, everything is leaning towards automation, may it be your home or car. There
is an unbelievable change rather advancement in techno logy over the last few years. Believe
it or help you function better by constantly giving you reminders and

updates. Why would we need it? Because your own voice is turning into a best input device
than a conventional enter key.

All the Operating Systems plenty of applications and services f provide or users. The Most
famous application of iPhone is “SIRI” which helps the end user to communicate end user to
mobile with voice and it also responds to the voice commands of the user. Same kind of
application is also developed by the Google that is “Google Voice Search” which is used for
in with several significant breakthroughs over the years, voice assistants have a long history.
On smartphones and wearable technology, voice assistant for dictation, search, and voice
commands has become a standard function.

In order to offer general information (theory and concepts) concerning voice control, virtual
assistants, fields of application, and other topics, the study is based on an incomplete review of
the literature. There are many examples in daily life of intelligent programs that are currently
on the market that have the ability to process natural language in a range of roles.

Bell Laboratories developed Audrey, the first speech recognition system, in 1952. Audrey was
relatively technologically illiterate and constrained, understanding only ten digits, spoken by
specific persons (Pieraccini, 2012).

A decade or so later, IBM created and unveiled its Shoebox Machine. 16 different spoken
words, including all ten numbers from "0" to "9," as well as calculations like "plus" and
"minus," were recognized and responded to by the device. Only in English by a designated
speaker, the Shoebox Machine recognized and responded to 16 spoken words, including the
ten digits from "0" through "9".

Later, these restrictions proved to be troublesome, which raised doubts about voice
recognition. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was introduced around 1970. (Rabiner,1989).
The HMM significantly changed the process of creating a workable voice recognition
programmer. With the use of HMM, voice recognition technology began calculating the
likelihood that sounds could represent words.

Due to the method's ability to increase the number of comprehensible words to a few
thousand, the possibility of being able to recognize an infinite number of words has now
become imminent. Because of the options for observation distribution in each model stage,
practically any sort of data can be accurately modelled.

Apple Inc. introduced the first voice command system that was widely usable when it released
the Siri virtual personal assistant in 2011. (Bostic, 2013). Siri, an intelligent bot, is now a
regular feature on Apple's mobile devices and is regarded as a key component of them.

Siri is a personal assistant that employs natural language processing to respond to inquiries
and delegate tasks to web services, which are then completed on the user's behalf.

Similar to this, Zabaware Inc. developed the chatbot HAL to serve as a virtual assistant for
computer users. In an effort to arrange the data provided to it, the bot also makes use of
natural language processing algorithms to communicate with the user and record what the user
says. IBM has made significant investments in this area and developed Watson; a system
designed to compete on the Jeopardy! television

programme. This system defeated the two most talented human participants on the show,
demonstrating the current capabilities of intelligent systems with natural language recognition.

The chatbot Kari, who serves as a virtual girlfriend, stands in contrast to these positions. This
system interacts with the user and attempts to start a social conversation with them by
employing techniques similar to natural language processing. With the aid of algorithms
created to aid the programme learn from its inputs, the software aims to give personal
companionship and to replicate human interaction as accurately as possible.

A computer primarily based approach for performing a command via a voice consumer
interface on a subset of objects.

The subset is selected from a fixed of items, each having an object type at least one taggable
field is associated with the object type and has a corresponding value.

The set of objects is saved in the laptop memory. An utterance is acquired from the person
and consists of a command, an object type choice, a tag-gable field selection, and a price for
the taggable discipline.

Responsive to the utterance, at least one item is retrieved from the set of gadgets, the item of
the sort selected through the user and having a price within the taggable area selection that
matches the taggable field fee obtained from the user the command is done on the item. The
object includes textual content that’s converted to voice output.

They envisioned that someday computers will recognize natural language and count on what
we need, whilst and where we need it, and proactively whole responsibilities on our behalf.
However, speech recognition and machine getting to know have persevered to berend, and
based records served through packages and content providers have emerged.

We agree with that as computer systems turn out to be smaller and greater ubiquitous [e.g.,
wearables and Internet of Things (IoT).

The recognizer is designed to change a verbal articulation from an individual into an alternate
method of data (e.g., text). A hand-held individual colleague including a voice-recognizer and
a characteristic dialect processor is disclosed.

This snippet of data can be a plan for the day, data in the individual’s logbook or data from the
individual’s address book, Such as a telephone number.

The Most well-known utilization of iPhone is “SIRI “which causes the end client to impart
end client versatile with voice and it additionally reacts to the voice charges of the client.

It is named as Personal Assistant with Voice Recognition Intelligence, which takes the client
contribution to type of voice or content and process it and returns the yield in different
structures like activity to be performed or the item is directed to the end client.

Furthermore, this proposed framework can change the method for com-munitions between end
client and the cell phone.

Open Data is currently gathering consideration for imaginative administration creation,

predominantly in the zone of government, bio science, and shrewd venture. Be that as it may,
to advance its application more for purchaser administrations, a web crawler for Open Data to
realize what sort of information is there would be of assistance

This paper presents a voice colleague which utilizes Open Data as its learning source. It is
highlighted by change of precision as per the client criticisms, and obtaining of unregistered
information by the client support. We additionally demon-state an application to help for a
field-work and affirm its viability.

The paper gives a diagram of the VPA applications, and the normal highlights and future
patterns. The paper proposes also a bound together choice model in light of a quantitative
appraisal of the significance of the solicitations and the accessibility of the client. Virtual
Personal Assistant (VPA) is the up-and-coming age of bearer administrations for portable

VPA is accepted to be the smart advancement of administrations to take care of the regularly
expanding demand by the portable experts for portability and network. The VPA controls the
phone calls, deals with the individual exercises through logbook,192 A. S. Tulshan and S. N.
Dhage empowers the client to get to his undertaking administrator by means of voice inter-
faces, and incorporates every one of the elements of Unified Messaging.

The Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) will empower the client to productively handle
expanding interest of phone calls, messages, gatherings and different exercises].

In any case, a great many people don’t utilize them consistently. Past research has examined
the encounters of continuous IPA clients. Utilizing subjective techniques, we investigate the
experience of rare clients: individuals who have attempted IPAs, yet pick not to utilize them

Obviously occasional clients share a portion of the encounters of successive clients, e.g.,
dissatisfaction at confinements on completely sanshands collaboration. Critical purposes of
difference and beforehand unidentified concerns likewise develop. Humanness of IPAs started
correlations with human associates, comparing their restrictions.

In particular, critical concerns rose around security, adaptation, information permanency and
straight forwardness. Drawing on these discoveries we talk about key difficulties, including:
outlining for interrupt ability; re-examination of the human similitude; issues of trust and
information proprietor-ship. Tending to these difficulties may prompt more across the board
IPA utilize.

As virtual assistants move toward becoming more intelligent and the IVA bio-logical
community of administrations and gadgets extends, there’s a developing need to comprehend
the security and protection dangers from this rising innovation. A few late occurrences feature
noteworthy vulnerabilities in IVAs.

Better demonstrative testing can uncover such vulnerabilities and prompt more reliable
frameworks [8]. It enables the objective clients to connect with PCs and web-based
administrations with a wide cluster of usefulness in light of different web administrations and
social media.

There are four standard parts of the system; the voice recognition module, the natural language
processing module, conversational agent and the content extraction module.

The current screen per client writing computer programs is not fitting for getting to Internet in
perspective of the base help they give for web content and the nonattendance of voice
affirmation. The Virtual Right-hand programming open in the market are not especially given
everything and unfit to utilize it similarly. Some may confront issue now too.

This paper presents a usability of four Virtual assistant vocables and contextual text (Google
assistant, Cortana, Siri, Alexa).

Cortana can likewise read your messages, track your area, watch your perusing history, check
your contact list, watch out for your date-book, and set up this information together to propose
valuable data, on the off chance that you enable it.

You can likewise type your inquiries or solicitations, in the event that you want to not stand
up uproarious. It is only desktop based virtual assistant.

Siri: Siri has been an integral part of iOS since the dispatch of iOS5 of every 2011. It began
with the nuts and bolts, for example, climate and informing, yet has extended significantly
from that point forward to help all the more outsider mix with MacOS.

While Siri’s jokes are unbelievable, the virtual aide is getting more able consistently.
Presently, you can request that it call individuals, send messages, plan gatherings, dispatch
applications and recreations, and play music, answer questions, set updates, and give climate

Google Assistant: Google Assistant (which has consolidated capacities from the more
seasoned Google now, as now is being eliminated) is unique in relation to Cortana and Siri.
Survey on Virtual Assistant: Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, Alexa 193

The significantly conversational VA is capable at interpreting essential vernaculars and

understanding the importance behind unobtrusively complex request like, “What should we
have for dinner?”

It can in like manner see up to six unmistakable voices for couples and families, each voice
settling to different logbook events and slants, great position amazing to Assistant and
impeccable in a condition where everyone uses the voice helper on a singular gadget.

Alexa: While sharing different features similarly as various VAs, Alexa is in its own one-of-
a-kind class. Amazon’s voice partner incented on portable or PC purposes, but instead for the
independent Amazon Echo speaker and a set number of Amazon Fire gadgets, with a more
prominent focus on entire house administration and administrations as opposed to PC situated

Each business visionary, side trickster and multitasking proficient out there would love to have
a virtual assistant right hand to go up against a portion of the dull every day errands that
accompany existing in the advanced time.

Similarly, as with any developing innovation, in any case, it can be hard to isolate the build up
from the certainties. There are four noteworthy players seeking consideration: Amazon
(Alexa), Apple (Siri), (Google Assistant) and Microsoft (Cortana). I invested hours testing
each of the four assistants by making inquiries and giving charges that numerous business
clients would utilize.

Amid the testing procedure, I noticed the accomplishment of the AI’s reaction to me, and in
addition different components a planned users may think about, for example, simplicity of
setup, general capacity to perceive my voice and relevant comprehension.

About each cell phone and available today has a brilliant right hand caught inside, similar to
an ascoma-dating phantom—however how might they stack up against each other?

While it may seem like Siri, Cortana, and the mysterious Google Assistant are in general just
assortments of the same virtual partners, they each have their own specific
unconventionality’s, imperfections, and characteristics.

So, which one’s best for clients? AllThingsD considered, that isn’t a basic request to answer,
as they’re like the point that it ‘shard to take a gander at them without plunging significant into
their capacities. Along these lines, we should start on this virtual right-hand connection

3.Problem definition

Usually, user needs to manually manage multiple sets of applications to complete one task.
For example, a user trying to make a travel plan needs to check for airport codes for nearby
airports and then check travel sites for tickets between combinations of airports to reach the
destination. There is need of a system that can manage tasks effortlessly.

We already have multiple virtual assistants. But we hardly use it. There are number of people
who have issues in voice recognition. These systems can understand English phrases but they
fail to recognize in our accent. Our way of pronunciation is way distinct from theirs. Also,
they are easy to use on mobile devices than desktop systems. There is need of a virtual
assistant that can understand English in Indian accent and work on desktop system.

When a virtual assistant is not able to answer questions accurately, it’s because it lacks the
proper context or doesn’t understand the intent of the question. Its ability to answer questions
relevantly only happens with rigorous optimization, involving both humans and machine
learning. Continuously ensuring solid quality control strategies will also help manage the risk
of the virtual assistant learning undesired bad behaviors. They require large amount of
information to be fed in order for it to work efficiently.

Virtual assistant should be able to model complex task dependencies and use these models to
recommend optimized plans for the user. It needs to be tested for finding optimum paths when
a task has multiple sub-tasks and each sub-task can have its own sub-tasks. In such a case
there can be multiple solutions to paths, and the it should be able to consider user preferences,
other active tasks, priorities in order to recommend a particular plan.

Personal assistant software is required to act as an interface into the digital world by
understanding user requests or commands and then translating into actions or
recommendations based on agent’s understanding of the world.

JIA focuses on relieving the user of entering text input and using voice as primary means of
user input. Agent then applies voice recognition algorithms to this input and records the input.
It then uses this input to call one of the personal information management applications such as
task list or calendar to record a new entry or to search about it on search engines like Google,
Bing or Yahoo etc. Focus is on capturing the user input through voice, recognizing the input

and then executing the tasks if the agent understands the task. Software takes this input in
natural language, and so makes it easier for the user to input what he or she desires to be done.

Voice recognition software enables hands free use of the applications, lets users to query or
command the agent through voice interface. This helps users to have access to the agent while
performing other tasks and thus enhances value of the system itself. JIA also have ubiquitous
connectivity through Wi-Fi or LAN connection, enabling distributed applications that can
leverage other APIs exposed on the web without a need to store them locally.

Virtual assistants must provide a wide variety of services. These include:

 Providing information such as weather, facts from e.g., Wikipedia etc.

 Set an alarm or make to-do lists and shopping lists.

 Remind you of birthdays and meetings.

 Play music from streaming services such as Savant and Giana.

 Play videos, TV shows or movies on televisions, streaming from e.g., Netflix or Hot

 Book tickets for shows, travel and movies.

Feasibility study can help you determine whether or not you should proceed with your project.
It is essential to evaluate cost and benefit. It is essential to evaluate cost and benefit of the
proposed system. Five types of feasibility study are taken into consideration.

1. It includes finding out technologies for the project, both hardware and software. For
virtual assistant, user must have microphone to convey their message and a speaker to
listen when system speaks. These are very cheap now a days and everyone generally
possess them. Besides, system needs internet connection. While using JIA, make sure
you have a steady internet connection. It is also not an issue in this era where almost
every home or office has Wi-Fi.
It is the ease and simplicity of operation of proposed system. System does not require
any special skill set for users to operate it. In fact, it is designed to be used by almost

everyone. Kids who still don’t know to write can read out problems for system and get
Here, we find the total cost and benefit of the proposed system over current system.
For this project, the main cost is documentation cost. User also would have to pay for
microphone and speakers. Again, they are cheap and available. As far as maintenance
is concerned, JIA won’t cost too much.
2. This shows the management and organizational structure of the project. This project is
not built by a team. The management tasks are all to be carried out by a single person.
That won’t create any management issues and will increase the feasibility of the
3. It deals with compatibility of the project with cultural environment. Virtual assistant is
built in accordance with the general culture. The project is named JIA so as to
represent Indian culture without undermining local beliefs.

This project is technically feasible with no external hardware requirements. Also, it is simple
in operation and does not cost training or repairs. Overall feasibility study of the project
reveals that the goals of the proposed system are achievable. Decision is taken to proceed with
the project.


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