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Bill Heron

Bagus Hutomo

Toma Feizo Gas, Aitor Holgado, Bagus Hutomo, Vincent Laik, Andre Meister, Edson Pagola, Reynan Sanchez, Vladimir

Marc Langworthy, Rodrigo Vilanova


Jen McCleary Michal E. Cross Kimberly Nugent


N.R. Bharathae Alberto Abal, Carlos Llauger "Bostria" Marshall Oppel
and Hugo Rodriguez
Benn Graybeaton Marc Langworthy
Gutier Lusquiños Rodríguez, Alberto Abal, Carlos Torres, and Carlos “Bostria” Llauger


Jay Little

Benn Graybeaton, Nathan Dowdell, Mark Redacted, Justin Alexander, Marc Langworthy


Chris Birch Rita Birch Cameron Dicks


Sam Webb Jon Webb Luc Woolfenden


Peter Grochulski Stephen Daldry


Rocio Martin Perez Kieran Street Benn Greybeaton


Kyle Shephard MANAGER Shaun Hocking Valya Mkrtchyan
Lloyd Gyan

Thank you to Corvus Belli—Alberto, Gutier, Carlos, and Fernando—for letting us play in your world!

PUBLISHED BY Modiphius Entertainment

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Product Number: MUH050213
2nd Floor, 39 Harwood Road ISBN: 978-1-912200-40-5
Fulham, London, SW6 4QP
Artwork & Storyline © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2019
United Kingdom
INFINITY is © Corvus Belli S.L.L. 2019
The 2d20 System and Modiphius logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2019. All 2d20 System text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment
Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended.

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental
and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.




This adventure is a pulse-pounding espionage thriller that draws the PCs deep into the darkest secrets of
the Human Sphere. Betrayed by their friends and with their enemies turning into strange allies, can they
unentangle their twisted triangle of allegiances before the Code: Infinity unleashes its destructive force?

A routine intelligence-gathering mission for the as catspaws of both Ozymandias and Amaunet for
PCs providing escort for a senior O-12 agent, their own ends. In Amaunet’s case, it is to ensure
Fereydun Yildiz, takes a turn for the worse aboard the enaction of the APOPHIS Protocol and prevent
a Caravanserai. When their charge is injured itself from being shut down by a series of code-
during an attack, the characters are framed for words. Ozymandias has already survived multiple
his attempted murder. Fereydun’s father, Charon attacks from various mercenary companies while
Committee member Feyyaz Yildiz, takes a very per- in hiding on Dawn and is justifiably paranoid. He is
sonal stake in pulling strings to get the Hassassin attempting to find out why the Charon Committee
Husam Yasbir assigned to exact his own form of members are being targeted.
From the wilds of Ariadna to the Paradiso battle-
In doing so, he reveals his location to Amaunet and front, and space itself, the characters are being
Ozymandias, both fellow members of the Charon hunted. As the characters discover the other mem-
Committee think-tank. One is a rogue LAI, suborned bers of the committee, prove their innocence, and
by the Tohaa Triumvirate, the other is an O-12 agent find the shutdown commands for Amaunet, they
in hiding on Dawn. The characters become involved uncover the Triumvirate’s involvement.

A secret multi-faction think-tank, the Charon killed in an “accident” - both Ozymandias and
Committee postulated on how O-12 could be Feyyaz Yildiz know of her existence.
compromised after the First Offensive. Four in • Feyyaz Yildiz, Haqqislam Silk Lord. He has knowl-
number on paper (actually five, but none of the edge of Estevez, Ozymandias, and Raanios, but not
committee are aware of more than three other Amaunet. If Paradiso could later be terraformed
members as information was compartmented), this anew, a new Silk monopoly could arise – at least
committee was tasked with researching various that is what he thought. His son, Fereydun, is
solutions should O-12 and ALEPH become com- injured by the Ikari.
promised. They worked outside of O-12 jurisdiction • Raanios, Tohaa Liaison. In actuality a Triumvirate
as a result. agent, he is also working to cover up the
Triumvirate’s involvement in the deaths of the
One such plan was the APOPHIS Protocol. A early Human Sphere colonists on Paradiso.
sleeper cell — in fact, a corporation — would be Attached to the Spiral Corps, he has full knowl-
created using sequestered funds, provided by each edge of Bellerophon’s nature, and plans to use it
member of the committee. At least, that is what the as a “revenge ploy” against the Combined Army
committee were led to believe. These funds were, regarding the fall of the Daedalus Blockade. He
however, provided by the Tohaa Triumvirate through is the one who used the hit on Fereydun Yildiz to
a labyrinth of shell companies. expose Feyyaz.
• Amaunet. Actually a rogue AI, previously on the
• Ozymandias, O-12 Agent. He knows the identity EveningStar, now spread across the datasphere
of the other remaining committee members, in the Bellerophon Corporation. It now runs the
except Amaunet. He’s been left to his own devices corporation, explicitly designed to enact the
for some time. APOPHIS Protocol. It has quickly gained control
• Aisha Estevez. Went into seclusion on Varuna, of the corporation by a series of “unfortunate
then went crusading upon Paradiso. Apparently events” – Arachne’s Deeps (the Deep Web) are rife
with rumour of a conspiracy.


When the Roshnii Code was activated, a series models by the Charon Committee postulated a
of micro-explosions was meant to break up the mass driver attack on the Paradiso ZuluPoint site
EveningStar; however, when it was destroyed, the would cause the Combined Army to cut their losses
micro-explosions left a superstructure remaining in and retreat. A large enough object propelled from
orbit, most notably the area where the Combined space given sufficient explosive force would oblit-
Army forces boarded. Ostensibly quarantined by erate the Cosmolites, or at the very least, massively
O-12 (and the Charon Committee), it is supposedly disrupt the Combined Army’s operations. The loss of
being salvaged and broken into pieces with dem- life would be unthinkable, along with the collateral
olition charges by a Bellerophon-secured contract. damage to the Paradiso biosphere and climate, but
It is instead being structurally reinforced, refitted if the circumstances were desperate enough...
with discrete boosters and subtly moved into
the optimum striking range. While the Combined Codenamed APOPHIS (after the Egyptian god of
Army controls the lower atmosphere above the chaos), it was designed to put the necessary proce-
Cosmolites, the Human Sphere blockades dominate dures in place to provide a shell corporation cover
the rest of the system. story and back-stop for operating a “scorched earth”
policy. Controlled by an AI codenamed Amaunet, the
Reinforced with a Teseum-laced superstructure, corporation would be activated if needed.
Amaunet plans to use the wreckage as a mass
driver, plunging the structure down through the With the release of the B4CKDOOR files, Shasvastii
atmosphere. The reinforced structure would cause Speculo agents, and now the Third Offensive and
extinction at a near-planetary level, and the loss of the Libra Base 5 attack (see Shadow Affairs), the
millions of lives, but Amaunet is convinced these APOPHIS Protocol has been escalated.
are acceptable losses. Computer simulations and

4 Introduction



The characters are an escort detail for a high-ranking O-12 agent named Fereydun Yildiz to the Dawn
caravanserai know as Gates of Dawn. Yildiz is a cocky, vainglorious individual who see the characters as
unwanted babysitters. When a negotiation goes horribly wrong and he is shot dead, the characters find
themselves framed for Yildiz’s murder. As the characters suddenly find themselves hunted throughout the
Gates of Dawn caravanserai, they become aware someone is helping them evade the authorities. FILLING IN THE
The Kurage Crisis and the
OPERATIONAL SUMMARY G5’s involvement is still
very fresh in the minds
The player characters are dispatched as a protec- goods — or even black-market Silk — has prompted of many Ariadnans. The
tion detail for a high-ranking O-12 agent visiting this mission. newly risen Japanese
a new caravanserai near Dawn in the Ariadnan nation-states on Dawn and
system. Tensions are still running high in the Fereydun Yildiz is an experienced agent sent to the involvement of the
system after recent events on Dawn. find out more about the source of these rumours. JSA (Japanese Secessionist
The agents are there to provide both muscle and Army) in the Kurage
As well as the usual Ariadnan rambunctiousness, tactical support. The Gates of Dawn caravanserai Crisis left many Ariadnans
there is an added concern for O-12 and, indirectly, or Abwab Alfajr — to use the original Arabic name distrustful of both Yu Jing
the rest of the Human Sphere. Black-market tech, given it by Haqqislamites — was recently added and the JSA.
especially that of off-world or even alien origin, is to the Dawn system. It is a melting pot and melt-
a major threat to security. Rumours of the Bratva ing-point of cultures and factions from across the
mafia and the Yakuza beginning a trade in such Human Sphere.


Fereydun Yildiz is older than he appears, and there opportunity to terraform Paradiso into another
HONEY TRAP is far more to him than the dapper and debonair Bourak — and Silk...
The incident at Gates of Dawn agent he portrays. He has lived a long time, his
caravanserai is only the start Cube uploading him to new bodies, usually with a He is about to become the first casualty in a
of a journey that pulls the new identity each time. With good reason. Feyyaz conspiracy spanning the Human Sphere. Sent to the
characters into a high-level Yildiz — his real name — is a Silk Lord who craves Gates of Dawn caravanserai with the characters, he
conspiracy. The whole meet
excitement, which will unfortunately prove to be is there to “broker” a deal with suspected biotech
is a setup to attract Yildiz
from the outset. Amaunet has
his undoing. Yildiz is currently masquerading as smugglers from the Yakuza and Bratva mafia.
used Bellerophon funds to his “son” Fereydun. As a Silk Lord Master Gardener, Unfortunately, both he and the characters are
finance the Ikari Company to he had several reasons for participating in O-12’s walking into a possibly fatal trap.
remove Yildiz and a group of Charon Committee, not least was the possible
Nomad hacktivists, making
the characters the scapegoats.
As the AI responsible for
enacting the APOHIS protocol,
Amaunet is eliminating all You weren’t sure what to expect of the caravanserai when you got off the shuttle from the Dawn Vila
possible threats, and by Booster. You weren’t expecting a fresh breeze with a hint of orange blossom from the distant hydroponic
killing Yildiz, wheels are set gardens, and a call to prayers from discreet speakers hidden nearby. Fereydun’s impatient to get to
in motion, possibly leading to Casablanca Sam’s already.
the destruction of large parts
of Paradiso! You sure weren’t expecting comfort and space in a caravanserai after several days cooped up with
Fereydun Yildiz, either. A high-ranking O-12 agent — he says — you’re there to babysit him. The guy’s
insufferable. Arrogant. Opinionated. Call-me-Freddy thinks he’s a sex god.
Immaterial of your personal feelings for the man, you’re there to make sure he doesn’t get into too much
trouble here at the Gates of Dawn. If no one else shoots him, you may well end up doing it yourself. But
orders are orders, according to Niamh, your handler.
There’s some negotiation he’s trying to broker between the local Yakuza and Bratva mafia. That’ll make
things interesting…

ALEPH: Dawn is still somewhat technologically backward, but somehow the Nomads have managed to set up one of their
Arachne nodes on the caravanserai. Do what’s necessary to prevent it becoming a viable alternative. Make it look like an
accident or unreliable Nomad tech.
Ariadna: If the Yakuza and Bratva are colluding, foster some distrust between the two criminal entities. After recent events like
the Uprising, the last thing anyone on Dawn wants is more Yu Jingese spies sniffing around. Or souped-up Bratva. Let’s find
out how deep they are in with each other.
Corporations/Mercenaries: There are usually a few independent entrepreneurs around here. Some of those local operators
might be able to afford your skills. You’ll not be guarding Yildiz all the time. You may get info on a new gig at Wolfman Jacques.
Haqqislam: Gates of Dawn is the first caravanserai in the Dawn system. It’s in Haqqislam’s best interests to keep things on-the-
level, so make yourself available to the Chief Azimi, although the local Imam is also an ally. If there is a trade in some form of
Silk, report back to them.
Nomads: There’s an Arachne node located in Alghaba. You’ve got a few maintenance updates to add to it, provided you aren’t
spotted. Speak to Raza.
PanOceania: This is very much a propaganda tool by Haqqislam. There’s an information broker named Raza who might be able
to provide some sort of leverage on local officials if needed, or at least a dossier. The local priest is an undercover agent. They’d
also like to know what O-12’s interest in the Bratva and Yakuza is.
Submondo: Someone’s got a way in and out of here without any official entanglements. Smart money is on Alejandro’s place.
Or perhaps those tunnels?
Yu Jing: If the JSA are involved, there’s got to be a way they’re avoiding the StateEmpire’s agents. See what you can find out.
There are no active StateEmpire agents on board the caravanserai — or so we believe — but be prepared.

6 PART 1


The characters arrive on Gates of Dawn via shuttle from the Circular 4A in the Dawn system. The caravanse-
rai’s interior is very much a welcomed shock after extended — and cramped — space travel. OUR WOMAN IN
FLASHBACK: WHO’S OUR HANDLER? The agents’ handler for this
THE AGENTS HAVE Niamh (pronounced “NEEV”) will be your handler. mission, Niamh (pronounced
QUESTIONS She checked in with you on your way to the cara- “NEEV”), is located on Dawn.
A protégé of Ozymandias (see
vanserai. She will be able to send your gear with a
The characters and their players likely have a few courier on the next shuttle, if you’ve requested it, to p.67), she’s assisting the
characters from Dawn itself,
questions about their arrival on the caravanserai. Gates of Dawn.
so there’s a slight delay on any
The GM may wish to answer these questions as a comms with her. A success on
flashback to an earlier mission briefing, while also WHO’S FEREYDUN YILDIZ? an Average (D1) Intelligence +
allowing the characters to requisition any items He’s a senior field agent with an established cover Tech test allows a character to
they need or want. in black-market and VoodooTech. He’s there to figure out that Niamh is not on
infiltrate the organisations of both the Yakuza and the caravanserai or nearby and
HOW DID WE GET HERE? Bratva as a buyer (and seller) of “their” tech — what- the lag in communication is
You arrived in the Dawn system by Circular, the ever the hell it is. due to this.
Circular 4A. Eight hours transport-journey from
the Vila booster saw you arrive at Gates of Dawn, a WHAT IS CASABLANCA SAM’S?
Haqqislam-run caravanserai. It’s a local speakeasy — or café that serves alcohol
— and an eatery (and public place). Niamh will get items delivered
WHAT’S OUR MISSION? to the characters at the
You’re there to support — tactically and otherwise WHAT GEAR DO WE HAVE? caravanserai, awaiting them
— Fereydun Yildiz, an O-12 special agent with What you can carry with you. Any gear you need to on their shuttle’s arrival. Other
a proven cover of dealing in black-market tech, requisition (reasonably), your handler delivered to items can be requested and
including Logotech. He’s there to attempt to broker you locally. purchased as normal, although
a deal with the local organised crime syndicates, illegal items and facilities will
the Yakuza and Ariadnan Bratva mafia. Yildiz plans WHEN DOES THE not be possible unless the
characters can get to Dawn (or
to attempt to infiltrate these organisations as a CIRCULAR LEAVE?
spend an Infinity Point).
seller and find out just what they are dealing in. The Circular leaves in 30 hours from its arrival at
You’re there to prevent complications, lend muscle, Gates of Dawn.
and provide an escort.
You’re on the caravanserai of Gates of Dawn, in the According to the display in the Winter Hall, the
Dawn system. next shuttle from Dawn is due in 13 hours. Another
shuttle leaves in 21 hours for the Circular.


The Haqqislamite architectural origins of the cara- strengthened screen was added to cover the chasm.
vanserai are still evident, but they are often offset Angled to face Dawn’s sun, this shield allows fil-
by Ariadnan flourishes such as clan tartans draped tered light to reach the settlement below including
from the walls as souvenirs in the Bazaar. the hydroponic terraces. Set to darken according to
Dawn’s day-night cycle, the shield allows sunlight
The caravanserai is home to 500 souls at capacity, to brightly illuminate the streets below, creating a
although it is barely half-full even at its busiest, bright marketplace where Ariadnans wearing clan
with an arriving Circular or shuttle from Dawn. tartans contrast with silken awnings and digital
A small staff of functionaries crew the station, displays. The various dialects of Ariadna — mostly
dealing with maintenance, security, and flight Rodinan — can be heard, often competing for
operations. As a point between the Vila booster and volume, especially when a Dog-Bowl match is on.
orbitals of Dawn, shuttle arrivals are counted down
The older exploratory tunnels are sealed and are
by a huge old-fashioned timer in the caravanserai’s
used as storage, although enterprising individuals
Winter Hall.
have made use of the tunnels for smuggling both
people and goods. The tunnels are largely airless,
Much of the caravanserai is converted from an old
exposed to space, although the local security teams
mining installation. The vast man-made crevasse at
seal internal access to them when they can. Despite
the heart of the asteroid was hollowed out, and a


their best efforts, there are still a few left unsealed, The air within the caravanserai is something of a
and local rumour hints that hidden smuggler surprise. Recycled air aside, the hydroponics farms
caches are hidden in some of the deeper tunnels, have a small number of orange groves whose
lost and forgotten in the airless depths. These are flowers impart a faint citrus fragrance to the air.
the few areas covered with graffiti, although these Nomads will likely complain that the place smells
vary from works of art to crude insults about Dog- like a giant air freshener.
Bowl teams.

ALEJANDRO SOYENGWASE An ardent theologian, he and Imam Husayn Ibn Ali
Alejandro Soyengwase was one of the first Bayie. can often be found arguing in Café Voltaire. Despite
He runs Alejandro’s Automatika, and although he the feigned heat of their debates, the two are great
considers himself a retired meteor head, there’s not friends. The father has a secret though. Before he
much he can’t fix. He also knows the caravanserai’s took Holy Orders, he was once a Father-Knight and
systems well, to the extent that he has rigged member of the Order of the Temple. He is terrified
himself a few backdoor protocols, just in case he that someday ALEPH or Hexas operatives will come
ever needs it. calling, and he will be brought to account for his
past. While old age has reduced him to inhabiting a
Meteor Head — FATHER AUGUSTO MUÑOZ Lhost body, he has lost none of his wit.
Infinity Corebook, p. 444 A keen caver, Father Muñoz is likely to be found
wandering the old mine tunnels in his free time.

8 PART 1

CORSAIRS have a grudging respect for Farran after he was

Two corsairs of note operate out of Gates of caught in a barfight and knocked out Andy ‘Crusher’
Dawn. The two captains are bitter rivals, and this McFadzean (the station’s biggest — and loudest —
animosity transfers to their crews. Captains Shane Dogface). His first act was to create a memorial to
MacMurtrie and Zoya Chugunkina command the his wife, the orange grove, which he paid for by his
Pure Genius and Vasiliev Volka respectively. Neither own pocket.
will admit to the source of their feud, but each tries
to outdo the other every chance they get. On the PLACES TO BE, THINGS
rare occasions they are both aboard the caravanse- TO DO
rai, they will be found in Alghaba.
The caravanserai has plenty of locations the char-
Neither MacMurtrie nor Chugunkina are Ariadnan. acters can visit throughout their stay. Most items of
PanOceanian-born MacMurtrie is allegedly the Restriction 1 or 2 are freely available.
wayward son of a wealthy Varunian family, and
it’s not his real name. Chugunkina is a Tunguskan BAZAAR
Nomad. Both are hiding out from enemies. The Winter Hall of the caravanserai, the Bazaar is
very much the “Main Street” of the caravanserai.
IMAM HUSAYN IBN ALI Street vendors sell everything from comlogs to
Husayn Ibn Ali is a priest first and a spy second. food, Teseum jewellery to tat such as authentic Father-Knight —
That is the way he prefers to look at it, anyway. USAriadna baseball hats, Rodinan roshankas, and Infinity Corebook, p. 435
Assigned to the caravanserai, he has rarely been Dogface masks. The Mosque is at one end of the
called upon as a Muhafiz agent. He is relatively cer- Bazaar, with Central Control at the other. The street Lhost —
tain that both Father Muñoz and Chief Azimi know is thronged at all hours, although the ambient Infinity Corebook, p. 372
his secret, but so far there has been no conflict lighting is darkened to match Dawn’s day-night
of interest. cycle, and noise baffling technology cancels out Pirate Captain —
much of the street noise. The hydroponics farms Infinity Corebook, p. 447
THE JACQALS provide much of the fresh food on sale here.
Scholar —
“Hooligans” and “violent thugs” are two of the more Ariadnan vegetation has also managed to gain a
Infinity Corebook, p. 454
polite phrases to describe these Ariadnan Dog- foothold, and more than a few heating vents or
Bowl fans. A loose group of Dogfaces and Wulvers drains have foliage growing, a problem for mainte- Dog-Warrior —
who work the cargo bays, they get tanked-up at nance staff, but addition to the ambience. Infinity Corebook, p. 431
Wolfman Jacques every Dog-Bowl game. Usually
they pick a fight with outsiders — corsair crews or Alejandro’s Automatika: Most spacecraft checking Wulver —
the characters are fair game — although they will into the caravanserai will need repairs of some Infinity Corebook, p. 461
fight each other if no one else is available. kind. Alejandro’s is the mechanical franchise on
the station, and a spacecraft is in safe hands at Police —
Infinity Corebook, p. 449
QAPU KHALQI SECURITY Alejandro’s Automatika, whether it is an overhaul
Chief Sajila Azimi and her deputies have their work of their engines, or the latest in systems upgrades.
Bakunin Moderator —
cut out on the caravanserai. Whether breaking up Alejandro’s staff may also add a concealed hold or Infinity Corebook, p. 422
Jacqal fights or keeping an eye out for potential those illegal upgrades the ship’s captain has always
troublemakers (like the characters), her team also wanted... for a fee. Diplomat —
has to deal with potential smugglers and keeping Infinity Corebook, p. 429
the corsairs in line. Alghaba: A somewhat tacky (not just the floor)
cocktail bar with a heavy jungle theme, it bears
RAZA MENDOZA little relation to the verdant environment for which
A Bakunin Moderator(former, he says), Diego “Raza” it is named (Alghaba means “jungle”). Everything
Mendoza has been running Alghaba for over a year. is plastic and artificial. Frequented by many of the
He misses little of his old life aboard Bakunin but spacers, including several corsairs, the bar is easy
has been amenable to the Nomads installing an for one to get lost in with the fake greenery, but
Arachne node in the basement of the bar. the jungle noises make eavesdropping difficult.
Unknown to the Qapu Khalqi and Muhafiz, the
ZIMRAAN FARRAN, DIWÂN basement of this bar also hosts a Nomad Arachne
If the station has a leading light or supreme node. Very few Ariadnans drink in this Paradiso-
commander, Farran is the one most of the other themed bar which offers overpriced drinks with
Diwân respect and listen to. As one who has made ridiculous names like Scorpionette’s Sting or
the full pilgrimage to Bourak, he is more wordy and Milton’s Moonrise.
enlightened than many others who hold similar
positions in the caravanserai. Popular with both Black Sales: Although the street vendors of the
the station crew and civilians, he is both skilled Bazaar have a lot of stock for sale, Black Sales is
diplomat and canny businessman. Even the Jacqals the place to look for larger items such as remotes


and weaponry, although sales of the latter are Habitats: Raised above the lower levels and Bazaar,
tightly monitored by both the Muhafiz and Qapu the habitat levels are designed for the Bayie, those
Khalqi security teams. individuals (and their families) who have come to
caravanserai to make a living. While they are not
Café Voltaire: More of a coffee house than a café, large or spacious, they are functional with fully
the Café Voltaire caters to the devout pilgrims of interactive leisure suites.
Haqqislam, designed to resemble a Bourak coffee
house. No alcohol is served, but the coffee is good. Hydroponic Terraces: The source of some of the
Most of the CC staff visit this place, as do some of caravanserai’s income and, more importantly, much
the more affluent merchants and a few of the cor- of the caravanserai’s air, these agrarian plantations
sair crew. Imam Husayn Ibn Ali and Father Muñoz also have a small orange grove whose blossom
can often be found here playing dominoes. lends itself a fragrance throughout the caravanse-
rai, even through the recycled air. The fruits of the
Capsule Hotels: For travellers on a budget, these orange trees fetch a high price in the Bazaar. The
no-frill facilities consist of a small private sleeping orange grove is a memorial to the Diwân’s wife
area. Little more than a bunk and footlocker, with who died on Paradiso during the Second Offensive.
communal showers and washroom facilities, they A small stone marker lies at the centre of the
are not for the claustrophobic. grove. Anyone defacing the grove or damaging the
orange trees will face the full fury of the station’s
Casablanca Sam’s: More details on this bar can be security teams.
found on p.13.
Mosque: Imam Husayn Ibn Ali leads the faithful to
Central Control (CC): The “spire at the end of the prayer in this magnificent mosque at the end of the
street” as some of the Bayie call it, the Central Bazaar. Interactive displays help visitors to under-
Control spire stretches the height of the Bazaar stand the Search for Knowledge and Haqqislam
and oversees the Docking Ring. Here the Diwân Balance. The courtyards of the Mosque have foun-
and Qapu Khalqi have their offices along with the tains and pools, a luxury found nowhere else.
other caravanserai administrative functions and
the station’s Command & Control. The security NeoVatican Church: The NeoVatican Church has
suite has several interrogation rooms and secure their own church, although it is nowhere near as
facilities for prisoners, refitted from the old mainte- grand a frontage as the Mosque. Father Augusto
nance tunnels. Muñoz ministers to his flock every Sunday, offering
live-streaming sermons and secure-channel
Cut of Your Jib Tailors: Sellers of the latest fash- confessionals.
ions and functional space-ware, the ubiquitous
tailors were one of the caravanserai’s first retail Tortuga Technologies: This tech store is popular
merchants. As well as working with cutting-edge with Ariadnan caravaners. It has a link to Maya and
nanotech polymer fabrics from Neoterra, they also a year-old stock of ALEPH and PanOceania gadgets
do a fine line in clan tartans from Dawn. It’s not and other tech. The store also has a small — and
unknown to see local corsairs or Dogfaces in the discreet — augmentation suite for those wanting
store to get measured up for bespoke suits. to become the best version of themselves. A Dnet
node is available to use for an exorbitant fee.
E-Plus Medicare: The local medical facility (a
subsidiary of Aperids Biotech) is well-stocked, and Wolfman Jacques: The local Dogfaces and Wulvers
Dog-Warrior —
Infinity Corebook, p. 431
the ER is at its busiest after a Dog-Bowl game at flock to this bar for the Dog-Bowl matches shown
Wolfman Jacques. While Resurrection services are on the bar’s large screens. Known for being rowdy
Wulver — not available, Augmentations of Restriction 1 and 2 at the best of times, the local hooligans and ne’er-
Infinity Corebook, p. 461 are, along with standard medical facilities such as do-wells of this bar are called the Jacqals by the
emergency medical treatment. locals. They react violently to anyone on their turf,
as they view the caravanserai. Most are employed
as cargo loaders and handlers — they work and play
hard. The furniture in the bar is heavy-duty and
reinforced, and most of it is fixed to the floor.

10 PART 1


The external locations of the caravanserai are not
accessible without traversing the maintenance Node 1 — External Access Points: This covers
tunnels or a valid worker ID pass. Access to these several external entry points into the caravanserai’s
is secured with an airlock, requiring a Challenging network. Each should be treated as a separate node
(D2) Hacking or Thievery test. A failure triggers and requires a Breach effect on the appropriate
an alarm alert in both Central Control and the target. They include:
security networks.
• Comlogs of local workers, but not security staff.
Cargo Storage: These huge warehouses are full of • Docking ships.
cargo containers, awaiting a cargo shuttle for deliv- • Former business premises.
ery to Dawn or a Circular out of the system. Aside
from the cargo handlers, few come down to these Node 2 — Core Access: The Central Command
warehouses as there is little reason to — unless Core controls access to the rest of the network.
they are smugglers or thieves, or those wishing What could be considered the master node, it can
to avoid any encounters with law enforcement or only be physically accessed from the Command
security staff. Centre. Breaches here affect and include the
following areas:
Docking Ring: Designed to rotate around the
caravanserai’s docking bays, the ring’s movement is • Command Centre.
controlled by CC, as is all traffic into and out of the • Reactor grid. It is not possible to cause a melt-
caravanserai. down in the reactor withouxt spending at least
twenty minutes overriding the safety protocols
Maintenance Tunnels: Part of the old mines, these and coolant mechanisms, and a Daunting (D3)
refurbished tunnels corkscrew around the asteroid’s Tech test.
structure and are not shown on the map. Narrow • Point Defence Network. Remote control of the
and dimly lit at the best of times, these tunnels point defence remote turrets.
are the source of the caravanserai’s own urban
mythology: Tafili gangs living in the tunnels, lost It can also perform the same tasks as the other
caches of smuggler contraband, corsair hideouts, nodes, although any test made here increases the
ghost miners, and of course, the monsters that live difficulty by one step.
in the deepest tunnels.
• IC-4 Black ICE / Crybaby.
Point Defences: Although unlikely to be attacked, • Secured Zone (Firewall 14)
the caravanserai maintains a several double-Askari • Military HighSec (+4§ Interference Soak).
HMGs as fixed-point defences. They are operated
remotely from Central Control. A complement of Node 3 — Security: The security network consists of
missiles and remotes also lie concealed in weapons the following areas:
blisters across the surface, ready to be activated at
a moment’s notice. The caravanserai has teeth but • Security comlogs as carried by the security staff.
has never needed to show them. • Security remotes and other remotes assigned to
security roles.
Shuttle Bays: Designed to load and unload a • Security terminals in secure areas such as
craft’s cargo and passengers, these docking bays Command Centre, comms, and reactor.
are the first sights to greet a traveller. Overseen • Elevator and airlock control.
by the Muhafiz for customs and security checks,
these ubiquitous bays are designed to be secured Causing a decompression event for an area requires
at a moment’s notice from CC, but individual a Daunting (D3) Hacking test, as the system is
security codes allow for a certain amount of per- designed explicitly to prevent such an event.
sonal freedom.
It requires a security guard comlog or spoofed
Solar Farm: Located across the surface of the car- identity to access the Security node.
avanserai, the ranks of these panels count as +2§
Cover Soak. • IC-3 Crybaby / Deadfall.
• Secured Zone (Firewall 12).
• Data Tunnels to Nodes 2, 3, 6 and 8.


Node 4 — Comms: This allows communication from Node 7 — Environmental Controls: Breaches caused
Node 2 to the tight-beam comm relay, but Amaunet here allow a character to affect:
in her paranoia has insisted all communication
is relayed via the Command Centre. It provides • Artificial gravity. A Challenging (D2) Tech test suc-
access to the comms relay, and controlling this cess is required to alter the gravity to normal in a
area will allow characters to communicate with the zone. If the gravity is already normal, a Daunting
outside world. (D3) Tech test can alter it to high gravity, low
gravity, or zero-g.
• IC-3 Crybaby. • Atmosphere control. A Challenging (D2) Tech test
success is required to switch the air supply on or
Node 5 — Arachne Node: If a character manages to off.
bypass the Gaslight IC and makes a Challenging • Power distribution. A character can shut down
(D2) Analysis test, it can be used. power to a zone. It cannot be used to directly
cause explosions, although shutting down ther-
• Camouflaged Data Flux. mal vents and other areas may cause fires to
• IC-3 Gaslight. break out.

Node 6 — Defence Network: One of the carvanse- Characters may use the controls to generate other
rai’s most secure networks, it controls the point affects like flooding compartments with water, raw
defences and defence grid. sewage, and so on at the GM’s discretion.

• IC-4 Hivemines. • IC-3 Black ICE / Crybaby.

• Military HighSec (+4§ Interference Soak).
• Secured Zone (Firewall 14).

12 PART 1

Node 8 — Flight Control & Shipping: This node • Black Flights: The rumoured “Black Flights” are a
deals with both air traffic control and the incoming thing, as are the biotech imports — not exports
and outgoing ship traffic. It also maintains a record — that Yildiz was chasing. Someone is bringing
of all the storage containers aboard. illegal biotech to Dawn. It might be a corporation
— a side-line of Bellerophon’s — or a faction like
• Cargo manifests. A character can locate the con- Submondo or even Haqqislam.
tents or location of a specific cargo container • Nice Little Earner: The characters learn of a
with a Challenging (D2) Analysis test. scheme to use Gates of Dawn as a base for
• Docking bay control. A Breach allows a character a corsair such as McMurtrie or can even go
to control the access doors for a single bay. To into business as corsairs themselves. See the
access multiple bay doors requires a Challenging Haqqislam Sourcebook for more details on corsairs
(D2) Hacking test success, with each additional and privateering.
docking bay increasing the difficulty by +1. • Policing the Bleedin’ Edge: The characters are
• Flight control. A character can assign or check deputised by Central Control during a local crisis.
docking bay records for a ship on an Average (D1) It may be a repeat of the Kurage Crisis, local ten-
Analysis test success. sions boiling over, or perhaps the Jacqals become
• IC-3 Crybaby / Deadfall. more than just a minor nuisance.
• We’re Going on a Shrike Hunt: Some maniac
FUTURE ADVENTURE transports a dangerous animal such as a Shrike
HOOKS Tardigrade or Preta Hungry. It escapes — or is
released? — into the tunnel system, and quickly
Although the characters’ visit to Gates of Dawn is proves to be a menace. Can the characters track it
likely to be brief, there are a few adventures hooks down before it hunts them down?
the GM may want to use if the characters decide to
return there for any reason in the future.


The meeting between Yildiz, the Yakuza, and kitchen out the back of Casablanca Sam’s. The bar
Bratva is due to take place in Casablanca Sam’s. itself requires a successful Average (D1) Agility + Boarding Shot —
Infinity Corebook, p. 363
Casablanca Sam’s resembles an old-fashioned Athletics test to vault over.
art deco night club from the 1920s. The walls are
Teseum Chopper —
black, the ceiling and floor tiled white. Hollowed Any character taking cover behind the bar making Infinity Corebook, p. 383
out of the asteroid itself, the place looks like an a successful Challenging (D2) Awareness +
old movie set, but it is a thin veneer of opulence. Observation test will notice Sam’s boarding shot-
Behind the panelling is bare rock, and the wiring gun clipped under the bar, providing he’s not using
and ducts of the caravanserai are clearly visible. it. When the firefight starts, Sam will grab this and
The meal cost is a standard 1+1§ cost per meal. blast anything nearby.

The owner, Samuel “Sam” Ruzenko, usually tends COLD STORAGE

bar during the day (when the meeting happens), This refrigeration unit holds most of the perishable
while his sister Ana runs the kitchen. They food stuffs used by the kitchen. The units drain
are assisted by two bored wait staff and three little power since the surrounding rock leaches
kitchen staff. out much of the heat. The thick walls count as
+4§ Cover Soak. Any thermal imaging devices or
CASABLANCA SAM’S: augmentations will be unable to read through the
ZONES walls. When the fight breaks out, the staff are lock-
jammed in here, requiring a successful Challenging
As the characters are likely to be involved in an (D2) Brawn + Athletics test to free them from the
intense combat with the Ikari Company and Bratva, jammed door. If freed, the staff will flee out of
the following areas are their own distinct zones. the kitchen’s emergency exit, but Ana will grab a
massive cleaver, a Teseum chopper, and prepare to
THE BAR defend her kitchen.
The bar serves a vast number of local Ariadnan
ales and whiskeys, although more refined palates EMERGENCY EXITS
will be catered for at +1 of the listed cost. The food As well as the main entrance, there is also an
menu is basic, but it is hot, and prepared in the emergency exit into the maintenance tunnels and


another in the kitchen area. It takes a full action crooners provide background music and a simu-
Spotbot —
to close an emergency exit. They are designed lated crowd fills out the place. It provides +1§
Infinity Corebook, p. 381
to let people out but can be jammed shut with a Cover Soak.
successful Average (D1) Brawn + Engineering test.
They have the Non-Hackable quality. KITCHEN
The kitchen is run by Ana Ruzenko. During peak
FIXTURES & FITTINGS mealtimes, the place is full of steam and smoke.
— SEATING AREAS The grills and ovens go full blast, making it difficult
There are ten six-seater tables scattered through- to see (+1 Difficulty on all vision-based tests, count-
out the bar. The fittings and circular tables are all ing as a low-visibility zone).
glass and faux chrome, but the designer certainly
managed to capture the faded grandeur of a MAINTENANCE TUNNELS
bygone age. Despite this, they are robust enough to Aside from two dumpster-sized waste bins, these
seat Dogfaces, and the toughened glass is designed cold tunnels are still very much part of the old
to be hard to break. They provide +2§ Cover mining complex, rough rock walls with cable trunk-
Soak and can be flipped over with a successful ing and pipes snaking everywhere. The dumpsters
Challenging (D2) Brawn + Athletics test. provide +4§ Cover Soak.


An old-fashioned piano — long in need of tuning, The office has a data access node, allowing access
and more for physical ambience and decoration to both the local datasphere within Casablanca
— sits in one corner, and a huge bar takes up one Sam’s and to the outside world. It shows (and
side of the room. A projector inside it shows old controls) security feeds from the maintenance
silent vids for those without access to the local tunnel at the back, the bar area, and the street area
Maya datasphere, while in the MayaNet, old-style outside the bar.

14 PART 1


The meeting takes place in a few hours, but The Ikari Company hit-team (see p. 108) have
characters may wish to use that time to mount a already infiltrated Casablanca Sam’s with the
watch prior to this as a precaution or even have a repeater — but they’re not the only ones. A Nomad
drink there. Yildiz heads for Café Voltaire for such a group of hacktivists, the Script Kiddies, have
reason. If the characters use an Obtain Information already created a fake digital patina and a hidden
Momentum spend or successfully pass a test, they quantronic zone there as well. Unfortunately for the
notice the following: characters, they learn the purpose of this later.

• Spotbot (Daunting (D3) Awareness + Observation HIDDEN ZONE

test): A spotbot is hidden close to one of the secu- This hidden area links into the security cameras
rity cameras. It belongs to one of the Bratva, who and send a streamed feed off the caravanserai.
is watching Casablanca Sam’s interior.
• Hidden Repeater (Dire (D3) Awareness + • Data Flux Camouflage: A Challenging (D2)
Observation test): Concealed behind one of the Observation test to detect the zone, if the Security
bar area’s refrigeration units is a deployable Network is Breached.
repeater of Yu Jingese make. The device is only
visible if the character searching actively looks IKARI COMPANY REPEATER
in the bar area. Secretly installed in the bar area (see p.13), the
• Bratva Watchers (Challenging (D2) Awareness + repeater becomes fully active an hour before the
Observation): Two individuals are keeping watch Ikari dropship arrives. It will also be used as an
from nearby. They vary their routines but arrive access point by the Ikari Company hackers.
not long after the characters begin their own


• IC-2 Deadfall: Protecting the secure data tunnel Yildiz turns up at 19:00. On. The. Dot. He flashes a
into the public network. smile at a suddenly scowling Borgia-Kostova and
gives the characters a cocky “thumbs-up” gesture.
PUBLIC NETWORK There’s still no sign of the Yakuza. Anyone with an
A simple network that connects local comlogs to active SHIELD program feels a ping on their fire-
the datasphere. wall, as the Bratva’s own Infowar specialists scope
out the room, but it is nothing more, the quantronic
• IC-1 Crybaby: Alerts the Security Network to any equivalent of a pat-down.
If the GM wants, the characters can have a bit
SECURITY NETWORK of banter with the Bratva. Borgia-Kostova has no
The security cameras cover the bar, the exit from idea why Yildiz wants to see her, and it is evident
the kitchen, and the interior of Casablanca Sam’s. the two have history of some kind in the slightly
The streaming media is saved onto a server, strained atmosphere of the conversation. She may
although it is also mirrored into the hidden zone. take a liking to the characters depending on how
IKARI OPERATIONS The security server’s access point is a battered they act both before and after the fight…
The Ikari Company ranking physical console.
officer is Riyuchi Nakamoto
(p.106), a former JSA veteran
• Commercial HighSec: +2§ Interference Soak to
of several conflicts. He is authenticated devices and users. Several things occur at the same time, depending
dedicated to completing the on where the characters are located. Niamh is sud-
mission and getting away
cleanly. He operates from SHOOTOUT AT THE denly quiet as she is shut out from the characters’
the dropship attached to the SPEAKEASY comlogs. This in itself is unusual and is the first
station and only takes an indicator that events are taking an unexpected turn.
indirect role in events until The stage is set. The characters may already have
later. He is utterly ruthless met some of the local Bratva, but of the Yakuza, Kitchens: The Yakuza appear in the kitchens — or so
and will put innocent lives at there is no sign. Yildiz isn’t worried by this. He’s they seem. Characters in the kitchen will suddenly
risk to complete the mission. dealt with them before, and his comlog has told find themselves with combi-rifles pointed in their
him they’re on their way. faces. Anyone else still in the kitchens will be cut
off from contact as they are forced into the cold
What he doesn’t realise is that it is an Ikari drop- storage and locked in.
ship, not a Yakuza transport, on the way. There is
AMBUSHED! no shuttle due at the time for the meeting. If the The Office (Plus the Security Feeds and Remote
The GM may wish to make characters ask, the display still shows the time of Views): A comms blackout begins. The office camera
use of their Heat Pool the next shuttle in hours. feeds are suddenly cut off, and the datasphere
liberally for the duration of Casablanca Sam’s systems fills with the visual
of the scene, especially to The stealthed dropship will dock at one of the equivalent of white noise, becoming a White Noise
allow events to happen. maintenance hatches, using an access code pre- zone (see Infinity Corebook, p. 110).
viously bribed from a caravanserai maintenance
worker. From there the strike team will make their Bar Area (Not Seating Area): A character notices
way unseen through the tunnels to Casablanca a spotbot has suddenly appeared near the
Spotbot —
Infinity Corebook, p. 381 Sam’s. Their mission is to kill Yildiz and inflict as kitchen hatch with a Challenging D2 Awareness
much damage as possible before retreating. The + Observation test success. It is there for the Ikari
Yakuza — and JSA — will be blamed as a result, but Sniper who is already aiming…
the characters also witnessed the event, and that
GM TIP: THE IKARI plays right into Amaunet’s hands. Seating Area: The “Yakuza” enter from the back of
COMAPNY STRIKE the bar. A success on a Daunting (D3) Awareness +
TEAM The Bratva arrive early by sixteen minutes for the Observation test gives a character the eerie feeling
As well as the Keisotsu Butai 19:00 hours meeting. This is by intention. They the Yakuza are moving to a clear fire zone, designed
troops, the Ikari team also are making a point, and take seats giving them a to cover the whole room.
have a killer hacker and a full view of the room and the exits. Their leader,
sniper too. They are wearing Ilyana Borgia-Kostova, is always flanked by two Yildiz stands up, smiling, and extends his hand
light combat armour, adding bodyguards. If the characters are already in the in welcome. There is a short, sharp report… and
significantly to their bulk. Any
bar or are maintaining surveillance, it is obvious his head vanishes in a welter of gore and brains,
character who has a familiarity
with Yu Jing or the Japanese the Bratva are armed. A successful Average (D1) spattering anyone standing nearby. The sniper
Sectorials will immediately Awareness + Observation test allows a character to in the kitchen immediately begins aiming at the
discount them as Yakuza on ascertain that any weapons they are carrying are closest character in the seating area. Yildiz’ Cube
an Average (D1) Awareness likely to be small and easily concealed. 2.0 (or ruh) is not recoverable from his corpse, so
+ Observation test success. a Cubevac (see Infinity Corebook, p. 367) will not
be possible.

16 PART 1

The Bratva react almost immediately. They flip MALL BOMBING GM TIP
tables over for cover, as do the false Yakuza, who
produce military-spec MULTI-rifles and open fire on As a diversionary tactic to distract both the Muhafiz STAGING THE
both the Bratva and the characters. The characters and Qapu Khalqi of the caravanserai, the Ikari have BATTLE
are caught in the middle between both sides. planted a smoke bomb in the Bazaar. The confusion The battle is likely to be
it causes should be enough to divert their attention intense for the characters.
At first, the Bratva will be convinced the characters for the Ikari to make their hit and escape. Caught between a very
have double-crossed them and are trying to kill capable mercenary unit and
Borgia-Kostova. It takes a Daunting (D3) Personality By spending 2 Heat, the GM can upgrade the bomb a group of angry mobsters is
not what they signed up for
+ Persuade test success to convince Borgia-Kostova to an additional explosive device left in the kitchen
on this mission! The GM may
of their innocence, and the difficulty is increased by at Casablanca Sam’s (a timed D-Charge, see Infinity
want to concentrate on the
+2 if they open fire on the Bratva. Corebook, p. 350). characters themselves, rather
than rolling dice for all the NPC
IT’S (INFO)WAR! TRAPPED! contests. The players want their
The Ikari hacker will do her level best to use characters centre-stage, rather
her CLAW programs to immobilise any threats or Chasing the Ikari into the tunnels is a risky option. than the victim of arbitrary die
weapons or cause more lasting harm with her The Ikari have a great deal of experience in rolls. If the characters are doing
SWORD programs on anyone trying to counter the withdrawal and extractions under heavy fire. They well, so are their allies. Assume
comms blackout. have set up sentry guns and tripwires designed to there are each three to five
Bratva and “Yakuza” combatants
collapse the tunnels and use D-Charges rather than
per character!
At some point, the hidden quantronic zone is Drop Bears in these instances, designed to create
Breached, either by accident or by a targeted attack an impassable zone.
(or 1 Heat spent). It exposes the data tunnel lead-
ing to the Circular and the Script Kiddies. See Tunnel Battle Map, p.22

HEAT SPENDS Characters trying to follow the Ikari team will run
1 Heat: Bratva reinforcements. An additional fire- into reinforcements. A 1-Heat spend means the
team of 3-5 Bratva lead by an Elite crash through characters encounter another fireteam of four Ikari
the front door. Keisotsu Butai troops, while 2-Heat also includes
the Yáokòng remote as well. The Ikari will leave the
2 Heat: The Jacqals smell blood. The Jacqals (p. remote to tie up the characters in a gunfight while
9) hear the gunshots and investigate. They they escape.
immediately assume the characters are responsible,
adding yet another wrinkle to the situation. Their last act before escaping will be to detonate
a last set of explosives to seal the tunnel, if they
3 Heat: A Yáokòng Remote (see Infinity Corebook, p. have time, or to jam the maintenance hatch open GM TIP
386) backs up the Ikari mercs, entering through the as they leave, causing the immediate area of the
kitchen area. tunnels to decompress to space. When the tunnels ILYANA’S DEAD?
If Ilyana Borgia-Kostova is
decompress, the characters will have no option
killed, her younger sister Sophia
EXIT THROUGH THE KITCHENS but to hang on to the nearest object requiring
takes up her role. She is likely
If the characters and Bratva make a spirited a successful Challenging (D2) Brawn + Athletics to be far less forgiving than
resistance, the Ikari mercs begin an ordered retreat, test. Possible complications include a character her sister.
using covering fire to allow their troops to retreat dropping a weapon that is swept away or even the
through the kitchens and back through the mainte- character being spaced.
nance tunnels. They have left some nasty surprises
in both the tunnels and the Bazaar to divert atten- HOW MUCH TROUBLE ARE
tion. They also leave a Yáokòng remote (see Infinity WE IN? FIRETEAMS
Corebook, p. 386) behind to cover their escape. Both the Bratva and Ikari
With the adrenaline of battle fading, the smoke Company mercs will use
If the characters are still fighting — or negotiating from gunfire and electrical damage triggers the fireteams. The Ikari Company
— with the Bratva, their sniper does his best to kill sprinkler system, dumping a load of fire retardant mercenaries will use a four
Ilyana, possibly escalating the conflict further. At onto the characters and Casablanca Sam’s. As Trooper plus Elite leader
grouping, while the Bratva vary
the very least it will distract the Bratva and cause everyone begins counting the dead, the Bratva are
between 3-5 Troopers plus
them to regroup, allowing the Ikari a window to leaving no wounded Ikari alive. If Ilyana has been an Elite leader. For more info
retreat. The Bazaar will suddenly fill with smoke killed, this will be written off as vengeance, other- on fireteams, see the Infinity
and crowds. wise it is a reminder that the cold-blooded Bratva Corebook, p. 415-417.
do not forgive.


With a howl of feedback, Niamh returns to the There’s a pause, but Niamh’s voice sounds shaky
characters’ comlogs at last. She is highly agitated, when she returns.
babbling about a datastream emanating from
somewhere nearby, but she isn’t making a lot of I don’t know who or what Yildiz was, but he was
sense. She’s instant about someone being outside important to someone. There’s a team outside.
and urgently needs to talk to Yildiz. Niamh pauses, They’re breaching now, and we’re under atta—”
allowing the characters to respond. If the char-
acters tell her Yildiz is dead, she suddenly goes There’s the staccato stutter of gunfire.
silent for a little while, then comes back, her words
stumbling over each other. “Stay hidden. Get to Dawn. Find Ozymandias!
He’s the best chance you have. They’ll be
There’s been a lot of chatter here on Dawn. I coming at you soon. Run. Hide. Survive.
dunno what you guys have done but someone Remember: Ozymandias. He’s–“
is really pissed! There’s a bounty on your heads,
and it’s codeword-valued in dinars! If it’s not There’s a crash, a thud, and then silence.
been contracted out, better watch yourselves. Suddenly, the feed is dead.
That means Druze or Hassassins! Look—
What was that?


GM STAGING TIPS The scene deals with several possible outcomes If the characters managed to land themselves in
RAILROADING of the characters’ actions after the shootout at trouble with the Bratva as well, the mobsters will
The ideas presented here cover Casablanca Sam’s. There is no right or wrong way. blame the characters outright for opening fire,
some, but not all, of the ways The characters are in peril, though, and there is especially if Ilyana was killed. It takes a successful
the characters can survive. The a sense of urgency as the timer in the Bazaar Dire (D4) Personality + Persuade test to convince
trick is to get the characters clicks down. Azimi they were not the instigators of the firefight
to go to Dawn willingly, and and requires them to divulge their O-12 allegiance
not “railroad” the players and
The characters have no idea what is going on or
in doing so. Running away, evading capture, and so
characters. Railroading means the trouble they are in. Although Niamh manages
on increases the difficulty of the test by +1.
the players lose a sense of to escape and warn Ozymandias, the death of Yildiz
agency as the GM essentially has triggered a protocol of his own making. His If the characters are locked up by Azimi, their weap-
forces them to take a route. It death flags a Haqqislam Hassassin death squad ons (including hacking devices) are impounded and
is quite possible the players already on Dawn. The Hassassins were there for held in secure lockers at the security station. See
come up with a great idea not someone else (see Infinity Corebook p. 439) but are the following section for more details.
covered here. As GM, run with it. now tasked with exacting retribution for the death
of a Silk Lord, and the Script Kiddies have served HOUSE ARREST
up the characters on a platter, as news of his death If the characters find themselves locked up, Azimi
becomes widespread. and her deputies will become increasingly agitated.
WHAT HAPPENED They are caught between the urge to do the right
TO NIAMH ON As soon as the battle is over in Casablanca Sam’s, thing and see the characters processed, but on the
DAWN? or the Ikari dropship has left, the characters must other hand have been given orders to keep out of
Niamh is still alive. She decide what to do. the way when the shuttle from Dawn arrives. The
managed to escape the Ikari
hit squad sent to kill her
characters will stand no chance.
(and Ozymandias), although DUE PROCESS: Initially, the characters will find themselves locked
she was wounded. She was SURRENDER TO THE into their quarters. There is no datasphere access,
able to warn Ozymandias,
though, and is lying low. AUTHORITIES and the door is secured with a physical Non-
Hackable lock. It can be picked with a successful
The characters may well consider they have nothing
Challenging (D2) Awareness + Thievery test. A
to lose by protesting their innocence. Chief Azimi’s
deputy is always on guard outside.
first instinct is to imprison everyone involved in the
shootout, but she does not have the space. Instead Until, that is, the hour before the Dawn shuttle
she plans to hold the characters until the Dawn arrives. Azimi orders the deputies to stand down,
authorities can take over when the caravanserai’s and the door is left unlocked. She has wrestled with
security forces hand them over. The characters her conscience and decided to give the characters
have no way off the station, and although Azimi is a fighting chance. She’s not stupid enough to hand
distrustful of the Bratva, the mobsters support the the characters their weapons, though.
characters’ story provided they weren’t responsible
for the death of Ilyana or opening fire on the Bratva.

18 PART 1

EXIT STAGE RIGHT although a successful Challenging (D2) Personality

Of course, the characters may decide to run away + Persuade test will reduce it by one for every
rather than face the music. The question is where success rolled.
to run to. Dawn is the closest planet, and the
Circular will already have left by the time they If the characters fired upon the Bratva during the
reach the Vila booster. shootout, an Epic (D5) Personality + Persuade test
success is needed to begin negotiations, or a new
That still leaves getting off the caravanserai in the firefight erupts in the docking bay.
first place. They can stay hidden in the tunnels, try
to steal a ship, bribe a ship’s captain to get them INVESTIGATING FURTHER:
off the caravanserai, or even ask the Bratva for WHOSE BODY, ANYBODY?
help, which won’t be cheap (see “Negotiating with
the Bratva”). If the characters manage to convince Chief Azimi
of their authenticity, he will be somewhat grateful
HIDING of any help investigating. Identifying the bodies
Now the characters are on a hit list, hiding in the of the Ikari isn’t difficult. They have some basic FAKE IDS
tunnels is an option since the security coverage is information, but no data trail linking the attackers If the characters need fake IDs,
spotty at best. Whilst it is not pleasant, the cold, specifically to the Ikari mercenary company, aside although it is of little use in the
dark, tunnels of the old mine are an excellent way from the dropship being registered to one of caravanserai, except in leaving
to remain hidden. Although some require environ- their shell companies (a successful Daunting (D3) Gates of Dawn, there are several
mental suits and breathing apparatus to negotiate, Awareness + Analysis test). The bodies have tattoos individuals on the caravanserai
the old mining tunnels stretch for miles. but nothing tying them to the Yakuza as an entity who can furnish the characters
with new identities for Dawn
either (a successful Challenging (D2) Awareness +
itself (see Part 2).
It is possible the characters decide to re-use the Observation test).
traps the Ikari Mercenaries left behind as well, such
as the sentry guns and tripwire mines (see p. 23). Of course, Ozymandias is not the only one with an
agenda. Amaunet has a vested interest in allowing
GOING OUTSIDE the characters to ally with Ozymandias. They and A LITTLE HELP
Leaving the artificial atmosphere of the caravan- Ozymandias provide a link for her to find the other FROM MY FRIENDS:
serai for the low gravity of the surface is not for members of the Charon Committee. OXYMANDIAS
Ozymandias (p.67) is aware
the faint-hearted. The inertia of the station at least of the characters’ predicament,
provides some stability, but the airless atmosphere IN THE DIGITAL WORLD: although he is torn between
and possible lack of any rescue make any form of AFTERMATH AT keeping a low profile and
zero-g combat extremely dangerous. Unless the
characters have access to a spacesuit or some other
CASABLANCA SAM’S cultivating the agents as
potential assets. If the
protection, it is a risky business. Investigating the quantronic zone at Casablanca characters are having a difficult
Sam’s discovers a whole new secured zone that was time trying to find a way off the
For information on Gravity Zones and Vacuum, see hidden until the recent breach. Initially firewalled caravanserai, he will attempt to
the Infinity Corebook, p. 109 and p. 100. from the Ikari Company hacker, this network was use Niamh’s channels to help
(see p. 104).
fully able to integrate with the Casablanca Sam’s
The Hassassins may also use the surface as a nasty security systems.
surprise ambush for the characters.
Characters breaking into the secured zone will
The maintenance pressure hatches leading to the learn a great deal. Someone recorded the whole WHY THE
surface (and airless void) are secured with a dead- incident, including Yildiz’s murder (and Ilyana’s, if CHARACTERS?
lock set to alert the security station (see vacuum, she was also killed), and it was transmitted down a Simply put, they are a tool of
Infinity Corebook, p.110). They are usually a single secure data tunnel to a nearby data node. The char- convenience. Amaunet, via the
Script Kiddies, chose them
hatch rather than an airlock by intention to prevent acters may already have some idea that an Arachne
because they were nearby and
abuse. The hatches can be hacked with a successful node exists on the caravanserai, but to track the available. As the LAI learns
Challenging (D2) Intelligence + Hacking test datastream back to its source requires a successful more of the characters, she
although it requires a Dire (D4) success to disable Challenging (D2) Intelligence + Hacking test. In adjusts her strategy, turning the
the security alert as well. this case, the digital footprints point squarely at characters from simple dupes
Alghaba (p. 9) as being both the source and to unwitting tools designed
NEGOTIATING WITH THE destination of the datastream. to flush out Ozymandias
and the other members of
BRATVA the Charon Committee.
It takes a Daunting (D3) Awareness + Analysis
If the characters think of it, the Bratva have their success to make sense of the datastream and time-
own craft. The characters could either steal it line. It began streaming at the exact moment the
before the Bratva leave or negotiate passage. It’s Circular 4A entered the system, to an address held
not cheap – a cost of 10 Assets each per character, within the Circular’s network.


Although the characters don’t know it, the Script OZYMANDIAS HERE. YOU’RE IN DEEP SHITE.
Kiddies, a group of Nomad hacktivists, are respon- NIAMH’S ALIVE. WOUNDED BUT ALIVE. GET
sible for both the datastream and the fallout YOUR ARSES TO DAWN. YEEHAW, DOGGIES!
from Yildiz’s death. This fallout is about to hit
the MayaNet in a carefully doctored depiction of The last part is a veiled reference to his location,
Yildiz’s death (see p. 102), designed to make the although the characters have no way of knowing
characters look responsible. this yet, MountZion, otherwise known as The Wall, in
USAriadna. O-12 are not in contact. The characters
EVENTS may well begin to wonder if they have been “burned”
or disavowed by O-12, leaving them high and dry.
As well as the characters’ own plans, there are
several events happening outside of any of the NPCs like Chief Sajila Azimi, Raza, or the other
characters’ efforts. locals with some insight into Haqqislam politics
and culture will advise the characters to get ready
EVENT: DAWN SHUTTLE ETA for a fight. They may well be able to help, but this is
The characters are in the Bazaar when the ana- the Hassassins we are talking about…
logue arrival display suddenly resets, the clicking
of the panels heard over the sounds of the hubbub If the characters prepare for an assault, the GM
generally present. The crowd falls silent when it may want to use both the Tunnel Battle and Street
happens, the first time the Bazaar has been quiet Fighting zone maps given later in Scene 3.
in a while.
If the characters ask an NPC, they learn that it’s not The shuttle is carrying the Hassassin team,
that common. The shuttles are normally regular, expedited from Dawn. If the characters haven’t
and the last time this happened was during the yet figured this out yet, their comlogs beep with
events of the Kurage Crisis. Usually, it’s a medical another message from Ozymandias.
or engineering emergency, but there’s “no cause to
jump in the lifeboats yet!” HEADS UP – BUT KEEP THEM DOWN. BAD
If the Social Media Frameup event has already
happened, the NPCs the characters speak to are The countdown in the Bazaar, clicks toward its
scared and require a Challenging (D2) Personality conclusion of SHUTTLE DOCKED. As the deadline
+ Persuade test success to engage them in approaches, the caravanserai goes into lock-
conversation. down. Everything closes except the bars, which
are subdued.
The characters’ social networks light up, and it Azimi has warned the local populace and is still
GM STAGING TIP is not in a good way. A doctored video of the wrestling with her conscience. While she won’t
characters apparently shooting Fereydun Yildiz actively assist the characters, she decides to give
HASSASSINS & A (and Ilyana Borgia-Kostova, if she was killed) in them a fighting chance provided the characters
SURGICAL STRIKE Casablanca Sam’s has been released. Judging by are not planning to decompress the station, take
While the Hassassins are
the comments on the footage, the characters are in hostages, and so on. A successful Daunting (D3)
cold-blooded killers, they
do not believe in collateral
big trouble. Personality + Persuasion test will allow the charac-
damage unless absolutely ters their weapons if they were impounded earlier.
necessary — on the Haqqislam While it would never stand up to proper forensic
caravanserai anyway. Any examination, the caravanserai has little access to The Hassassins do not go straight for the Bazaar
survivors of the events detailed the ALEPH or Nomad-technology levels of expertise or the characters themselves. Instead they head
later in this chapter will follow and examination to reveal the doctored footage. for the tunnels, avoiding possibly compromised
the characters and attempt Any NPC or faction allies able to help can do so, but security feeds. They disappear into the tunnels and
to complete their mission. it will take several hours to send a message, when begin their hunt for the characters.
the wormhole opens and the Circular leaves.
If the characters have some way of watching the
Dawn, on the other hand, is far closer. The caravanserai security feeds, they will spot the
characters would be able to find something or Hassassins. They wait for the other passengers to
someone there. As their comlogs fill with threats disembark then head off in a different direction to
and recriminations from their social networks, they the normal station admittance zone, down one of
receive a text-only message on one of Niamh’s the maintenance corridors.
secure channels.

20 PART 1


Infinity Corebook, p. 439
The characters find themselves in a tricky situation. storage. As well as blocking line of sight and
They are trapped on the caravanserai with the adding +1 to any stealth-related tests, they also
Hassassins. Three Hassassins are watching the provide +4§ Cover Soak. They can be climbed
docking bay while the others begin to system- normally as vertical terrain. MAN THE
atically sweep the caravanserai. The shuttle will LIFEBOATS!
Cargo Lifters: A form of remote-controlled crane A risky and gutsy move, the
not return to Dawn for six hours, and unless the
and forklift, these remotes are used to load and characters could use the
characters have found some other way to get off
unload cargo containers into the bays of freighters caravanserai’s life rafts to
the station, it is their only means of escape.
and shuttles. Although large and tricky to move, escape the Hassassins. They
The thoroughfares and tunnels are empty of all they are heavy-duty industrial items designed to lift have limited fuel, so cannot be
pedestrians, and the entire station is quieter than heavy objects and can crush an unwary individual used to make the full trip to
it has ever been. Characters moving through the in their path. Dawn. They could however be
used as a basic shuttlecraft to
Bazaar will find the place shuttered and only
WHEELED, EXPOSED, GROUND, an awaiting ship, provided it is
Wolfman Jacques remains open. RUGGED friendly, of course.

If the characters have managed to convince the CARGO LIFTER Their normal ability to
Bratva or one of the local ship captains to allow broadcast their distress
them passage, the Hassassins will hit them either ATTRIBUTES frequency can be disabled
before they enter or are in the docking bay. Scale 1 Speed 1 Brawn 12 (+1) with a successful Challenging
(D2) Intelligence + Tech test.
Whether the characters go on the offensive or take DETAILS Designed to float, their basic
up a defensive position, the Hassassins they are manoeuvring thrusters require
Max Passengers 1 Impact 1+5§, Knockdown a would-be pilot to make
facing are utterly dedicated to taking down their
a successful Average (D1)
targets. Any Psywar or Persuade tests against them DEFENCES Coordination + Pilot test.
suffer a +2 difficulty. Structure 20 Firewall 5 Armour 3 BTS 1

HUNTING DOWN THE Docking Bay Clamps: Used to fix a ship to the deck
HASSASSINS: GOING ON when docked, the clamps can be released remotely
OFFENSIVE from Central Control or manually by ground crew
staff with a physical key. They can also be hacked
If the characters decide to hunt down the with a successful Daunting (D3) Intelligence +
Hassassins, it is a deadly game of cat-and-mouse Hacking test, releasing the clamps.
through the tunnels and thoroughfares of the
caravanserai. The Hassassins adapt quickly though Docking Ring Access: Unless a craft is secured to
and will not advance blindly into obvious traps — or the clamps, these heavy-duty doors remain sealed.
make the same mistake twice. They will also use They are operated from Central Control and cannot
their neural hacking devices to access the local be overridden or hacked (they have the Non-
networks and attack the characters that way, strik- Hackable quality). The doors can take 30 points of
ing the characters on multiple fronts. physical damage before they collapse.

Ultimately, the characters need to wipe out or Landing Pad: Designed to withstand the blast of
otherwise incapacitate the Hassassins before they blast of landing and booster jets, these ceramic
can attempt to leave. The following zone maps heat-ablative platforms rise 10 feet (3 metres)
and descriptions are useful to map out possible above the docking bay floor, counting as vertical
confrontations. terrain (see Infinity Corebook, p. 110).

For an Infowar zone map of the caravanse- Launch Conveyor: When in use, it is advisable to
rai, see p. 8. avoid these massive gears as they transport a land-
ing pad to the docking ring. Normally they count
DOCKING BAY BATTLE as difficult terrain (see Infinity Corebook, p. 109),
requiring a Challenging (D2) Acrobatics or Athletics
The docking bay map could be used for a shootout test, but when they are in use, launch conveyors
with the Bratva, theft of a ship (see p. 22), or a big become hazardous terrain (5§ physical damage
showdown with the Hassassins. with the Immobilising and Vicious 2 qualities, if
the test is failed). Again, operated from Central
Cargo Containers: These 20-foot (6-metre) con-
Control, they can also be hacked with a successful
tainers are large, heavy, and designed for modular
Challenging (D2) Intelligence + Hacking test.


Spacecraft or Shuttle: The landing gears and to destroy. They give +4§ Cover Soak to anyone
superstructure of the spacecraft count as +4§ taking cover behind them.
Cover Soak. Climbing onto the spacecraft counts as
vertical terrain (see Infinity Corebook, p. 110). Crowds: An armed shootout in a crowd is not a
good outcome for the characters, but the crowds
STREET FIGHTING: of the caravanserai act as a light saturation zone,
BAZAAR granting +2 Cover Soak. A crowd also requires an
Average (D1) Acrobatics or Athletics test to move
The Bazaar has multiple zones but not much through (difficult terrain). If someone is shot in
hard cover. It is very much an open space and a crowd, or shoots into a crowd, see the rules for
designed as such. panicking crowds, in the Infinity Corebook, p. 110.
Certain weapons and ammo types will not be so
Awnings: The thick awnings of the caravanserai obvious as will types of close combat weapons
are cloth curtains with a nanotech inlay weave, or poison.
designed more for ornamentation and displaying
a digital patina of adverts or the trade within. Stall: The prefabricated stall frontages provide
Nonetheless, they act as a low-visibility zone, entry points into the caravanserai’s datasphere and
increasing the difficulty of all vision-based tests +2§ Cover Soak. Anyone using a stall as cover may
by one step. well be subject to attack by a stall holder as well!

Buttress: The massive stanchions and pillars are TUNNEL BATTLE

designed to support and strengthen the walls
and internal structure of Gates of Dawn. They are The tunnels within Gates of Dawn’s old mining
designed to resist massive levels of damage and system thread their way throughout the rock.
would require more than a few simple explosives Although rarely used by most of the caravanserai

22 PART 1

population, they are exploited by those looking to 2 Heat: Tripwire Traps. These simple devices are
keep a low profile for nefarious reasons. The local rigged to set off a drop bear mine once tripped.
Submondo elements make use of the scant security A thin, nearly invisible length of cable stretches
coverage to move around, along with the Ikari across the floor. A character moving at a normal
Company mercenaries and the Hassassins. The tun- pace will notice the wire on a Challenging (D2)
nels close to the Bazaar are used for maintenance Awareness + Observation test success but moving
and storage, as well as storing trash dumpsters. faster increases the difficulty of spotting the wire
by one step (+1 difficulty).
Dumpsters: These large metal receptacles are used
for storing recycling and trash. They count as +4§ 2 Heat: Decompression. An unlucky shot cracks a
Cover Soak and require a successful Challenging maintenance seal, releasing the atmosphere from
Disabling Explosives —
(D2) Brawn + Athletics test to move. the zone into space. The characters have no option
Infinity Corebook, p. 349
but to hang on to the nearest object requiring
Lights: The tunnels are dimly lit. Shooting out the a successful Challenging (D2) Brawn + Athletics Drop Bear —
lights (or otherwise breaking them) turns the zone test. Possible complications include a character Infinity Corebook, p. 367
into a low-visibility zone, increasing the difficulty of dropping a weapon that is swept away, or even the
vision-based tests by one step. character being spaced and exposed to vacuum.
The zone then counts as a vacuum (see Infinity
HEAT SPENDS Corebook, p. 110).
The following Heat spends can be used in the
above situations. 3 Heat: Hassassin Sleeper Agent. An apparent
passer-by or NPC is a Hassassin in disguise, or Hassassin —
1 Heat: Steam Pipes. A missed shot causes one of a sleeper agent. It may be any of the NPCs the Infinity Corebook, p. 439
the nearby pipes to rupture, releasing coolant or characters have previously encountered like the
steam. Anyone in the zone suffers 3§ physical Ruzenkos, Jacques, Raza, or even a long-term ally.
damage, and the zone becomes a low-visibility
zone, increasing the difficulty of vision-based tests If the characters survive the attack, they may well
by one step. want to go after the creators of the frameup, the
Script Kiddies. A group of Nomad Hackers, the
2 Heat: Sentry Gun. Possibly left behind by the Ikari Script Kiddies believe they are participating in a
Company or a Submundo group, these remotes are scripted-reality show of sorts (see p. 109), and the
designed to protect an area or cover a retreat when characters are a rival team. However, the trail has
activated. They are intended to track movement and gone cold. The Circular has left and taken the Script
will target any motion within range of their weap- Kiddies with it. The characters will catch up with
onry. Spending 1 Heat adds an additional gun. them later, though…


6 8 9 11 7 7 8

Combat +2 1 Movement — — Social — —
Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 — Technical — —

Firewall 4 Resolve 8 Vigour 5
Security 2 Morale — Armour 3
• Mk12: Range M, 2+5§ damage, Burst 3, Mounted, Salvo (Knockdown)
• Light Smoke Grenade Launcher: Range M, Burst 1, Area (Close),
Speculative, Smoke 2
• Automated Turret: The sentry gun is an immobile turret, controlled
by a low-grade software agent. It is immune to any Psywar effects. It
uses Intelligence only to resist Infowar attacks.


Getting off the caravanserai is easy enough, provided the characters have the means! If the characters
have been careless enough to cause damage to the station or otherwise endangered the general populace
at all, they are in trouble. Azimi and her deputies will be actively seeking the characters, especially if they
have been leaving a trail of bodies behind them.


Stealing a ship is far more complicated than it
If the characters surrender to the authorities, they appears. Not only does it require access codes,
will be incarcerated and sent to Dawn in chains to a ship’s system also has voice-print or biometric
await trial and a long prison sentence. O-12 sends analysis or is even keyed to a specific geist. It is not
a ship to collect the characters from Dawn, but just a question of getting on board, but of subvert-
Ozymandias pulls a few strings, and the characters ing the security procedures then taking control of
find themselves abandoned in the wilderness of the ship’s systems. It takes a Dire (D4) Intelligence
Dawn, rather than on their way to an O-12 black + Hacking test success to override the security
site. The remainder of this chapter assumes the protocols, and then another Dire (D4) Intelligence +
characters head to Dawn to track down the Script Hacking test to take control. Even then, it will take
Kiddies, locate Ozymandias, and (hopefully) find out a Daunting (D3) Coordination + Spacecraft test suc-
what is going on. cess to fly out of the caravanserai without crashing
into the docking ring walls.
Departing the caravanserai is a simple as walking BROKEN HANDLERS
onto the shuttle, provided the characters have the When the characters leave the caravanserai, they
right ID (fake or otherwise). If the characters have receive another communication from Niamh on
negotiated their own ship, the Hassassins will the characters’ secured comlog channels, as Dawn
attack them in the docking bay as they leave, possi- looms large in the forward viewscreens.
DID WE GET bly rendering any deal the characters have null and
THEM ALL? void. See “Docking Bay Battle” for more information <Cough> Niamh here, back on the air! Most of
The shuttle will take several and zones. me, anyway. Those rat-bastards were from the
hours to transport the Ikari Mercenary Company. I got them good with
characters to Dawn. During
STOWING AWAY an AP mine. Ozymandias got me out in time.
that time, it is possible To board one of the shuttles requires a successful How’re you lot doin’?
that another Hassassin Daunting (D3) Agility + Stealth test to evade
is aboard, and strikes… detection. Alternatively, a Dire (D4) Personality The characters may well be wondering what Niamh
+ Persuasion test success allows a character to knows regarding their current activities. The answer
convince security to let them past. A suitable bribe is nothing. Aside from her current secure channels,
will reduce the difficulty of the test by 1 for every both she and Ozymandias are effectively shut
additional 1 Asset offered, to a minimum of 1. out from O-12. By necessity they must keep a low
profile after the Ikari Company attack, and with
Ozymandias’s justifiable paranoia, their contact with
the outside world is being kept to a minimum.

There’s a different voice over the comlog.

I’m Ozymandias. Niamh’s a wee bit battered,

but I fixed her up right. As ye’re on yer way to
Dawn now, we could sure use yer help. We’re
right in it. Get yersel’s to the Alhambra – it’s a
wee bar in MountZion – and we’ll see if we can
get this business squared away.

I’ll not be there, but ask fer Brisbane. They’ll

point you ma way.

And with that, the message ends, as their craft’s

instruments begin picking up the beacon of the
Roving Star Spaceport at Mat’.

24 PART 1



The characters arrive on Dawn and begin searching for Ozymandias. They reach MountZion, a town close
to the Revere Line, although Ozymandias appears to have gone to ground. USEFUL SOURCES
The Ariadna Sourcebook has a
Having located Ozymandias’s current position (a reinforced Teseum refinery), the characters make their wealth of information on Dawn
way to the Revere Line, searching for Ozymandias in the wilds, encountering hostile Ariadnans and wildlife. and Ariadna, as well as rules for
There they are attacked by wild Antipodes, foreshadowing the events in “Terrible Teseum Trouble” — some- Ariadnan characters including
thing has been agitating the tribes. Dogfaces and Wulvers. The
Mercenaries Sourcebook may
also be useful for more
After the characters arrive at the Teseum mine and refinery and search for Ozymandias, they come under
information on the Druze and
attack from multiple foes: Druze Society Mercs, controlled Antipodes packs, Kyrgyz-wannabes, a dropship, Bayram Security.
and a TAG.

The situation becomes a mess, with the group being chased across the wilds. The characters, along with
Ozymandias, head to his former “lair” where they discover his creation, Bellerophon, has been run...without
his knowledge!

The characters become involved in an Infowar with local corporate HQ as they try to find evidence of why
Amaunet is trying to kill them and the other members of the Charon Committee. A data trail leads back to
the Nomads on the caravanserai and large exports of Teseum to a secret project on Paradiso, APOPHIS, all
in the name of Aisha Estevez who is still apparently alive and crusading on Paradiso.


The characters arrive on Dawn looking for an including the Antipodes and those living a life
individual named Ozymandias at their handler’s, outside the law. When they find Ozymandias in a
Niamh’s, insistence. Touching down in the Mat’ former Teseum refinery, they are betrayed by one of
spaceport or the wilds of Dawn presents a number Ozymandias’s former lieutenants.
of challenges to the characters: locate Ozymandias
in the crowded city of MountZion, escape the Forced to flee into the wilds, the characters (plus
attentions of the Hassassins, and avoid the merce- Ozymandias and Niamh) will need to survive until
nary groups and bounty hunters looking for them. they once again reach Mat’ or MountZion. The
characters discover Bellerophon’s true nature
Not only that, but they will have to negotiate the when they raid the Dawn HQ of the corporation for
Dawn wilds and the various inhabitants therein, information.

The characters are a loose end as far as Amaunet is companies on Dawn, notably the Ikari Company and
concerned. Her intent is initially to frame the char- Druze Society, along with some smaller companies.
acters for the death of Yildiz, but the characters The Syndicate have also become involved thanks
subsequent resilience to the Hassassin attacks and to Yildiz’s apparent death, and the bounty on the
interference in her plans cause her to expand her characters is a significant one.
plans to remove the characters as well.
What Amaunet does not realise is that Ozymandias
Amaunet finally discovers where Ozymandias is is better connected than she thought. He is aware
hiding when she bribes someone in Ozymandias’s of someone trying to kill him, but that is nothing
RUNNING THIS employ. While at first, she plans to remove new. However, on Dawn, he has been unable to find
CHAPTER Ozymandias with an attack from a pack of con- the source. He knows both the Druze and Ikari are
It’s quite possible the trolled Antipodes, using the Antipode unrest on the targeting him for some reason but has been unable
characters raid the Bellerophon Revere Line as a cover, the characters’ involvement to find out why. Planning to fake his own death, he
HQ first (Scene 4: The requires a heavier tactical assault. So, the LAI goes originally thought to disappear, but the characters’
Monkeywrenchers), then decide
all-out with a heavy Druze assault. predicament changes his mind, and he decides to
to collect Ozymandias (Scene
3: Terrible Teseum Trouble). The
go after his tormentors.
character may decide to fly Bellerophon has bankrolled a number of mercenary
direct to the refinery. The GM

may need to adjust some parts
of the plot as a result, but
the end result is the same.
So, this is Dawn. It doesn’t look as wild as the
Read or paraphrase the following to the players.
stories make out, but who knows? From space,
it looks pretty spectacular down there, though.
Hopefully, it’ll give you a chance to straighten
things out once you find this Ozymandias
Mat’, the main spaceport on Dawn, is probably
your best chance of getting off Dawn again.
Ariadnan tech is low-grade enough to allow you
to disappear for the time being.

Perhaps this Brisbane character can be of help.

MountZion looks to be on the other side of the
continent though to Mat’.

26 PART 2

ALEPH: There’s been changes in DNet. Minor tech changes, but the local infrastructure changes on Dawn
seem a little too advanced – make sure it’s not the Nomads or worse, VoodooTech.
Ariadna: Things are still a little fractious with the JSA and Yu Jing. See if you can stir things up a bit –
anything kicks off? Blame Yu Jing or the JSA. Both seem to be interested in a ship called the Fēi yīng. See
if you can blow it up.
Haqqislam: There’s been rumours of VoodooTech and possible Silk alternatives derived from Antipode
DNA. See if the rumours are true. There’s a bar in MountZion called Das Bunker. Ask for Saul Miaiva.
They’re the one with any info.
Mercenaries: The War Market on Dawn has openings guarding ore haulers across the Dawn wilds, as well
as security gigs for the Roving Star spaceport.
Nomads: There’s been a lot of traffic from Dawn to Svalarheima on the Circulars. A ship called the Fēi
Yīng has been making a lot of trips to Gates of Dawn. See if you can locate it in the Roving Star, then set
it up for a customs inspection.
PanOceania: Manuela Torres, a HEXAS agent, went missing some time ago near MountZion’s Revere Line.
Do some digging when you get there. Rumour has it the Antipodes are all mad about something, but she
was investigating the local Bratva.
Submondo: If you haven’t burned your bridges on Gates of Dawn, it’d be worth making in-roads with the
Bratva in MountZion. They’re not the friendliest of folks, but if you mention the code phrase “Stolichnaya?
Russian, not Latvian,” you’ll likely get a better response.
Yu Jing: One of the StateEmpire’s spacecraft is about to be illegally impounded in the Roving Star space-
port. Locate the Fēi Yīng if you can and report its location.


Characters arrive on Dawn, through the Mat’ Roving Star spaceport. Depending on their mode of travel to
Dawn, there are several possible complications. When the characters arrive, there are a few protests going
on. These are regarding the influence of off-world cultures upon Ariadnan culture and take place around
the Walk of Stars, the perimeter separating the Roving Star’s off-world hangar bays and landing pads
from the often-stolen Ariadnan craft. The Cossack guards are occupied with crowd control, so they will be

COMMERCIAL fake identification or not, the characters are kept

SHUTTLE FROM THE waiting for an hour, but unless they are bringing
CARAVANSERAI in obvious contraband or VoodooTech, an Average
(D1) Persuade test success will get them through
The shuttlecraft from the caravanserai lands within
and onto the streets of Mat’.
the perimeter of the off-world enclave, the Walk
of Stars. If the characters arrived on a shuttle
from Gates of Dawn as normal travellers, they find BRATVA OR CORSAIR
themselves among the local crowds. Unless the CHARTER
characters are going out of their way to identify Arriving without passing through customs is
themselves as troublemakers, they will pass under something both the Bratva and corsair crews know
the stern gaze of Rodina Cossack security. There something about. Their craft lands on a somewhat
are local traders looking for their main chance as secluded landing pad, where it takes at least 30
bayie on the caravanserai, or just waiting on the minutes for “bureaucratic delays” to arrange an
next ship out. inspection. In that time, the characters have time to
The security checks are minimal, although 1 Heat make themselves scarce. An Average (D1) Stealth
spent causes the characters to have their creden- test success gets the characters past security.
tials checked carefully. Whether they are using


“BORROWED” CRAFT As soon as they do, the local crowd transitions from
angry protest to riot, with local Cossack troops
If the characters stole a craft from the caravanserai, stepping in as well.
they have a certain freedom as to where they go.
They can go anywhere on Dawn, even directly to If the characters manage to escape both the crowd
MountZion, or so they think (see p. 35). and Hassassins, they have time to breathe for a
while. The streets of Mat’ are busy, and the charac-
Entering Ariadnan airspace is a fraught process ters will be able to lose themselves for a while in
when you don’t have the correct clearance. The the crowds.
locals aren’t too happy with random off-worlders
dropping out of space, especially given events such DNET & NIAMH
as the Kurage Crisis. DNet is no Maya, or even Arachne — yet it is
functional. For those used to the “background noise”
Entering Rodina airspace is straightforward enough, of pervasive domotics and constantly updated
although the characters will need to make a suc- statuses, the difference is jarring, like using candles
cessful Daunting (D3) Persuasion test to convince after electric lights. A 1 Heat spent increases the
the flight controllers why their transponder isn’t difficulty of any would-be hacking or Infowar tests
squawking the correct ID frequency. There are a by one step.
unit of Cossack customs agents as a welcoming
committee, and there to arrest the characters. The The characters comlogs do work, so the characters
ship has been reported stolen, and the characters are likely relieved to hear from Niamh. She is
are in trouble. keeping an eye out for the characters and will meet
them at the Alhambra in MountZion.
Fortunately, they are allowed their “phone call”.
If the characters think of it, Niamh can get the GEARING UP FOR THE
arrest order rescinded, but Rodina bureaucracy ROAD AHEAD
moves slowly. Provided the characters keep their
mouths shut, they should be able to brazen it out. Niamh setup a small credit line in Ariadnan roubles
A Challenging (D2) Persuade test success sees for the characters in case they need to get any gear,
them freed a few hours later. The test difficulty is enough for 3 Assets per character. Characters look-
increased by one step, if they resist arrest or fail to ing to purchase contagions, geist upgrades, hacking
contact Niamh. If they fail, they are held overnight. devices, Lhosts, and remotes will have a difficult
Their ship is impounded and destined to become time. Acquisition tests for these items count as
the newest member of the Ariadnan space fleet. being two steps more difficult.

UNDER PROTEST Flights to MountZion from Mat’ are being watched,

and Niamh knows that the characters will be easy
The spaceport is being watched — all the factions targets. It will take several days for her to arrange
have agents of some sort in the spaceport, includ- air transport, or for characters to charter a flight.
ing Haqqislam. Instead she suggests the characters take a “road
trip” as the wilds of Dawn will at least help conceal
HEAT SPENDS the characters from their pursuers.
Customs Agent — 1 Heat: The characters have a sense of being watched.
Infinity Corebook, p. 428 She’s also provided some accommodation on Alleya
2 Heat: The protest turns into a riot when a passer-by Prostavok (аллея проставок) is Rodinan for “Spacer’s
Cossack Police —
is shot. The zone gains the panicking crowd quality Alley”. It is popular with off-world crews, hence
Infinity Corebook, p. 449
(see Infinity Corebook, p, 110). the name. As Niamh otherwise puts it, “It’s at the
Rioter—Thug A — arse-end of the spaceport, and no one wants to be
Infinity Corebook, p. 459 3 Heat: A Hassassin sniper is also already in place around it when that goes off.”
and acting as a spotter, in addition to the 2 Heat
spend to panic the crowd. The neighbourhood is lit with advertisements for
dubious pleasures, from genuine Bourak Odalisks
A Challenging (D2) Observation test success lets a [sic], to 24-hour bars and the latest stims or
character notice that they are being shadowed. As sleepers for restless spacers. The hotel (the L’Hotel
the characters make their way through the crowds Illy) is simple but clean with an “executive business
of the Walk of Stars, another group is keeping suite”, and the characters have the chance to squab-
pace, a backup team for the Hassassin squad. The ble over the remote control to change any of five of
Hassassins wait for an open area before opening the working channels in the entertainment suite. A
fire on the characters. Daunting (D3) Observation test lets a character

28 PART 2

notice the bounty hunter Spotbot, trying to remain EXPOSED, GROUND, RUGGED,
WHEELED Druze Strike Team —
hidden on a rooftop nearby (see “Checking Out!”).
Infinity Corebook, p. 459
There are 18 hours left before Niamh’s land Street Doctor–Doctor —
transportation arrives, leaving the characters ATTRIBUTES Infinity Corebook, p. 429
plenty of time to spend some time recuperating Scale 1 Speed 2 Brawn 10(+1)
if needed. Local medical centres exist, and very
few ask questions about the nature of any wounds, DETAILS
although that can vary. For 1 Heat, the medical PARANOIA NOTES
centre discreetly informs the local Rodina security
Max Passengers 2 Impact 2+5§, Knockdown (OPTIONAL)
Paranoia Notes were introduced
forces. For 2 Heat, a Druze security team arrives at Hard Points
Chassis 3, Comms 1, External 1,
Internal 1, Weapons 2 in the Infinity Gamemaster’s
the surgery, hunting the bounty on the character or Guide. They are a means for a
characters. DEFENCES GM and player to exchange
Structure 14 Firewall 4 Armour 2 BTS – information (or not!). It’s a
For those following Wilderness of Mirrors small slip of paper passed
objectives, this will give the characters a chance SPECIAL ABILITIES to the GM with a character’s
to follow these without conflicting with the • Spider Crawl: In the wilds of Dawn, the Backwoods ATV can leap plans, the content hidden from
group directly. over gaps and grind up mountain slopes as if they were driving on other players. The GM can
level ground. While in the Ariadnan wilderness, reduce any difficult or then reply to the note or use
hazardous terrain test by 1 step. This can reduce tests to difficulty 0. a note of their own. The note
Once the 18 hours have passed, the characters
may also be blank! They can be
remaining within the hotel hear an engine roar and
used when characters need to
a grinding downshift of gears. Pulling to halt out- Sean McCormack can be used as a replacement follow through on Wilderness
side is monstrous-looking vehicle, a quintessential character. He uses the Ariadnan Thug pro- of Mirrors objectives, or
monster truck in the USAriadnan tradition, all tyre file on p. 113. other intrigue.
and engine. This is the Backwoods ATV, the trans-
port needed to get the characters across Dawn to With the team possibly needing replacements,
MountZion. Niamh will have arranged for them to arrive at the
hotel. Unfortunately, to coincide with the arrival of MIRROR, MIRROR
If the characters decide to attempt a flight to any new characters, a team of bounty hunters and One of the new characters
may well be working for the
MountZion, the GM can introduce MacCormack and mercenaries hit the characters’ hotel.
bounty hunters or is one of
the ATV there. It can also be a vehicle the charac- them. Any new characters will
ters steal as they attempt to escape. CHECKING OUT! immediately be the target of
suspicion. The GM may wish
BACKWOODS ATV At this point, the bounty hunters and mercenary hit to capitalise on this if needed
The Frankensteinian love child of a lifted truck, a teams decide to make their move, waiting until the for future Wilderness of
four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle, and a hydraulics exact moment the characters depart. Their assault Mirrors objectives.
factory, backwoods all-terrain vehicles are designed is on three fronts. Two teams of four mercenary
for travel through the forests and mountains of troopers (lead by an Elite) attack from both sides,
the Antipode Wilds, where trails are rare and roads one from the kitchens, and another tries to flank
Bounty Hunters —
even rarer. Each studded tyre has an independent and separate the characters from the Backwoods Infinity Corebook, p. 422
transmission and suspension, allowing for intense ATV. A trio of bounty hunters engage the characters
bouldering and rock-climbing manoeuvres, and is directly on the street, accompanied by their Mercenaries —
on an extensible hydraulic strut that can be pulled Spotbot. The mercenaries muster a few streets Infinity Corebook, p. 204
close to slip through narrow gaps, or extended to over before advancing on the hotel at the bounty
bridge pits. hunters’ signal. Spotbot —
Infinity Corebook, p.381
The ATV is driven by one of Niamh’s many cousins, The bounty hunters have employed the mercenaries
Sean MacCormack, who functions as de facto driver as cannon-fodder and have spent a few hours
and guide if the characters ask him. He can also be watching outside the hotel before the Backwoods
used as a replacement character. Niamh’s already ATV arrived, along with their Spotbot. They do not
paid him, but he’s not one to turn down extra cash risk their own lives, although they are ruthless
if offered. Alternatively, any new characters may enough to sacrifice a colleague for a bigger share
already fulfil that role. Sean is happy to leave the of the bounty. If the characters put up a heavy fight,
characters to their own devices and head off to the they will attempt to wound the characters to slow
pub, but he will assist in the fight, since Niamh will them down. The characters are worth more alive,
make his life hell otherwise. but alive does not mean “undamaged”.
They are careful to avoid compromising their
standing with the Syndicate, so will not endanger
innocent bystanders or law enforcement officials


unless they think they can get away with it or pin FLYING OUT
it on the characters. The arrival of the ATV is their Flights out from Mat’ are indeed being watched.
best chance to get the characters before they Unless the characters change their hotel or move
vanish into the wilds. After five rounds of combat, regularly, they find themselves in peril. As well as
two units of two Cossack police officers arrive. bounty hunters, the Druze society, Ikari mercenaries,
With tensions being what they are, the police and Hassassins are searching for the characters.
Cossack Police — Police —
will spend little time attempting to differentiate While the Hassassins are doing it for a matter of
Infinity Corebook, p. 449
between the characters and the mercenaries. honour, they are no less implacable than those
Police — SWAT Officer — The bounty hunters will identify themselves as doing it for the money. With the streets erupting
Infinity Corebook, p. 449 Syndicate members a round after the first officers into sporadic violence over off-world influences,
arrive. As such, the police will avoid targeting them. the characters have 72 hours to spend in Mat’ —
even if they manage to charter a flight.
Amaunet’s spies will acquire 1 Heat: Upgrade the police officers to Elites. STEALING AIR
the characters’ location, and her TRANSPORT
mercenary forces will quickly follow 2 Heat: The police patrol car blocks the exit from Stealing an aircraft is possible if the characters
if the characters are caught and the street. have a pilot, but doing so adds the Ariadnan police
arrested. Should the characters be to their list of enemies. The Mat’ spaceport has
unfortunate enough to wind up in 3 Heat: Two police SWAT officers arrive. numerous satellite airfields, but most have a chain-
police custody, a mercenary company
will hit the precinct or transport.
link fence and at least three security guards. These
An armed shootout is unlikely to security guards usually have a direct link to local
endear the characters further to the police force in their office.
Ariadnan authorities, but it gives
them the opportunity to escape.

30 PART 2

AN ARIADNAN objective, perhaps identifying an individual contact,

ADVENTURE: ROAD TRIP! damaged item, or similar.
The GM may also wish to run the
Dawn is a near-pristine wilderness, and much of ANTIPODE WARBAND
Riots on Dawn adventure from the
USAriadna and Merovingia still has an “frontier” Three trinaries of Antipode warriors, a small razzia Adventures in the Human Sphere
mentality as far as colonists are concerned. As a having crossed The Wall, are ravening across the supplement during their trek
result, the characters are venturing into a world wilderness. The characters are directly in their path. across Dawn or during their time in
both lawless and dangerous. The following encoun- For 1 Heat, the characters spot their tracks heading Mat’ or MountZion. It’s a reminder
ters can be used when the characters are travelling toward nearby NPCs such as the prospectors or a of just how fractious Dawn is.
across Dawn in the Backwoods ATV or similar land tent town with an Average (D1) Survival test or
transport. Challenging (D2) Observation test success.

ANTIPODEAN AMBUSH This encounter is best staged after the “Antipodean RUMOURS:
A character notices a plume of smoke rising in the Ambush” but should definitely happen to the char- ANTIPODES,
distance. If they investigate, the characters come acters as they cross Dawn. AGITATED
As the characters head north into
across a still-smouldering burnt-out ATV like their USAriadna or Merovingia, they
own, along with broken arrows of an unfamiliar CONVOY! will hear word of Antipodean war
origin. A Challenging (D2) Survival test success While the Mother Truckers of Dawn have a parties – razzia - raiding across
allows a character to identify the tracks of at least near-legendary status in the north, many smaller the Revere Line. Most of this is
three large non-humans dragging something. concerns also ply their trade across the wilds. The little more than second-hand
Ariadnan faction characters or those from Dawn massive ore haulers are often flanked by outrid- rumour and campfire gossip:
will automatically identify the tracks as those of ers — motorcycles (or trail bikes) and ATVs (like a friend who heard it in a
Antipodes — others may make an Average (D1) the Backwoods ATV) that function as scouts and MountZion bar, a farmstead found
Survival test. The tracks lead into the nearby woods. escorts. A community in themselves, some of these burnt to the ground, etc.
teams band together for protection, kicking huge
Hidden nearby are a trinary of three Antipode amounts of dust into the air during the Ariadnan
warriors, ranging far from their home on the summer months and leaving a visible, muddy trail Antipode Warrior —
razzia. They skewered and hung the two human across the land. Infinity Corebook, p. 462
occupants of the ATV from nearby tree limbs and
left them to bleed out in a clearing. An Average A small squad of mercenaries will guard more val-
(D1) Observation test success allows the characters uable cargo, although most ore haulers will have
Backwoods ATV — p. 29
to see the bodies twitch and move occasionally. A a few armed guards to deal with problems such as
character achieving three or more successes will bandits, Antipode raiders, and the wildlife of Dawn. Mercenaries —
notice that the bodies are being made to twitch by Infinity Corebook, p. 204
a length of twine. It’s a trap. ORE HAULER
Gargantuan dump trucks used primarily to trans- Motorcycle —
The trap is sprung if the characters approach the port Teseum-bearing ore to processing plants, ore Infinity Corebook, p. 136
bodies. The trinary will use their bows to attack the haulers slowly evolved from ordinary cargo trucks
characters from their hidden positions, using a Free
Exploit Action in doing so. They have +2 to their EXPOSED (+3§ COVER), GROUND,
stealth tests unless they choose to engage the HANDS, RUGGED, WHEELED
characters in melee.
1 Heat: While the characters may defeat the ATTRIBUTES
Antipodes, there may well be more around. An Scale 3 Speed 3 Brawn 16(+1)
additional Antipode trinary joins the combat a
round later. DETAILS
Max Passengers 2/8 Impact 2+7§, Knockdown
2 Heat: Another Antipode trinary finds the bodies of
Chassis 4, Comms 1, External 1,
their kin and swear blood vengeance, tracking the Hard Points
Internal 2, Weapons 4
characters across Dawn. They may even follow the
characters into MountZion. DEFENCES
Structure 24 Firewall 4 Armour 4 BTS 1
While the ATV may have some useful parts, the SPECIAL ABILITIES
Antipodes have broken, befouled, or eaten anything • Rolling Fortress: The cabin for an ore hauler only has room for a pilot
of use in the wreckage. The two bodies are so badly and engineer, but there are cramped gun turret compartments for
desecrated even dental identification is impossible. an additional six guards around the vehicle, and crawl ways, ladders,
The GM may wish to add an item or identifier and bulkheads throughout, allowing defenders to benefit from +3§
Cover Soak even when fighting inside the hauler.
at this point relating to a Wilderness of Mirrors


into their current form as a response to predation micro-communities cater to the prospectors’ needs
by human bandits and Antipode raiders. and desires. From brothels and bars to medical
clinics and repair shops, these “pop-up” towns are
These huge trucks are propelled by powerful, transitory.
fuel-guzzling engines that allow them to outpace
slower-moving threats, are armoured to ensure For the characters it gives them a moment’s respite
delivery, and carry squads of well-paid and well- while travelling across the wilds, and the chance to
armed guards for additional protection. acquire new gear or heal their wounds. Information,
rumours, and Wilderness of Mirrors objectives can
Characters might find employment protecting these also be acquired or gained in such places.
convoys, although they are unlikely to be trusted if
they are obvious off-worlders (social interactions HEAT SPENDS
are at +1 difficulty). 1 Heat: People appear and disappear all the time in
these places. An NPC the characters have dealings
Despite this, the convoys ask little about back- with disappears, and the characters are the immedi-
ground, and those asking too many questions often ate suspects.
suffer an accident or are “accidentally” left behind.
Ore haulers often band together for protection, 2 Heat: A group of Ikari mercenaries or bounty hunt-
and the anonymity offered can prove to be both ers are availing themselves of the local facilities and
blessing and curse. In addition to possible Nebula recognise the characters.
of Mirrors events, the encounters “Bounty Hunter,”
“Pop-Up Tent Town,” or “Prospectors” can also take PROSPECTORS
place while part of a convoy. The search for Teseum could be compared to the
Gold Rush of Earth. Many prospectors, or wildcat-
IF YOU GO DOWN TO THE ters, scour the Dawn wilds for the big one, a strike
WOODS TODAY of raw Teseum. Prospectors on Dawn not only mine
A legend of Dawn folklore, the Ariadnan brown the Teseum ore but must protect their claim from
Ariadnan Brown Bear — bear lives up to its formidable reputation, a hulk both legal challenges and banditry. While a major-
Infinity Corebook, p. 480 of sinewy muscle, teeth and claws mixed with ity of claims are legally worked under the aegis of
raw bloody-mindedness. The Ariadnan bear is a corporation, many wildcatters work illegal claims
also violently territorial, and the characters have and are justifiably paranoid about their claim being
entered its turf. jumped or seized by the Dawn authorities.
Prospector —
Infinity Corebook, p. 451 Characters making a successful Challenging (D2) The claim the characters come across is a small one,
Observation test will notice large claw marks worked by only a dozen or so prospectors, with two
on trees when they enter the creature’s range. A Backwoods ATVs. Their mine is little more than an
Challenging (D2) Survival test enables a character open-cast hole in the ground, where they dig out
to recognise the signs of a large predator marking fist-sized pieces of Teseum ore.
the boundaries of its territory.
The characters will get a warning shot if they
The bear attacks at night, when the darkness gives approach the site. The prospectors are nervous
it a +1 bonus to its stealth state test, and moves (perhaps with good reason) and are more than
quietly despite its bulk. The first the characters see willing to defend their claim. If attacked, they take
of it is a huge shadow as it charges in to close the cover behind heaps of dirt and stone (+2§ Cover
distance to its target. If the characters didn’t post Soak) and return fire.
a guard or set some form of advance warning, they
are alerted when their vehicle suddenly rocks with A Challenging (D2) Persuade test allow the char-
a sudden impact. acters to convince the miners they mean no harm.
If they share food or cash, the difficulty is reduced
For a 2 Heat spend, this encounter combined with by one step.
others such as the “Good Ol’ Boys,” “Prospectors,”
and “Pop-Up Tent Town” makes for an anarchic HEAT SPENDS
action scene. 1 Heat: The claim is owned by the Bellerophon
Corporation (p. 111).
Wherever a new lode of Teseum is discovered or a 2 Heat: The prospectors know bounty hunters
convoy trade route opens, these small shanty towns are looking for the characters and will sell this
spring up almost overnight. In the shadow of the information to the highest bidder. One of the
massive ore haulers, they are little more than a col- prospectors sneaks off in an ATV or motorcycle to
lection of tents, sprouting like mushrooms. These sell this information.

32 PART 2

3 Heat: The claim is illegal, and the prospectors obnoxious and are convinced the characters are up
would rather the characters had an accident for a good time. They will follow the characters on
than reveal the claim’s existence. They hide a a road trip of their own, often turning up at incon-
small explosive inside the characters vehicle, set venient moments. They may be hunting an Ariadnan
to explode a few hours later. A Daunting (D3) brown bear (“If You Go Down to the Woods Today”),
Observation test success is required to spot it. It camping nearby during “They Mostly Come at Night,”
requires a Daunting (D3) Tech test success to disa- or just being underfoot during other encounters.
ble the explosive, or it explodes for 2+6§ damage The characters may react violently to them but
with the Indiscriminate, Spread 1, Unsubtle, and doing so has an unforeseen consequence (1 Heat
Vicious 2 qualities. spend) since one of the hunters is well-connected
in MountZion, either to the Bratva or military
The characters may well come across bounty hunt-
Bounty Hunter —
ers during their travels as the Syndicate agents The GM adds 2 Heat to the pool whenever the good Infinity Corebook, p. 422
are pursuing warrants across Dawn. The hunters ol’ boys turn up. Despite their behaviour, they are
are not necessarily looking for the characters, but not bad shots and can be useful in a fight.
if they become aware of the bounty on the group
they will then act. THEY MOSTLY COME AT NIGHT Ariadnan Raptor —
Infinity Corebook, p. 422
As the characters cross Dawn, they may well
The bounty hunter is unlikely to be travelling alone encounter the Ariadnan raptor, a ferocious winged
but may well be working undercover. They could be predator. The character will have no idea they are
in a convoy or the tent town or masquerading as a being hunted unless they succeed at a Daunting
mercenary. (D3) Observation test, allowing them to spot a
single raptor hovering overhead.
1 Heat: One of the characters is recognised by a HEAT SPENDS
bounty hunter. 1 Heat: An additional raptor (Trooper) swoops down.

2 Heat: A team of three bounty hunters are actively 2 Heat: A larger raptor attacks (Elite).
looking for the characters.
One is bad enough, but as night falls, more begin
THE GOOD OL’ BOYS circling overhead. The biggest and nastiest raptor
The characters encounter a group of drunken (an Elite) swoops in, followed by one raptor
would-be hunters, driving a Backwoods ATV. While (Trooper) per character. The darkness adds +1 diffi-
they are harmless enough, they are loud and culty to all sight-based tests.


Arriving in MountZion, the characters have a lead of sorts to Ozymandias, someone or something named
Brisbane at the Alhambra. MOUNTZION &
Further information about
MountZion and the rest of
USAriadna can be found within
the Ariadna Sourcebook.


The capitol of USAriadna and arguably the most heavily fortified city on the planet after Mat’, the city is
famous because it has two ubiquitous names.
Outside of USAriadna, it is known as MountZion, as it was named when explorers surveyed the planet
from orbit centuries before. To the people living in USAriadna and to the trappers and hunters operating
outside of Ariadnan territory, it is known simply as The Wall, and it serves as a capable and effective
barrier against the world beyond Ariadnan territory.
During the Antipode Offensives, The Wall was a bastion against the majority of the invading Antipode
tribes. Originally a chain of hills connected to MountZion, The Wall was a series of border forts and
artillery installations that were supported by a system of roads and tunnels dug behind them, allowing
soldiers to travel between them with ease. As time went on, the forts’ walls became larger and intercon-
nected until the region was one massively long fort. Over ten miles in length, The Wall is crewed day
and night by USAriadnan soldiers, and at night, it is not uncommon for the artillery guns to “go loud” and
launch bombardments at Antipodes or other raiders caught operating too close to the fort. There are
thousands of signs and fences in every direction spanning outward from The Wall warning those who are
within range of their guns, which is a courtesy that USAriadnans feel is more than enough to justify their
heavy artillery fire.
The Wall is not only famous among Ariadnans but also particularly infamous among the Antipodes.
Antipode legends of “The Wall with Teeth” spread across the planet, and almost every Antipode thinks of
MountZion as the capitol of humanity on Dawn before they think of Mat’. Despite, or perhaps because of,
the utilisation of Antipodes in the USAriadnan military’s famous Devil Dogs unit, most Antipodes have
nothing but contempt for The Wall, and many tribes tell stories of clashes between their warriors and
the humans who hide behind walls and massive cannons rather than meet them on the field of battle.
Today, MountZion is made up of six major installations, which all have their own specialty and purpose.
Each installation serves as a neighbourhood and is often split into two separate sections, with the first
being the Civilian Section and the second being the Military Section. The difference between these two
sections is not just a matter of keeping military personnel separate. Those who live in the Civilian Section
are expected to do their best to support the soldiers in the war effort and are allowed more freedoms and
luxuries, while those living in the Military Section go through their daily life treating each other as if they
were in the military, even if they are not. In the Civilian Section the common greeting is “hello, citizen,”
while those living in the Military Section often address each other by “greetings, soldier.”
The six neighbourhoods of MountZion are:
Fort Patton: Known as the Steelworks, Fort Patton is responsible for the construction of vehicles and
heavy armour for the USAriadnan military. The streets outside of the neighbourhood are often clogged
with off-duty military personnel racing their civilian counterparts to improve their skills and increase
their reputation.
Fort Eisenhower: The major communications hub of MountZion, it is also one of the more luxurious
parts of the city. This neighbourhood is home to high-ranking officers and politicians as well as most of
Ariadna’s upper class. The streets are paved in brickwork, and colonial artwork and sculpture are common
along its streets.
Fort Lazarus: Known more colloquially as Fort Custer, this neighbourhood of the city is the only section
of MountZion to have been razed not once but twice by enemy attacks. Though the city has always
managed to hold out against invaders, this northernmost neighbourhood was once devastated by fires set
by Antipode scouts who managed to slip behind the city’s walls during the First Antipode Offensive. Later,
it was heavily damaged by missile fire from a PanOceanian attack. Despite efforts by the city to rebuild
the area, it still suffers economically and is home to the city’s poor and destitute. This neighbourhood is
also where the majority of The Wall’s Dogface and Wulver population reside, and it is not uncommon to
see tattooed Ariadnan Dogfaces roaming the streets.
Fort Yeager: The primary airfield and landing pad of the city, Fort Yeager is home to the USAriadnan Air
Force as well as the Wright Co Package Company.
It is from here that the majority of packages and shipments sent through USAriadna are catalogued
and organised, and Wright Co offers its famous “Pony Express” package, where shipments can be sent

34 PART 2

to remote homesteads and settlements by motorbike or light truck. The airfield maintains its public
channel as well as a private one used predominantly for visiting dignitaries from across Ariadna as well
as delegates from O-12.
Fort Grant: The idea of mixing casinos and theatres with an armed military garrison may seem out of
place, but for those living in Fort Grant, it is a way of life. The entertainment heart of the city, the streets
of Fort Grant are lined with billboards and advertisements for everything from genuine USAriadnan
bourbon to the latest in athletic shoes. The city also boasts one of the oldest and most extensive film
libraries on the planet, and its monthly film festivals allow visitors to see classic American cinema such
as Yankee Doodle Dandy or Independence Day along with more modern films such as The Last Squad and
An USAriadnan Dogface in Mariannebourg.
Fort MacArthur: Day and night, the lights at the factories of Fort MacArthur never go out as the neigh-
bourhood’s primary industry of munitions and arms is constantly moving. Responsible for most bullets,
missiles, and other weaponry needed by the Ariadnan armed forces, Fort MacArthur is the most fortified
section of the city as well as one of the most dangerous. Though security is high, past incidences of sab-
otage have led the Cossack Diplomatic Corps to station their agents inside the neighbourhood to “assist”
in security as well as a group of Kazak soldiers, a fact that has many in the city angry about so-called
foreign occupation.

FLYING IN The customs agents are not overly bothered by any

If the characters are in a ship, their destination of the characters’ weaponry — this is USAriadna, Customs Agent —
Infinity Corebook, p. 428
will likely be the airfield at Fort Yeager. It is the after all — but weapons or ammunition banned
only airstrip available in MountZion. With an under the Concilium Convention will be confiscated
Antipode razzia (an Antipode uprising) taking place unless a character causes enough Psywar damage
across the north, the airfield is fiendishly frenetic. to convince them otherwise.
Harassed and overworked flight controllers will
not question the characters’ arrival. There are so Once the characters have passed through customs,
many flights into Fort Yeager of both troops and they are free to venture out into MountZion.
materials. If the characters are flying in a stolen
spacecraft, a 1 Heat spend requires a Challenging THINGS TO DO IN
(D2) Persuade test success to convince a slightly MOUNTZION WHEN
more-observant flight controller that their craft is
not the same as the one recently reported stolen.
Otherwise, an armed welcoming committee awaits The characters have a wide variety of options while
the characters. in MountZion. The following encounters and events WE’RE BEING
and encounters can be used by the GM. WATCHED
If the characters came straight from the Gates of The characters’ arrival in
Dawn, perhaps via the Bratva craft, they are told to SUBMONDO SHENANIGANS MountZion does not go unnoticed.
get off the ship in no uncertain terms on arrival The criminal underworld finds MountZion rich pick- Both the Hassassins and Ikari
at Fort Yeager. While they will bypass a customs ings. The various Submondo factions have divided Company have spies keeping
inspection, they may be surprised by the crowds at up criminal activities and are constantly looking for an eye open for individuals
the airstrip. a new angle. resembling the characters.

The arrivals terminal is full of mercenary types Would the real Yakuza please stand up? The news
and their hangers-on. A group of talkative Rodinan that the Yakuza hit the Bratva at the Gates of Dawn
soldiers are ahead of the characters in the customs has spread like wildfire, preceding the characters’
queue, and they are happy to fill the characters in arrival. Both the Yakuza and Bratva have questions
on the situation while they wait. for the characters since they are also implicated,
and they don’t ask nicely.
Antipode raids — Dawn’s resident wolfmen — on
parts of The Wall have increased in recent weeks. If the characters have already made their own
It is rumoured the tribes are coming together in peace with the Bratva, they may well have avoided
warbands called razzia, which could be the prelude a massive underworld war — or it happens anyway…
to another Antipodes Offensive on The Wall. As a
result, there has been an influx of troops, and the
factories of Fort MacArthur are working overtime.


O-12: ORDERS The Alhambra is well-known to most locals, or
O-12 have disavowed the characters after their Wallers. The fire is still fresh in most people’s
actions on Gates of Dawn. Until the characters con- minds, happening just over a month ago. While the
tact Niamh, they are effectively burned. They have surrounding area in Fort Grant is largely neglected,
no access to any O-12 resources. It is also entirely the Alhambra was an attempt at gentrification. As
possible that O-12 will do their level best to get such, there is little local traffic.
the characters taken into custody if the characters
make contact. They may also recruit bounty hunters Not long after the characters arrive, a unit of Ikari
Bounty Hunter — to take down their “rogue” agents. Company mercs (see p. 108) will pull up outside.
Infinity Corebook, p. 422 They are there to back-up a bounty hunter (an Elite)
SEND FOR THE BOUNTY HUNTERS and also to tie-up loose ends from Gates of Dawn,
The characters have a price on their heads, and the characters. If the characters did not post a
Amaunet (via Bellerophon) increases the bounty guard outside, they will be caught unawares (add 2
further. The bounty hunters are unlikely to come Heat to the GM pool).
after the characters alone, recruiting mercenaries
as backup. They take the simple paid mercenary approach:
massacre anyone inside, then figure out who’s who.
If the characters ask, Niamh will also track down PLEASED TO MEET YOU:
the Script Kiddies (p. 109) who were responsible LOCATING OZYMANDIAS
for setting the characters up. The characters may
also become involved in an Infowar to track them When the characters do find Niamh, she is in a foul
down. As they are based on a Circular, it is entirely mood. She is furious at Ozymandias who has van-
possible the characters will run into them again… ished off to one of his boltholes, a Teseum refinery,
leaving her to sort things out. Niamh is certain she
HASSASSING knows which hiding place he’s used, but she needs
The Hassassins will continue to target the charac- to check. He’s the only way the characters can get
ters until they succeed at their mission, the deaths off the planet. If the characters haven’t already got
of the characters. They will be a nuisance at best, a a Backwoods ATV (p. 29), Niamh has one parked
dangerous obstacle at worst. And they will not give up outside.
up. The characters are likely to become paranoid,
suspecting a Hassassin hidden behind every corner. Niamh has been hearing a lot of chatter on the War
Market newsgroups. Both the Ikari Company and
However, Yildiz is not actually dead. His status sees Druze Bayram Security have been heavily recruiting
him Resurrected from his Cube backup. He can for a private corporate contract. She’s been doing
call off the Hassassins, although he takes his time a bit of digging, and its apparent that Ozymandias
doing it. He may contact the characters and let seriously pissed someone off. She’s heard the name
them know or leave them in the lurch. “Bellerophon” mentioned in relation to it, too. If the
characters ask, she can give them some info on
LOYALTY IS EXPENSIVE Bellerophon itself. She knows they have an office
If the characters manage to get captured or are in MountZion (or Mat’), depending on whether
forced to surrender, they or Niamh may be able to the characters decide to get off Dawn or retrieve
arrange their release, but it’ll cost the characters. Ozymandias first.

If the characters are sufficiently convincing with WHY GO?

a financial incentive, mercenaries can be useful The characters may decide to get off Dawn as soon
sources of information as well. They will happily as possible. They are being actively hunted by
reveal Bellerophon is behind their contract if they Hassassins and bounty hunters, plus the Ariadnan
are unscrupulous enough — or paid enough. police and Bratva as well, if they managed it. Niamh
is now adding hostile Antipodes to the list. On the
FINDING THE ALHAMBRA other hand, the wilds are a great place to get lost
& BRISBANE in and free from official scrutiny.
TRAVELLING FREE Brisbane is not a person; it is a place. The Alhambra
It’s possible the characters can secure
was once a fashionable shopping mall until a fire Ozymandias is an O-12 agent, and he has connec-
a flyer or other device to quickly get
them to Ozymandias. Niamh can find gutted the place. Much of the mall is still intact, tions. – Niamh is keen to get the “Old Man” out of
the way there, but only if they take including the restaurant Brisbane. It is here that harm’s way. And if anyone can get the characters
her. Whatever means they get there Niamh has been hiding out. She has kitted out one off Dawn, it’s him. She has no idea how Ozymandias
sets their transportation as a target of the kitchen’s cold stores as a living space, and could square things with O-12 and the Yildiz family,
for the missile strike at the refinery. the heavy insulation hides any thermal signature. but she is confident he’ll come up with a plan and
will deliver.

36 PART 2


Ozymandias has holed up at an old hiding place, a REFINERY LOCATIONS

Teseum refinery. He plans to torch the place and
make it look like he has died there. In the process, The Teseum refinery and smelter have been
he has fortified it, mined it, and plans to fake his shut down for some time. The reactor is inactive Mines —
death using one of the local mercenary companies. although a Challenging (D2) Tech test success Infinity Corebook, p. 349
He’s not picky about the body he uses. allows a character to understand the start-up
processes and time required.
Ozymandias and his team are hidden in a Teseum
refinery a day’s journey south of the Revere Line. ACID BATHS
Designed to withstand the attacks of rampaging Full of a nasty molecular acid, these pools are
Antipode warbands, it has solid perimeter fences designed to both cool the ingots and remove any
and walls, but much of it has been mothballed over further mineral impurities from the Teseum. Highly
the years. The nearby Teseum vein has been tapped corrosive, flesh and metal dissolve with equal ease.
out, but the refinery itself could be restored. Immersion in the acid causes 3+8§ damage, with
the Biotech, Breaker, and Vicious 3 qualities. Any
The refinery is in a steep-sided wooded valley, weapons with an area effect employed in the acid
with dense forest making it difficult to spot any baths will also gain the Breaker and Vicious 1
watchers, although the road itself is clear. The road qualities as the acid splashes everywhere.
into and land around the refinery are mined, and
if the characters aren’t expected, they will get a CARGO LOADERS
nasty surprise should the needle mines detonate There are three onsite cargo loaders (p. 38) that
under their vehicle (Mine, 2+5§ damage, Comms, are used to load Teseum ingots into cargo trans-
Disposable, Indiscriminate: Close, Piercing 2, ports or the storage vault. They could also be used
Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious 2).The mines can be as makeshift TAGs if the characters wish.
detected in the usual fashion.
Unless the characters are deliberately approaching From here, the whole smelting process can be
in a stealthy fashion, they will be spotted from controlled. The conveyor belts, grinders, cranes,
one of the two watchtowers. Niamh will ask to use and furnace are all enabled — and disabled — from
the radio, and a short conversation in Scots Gaelic central control. The reinforced glass and thermal
will follow before the characters are admitted. plating counts as +2§ Cover Soak.
Unless the characters have an Ariadnan speaker
of Gaelic, the conversation will need a Daunting COMMAND TENT
(D3) Language test success to understand Niamh More of a radio post than a command post, the
alternately threatening and cajoling the person on various radio sets of the site and vehicles all link
the other end. The truck blocking the entrance is here in similar fashion to either CB or ham radios,
then reversed to allow them entry. using VHF and UHF frequencies. There are usually


three mercs in here, although Niamh will be in here CRANES
trying to sift through the signals. A large antenna Heavy-duty industrial cranes require an Average
outside provides a signal boost although the radio (D1) Tech test to operate. A character can use the
operators have massive problems with interference crane’s heavy cables as a weapon, substituting their
from an unknown signal on channel 66. This is Tech skill for their Close Combat skill. The cranes
due to the tracking device hidden nearby (see “A cause 2+6§ with the Knockdown quality.
Benedict Arnold Situation”).
Heavy industrial rollers designed to withstand high Designed to remove impurities from the metal
Hazardous Terrain — temperatures, these carry the raw Teseum ore in ore, these are filled with a solution through which
Infinity Corebook, p. 109 and the final smelted ingots out. To move against a mild electrical current is passed. While it is not
the direction of travel takes an Average (D1) recommended, they can be swum through, although
Vertical — Athletics test success. A conveyor roller carrying the any damage suffered while in the solution gains
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 still-hot ingots counts as hazardous terrain, and a the Toxic 1 quality. If a charge is also passing
failed terrain test causes 1+5§ damage with the through the liquid, it also gains the E/M quality.
Piercing 1 quality from the radiant heat. The baths are charged once the reactor starts.

Central control or a nearby control (1 Heat or THE EMERGENCY EXIT

Momentum) can cause the conveyor belt to stop A carefully constructed ramp and drawbridge spans
suddenly. Anyone on the rollers when they stop a small but deep pit filled with Teseum razor-wire,
must succeed at an Average (D1) Athletics test counting as hazardous terrain to anything attempt-
to stay on their feet, otherwise they suffer the ing to cross it or climb out of it. A failed Daunting
Staggered condition. Athletics (D2) test causes 3+5§ damage with the
Piercing 2 quality.

38 PART 2

It takes a standard action to drop the ramp, oper- specifically search these vehicles (reducing the
ated by a simple pulley and lever system. The ramp difficulty of the test by one step), it requires a
is strong enough to bear the weight of vehicles, Dire (D4) Observation test success to spot one of
including the Backwoods ATVs, but only one them.
at a time. • 3 Traktor Mul remotes, concealed under a cam-
ouflage awning. The controls for these are kept
THE FURNACE locked up, and only Ozymandias and Niamh have
Designed to process Teseum into its molten form, the keys.
the furnace runs at 2098 C when activated. It takes
three hours and an Average (D1) Tech test success Normally the motor pool is guarded by two merce-
to get the furnace working. naries, and the keys are kept in a cabinet nearby for
easy access, along with a sign-out sheet.
The heat radiating from the furnace is intense
when it is operating. Any devices that rely on body EXPOSED (+2§ COVER), GROUND,
heat or other heat signatures are effectively ren- RUGGED, WHEELED
dered unusable; any Observation tests have their
difficulty increased by three steps.
Zones adjacent to the furnace counts as hazardous
Scale 2 Speed 2 Brawn 14(+2)
terrain and require an Athletics test to move
through. Failure causes 2+5§ damage with the DETAILS
Incendiary 3 quality.
Max Passengers 6 Impact 3+7§ (Knockdown)
Someone trapped in the furnace while it is active Chassis 2, Comms 2, External 1,
Hard Points
takes 4+9§ physical damage with the Anti- Internal 1, Motive 1, Weapons 1
Material 2, Incendiary 4, Piercing 3, and Terrifying
2 qualities. It takes a successful Dire (D4) Athletics
test to open the furnace door, the difficulty increas- Structure 24 Firewall 4 Armour 4 BTS –
ing by one step if the attempt is from the inside.
The effects of the furnace are also felt by anyone
opening the doors or within reach.


The grinders break up the unprocessed ore into
manageable chunks for smelting. Anything ATTRIBUTES
unfortunate enough to get caught in the grinders Scale 0 Speed 3 Brawn 8
takes 4+5§ damage with the Grievous and
Immobilising quality. DETAILS
Max Passengers 1 Impact 1+4§, Knockdown
Chassis 1, Comms 1, External 1,
There are several vehicles for use by the mercenar- Hard Points
Motive 1
ies parked on this concrete apron.
• 5 Ariadnan Utility Vehicles (AUV), equipped with Structure 1 Firewall 4 Armour 1 BTS 0
a passenger-side Combi Rifle (range C/M, 1+5§ SPECIAL ABILITIES
damage, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod • Reinforced Suspension: As a Reaction when falling, the rider can make
1, Vicious 1). a Pilot (D1) or Acrobatics (D2) test to halve any damage from a fall.
• 8 Harry-Davis Philly Trail Bikes, although four are
signed out to Nico Karo-Ungku and have yet to
be returned. TRAKTOR MUL
• 4 Trucks (see Infinity Corebook, p.136), one of About the size of a small car, these crude remotes
which is blocking the entrance to the complex. are driven with a dedicated control device but have
• 4 Harry-Davis Hornet Motorcycles (see Infinity the ability for basic wayfinding on their own.
Corebook, p.136).
• 2 Backwoods ATV like the characters’ own, Often used for materiel transport or as a mobile
although two of the passenger spaces are taken artillery platform, their narrow profile, fuel-efficient
up by a turret-mounted HMG (Range L, damage engines, and manoeuvrable tank treads are adapted
2+6§, Burst 3, Spread 1, Unsubtle). Both have for rapid movement through Dawn’s dense forests
a remote-triggered explosive (see “A Benedict and steep mountains.
Arnold Situation”). Unless the characters


Since they are specifically designed for it, actions PERIMETER WALLS
Hazardous Terrain —
taken using remote control only suffer +2 compli- The perimeter walls count as two-zone high,
Infinity Corebook, p. 109
cation range if the user is at extreme range from vertical terrain. They are also topped with coils of
Vertical — the traktor. However, their lack of a true LAI means Teseum-coated razor-wire, counting as hazardous
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 that unless remotely controlled, they can only move terrain. A failed Daunting Athletics (D2) test causes
or attack if equipped with a weapon and cannot 3+5§ damage with the Piercing 2 quality.
take more complicated actions.
Located deep below the refinery, the fusion reactor
that powers the forge is still in good working order.
TRAKTOR MUL Once activated, it provides power to the entire
complex. It is in a sub-level beneath the main
complex. Ozymandias has resisted switching the
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL reactor on, since the resulting heat bloom may alert
8 9 12(+2) 10 7 5 5 his enemies.
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Powering on the reactor requires a successful
Combat +1 — Movement — — Social — — Average (D1) Tech test. It is designed to run itself
Fortitude +2 2 Senses +1 — Technical — — and powering it on requires the pushing of a few
buttons. Constructed to run in a safe manner, it
takes a Daunting (D3) Tech test to figure out
Firewall 4 Resolve 4 Structure 8 how to disable the reactor’s safety protocols and
Security 1 Morale — Armour 2 trigger a timed meltdown by shutting down the
ATTACKS coolant systems.
• 2 x Uragan Multiple Rocket Launchers: Range M, 1+6§ damage,
Burst 3, Mounted, Non-Hackable, Unsubtle 2 SMELTING VATS
• Airburst Mode: Area (Close), Grievous, Piercing 2, Speculative Fire Huge buckets designed to withstand the high
• Direct Fire Mode: Grievous, Piercing 2, Vicious 2 temperatures of the furnace, the smelting vats hold
GEAR raw Teseum ore while it is turned into its molten
• Binoculars, Recorder form. Once molten, the liquid Teseum is poured into
SPECIAL ABILITIES the Teseum press. Each vat is carried on a cradle,
• Common Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, Poison, and Vacuum; suspended from a crane.
Superhuman Brawn 2 Enterprising individuals may wish to drop a
• Stable: A low centre of gravity and dynamic tread system grants the
smelting vat on a target or targets. It counts as a
traktor a bonus d20 to Athletics Reactions or tests to avoid being
Challenging (D2) ranged attack. If successful, it
knocked prone.
causes 3+7§ damage with the Area (Medium),
Indiscriminate (Medium) Knockdown, and Unsubtle
qualities. A vat full of molten metal is more of a
challenge, increasing the difficulty by one step, but
adds +1§ damage and the Incendiary 2 and Vicious
2 qualities.

These piles of waste rock and non-Teseum ore
count as both heavy Cover Soak (+4§) and difficult
terrain, requiring an Average (D1) Athletics test to
move through.

A triple-locked reinforced vault used to store
Teseum ingots, it is currently empty. Ozymandias
was far from happy to discover this.

Once the Teseum is a molten liquid, the vats pour
the metal in the hydraulic press to form it into
ingots. Like the conveyor belts, the press counts as
hazardous terrain, and a failed terrain test causes
1+5§ damage with the Piercing 1 quality from the
radiant heat.

40 PART 2

WATCHTOWER coming from the mess tent nearby does smell

A small, fortified structure at either end of the com- mouth-watering. Niamh decides to head on to the
pound, the watchtower counts as heavy Cover Soak command tent to check in on things.
(+4§). A tripod-mounted HMG (Range L, damage
2+6§, Burst 3, Spread 1, Unsubtle) is situated at Ozymandias sits down at a bench nearby, after
each tower, with a clear field of fire into both the liberally spooning a portion of stew into a bowl
complex and outside the walls. The tripod mount from an ever-bubbling tureen. The nearby mercs
removes the need for a Brace action. already eating make space for the characters and
Ozymandias, shuffling sideways down the benches
A BRIEF HISTORY OF “GO” to give them room.
There’s nae airs here folks, see? Tell us, whit
Ozymandias has been dealing with local mercenar- youse bin up tae since ye took aff fae the
ies, Submondo kingpins, and all kinds of individuals Gates o’ Dawn?
and agencies that tread a fine line with the law. In
that time, he’s made enemies on Dawn. Now the The characters can recount their adventures so far,
time has come to pay the piper. The arrival of the with Ozymandias nodding and asking questions.
characters on Dawn has precipitated his grand He is particularly interested in their run-ins with
departure, and he plans to leave nothing but ashes. other mercenaries such as the Ikari or Druze. If they
have learnt anything regarding the Bellerophon
Unfortunately for both the characters and Corporation, characters succeeding at a Challenging
Ozymandias, one of Ozymandias’s trusted lieuten- (D2) Psychology test will notice Ozymandias visibly
ants, Nico Karo-Ungku, has sold out Ozymandias react at the name.
and the location of the refinery. The characters
may already be aware of Nico’s treachery from their By the time they’ve finished, twilight has fallen on
time in MountZion, but the characters’ arrival is the valley, and their breath is pluming in the air. He
only the first of many. Ozymandias planned to set is keen to know how the characters found Niamh or
his refinery bolthole on fire, literally, but he wasn’t himself, particularly since he is keen to keep a low
expecting such an assault. profile. His musings are disturbed by the fact that
Karo-Ungku’s long patrol has not returned.
Before he does this, Bellerophon has made plans
to launch an attack using local mercs, Druze lead Righto, here’s what I know. So, there’s been a
by Arslan, and Antipode handlers in an attempt to big push on the old War Market front here on
make it look like a native Antipode attack. When Dawn, since the old Kurage business kicked aff.
the characters arrive, they have a few hours before Someone’s been busy putting a bunch of the big
the attack. yins on some kinda retainer. Am no sure, but
it’s some aff-world corp. They call theyselves
There’s a slightly awkward moment when Niamh
and her father (if the characters haven’t guessed Haud on. It’s late. The patrol shoulda been back
already) meet. Neither are used to public displays by now… Somethin’s wrong. Nico shoulda been
of affection. Ozymandias gruffly greets the back by now.
If the characters think to ask, Ozymandias shares
Right, folks. You guys hungry? We’ve got a wee his fears that the patrol has been ambushed. They
mess tent set up. It’s no’ much but it’ll stick to should have been back three hours ago. Nico Karo-
your ribs at least. Let’s go eat. Ah’m hungry, any Ungku, however, has left a homing beacon hidden
roads – ye can watch me eat. in the refinery and made his escape, along with
three of his compatriots.
There are thirty mercenaries in the camp. They
come from a variety of backgrounds and vary SUIT UP!
greatly in ability. Six are on constant duty on the As soon as Ozymandias’s crew hear his suspicions
perimeter wall and watchtowers, scanning the of an ambush, first thoughts are those of an
horizon for threats. Four are out on long patrol on Antipode attack. If the characters have any sugges-
trail bikes, looking for motorised vehicles or signs tions, Ozymandias is happy to hear them. While the
of threats. mercenaries are not overconfident, the prospective
attack of a tribe of blood-crazed Antipodes is not
The characters arrive at sundown, and the shadows one to be taken lightly. All sentries are equipped
are growing long in the valley. There is a bite in the with walkie-talkies and check in every five minutes
air that suggest a frosty night ahead, but the aroma with the command tent.


Searchlights on the watchtowers are actively The Assault Pack Leaders attempt to keep out of
sweeping the area around the site for the sight — a stealth test to stay hidden — and only
Antipodes warbands, adding +1 to the difficulty of use their grenade launchers if it looks like their
any stealth test. Unfortunately, the searchlights — Antipode charges are being overwhelmed. Their
and those manning them — are the primary targets. goal is to cause as much disruption as possible
Two mercs are stationed at each watchtower, one before the Druze Shock Teams begin their assault.
manning the HMG, the other the searchlight. Both
have walkie-talkies. Most of the defending mercenaries will attempt to
get to the high ground in the refinery, where they
S.N.A.F.U. have the benefits of cover and the ability to set up
enfilade fire corridors and cover retreats.
Once the patrol is reported missing, the camp goes
on alert. The mercenaries break out their weapons DROPSHIPS & DRUZE:
SILVER BULLETS and ensure there is enough standard ammo to go THEY’RE FLYING NOW?
Specifically formulated for use around. The ammunition has been moved from The Assault Packs are not expecting what is about
against Antipodes and their Dogface the storage vault, and there are enough for two to happen. The Druze mercenaries have both air
and Wulver descendants, this Reloads apiece if the characters ask. and TAG support, an Azure Dragon Dropship and
viral ammo is used by Loup-Garou
an Anaconda TAG. Their attack is indiscriminate
special action units when lethal
force is required. Dog Nation If the characters are currently unarmed, they get and designed to add a few Antipode bodies to add
Dogface-rights activists had it a Combi Rifle or boarding shotgun and enough credence to an Antipode attack if investigated. As
banned by the Concilium Convention, ammunition for two Reloads. There are very few far as the Druze are concerned, both the Antipodes
but thanks to DNAriadnan lobbying non-standard ammo types available, although a and their handlers are expendable.
and deep-seated prejudice, the successful Challenging (D2) Persuade test gains a
Merovingian parliament is not so character a round of Adhesive ammunition. If the The first the characters know of the attack is when
easily swayed. Silver bullets provide character succeeds by four or more successes, they a mine goes up, illuminating a swarm of Antipodes
Biotech, Grievous, Knockdown, get access to Ozymandias’s personal reserve, a at the watchtower closest to them. A trinary of
and Toxic 3 against Antipodes, Reload of T2 ammunition or shells. Antipodes lopes toward the characters, intent on
Dogfaces, or Wulvers, but only
getting into melee combat with them as quickly as
Biotech against all other targets.
If the characters think to ask Ozymandias for it, possible. A character able to investigate the bodies
“silver bullet” ammunition is not available beyond a of one of the Antipodes will recognise surgical
single Reload. Ozymandias had a crate of it, but it scars and implants on the body with a Challenging
Antipodes —
was confiscated in MountZion, thanks to a careless (D2) Medicine test success.
Infinity Corebook, p.462
remark by Ozymandias to a Dog Nation sympathiser.
Assault Pack Leader — WAVE 2: AIR STRIKE
Infinity Corebook, p. 421 The camp is on high alert as night falls. Many The Azure Dragon air support carries four bunker
of the mercs try to get some sleep until their buster missiles and will use them on the following
watch. Four guards are stationed on the main gate. targets in order if they are still a threat or active:
Everyone is on edge, watching for the first signs of the truck at the main gate, any nearby flyers, both
the Antipodes warband. watchtowers, the command post, then any groups
• The GM does not need to make of defenders. Characters can make a Challenging
a test for every NPC involved in
the following battle. It would take
WHEN ANTIPODES (D2) Athletics or Acrobatics test to get out of the
ATTACK way once a missile is launched at an area they are
a great deal of time to work out currently occupying.
every combat test result. The ebb The characters may have learnt of the scarcity of
and flow of a fluid combat scene
Antipode pack leaders in MountZion. The truth is Bunker Buster Missiles: There’s no subtlety about
relies on the GM focussing on the
characters and their actions.
many have been co-opted into mercenary groups bunker buster missiles, designed to crack open
looking to make some profit off the razzia. fortifications using a shaped charge: 1+8§
• Don’t let the character be damage, Anti-Materiel 4, Area (Close), Grievous,
overshadowed by NPCs. Both Niamh WAVE 1: ASSAULT Indiscriminate (Medium), and Piercing 2.
and Ozymandias are not soldiers, and
There are six Assault Packs (three Antipodes plus
the characters have the opportunity
the Assault Pack Leader) converging on the site. After the air strike, the dropship provides air sup-
to show off.
Their primary targets are the two watchtowers and port for the ground troops, circling overhead and
• Use Heat to make things dangerous. truck at the main gates. With the searchlights gone, firing into clusters of defenders. The air and dust
Someone like Arslan will happily take their next objective is the command tent. After that, kicked up creates a low visibility zone, increasing
control of traktor mul, for example they target any signs of an organised defence. the difficulty of all vision-based tests by one step.
and turn it on the defenders. If the The weapons on the traktor muls are useful against
characters shoot down the dropship, both the dropship and TAG. If the characters do not
the craft’s crash course has the think of it, Niamh and Ozymandias suggest it.
characters in the way.

42 PART 2

FLYER, ENCLOSED, RUGGED 2 Heat: One of the Druze is an Infowar specialist


ATTRIBUTES 3 Heat: One of the AUV fireteams are hired guns.

Scale 3 Speed 3 Brawn 14(+2) (See “Bounty Hunters”, Infinity Corebook, p. 422).

DETAILS 3 Heat: The Anaconda TAG is deployed right in the

centre of the compound.
Max Passengers 12 Impact 3+6§ (Knockdown)

Hard Points
Chassis 1, Comms 2, External 2, Internal 1, A BENEDICT ARNOLD SITUATION
Motive 1, Weapons 0 The two Backwoods ATVs explode when the Druze
DEFENCES begin their ground assault unless the characters
Structure 20 Firewall 8 Armour 5 BTS 6 found and defused the explosives hidden aboard.
For 1 Heat, the blast catches several mercenaries
ATTACKS in the blast before the characters board their own
• Heavy Machine Guns x 2 (Long, 2+6§ damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Backwoods ATV. For 2 Heat, it explodes when a
Spread 1, Unsubtle).
character is nearby for 2+6§ damage with the
• 4 x Missile Tubes (see text).
Indiscriminate, Spread 1, Unsubtle, and Vicious 2
With Ozymandias’s troops in disarray following The ATVs have locational beacons (see Infinity
the Antipodes and dropship attacks, a number Corebook, p. 373) hidden aboard by Karo-Ungku, as
of firefights break out across the refinery as the a contingency plan. Broadcasting on Channel 66,
mercenaries retreat under cover from the missile it will allow the Anaconda TAG or Ryzrback bikers
attacks and Antipode raiders. to locate the characters. Actively searching for the
beacon requires a Challenging (D2) Observation Druze Shock Team —
It’s at this point three Ariadnan utility vehicles (see Infinity Corebook, p. 433
p. 39) crash through the wreckage of the gate. test success to find it.
Each deploys a Druze Shock Team, a fireteam of five
Druze, four Troopers plus an Elite leader. WHAT’S THAT COMING
An additional Druze Trooper remains on board The characters likely wonder why a dropship has
the AUV, using the turret-mounted HMG as fire not deployed troops. Designed to carry a TAG into
support and suppressive fire. Their intent is to kill battle, it has done just that, delivering an Anaconda
everybody inside the compound and then sort out TAG to target stragglers or their vehicles. The
the bodies. characters will come across it as the TAG makes its
Inside the relative safety of the dropship is the way up the valley to reinforce the troops (unless
Bayram Chief of Security, Arslan (p. 101). He is deployed earlier). For 1 Heat, it suddenly looms out
there to evaluate the Druze Bayram troops and pro- of the trees as the ATV passes.
vide a liaison to the Ikari Company. While unlikely ENCLOSED, GROUND, HANDS,
to risk himself unnecessarily, he will intervene SINGLE-SEAT, WALKER
if his troops are getting a hammering and need
inspiration. ANACONDA TAG
The battle for the refinery is likely to be a close- Scale 2 Speed 2 Brawn 16(+1)
fought one. The following are some suggested Heat
spends during the battle: DETAILS
1 Heat: The downdraft from the dropship rips the Max Passengers 1 Impact 3+5§ (Knockdown)
awning off the traktor muls, clearly revealing them. Chassis 1, Comms 2, External 1, Internal 1,
Hard Points
1 Heat: The characters find themselves close to one Motive 1, Weapons 0
of the dropship’s primary targets. DEFENCES
2 Heat: The sounds of battle have carried far into Structure 14 Firewall 8 Armour 4 BTS 4
the Dawn night. A warband of Antipodes — three ATTACKS
Trinaries of Antipodes (plus one additional trinary • Panzerfaust: Range L, 2+5§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Munition,
per extra Heat spent) — adds to the chaos of the Piercing 2, Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious 2
battle. They attack anyone nearby. • HMG: Range L, 2+5§ damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle
• Chain-Colt: Range C, 1+4§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Concealed 1, Torrent,
Vicious 1



If things are looking bad for the characters, Niamh RYZRBACK

and Ozymandias suggest a swift retreat. Otherwise,
the characters will be free to leave anyway if they
triumph against the Druze. Ozymandias will take AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
the opportunity to use his retirement plan (see his 9 9 9 8 8 7 9
entry on p. 105). He and Niamh will accompany FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
the characters in their ATV to Mat’ where he has
Combat +2 — Movement +2 — Social — —
a spacecraft to get everyone off Dawn. He’ll give
Fortitude +1 — Senses +1 — Technical — —
the evacuation order to the other mercenaries in
his employ, advising them to scatter. It is a well-or- DEFENCES
dered withdrawal unless the characters somehow Firewall 8 Resolve 9 Vigour 9
manage to throw matters into disarray such as by Security — Morale — Armour —
triggering a reactor meltdown.
PEDAL TO THE METAL • Chain Rifle: Range C, 1+6§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Spread 1, Torrent,
The characters, Ozymandias, and Niamh think they Vicious 1
• Knife: Melee, 1+5§ damage, 1H, Concealed 1, Non‑Hackable,
have escaped the Druze, but the locator beacon
Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
attracts the attention of a group of Ryzrback Riders,
GEAR: Trail Bike
the Dawn equivalent of a biker gang. Basing them-
selves loosely on the Kyrgyz Kum Bikers of Bourak,
• Life on the Back of a Bike: When making a Pilot test while riding a
they are little more than thugs on trail bikes.
motorcycle, a Ryzrback can reroll a single dice that did not generate a
Originally paid to hunt and run down any stragglers, success but must accept the new result.
they’d do it as much out of a twisted sense of fun.
There are a dozen Ryzrbacks mounted on their
decide to spend some time in the wilderness or
bikes, who will pursue the characters’ ATV into the
add more run-ins with the Ryzrbacks, turning it into
wilderness. If they find out there is a bounty (1
a running battle.
Heat) on the characters and Ozymandias, they will
quickly become more than a nuisance, hounding
Ozymandias asks the characters for help in finding
the characters across Dawn, picking up additional
out more about Bellerophon Corporation, to see if
members as they go.
his suspicions are justified. That means a raid on
their Dawn corporate headquarters. Fortunately, he
ENDGAME has a stash and hideaway nearby, as always. His
The characters (plus Niamh and Ozymandias) will paranoid outlook is likely to put the characters in
need to make their way back to Mat’, or MountZion. significant danger for a short time, but his insight is
The GM can run some additional encounters from vital in making the connection to Amaunet and the
“An Ariadnan Adventure” on p. 31 if the characters APOPHIS protocols.


Bellerophon’s HQ on Dawn is an ugly, free-stand- Elites, each stationed in one of the corner offices.
CUTTING THE POWER ing concrete structure with two floors and an Two more staff are on duty during the day with one
Despite its appearance, the HQ has an underground parking bay. The triangular building always in the reception area. Three Bellerophon
uninterruptible power supply (UPS). is an unlovely piece of brutalist architecture, the security staff are on duty during the day, two in the
Cutting the main power activates scrubby landscaping jarring with concrete blocks. A Security Office and one at the gate.
emergency lighting and switches off chain-link fence topped by barbed wire surrounds
the main lights, but battery power last the tarmac parking lot, and the tatty-looking barrier
five hours. The server room remains 1 Heat: Affirmative Action. One of the secu-
outside is manned by a single security guard.
online as a result. For 1 Heat, the rity guards is a Dog-Warrior (see Infinity
external alarms are powered as well. The interior of the branch office is as unappealing Corebook, p. 431).
as the exterior. Narrow windows let in a little light,
2 Heat: Who Let the Dogs Out? Three guard dogs
but they have not been cleaned in months. The
(see Infinity Corebook, p. 481) roam the corridors at
office cubicles have been long-since abandoned. All
night. They are trained/conditioned not to attack
that is left is a small caretaker crew of Corporate
the security guards or CorpSec.
Security staff. Well-paid, they are equipped to face
any threats to Bellerophon’s assets. 3 Heat: Police Drive-By. Two police in a squad car
drive past. If the characters are spotted (failing a
There are five Corporate Security (CorpSec) staff
stealth test), they will likely be arrested.
on duty when the characters raid the HQ. They are

44 PART 2


The Bellerophon office building is an ugly two-sto- 1. Elevators: With a maximum capacity of 6 Bellerophon Security Guard— p. 107
rey structure with an underground parking garage. normal staff (or two transformed Dogfaces),
The locations within each have their own zones. these lifts have a standard low-tech surveil- Druze Shock Team —
lance camera inside. A hatch in the roof allows Infinity Corebook, p. 433
EXTERNAL LOCATIONS access to lift shaft.
1. Advertisement Hoarding: A large stylised
Bellerophon logo is mounted on a concrete 2. Fire Exits: Located on the ground floor near
plinth outside, a Greek warrior atop a winged the stairwells, these doors open outwards. RAISING THE ALARM
They are alarmed. Characters careless enough to
horse, the Pegasus. It counts as light cover
trigger alarms or otherwise alert
(+2§ Soak). 3. Loading Bay: The warehouse is linked to the security staff cause a police
2. Fence: The fence is basic chain-link structure the loading bay by a heavy steel shutter. response. This will necessitate two
scaled with an Average (D1) Athletics Controlled from inside the warehouse itself, police officers attending the site.
test success. the door can take 5 points of physical damage. See “Corporate Complications” on
Forcing it open when locked requires a p. 48 for more information.
BASEMENT Dire (D4) Athletics test success. The loading
1. Plant Room: The building heating, lights, and bay door is alarmed, and a security camera
other environmental controls are low-tech but covers the area.
controlled from this room. The main sewage,
power lines, and communication lines feed in 4. Main Door: Covered by a security camera, the
through here. main doors are alarmed and normally locked
at all time. A member of CorpSec staff will
2. Underground Parking: A concrete subterranean unlock the doors for deliveries, but the doors
parking lot, it is prone to flooding in the remain locked otherwise. A Challenging (D2)
frequent Dawn rain. For 1 Heat, the floor is Thievery test success allows a character to pick
swimming in water. the locks.


5. Reception Desk & Lobby: Artificial plants cov- same tech also polarises both the internal and
ered in a thin layer of dust festoon the lobby. external windows, ensuring privacy.
During the day, the reception desk is occupied
by one of the CorpSec staff. Two security 2. Office Space: Eerily quiet, all that is left of a
cameras cover the lobby. There is also a silent bustling office are banks of cubicles, empty of
alarm. If activated, two police officers arrive to all equipment. The cubicles count as light sat-
investigate. Two sets of toilet facilities (WCs uration zone (+2§ Soak) and difficult terrain
and sinks) are also located here. to clamber over.

6. Security Office: A bank of screens occupies 3. Server Room: Banks of anonymous server
most of this room, and the security cameras blades whir away in this climate-controlled
send their feeds here. The security staff can room. There are no screens or other means of
noiselessly alert the local police in a similar interfacing with the hardware. To access the
fashion to the silent alarm in reception. Two data requires a quantronic interface such as
Bellerophon security guards are usually on a comlog. Only CorpSec staff have access to
duty here. (For 1 Heat, add an additional guard this room, and it is protected by a separate
and, for 2 Heat, a CorpSec Trooper.) If the alarm system, intended to send an alert to the
characters do not disable the security cameras, comlogs of the CorpSec. For more information
add 2 Heat to the GM pool. see “Office Infowar” on p. 47.

7. Stairs: Designed to be used in the event of fire ROOF

instead of the elevators, characters can leap 1. Rooftop: Access to the roof is controlled by a
multiple levels with a successful Challenging locked stairwell only the CorpSec staff have
(D2) Acrobatics test. access to, with a numerical combination lock.
It is alarmed with both a conventional alarm
8. Vending Machines: Aside from selling a and a hidden quantronic alarm linked to the
multitude of snacks and energy drinks well CorpSec staff (see above). A Daunting (D3)
past their use-by date, this bank of machines Observation test success is required to spot
provides heavy Cover Soak (+4§). For 1 Heat, the additional alarm.
the machines are alarmed. A character getting
a “free” snack from one of these triggers an 2. Satellite Uplink: Although it looks like little
audible alarm. more than a satellite dish, it is connected
to far more sophisticated tech. A successful
9. Warehouse: Aside from empty shelves on Average (D1) Tech test success allows a
levels counting as difficult terrain and a cargo character to recognise a deep-space receiver
loader, this area is dark and empty. Once used and transmitter, designed for wormhole
to store Teseum, a few fragments still lie communication, and a Maya connection. This is
around here and there and can be identified unusual for Dawn.
with an Average (D1) Science test success.
1. Executive Suites: Outfitted with chrome and Alarms: The external alarms and most of the
glass fittings plus black leather seats, these building (with a few exceptions) have a simple
offices exhibit a minimalist “greed is good” circuit at access points (doors and windows). It
aura. The full-length glass partition in these is a contact connection easily disabled with a
rooms gives a clear view across the office Challenging (D2) Thievery test success, provided a
floor. A character succeeding at a Daunting character can physically access them. They have the
(D3) Observation test will notice that the Non-Hackable quality. The alarms run on backup
room is more than an exercise in tacky decor. power, so they remain live even if the main building
Beneath the desk’s raised dais is sophisticated power is cut.
tech, unusual for a Dawn office. An Average
(D1) Tech test success allows a character to Surveillance Cameras (Low-Tech): Low-tech video
see that it is part of a quantronic network and cameras (marked ©) are connected to cables run-
functions as an access point to Maya. Using ning back to the Security Office. These do not cover
the satellite uplink, CorpSec staff can interface the executive suites or server room. The cameras
directly with Maya and ultimately Amaunet. do not possess audio recording capabilities and
It is limited to distance, and the presence of record to tapes in the Security Office. Disabling a
a Circular or wormhole opening is required camera is an Average (D1) Tech test success, but to
to communicate outside Dawn’s solar system, get the camera to replay earlier footage on a loop
but it could reach Gates of Dawn easily. The or similar requires some creative wiring, a Daunting

46 PART 2

(D3) Tech test. A complication on the test means spent adding an extra zone or increasing the Black
the camera gets a clear view of the character Ice by +1 in a zone.
tampering with it.
Node 1 — Office Server: This is the central node of
Windows: Constructed of tempered glass, the network, accessible only from inside the HQ.
triple-glazed, and designed to open outwards,
these large, square windows take two points of • Commercial HighSec. +2§ Interference Soak to
physical damage before shattering. The windows authenticated users.
are alarmed, and opening one or any impact on it • Data Camouflage. Observation (D2) test to detect
triggers an alarm in the Security Office. this zone.
• IC-2 Crybaby (see Infinity Corebook, p. 371). It noti-
OFFICE INFOWAR fies the CorpSec staff.
• Secured Zone. Firewall 5.
While the office in the physical world is a challenge, • Security Geist. A security geist protects the area
the office in the digital world is just as dangerous (see Infinity Corebook, p. 379). It can be found here
to Infowarriors. As well as the CorpSec staff, the most of the time.
network within the HQ datasphere is far more
advanced than most on Dawn. Nodes 2 & 3— Security Cameras: All the security
cameras in the HQ are linked to the Security
HEAT SPENDS Office. These two are separate from the normal
1 Heat: Wandering Monster. The security geist camera network and save their data directly to the
moves around, relentlessly patrolling the network. datastore. They have a Firewall of 5 and Security
The characters encounter it in another area. Soak of 2 and can take a single Breach before
being deactivated. There is one located in the
2 Heat: Black Ice. Each point of Heat adds IC-Black Server Room (Node 2) and another overlooking the
Ice 1 to a node, with each additional Heat point Satellite Uplink (Node 4).


• Commercial HighSec. +2§ Interference Soak to 1 Heat, the characters access a node belonging to
authenticated users. one of the CorpSec staff currently onsite.
Node 4 — Maya Relay & Satellite Uplink: Although • Advanced HighSec. +3§ Interference Soak to
the physical hardware provides an access point for authenticated users.
those with the right skillset, it only links to Maya • IC-2 Crybaby (see Infinity Corebook, p. 371). It noti-
when there is access via a wormhole opening for a fies the individual owner of an office.
Circular or other spacecraft. It can still link to DNet
or other networks within the Dawn system. CORPORATE COMPLICATIONS
The characters are likely to set off alarms either
• Advanced HighSec. +3§ Interference Soak to on purpose or by accident. A Backwoods ATV will
authenticated users. pull up outside as the characters take their leave,
• IC-2 Crybaby (Infinity Corebook, p. 371). It notifies deploying mercenaries. These are the same Ikari
the CorpSec staff. Company mercs (p. 108) the characters met
Node 5 — Secure Datastore: The contents of this during the hit on Gates of Dawn, so there are some
area can only be accessed through a secure data scores to be settled. Any casualties in their ranks
tunnel. It holds a huge amount of data regarding have yet to be replaced. Nakamoto (if he survived)
Bellerophon’s activities on Dawn (see the leads the team.
“Bellerophon Files”, below). It takes three rounds to The characters have the support of both Niamh and
loot or otherwise download the data here. A char- Ozymandias (if present) from the characters’ own
acter can reduce this amount of time by spending Backwoods ATV – the latter opening up with the
a point of Momentum. It is here the characters can chain rifle he’s been keeping on hand, while Niamh
find evidence of Bellerophon’s plans. takes the wheel of the ATV, driving it through
• Advanced HighSec. +3§ Interference Soak to the front entrance if needed. There are two Ikari
authenticated users. mercs per character plus Nakamoto. Any remaining
• Data Camouflage. A Challenging (D2) Observation CorpSec staff join the attack on the characters.
test success is needed to detect this zone. Characters dithering about will also have to deal
• Security Geist. A security geist protects the data- with local law enforcement arriving four rounds
store (see Infinity Corebook, p. 379). after the combat begins. Initially a car of two police
Nodes 6-8 — Personal Office Networks: These are (see Infinity Corebook, p. 449) arrives (1 Heat adds
the networks of the corner offices. The CorpSec another squad car), followed by a van of six SWAT
staff each have their own network, but a secure officers (see Infinity Corebook, p. 449) two rounds
data tunnel exists to these from their comlogs. For later. At that point, the characters are in serious
trouble. A Dire (D4) Persuade test is required to talk
their way out of being sent to prison.


The characters can learn a great deal from hard one step. Once the files are analysed, a Daunting
copy files and data trails. Bellerophon is keeping (D3) Hacking test success decrypts the files (each
tabs on Ozymandias. The Paradiso location of Aisha additional hacking device reduces this by one step).
Estevez, the PanOceania Knight of the Montesa Characters can team up on these tests as normal.
Order, is also revealed. Ozymandias hopes to use
the communications array of the HQ to send a Once decrypted, many of the files are simply
message to Aisha Estevez warning her about financial transfers and memos, plus a selection
Bellerophon. of dossiers. These dossiers include the following
• Files relating to Teseum shipments to a ware-
It will take several hours to decode the files, at house on Paradiso, by way of Valkenswijk.
least six hours if the characters get access to an • Surveillance files exist on Ozymandias, Niamh,
analysis suite and a hacking device. and each of the characters. It lists their known
Analysis Suite — associates and possible locations. The GM may
Infinity Corebook, p. 361 The data encryption on these files is not easy to want to tailor this list to specific NPCs the char-
crack using devices on Dawn. A character without acters met in previous sessions.
Hacking Device — access to an analysis suite or hacking device • The location of the refinery is clearly identified
Infinity Corebook, p. 371 must first succeed at a Dire (D4) Analysis test. as is a large payment to a Nico Karo-Ungku for
The presence of an analysis suite reduces this by services rendered.

48 PART 2

• The characters are on a Bellerophon kill-list as and came up with Charon Committee. It was
impediments to something called the APOPHIS supposed to be a think-tank for the unthinkable.
protocol. It explicitly states that their removal is How to stop an alien invasion. The kind of deci-
required by way of a fatality outcome. sions that couldn’t be made in good conscience.
• There is a contingency plan should the characters
come to Paradiso, but no further details. There were a bunch of us. Yildiz you met, myself,
• Local funds have been poured into off-world Estevez – I think she’s on Paradiso, with the
accounts with a seek-and-destroy order, Spiral Order of Montesa now. There was one of them
Corps, Ikari Company, the Druze Society, plus a alien Tohaa, Raanios. Shifty bastard. Then there
payment to the Script Kiddies (p. 109). was Amaunet, the AI we had setup to run things.
By ‘things’, I mean a shell corporation like
Ozymandias is shaken when he realises the Bellerophon. It was to provide zero accountabil-
corporation, one he apparently helped create, is ity for O-12. Funding for the kind of ideas the
up to something big and secret — and is willing to Öberhaus couldn’t stomach. I thought Amaunet
kill him to cover it up. He can give the characters a was shut down, and O-12 had mothballed the
background on Amaunet and Bellerophon. idea. I guess not.

Read or paraphrase the following. Estevez’s credentials are on the recent orders,
but they’ve got to be fake! She’s been off the
We’re going back a few years. It wasn’t an easy grid for years on Paradiso. This Bellerophon
time. The crap had just hit the fan on Paradiso. Corp was setup using my codes, my contacts,
The EveningStar had just been blown to hell damn it! That AI, Amaunet, she’s covering her
by the CA. O-12 had just had their collective tracks now, and protecting her arse. That’s why
arses kicked. A few of us put our heads together she killed Yildiz, and why they’re trying to kill


me. She has a shutdown code. We built it into ENCLOSED, SPACECRAFT
her, just like the ones ALEPH uses to ensure her FLEUR DU CALDEON, COURIER
Aspects self-terminate. CLASS CRAFT
Anyone fancy a trip to Paradiso? Seeing as ATTRIBUTES
you’re on Amaunet’s hit list, perhaps we Scale 2 Speed 3 Brawn 12
can find Estevez and Raanios and shut that
LAI down. For good. Maybe get you guys DETAILS
off the hook. Max Passengers 20 Impact 2+7§ , Knockdown
If the GM is already running a DEFENCES
campaign, parts of Wilderness of LEAVING DAWN Structure 42 Firewall 13 Armour 9 BTS 3
Mirrors objectives may coincide
with the events of those adventures, SPECIAL ABILITIES
The characters will be keen to leave Dawn as soon
breaking up the campaign somewhat, • Minotaur Motor: The vessel has been equipped with a complex and
but giving the characters extra
as possible. Both Ozymandias and Niamh will expensive Minotaur Motor, allowing it to traverse jump gates by itself.
opportunities for adventure. agree with the characters if they voice this opinion. • Spacecraft: The craft operates in both atmosphere and the vacuum
Ozymandias already has a ship on standby, part of of space.
• As the characters have cleared his planned escape route, awaiting him at Mat’.
themselves with O-12, the adventure
Circular File may also add a little
If the characters left a trail of destruction in Mat’ It will take five rounds for the pre-flight checks
excitement to the journey.
or otherwise left something of a mess there, the and engines to warm up. If the characters can
• Part 3 of Quantronic Heat GM adds 2 Heat to the GM pool. The authorities prevent the Ikari mercenaries from damaging their
takes place on Svalarheima. are watching the spaceport — and so are the Ikari craft in that time, they should be able to escape. If
• The Shadow Affairs campaign Company. Nagamoto (if he survived) and his team their ship is incapacitated, they will need to fight
happens on Paradiso. (p. 106) are waiting at the spaceport. As the only off their opponents and escape again into Mat’.
way off-planet, they are hedging their bets the Ozymandias and Niamh have enough local contacts
• Part of the Cost of Greed
characters will return there. to secure seats on a commercial flight back to
adventure occurs on Svalarheima.
Gates of Dawn, although Ozymandias will complain
• And finally, Adventures in the If the characters left a ship there, the Ikari mer- constantly.
Human Sphere has scenarios on cenaries have staked out the docking bay. If the
Dawn, Paradiso, and Svalarheima. characters are relying on Ozymandias and Niamh, If the craft is damaged or unable to fly, a complain-
then Nakamoto has paid off some maintenance ing Ozymandias will reluctantly allow Niamh to
staff to give the mercenaries a heads up when the book the group passage out of the Dawn system.
characters arrive. The ground crew of the docking This will be on the C8 Circular route from Dawn to
bay appear skittish and nervous to a character Svalarheima, then Paradiso. Unless the characters
succeeding at a Challenging (D2) Psychology test. have their own ship capable of traversing a jump
gate, they will need to either use the Fleur du
SCRIPT KIDDIES The Ikari team are similar to the one that hit Gates Caldeon or hitch a ride on the Circular.
If the characters are still having tech
issues or lack an Infowar specialist, of Dawn with one difference. Two of the team carry
the Script Kiddies may be able to missile launchers loaded with EXP ammunition The characters will have to keep a low profile while
hook them up, or one of them joins (Range L, 2+8§ Damage, Burst 1, Unwieldy, Area waiting on the Circular at Gates of Dawn if they
the characters as a replacement PC. (Close), Spread 1, Unsubtle, Vicious 2). Their goal decide to spend some time there. Bounty hunters
They are still terrified of Niamh. is to disable the characters’ craft, preventing are likely to be watching out for them — not only
their escape. on the caravanserai, but on the Circular itself.

THE FLEUR DU CALDEON There is a bonus to accompanying Ozymandias,

Transport & Transport Table —
If the characters do not have a ship already, despite his grumblings. He can square the charac-
Infinity Corebook, p. 396
Ozymandias has one on standby. A beat-up courier ters with O-12, and at least their reputations are
class craft (see the Infinity: Gamemaster’s Guide, restored in some way.
p. 165) called the Fleur du Caldeon. Insisting on
naming it himself, Ozymandias originally intended
to name it Fleur du Caledon, but mis-typed the
transponder code. The name has stuck.

Although it is not armed, it does have an analysis

suite and a locker full of MediKits. Despite the
outward appearance, it is in good repair and flies
better than it looks.

50 PART 2



The characters arrive on Paradiso, where they not only have to deal with the Paradiso wildlife and
Combined Army, but threats from within. They are attacked by a group of knights whom they recognise
from Maya that attempt to abduct Ozymandias. All are from the Order of Montesa and fear the characters
are there to kill Estevez. The characters must use diplomacy and social skills to defuse the situation, as the
knights are there without her express permission.
After encountering the knights, the characters will learn of Estevez’s disappearance. She’s all too aware
of the characters’ predicament. She doesn’t trust Raanios, after learning the Tohaa is involved with Spiral
Corps, and is shocked to learn of her apparent involvement in Bellerophon’s continued existence.
The characters enter the jungle attempting to locate the Tohaa committee member, Raanios. He is a part
of the Triumvirate’s expeditionary force into the Human Sphere. Feigning a lack of any knowledge of
Amaunet’s plan, he is the one bankrolling the whole process and is keen to see APOPHIS activated. As the
characters are something of an obstacle, Raanios arranges for an “unfortunate event” to happen to the
With the help of Ozymandias, the Nomad hacktivists, the Script Kiddies, or through their own abilities,
the characters finally have the chance to exonerate themselves with the O-12 leaders. They also learn on
arrival that Feyyaz Yildiz has died in his sleep “suddenly” only to be succeeded by his son — none other
than Fereydun Yildiz, Resurrected. Finally, the characters are able to reveal their dealings with the Charon
Committee to O-12 and return to the fold once again.

The characters are finally close to uncovering Amaunet’s terrifying plan. Arriving on Paradiso, they need
to locate both Raanios and Aisha Estevez, the last two co-conspirators of the Charon Committee. They are
both fighting the war on Paradiso on different fronts. Estevez is on the front lines, near Damburg. Raanios
is deep in the jungle, part of a Spiral Corps team. Having located them, the characters should be able to
get the two /kILL/codes they need to shut down Amaunet and Bellerophon.

The characters are close to uncovering has become skilled at since the Charon Committee
Bellerophon’s true purpose, to weaponise the apparently shut her down. In truth, she has been
EveningStar’s superstructure wreckage. The corpo- working in secret, siphoning off funds here and
ration has allegedly been breaking it up for salvage there, and growing Bellerophon as a business. She
for years. However, Bellerophon has in fact been has remained hidden in the EveningStar’s data
reinforcing it and adding to the inertial mass, using arrays for years, gradually building up her forces.
the Teseum it mined from Dawn.
The most terrifying aspect of Amaunet’s plan — and
The other part of the plan is the LAI that runs her Posthuman Eternals followers — is the belief
Bellerophon. The company is little more than a that she is doing the right thing. Millions of lives
shell company on paper but controls a great deal of including her own will be sacrificed so the whole of
liquid assets. It and the LAI, in this case, still need the Human Sphere can escape the tyranny of the EI.
something to maintain the illusion of a corporate
With the characters’ interference, her plans have
conglomerate. More information on Bellerophon
begun to unravel. The characters are on her
can be found on p. 111.
doorstep, and she will have to take steps to stop or
The creation of various ALEPH simulations and hinder them at every step of the way. Money is no
O-12 models, Amaunet is an LAI generated to be object to the culmination of her plan.
the ultimate in corporate deceit. It is something she

Read aloud or paraphrase the following.
From space, Paradiso doesn’t look much like the frontline of a warzone, but those little lights in the dark
out there are the Blockades, sentries against the Combined Army’s spacecraft attempting to slip through
the wormholes. Below you, the green and blue curve of the planet comes into view. Here and there you
can see patches of brown where the Combined Army and Human Sphere forces battle for control, like a
stain on the surface.
Ozymandias reckons Aisha Estevez should be easy enough to find here. “A PanO knight is going to be
right in the middle of it,” according to him. But as you get closer, you start to get a sense of perspective.
The battlefront on Paradiso is massive.
Then there’s Raanios. There’s a blood vessel in Ozymandias’s temple that throbs whenever his name is
mentioned. Niamh’s revealed that the two hate each other. She’s called in a lot of favours with the O-12
Bureaus, and it turns out he’s somewhere down there in the green, part of the Spiral Corps merc company
these days.
Both should be able to get the /kILL/ codes you need to shut down Amaunet — and Bellerophon — per-
manently. And of course, Bellerophon is still out there. Chances are the company’s got some mercs on the
payroll down there. As the towering outline of the Valkenswijk Orbital Elevator comes into view, you’re
reminded of the old saying: out of the frying pan and into the fire…


In Valkenswijk, Knights of the Montesa Order attack This gives the characters a chance to learn of the
the characters when they arrive. Believing them Charon Committee further if they haven’t already
assassins, they attempt to abduct either Niamh or and the level of distrust she has for the Tohaa,
Ozymandias. The characters can talk their way out specifically Raanios.
of it and gain their trust, or otherwise get out alive.
With their credentials authenticated, Estevez will Of course, being on the frontline is not without its
meet the characters close to the battle lines. Once risks. A Combined Army ambush hits the characters
she’s certain they’re not spies, she’ll reveal that and Aisha. It is a reminder that Paradiso is still
she knows one of the codes needed to shut down dangerous, without Amaunet and Bellerophon. It
Amaunet, the missing member of the committee. is also possible that the characters “go bush” and
some basic jungle encounters are included here.

52 PART 3

ALEPH: There’ve been… glitches… in communication with members of the Steel Phalanx. Some have been uncontactable for hours in
parts of Runenberg, notably the heavily bioengineered areas. Some of the Tohaa Tarsaa-6 survivors consider the area their territory. It
might be nothing, simply coincidence, or something more sinister. See what you can find out.
Ariadna: There’s been a groundswell of Dog Nation violence and support on Paradiso, mostly in Runenberg. Dog Nation activists are
reacting to the use of Dogfaces and Wulvers as perceived “cannon fodder” on the frontlines. Keep an eye on local Dogfaces and Wulvers
and see if there’s anything actionable.
Haqqislam: A local detective went missing in Valkenswijk while investigating an illegal Aristeia! ring. They were a trusted and valued
agent of the Haqqislam security services.
Mercenaries: Spiral Corps have been recruiting heavily since they came back. Don’t seem to be taking on many new jobs though. Worth
a look at what they might be on retainer for.
Nomads: The Nomad Trade mission in Runenberg has a functioning VaudeVille BouBoutique. One of the Chimeras there, Shark de Sade,
is an Überfallkommando. Find out if it’s actually a Bakunin training facility.
PanOceania: The Black Friars have been sniffing a lot around the PanO knights at Runenberg. There’s been talk of corruption there.
What if one of the goody-two-shoe Holy Orders have been bought — or worse — fallen to another AI heresy?
Submondo: Aristeia! is where the money is here, especially the underground games in Runenberg. There’s a thriving black market in
performance-enhancing drugs too if you can get them from the PJC military! There’s also the Paradiso wildlife and the restaurants!
Rich idiots will pay a fortune for Scorpionette eggs, or King Tiger Seal steaks.
Yu Jing: One of Yu Jing’s double agents in the Haqqislamite Mufahiz went missing after investigating an illegal Aristeia! ring in
Runenberg. See what you can find out. And if Haqqislam were responsible? Pay them back with interest.

ARRIVAL LOUNGE: Combi Rifles, they are carrying pistols (Range R/C,
ABDUCTION 1+4§ damage, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1). They are
not immediately obvious as knights, as they are
As the characters disembark from the dizzying
not wearing their distinctive armour, but they do
descent of the orbital elevator, the crowd in the
still carry their swords, which gives them away. A
arrivals hall becomes significantly larger. Customs Agent —
Challenging (D2) Education test allows a char-
Customs officials on Paradiso are used to large acter to recognise the symbol of the Holy Order Infinity Corebook, p. 428
volumes of people, often toting possibly illegal of Montesa.
firearms or other weaponry, and count as Elites. Knight —
The knights are tight-lipped about their intentions, Infinity Corebook, p. 441
Characters bringing in toxins and contagions
aside from remarking that “you assassins won’t get
will be treated to a full search and illegal items
impounded. Signs all over the terminal order
travellers to declare such items before entering
the arrivals area. For 1 Heat, a customs agent takes
an interest in one of the characters and searches
their baggage.
Once the characters have entered the arrivals hall,
the area quickly fills with a crowd of people. Any
combat here quickly becomes subject to a panick-
ing crowd (see Infinity Corebook, p. 110).
Either Niamh or Ozymandias decide to arrange
transport for the characters and disappear into the
crowd. A character succeeding at a Challenging
(D2) Observation test notices they are followed
by two individuals in nondescript clothing. If the
characters follow, they will see them being held at
gunpoint and marched toward one of the exits. The
knights are being careful not to cause a panic.
As the characters leave, they are accosted by nine
such individuals. While they are not carrying their

a chance at Estevez.” The knights do not intend to She is not bothered about excuses and orders
murder the characters outright but will get violent them to return to Runenberg. They are shipping
if pressed. Their plan is to abandon the characters out the following day to the frontlines. It is almost
in the jungle — as far as possible from Valkenswijk. an afterthought when she tells the characters
The knights are nervous, and most are still novices. to come along as well. She has squared it with
They are unwilling to start a firefight, hoping that “Os Chefes” — presumably, Ozymandias, if he is
strength in numbers and the public location will nearby — although he will look slightly panicked at
encourage the characters’ compliance. A shooting hearing this. She is already aware of the characters’
match in the arrivals hall will see the nearby cus- presence on Paradiso. Either Ozymandias or Yildiz
toms agents also participate, although the street has got in touch.
outside will likely see the police involved.
If the characters protest their innocence, having
Ozymandias along helps matters greatly. He tells Fortunately for the characters, the knights will
the knights to call Estevez. “She’ll vouch for us, at share their cramped transport to Runenberg with
least for me, anyway,” as Ozymandias will claim. them. There is a strained atmosphere aboard the
Otherwise, it will take a Daunting (D3) Persuade transport, and an almost-palpable sense of relief
test success to convince the knights the characters when it lands in the makeshift landing zone on the
are not would-be assassins. outskirts of Runenberg.

Unfortunately for the knights, Estevez, their com- The characters have arrived in what looks like an
mander, has been making enquiries as to where armed encampment. The nearby buildings display a
they have gone. If the characters are making little mix of both PanOceanian architecture and Paradiso
headway with the knights, the knights’ comlogs pseudo-jungle, and all are scarred by battle
suddenly begin to beep insistently — Estevez is damage from the Combined Army attacks. Narrow
wondering where the knights are as they are AWOL. streets wind this way and that, and there is a feel-
They are not officially in trouble… yet. ing the jungle has already reclaimed the city.

Runenberg, the splendour of Syldavia’s western zone, is a city in the eye of the storm. The Third Offensive
swept northwards from Horselberg to south, and Holstenwall was also swallowed up in the aliens’
advance along the Gernot multi-way. Damburg, the once-beautiful city that celebrated art and antiquities,
was tragically swept away, and submerged following the sabotaging of the dam that gave the city its
name. With new frontlines established, Runenberg has become a city encircled behind enemy lines.
The capital of western Syldavia is a marvel of PanOceanian engineering. Unlike many of the man-made
structures on Paradiso that often seem designed to contend with the jungle in a bid for dominance,
its sleek transparent domes and bioengineered terraces are designed to mesh with the flora. This has
been both a blessing and a curse for the Shock Army of Acontecimento garrisoned there. Its eco-friendly
designs assist the defence of the city but make resupply a logistician’s nightmare.
Unique for a PanOceanian settlement, Runenberg is also home to a Nomad Commercial Mission. Natives
of the hyperpower regard the segregated zone with the same disdain they do their own Ateks. The
Nomads, however, view this home away from home as a jewel in their cache of appropriated assets,
a two-fingered salute to the man that every Nomad should be proud of. Like every other Commercial
Mission, the community harbours Nomads from all three motherships and a dazzling panoply of their
sub-factions. The talent on hand from three distinct aspects of the Nomad Military Force — both clandes-
tine and official— has certainly empowered the capabilities of the city’s defenders.
Tohaa refugees have taken up residence in an abandoned industrial plot that was gifted to them. Their
assistance in the city’s defence has been just as professional and determined as ever, but there does
seem to be a certain haunted look to their features following the utter eradication of their Tarsaa-6 base.
The presence of ALEPH’s Steel Phalanx and Operations Subsection add to the general eclectic nature of
the city and the palpable sense of impending doom. Although the defenders have so far repelled every
incursion, Runenberg seems destined to follow Damburg’s fate in being washed away —only this time the
flood will be the forces of the Combined Army.

54 PART 3

MORAT RAID They plan to get into close combat as quickly as

possible with the characters and Aisha, where AISHA’S ACTIONS
Assume that Aisha is running her
The knights accompanying the characters hurry Morat brute strength will prove decisive.
own battle. The characters can
them to meet Aisha Estevez, in one of the nearby feel free to assist her, but they
command tents. A brief discussion with two hulking HEAT SPENDS face the other Morat on their own
Father-Knights in powered armour at the tent’s 1 Heat: Sneak Attack! Aisha faces three Morat who while Aisha deals with the threats
opening will allow the characters in. have managed to flank the other knights. behind them.

Aisha’s helmet is lying beside her as she studies a 2 Heat: Aisha faces off against a Dāturazi Witch-
paper map of Runenberg, covered in small scrawls Soldier (see Infinity Corebook, p. 467). Raicho Pilot —
and notes. A success on an Average (D1) Analysis Infinity Corebook, p. 467
test or Challenging (D2) Observation test allows PLAYING (RAIZOT) TAG
a character to see it is an incredibly detailed
hand-drawn battle map, with what looks like The characters have a brief moment’s respite before
choke points, fire corridors, and even ammo dumps Aisha sighs and waves the characters over. With
marked. The other nearby knights defer to her and good reason. Something massive crashes through
step back to allow the characters entry. the wall where the characters were taking cover. It
is a Raizot Heavy Armour TAG, piloted by a crazed
She fixes the characters with a calculating gaze. Morat Raicho pilot. The ruins and buildings of the
Her strong Acontecimento accent carries over the street count as heavy Cover Soak (+4§), although
noise of the camp readying for battle, as she rolls the Raizot does not gain this benefit.
up the map and picks up her helmet.
If the characters do not have a means of damaging
So, you’re the ones kicking up the ashes of the or incapacitating the Raizot, then running is a
past. Yildiz and Ozymandias are right — you’ve perfectly viable option, one that Aisha will fervently
done one helluva job. Not that it’s a good agree with. The characters may stumble across a
thing, mind. missile launcher or even an ambush specifically
set up by the Knights of Montesa to take down the
The APOPHIS protocols should never have been TAG. It might have been Estevez’s plan all along, of
a thing. If that bitch is pushing us around like course. She will take the win.
chess pawns, I’d like to do some pushing back.
After I kick some Morat ass, we’ll talk more.
We’re a bit little busy right now. You coming? RAIZOT HEAVY ARMOR

The novice knights hurry off to don their armour, ATTRIBUTES

as everyone’s comlogs ping with an active alert Scale 2 Speed 2 Brawn 17(+2)
of a Combined Army incursion. Estevez crams
her helmet onto her head, her powered-armour DETAILS
steps setting a punishing pace for the characters Max Passengers 1 Impact 2+8§ (Knockdown)
to follow.
Hard Points Chassis 1, Comms 0 (ECM 2), Motive 1
She is not the only one. Several other knights are DEFENCES
following. Ahead is the characters’ first-hand look Structure 20 Firewall 10 Armour 8 BTS 6
at a battle with the Combined Army on Paradiso.
Morat and knights are locked in mortal combat, ATTACKS
• MULTI HMG: Range L, 2+5§ damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Medium
scimitar against swords, guns blazing. There is no
MULTI, MULTI Heavy Mod, Spread 1, Unsubtle 1
chivalry or valour; it is butchery. A Combi Rifle blast • Mine Launcher: Range M, 2+5§ damage, Comms, Indiscriminate
knocks a chunk out of a wall near the characters. (Close), Unsubtle, Vicious 2
Aisha wastes no time dropping the Morat with a • Heavy Shotgun: Range C, 2+6§ damage, Burst 2, 2H, Knockdown,
blast from her own weapon. Medium MULTI, Spread 1, Unsubtle 1
• Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread 1.
Don’t just stand there! Shoot them! We’ve got to • AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
the hold the line here! SPECIAL ABILITIES
• Rampage: The Raicho can pay 1 Heat to push its speed to 3.
Advancing down the street, using the buildings as • Morat Ferocity: While in the Raizot, the Raicho pilot’s Morale Soak
increases to 3.
light Cover Soak (+2§) are 8 Morat, 4 on each side
• Salvo fire Mines: (1 Heat) The Raicho can launch 3 mines instead of
operating as a fireteam on their side of the street. the usual 1. All mines are rolled separately and must target separate

The attempt on Aisha’s life — a
A MONTESA MEETING She also had a recent run-in with the Spiral
Corps and is certain they had a hand in recent
“friendly fire” incident — was
sanctioned by Bellerophon, but the With the Raizot dealt with, Estevez will produce a complications with resupplying Runenberg, but
characters have no way of knowing it. flask of sweet Acontecimento green wine and sits she’s managed to locate Raanios. He’s with them,
on the wreckage of the TAG. She will take a swig having somehow inveigled his way into their ranks
and offer some of it to the characters. As there is no as a Special Liaison Officer. She can contact him
time like the present, she will share her knowledge but warns the characters to count their fingers and
of both Amaunet and the APOPHIS protocols. watch their backs…


Locating Raanios is not difficult. In fact, he is quite they suffer 2+6§ damage and gain the Dazed and
happy to meet the characters. He is currently Staggered conditions, which persist until the char-
located in a Spiral Corp enclave close to the battle- acter receives medical attention. If they succeed,
front, where he is an active combatant. The location they still suffer 1+4§ damage.
means the characters will have to fly into the camp,
near the ruins of Damburg’s former dam. For 1 Heat, the craft is wedged between two
trees and suspended some way above the ground,
A character witnessing the exchange between the equivalent of three zones of vertical terrain.
Estevez and Raanios succeeding at an Average (D1) Climbing down requires two Challenging (D2)
Psychology test will notice barely concealed hostil- Athletics test successes.
ity between the two. Estevez can arrange a flyer for
the characters. She recommends flying in as Spiral The characters may be dazed, battered, and bruised,
Corps react violently to unexpected “intruders” or but at least they are alive. Fortunately, they are a
activity they deem invasive or meddlesome at few hours walk from Damburg, so they should reach
ground level. it by dark (an Average D1 Survival test success),
provided nothing goes wrong (a complication
The flyer is a small compact skimmer. There’s on the Survival test, for example). A night in the
enough space for the characters and their gear, plus Paradiso jungle is a terrifying — and deadly — pros-
a pilot but not Ozymandias or Niamh. They’re going pect otherwise.
to try to pull a few strings with the PJC back in
Valkenswijk, attempting to get the characters finally ENCOUNTERS EN ROUTE
cleared with O-12 and the Öberhaus.
The characters traipse through the jungle to the
SHOT DOWN camp, encountering Combined Army forces and
some of Paradiso’s less pleasant wildlife. As it gets
If the characters have no piloting skills, Aisha can darker, the shadows deepen, and strange noises
find one. Their pilot, Josi Mbaye is a stoic individual echo throughout the jungle.
Pilot — who does not talk much. She talks even less
Infinity Corebook, p. 445 when flying. Unfortunately, the characters have managed to
stray into a dance of shadows. The Combined Army
Falling Damage — They are an hour’s flight from the Spiral Corps and Spiral Corps are playing a deadly game of
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 encampment according to either the GPS or a hunter and hunted beneath the trees. The Human
short update from Mbaye. Suddenly, the entire Sphere’s MRL (Main Resistance Line) does not exist
Vertical Terrain — craft rocks with an impact, sparks raining down here where the battle lines are mutable. Firefights
Infinity Corebook, p. 110
inside the cabin as flames billow out of an engine. between the Spiral Corps and Combined Army are
A Challenging (D2) Observation test allows a rarely on a large scale, but hours are spent stalking
character to spot the vapour trail of a missile from the other side’s forces.
COMBAT IN THE the jungle below.
If the GM possesses the Paradiso Mbaye is dead, killed in the initial impact, and the
Sourcebook, they may wish to use craft is already heading nose-down into the jungle Unfortunately for the characters, the Combined
the jungle zone creation rules below. A Challenging (D2) Pilot test is required to Army’s Shasvastii troops are very much active in the
starting on page 62 for combat land the craft, and the characters must attempt region. These patrols are the reason Spiral Corps
encounters in the jungle.
a Daunting (D3) Resistance test when the craft troops are deployed in this area of the warzone.
hits. Anyone strapped into a harness or crash suit Spiral Corps troops specialise in the hunting down
makes the test at -1 difficulty and gains +2§ Cover and destruction of Shasvastii infiltrators. As the
Soak against any subsequent damage. If they fail, characters negotiate a steep-sided incline, they

56 PART 3

stray into a Shasvastii patrol’s path. There are 5 much of the city, and odd tree roots and vines turn
Shasvastii —
Shasvastii in the patrol (4 Troopers and 1 Elite). out to be collapsed structures, festooned with the
Infinity Corebook, p. 447
jungle vegetation. Blooms of otherworldly fungi
The patrol is below a ridgeline, but a Daunting branch out of former shop fronts, parks are now
(D3) Observation test allows a character to spot swampland, and ruined buildings jut from the water
movement where there should not be. If a character like rotted teeth. HAUNT GAS
states they are actively watching for ambushes, O-12’s designation for a toxin
the difficulty decreases by one step. Otherwise the Travel around the flooded city is by hovercraft or used in EI booby-traps on
Paradiso, Haunt induces disturbing
GM adds 1 Heat to the pool as the characters are boat since much of the dry land is submerged. The
auditory and visual hallucinations
surprised. whole city is eerily quiet, and the noise from such (Airborne, Complex 2, 3 hours,
craft draws the attention of both the Spiral Corps 2+4§ mental damage).
HEAT SPENDS and Combined Army forces still lurking throughout
1 Heat: Higher ground. The Shasvastii have an ele- the city. Most of the terrain counts as aquatic The aerosol form that the
vated position giving them +1 to any Ballistic tests. terrain (see Infinity Corebook, p.109). characters encounter is less
potent than the injected form
2 Heat: Upgrade the Shasvastii Troopers to Elites. There are still some human survivors, those citizens listed in the Infinity Corebook on
who refused to leave, deserters, and various p. 370.
3 Heat: They are not alone. A patrol of 4 Morat are Submondo lowlifes. There are even some gangs
Metanoia Effect: The
alerted to the combat, arriving two rounds later. that will react violently to anyone on their territory
hallucinations inflict a +2
or “turf” (1 Heat spend). complication range on most tests
The combat may delay the characters more than and require either Observation
they think, or it could be a trick of the light as it APPROACHING THE or Psychology tests with a
seems darker out than the cities of the Human SPIRAL CORPS CAMP difficulty equal to the number of
Sphere or even the wilds of Dawn. Haunt-derived Metanoia Effects to
The Spiral Corps camp is in the vestiges of discern from reality.
HAUNTING SPECTRES Damburg’s former namesake, a huge dam. The dam
ruins have a commanding view over the remains of
As night begins to fall, a mist rises into the air. Damburg, but is itself in a steep valley, the jungle Jorōgumo —
Unfortunately, this is not a ground mist. It is Haunt, already reclaiming much of the former reservoir’s Infinity Corebook, p. 483
a powerful toxin used by the Combined Army as catchment area.
both a psychological weapon and booby-trap. The
dispersal device can be located with a Dire (D3) To get to the camp, the characters will first need
Observation test and is triggered by proximity. to cross the city itself. Unless the characters wish A SENSE OF
to attempt a stealthy entry to the camp, a direct DÉJÀ VU
If the characters have previously
Characters suffering from Haunt will be convinced approach is best. The Spiral Corps have a great deal
visited Damburg during the Fallen
they can see figures moving through the trees — of experience in dealing with Shasvastii, so they are Angel episode of Adventures in
Shasvastii troops! The perceived threat is however well-equipped to deal with hostile infiltrators. The the Human Sphere, the city has
very real. Three Jorōgumo lurk nearby in a thicket camp is designed to be packed up and moved at a changed a great deal — for the
awaiting prey. moment’s notice, leaving little or no evidence of its worse. With the city flooded, much
existence. Tohaa technology, kept carefully hidden of the conflict has shifted the MRL
Those characters affected by Haunt will likely from view, hides the camp’s signals and other (Main Resistance Line) north of
stagger into or attempt to hide in the same thicket. communications. The buildings and camp structure the dam. The Yu Jing Destroyer, the
For 1 Heat, two Jorōgumo attack the same character, count as light Cover Soak (+2§). Jiéchū, lies partially submerged, a
resulting in a grisly tug-of-war. For 2 Heat, a casualty of the heavy Combined
Army assault.
patrol of 4 Shasvastii troopers hear the noise and A nearby jetty has several boats and hovercraft.
investigate. Although none are of military specifications, a few
have been customised to carry a Combi Rifle or an
If the characters are wounded by Jorōgumo or are HMG (in the case of hovercraft). They are used by Gang Member —
otherwise incapacitated by the Haunt, a patrol of the troops to patrol the city, one of their primary Infinity Corebook, p. 347
Spiral Corps troops discover them and escort them purposes, especially since the PJC (Paradiso Joint
— forcefully, if need be — to the camp. Command) do not know what to do with a group of
mercenary Tohaa. The real reason the Spiral Corps
THE DAMNED OF are in the city is to loot as much of the city as
UNDAMMED DAMBURG possible for ordinance and materiel, perhaps killing
some Shasvastii on the way.
When the dam giving Damburg its name was
destroyed during the Third Offensive, the flood There are also a landing pad and supply dump.
wave destroyed much of the city. The result was Both are heavily guarded with three Spiral Corps
almost utter devastation. Whole buildings were mercenaries always on watch, not against the char-
swept away. The jungle has already claimed back acters, but against possible sabotage or looting.

MEETING RAANIOS (see Infinity Corebook, p. 478) if needed, and
The characters are surrounded by Tohaa troops, MediKits are also provided.
who seem colder and more alien than others of He has full knowledge of Amaunet, and the
their kind. The Spiral Corps will take the characters shutdown code he provides the characters with
to see Raanios (p.103) who is enigmatic, charming, is a dummy one designed to do nothing. He will
and extremely dangerous. He is the perfect host, apologise for the rough treatment if the characters
solicitous of his guests‘ welfare, while the charac- were forcibly brought there, while inwardly cursing
ters are watched carefully by his troops. Wounded the characters’ appearance – and interference.
characters are treated by a Kumotail Bioengineer


Raanios will offer to contact the PJC, requesting The characters have a few hours to spend looking
Druze Shock Team — they collect the characters and see them safely around the camp, but not the city. The Spiral Corps
Infinity Corebook, p. 433 returned to Valkenswijk. It is not an act of kindness mercenaries will not let the characters wander
or altruism. He will contact Bellerophon, not the around their camp unescorted, either. A character
Azure Dragon Dropship – p. 43 PJC. The dropship that comes to collect the char- making a successful Daunting (D3) Analysis test
acters is filled with a group of Druze mercenaries, notices the Spiral Corps mercenaries always keep
Vertical Terrain — not O-12. Their mission is to kill the characters at least two of their number watching the charac-
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 and drop them in the jungle somewhere. He ters. They are also not allowed anywhere near the
cannot kill the characters himself since he knows boats. If the characters want to give their handlers
Aisha Estevez and Ozymandias already suspect the slip, they will need a Daunting (D3) Stealth
his motives. test success.

It does not go his way though. The message is EXTRACTION: THE

intercepted by Niamh, and Ozymandias sends some DROPSHIP TRAP
help of his own, a speedboat. At the very least he If the characters choose to wait and await the O-12
would like to give the characters a fighting chance. dropship, the rumble of a dropship is their first
indicator of their “rescue”. A character notices the

58 PART 3

landing pad area is suddenly busy with surround- HEAT SPENDS

Spiral Corps Mercenary — p. 110
ing troops on a Challenging (D2) Observation test. 1 Heat: Some of Spiral Corps also open fire, joining
The dropship, when it lands, sits on the landing pad the Druze. Three Spiral Corps mercenaries attack
expectantly. No one gets out, the entrance hatch per point of Heat spent.
standing open.
2 Heat: A fireteam of four Morat block the charac-
Raanios suggests the characters board as quickly ters’ escape route.
as possible. “There are Shasvastii and Morat raiders
inbound,” he says, while 10 Spiral Corps mercenar- DROPSHIP DOWN?
ies take up positions of cover. A Challenging (D2) If the characters do manage to defeat the Druze,
Psychology test success allows a character to pick they could steal the dropship. A 2 Heat spend
up on the shift in attitude. means the dropship is on the receiving end of a
Shasvastii D-Charge, just as the last Druze falls, and
Inside the dropship are 8 Druze Shock Team mem- erupts in a fireball.
bers, despatched by Bellerophon to capture and kill
the characters, then dump their bodies out of the OTHER MEANS OF
dropship somewhere over the jungle. Their plan is ESCAPE
simple. The Druze kill anyone attempting to board.
Legally, not morally, Spiral Corps are absolved of If the characters manage to sneak out of the camp
any responsibility if questioned by O-12 later over before or during the dropship’s arrival, the boats
the characters’ disappearance. After all, they saw and hovercraft on the jetty are the characters’ best
the characters board a dropship. transport to return to civilisation. The characters
are spotted if they fail a Challenging (D2) Stealth
A RESCUE OF SORTS test and are pursued once they do take off as a
Just as the characters are about to step aboard the result. Passing the test also gives the pilot of the
dropship, there is the roar of a powerful engine characters’ boat +1 Momentum on the test required
from the jetty. A powerboat bumps up against the to lose their pursuers (see “Running the Chase”).
nearby jetty, the engine suddenly cutting off. The
pilot is slumped over the wheel, dead. This is — or The Druze mercs will follow in their dropship and
was — Ozymandias’s rescue, such as it is. The chase the characters (and their craft) through
characters’ comlogs will suddenly burst into life as the flooded streets of Damburg. For a 2 Heat, an
the mobile repeater on board begins broadcasting additional speedboat and Spiral Corps troops join
a signal. It’s short databurst targeted at the charac- the chase. For a 3 Heat, a hovercraft with an HMG
ters specifically, a simple message: joins the chase. The speedboats all have a piv-
ot-mounted Combi Rifle (Range C/M, 1+5§ damage,
“STAY OFF THE DROPSHIP! TRAP! – O” Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1),
while the hovercraft has an HMG (Range L, 2+6§
That is not the only thing that happens. The damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread 1, Unsubtle).
Combined Army followed the boat upstream and
are mounting an attack of their own. Shasvastii Escaping on foot into the city is also an option.
scouts killed the pilot of the boat as the advance Doing so requires the characters to avoid the Spiral
scouts for a force of twenty Morat who are now Corps mercenary patrols as well as the Combined Morat —
hitting the southern side of the camp. Army forces. The local scavenger gangs will also Infinity Corebook, p. 465
see the characters as fair game, too.
Shasvastii —
All bets are off at this point. The Druze aboard the
Infinity Corebook, p. 471
dropship deploy, targeting the characters. They are RUNNING THE CHASE
there to kill the characters, and plan to get out While the speedboats are not heavily armed, they
of there as soon as possible, using the dropship are fast. The hovercraft and dropship each have an
to escape. HMG with a longer range and ignore any penalties Hovercraft —
for the terrain. Infinity Corebook, p. 136
It is a chaotic situation. Shasvastii and Spiral Corps
engage in a running battle throughout the camp as To escape the dropship and their pursuers, the pilot Speedboat —
the Morat inexorably advance. The Shasvastii plant requires three Challenging (D2) Pilot test successes Infinity Corebook, p. 136
their D-charges where they can, adding further to to lose their pursuers in the city ruins. Each suc-
the anarchy. cessful test increases the distance (and range) by
the equivalent of one zone.

HEAT SPENDS While the characters are thinking about what to
1 Heat: A water hazard. Buried wreckage or other do, for 1 Heat, a patrol of five marauding Morat sol-
debris hides just beneath the surface. The pilot of diers or three Shasvastii Scouts (Elites) also happen
the craft must succeed at a Challenging (D2) Pilot to be scouting the area…
test to avoid it. If the craft hits the debris, the craft
suffers the equivalent of the craft’s Impact damage. PHAYA NAGA
The storm may have passed, but the floodwaters
2 Heat: A Shasvastii sniper lurks in a nearby ruin still present something of a challenge to move-
and begins to take shots at the characters. ment. One of Paradiso’s apex predators is not so
3 Heat: Dead end! The characters’ find their way limited, lurking beneath the surface, waiting for
blocked by a fallen building. The only way out is to prey. A huge phaya naga lies hidden under the
go back the way they came. water, and attacks the characters, gaining Surprise
(see Infinity Corebook, p. 105-106).
Should the characters decide to get out of the 1 Heat: The thrashing of the phaya naga requires
camp on foot, the Paradiso jungle is not a forgiving characters to make a Challenging (D2) Athletics or
place. The following encounters can be used while Acrobatics test or suffer the Staggered condition
the characters trek back to Runenberg. (see Infinity Corebook, p. 104).
2 Heat: Attracted by the noise, a patrol of four
ALIEN WEATHER Morat comes to investigate.
The weather on Paradiso is highly changeable,
and even with the jungle’s shelter, the rainfall is These huge serpents were named after the myth-
prodigious. The “alien weather” phenomenon is ical supernatural residents of the Mekong river
a by-product of this, with the heavy clouds and delta on Earth. A long crest rises from their head,
storm’s interference often used to mask Combined like the creatures of legend. Although they are not
Army movements. venomous, their formidable jaws have multiple
rows of teeth. Reaching lengths of up to nine
Any character succeeding at a Challenging (D2)
metres long, phaya naga are one of the biggest
Survival test recognises a heavy storm is about to
apex predators in the jungle, at home in the trees
hit. Thick clouds and thunderheads form quickly,
or the water, able to breathe in both air and water.
and within minutes, a torrential downpour deluges
the characters. NEMESIS

Within the hour, wind and rain sweep across the PHAYA NAGA
jungle, making both visibility and movement
difficult. Any distance-related, movement, or visual ATTRIBUTES
tests count as being one step higher. For example, AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
Challenging (D2) Ranged Weapon attacks and 12(+2) 14(+2) 12 10 8 6 8
Observation tests become Daunting (D3).
FLASH FLOOD Combat +2 2 Movement +1 2 Social — —
As it gets darker, the water levels nearby begin to Fortitude +2 2 Senses +2 1 Technical — —
rise, as the local water table becomes saturated.
The result of the recent storm, the ground first DEFENCES
becomes sodden, then muddy. It is immediately Firewall — Resolve 2 Vigour 15
evident that water levels are rising. Security — Morale — Armour 4
Aquatic Terrain, Difficult Terrain —
Infinity Corebook, p. 109 Muddy terrain is difficult terrain, with a failed ATTACKS
terrain test causing the character to suffer the • Death from Below: Melee, 3+7§ damage, Extended Reach,
Staggered, Stuck Conditions — Unforgiving 3, Subtle 3
Staggered condition as they attempt to keep their
Infinity Corebook, p. 1014 • Constriction: Melee (only against a grabbed target), 3+8§ damage,
footing on the slippery mud. For 1 Heat, the charac- Immobilising, Stun, Vicious 3
ter also becomes Stuck. • Terrible Bite: Melee, 3+8§ damage, Piercing 2, Spread 1, Vicious 4

Morat — For 2 Heat, the water level continues to rise signif- SPECIAL ABILITIES
Infinity Corebook, p. 465 icantly, creating a minor flood plain, and the zones • Common Special Abilities: Fear 2, Grasping, Menacing 2, Night Vision,
nearby count as aquatic terrain. The characters can Superhuman Brawn 2, Superhuman Awareness 2
Shasvastii — climb the nearby trees (vertical terrain), but they • Ambush Predator: When attacking from the Hidden state, a phaya
Infinity Corebook, p. 471 will be stranded until the floodwaters subside a naga adds 2d20 to melee attacks.
• Ensnaring Coils: Attempts to escape a phaya naga’s grasp are at +1
day later.
• Natural Armour: The scales of a phaya naga provide it with an
Armour Soak of 4.

60 PART 3

Escaping the coils of a phaya naga is difficult to ELITE

say the least, especially when it becomes hard to FIXING THE FLYER
breathe. Phaya naga are often found close to, or in, NORSTRALIA VIELFRAß It takes a Daunting (D3) Tech test
many of Paradiso’s rivers and coasts where they can success to fix the flyer enough
rely on there being a steady food source. for a short trip. Any complication
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL means the flyer is likely to crash
8 10 13 10 4 3 8 at the earliest opportunity. For
GRIEF ENCOUNTER 1 Heat, it is a short time after
Paradiso’s jungle is full of opportunities for those FIELDS OF EXPERTISE takeoff. For 2 Heat, it is over water.
with an eye for the exotic, especially the animals. Combat +2 1 Movement +2 1 Social +2 1
Unfortunately, greed and a disregard for personal Fortitude +2 2 Senses +3 — Technical — —
safety outweighs caution fatally on Paradiso. One
such expedition has recently come to grief, in every
Firewall — Resolve 2 Vigour 13
sense of the word.
Security — Morale — Armour 2
In a jungle clearing, the characters find the site of a ATTACKS
crash. A flyer transport is smashed into the ground, • Vicious Teeth and Claws: Melee, 1+7§ damage, Piercing 1
and a large shipping container lies torn apart SPECIAL ABILITIES
nearby. A character examining the wreckage will • Common Special Abilities: Inured to Pain, Keen Senses (Hearing,
notice the container was torn open from the inside. Sight, Smell), Menacing 1, Night Vision
If the GM is feeling generous, the flyer is capable of • Natural Armour: A Vielfraß’s scales provides an Armour Soak of 2.
flight again, but it will take several hours of repairs.
There is a copious amount of blood but no bodies,
although a Challenging (D2) Survival test success
shows they were dragged into the jungle.

A breeding pair of Norstralia Vielfraß was

recently captured by a group of big game hunters.
Unfortunately, the hunters over-estimated the lift-
ing ability of the transport and both Vielfraß were
able to tear their way free as the transport snagged
itself on the jungle canopy. They’ve not gone far,
and their de facto hunting range now centres on
the flyer.

The aptly named Norstralia Vielfraß (“griffon” in
German) is thankfully rare on Paradiso. This fierce
predator was named after the mythical beast that
had the shape of a dog with some cat-like features.
However, there is more velociraptor than anything
else in these quadrupeds.

The Norstralia Vielfraß has a lithe body, one

designed for speed. Their scales are a sandy
brown-yellow, making them especially difficult to
see in the jungle. Their heads are vaguely bird-like
with long jaws, razor-sharp teeth, and a bony ruff
that protects their vulnerable neck.

Utterly fearless, the Norstralia Vielfraß has been

known to attack dreadnoughts and even vehicles if
it is hungry enough. More than one vehicle in the
Paradiso jungle has the claw and teeth marks of a
Vielfraß attack on their paintwork.

Hunted, “burned” by O-12, and battered and bruised O-12: O-12 has reactivated the characters’ agent
by their experiences, the characters may well want status. Certain parts of O-12 are less than happy
to have their moment in court. about the characters’ return to the fold and
possible repercussions. The Charon Committee is
WHILE YOU WERE OUT not the only one of its kind, and the lack of internal
oversight — both past and present — suggest that
Arriving back in Runenberg, the characters have the Öberhaus will be taking a closer look at many
something of a surprise waiting. There has been of the off-the-books Bureau projects.
much bustle among the factions and discussions
among the various power blocs of the Human PanOceania: The characters’ actions with Aisha
Sphere. The activities of the characters have not Estevez and the Order of Montesa have impressed
gone unnoticed — their interactions on Dawn and many among the Holy Orders. A small but growing
Paradiso have made sure of that. faction within the Church are postulating about a
digital Antichrist rising from the fires of a new Eden.
The characters will get medical help if needed Initially, it was thought it could be the EI. Now,
and are expected to make their reports and be some are not so sure.
debriefed as soon as possible.
The Syndicate: Amaunet’s bounty on the characters
ALEPH: The possibility of another rogue LAI at large continues to exist, and the characters are still very
in the Human Sphere is something of a concern to much at risk until Bellerophon is shut down.
ALEPH. Amaunet’s existence within O-12’s former
satellite also calls into question ALEPH’s security Yu Jing: The Ikari Company’s attacks on the
as well. Not only that, but Amaunet’s Posthuman characters on Dawn have caused the StateEmpire’s
followers have become something of a cult. security services and troops to step up their
Rumours exist of hidden networks, ghost data, and campaign against the JSA troops on Dawn and
conspiracies. elsewhere – clandestine or otherwise.

Ariadna: The characters’ actions on Gates of Dawn O-12 do have questions for the characters, and a
and subsequent events have become something of review board has been convened. Ozymandias must
legend. The defence of the refinery is already being still have some pull as it takes place quickly in
made into a feature film by a production company Valkenswijk. The review board does not introduce
in MountZion, although the characters have been themselves, having only a virtual presence, hiding
rewritten to be those of plucky Ariadnans. their faces in the datasphere, and the room has no
distinguishing digital patina.
Haqqislam: The characters are no longer being
actively sought for the murder of Yildiz at Gates The characters have a day until the review
of Dawn although the reason for this is currently takes place.
unclear. This means that the Hassassins no longer
have an interest in prosecuting the characters QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS
further. Yildiz is no longer dead, restored to life via
his Cube and Silk technology. Before the characters go to their debriefing,
Ozymandias recommends they come clean to O-12,
Mercenaries & the War Market: Bellerophon is now perhaps through a trusted handler or calling in
actively denied access to the War Market. As far as some favours to get to an O-12 representative or
the Ikari Company, Druze Society, and Spiral Corps himself to intercede, if the characters are willing.
are concerned, the contract is still legitimate.
Proving their innocence to O-12 will be far easier if
Nomads: Sticking it to ALEPH is something the the characters can use any evidence of malfeasance
Nomads admire, although the characters may not on Bellerophon’s part. And they can always use the
see it that way. Amaunet is the clear and present bargaining chip of Amaunet’s shutdown commands.
danger that the Nomads have been warning about
to anyone that’ll listen. The Script Kiddies network The reviewers will question the characters about
gained some kudos among their hacktivist contem- their activities and also call upon the testimony
poraries, but Niamh’s retribution has them living in from the members of the Charon Committee.
a state of fear.

62 PART 3

OZYMANDIAS: HIS it. O-12 interfering in a corporation’s activities

HUMBLE OPINION will raise all number of questions in the Öberhaus
Ozymandias will be up first before the review board. and G5 factions. And as Ozymandias will comment,
His report is comprehensive, and skims over details “Screwing up is no option here. It’s a career move!”
regarding some of the characters more destructive,
legally dubious, or colourful abilities. The raid on GATHERING EVIDENCE
Bellerophon’s offices on Dawn becomes an “intelli-
gence gathering incursion”, for example, “property Finding information on Bellerophon’s holdings is
damage” becomes an “advanced tactical situation” something the characters will likely have to work
and so on. at: research and paperwork, data sifting, and deep
dives into corporate registrations. Rather than get
YILDIZ RETURNS bogged down in the minutiae of trade tariffs, legal
As a member of the Haqqislam’s elites, it comes hyperbole, and legislation, the GM can ask the char-
as no surprise that Fereydun Yildiz is back. acters to each make a Challenging (D2) Analysis
Downloaded to a new host body, he has taken over test or use 1 Momentum in an Obtain Information
his father’s Silk empire. His father, Feyyaz Yildiz, is spend. Much of what Bellerophon does is detailed
dead — dying his Final Death peacefully his sleep on the corporation’s digital presence, but the
— and Yildiz has now taken over his business con- following requires a deeper level of access via
cerns. At least, that is what he claims (see p. 102). the HQ’s corporate network, or perhaps asking the
Script Kiddies (p. 109). The following information
AISHA ESTEVEZ: STRENGTH can be found for every success. Characters can team
OF CHARACTER up or roll individually.
Estevez is more of a character witness, although
she has only known the characters a short Communications: Large “jumbo” data packets are
while. Her prejudice against Raanios is often too often detected, entering and leaving the site. This is
evident. She is at pains to point out the Spiral Amaunet and the Cult of Eternals downloading or
Corps abandoned their post after the characters uploading to the datasphere from the EveningStar.
appeared, while the characters in her presence The source and destination address can be identi-
showed “significant presence of mind and diligence fied by a character with a Daunting (D3) Analysis
in their duties.” At no time did she have any doubts test, an old O-12 network. A Challenging (D2)
regarding their moral integrity or dedication to Hacking test divulges the origin as being one of
their mission. This is all delivered in a very stiff and the network ranges of the EveningStar.
formal voice, as much intoned as if Estevez was
reciting a passage of scripture from one of her Holy Company Registration: Bellerophon was originally
Order’s tomes. registered to the EveningStar until it became a
legally bound entity on Paradiso, something that
RAANIOS: THE MISSING LINK happened only seven years ago. It transferred
Of Raanios, there is no sign, despite his being sum- the head office from the EveningStar, which
moned to the review. The Spiral Corps unit in the would normally be impossible since no one was
jungle has allegedly disbanded, and if the charac- working on the EveningStar then (a Challenging D2
ters make a few enquiries (a Daunting D3 Persuade Observation test success).
test success) and spend 1 Momentum to Obtain
Information, they learn that the Trinomial have no Forensic Finances: There are large amounts
record of a Tohaa named Raanios being stationed of money being transferred from Bellerophon
on Paradiso as part of their Trident forces. coffers, almost bankrupting the company recently.
A Challenging (D2) Tech, Hacking, or Thievery
He is effectively in the wind. The Spiral Corps test success allows a character to recognise the
mysteriously lost all records of the force deployed accounts as being specific off-world private military
in Damburg during suspected Shasvastii sabotage company accounts. A Dire (D4) Hacking test success
at the time of the characters’ departure. It is all very reveals the destinations, the Druze Society, Ikari
convenient. Company, and most recently, Spiral Corps. Payments
to the Syndicate are also listed if any of the charac-
The review board deliberate for only an hour ters were killed by bounty hunters.
before allowing the characters back into the fold,
reinstating their agent status and deciding “not to Contracts & Legalese: Six years ago, the company
send them to a penal colony in a remote part of acquired exclusive salvage rights to a specific set of
Svalarheima.” coordinates in the Paradiso system. A Challenging
(D2) Extraplanetary test success allows a character
There is a price tag attached. If Bellerophon is to recognise the resting place of the EveningStar.
responsible, the characters are the ones to prove

Property: Seven years ago, Bellerophon bought Cult of Eternals members replace the Corporate
a number of holdings across the Human Sphere, Security staff.
investing heavily in both the salvage and construc-
tion industries. These include the office on Dawn, There are active civilian workers in these buildings
the head office on Paradiso, and others throughout during the day. Characters going with guns blazing
the Human Sphere. Several documents refer to are likely to get involved in an armed siege with
the EC project. There is also a private docking panicking crowds (see Infinity Corebook, p. 109).
area close to Valkenswijk Orbital Elevator listed as
cargo shipping. The reception hall has two Yáokòng Remotes
hidden in alcoves (see Infinity Corebook, p. 386).
Shipments & Customs: Custom duties and exports They can be activated by Amaunet, the Eternals, or
detail large shipments of heavy construction items the Vizier geist in reception.
and the warehouse contents, although none are
leaving the system. There several entries referring Reception has a Vizier geist (see Infinity Corebook, p.
to incoming shipments of a minerals from off- 385). Amaunet has free access to it.
world, specifically Dawn. The destination is simply
listed as EC. It takes a Daunting (D3) Analysis test The communications array allows full access to the
to find a slip-up in the data, where “EC” is written datasphere, including the EveningStar.
as EveningStar Complex.
O-12 is not sanctioning this mission directly, so
BELLEROPHON the characters are effectively on their own. If they
TAKEDOWN – HQ & are caught, O-12 will eventually bail them out of
jail. Getting caught by the Eternals or Amaunet
WAREHOUSE RAID will be fatal.
Of course, if the GM wants to have something for
the more action-orientated characters, “monkey- LAYING OUT THE
wrenching” and raiding the Bellerophon warehouse EVIDENCE
in Valkenswijk are options. Although it is similar in
shape and structure to the one in Dawn on p. 45 By itself, the evidence suggests nothing of
there are significant differences: Amaunet’s plan. As the characters uncover more
of Bellerophon’s activities, the bigger the risk is to
The local Infowar IC countermeasures are more Amaunet’s aims. In itself, the evidence merely sug-
powerful. Add +1 to any ICs within the building for gests a corporation is trying to kill the characters
Infowar or Hacking. and other members of the Charon Committee.

64 PART 3


With their evidence in hand, the characters will be If the characters ask who he means, Yildiz looks up
wondering how to proceed. Unfortunately, circum- from the display.
stances are about to lend a hand. The APOPHIS
Protocol is activated. He means Amaunet. The LAI we — well, my
father, anyway — created to enact the APOPHIS
The orbital stations have already registered the first Protocol. The Charon Committee. Bellerophon
signs of rocket boosters powering up. Heat blooms and Amaunet have built a weapon out of the
on the EveningStar’s superstructure have been EveningStar wreckage. They’ve been infusing
picked up by some of the outlying blockade craft. and reinforcing it with the Teseum from Dawn.
Although they are too far away to get close enough Now they’ve set it on a collision course with
to do anything more than observe, it is initially Paradiso. We’re looking at a Code Infinity,
assumed the EveningStar is finally being broken up according to the Öberhaus higher-ups. We’ve
on schedule. got a plan of sorts. It’s dangerous, but it’ll save
a lot of lives. If it ploughs into Norstralia, it’ll
The characters are called to the War Room, a tacti- kill millions.
cal centre that links to satellite and orbital stations
across the system including the Blockades. On a The characters are tasked to get aboard the
central display is a representation of what looks EveningStar and attempt to shut down the ALEPH
like massive chunk of twisted metal, obviously data arrays sustaining Amaunet, and Amaunet her-
wreckage of some kind. self using the /kILL/ codes provided by the Charon
Committee members.
Ozymandias has a box of what looks like dough-
nuts and is regarded with a mix of outrage — or A small group in a Bellerophon work shuttle
possibly terror — by resident technicians and O-12 should be able to slip past since the assault craft
agents. Yildiz sits nearby studying several screens. previously sent have been destroyed. Yildiz and
Ozymandias gestures at the image, spraying Ozymandias only share this if asked directly about
crumbs as he speaks. Read aloud or paraphrase the any previous attempts to stop the EveningStar.
following. Nukes run the risk of highly radioactive Teseum
being dispersed throughout the system.
“Thought ye’d like to see this. That’s the
EveningStar. It used tae be hame for meself and GEAR UP & WHEELS UP
the rest of Bureau Noir. S’funny but it looks a
lot bigger than ah remembered. The old girl The characters have the opportunity to tool up for
was due tae get broken up, but there’s somethin’ their mission, perhaps with a little wish-fulfilment.
no right. Watch.” O-12 can source most items and ammunition,
although the characters have only hours to get
There’s sudden bloom of heat. An Average (D1) prepared. Anything of Restriction 2 or lower is
Observation test allows a character to recognise a available generally, or Restriction 3 for a character’s
controlled burn of rocket firing. own faction. Augmentations and similar are una-
vailable in most cases given the time involved.
It’s no bein’ destroyed as scheduled. The
bastard thing’s actually beginning to move. Aw, The characters are limited to what they can carry
that lassie is a sneaky one. and fit aboard their vessel. They will not be able to
take vehicles or larger remotes. Their shuttle, the
Megáli Prospátheia, is a Pinnace-class shuttlecraft
designed to ferry passengers and cargo, although it
does have some weaponry.


The final part of the campaign, this is the time for the characters to put an end to Amaunet’s plan for
mass-murder on a planetary scale. They many also be looking for some revenge on the AI that has caused
them so much pain.
In this chapter, the characters board the EveningStar, face Amaunet’s wrath, and contest with the might of
the Combined Army — or join them in a doomed alliance. All the while, the EveningStar plunges toward
Paradiso. Even then, both O-12 and the Evolved Intelligence have an endgame.

The characters enter the superstructure of the EveningStar, where they not only face Amaunet’s forces but
the Combined Army’s as well. The characters find themselves intentionally or otherwise allying with the
Combined Army forces in a wary — and doomed — alliance.
In the quantronic realm, the characters deal with both Amaunet and the EI presence as they battle for
control of the EveningStar’s systems.
The events of the final battle do not hinge greatly on how the characters have done previously, requiring
guile rather than superior firepower. The characters fight their way clear of the orbital as they learn that
O-12 has launched a wave of missiles at the EveningStar, a final contingency as a Code: Infinity has been

AMAUNET The Morat forces wreak havoc, while the Shasvastii
Amaunet has been forced to move the timetable of and the rest of the Combined Army slowly take
her plan forward, thanks to the characters’ interfer- command of the EveningStar’s control systems. They
ence. Driven by her mission parameters, she is even are aware of previous issues when attempting
more dangerous now that she has been effectively to sepsitorize ALEPH’s forces and their directive
cornered upon the EveningStar. instructing self-destruction when faced with a
possibility of joining the EI.
She will be less than happy to find out the initial
irritation of the characters has now become a seri- As such, they view Amaunet as a nuisance, but as
ous threat to both her existence and her plan and the characters make themselves more of a threat,
will go out of her way to remove them as obstacles. the EI recognises a certain worth in perhaps direct-
ing their attention elsewhere. It may also make the
She has already begun preparation to move the characters an offer they can’t refuse — join the Ur
EveningStar into position. The heat blooms were Hegemony’s forces.
spotted by the Orbital Blockade’s surveillance. They
are merely manoeuvring thrusters designed to
move the Teseum-infused mass drive along and
into the correct trajectory. Now aware of the APOPHIS Protocols and Charon
Committee, parts of O-12 are more concerned with
preserving their reputation and covering up the
EVOLVED INTELLIGENCE events leading up to the EveningStar’s destruction.
& COMBINED ARMY Yu Jing and Haqqislam will be quick to point out
For the Combined Army, what starts off as a minor O-12’s inability to uncover the existence of a
incursion into the Human Sphere quickly becomes conspiracy within their own structure. Bureau Toth
something of an opportunity. While the characters will also have questions asked regarding Amaunet’s
are busy hunting down Amaunet, the Combined existence and extensive links to ALEPH. Advocates
Army forces are securing their positions and slowly for the control of AI tech will have a field day.
taking control of the EveningStar.

66 PART 4

And then there’s the involvement of the characters. OZYMANDIAS

The characters are assets but disposable ones. Their Side-lined and distrusted by most of the O-12
heroic sacrifice will not go unremembered. On agents, Ozymandias is still a force to be reckoned
paper, the characters were instrumental in foiling with. His previous rampant paranoia has shown
a Combined Army attack. The appearance of the to be a good survival instinct. He never trusted
Combined Army and the assault craft is a gift for Raanios so made a few low-tech alterations to
the PR spin-teams within O-12. locker AA-27, just in case the /kILL/ codes fail. As
To be doubly sure, the ships comprising the Orbital well as stashing D-charges, he also rewired a few
Blockade of Paradiso have launched a broadside of locations with high explosives before Bellerophon
projectiles at the EveningStar. shut him out. He doesn’t reveal this until it
becomes blatantly obvious that the Combined Army
are intent on repurposing the EveningStar.

The characters begin this part of the adventure already on their way aboard a former Bellerophon shuttle.
Read or summarise the following.
You’re part of the workforce there according to your cover story, on one of the evacuation craft. O-12’s
managed to procure a seized cargo shuttle, and you’re crammed into the Megáli Prospátheia, a Pinnace-
class shuttlecraft. While its offloading, you should be able to sneak past security.
The mission has multiple objectives. The first, plant D-charges throughout the hulk of the EveningStar’s
structure, effectively scuttling it and finishing the job begun decades before. A small infiltration team has
a far better chance of slipping through the defences.
The second, shutdown Amaunet (and Bellerophon) for good. She is far too dangerous to be left at large,
so the /kILL/ codes need to be entered at the Central Core, the last central node of the EveningStar, which
should have been destroyed. Whether the node was successfully destroyed by the ALEPH SSS onboard at
the time — or not — it’s likely nowhere near online. There’s a dumb terminal there, hardwired to the core.
You’ve been given an old-fashioned tumbler and barrel key, of all things. If it’s still there, it’s marked on
your comlogs as a storage locker AA-27.
The third and final objective, get the hell off the EveningStar.
Right now, payback is foremost in your mind. Payback for all you’ve suffered since this all began. Time to
rain down some righteous vengeance.

ALEPH: There are several fractal-encrypted data packets awaiting transmission from the EveningStar. Stored in one of the data
archives, they need to be sent to the Communications Array as soon as possible.
Ariadna: There’s an agent in place on the EveningStar. Or at least, there was. There should be an old-fashioned hard-line access to
the Command Centre somewhere in the Communications Array, according to them.
Haqqislam: One of the hydroponics galleries has an unusual epiphytic plant imported from Varuna. While not normally something
an agent on the Quest for Knowledge would be expected to locate, this request comes from the highest level.
Nomads: A lockbox on the EveningStar hidden in the Corfu docking bay contains a list of names. An old-
fashioned list of names. Get it to a Reverend Moira agent in Valkenswijk named Alicia Falayun.
PanOceania: Compromising evidence of a high-ranking official in the Yu Jing ISS with an odalisque exists on an encrypted file now
in your possession. Make sure it gets on Maya via the comm relay – or if all else fails, Arachne!
Submondo/Mercs: There’s a king’s ransom of refined Teseum just lying around the EveningStar. Drop a few of the locational
beacons provided around any stockpiles. Make sure no one else gets a chance to boost the stuff.
Yu Jing: When the Combined Army attacked during the Contract Treaty, a Tohaa Trinomial contingent were aboard. Not all the
Tohaa corpses were recovered. There may still be some viable bio-organic material aboard the EveningStar, flash-frozen or other-
wise. The StateEmpire would benefit greatly from any discoveries thus made. Harvest what you can, especially symbiont armour!


The EveningStar’s original structure is surrounded HEAT SPENDS
by a framework of scaffolding, allegedly to assist 1 Heat: Who’re these guys? The characters encoun-
with the salvage and eventual destruction. It ter a Morat or Bellerophon Ambush (see Infinity
reinforces the structural integrity and the rockets Corebook, p. 465).
destined to launch it on its final, deadly journey.
2 Heat: Breeding Colony. The Scorpionettes are
LOCATIONS breeding and will be far more aggressive than
normal defending their hidden egg-sacs.
The following locations are sample areas
within the wreckage, but to fully document the CENTRAL CORE
EveningStar’s interior requires more space than is Amaunet’s sanctuary, the Central Core area is cov-
available. Some areas are little more than small ered in more detail on p. 90.
zones (such as the elevators or vents) or compo-
nent zones (see “Component Zones”, p. 73). COMMAND CENTRE
Component Zones: Airlocks, Elevators
Hidden carefully within the superstructure, so Amaunet lurks here in the local datasphere most
DRUMS IN THE deep that even Amaunet is unaware of it, is a fully of the time, monitoring the comlogs of the security
DEEPS functioning Nomad Arachne node. It is hidden troops and workers, as well as the feeds in from the
Much of the power to the beneath an abandoned zondbot vendor in a metro Communications Array. Already paranoid, she has
EveningStar is controlled by station. It is dormant, starved of power, when the yet to hear of Bellerophon’s fall on Paradiso. The
Amaunet. But if the characters characters arrive. If the characters can activate destruction of the ALEPH node means that much of
somehow begin restoring power, it, it will be highly useful resource provided they the EveningStar’s running is under the supervision
they will have the ability to move
have some way of using the Arachne deep web and of Amaunet and her geists. The Command Centre
far more easily. Old systems and
security protocols activated at communications array. replaces the Central Core, as Amaunet wants
the time of the attack also come no Bellerophon employees anywhere near her
back on, though. There are strange ATRIUM inner sanctum.
noises deep within the wreckage, Component Zones: Elevators
bangs, thumps, and speech from It is a noisy room of chattering staff and busily
activated domotics, and even old A little slice of tamed Paradiso greets the charac- streaming screens. Everyone is communicating
rail lines thrum back into life. ters in these areas. Carefully curated samples of Sol with the shuttles approaching and leaving the
and Paradiso plant life grow beneath a diamond EveningStar. The room is warm and dank, and stinks
dome. Designed in a small way to replenish the air of prolonged occupation and unwashed bodies.
Scorpionette — supply, the atrium’s main task is to provide an open There are eight tech support staff on duty who
Infinity Corebook, p. 493 space within the EveningStar, a form of parkland for monitor the local datasphere, station systems, and
recreation and relaxation. flight control, and two bored Bellerophon security
staff stand guard. Two more are stationed inside
Tech Support — Unfortunately, they have become wild and tangled once the characters make their presence known
Infinity Corebook, p. 457 since the EveningStar was attacked. Bellerophon (see “Escalation!” p. 81).
staff take occasional chops at the vegetation, but
it has largely returned to the wild. The trees are Amaunet may well appear to characters in the
GM STAGING TIP already hungrily fighting for access to the sunlight, Command Centre in her guise as a Vizier geist (see
and their roots have found their way into the water p. 76). She also has access to the systems con-
LAWS OF THE circulation system. The vegetation has grown trolling power and security to much of the station,
JUNGLE dense enough to mimic Paradiso’s jungle terrain. as well as the internal communications network
For a sample zone and rules for Recorded jungle calls also are activated as the and control systems.
fighting within jungle-like terrain, characters enter.
see Infinity Corebook, p. 108 COMMUNICATIONS ARRAY
The paths through the gardens were once raked Component Zones: Airlocks, Elevators
gravel, although tree roots cause a trip hazard and
fallen leaves now carpet the ground. Characters The only connection out to the Mayasphere and
walking along these paths should take care, since Paradiso is carefully monitored by Amaunet, and
some Scorpionettes have “found” their way in. she sifts through the data traffic. All the security
Likely released as unwanted pets or curiosities, comlogs are routed through here if the Command
they lurk beneath this jungle-under-glass floor. Centre is compromised.

68 PART 4

Whilst it is not a large part of the EveningStar’s they could set a trap for Amaunet with a remote
structure, it was once a critical part of O-12’s D-charge set on an array (an Average (D2) Tech test
eyes and ears on the Human Sphere. Much of the success to set up). Self-repairing nodes will take
high-value equipment was stripped out. A careful several days to fix the damage, but the characters
search — a Daunting (D3) Hacking or Observation do not know this.
test success — reveals three hard lines still linked
for two-way traffic to the Command Centre. As they If all these arrays are destroyed and taken offline,
are inert, little more than cable connections with Amaunet has nowhere to go but her remotes.
power, Amaunet has never been aware of them.
Two Bellerophon security troops guard the entrance When the Roshnii protocols were activated during
along with a Spotbot each, increased to four troops the initial attack, the micro-explosions blew out
when the station goes on the alert. large areas of the orbital’s hull and internal struc-
tures. The resulting debris still floats in a low-g or
DATA STORAGE ARRAYS zero-g (1 Heat) environment. The area counts as
Component Zones: Airlocks, Elevators, Gantry, difficult terrain to traverse, and any high-velocity
Maintenance Duct impact on debris (pushing, firing a weapon, jumping
onto, etc.) causes it to become hazardous terrain.
There are several arrays throughout the wreck- Failing a combat terrain test causes a character
age designed to act as storage pools for the to be hit by debris inflicting 3§ physical damage
EveningStar’s datasphere. With the capacity to ware- with the Stun quality, as the various objects impact
house huge amounts of quantronic data, buffer data and rebound off each other including the char-
transfers, and even store Cube transfers or Aspects, acters. Larger pieces of debris may also have the
many were destroyed when the Combined Army disappearing zone quality as they break apart. They
attacked. Several were powered down when the disappear in 1§ rounds, with a § result meaning
Disappearing Zones —
EveningStar was destroyed, but Bellerophon (and it breaks apart (and disappears) immediately. The
Infinity Corebook, p. 109
Amaunet) has brought four of them online. These debris counts a light 2§ Cover Soak.
data storage arrays still have unused redundancies,
a “blank cheque” of empty storage space, if one HYDROPONICS
knows where to look. Amaunet does. They are her Component Zones: Gantry, Maintenance Duct
sanctuaries , her own version of a Cube. The arrays
are scattered throughout the superstructure of the An attempt to create a Controlled Ecological Life-
EveningStar. From there, she can use her Quantronic Support System (CELSS), these galleries of plants
Jump ability to move around — at least until the require minimal maintenance or watering, scrub-
Combined Army arrives. bing the carbon dioxide and drawing condensation
from the air. Using the station’s recycled waste
Shutting down an array using the codes from the products, they thrived in the sunlight from the
committee is a challenge the characters face if diamond glass canopies. While nowhere as verdant
they are under fire. Entering the /kILL/ codes, they as Paradiso’s jungles, the banked galleries of plants
discover Raanios’s duplicity. His codes fail to shut began to form their own eco-system — or would
down the array controller and storage systems. It have, until the Combined Army attacked.
requires a Dire (D4) Hacking test success. It also
alerts Amaunet in the process, adding 3 Heat to Many of these former “hanging gardens” are open
the GM pool. to space, the plants withered and desiccated in the
void. They give a disquieting biological backdrop
These arrays themselves are vast super-cooled to an area, also making the floor underfoot crackle
rooms the size of a city block, full of storage media and crunch. In those areas where the atmosphere is
pillars. It takes one D-charge (correctly placed) thin, the plants have begun to make their presence
to destroy a single room array utterly, turning felt, mosses, fungi, and ferns growing upon bulk-
the data pillars into an irretrievable molten slag. heads and walls.
A Challenging (D2) Tech test success allows a
character to know this, and the best location to set Not all the damage to these biospheres was caused
the charge. If the characters have no D-charges left, by weapons fire. In some cases, Shasvastii stealth
several minutes of sustained fire are needed (and dropships dropped their payload of Seed capsules.
the noise will be investigated!) as the characters
let rip, costing a Reload each and adding 3 Heat to HEAT SPENDS
the GM pool. 1 Heat: Strange Fruits. Something about the vege-
tation looks wrong. the blooms are unhealthy, the
If an array is not destroyed, part of it remains, and vines bleeding a red sap, or other disquieting effect.
begins self-repairing. If the characters think of it, A Challenging (D2) Science test success allows a


character to recognise the growths as an aberration, Senior officers and visiting dignitaries also had
mutated from their normal forms. It may or may not slightly larger suites and, in some cases, luxuriously
be caused by Shasvastii influence, or exposure to appointed staterooms. Most have long since been
solar and cosmic radiation. stripped of anything of worth by opportunistic
workers. Some rooms lie open to space, airless
2 Heat: Dangerous Acorns. Hidden in the vegetation and dark, or are sealed and airtight. A character
(dead or otherwise), is a Shasvastii Seed capsule. spending time to search of these rooms and a point
The proximity of the Combined Army forces has of Momentum discovers a useful item at the GM’s
activated the pod’s wake-up cycle, preparing to discretion.
Shasvastii Seed Soldier — release the Shasvastii within.
Infinity Corebook, p. 471 Those parts of the station open to space are eerily
LANDING PADS well-preserved, akin to scenes from Chernobyl
The EveningStar once had seven of these massive or Pompeii. These quarters provide a snapshot to
areas, designed to accommodate everything up to when the EveningStar was attacked, tables set for
(but not quite) capital ships. Traders and warships uneaten meals float in the void, sometimes along
both could dock at one of the seven landing pads, with their former residents (1 Heat) who suffocated
each named after a Greek island. Only two remain, from the loss of air.
the Corfu and Ithaca. Nowadays, they are used as
berths and a staging area for the Bellerophon METRO STATION
supply shuttles. Depending on the size of a ship, The metro rail stations throughout the EveningStar
there are smaller docking bays below deck, like are little more than elevated platforms. Ticket
those of the Gates of Dawn caravanserai. transactions happen automatically using a
quantronic signature, although regular tickets can
If the GM wishes to run a combat in the landing still be bought from vending machines. A digital
pad area, there is very little cover aside from pos- display shows the time of the next train in minutes.
sible landing supports of other ships and freight
Gravity Zones — cranes. The area is exposed to vacuum and counts HEAT SPENDS
Infinity Corebook, p. 109 as a low gravity environment. 1 Heat: Live Rail. Anyone moving across the rail
line must make an Average (D1) Acrobatics test or
Vacuum — LIVING QUARTERS accidentally touch the occasionally live rail, causing
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 Component Zones: Airlocks, Corridors, Emergency 5§ physical damage with the Stun quality.
Life Raft, Maintenance Ducts
The living quarters on the EveningStar ranged from Component Zones: Airlocks, Corridors, Elevators
the modest to opulent. Some were tiny capsule
living quarters with shared facilities, consisting of Open spaces are rare inside the EveningStar, but
little more than a bunk, some personal locker space, they do exist. A security nightmare in their time,
and a screen curtain for privacy (such as it were). these locales are now often exposed to space or
Many of the workers on the EveningStar are seques- covered in debris from the attack. The exposed
tered in these areas, although they are empty when areas makes it a tempting place for ambushes,
the characters likely pass through. These were and the debris strewn everywhere provides +4§
always short-term living arrangements though, and Cover Soak. Those areas still holding air will still
the EveningStar had many larger (and more luxuri- have their diamond coverings, allowing a view of
ous!) living areas and spaces. Most of the orbital’s Paradiso edging closer against a field of stars.
crew had their own living spaces, with family-sized
suites and quarters set aside for those that needed The plaza areas were originally designed to allow
them. By no means large, they provided a certain free movement to and from other parts of the
amount of comfort. station, including the maglev metro rail stations, so
these open spaces once had a whole service indus-
All these living quarters had their own bathroom try of eateries and businesses operating nearby.
and kitchen facilities, with some basic entertain- Smashed windows show where looters have helped
ment centres and links to the datasphere. However, themselves to items, and residual power often
these were locked down in the attack, and the causes digital patina “ghosts” to flicker into life.
rooms have little or no power. A Daunting (D3)
Hacking test success allows a character to re-es- The plazas are completely quiet, and any noise
tablish a data connection within a room, although echoes hollowly, made even more difficult by the
it immediately adds 3 Heat to the GM’s pool, unless rubble underfoot. All stealth tests requiring move-
the characters specifically try to hide their presence. ment have their difficulty increased by one step.

70 PART 4


1 Heat: Patina Ghost. The presence of a character POINT DEFENCE TURRET
activates an old image of local store proprietor,
accompanied by a pounding techno-music ATTRIBUTES
soundtrack. Any stealth tests made by the character AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
are increased by two steps. 7 9 10 10 6 5 8

2 Heat: There’s knifework to be done. Two Morat FIELDS OF EXPERTISE

or Bellerophon security troopers guard each exit Combat +2 — Movement — — Social — —
from the plaza. They may be advance scouts for a Fortitude +2 — Senses +2 — Technical — —
fireteam (1 additional Heat) or simply guarding the
way ahead. For an additional 1 Heat, add 2 more
Firewall 6 Resolve 8 Vigour 10
Security 2 Morale — Armour 3
3 Heat: Crossfire! This encounter should only take ATTACKS
place once the Combined Army have boarded. The • HMG: Range L, 2+6§ damage, Burst 3, Mounted, Spread 1
characters hear gunfire ahead. A fireteam of Morat SPECIAL ABILITIES
and Bellerophon troops are exchanging fire across • Automated Turret: The turret is immobile, controlled by a military-
a plaza. As the firefight blocks the way ahead, the grade software agent designed to respond to designated hostiles. It
characters will have to sneak past (a Daunting (D3) is immune to any Psywar effects. It uses Intelligence only to resist
Stealth test) or throw their hat into the ring and Infowar attacks.
• ECM 2
get involved.


A handful of these external point defences remain Most of the power to the maglev lines have been
powered on across the surface of the EveningStar. shut down, and the distinctive hum that comes
They are designed to stop incoming projectiles, from their use is absent. Some of the trains are
including breaching pods and missiles. By default, still usable, doors hissing open as the characters
everything is designated as a foe using IFF approach. For 1 Heat, an intercom used to make
(Identification Friend or Foe) unless tagged as announcements now only delivers a shriek of
friendly. white noise.

It is possible the characters may wish to use There are six carriages in each train, fully auto-
the turrets to knock out the wave of missiles in mated and sealed to vacuum, and no driver as
“Running to Stand Still”. Most are damaged beyond such. Most simply sit silently on the rails, having
repair, but this shouldn’t dissuade the characters coasted to halt when the power was shut down. A
from at least attempting it. Power is the main Challenging (D2) Hacking test success allows a
issue. A character making a successful Average (D2) character to take control the train (provided the
Science test will be able to calculate the amount of power is on!). It immediately adds 3 Heat to the
power needed to get enough of the turrets working GM’s pool unless the characters specifically attempt
to provide an effective screen (see “Seizure of to hide their presence. The trains have a proximity
Power”, p. 78). alert warning regarding obstacles on the track,
which is little more than a giant magnet.
It will take a successful Dire (D4) Tech test to get
the turrets working, possibly rerouting power from Surprisingly smooth, the trains transport the char-
elsewhere (see “Virtual Expectations”, p. 88). acters across the orbital in some comfort if they
can get them running. They will see Paradiso grow-
Depending on how the characters plan to board ing progressively closer as they travel, although
the EveningStar, they may come under attack from this is something of an optical illusion caused by
these turrets. the motion of the train.

RAIL LINE The characters will see the brief combat between
The metro train system of the EveningStar was basic, the EveningStar’s defences and Combined Army
but efficient. They run to and from the landing pads craft, and the destruction of the evacuating shuttles
and into the central areas of the orbital, although if using the rail system prior to the Combined
several lines were severed in the attack. Using the Army’s arrival. As a reminder as to how exposed
surface of the orbital to travel, where the drag was the characters are, a piece of wreckage or weapon
less, the maglev lines were secured by lifts down impacts nearby for 1 Heat, causing the power to
to each stop on the route, protected by massive flicker momentarily and the train to slow down.
blast doors.


The blast doors to the outside cannot be prised 3 Heat: Reactor Leak! The area begins to fill with
open by a character unless they have the leverage radioactive gas. Initially, the zone has a Radiation
Infinity Corebook, p. 109
of something with a TAG’s size — including the rating of 1, but that increases by one step every
Shasvastii Sphinx or Gecko TAGs — but they can be round to a maximum of 4.
hacked to open in the same way as other airlocks
(see p. 74). ROCKET BOOSTERS
The solid-propellant booster rockets thrusting the
HEAT SPENDS EveningStar toward Paradiso can only accessed
1 Heat: On a Rail. The train moves jerkily due from the outside surface as they are fixed to the
to power fluctuations, sometimes accelerating framework surrounding the orbital. They have
rapidly or briefly stopping completely. The random the Non-Hackable quality, being little more than
movement makes aiming and judgement difficult. It an armour-plated rocket engine, and can take 10
increases the difficulty of all movement-based tests points of physical damage. The Teseum armour
and ranged combat by one step. plating on them gives +3§ Armour Soak.

2 Heat: Mind the Gap. A fireteam of Morat or By destroying the rockets and spending an Infinity
Bellerophon security have the same idea as the Point, the characters may alter the course of the
characters, and they board the train when called. EveningStar, but not enough to avoid it hitting
Paradiso’s atmosphere. The inertia and mass of the
3 Heat: End of Line! The train line segment is EveningStar is too great.
broken, and the inertia of the train sends it off the
rails. Characters can jump free or Brace themselves Once the Combined Army repurposes the rocket
with a successful Challenging (D2) Acrobatics or boosters, they add their own technology. While it
Athletics test or suffer 4§ physical damage as the is not easy, they can then be hacked (see “Virtual
train derails. Expectations”, p. 88).


Component Zones: Airlocks, Corridors, Elevators, 1 Heat: Fuel Leak. An oxygen-fuel line ruptures
Exhaust Vent, Gantry, Maintenance Duct and catches alight, sending a plume of burning
rocket fuel spinning away. Avoiding the stream
The EveningStar’s power was provided by a series of of burning fuel requires a successful Challenging
fusion reactors throughout the station. All are shut (D2) Spacecraft test, or suffer 4§ damage with the
down and decommissioned except one. To bring Incendiary 1 and Torrent qualities.
the additional reactors back online requires several
hours — a successful Average (D1) Tech test will SHOPPING ARCADE
reveal this. Component Zones: Airlocks, Corridors, Elevators,
Maintenance Duct
The reactors themselves are a maze of pipes, gan-
tries, walkways, and monitoring stations. The active These multi-level complexes have a range of
reactor is brightly lit and completely automated. retailers, food courts, and leisure facilities. All are
The only humans are a fireteam of security staff. now derelict. The shops are shuttered, and the thor-
Five are always on duty here. oughfares deserted. The escalators between levels
have no power, and the silence is eerie.
1 Heat: Coolant Leak! Gunfire in the reactor room STORAGE BAYS
cracks a coolant pipe, flooding a zone with coolant. Filled with cargo containers, these storage areas
Aside from making the visibility poor, increasing are completely dark and tower above the characters’
the difficulty of all visual-based tests by one step, heads by up to three containers. The narrow spaces
there are no other effects. between them allow for single file movement only.
Aside from a few inactive cargo lifters (see p. 21),
2 Heat: The Awooga Waltz. Multiple alarms begin there is little else. It would be a great place for
going off; a vital system has been hit! Multiple an ambush…
vents start giving off steam. Some of the zones
become dangerous terrain. Pipes overheat causing At each raised level, a gantry (+2§ Cover Soak)
3§ damage from the heat, unless a character can be accessed by a ladder at either end. A
successfully makes an Average (D1) Agility + modular transport is abandoned nearby, and a
Acrobatics test. Multiple zones also suffer the train of two loaded cargo flatbeds already loaded.
Coolant Leak! Heat effect. A remote-controlled cargo crane has left a single
container dangling in mid-air. The handset that

72 PART 4

controls this requires a Simple (D0) Tech test to purposes and as hard Cover Soak (+4§). They may
operate and is hanging loose near the transport. be quantronically sealed (Firewall 6) requiring
a Breach to open, or padlocked, requiring a
The cargo crane cannot be used to grab living Challenging (D2) Thievery test success to pick.
beings, although it can be used to make a slam None of the containers are labelled with their con-
attack by the operator (2+6§ physical damage tent. A barcode links to the EveningStar’s shipping
with the Knockdown and Improvised 2 qualities). manifests.
Dropping or knocking a cargo container on a target
causes 2+8§ physical damage with the Area TESEUM REINFORCEMENT
(Close), Immobilising, Improvised 2, Knockdown, Amaunet, via Bellerophon, has spent a fortune on
and Piercing 2 qualities. importing Teseum from Dawn and reinforcing the
superstructure of the EveningStar, increasing the
The containers count as heavy Cover Soak (+4§), density of the interior. By spending 1 Heat, the
but the complete darkness increases the difficulty GM can add Teseum reinforcement to any zone.
of all vision-based tests by one step (including This increases the Cover Soak by +2§ to maxi-
Ballistics). A container can be climbed easily with a mum of +5§.
single move action.
Some containers contain refined Teseum ingots Many of the EveningStar’s compartments are
worth a small fortune. Most of these are concealed lacking artificial gravity. Any manoeuvre or gear
among other cargo containers. Unless the char- (including weapons with the Unwieldy quality)
acters spend hours opening every single one, it requiring a Brace action necessitates an Average
takes a Dire (D4) Observation test success to find (D1) Acrobatics test success or the character suffers
a container. Each Teseum ingot is worth 3 Assets the Staggered condition. Possible complications
but weighs so much a character can only physically
carry one unless they succeed at a Daunting (D3)
Athletics test and carry two.

1 Heat: Ambush! A fireteam of Morat or
Bellerophon security troops — or even a Shasvastii
fireteam for 1 additional Heat — have setup an
ambush, firing down the narrow lanes from an
elevated position.

2 Heat: The ambushers are also equipped with

flashbang grenades (see Infinity Corebook, p. 368).

3 Heat: Sleeping Beauty. Some of the storage

containers contain a single Gecko TAG. One of these
is activated by a Bellerophon security guard (use
the TAG pilot stats from Infinity Corebook, p. 457 if
needed). Alternatively, the characters encounter a
Sphinx TAG (Infinity Corebook, p. 97) for the first time.
For 1 additional Heat, the TAG is hiding beside one
of the cargo loaders (a Challenging D2 Observation
test success to spot).

These zones are usually a single area, often found
together. Many of the EveningStar’s locations
have these.

These rectangular cargo containers are 2.5 metres
high and wide, and 6 metres long. One can be
climbed as a Standard Action. Often stacked up
to three high in the EveningStar, each count as a
zone, vertically and horizontally for movement


on any such roll may see the character knocked providing obstacles and +4§ hard Cover Soak.
adrift, causing them to suffer both the Helpless and
Hindered conditions. Several of the external maintenance corridors are
exposed to space or are little more than gantries
Moving in three dimensions in such an environ- suspended over the void. These areas are sealed by
ment is a Standard Action, although it requires a airlocks and count as vacuum and zero-g areas.
successful Challenging (D2) Extraplanetary test to
increase or decrease a character’s vertical height. HEAT SPENDS
1 Heat: End of the road! The corridor suddenly
AIRLOCKS & BLAST DOORS changes direction or ends. A character moving at
Two adjacent doors designed as valves between speed must make an Average (D1) Athletics test or
each area and compartment of the EveningStar are crash into the wall taking 2+3§ physical damage
designed to only open once the other is closed. with the Stun quality. If the character is piloting
They can vary in size from one admitting a single a vehicle, they use their Piloting skill to avoid the
person to an airlock encompassing a whole zone. same 2+3§ damage to their vehicle.
No matter the size, it takes a full round for the
hydraulics to open or close a door. 2 Heat: Why did it have to be ducts? The corridor is
little more than a crawl space, a maintenance duct,
It requires a Challenging (D2) Tech or Hacking or service area. Any movement and sight-based
test success to “hotwire” a door and rig a bypass. tests are increased by one additional step.
Forcing an airlock door open with brute strength
requires an Epic (D5) Athletics test success. They If the characters are so inclined, it is possible to
are designed to stay closed! Up to two characters pilot vehicles of Scale 2 or smaller down corridors
can assist on smaller airlocks (envisage it as one (including TAGs and remotes), although any Piloting
on either side helping pull the door open), while tests have their difficulty increased by one step.
larger zone-based airlocks can have any number of
assisting characters, but the difficulty increases by ELEVATORS
+2 due to their size. From larger cargo elevators to smaller single-
person lifts, the elevators may or may not be work-
Larger airlocks (blast doors) between the ing. For 1 Heat, the elevator shaft has no power or
EveningStar’s areas are normally left open unless is damaged. If the lift isn’t working, a Challenging
the site is on lockdown (see “Escalation!” p. 81). (D2) Athletics test success prises the doors apart
These larger ones are normally guarded by two to reveal the lift shaft. A successful Daunting (D3)
Bellerophon security staff. Critical areas like the Tech test can restore power to a lift but adds 3
Reactor, Command Centre, and Communications Heat to the GM’s Heat pool as Amaunet is alerted.
Array also have their own blast doors. These are
kept closed, although the guards there have secu- Most of the lift shafts cover several floors (each
rity passes keyed to their quantronic ID allowing floor counts a zone). Climbing the lift shafts require
them access. These critical areas always have two an Average (D1) Athletics test success, although
guards on both sides of the airlock. without climbing gear or other tools (rope, etc.), the
Climbing — difficulty increases by +1.
Infinity Corebook, p. 111 An open airlock provides +1§ Cover Soak.
Airlock doors take 6+1§ damage before they are Lifts leading to sensitive areas such as the
destroyed and unusable (and no longer provide Command Centre are always guarded by two secu-
cover). Destroying the airlock cover has the same rity staff, more in the event of a lockdown.
result. If an airlock door is destroyed so it is open
to space, it will immediately cause decompression Dropping an elevator from a great height and
(See vacuum, Infinity Corebook p. 110). In such cases, then stopping it, requires a controller (including
both doors need to be disabled, and in an emer- Amaunet, the characters, or a geist) to take the lift
gency, any remaining door will automatically seal. to its highest point, then release the safety brakes.
This is a Daunting (D3) Hacking test for geists or
CORRIDORS characters, a Simple (D0) test for Amaunet. For
The corridors of the EveningStar are simple straight each floor a lift is dropped, the victims take 1+2§
lines between two points, although some may damage with the Stun and Vicious 1 qualities and
follow the curvature of the station. While the falling damage as normal.
longer corridors may also comprise maglev-driven
transport pods or conveyor footpaths, most of them EMERGENCY LIFE RAFT
are wide enough to allow transport of cargo mod- Only a small handful of these lifeboats are still in
ules and even a TAG or Titan Lhost. Some of these use. Most were jettisoned when the EveningStar
modules and transport pods still lie in the corridors, was attacked the first time, and others have been

74 PART 4

used by the security staff to evacuate. Designed HEAT SPENDS

to provide emergency shelter and protection 1 Heat: Shaky steps! The gantry quivers at the
from hard vacuum, these basic ten-person craft slightest movement, increasing all Agility and
broadcast an emergency signal and have little or Athletics-based tests by one step.
no manoeuvring thrusters or weapons.
2 Heat: Nobody Move! Each extra individual on
The airlock into the life raft is opened in the same the gantry increases the difficulty of any move-
way as other airlocks (p. 74). ment-based test by one step. Additionally, anyone
moving through the zone causes the gantry to
HEAT SPENDS become disappearing terrain.
1 Heat: Eject! Characters involved in a firefight
activate the ejection cycle. A round later, the life- MAINTENANCE DUCT
boat’s explosive bolts jettison the craft, hurling it Contrary to popular media, the maintenance
clear. Anyone occupying the zone outside of the raft ducts of the EveningStar are narrow, cramped,
takes 3§ physical damage from the blast, and the and securely locked down. Air ducts are carefully
adjacent zones immediately suffer decompression monitored by the systems of the EveningStar,
(See vacuum, Infinity Corebook p. 110). and blockages quickly removed by maintenance
remotes. Many of these are HVAC (Heating,
EXHAUST VENT Ventilation, Air Conditioning), and any airflow is
Easily spotted when active, these vents are rare, controlled from the Command Centre. Shafts are
used to release dangerous heat build-ups or toxic usually horizontal, but 1 Heat means the duct is
gas. Normally, these would be vented outside the vertical and must be climbed as well.
orbital, but battle damage and a relaxed attitude to
safety has led to many of these becoming blocked, Those large enough for humans to crawl through
causing blowing back. For 1 Heat, a vent activates. are claustrophobic and featureless, and any
Characters adjacent to these vents will notice a character must make a successful Challenging (D2)
breeze blowing toward them on an Average (D1) Acrobatics test to squeeze into and through a duct.
Observation test success. If they remain nearby, If the character is wearing combat armour of any
they are caught in a blast of toxic fume or flame. kind the test difficulty increases by one step.

Thermal Exhaust Port: The character takes 4§ A character who becomes stuck in the tunnel can
physical damage with the Incendiary 1 and Torrent be pulled out by their companions with a Daunting
qualities. (D3) Athletics test success.

Fume Vent: The character takes 4§ physical HEAT SPENDS

damage with the Toxic 1 and Torrent qualities. 1 Heat: Orbital Legends. The characters (or an
accompanying NPC) are reminded of tales of things
For 2 Heat, the character suffers both exhaust and living in the ducts of the EveningStar. Giant rats
fumes, 4§ damage with the Incendiary 1, Toxic 1, of unusual size. Funduq vipers. Shasvastii. The
and Torrent qualities. vent certainly sounds like there are things moving
ahead as thumps and skittering noises abound.
Raised walkways or scaffold frameworks suspended 1 Heat: A turn for the worse. The vent ends in a
by cables, gantries are not designed for heavy foot vertical shaft, requiring a Daunting (D3) Acrobatics
traffic or damage. If a gantry is specifically targeted test success, or the character falls into the shaft.
by weapons fire (including destruction of cover, The shaft can be climbed as normal.
successful or not), anyone standing on the gantry
must make a successful Challenging (D2) Athletics 2 Heat: Yipee-ki-ay! The vent is an exhaust vent,
test or suffer the Staggered condition. barely used until the characters are halfway along.

A destroyed gantry counts as disappearing terrain, 3 Heat: Pest Control. A Maintbot remote (see p.
although for 1 Heat it falls to pieces immediately, 77) is tasked with keeping the tunnels clear of
causing any character failing a Challenging (D2) blockages — including the characters. While not
Athletics test to suffer falling damage. much of a challenge normally, the narrow confines
of the tunnel make combat tricky.

Designed to allow easy movement between the
exterior and some interior areas, these metal
frameworks count as light (+2§) Cover Soak.


Destroying the scaffolding causes the area to gain Bellerophon Security’s human guards (and any
Disappearing Zone —
the disappearing zone quality. The scaffolding Aspects) believe the station is under attack by
Infinity Corebook, p. 108
begins collapsing one round after being destroyed. raiders and pirates. When the characters arrive,
Amaunet has done nothing to disavow them of this
TRAVELLATORS notion. They can be reasoned with, and they are
These powered stairways or footpaths are designed not suicidal. Learning of Amaunet’s plan is likely
to move slowly along a horizontal or inclined plane. to cause them to flee the scene — possibly trying
To move against the direction of travel requires a to steal the characters’ ship. If the characters are
Daunting (D3) Athletics test or count as Hindered. persuasive enough, the security guards may even
By spending 1 Heat, the travellator is travelling in join their mission. Enlightened self-preservation
the opposite direction wished by the character(s). aside, they are unlikely to be anything more than
They are otherwise identical to any other zone for “target practice” for the Morat and other Combined
movement purposes. Army troops — and traitors to Amaunet’s cause.


The plastics and metals of the EveningStar have Amaunet has less than a dozen of these knock-off
melted into solid masses during the destruction, grey-market remotes, purchased through shell
warped and cooled into strange waves, whorls, companies. Some inactive ones remained after the
curls, gullies, and ridges. They provide +4§ Cover Combined Army attacked the EveningStar the first
Garuda Tacbot — Soak, and the shadows add +1 Momentum to all time. She often deploys them in couples to guard
Infinity Corebook, p. 369 stealth tests. significant areas such as the Command Centre but
also values them as subjects for her Quantronic
Sometimes they still have power, with working Jump ability.
Gecko TAG — screens or readouts. For 1 Heat, a screen flickers
Infinity Corebook, p. 137 into life showing an old recording of the Combined
A Praxis shipment bound for Paradiso that some-
Army attack — the first one that destroyed the
TAG Pilot — how wound up in Bellerophon’s hands, these six
EveningStar! This may happen several times and
Infinity Corebook, p. 457 brand-new Nomad TAGs lack pilots for the most
might start to make the characters uneasy…
part. For 2 Heat, a Bellerophon security guard can
pilot a TAG.
Wreckage counts as difficult terrain, requiring an
Difficult Terrain — Average (D1) Athletics or Acrobatics test success to GEISTS
Infinity Corebook, p. 109
negotiate. Bellerophon has invested heavily in their
quantronic security. Amaunet’s paranoia further
EXTERNAL adds to this, and she prefers to trust the many
Guardian Geist — COMMUNICATIONS geists at her command. Most security team leaders
Infinity Corebook, p. 370 have a guardian security geist as standard, if only
The density of the Teseum reinforcement plus for Amaunet to keep an eye on what the security
Military Geist — power fluctuations make the whole EveningStar teams are up and to prevent any unauthorised
Infinity Corebook, p. 373 interior impervious to communication signals in snooping.
and out. Amaunet controls the only communica-
Security Geist —
tions array capable of reaching Paradiso or external Military geists are responsible for controlling the
Infinity Corebook, p. 379 point defences and control of remotes, such as
the Yáokòng and Garuda Tacbots. While they are
As a result, the characters will be unlikely to have not great tactical thinkers, they are still capable
Quantronic Jump — any idea of events transpiring outside unless they opponents and a force to be reckoned with inside a
Infinity Corebook, p. 418
take the Communications Array (p. 68) or step Titan Lhost.
outside the EveningStar onto the surface. For the quantronic aspects of security, Bellerophon
has plenty of security geists to make the digital
GM TIP AMAUNET’S TROOPS landscape a dangerous one for would-be infowarri-
ors and hackers. While more than a match for most
TAGS AND THE Amaunet has a wide variety of troops at her threats from the Human Sphere, they are ill-pre-
EVENINGSTAR disposal, both living or otherwise, by way of pared to face the onslaught of the Combined Army.
With a Shasvastii Sphinx, Titan Lhosts, Bellerophon. The remotes she uses are an escape
and Gecko TAGs available to the MAINTENANCE REMOTES
route using her Quantronic Jump ability as well as
characters, it is possible for a fight to Small circular remotes around two feet in diameter,
break out among these behemoths. a tactical resource.
these devices are found busily cleaning most of the
Areas like the plazas, the EveningStar’s
BELLEROPHON SECURITY thoroughfares and spaces around the EveningStar.
outer surface, and the atrium are
likely to be the best place for these, Information on Bellerophon’s security teams can be They also function as pest control, using their elec-
as there is room to manoeuvre. found on p. 107. tro-pulse to eliminate smaller pests and alerting
the Command Centre to larger infestations or pests

76 PART 4

TROOPER datasphere, the storage arrays that once functioned

as backups are destroyed. As a result, they will
MAINTBOT be as desperate to escape the destruction of the
ATTRIBUTES EveningStar as the characters.
10 10 5 9 5 6 6 Throughout the structure, these remotes are usually
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE slaved to the EveningStar’s makeshift Command
Centre (p. 68). They can be hacked or destroyed
Combat — — Movement +2 — Social — —
as any other remote. They are designed to cover
Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 — Technical +1 —
much of the EveningStar’s corridors and public
DEFENCES places, but do not move much.
Firewall 5 Resolve 6 Structure 5
Security — Morale — Armour —
Designated to do the “heavy lifting” for the
ATTACKS EveningStar’s refit and planned demolition, these
• Stun Attachment: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Knockdown, Subtle 1, massive Lhosts are big on brute strength, but low
Stun on subtlety. They may be found on the surface of
GEAR: None the EveningStar during the Combined Army attack,
armed with their heavy machine guns. Amaunet
• Common Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, Poison, and Vacuum
is likely to employ them against the characters as
well, combined with a military geist.
beyond their ability. Of little use in combat, their
electro-pulsers and hooked collector arms only
inflict a painful wound or sting but can become a TITAN LHOST + MILITARY GEIST
threat in large numbers.
ATTRIBUTES Chauffeur Geist —
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL Infinity Corebook, p. 364
Manufactured by a Bellerophon subsidiary, these 8 9 10 11 6 3 4
vehicles can be found throughout the EveningStar. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
Driven manually or by a chauffeur geist, these
Combat +3 — Movement +1 — Social — —
sturdy vehicles are blocky and functional. Despite
Fortitude +1 — Senses +1 — Technical — —
their small size, they are used as cargo haulers
and incorporate a small loading crane to pack DEFENCES
cargo onto flatbed carriages. While not particu- Firewall 6 Resolve 4 Vigour 10
larly nippy, they do provide transport across the Security — Morale — Armour 2
EveningStar site.
ENCLOSED, GROUND, HANDS, • Slam: Melee, 1+6§ damage, Anti-Materiel, Knockdown, Vicious 1
WHEELED • Heavy Machine Gun: Range L, 2+7§ damage, Burst 5, Unwieldy,
Spread 1, Unsubtle
• Common Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, Vacuum
Scale 1 Speed 2 Brawn 10(+1) • 2 BTS
• Marksman: When making a ranged attack, the geist/Lhost may reroll
DETAILS a single damage dice but must abide by the new result.
• Teseum Chopper: For 1 Heat, the Lhost is also equipped with a
Max Passengers 4 Impact 2+4§ (Knockdown) Teseum chopper used to clear away rubble or debris (Melee, 1+7§
damage, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Piercing 4, Vicious 2).
Structure 20 Firewall 6 Armour 4 BTS —
Liberated from the JSA on Paradiso by Bellerophon
POSTHUMANS mercenaries, Yáokòng remotes are versatile tactical
Amaunet has a handful of Posthumans supporting support for Bellerophon’s troops aboard the Yáokòng Remote —
her cause. While not fanatics, they do not fear EveningStar. They are used sparingly, as they are Infinity Corebook, p. 386
death in the same way as others thanks to their both highly valued and highly destructive in close
Cube 2.0. Their numbers dwindle significantly once quarters and at range.
the Combined Army invade. Their Cubes prevent For a 2 Heat, a Yáokòng remote accompanies a
them being sepsitorized and back them up to Bellerophon security team prior to “Escalation”.
the datasphere. When Amaunet locks down the




As well as the various locations of the EveningStar, ATTRIBUTES
there are also a few encounters the GM can use to AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
make the journey through the station a memorable 9 7 9 8 7 8 8
one for the characters. They do not have to be used
sequentially, and the GM may want to combine FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
some of these with encounters with the Combined Combat +1 1 Movement — — Social +1 —
Army encounters in Scene 2. Fortitude +1 1 Senses — — Technical +1 1

Firewall 7 Resolve 8 Vigour 9
What would normally be a walkway over a great
height — a footbridge, maintenance gantry, or Security — Morale — Armour —
ramp — is missing (or piece of it is). It is retracted ATTACKS
or destroyed by a fallen chunk of wreckage (recent • Pistol: Range R/C, 1+4§ damage, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
or otherwise). The result is the same, a drop of • Plasteel Pipe: Melee, 1+4§ damage, Unbalanced, Improvised 1,
great height that can only be crossed by jumping or Stun
GEAR: Powered Multitool
flying across.

A Challenging (D2) Athletics test success is needed

to jump across the gap, although 1 Heat increases Even the pervasive domotics are dangerous. A
the distance and difficulty by one step. Failure doorway hidden by dust or rubble slides open at a
means the character misses the jump, falling to a character’s approach. A character spots the opening
level below, taking 2+4§ damage (Stun, Vicious 1) on a successful Challenging (D2) test. If they miss
Climbing —
in the process. it, they drop into a room suffering 1+2§ falling
Infinity Corebook, p. 111
damage (Stun, Vicious 1). For 1 Heat, they drop
Falling Damage — The GM may wish to stage an encounter with a down a former corridor, now a pit. Each additional
Infinity Corebook, p. 111 Bellerophon security fireteam at a level above (1 Heat spent adds an extra zone to the fall.
Heat) or the Shasvastii Malignos Snipers (1 Heat,
p. 86) once the Combined Army become involved. SEIZURE OF POWER:
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS The characters come across an unsecured power
The characters come across a group of construc- distribution node. It may have been abandoned
tion workers. They may be packing up work and in haste or in simple carelessness. A Challenging
preparing to evacuate or spoiling for a fight with (D2) Tech test success allows a character to access
the “pirates” on board. While not heavily armed, the power distribution network. An additional
Intimidation — there are enough of them to make a fight of it for Daunting (D3) Analysis test not only allows the
Infinity Corebook, p. 124 the characters if things go that way (1 Heat). If the character to work out that a great deal of power is
characters manage to use Intimidation successfully, being channelled to the core, the former central
Panicking Crowds — they will shake the workers’ bravado somewhat. computer network node, but also how much power
Infinity Corebook, p. 110 is required by the various locations in order to get
Once the Combined Army attack, the workers are in them running.
a panic, and are unlikely to be quite so brave. They
count as a panicking crowd for zone movement. A character can attempt to reroute power to
a location by succeeding at an Average (D1)
For 2 Heat, a fireteam of four Bellerophon security Science test, but immediately adds 3 Heat to the
accompany them. GM pool, as such activity will be flagged at the
GM TIP Command Centre if EveningStar Security is already
LEFT IS UP, RIGHT IS DOWN aware of the characters’ presence. Alternatively,
MAKING A Not all the EveningStar is on a level setting. Some the GM may wish to advance the timetable (see
CONTRIBUTION parts of the former orbital are skewed where “Escalation!” p. 81).
More academically inclined
supports gave way, and massive parts of the super-
characters often feel side-lined.
Tests involving calculations such as
structure have partially collapsed. In some cases,
power draws help them to contribute artificial gravity has been affected by the structure
and generate Momentum, even if changes. This has the disquieting effect of making
it has no influence on the plot. former walls the ceilings and floors. Corridors are
now vertiginous drops downward or a steep ascent
up. The walls of the drop are a Challenging (D2)
Terrain test to climb.

78 PART 4


SPENDS Some areas of the EveningStar have little or
no gravity where artificial gravity has failed or
The following Heat spends can be used in addition simply does not exist. As featured on page 109
to any specific Heat spends for an area. Many of the Infinity Corebook, the rules for them are
of these affect the entire area of an encounter, repeated below:
although some can be specific to a single zone.
• Low Gravity (1 Heat): These environments reduce
Some can be combined. An Unstable Ground Heat
the difficulty of Athletics and Acrobatics tests to
spend could easily become a Flood Hazard and
jump, climb, and resist falling damage by one step
Debris Hazard the following round.
to a minimum of Average (D1).
• Zero-G (2 Heat): A character attempting an
ENVIRONMENTAL Acrobatics, Athletics, or Close Combat test in
COST zero-g reduces their Expertise and Focus to those
of their Extraplanetary skill (if it is lower).
Debris 1 Heat
Flood Hazard 2 Heat UNSTABLE GROUND
The floor beneath the characters’ feet is danger-
Low Gravity 1 Heat ously unstable. It may collapse at any moment or is
Unstable Ground 1 Heat already collapsing. As well as counting as difficult
Vacuum 1 Heat terrain, the collapsing floor is disappearing terrain.
It requires a Challenging (D2) Acrobatics test suc-
Zero Power 1 Heat cess to cross such terrain as it falls away. Saturation Zone —
Zero-G 2 Heat Infinity Corebook, p. 109
In some cases, some the EveningStar’s area were Difficult Terrain, Disappearing
subject to decompression during the first attack Zones —
or later. Some of these may have been caused by Infinity Corebook, p. 109
The area is filled with collapsed supports, scaffolds
and buttresses, and assorted detritus caused by micro-fractures in the hull or weapons impacts, or
Vacuum —
prior destruction (recent or otherwise). A thin haze even just shut off to prevent future atmosphere Infinity Corebook, p. 110
of dust still hangs in the air even if the destruction leaks. The airlocks leading to these areas are
dates from the first fall of the EveningStar. sealed and must be forced open (see “Airlocks”,
p. 74), which should be warning enough to those
The area counts as a saturation zone for cover pur- attempting to access these areas. For 1 additional
poses but also as difficult terrain for the purposes Heat, the zone is open to space, and opening the
of combat terrain tests. airlock causing the area (and any adjacent zones) to
suffer decompression.
The area is partially flooded, to a level roughly ZERO POWER
waist-deep for most humanoids. While this may be Areas with this heat spend are dark and cold, either
recycled water, it could equally be liquid coolant or shut down to conserve power to other parts of
even liquid waste from a ruptured pipe. These areas the installation or have had their power supply
are usually penned-up behind an airlock or have destroyed. Any emergency power reserves have
filled a loading bay or similar depression. The area long since been depleted or used up. The complete
counts aquatic terrain for purposes of movement darkness in such areas adds one bonus Momentum
combat terrain tests. The Average (D1) surface to all stealth-based tests, and all observation-based
area movement becomes Challenging (D2) for full tests have their difficulty increased by one step. Any
immersion or submerged movement. airlocks or doors in such zones must be manually
forced open and have the Non-Hackable quality.
Weapons with the E/M quality have their damage
reduced by 1§ but gain the Area (Close) quality as
the water dissipates some of the charge into the
surrounding fluid.

For 1 additional Heat, the area is completely

flooded. Opening the airlock causes adjacent zones
to be immediately deluged with the liquid. The only
way ahead in such circumstances may require the
characters to swim underwater for several zones.
Every 1 Heat spent adds an additional zone.


Boarding the EveningStar’s wreckage is just the ENCLOSED, SPACECRAFT
beginning of the characters’ problems. Not only is MEGÁLI PROSPÁTHEIA,
the structure picking up speed, but Amaunet has PINNACE-CLASS SHUTTLECRAFT
anticipated the attempt to shut her down. She has
many remotes at her disposal, along with Lhosts ATTRIBUTES
and the remnants of Bellerophon’s security forces. Scale 2 Speed 3 Brawn 9(+1)

O-12 has managed to seize a Bellerophon- DETAILS

registered shuttle during various raids on the Max Passengers 20 Impact 3+7§ , Knockdown
company’s holdings. While basic, it has armaments,
so the characters are not defenceless. Additionally, DEFENCES
they should be able to slip aboard as a work crew Structure 10 Firewall 6 Armour 5 BTS 1
and shut down Amaunet. Of course, this assumes
the characters have enough time to get clear
• 2 x Defensive Guns: Range M, Burst 3, Damage 1+5§, Salvo 1
before a wave of missiles launched from the (Piercing 1); 6 Reloads each
Paradiso Blockades hit the structure. If Amaunet SPECIAL ABILITIES
is still active, she will be able to make course • Spacecraft: The craft operates in both atmosphere and the vacuum
corrections to avoid them or even target the of space.
missiles using the EveningStar’s old point defences
and remotes.
Unless the characters choose to do something
A Pinnace is a transport craft designed for blatantly hostile or deviate from their flight plan
surface-to-orbit, and orbit-to-surface, journeys. filed with the EveningStar’s flight control, the Megáli
Short-ranged but surprisingly tough, they mount Prospátheia will be directed to land at the Corfu
the powerful engines necessary to achieve orbital landing bay, as one of several shuttles evacuating
velocities. Pinnace are equipped to carry both personnel from the EveningStar.
passengers and cargo and can often be refitted to
carry one or the other predominantly in a matter The Corfu landing bay is busy enough that the
of minutes. characters may be able to slip past the security
checkpoints, an opposed Stealth test against
O-12 have kitted out this former Bellerophon shut- the Observation of Bellerophon security officers
tle called the Megáli Prospátheia (“Long Shot”) with (p. 107). Otherwise, things proceed to the
some basic defensive weapons and armour, but “Escalation!” stage (p. 81)!
it is no warship, and no match for the craft of the
Combined Army, unless the crew is as highly-skilled At this point, there is an order in the chaos.
as the characters, of course. Personnel are evacuating under the impression
the EveningStar is about to be broken up in a
MULTIPLE MISSIONS controlled explosion as planned. The characters
have three hours of liberty to move around some
As the characters become aware of the EI presence of the EveningStar’s areas, although they may be
on board, they will also begin encountering the challenged to provide their ID and work schedule
Combined Army forces. Paradoxically, the EI’s pres- by a random security team (a 2 Heat spend). Each
ence helps. If it gets anywhere near Amaunet, her point of Heat spent by the GM reduces the time the
in-built ALEPH kill-switch directive will engage. characters have by an hour.

If the characters are successful in stopping If any of the characters decide to stay aboard the
Amaunet, the EveningStar, and the Combined Army Megáli Prospátheia, they will see the Combined
plot, Paradiso residents will get a fine light show. Army arrive, as the departing shuttlecraft are blown
Otherwise, the planet is looking at an extinc- apart to clear the way for the Combined Army
tion-level event. assault forces.

80 PART 4

Getting aboard the wreckage of the EveningStar
Orbital is no simple task. Roaming the surface is a
Yáokòng remote (an additional 1 Heat adds another
remote), tasked with protecting what remains of
the structure in this area. The remote will attack
any craft deviating from a prearranged flight plan.
It also draws the attention of local point defences
(p. 71) a round later and a Titan Lhost (p. 77)
for 1 Heat. As a result, the pilot of the docking
shuttle craft has several options, but the craft
comes under attack from the remotes. The pilot can
attempt to hide the shuttle’s approach by making a
Challenging (D2) Spacecraft test.

• Airlock: Docking at an airlock is complicated

by the rotation of the EveningStar’s wreckage.
A Challenging (D2) Spacecraft test success is
needed to dock without impact. Docking with
“Hasty Piloting” or “Flat Out” increases the diffi-
culty by +1 and +2 respectively. Failure sees the
craft take its own Impact damage as it collides While the characters are under attack, the various
with the wreckage. The airlocks are monitored, so struts and outcrops of the superstructure give +4§ GM TIP
any attempt to dock there adds 2 Heat to the GM Cover Soak, whether aboard the shuttle or not. COMBINED
pool. The external airlocks are locked as standard ARMY ENTRY
(see “Airlocks”, p. 74). They are also guarded by TARGET THE ENGINES! If the characters choose to use the
two Bellerophon security troops. Ithaca or Corfu docking facilities,
• Landing Bay: Although nearly all seven docking Destroying the rockets propelling the EveningStar the Combined Army choose to use
facilities were destroyed, the Ithaca and Corfu toward Paradiso is an option, although the Megáli the same one as the characters
docking areas still have space for a small craft. Prospátheia does not have weapons powerful for 1 Heat. It is assumed they use
enough to make a dent in the Teseum armour the Corfu.
Touching down in the landing bay is a relatively plating in time. Amaunet has also burned out the
easy task — an Average (D1) Spacecraft test success guidance systems making hacking these almost
is required to touch down and affix docking clamps. impossible. A D-charge will take care of a single Zero-G —
A failure means a bad landing, causing 2§+1 rocket, but unless the characters have access to Infinity Corebook, p. 109
damage to the craft. Doing so also adds 2 Heat to a more powerful ship and faster transportation,
the GM pool, as the bay’s entrances are guarded it will take the Combined Army’s tech to take Vacuum —
Infinity Corebook, p. 110
by four Bellerophon security troopers outside and over the rockets by remote (see “An Inevitable
a Yáokòng remote inside. The landing bay zones Betrayal”, p. 95).
D-Charges —
also count as a vacuum and zero-g terrain, until Infinity Corebook, p. 366
it is pressurised a round after landing when a ESCALATION!
docking umbilical is attached. Use docking bay
map on p. 22. At some point, the luck of the characters will
finally run out. At a dramatically appropriate GM TIP
Superstructure Landing: By far the stealthiest time, just before the Combined Army attack, news
method of entering the EveningStar, the orbital’s of Bellerophon’s fall reaches the EveningStar.
uneven surface makes landing incredibly difficult, Alternatively, the characters fail to make their cover
and the best option is to fly inside the superstruc- story work at some point. Finally, the Combined It is time when the GM feels
ture. A Daunting (D3) Spacecraft test success is Army’s arrival also triggers the “Escalation!” event. the characters have perhaps
needed to align and land on the uneven surface. exhausted all avenues and they
Docking with a “Hasty Piloting” or “Flat Out” action When this happens, Amaunet will immediately put need some impetus to move
increases the difficulty by +1 and +2 respectively. the EveningStar into lockdown. Any non-security the drama on, or it can happen
Failure sees the craft take its own Impact damage personnel find their ability to move severely theatrically when the characters’
as it collides with the EveningStar’s surface. Unless curtailed, if not impossible. Every corridor or signif- plans are about to reach a
the characters possess specialised cutting tools or icant access point will then be guarded by two or critical juncture.
use D-charges, their goal is to blast through the more security troopers.
hull, which has +4§ physical Armour Soak and
takes 30 points of physical damage before a hole
big enough for a human being can be made.


LOCKING THE ELEVATORS Warning! This orbital has been boarded by a
The elevators immediately raise to their highest hostile armed force. All citizens, please proceed
point and are locked in place. It requires a to nearest shelter and await further instructions.
Challenging (D2) Tech or Hacking test success to All military personnel report to designated
“hotwire” an elevator or rig a bypass. Climbing the muster points.
lift shaft is also an option. Forcing an elevator door
open with brute strength requires a successful Dire It is likely the characters believe the “hostile armed
(D3) Athletics test. Doing so adds 2 Heat to the force” to be themselves. They are wreaking havoc,
pool, as the intruder detection protocols are acti- after all. If the characters have managed to get
vated. Of course, once the Combined Army attacks, control of the security feeds or have some way of
there are other concerns. viewing the docking bay — perhaps the one their
shuttle is in, if they took that route — they notice
SEALED BLAST DOORS a number of alien spacecraft have docked. An
& AIRLOCKS Average D1 Tech test success identifies a Combined
All blast doors and airlocks are immediately locked, Army assault craft and troops. The Combined
requiring authority from the Command Centre and Army forces are involved in a firefight with the
a verified quantronic ID to open. For the characters, Bellerophon personnel who are losing.
the easiest option but most unsubtle is to perform
a hack or break down the doors (see “Airlocks & The characters encounter a least one Bellerophon
Blast Doors”, p. 74). They may also decide to security fireteam, but these guards are keen to
impersonate or subvert a Bellerophon’s security escape, only spending a round or so (1 Heat per
guard’s clearance (see “Virtual Expectations”, extra round) trading shots with the characters. They
p. 88), although that is riskier. are intent on getting off the EveningStar as soon as
possible. After 10 minutes of the klaxon going and
TROOPS repeated warnings, the voice suddenly changes to a
Once Amaunet and her minions have become female one, and the message changes:
aware of intruders aboard, security steps up a
All Bellerophon personnel: emergency evacua-
notch. Fireteams of four Bellerophon security
tion procedures are now in effect. Please secure
troopers, each lead by an Elite and accompanying
terminals and proceed to nearest emergency
guardian geist begin combing the areas close to
life raft.
the characters.
The voice is Amaunet’s, and her plan is to prevent
• 1 Heat: Upgrades! The fireteam has light combat
any further outside interference or possible over-
armour and boarding shotguns.
rides. The arrival of the Combined Army troops and
• 2 Heat: Clanking Hell. A Yáokòng remote is also
the characters have escalated her timeframe.
assigned to the fireteam.
• 2 Heat: Double Trouble. An additional fireteam of The characters suddenly feel a low rumble through
four security troopers is in the area. the deck as she fires the boosters, starting the
• 3 Heat: Death from Above. A Garuda Tacbot EveningStar on the collision course with Paradiso.
accompanies the group. Any character succeeding at an Average (D1)
Extraplanetary test recognises the sound of booster
EVACUATION ORDER rockets firing. If the characters have control of the
Communications Array, they receive a message from
When the characters begin destroying the data
O-12 observers stating that the hulk is now picking
arrays, they alert the Bellerophon security staff to
up speed toward Paradiso!
their presence. A single fireteam of five security
troops, supported by a Garuda Tacbot (p. 76), will
arrive to secure the area within two rounds and ABANDON SHIP!
detain the characters. If the characters have already If the characters decide they have completed their
alerted security to their presence, see “Escalation!” mission (or not!), they could decide to escape
(p. 81) for some additional Heat spends. aboard the shuttle. The Combined Army assault
craft blocks the shuttle’s way out if they used the
While they are halfway through disabling the arrays
landing bay. Alternatively, the Combined Army
or planting the demolition charges, a klaxon begins
forces are between the characters’ shuttle and the
going off and illuminated arrows in the floor (and
characters — and the characters may have no idea
public datasphere) indicate the nearest emergency
the Combined Army are aboard.
shelter. A recorded male voice starts iterating the
same warning in several different languages. Abandoning the EveningStar will not be straight-
forward. The characters will need to begin making
their way to their ship, fighting their way through
the advancing Combined Army forces.

82 PART 4


Characters learn the EI’s Combined Army has also Human Sphere, and unless the characters spend an
taken an interest in the EveningStar. A force of Infinity Point AND succeed at an Epic (D5) Persuade
troops has boarded the orbital wreckage consisting test, they are unlikely to make any headway with
of Morat fireteams, Shasvastii saboteurs and snipers, the Morat. If they do succeed, a Morat Rasyat shoul-
plus several Unidron Batroids, a Charontid, and ders his way through the others and shows his
Sphinx TAGs. teeth, before speaking in halting Portuguese, then
Yujingyu (learnt from the Morat’s dealings in the
Amaunet’s plan is evident to the Enhanced Occupied Zone on Paradiso). He asks what the char-
Intelligence. The concept of mass drivers and acters want and why the Morat shouldn’t skin them
extinction-level events are less effective than alive. The Rasyat is not speaking metaphorically.
simply blowing up a planet, but it sees the chance
for an opportunity. While unwilling to wipe out If the characters manage to contact one of the EI’s
the near entirety of Paradiso’s expeditionary husks instead, such as a Charontid, they may have a Morat Rasyat —
force in NiemandsZone, the losses caused by the better chance of reaching a fragile accommodation. Infinity Corebook, p. 469
EveningStar’s fall elsewhere are acceptable and Should the characters manage to convince the
could provide a tactical advantage. Of course, the Morat not to gun them down, they will be dragged
characters only find out this plan after Amaunet’s before a Charontid.
With a screech of feedback from a nearby inter-
Allying with the CA forces is a high-risk option, faced loudspeaker, a flat alien voice demands to
provided the characters don’t have to deal directly know why they seek an end to “the Aspect of your
with Morat, instead meeting with an EI Aspect, Human ALEPH designated Amaunet.”
the Charontid. The EI may make the characters an
offer they can’t refuse, possibly joining the EI on a
permanent basis for the “greater good” and future
Combined Army campaigns. Any attempts by the EI
forces to sepsitorize Amaunet’s Aspect will result in
ALEPH’s Directive 7, “killing” Amaunet outright.

For now, the EI’s initial goal is to prevent the

destruction of the ZuluPoint forces on Paradiso.
They will destroy the EveningStar. But if it could
instead be diverted to strike elsewhere? Perhaps
destroying Norstralia’s Yingxian province, Xiangu
City in Serpentaria, or Syldavia’s Damburg? This
would bring the ever-practical EI forces closer
to control of Paradiso and the location of the
Penny Arcade.

The following encounters take place once the

Combined Army begin their assault upon the


The characters might entertain thoughts of
negotiating with the EI or Combined Army. “The
enemy of my enemy is my friend.” At this point, both
are looking at preventing the collision of the
EveningStar. Unfortunately, negotiating with the EI
is not an easy task at the best of times. The Morat
are the most likely point of contact. Their xeno-
phobic attitude and contemptuous outlook toward
non-Morat make any diplomatic overtures almost
impossible. Most do not speak any language of the


If the characters are accompanied by NPCs, for 1 A HUNGRY PROBLEM
Heat the Charontid will use them as an object This encounter can take place in a number of
lesson if the characters are cagey, turning its sepsi- locations. A corridor or storage bay is ideal. If the
Charontid — tor on the NPC to encourage them to cooperate.
Infinity Corebook, p. 463 characters suspect they are being followed already,
It is unlikely that the characters will come of this even better. The characters hear strange shrieks
Sepsitor — encounter alive unless they come up with some and whoops from behind them. On a successful
Infinity Corebook, p. 379 fancy ideas (or spend an Infinity Point!). Any hostile Challenging (D2) Observation test, a character
action results in a firefight with the Charontid plus has brief glimpses of lithe alien quadrupeds
any attendant Morat (two fireteams of five Morat, moving stealthily closer but remaining just outside
plus the Rasyat). Long range.
It is unfair for the GM to penalise the characters The characters are being stalked by a pack of alien
for any good ideas (remember the “Yes, but…” rule). predators, Hungries, and their Morat Oznat handler.
The EI is playing the long game. The characters in These savage creatures are used by the Combined
an un-sepsitorized state might be of use, keeping Army to flush out, harry, and wear the enemies
Amaunet’s attention focused on them, rather than of the Combined Army down. Cunning and agile,
the Combined Army as they make a few course these creatures use their stealth to get close to
GM TIP corrections. the characters. The Oznat handler will have the
Hungries target the most heavily armed character
ECHOES OF THE The Charontid will give the characters a 5-minute
first but will also use ambush tactics and conceal-
SPHINX head start in return for their information, dismiss-
ment to strike at stragglers, dragging them into the
The Sphinx TAG will follow the ing them and resulting in jeers from the Morat.
dark to eat.
characters from a distance, actively After that, the characters are fair game, literally.
attempting to stay hidden, using The Charontid is careful enough to let the char- There are three Hungries for every two characters.
its advanced thermal optical acters escape by misdirecting the Morat but has a Two are savage Gaki, and the remaining one is
camouflage to stay hidden, with Sphinx TAG follow the characters at a distance, just the smarter Preta Hungry. The Oznat Morat stays
2 bonus Momentum and two d20 in case an opportunity to remove Amaunet from
rerolls to all stealth tests. Spending TROOPER/ELITE
the board crops up.
1 Heat allows the GM to tell a
The Morat will begin following the characters after HUNGRIES
character they have a sense of
being watched or see movement the five minutes end. It is unwise for the characters ATTRIBUTES
where there shouldn’t be. Of course, to hang around as fireteams of five Morat begin AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
it might also be the Hungries… hunting the characters. An additional fireteam joins
10 10 9 9 1* 5 9
the hunt every five minutes.
Combat +2 1 Movement +2 1 Social — —
Fortitude +1 — Senses 1 — Technical — —

Firewall 3 Resolve 10 Vigour 10
Security — Morale 2 Armour 2
• Weaponised Arm-Claws: Reach, 1+6§ damage, Piercing 1, Parry 2,
Vicious 1
• Chain Rifle (Pretas Only): C, 1+7§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Spread 1,
Torrent, Vicious 1
GEAR: If any.
• Common Special Abilities: Mindless.
• Calcareous Barbs (1 Heat - Pretas Only): The symbiotic relationship
between a Hungry and its parasite provides enhanced muscular
function that enables the creature to launch deadly attacks with
its vicious barbs. By spending 1 Heat, the Pretas can make a single
ranged attack, which uses the profile for a Chain Rifle (above).
• Natural Climber: Hungries can climb on any surface with their claws
including vertical and upside-down. They suffer no penalties when
climbing and may reroll one d20 when making a Movement test.
• Symbiont Parasite*: Hungries are largely driven purely by instinct.
The Gaki, who lack a symbiont, possess an Intelligence score of 1,
while the Pretas possess a score of 3.
• Pack Hunters: Hungries operating in a fireteam of three or more gain
one additional Momentum to their successful attacks.

84 PART 4

behind cover whenever possible, attempting to of the Earth bumblebee. As the characters
shoot out any lights, and directing the Hungries. advance down a corridor, they hear louder buzzing
Once the characters are engaged in melee, she will sounds ahead. OLD FAMILIAR
join the combat, as deadly as her packmates.
The remotes are mapping out the interior of the (SCARRED) FACES
It is possible the characters
HEAT SPENDS EveningStar, and although largely harmless, they
have met and fought Hungries
1 Heat: Extra Hungry. An additional Gaki joins the are reporting back their surveys to the EI. Each and their Oznat handlers before.
pack pursuing the characters. Xhantri remote is tiny and hard to hit, but there are Perhaps these are those same
a small crowd of five of them ahead, unaware the vengeful individuals, recognisable
2 Heat: Preta Problem. Add an extra Preta to
characters are just around the corner. Each remote by those same scars inflicted by
the pack.
downed is one less chance of being located by the the characters.
3 Heat: Side Orders. Two extra Gaki have flanked Combined Army. While they are not particularly
the characters, attacking from ahead. dangerous, each one that escapes adds 1 Heat to
the GM’s pool.
OZNAT MORAT HANDLER 1 Heat: Five more Xhantri drones appear and
ATTRIBUTES attempt to escape.
2 Heat: A fireteam of 4 Morat are alerted to the
10 10 9 10 8 9 9
characters and investigate.
Combat +3 2 Movement +2 1 Social +1 — 2 Heat: Three Unidron Batroids follow the drones,
Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 1 Technical — — arriving the following round.

DEFENCES 3 Heat: Three Shasvastii are nearby. Alerted by

Firewall 8 Resolve 10 Vigour 10 the Xhantri remotes, they hide and attempt to
Security — Morale — Armour 1 ambush the characters with needle mines or their
• Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+7§ damage, Burst 2, Expert 1, Vicious 1
• Light Grenade Launcher (Smoke): Range M, 2+6§, Burst 1,
Unbalanced, Area (Close), Munition, Smoke 2, Speculative Fire XHANTRI BUMBLEBEE DRONE
• Morat Shock Scimitar: 1+6§ damage, Unbalanced, Grievous,
Non-Hackable, Stun, Vicious 2 ATTRIBUTES
GEAR: Hungries Control Device, Nano-Coated Shock Blades, AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
Morat Hunting Armour (+1 Armour), MediKit, Survival Kit, Rebreather, 8 12 4 12 4 4 4
Nav Suite, Deployable Sensor (Motion Sensor), and Tactical Xcabbards
• Morat Aggression: The Morat’s brutal outlook grants +2 Morale Soak. Combat +1 1 Movement +1 — Social — —
• Hungries Control Device: The Hungries Control Device removes the
Fortitude — — Senses +1 — Technical +1 —
Mindless trait from Hungries and provides +1d20 for social tests to
control the Hungries. DEFENCES
• Hunters Eye: Each turn, an Oznat can make an Average (D1)
Firewall 4 Resolve 4 Vigour 4
Observation test as a Minor Action to gain the benefits of an exploit
action against a single foe. Security — Morale 1 Armour —
• Menacing 2: When an Oznat enters a scene, the GM immediately ATTACKS
adds 2 points to the Heat pool. • Stun Attachment: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Knockdown, Subtle 1,
• Free Runner: Reduce the difficulty of Acrobatics tests to move Stun
through, past, or over obstacles and hindering terrain by two steps, to GEAR: Modcoat (Long)
a minimum of Simple (D0). SPECIAL ABILITIES
• Common Special Abilities: Inured to Cold, Disease, Poison, and
Vacuum. Superhuman Agility 2.
• Tiny: These remotes are so small they increase the difficulty to hit
FLIGHT OF THE them by one step. They also have 1 bonus Momentum on all stealth
As the characters head toward their objectives, they
may hear the occasional buzz of something zipping
past (1 Heat). A Challenging (D2) Observation test MORAT TARGET
success is needed to spot the small alien remote. PRACTICE
The Combined Army is mapping out the EveningStar,
using the same remotes that cause trouble for the The characters come across a group of
Human Sphere Blockades, Xhantri drones, named Bellerophon’s security staff, cut off from the life
for the distinctive sound they make, reminiscent rafts. They are pinned down by the Morat invaders


and have barricaded themselves in a corridor. Under ELITE
attack from both sides, the security troops are on SHASVASTII MALIGNOS
borrowed time. The Morat are enjoying themselves
immensely, shouting and whooping every time ATTRIBUTES
they make a hit. An Average (D1) Observation test AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
success allows a character to realise that the Morat 10 10 8 9 9 6 8
could overrun the position easily, but the aliens are
taking their time. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
Combat +2 1 Movement +2 1 Social — —
The way ahead is blocked by a fireteam of five
Fortitude +1 1 Senses +1 1 Technical +1 1
Morat. Although the Morat count as being in soft
Bellerophon Security Guard — p. 107
cover (+2§ Cover Soak) for the purposes of the DEFENCES
Morat — Bellerophon guns, they are not in cover as far as Firewall 9 Resolve 8 Vigour 8
Infinity Corebook, p. 465 the characters are concerned. Unless the characters Security — Morale — Armour —
have been wildly non-stealthy in their approach,
they have 1 free point of Momentum to use.
• MULTI Sniper Rifle: Range L, 1+8§ damage, Unwieldy, Medium
Once the battle begins, the Morat on both sides MULTI, Heavy MULTI, Unforgiving 2
stop treating things as a game and become • Assault Pistol: Range R/C, 1+6§ damage, Burst 2, Unbalanced,
all-business. They will attempt to storm the barri- Vicious 1
• Knife: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Concealed 1, Non‑Hackable,
cade and attack both the surviving security troops
Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
and the characters. The barricades count as a +4§
GEAR: AutoMediKit, Thermo-Optical Camouflage
Any of the surviving security staff are likely to • Covert by Nature: When attempting to remain unseen or unnoticed,
follow the characters, at least as far as a nearby life any Momentum or Heat spent to add dice to the Shasvastii’s stealth
pool adds two d20s, instead of one.
raft. They can be convinced to join the characters
• Keen Senses – Sight
with a successful Challenging (D2) Command test. • Night Vision
HEAT SPENDS • Pioneer: The Shasvastii can reroll one d20 when making a stealth
1 Heat: Another patrol/fireteam of up to five Morat test but must accept the new result.
are nearby and come to investigate. • Precise Shot: A Shasvastii Malignos can reroll any two d20s when
making a Ranged Combat attack but must accept the new results.
2 Heat: A Dāturazi Witch Soldier is among the
Morat (see Infinity Corebook, p. 467).
SNIPER! Unfortunately for the characters, the security staff
The characters are unaware of it, but as they are in (p. 107) haven’t all evacuated. There are a handful
the sights of a Shasvastii sniper, one of the deadly of survivors trapped throughout the ship, and they
Malignos. The encounter is best staged to happen are keen to get some payback on the pirates that
using locations like the storage bays or even at the have stormed “their” station. Cut off earlier by
shopping arcade. Shasvastii Malignos Snipers (p. 86), they have yet
to encounter the Morat and retreated to a defensi-
ble position to regroup.
Their Human Sphere name came from the psycho-
logical impact these elite Shasvastii operatives As a result, they intend to fight their way to the
had on troops during the First Offensive on nearest escape life raft and happen to be in the
Paradiso. The Tagalog/Filipino name of ‘Malignos’ characters’ way. When the characters arrive, the
was assigned to them because of the havoc they security staff are still awaiting a squad pinned
wrought in that sphere of operations. The Malignos’ down by “pirates” — a Morat fireteam (see “Morat
stealth technology is so effective that they are Target Practice”, p. 85) — and are holding their
near-invisible on the battlefield and barely register position at a crossroads or a T-junction of passages.
on sensors. There are two four-Trooper fireteams, each lead
by an Elite, and they keep out of sight waiting
Subtle and patient, the Malignos are used to coun-
to ambush the characters as they get closer
ter the advantage that bigger or better-armoured
(Medium range).
foes may have against the usually lightweight
Shasvastii forces. Many Human Sphere forces It takes a Daunting (D3) Observation test success
discover they are shooting at empty air when the to spot the ambush, otherwise the security staff
Malignos are deployed, only to find themselves have both initiative and +1 to their ranged attacks
under attack from another position moments later. for the first round. They have +2§ light Cover Soak.

86 PART 4

HEAT SPENDS Two Morat fireteams caught a Bellerophon security

1 Heat: Three Shasvastii are concealed nearby. They team in a crossfire, but the security team had
are currently moving covertly, trying to flank the enough time to rig the remotes before they were
security team. gunned down by the Morat. Consequently, the
Morat were unprepared for the sudden “explosion
2 Heat: The security team have set up a tri-
of cute” which wiped them out. The corpses still
pod-mounted HMG (no Brace action required,
rotate in the low gravity along with pieces of flam-
Range L, 2+7§ damage, Burst 3, Unwieldy, Spread
ing wreckage and count as a saturation zone.
1, Unsubtle).
There are ten Tinbots hidden in the ball-pit, the
ZERO-G MALL SHOOTOUT plastic contents of which form a cloud and act as
Component Zones: Elevators, Travellators, Wreckage low-visibility zone. They begin moving toward the
characters as soon as they enter the mall area, with
The characters enter a derelict shopping mall. tinny little cries of “Won’t you be my friend?” or
Multiple floors or retail outlets rise in staggered “Someone needs a hug.” The characters’ comlogs
tiers like a hollow pyramid above (and below). A will be assaulted by a range of nursery rhymes and
central elevator shaft and escalators provide access childish songs. Their intent is to grasp a character
to the upper and lower floors. The focal atrium, each, then explode. The maintenance remotes also
former food hall, and kindergarten are barely move toward the characters, launching themselves
recognisable from the faux marble-and-chrome into the air if they can find the high ground in the
interior design. Bullet holes riddle the blackened low gravity.
walls, and dust hangs heavy in the air.
Attracted by the noise, a fireteam of four Morat
Gravity is low here and the firefight here was recent. and two Shasvastii scouts (Troopers) come to see Zero-G & Low Gravity —
The bodies of both Morat and Bellerophon security what the noise is one round after the Fuzzies begin Infinity Corebook, p. 109
staff float in the air, many of the corpses still spin- their attack.
ning from initial impacts, and the smell of weapons
discharge is heavy. A group of maintenance HEAT SPENDS
remotes (p. 76) are busily sweeping up the dust. 1 Heat: Upgrade the Shasvastii from Troopers
A Challenging (D2) Observation test success by a to Elites.
character will note sharp glittering metal where
1 Heat: The escalators and elevators begin to work,
the brush-heads should be.
allowing the Tinbots and Combined Army to follow
the characters. If the characters use them in a hurry,
As well as being a former kindergarten area for the
a further 1 Heat means the elevator or escalator
mall, this area had several small Tinbots custom-
goes the wrong way.
ised designed to look like cute cartoon characters
or cuddlesome toys. The exposure to some of the 2 Heat: Two Fuzzy Tinbots are floating above the
destruction has blackened their fake fur or burnt characters and begin making their way down by
away their cute padding, making them a very bouncing off the debris.
unsettling sight. They are on low power and are 2 Heat: The Morat arrive on a level above the
inactive until the characters get close. In a bizarre characters and fire downwards, while the Shasvastii
twist, these Tinbots are responsible for much of are on a level below.
the destruction, along with a few modified mainte-
nance remotes. The wreckage of some of them can 3 Heat: A Shasvastii Malignos sniper moves into
still be seen scattered throughout the mall. position several levels above.

These Tinbot “Fuzzies” have been jury-rigged by a ENTERING THE ENDGAME

quick-thinking Bellerophon staff member to act
like “Crazy Koalas” — a Nomad remote that ambles Beset on all sides, Amaunet is preparing to make
around the battlefield aimlessly. Slightly more sure both the Combined Army and the characters
basic than an Ariadnan chest mine, these modified (plus anyone she deems a traitor to her cause) pay
Tinbots make for the nearest body heat signature for every step they take and every defence that falls.
and “hug” the target, at which point the D-charge She is aware that she must self-terminate now the
affixed to them detonates. The same Bellerophon Combined Army have boarded the EveningStar but
tinkerer also modified the local maintenance will not go quietly.
remotes, spot-welding sharp blades to their chassis,
and reprogrammed them to seek out blockages and
remove any obstruction.




10 10 5 9 10 6 6 10 10 5 9 5 6 6


Combat +1 — Movement +1 1 Social — — Combat — — Movement +2 — Social — —
Fortitude — — Senses +1 1 Technical — — Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 — Technical +1 —

Firewall 5 Resolve 3 Vigour 3 Firewall 5 Resolve 6 Structure 5
Security — Morale 4 Armour 1 Security — Morale — Armour —
• Snuggly Hugs: Melee. 1+3§ damage, 2H, Immobilising, Non- • Bladed Jolt Attachment: Melee, 1+5§ damage, 1H, Knockdown,
Hackable, Nonlethal (see below), Stun Piercing 1, Stun, Vicious 2
• Common Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, Poison, and Vacuum. SPECIAL ABILITIES
Mindless. • Common Special Abilities: Inured to Disease, Poison, and Vacuum
• I Need Hugs: The Fuzzies amble amiably toward any movement or
body heat but will split up among a group so that every target is
made to feel like a special “bestest” friend.
• Won’t You Be My Friend… Forever? If a Fuzzy manages to Hinder a
target or otherwise immobilise them, it will explode the following
round for 2+5§ physical damage with the qualities of Indiscriminate
(Close), Spread 1, Stun, and Vicious 2.


As well as beginning the assault on the core, the characters can also attack Amaunet on her “home turf” so
to speak, the datasphere. Amaunet responds violently to any intruder in her datasphere, whether it is the
characters or Combined Army infowarriors.

88 PART 4

QUANTRONIC MOVEMENT Node 5 — Arachne Node: Long unused, and without

Amaunet and her Posthuman followers, some of power, the Arachne Node may well be of some use
the Combined Army, and even the characters them- if a character can access it. It requires the power
selves may have the ability to use a Quantronic to be restored from either the Command Centre or
Jump. They can also use this to move around a Environmental Control (Node 7). There is still some
network if they have control, crossing a single zone/ actionable intelligence found in there (some from
node as a Standard Action. before the first attack) if a character manages to
bypass the Gaslight IC and makes a Challenging
(D2) Analysis test.
• Camouflaged Data Flux
Most of the former O-12 infrastructure was
• IC-3 Gaslight
destroyed during the first Combined Army attack
and the Roshnii protocols. Amaunet herself polices Node 6 — Storage Data Array: Several instances
the network, although she delegates a few security of these exist throughout the EveningStar. As well
geists to certain areas. Security geists (see Infinity as the access to a data array, they are Amaunet’s
Corebook, p. 379) are assigned to Nodes 7-9. Two refuge along with her Posthuman allies should
geists are assigned to Node 10. their bodies be destroyed. They are stored
here prior to being uploaded, but Amaunet’s
Node 1 — External Access Points: This covers
comms blackout means that the characters are
several external entry points into the EveningStar
destroying these refuges. Amaunet upgrades the
network. Each should be treated as a separate node
protection of these areas to IC-4 Hivemines once
and require a Breach effect on the appropriate
“Escalation!” happens.
target. They include:
• IC-2 Gaslight upgraded to IC-4 Hivemines
• Comlogs of local workers, but not security staff.
• Docking ships. Node 7 – Environmental Controls: Breaches caused
• Former business premises. here allow a character to affect:
Node 2 — Core Access: The central command • Artificial Gravity. A Challenging (D2) Tech test
core controls access to the rest of the network. It success is required to alter the gravity to normal
includes a Vizier geist (see Infinity Corebook, p. 385) in a zone. If the gravity is already normal, a
designed to act as a guide to the network. Daunting (D3) Tech test can alter it to high-g,
low-g, or zero-g.
• IC-2 Black ICE / Crybaby
• Atmosphere Control. A Challenging (D2) Tech test
Node 3 — Security: The security network consists of success is required to switch the air supply on or
the following areas: off.
• Bellerophon security comlogs as carried by their • Power Distribution. A character can shut down
security troopers. power to a zone, plunging it into darkness or
• Security Spotbots and other remotes assigned to deactivating its power. It cannot be used to MESSING ABOUT
security roles. directly cause explosions, although things like WITH THE
• Security terminals for secure areas. shutting down thermal vents may cause fires to THERMOSTAT
break out. Playing with any of the
• Elevator & Airlock control. environmental controls is
Causing a decompression event for an area requires Characters may use the controls to generate other dangerous enough, especially
a Daunting (D3) Hacking test, as the system is affects like flooding compartments with water or if characters generate
designed to explicitly to prevent such an event. raw sewage at the GM’s discretion. complications! It assumed that
most to these effects relate
It requires a security guard comlog or spoofed • IC-2 Black ICE / Crybaby to a zone or zones. For larger
identity to access the Security Node. areas, increase the difficulty of
Node 8 — Flight Control & Shipping: This node the test by one or two steps.
• IC-3 Crybaby / Deadfall deals with both air traffic control and the incoming Safety protocols won’t allow the
• Secured Zone (Firewall 12) and outgoing ship traffic. It also maintains a record characters to apply these setting
• Data tunnels to Nodes 2, 3, 9 of all the storage containers aboard. to the whole station.
Node 4 — Comms: Initially, this allowed communi-
• Cargo Manifests. A character can locate the con-
cation from Node 2 to the tight-beam comm relay,
tents or location of a specific cargo container on
but Amaunet in her paranoia has insisted all com-
a Challenging (D2) Analysis test success.
munication is relayed via the Command Centre. It
• Docking Bay Control: A Breach allows a character
provides access to the comms relay, and controlling
to control the docking bay access doors for a
this area will allow characters to communicate
single bay. To access multiple bay doors requires a
with the outside world.
Challenging (D2) Hacking test success, with each
• IC-3 Crybaby additional docking bay increasing the difficulty
by +1.


• Flight Control: A character can assign or check WE ARE NOT ALONE IN
docking bay records for a ship on an Average (D1) HERE
Analysis test success.
• IC-3 Crybaby / Deadfall The first thing the Combined Army scouts do
when they board the EveningStar is deploy
Node 9 — Transport Network: Breaches on this mobile repeaters throughout the ship, effectively
node allow a character access to the metro rail allowing the EI to make its presence known — if
system, including control of the trains. It also it wishes. The Combined Army quantronic zones
allows control of specific modular transports on a generated by their repeaters count as Data Flux
successful Challenging (D2) Hacking test. Camouflage zones. Interacting with a Combined
Data Flux Camouflage, HighSec, Army quantronic zone is a challenge for those
Intrusion Countermeasures — • IC-3 Crybaby without a link to the EI. Hacking tests against an
Infinity Corebook, p. 118-119 EI-controlled quantronic zone have their difficulty
Node 10 — Command Centre: What could be con- increased by one step.
sidered the master node, it can only be physically
accessed from the Command Centre. Breaches here The EI’s Infowar presence in the EveningStar’s
affect and include the following areas: data sphere is best represented by a Charontid
• Command Centre UPGRADE Cybermask, Sucker Punch, White Noise;
• Reactor Grid: It is not possible to cause a melt- +2§ bonus damage). For 1 Heat, a Charontid
down in the reactor without spending at least hack attempt takes place while a character is in
twenty minutes overriding the safety protocols a quantronic zone node. For 2 Heat, it targets a
and coolant mechanisms and a Daunting (D3) character’s firewall.
Tech test.
• Point Defence Network: Remote control of the The Combined Army spacecraft are also quantronic
point defence turrets are manipulated here. zones and can be hacked or manipulated as any
other quantronic device. Unless interfaced with
It can also perform the same tasks as the other directly, they count as having Data Flux Camouflage,
nodes, although any test made here increases the Military HighSec (+4§ Interference Soak), and IC2
difficulty by one step. (see Infinity Corebook, p. 118-119).

• IC-4 Black ICE / Crybaby

• Secured Zone (Firewall 14)


As the characters get closer to the core, Amaunet sweeping the wreckage. Hidden in the shadows
becomes more desperate. Her resources are spread around the spire at the centre of the core are
thinly, fighting a losing battle against both the several Posthumans. Perched at the top of the spire,
Combined Army and the characters. Eventually, she like high-tech gargoyles, are five Garuda Tacbots.
has little choice but to stop the characters herself,
along with her remaining — and rapidly-dwin- The spire is partially sheared off, exposing inner
dling — forces. corridors and halls, and is suspended over the
crater of the ALEPH node. Somewhat destroyed
THE CORE VAULT by the explosion, the corridor containing storage
STAGING TIP unit AA-27 is balanced precariously over the void.
Once the central O-12 computer core, much of Unfortunately for the characters, that is their
STEALTH GROUP it was turned into debris by ALEPH S.S.S. troops. destination.
STATE TEST Twisted spurs of metal jut out from pools of
Unless the GM wants the characters melted plastic in a surreal landscape, broken here Making their way across the floor without being
to roll individually, they can
and there by scaffolding and platforms where spotted by the Lhosts and their geists is a stealth
allow the players to nominate a
single character (the one with Bellerophon have salvaged tech or reinforced the state test. Another is required to sneak past the
the highest Stealth) and allow structure. Posthuman cordon. The Posthumans will contact
the other characters to assist. Amaunet as soon as they spot any of the characters,
Remember that any complications The dim utility lighting is occasionally eclipsed by whereas the Lhosts will lumber to the attack.
apply to the test results as well! the bulky shadow of one of several Lhosts as they
rumble around searching for intruders, searchlights

90 PART 4

For those with gecko pads or the ability to fly, it POWER NODE
Group Test —
is possible to cross the vault by flight or cross The lights are powered by these nodes, and
Infinity Corebook, p. 31
the ceiling as cover. Characters using this method disabling them (switching them off or causing 6
gain +1 bonus Momentum on their stealth state points of physical damage) will put out the lights Stealth State Test —
test. They also gain the benefits of any cover from in both the power nodes zone and any adjacent Infinity Corebook, p. 104-105
the wreckage. zone. Doing so is a noisy action, whether it is done
quietly or not. A Posthuman (or Lhost for 1 Heat) Garuda Tacbot —
If the characters decide to climb the exterior of the will cautiously approach the site to investigate. Infinity Corebook, p. 369
spire to get to AA-27 (counting as vertical terrain), A disabled power node immediately adds +1
they will still need to make a stealth state test and Momentum to all stealth-based tests.
avoid the attention of the Garuda Tacbots, who will
use their Stun Knuckle attacks to attempt to knock WRECKAGE
characters from their climb or their Spitfires to pin A Daunting (D3) Observation test success allows
them down until the Lhosts arrive. a single character to spot movement where there
shouldn’t be. This is the Sphinx TAG. Following
ALEPH NODE (DESTROYED) the characters at a distance, it is there to delay
Destroyed during the initial assault on the Amaunet, but the characters are doing such a fine
EveningStar, this is nothing more than a hole in the job that the sly Shasvastii pilot is adopting a “wait- Climbing —
deck, albeit one the size of a dropship. A member and-see” attitude. If the characters deliberately Infinity Corebook, p. 111
of ALEPH can recognise the remains on a suc- set out to track it down, it will do its level best to
cessful Daunting (D3) Tech test and deduce it was remain hidden but will respond in kind if attacked.
destroyed during the first Combined Army attack
years ago, perhaps the first. It counts as one zone THE SPIRE
deep if a character falls or is pushed into one. For
1 Heat, increase the drop by one additional zone. A The spire still has both atmosphere and gravity,
character climbing into or out of the steep-sided although the actions of the characters can change
crater requires a successful Average (D1) Athletics those qualities before or during their activities in
test to climb out. the vault.

The ALEPH node damage is open to space and is COOLING FANS

covered with a thin screen to maintain atmospheric Used to pull air into the cooling shaft and away
integrity. Any significant impact from a weapon from the server farms, these massive fans suck air
with an Anti-Materiel or Area quality will immedi- into the spire and pass through the server farm.
ately cause a depressurisation event. A large falling
object such as an Lhost or TAG crashing into the The fans are the diameter of a Gecko TAG and are
barrier will have the same effect. spinning rapidly when powered on. Characters
attempting to negotiate both sets of fans requires
CABLE TRUNKING a Dire (D4) Athletics test, with a failure seeing
Many of the cables once linked the core to the the character struck by one of the fan-blades
EveningStar’s interior hang free like vines, bound for 10+1§ physical damage with the Piercing 2,
together in trunks. A character can spend 1 Vicious 2, and Terrifying 2 qualities.
Momentum to move across zones using the cables.
Doing so is not a stealthy act as they creak or, The updraft and airflow into these fans are power-
for 1 Heat, begin fraying, but this still counts as ful, increasing the difficulty of all movement-based
sneaky action. (including Acrobatics) tests by +1 in all zones
adjacent to a fan. They take 10 points of physical
Newer cables, spotted on a Challenging (D2) damage before being destroyed.
Observation test success, link the EveningStar data
arrays and other parts of the Bellerophon network COOLING SHAFT
to the server farms. Destroying one of these has Reaching down through the spire, this hollow
much the same effect as destroying a data array. chamber is designed to extract heat from the server
farms below. The thermal output of heat was once
The cables can be used as a zipline, but this is a used to heat parts the EveningStar’s public areas
noisy action. and hallways but now vents directly into space
since the heating elements are now exposed. Three
GANTRY industrial-strength sets of fans pass air up and
A few gantries are dotted around the core vault, through the shaft, and single fan pulls the hot air
designed to link destroyed areas or scaffolding. out through the apex of the spire.
They are otherwise identical to other gantries
found throughout the EveningStar.


CORE DATA ARRAY The room is locked but the characters’ key works
Yáokòng Remote —
The control “Master” node for the data arrays, it easily. Inside the storage room, which is approx-
Infinity Corebook, p. 386
is otherwise like the other arrays except access imately 3 metres wide and 4 metres deep and
is via a narrow gantry guarded by two Yáokòng covered in dust, is a small cabinet surrounded by
remotes. If this is the last array, it will be the a metal mesh. An Average (D1) Tech test success
site for Amaunet’s last stand. (See “The Way is allows a character to recognise an old-fashioned
Barred”, p. 93.) Faraday cage designed to block electro-magnetic
fields (EMF). A small, primitive-looking terminal is
FREIGHT ELEVATORS hardwired in, and a text-only screen comes to life
These large elevators have enough space for five when a rocker switch is pressed. A simple “ENTER
humans, two remotes, or a single TAG to crouch. CODES” text prompt is displayed.
They are normally locked down. Both Bellerophon
security staff and the Armbots in the server farms Ozymandias distrusted much of the technology
OZYMANDIAS’S can call and use the lifts. Others must use further used by ALEPH and decided to take his own steps
PLAN B methods to access the freight elevators. to implement the /kILL/ codes. There is also a large
Unwilling to trust the rest of the tartan hold-all with a small note tucked inside the
committee, Ozymandias took the SERVER FARM cage. Read or paraphrase to the characters:
step of having a backup plan “just Humming with purpose, these rows of stacked
in case” before he was shut out computer blades, each a supercomputer in its If you can read this, I’m willing to bet the damn
from Bellerophon. He wasn’t own right, continue to provide the computing /kILL/ codes didn’t work. Either that bastard
banking on the O-12 missile salvo power necessary to keep both the EveningStar and Raanios or Estevez gave out bogus codes. Never
or the Combined Army though. Amaunet running. The air here is hot and dry, even trust a Tohaa scheme or damned goody two-
with the draft of the heat extractors. Destroying shoes knight. These might help.
any of the equipment here will immediately alert
Amaunet to the characters’ presence. The racks of It is signed “O”.
servers are armoured with a ceramic heat sink and
provide +4§ hard Cover Soak. There are seven remote detonators in there (an
Average D1 Tech test success identifies them as
If the characters somehow manage to destroy all such) and a map of the EveningStar with another
the computers in the server farm, Amaunet will be scrawled note on it.
weakened. This requires some creative thinking
This should be enough to blow Amaunet and
on the parts of the characters, since these server
the station to hell or at least give them direc-
farms cover several floors. Simply blasting away at
tions. I’ve wired them to the superstructure at
the racks of servers is not enough. It requires some
the indicated stress points and her data arrays.
serious heavy ordinance or multiple D-charges.
I don’t recommend hanging about though.
If the characters come up with a plan to devastate Remember to check the basement. There’s still
the server farms, they may well need to contend the master data array there. Destroy that that,
Armbot — with the two Armbots assigned to each floor as and you’ve a fighting chance at least. You’ll
Infinity Corebook, p. 362 security. They are controlled by Amaunet directly if need to do it manually though! Good luck!
she knows the characters have begun their attack. —O

If Amaunet is controlling these remotes (giving

STAGING them a Morale and Security Soak of 2), she will TAKING BACK CONTROL
ALL TOO EASY? attempt to flank the characters and catch them It is easy to enter the /kILL/ codes provided by the
If the characters have been in a crossfire. She will also attempt to herd them Charon Committee, a string of letters and numbers.
having an easy time of it, the toward one of the elevator shafts which — if she Manually entering them takes time however, one
detonators can be replaced still has control of the elevators — then rises to the minute to enter each of the codes and confirm
by the actual D-charges. The highest level and drops. them. As they enter the last code, there’s another
characters will need to set them minute of “…PROCESSING…” continually crossing
throughout the EveningStar. Or
they can hold onto them to deal STORAGE LOCKER AA-27 the screen.
with the booster rockets later.
Located at the top floor of the spire, locker AA-27 While the characters wait, they will hear strange
That means travelling to each looks like nothing more than a cleaning store. But creaks and groans from the metal superstructure,
of those locations on the map, the end of the corridor it occupies leans precari- and at one point, the floor shakes. Two Garuda
fighting through the Combined ously over the vertiginous drop down, possibly into Tacbots enter the corridor and make their way
Army as well as Amaunet’s forces. the void if the former ALEPH node crater is already toward the characters just as a “CODES INVALID”
Of course, they won’t be needed. A open to space. message drops onto the screen.
wave of O-12 missiles is on the way.

92 PART 4

The characters may well choose to activate the Amaunet’s forces are split into three teams and
Raanios’s code is to blame,
remote detonators at this point. (See the “Boom! take cover using the hard Cover Soak of the
although the characters do not
Today or Boom! Tomorrow?” sidebar.) wreckage (+4§ Soak). She will also call on rein- know it but will likely suspect
forcements as represented by the GM’s Heat pool. it. The Triumvate’s agent has
The Garuda Tacbots’ extra weight is too much for
the already precariously balanced corridor, and been planning his exit from the
• Three fireteams (Team A, B, C) of 3 Posthumans Human Sphere for some time,
the structure gives way, dropping ten feet but still
reinforced by an Armbot each. The Posthumans and the characters have come
affixed to the main structure, barely. Characters
are equipped with Combi Rifles (Range C/M too close to uncovering his links
in the corridor must succeed at a Challenging with Bellerophon.
Range, 1+7§ damage, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI
(D2) Athletics test or begin sliding down the floor
Light Mod, Vicious 1) as well as their Nanopulsers.
toward the drop-off over the ALEPH node crater —
• Two Yáokòng remotes on top of the Gantries. They
a five-zone drop — falling off the following round Falling Damage —
do not have the advantage of hard Cover Soak,
(remember the Tacbots will also need to make the Infinity Corebook, p. 110
but neither do their targets as they are elevated.
same test). A character succeeding at a Challenging
• Two Titan Lhosts with military geists (p. 77) Disappearing Zone —
(D2) Acrobatic or Athletics test manages to grab a
flanking Amaunet, as an honour guard. Infinity Corebook, p. 109
piece of wreckage or outlying support stanchion
• Amaunet herself. Her Lhost form is detailed on
before then. Other characters can assist as normal,
p. 100.
although any complications may send multiple
characters off the edge. BOOM! TODAY OR
The characters are caught in a crossfire position. BOOM! TOMORROW?
Each falling character can grab onto something on The way out is to either retreat or break cover and Playing with any of the
the way down, another Challenging (D2) Athletics make for the exit. The exit out is via an elevator environmental controls is
or Acrobatics test for each zone they fall though. to the master data array or from the data vault dangerous enough, especially
For 1 Heat, a Tacbot tries to grab one of the depending on the characters’ plans. if characters generate
characters as they fall, a normal melee attack that complications! It is assumed
that most of these effects relate
increases the difficulty of any Athletic or Acrobatics The elevator takes four rounds to arrive once called, to a zone or zones. For larger
test by two steps. so the characters need to survive that long. areas, increase the difficulty of
The corridor with locker AA-27 becomes a disap- the test by one or two steps.
pearing zone in two rounds. Time for the characters The characters do have an unlikely ally. The Sphinx Safety protocols won’t allow the
to leave, horizontally or vertically! TAG following the characters now decides to characters to apply these settings
play its part, attacking Amaunet’s physical forces to the whole station.
If the characters decide to leave rather than while the EI’s Charontid assaults Amaunet in an
head down to the data array, the final encounter Infowar attack.
with Amaunet still occurs, although the location GM STAGING TIP
is slightly different, the exit from the data vault HEAT SPENDS FIGHT FOR LIFE
instead of the array. 1 Heat: Armbot Response. An Armbot from the spire For the characters, this should
arrives to attack the characters from behind. feel like the fight of their lives.
THE WAY IS BARRED: They are facing a lot of firepower
BOSS FIGHT! 2 Heat: Garuda Tacbots. A Garuda Tacbot, like the and a numerically superior force.
Armbot, also appears from the spire. The GM should not hold back on
Amaunet’s last-ditch attempt to stop the characters Heat spends for special abilities
either destroying the remaining array or causing or reinforcements. Remember,
3 Heat: Gecko TAG! The characters may have
more damage is not the culmination of the adven- Nemesis NPCs such as Amaunet
found, and are using, the Gecko TAGs. They are not
ture but will be one of the most challenging fights can expend 3 Heat to gain the
the only ones. A single Gecko TAG controlled by a
of the campaign. Facing off against the characters equivalent of an Infinity Point. All
military geist backs up Amaunet’s forces. the combatants are fighting for
are remotes, Posthumans, and Amaunet herself in a
Titan Lhost. their lives.
Facing the final death, Amaunet is willing to The first indication the characters have of their ally
sacrifice her forces in order to achieve her mission. is when what looks like a moving mass of shadows Armbot —
The characters have done significant damage to her Infinity Corebook, p. 362
coalesces behind the characters. A Daunting (D3)
plan already, and the Combined Army have been Observation test is required to spot the Sphinx as Garuda Tacbots —
able to get a foothold on the EveningStar as a result. it drops the camouflage. It tears past the characters, Infinity Corebook, p. 369
The battle is no “walk in the park.” It is a straight- an alien blur of speed before tearing into the Military Geist —
out firefight. The Posthumans are all too aware Posthumans of Team A. Infinity Corebook, p. 373
that if the data array is destroyed, they are lost and Posthuman (See Above) —
face true death and/or have failed in their mission. If the characters do not notice, the first they
will know of the Sphinx’s presence is when a Infinity Corebook, p. 451
For Amaunet, she merely must keep the characters
pinned down until impact. Posthuman from Team A is suddenly hurled through Titan Lhost with Military Geist—
the air by an alien-looking TAG, the eyes flashing p. 77
coldly before incinerating a Posthuman with a Yáokòng Remote —
flamethrower. Infinity Corebook, p. 386


Let battle commence. This is a deadly encounter, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE
and it is quite likely the characters will get hurt
or worse. The Sphinx is not here to help the The lockdown release on the communications
characters. It is there to delay Amaunet. While it centre means the comlogs of the characters are
will provide covering fire, the Shasvastii remote suddenly alive when Amaunet falls. The rapid
pilot is not being driven by compassion, and the input of information, both sensory and quantronic,
characters are literally cannon fodder to keep requires a successful Average (D1) Willpower test
Amaunet distracted while the Combined Army or a character suffers 2§ mental damage with the
makes adjustments. Stun quality.

THE MANY DEATHS OF Of most concern is an incoming high-priority mes-

AMAUNET sage coming in on a Bureau Noir channel.

Amaunet will only cease to be a threat if all the The comlog picture is skewed, darkened, then
EveningStar data arrays are destroyed by the it suddenly flares into life. It’s a dimly lit room
characters or the D-charges Ozymandias left. Until glowing with multiple quantronic displays
then, she will make every attempt to escape and showing an image of the EveningStar — and a
delay the characters in any way she can, using her cloud of dots on what looks suspiciously like a
Quantronic Jump ability when she can. collision course.

Her driving mission is to see the APOPHIS Protocol There’s the sound of a gunshot.
fully implemented. Nothing — and no one — will
stop her seeing her mission completed. The charac- “Right! Are you bastards listening now? Sit down
ters’ best strategy is to destroy all the remotes they and shut the f- “
find, but even then, she may still be hiding in the
quantronic data arrays. Ozymandias face suddenly looms large in the
comlog image.
Amaunet is not just running from the characters;
she is fleeing the Combined Army. Her hard-coded “Niamh, they’re back on the air!”
kill-switch as an ALEPH program is urging her to
end her existence, but she has rationalised it as she “Out of the way, old man!”
will die in the impact on Paradiso.
Ozymandias’s image suddenly swipes right as
THE LAST GASP: Niamh joins the conversation.
If Amaunet’s physical form is destroyed, her dis- “I’m guessing that bitch Amaunet is dead. Nice
solution into the quantronic ether has the effect work! You’ve got to get off the EveningStar.
of releasing the Communications Array from its They’ve declared a Code: Infinity! Some high-up
lockdown and has the same result as performing arsehole ordered a missile strike-swarm. The
an Infowar Reset action. first wave is due in five minutes. You’ve got
maybe seventy-five minutes before the second
Her last action (and those of her minions) is to hits. Get the hell off the EveningStar! It’s toast!”
blast a hole in the hull causing the place to decom-
press (see vacuum, Infinity Corebook p. 110), yanking There’s a brief scuffle off-screen.
the Sphinx TAG out into the void, along with any
remaining Posthumans – and the characters! “Ozymandias just decked the Bureau Aegis Duty
Officer. You’re too far to get a rescue vessel
If the characters have not been overly challenged, from the Orbital Blockade. Get to the life rafts
for 2 Heat, the Sphinx TAG uses its climbing gear to or your ship!
latch onto the hull. It then targets the characters,
the only remaining impediments to the EI’s plan, as
the escaping air howls.


The first impacts are felt five minutes later. The off, alerting non-existent maintenance staff to life
whole station repeatedly shudders as the missiles support failures, power losses, and hull breaches.
strike it. The floor shakes, and sparks burst from
The characters can monitor or track the EveningStar
consoles and panels nearby. Klaxons begin going
through their comlogs, which also shows the

94 PART 4

missile hits. A Challenging (D2) Science test success Occasionally, sparks arc down from overloaded
allows a character to realise the EveningStar has circuits, and the thin haze of smoke swirling past STAGING TIP
built up too much inertia and the Teseum-infused the characters indicate hull breaches somewhere. A “WHITE VEST”
mass is too great. Unless something happens, the MOMENT
The characters may choose to head directly for a
EveningStar will strike Paradiso, second wave of The temptation to railroad players
life raft, perhaps one they saw previously.
missiles or not. is very easy to give into. Don’t. In
APOCALYPTIC ENCOUNTERS this scene, tailor the experience to
The characters have a number of options in this their players’ expectations. Let the
scene. Some may choose to destroy the EveningStar & HEAT SPENDS
players through their characters
or decompress the station (see “Blowing up the As well as some of the environmental Heat spends
define the plot. Their characters
EveningStar II”, p. 96), thwart the Combined from the “EveningStar Layout” section, the first are battered, bruised, and likely
Army, or just escape. they have fulfilled two of their missile strike also adds the following: bleeding. They are trapped on a
mission objectives after all. • 1 Heat: Decompression. The zone begins to speeding asteroid occupied by
a hostile alien force and on a
decompress through micro-fractures in the hull
collision course with a planet.
AN INEVITABLE (see vacuum, Infinity Corebook p. 110).
BETRAYAL • 1 Heat: Fire! The zone is on fire. It counts as haz- This is the moment when the
ardous terrain (see Infinity Corebook, p. 109). forces of good suit up, gear up, and
Whether the characters somehow allied with
• 1 Heat: Zapped! An arcing electrical conduit face up to the final showdown… or
the Combined Army or not, there are still a lot of
immediately earths itself on a nearby character run away.
the EI’s forces onboard, making life difficult and
for 1+3§ physical damage with Area (Close), E/M,
dangerous for any infowarriors or escape attempts.
Spread 1, and Stun qualities.
If the characters can patch into station security
• 2 Heat: Boom! The zone suddenly explodes,
Spotbots, the Morat appear to be retreating to the
causing 2+5§ damage with the qualities of Anti-
Corfu docking bay.
Material 2, Indiscriminate (Close), Spread 1, Stun,
The surface is a different story. EI remotes crawl and Vicious 2. Characters making a Simple (D0)
and flit across the surface building something on Athletics or Acrobatics test success gain a Soak
the remaining booster rockets, cannibalising parts equivalent to the number of successes. The zone
from the station. A Daunting (D3) Tech test success is then considered to be on fire.
allows a character to identify some form of remote • 2 Heat: Morat Stragglers. A group of three to
guidance system under construction. five Morat stragglers are looting the ruins of a
shopping plaza, looking for mementos of the
For 2 Heat, an NPC attached to the group is a • 3 Heat: Gravity Fluctuation. The artificial gravity
Shasvastii Speculo Killer, perhaps a Bellerophon sporadically alters in a zone, causing it to change
guard survivor. It will not break cover unless every round. It varies between normal, low, high,
absolutely necessary, but it will warn any Combined and zero-g (see Infinity Corebook, p. 109).
Army forces via the EI. If the characters decide to • 3 Heat: Danger! UXB! An unexploded O-12
engage Combined Army forces, the GM may imme- missile is embedded in the hull. It may go off
diately add 2 Heat to the pool for every encounter at any moment. Not only that, but it blocks the
with Combined Army troops. It may reveal itself way ahead and counts as dangerous terrain. A
during the escape from the EveningStar. Challenging (D2) Athletics or Acrobatics test is
required to traverse it without setting it off. It can
MOVING THROUGH THE be defused with a Dire (D4) Tech test success or
an Infowar Breach effect. Any complication imme-
EVENINGSTAR diately sets it off with the same effects as “Boom!”
As the characters move through the EveningStar, (see above).
many of the areas have lost power or gravity. There
are very few encounters with the Combined Army.
At this point, the EI and Combined Army consider EVENT: COURSE CHANGE
the EveningStar completely under their control with LOGGED
no un-sepsitorized humans left alive. The charac-
The characters feel a sudden vibration in the hull,
ters are no longer considered a threat, presumed
different to missile hits. Any character succeeding
dead in the data vault. Provided the characters
at an Average (D1) Extraplanetary test recognises
keep a low profile (and don’t have a Speculo Killer
the vibration of a booster rocket firing, then
hidden in their midst!), they will not encounter any
another. These continue for around a minute.
of the Combined Army.
If the characters are tracking the EveningStar
The EveningStar is dying a second time, this time
via their comlogs, they notice the trajectory of
forever. Emergency lighting gives everything a
the EveningStar is changing. Otherwise, Niamh
red glow, and there are small fires everywhere.


will contact the characters, alerting them to the ESCAPING VIA THE
For a sample docking bay fact that the EveningStar is no longer going to DOCKING BAY
zone map, see p. 22. fall on the centre of Combined Army territory in
If the characters decide to make their exit, they find
NiemandsZone. Instead, the projected impact point
the Corfu docking bay is not yet empty. If the Megáli
now looks like central Serpentaria. A Daunting (D3)
Prospátheia is still intact, there are three fireteams
Science test success allows a character to calculate
Charontid — of three Morat, four Unidron Batroids plus a
the course changes making Xiangu City, the site of
Infinity Corebook, p. 463 Charontid boarding one of several craft. For 1 Heat,
Yu Jing’s orbital elevator, the new impact zone of
the characters see an NPC (or former character!)
Morat — the EveningStar.
they met or were aided by during the adventure
Infinity Corebook, p. 465 Given the high population density of the area, shuffle jerkily aboard the Combined Army craft, now
this is likely to be not only a huge tragedy, but a sepsitorized. And they are between the characters
Unidron Batroids —
major loss to the war efforts on Paradiso and a and their escape route…
Infinity Corebook, p. 479
major dent to Human Sphere confidence and Maya
propaganda. If the alien invaders are stymied and THE MEGÁLI PROSPÁTHEIA
contained in the NiemandsZone, how did they drop It takes four rounds to get the shuttle fired up and
a small planetoid on Paradiso? pre-flight checks completed. A character succeeding
at an Average (D1) Spacecraft test will be able to
If the characters haven’t already made the connec- estimate this. A Challenging (D2) Tech or additional
tion between the Combined Army’s departure and Spacecraft test success can reduce this time by
the EveningStar’s sudden course corrections, Niamh one round.
will point it out.
While the characters are duking it out with the
Combined Army, the proximity alert warnings are
THWARTING THE screaming throughout. The characters’ craft leaves
COMBINED ARMY: just as the missiles hit, causing plumes of flame
BLOWING UP THE and escaping atmosphere to erupt throughout
EVENINGSTAR II the surface and secondary explosions to dai-
The characters may come up with a few ideas of sy-chain outwards.
their own regarding the EveningStar’s reactors or MEGÁLI PROSPÁTHEIA HEAT SPENDS
targeting the booster rockets. These have been 1 Heat: Failure to Launch. Something fails during
covered previously, and if the characters implement the attempt to take off. A Challenging (D2) Tech
them, they will have some measure of success. test success fixes it, but it takes an extra round
Paradiso will not be destroyed in Nebula of Mirrors, to take off.
but the characters have some agency in stopping
the Combined Army’s plans. It may be as simple as 2 Heat: Slightly Dinged-Up. The craft was hit by
strewing a few of their remaining D-charges in the an attack during the fight (work out damage as
right location to encourage the breakup. normal) or when the Combined Army initially
attacked (1+4§).
For example, if the characters’ plans are “just
blow stuff up”, Ozymandias and Niamh can act as 3 Heat: Falling Debris. A Daunting (D3) Spacecraft
the GM proxies. They could suggest destroying a test success is required when a chunk of flaming
major coolant valve or destroying specific support debris crashes down in front of the escaping craft,
stanchions in specific locations. The GM may add otherwise the ship takes the equivalent of 1+4§
a Morat fireteam at each of those locations for 1 physical damage and an additional round to escape
Heat to make things interesting. the docking bay.


IT ENDS IN FIRE: Not all the Combined Army craft are full. A handful
ESCAPING THE have been left behind to be remotely piloted back
EVENINGSTAR to Paradiso. The manual controls are designed for
GM TIP The real death of the EveningStar takes place just Morat soldiers, so are simplistic in the extreme
as the characters time their exit. A wave of missiles but utterly alien to those of human proportions or
ON THE CLOCK outlooks. As a result, any Spacecraft or Tech tests
The task for the GM is to create a turns the EveningStar into a rapidly expanding
dust cloud. have their difficulty increased by one step.
real sense of urgency. Characters
that dither or waste time add to the Impact after impact makes movement difficult, COMBINED ARMY CRAFT HEAT SPENDS
Heat pool. Use the environmental The GM can also use the Heat spends from the
increasing all movement-based test difficulties
Heat spends and apocalyptic events Megáli Prospátheia.
by one step. More panels explode and sparks pour
liberally. The players need to feel
a sense of peril. Their characters everywhere. As the EveningStar gets closer to 1 Heat: Crewed. There are three Morat aboard the
don’t have time to rest, or mess Paradiso, the heat begins to build up (both literally craft when the characters board it.
about dragging large items of loot. and figuratively). The characters have minutes
before they are space dust. 2 Heat: Linked. The craft is still linked to the EI and
requires two Breach effects to take control.

96 PART 4


While not as thrilling for the characters as escaping COMBINED ARMY SPACECRAFT
the docking bay after a hard-won fight against the
Combined Army, there are still the EveningStar’s life ATTRIBUTES
rafts. They have no combat ability and are unlikely
Scale 2 Speed 2 Brawn 15(+2)
to be any use in a fight. On the other hand, they will
get the characters off the EveningStar quickly. DETAILS
If the characters do opt for the “easy” option, they Max Passengers 40 Impact 5+6§ , Knockdown
will see the monstrous outline of one of the
Combined Army ships leaving the EveningStar
turn toward them. On an attack vector toward the DEFENCES
characters’ life raft, the craft’s shadow blots out the
Structure 15 Firewall 14 Armour 10 BTS 7
explosions behind.
As the guns turn toward the characters’ raft, the • Dorsal Cannon: Munition, Range L, Burst 2, Damage 3+6§ , Front Arc,
alien craft is suddenly swallowed up in an explo- Piercing 2, Precise 1; 6 Reloads each
sive blast of fire from a missile hit, splitting the • 2 x Flank Cannons: Munition, Range M, Burst 3, Damage 2+5§, Salvo
ship in two. The characters can breathe a sigh of (Vicious 1); 6 Reloads
relief, until they discover there is a stowaway. This SPECIAL ABILITIES
could be the moment the Shasvastii Speculo Killer • Spacecraft: The craft operates in both atmosphere and the vacuum
chooses to strike, sabotaging the ship, or the GM of space.
may wish to use it in conjunction with the “Sphinx
in Space” optional encounter.
CAT & MOUSE: A CRAVING If the characters survive everything, they can set
course for Paradiso, one of the orbitals, or await
FOR CHEESE rescue from an O-12 ship. As the plumes of fire
The characters blast out of the Corfu docking bay. arc out from the EveningStar’s final fiery death, the
All around the characters are the blazing trails of characters can breathe a sigh of relief. They have
missiles homing in on the EveningStar, blossoming foiled Amaunet’s plans.
into dozens of fireballs as they detonate. Despite
this, a Combined Army spacecraft turns toward Once the characters have recuperated and received
the characters’ ship. The pilot of the characters’ medical treatment (or been Resurrected), they will
craft can try some fancy flying, a Daunting (D3) be debriefed and put back on active duty. Nothing
Spacecraft test success to lose the Combined more is said about their actions. Ozymandias and
Army craft in the plumes of fire erupting from the Niamh have disappeared. The characters do dis-
EveningStar’s demise. Or, the characters can try to cover they have an open line of credit with several
dogfight their pursuer. Dawn bars, and each character now owns part of
the Teseum refinery on Dawn.
The characters’ Megáli Prospátheia shuttle is more
manoeuvrable, but the Combined Army spacecraft O-12 (and ALEPH, via Maya) quietly allows the
is heavily armed. To make things even more inter- cause of the EveningStar explosion to become
esting, the GM can activate the Speculo Killer Heat rumour and conspiracy. No civilian must ever be
spend or the “Sphinx in Space” encounter during allowed to discover just how close Paradiso came
the dogfight or pursuit. to disaster, based upon a rogue AI’s insane deci-
sions. The official line is the EveningStar was finally
OPTIONAL ENCOUNTER: destroyed in a controlled explosion by the PJC.
Of course, deep in Arachne, there is footage and
The characters are not the only inhabitants of their
much speculation that something was covered
craft. A damaged Sphinx TAG and its Shasvastii
up. A Combined Army orbital weapon. A stealthed
pilot are aboard. It may well be the same Sphinx
prototype O-12 ship exploded. A rogue comet. And
the characters encountered in Scene 4. While the
what happened to Bellerophon? A whole privately
Sphinx’s spitfire and one of the flamethrowers are Shasvastii Sphinx TAG —
owned company suddenly shut down by O-12?
badly damaged and non-functional, it is still a force Infinity Corebook, p. 475
to be reckoned with in close quarters. Thus ends Nebula of Mirrors. However, the charac-
ters’ adventures have not ended. There are a few
adventure hooks along with experience awards to
be found in the following pages.





As the campaign comes to a close, there are a Bellerophon’s hidden wealth discovered during
number of adventure hooks a GM can use for their investigations or of those complicit in the
further sessions. APOPHIS Protocols.

A Digital Antichrist. With the increase of LAIs, some Triumvirate Triumphant Tohaa. Raanios disappears
in the NeoVatican consider the rules and policies from the Paradiso theatre shortly after news of the
concerning artificial intelligences. A possible crisis EveningStar’s fall. He may have gone deeper into
of the faith looms. Fringe cults, encouraged by the jungles with Spiral Corps or gone off world to
Nomad agents, are already springing up, denounc- return to plague the characters later.
ing ALEPH as a heretic AI.
Who Ordered the Missile Wave? If the characters
Amaunet 2.0? The characters defeated Amaunet recall, someone must have ordered the missile
aboard the EveningStar, but it is not the only plan strike on the EveningStar. Ozymandias is certain
the Charon Committee has stashed away for future that there are other think-tanks similar to the
use. Someone in O-12 is looking to reactivate other Charon Committee out there, or maybe someone in
programmes similar to the APOPHIS Protocols. O-12 is clearing up their mistake.

Daedalus’s Fall. The fall of the Daedalus Gate hap- Who Owns the EveningStar? The destruction of the
pens just over a year before the events of Nebula of EveningStar leaves a lot of wreckage and a small
Character Advancement —
Mirrors. Does this signify the beginning of a Fourth fortune of Teseum. At some point, someone will
Infinity Corebook, p. 73
Offensive by the Combined Army? Or have the look at looting the place, unless the characters get
characters been setup to divert O-12’s attention? there first — or maybe someone already has…

Saving Their Assets. With Bellerophon’s corporate Yildiz: Plan B? After events on Paradiso, Yildiz may
assets seized by O-12, the corporation’s former look at other methods to create his New Bourak.
shareholders are looking to secure their port- Somewhere other than Paradiso. Perhaps a planet
folio. The characters may well have evidence of on the Human Edge.


Each chapter in Nebula of Mirrors is likely to take the process of learning to fly such a craft through
3-5 sessions to complete, or more with Wilderness tuition or practice (such as a simulator or software
of Mirrors events. Characters can acquire new training package).
talents, improve skills, or improve attributes — as
long as it fits in with the events of the campaign. Characters gain an Infinity Point for stopping
A character suddenly acquiring skills they did not Amaunet (up to the 4-point maximum).
have previously will require the player to provide
a narrative reason. Suddenly being able to pilot a
spacecraft needs a character to actually go through

98 Appendix 1




Of average height, Estevez nonetheless forms an ATTRIBUTES
imposing figure in her armour. She keeps her dark AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
hair close-cropped, and a scar from a Morat scimi- 11 9 13 8 7 10 12
tar mars one side of her face.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +5 2 Movement — — Social +3 3
• Estevez has a heavy Acontecimento accent, which Fortitude +3 3 Senses +1 — Technical — —
comes to the fore when exasperated.
• She is cynical and pragmatic.
Firewall 7 Resolve 15 Vigour 16
• She often consumes alcohol, usually
Acontecimento green wine after a fight. Security — Morale 4 Armour 5
BACKGROUND • Teseum Blade of St. George: Melee, 1+9§ damage, Unbalanced,
Born into a Peshawit farming family on Non-Hackable, Piercing 4, Vicious 2
Acontecimento, Estevez quickly tired of the safe life • Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+6§ damage, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI
Light Mod, Vicious 1
on offer. Struggling to find her place in the world,
GEAR: Powered Combat Armour (gain up to +3d20 on Brawn tests
she found her faith in Holy Orders with Order of
with +3 complication range)
Montesa. As knights go, her pragmatic attitude SPECIAL ABILITIES
makes her stand out. While she does have faith, • Deo Vindice: Estevez knows in her heart that God will vindicate her
she also believes in superior firepower. She has actions. Her faith grants her Morale 4.
spent almost her entire adult life on Paradiso and • Deus Vult: If God wills it, best not to argue. Estevez generates an
considers it home. additional 2 Momentum on Command tests.
• Shepherds of Men (2 Heat): Estevez is an inspiring symbol to behold,
KEY INFO at least when she’s on your side. Whilst an active participant of a
• Estevez knows one of the /kILL/ codes designed scene, Estevez can spend 2 Heat. If they do so, any forces under her
command increase their Morale Soak by 2 (including the characters).
to disable Amaunet.
• Sword of the Spirit: Faith guides Estevez’s blade. And her faith is
• She has history with Raanios. He is the reason unerring. She can reroll up to 3§ when making a melee attack
for the scar she bears. He was supposed to back but must accept the new results. Additionally, each point of Heat or
her up on a recon mission, but somehow lead her Momentum spent to gain additional dice for a Close Combat test
team into a Morat ambush. provides two d20s, instead of one. Finally, when making an attack
with the Close Combat skill, each point of Momentum spent to deal
bonus damage adds two points of damage, instead of one.
• Giant-Killer: Estevez is skilled at taking down TAGs. She may reroll
a single D20 when fighting enemy TAGs but must abide by the new
NOTE: The powered armour’s Exoskeleton quality is factored into
Estevez’s weapon damage.


Amaunet has no presence in the physical world, but ATTRIBUTES
often uses her quantronic jump ability to possess AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
her Eternals. In the quantronic realm, she takes the 8 12 8 8 14 13 14
form of a grey female humanoid with neon veins.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +1 1 Movement — — Social +2 2
• Amaunet always has a backup plan. She has Fortitude +2 — Senses +3 1 Technical +5 3
plenty of experience being patient.
• She knows when to retreat. Amaunet is smart
Firewall 14 Resolve 14 Vigour 8
enough to avoid conflict and withdraw to a
position of strength. Security — Morale 4 Armour 5
• She always works through proxies, mercenaries ATTACKS
or shell companies usually. • Hacking Device: CLAW-1, SWORD-1, SHIELD-1, GADGET-3, IC-1 +4§
bonus damage
BACKGROUND GEAR: Powered Combat Armour (gain up to +3d20 on Brawn tests
with +3 complication range)
Amaunet has no knowledge of her origins. She
would not consider herself an AI on the same level • Common Special Abilities: Quantronic Jump
as ALEPH but does not consider herself a “lesser” • Hacker: When making an Infowar attack, Amaunet can reroll up
AI. She understands her purpose in a way that to 5§ but must accept the new results.
many humans do not. Her core directive is to run • Quantronic Native: Trying to find a concealed LAI in the datasphere is
Bellerophon Corporation and fulfil the corporation’s like searching for a needle in a needle stack. Amaunet benefits from 1
purpose. She will single-mindedly remove any bonus Momentum on face-to-face tests made to detect her.
— and all — impediments to her mission. Perhaps • Remote Master: Amaunet gains 1 bonus Momentum on movement-
most dangerous of all is Amaunet’s unshakeable based tests when operating or ghosting a remote.
belief in her mission.

• She can be disabled by the /kILL/ codes of the
Charon Committee. They are an obstacle. The
Charon Committee is a major threat to her plans.
• She can use Lhosts and remotes with quantronic
jump when needed.
• The characters, by their actions, are tools to get
to the Charon Committee. They are useful tools to
be preserved, until they become a problem.




Arslan is wiry and chiselled, with a top knot and a AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
pointed chin beard. 12 11 12 13 9 8 10


• The security chief has a poorly disguised hood- Combat +5 1 Movement +2 — Social +2 —
lum accent. Fortitude +3 1 Senses +3 1 Technical +1 —
• Arslan is grinning and relaxed unless he’s DEFENCES
Firewall 9 Resolve 10 Vigour 12
• He loves ostentatious displays of wealth, big
Security 1 Morale 1 Armour 2
guns, and fine booze.
BACKGROUND • Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+7§ damage, Burst 3, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI
Arslan has been a gangster his whole life, rising Light Mod, Vicious 1
• Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+6§ damage, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
from nothing to lead Druze Bayram Security. His
criminal career started as a lookout before he was
• D.E.P.: Range M, 2+8§ damage, Burst 2, Disposable, Munition,
even ten years old. By thirteen, he was leading his Unsubtle
own gang. Not long after, he set up a Druze smug- • Assault Pistol: Close Range, 1+7§ damage, Burst 3, Unbalanced,
gling ring in the Free City of Jerusalem, clearing out Close Quarters, Biotech, Spread 1
all black market opposition from the city. Arslan’s GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Multispectral Visor 2
roguish demeanour hides a ruthless survival SPECIAL ABILITIES
instinct and a knack for taking advantage of the • Common Special Abilities: Menacing
slightest opportunity. Following the Dolly Dagger’s • Burn the Ash: The Shock Teams are infamous for their wild, bloody
raid on the Bayram caravanserai, he was promoted nature. When using the Bonus Damage Momentum spend, Arslan
adds +2 damage for every 1 Momentum spent.
to his current role as Chief Security Officer. He used
• Meticulous Gear: Ziad is meticulous and precise in the maintenance
the moment to build Bayram Security, launching of his equipment. His weapons gain +1 Burst. (This is reflected in the
a lucrative new business for his Druze Society attacks listed above.)
masters. In doing so, he cemented his own position • Lead by Deed: A fireteam under Arslan’s command gains one
near the peak of the criminal organisation. additional d20 for all Combat tests, in addition to the normal bonus
for fireteam member count.
• He bears a grudge, but in a commercial fashion.
• The security chief knows nothing about the
Charon Committee.
• Bellerophon have been using his company for




With a neatly trimmed beard and bright white AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
teeth, Yildiz is also unfeasibly good-looking, 8 12 8 9 12 11 10
remaining immaculate no matter the situation.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +2 1 Movement +2 — Social +3 1
• He is dangerously charming and cocky. Fortitude +2 1 Senses +3 1 Technical +3 1
• Yildiz flirts outrageously with everyone.
• He bears a grudge and is used to getting his
Firewall 15 Resolve 12 Vigour 10
own way.
Security — Morale 4 Armour 1
Fereydun “Freddy” Yildiz is the latest identity in • Defensive Hacking Device: CLAW-0, SWORD-0, SHIELD-3, GADGET‑1,
the long life of Feyyaz Yildiz. A Khiva Kala Silk Lord, IC-3; +3§ bonus damage
he has died and lived many times over the years • Grazeblade: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Breaker, Non‑Hackable, Stun,
Subtle 2, Thrown, Toxic 3
thanks to Resurrection technology. His “father”,
GEAR: Armoured Clothing, AutoMediKit, Cube 2.0
Feyyaz, hasn’t been seen for years — but Yildiz has SPECIAL ABILITIES
been doing this a long time. He gets old and “dies”, • With Great Power: Yildiz is used to issuing orders and being
passing on his inheritance to a Resurrected host. immediately obeyed. He benefits from an increased Morale Soak
He has faked his own death several times over the (already included in the profile). Additionally, all Psywar attacks made
centuries, absolving him of any crimes committed by him cause +2§ extra damage.
as well. While he makes no secret of coming • Falsafa: Yildiz can reroll two d20s when making an Education or
from a wealthy family, he hides the fact that he Discipline test but must accept the new result and generates one
is a Gardener, one of the select few charged with additional Momentum on such tests.
terraforming Bourak. Bourak isn’t enough, though. • Plentiful Silk: Yildiz gets two doses of Silk for each Heat spent by
the GM.
The APOPHIS Protocol will leave Paradiso barely
habitable, but someone with the right terraforming
knowledge could very easily gain the “keys to the

It’s unlikely the characters will find out just how
dangerous Yildiz is, or his grand plan. His death at
Gates of Dawn is something he did not foresee, and
he quickly realises he underestimated Amaunet.
The characters disrupt his plan for a New Bourak,
but he has the patience of a near-immortal Silk
Lord. The GM may wish to use Yildiz and his plan
for a New Bourak in future games.

• Yildiz is an O-12 agent because it gives him
some useful links.
• He knows one of Amaunet’s /kILL/ codes.
• He is willing to help the characters until it
becomes inconvenient.




A middle-aged Tohaa, Raanios give the impression AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
of a suave and debonair diplomat, even when 11 12 8 9 9 14 11
surrounded by armoured Tohaa and Spiral Corps.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +2 1 Movement +1 — Social +4 3
• Raanios never gives anything away. Fortitude +2 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +2 1
• He thinks that humans are so predictable. DEFENCES
• He always has a backup plan.
Firewall 9 Resolve 11 Vigour 8
Security — Morale 2 Armour 1
Raanios has been in the Human Sphere since the ATTACKS
first diplomatic mission to the EveningStar. As a • Tohaa Nanopulser: Range C, 1+7[§ damage, Biotech, Subtle 3,
loyal servant of the Trinomial, he has seen more Torrent, Vicious 2, evidence dissolves after 1d20 minutes
• Wetspike Augmentation: Melee, 1+4§ damage, Biotech, Piercing 1,
of the Human Sphere than most humans ever see.
Subtle 3, Toxic 3
Now on Paradiso, he is the serpent in the garden of
• Pheroware Tactics: See Diplomatic Corahtaa below
Eden, a spy for the Triumvirate, the near-mythical GEAR: Symbiont Graft, Unique & Bespoke Clothing, Tohaa
Tohaa conspiracy to sacrifice humanity to divert Nanopulser
the EI’s attentions. He considers himself the SPECIAL ABILITIES
highest-ranking agent the Triumvirate has in the • Diplomatic Corahtaa: Raanios can speak the Tohaa pheromonal
Human Sphere. An O-12 Liaison to Spiral Corps, he language, communicating silently and securely with other speakers
has access to a network of Triumvirate agents and within Close range and controlling SymbioMates and SymbioBombs.
essentially his own private army. Raanios can use Psywar actions and techniques featuring deception
when using Corahtaa and generate and use one Pheroware tactic per
round without assistance.
• Trusted by the Triumvirate: By spending 1 Heat, Raanios can call on a
• Raanios knows one of the /kILL/ codes. fireteam of 4 Spiral Corps mercenaries. He also gains +1 Morale Soak.
• He’s been involved with Spiral Corps since the • Veteran Negotiator: Raanios generates 2 bonus Momentum on
turnaround in their fortunes. social skill tests.
• He also knows the identity of other members of • VIP Symbiont: Raanios symbiont graft grants him the Fast Healing 1
the Charon Committee, including Amaunet. ability.




Normally dressed in one-piece coveralls, Niamh has AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
a harried look. Her multi-coloured hair is usually 9 11 9 9 11 8 12
tied back in a ponytail.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +3 1 Movement +3 1 Social +2 —
• She fidgets with her hair when agitated, which Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 1 Technical +4 2
changes colour depending on her mood.
• Niamh swears a lot.
Firewall 11 Resolve 12 Vigour 9
• She has a loud — and stormy — relationship with
Ozymandias. They banter and argue continuously. Security 1 Morale — Armour 2
BACKGROUND • Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+7§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Knockdown,
Much of Niamh’s early life was spent travelling Medium MULTI
around the Human Sphere with her mother on • Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread 1
• AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
a merchant vessel. As a “Vac-Brat”, Niamh spent
• Assault Hacking Device: CLAW-3, SWORD-0, SHIELD-0, GADGET-0, IC-
most of her childhood running around access
1; +2§ bonus damage
tubes and ducts of space freighters and Circulars, a GEAR: Light Combat Armour, Grey Market Firewall (+1§ Security)
varied educational experience at best. Attempting SPECIAL ABILITIES
to locate her father, she eventually found him. • Family Ties: Niamh has a vast extended family on Dawn and can
Ozymandias was running an operation in a casino usually locate a family member in any town. Her familial contacts add
at MountZion but was somewhat worse for wear +1 Momentum to all social skill tests.
at the time. The way Niamh tells it, Ozymandias • Natural Born Flyer: When making a Pilot test while piloting a remote
has continued to be a constant disappointment or flyer, Niamh can reroll any dice that did not generate a success but
to her ever since. However, she also discovered an must accept the new results.
• Sharp Senses: Niamh can reroll one d20 when making an Observation
extended family of relatives across Dawn.
test but must accept the new result.

• Niamh is very loyal to the characters. She is their
agent handler on Dawn.
• She terrifies the Script Kiddies during her efforts
to clear the characters so much the Kiddies don’t
talk about what she did/does.
• She knows nothing about the Charon Committee
but is willing to help the characters.




Wiry and leathery, Ozymandias — never Gordon — ATTRIBUTES
could be anything from sixty to ninety years of age. AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
He has a full head of white hair and a beard, both 7 10 8 8 9 11 10
of which he is vain about. He dresses like an aged
Asphalt Warrior out of Tien Shan.
Combat +2 1 Movement +3 — Social +4 2
Fortitude +3 — Senses +1 2 Technical +2 1
• Ozymandias is still spry enough to carry his own DEFENCES
in a firefight or a bar fight. Firewall 9 Resolve 10 Vigour 8
• He knows everyone — and anyone on Dawn — Security — Morale — Armour —
and often has a favour to cash in locally.
• He is irascible and bad-tempered when events ATTACKS
• Pistol: Range R/C, 1+6§ damage, Vicious 1.
do not go his way.
• Chain Rifle: Range C, 1+7§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Spread 1, Torrent,
Vicious 1
BACKGROUND GEAR: Analysis Suite (on the Fleur du Caldeon), Negotiator’s Kit
An O-12 agent handler and fixer, there’s little SPECIAL ABILITIES
Ozymandias can’t find or source — on Dawn anyway. • A Different Angle: When making an Analysis or Psychology test,
He grew up on the streets of Scone, building up Ozymandias can reroll any dice that did not generate a success on
a reputation as a local fence and gopher before the initial roll but must accept the new results.
joining O-12 as an agent. While he was never much • Currency of Favours: Ozymandias always knows someone who knows
of a field agent, he knows much of Submondo someone else. He can use a Persuade test to reduce the Restriction of
workings on Dawn, and many influential people an item or service by one step per success.
• Key Contacts: When assisting another character with a research-
owe him favours in both government and the crim-
related task, Ozymandias rolls 2d20 (instead of the normal 1d20) but
inal underworld. He doesn’t give out his real name only while on Dawn.
anymore. Instead, he uses Ozymandias. It could be • Whiff of a Rumour: When searching for new information or trying to
from Shelley’s sonnet regarding Ramesses the First. analyse new data, the Ozymandias gains Technical Focus of 1.
Of course, in Ancient Greek it also meant “tyrant” or
“colossus”. Ozymandias just likes the name.

• Ozymandias is the chairman of the Charon
• He believed the APOPHIS Protocol project was
mothballed decades ago.
• He knows one of Amaunet’s /kILL/ codes.



The left side of Nagamoto’s face is severely burned ATTRIBUTES
by a flamethrower blowback, and he has a slight AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
limp. His armour is painted with a tally of his 11 10 11 11 10 6 10
personal kills.
ROLEPLAYING Combat +3 1 Movement +2 — Social +1 —
• Nagamoto has been fighting all his life. He sees Fortitude +3 2 Senses +3 1 Technical +2 —
it as a series of tests, where the strong survive
and weak are fodder.
Firewall 10 Resolve 10 Vigour 11
• He is methodical and cruel, leaving no witnesses.
• He never allows compassion or mercy to stand in Security 3 Morale 3 Armour 2
the way of the mission objectives. ATTACKS
• Knife: Melee, 1+5§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2,
BACKGROUND Thrown, Unforgiving 1
The Ikari Company is always on the lookout for • Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+7§, Burst 1, 2H, Knockdown, Medium
those with a particular mindset and psychology —
• Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread 1.
or pathology. Riyuchi Nagamoto is more than just
• AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
a cold-blooded killer; he enjoys it. When the JSA • Heavy Flamethrower: Range C, 2+7§ damage, Burst 1, 2H,
began fighting the StateEmpire forces, Nagamoto Incendiary 3, Munition, Terrifying 2, Torrent
was among the first to turn his weapons on the GEAR: Light Combat Armour
civilians he suspected of being in the Imperial SPECIAL ABILITIES
Service. The JSA quickly stripped him of his rank • Forged in Battle, Tempered in Blood: Nakamoto may reroll up to two
after the massacre, and he was dishonourably dis- d20s when making a Combat Test but must accept the new result.
charged from the keiretsu. The Ikari Company then • Stone Cold: Nakamoto gains 2 Morale Soak.
offered him a job. So far, it has been mutually bene- • Collateral Damage: Attacks made by Nakamoto against Troopers (or
Panicking Crowds) or +2§ Soft Cover gain the Piercing 2 Quality.
ficial to both parties. He carries a flamethrower that
he uses with impunity against his opponents.

• Nagamoto hates the characters for humiliating
• He cares little for collateral damage or innocent
• He knows nothing regarding who hired the Ikari



Uncompromising, capable, and deadly, the merce-
Bellerophon’s security teams are well-equipped, naries of the Druze Society are highly trained and
well-trained, and well-paid. Bellerophon poached well-equipped. Druze hackers are widely regarded
many of them from mercenary units and private as some of the most dangerous in their field, cut-
military companies. All have some prior experience ting through quantronic defences and specialising
in combat — although not necessarily in military in pinpoint attacks against identified targets.
actions. Amaunet is not picky in the selection Druze hackers are often hired in supporting roles
process regarding moral character, and there are or operate as a part of Druze Shock Teams, where
some truly unpleasant (and possibly wanted) their ability to stun and attack a target through
individuals among the security teams. Not all the their own quantronic network fits perfectly with the
security guards are “rent-a-cops”. Some have been assassination, extortion, and riot control missions PITCHER
trained to use advanced weaponry and vehicles, the Druze are well known for. Modified grenade launchers,
including TAGs. pitchers increase the effective
ELITE range of tactical hackers, firing
Security troops form into fireteams of three to five deployable repeaters as Reloads
DRUZE HACKER just as grenade launchers fire
Troopers, plus an Elite Team Leader. These teams
grenades. The weapon inflicts
are often referred to by a letter of the Greek alpha- ATTRIBUTES
no damage and targets a zone
bet as in Team Epsilon and Epsilon Leader. AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL rather than a normal target with
8 9 8 10 11 7 10 a Ballistics (D1) test, modified as
TROOPER/ELITE normal for range. If successful,
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE the deployable repeater lands
BELLEROPHON SECURITY Combat +2 — Movement +1 1 Social — — in the targeted zone and
ATTRIBUTES Fortitude +2 — Senses +2 1 Technical +3 1 deploys immediately. (Range M,
Burst 1, Unbalanced, Munition,
8 9 9 9 9 9 10 Firewall 14 Resolve 12 Vigour 10
FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Security 2 Morale 2 Armour 3
Combat +2 1 Movement +1 — Social +1 — ATTACKS
Fortitude +1 — Senses +1 — Technical — — • Knife: Melee, 1+3§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2,
Thrown, Unforgiving 1
DEFENCES • Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+6§ Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light
Firewall 9 Resolve 10 Vigour 9 Mod, Vicious 1
Security — Morale — Armour 1 • Pitcher: Range M, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Deployable Repeater,
Munition, Speculative Fire
ATTACKS GEAR: Medium Combat Armour, Assault Hacking Device or Killer
• Light Shotgun: Range C, 1+5§ damage, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Hacking Device
• Pistol: Range R/C, 1+5§ damage, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1 • Brutal: Druze hackers gain one Heat, which they may use on any tests
• Stun Baton: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Knockdown, Non‑Hackable, related to Hacking.
Stun, Subtle 1 • Druze: Followers of a secret religion, Druze hackers gain a Morale
GEAR: Light Combat Armour Soak of 2.
• Quantronic Experts: Druze hackers may reroll one d20 when making
a Hacking test but must accept the new result.


While many of the Holy Orders of PanOceania
regard technology as a tool to serve their god, ATTRIBUTES
some Posthumans go one step beyond. The lure of AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
effective immortality through Posthuman endeav- 9(+1) 10(+1) 9 9 10(+1) 10 10
our is an easy line to cross to becoming a detached
quantronic-based entity. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
Combat +1 — Movement +1 — Social +2 2
Eternals are those Posthumans Amaunet has Fortitude +1 — Senses +1 — Technical +2 2
financed and manipulated into becoming her spies
and occasional envoys. They consider flesh to be a
Firewall 10 Resolve 10 Vigour 9
transitory state — if not a prison — and know they
have life eternal within their grasp. Security — Morale 2 Armour —
They lose something of themselves in the process. • Assault Hacking Device: CLAW-3, SWORD-0, SHIELD-0, GADGET-0, IC-
ALEPH’s Posthumans are usually uplifted to the 1; +2§ bonus damage
finest Lhosts. Amaunet cuts corners, and Eternals • Nanopulser: Range C, 2+7§ damage, 1H, Biotech, Subtle 3, Torrent,
Vicious 2
have a more basic appearance and are less “refined”
GEAR: Light Combat Armour
than their more advanced contemporaries. SPECIAL ABILITIES
• Common Special Abilities: Fast Recovery 1, Keen Senses (Hearing,
Sight, Smell), Night Vision, Quantronic Jump, Superhuman
Agility 1, Superhuman Awareness 1, Superhuman Brawn 1,
Superhuman Intelligence 2
• Connected: An Eternal’s constant connection to the datasphere
widens their perspective, granting a Morale Soak of 2. If they are
unable to connect to the datasphere, they lose these benefits.
• One with their God: On the destruction of their shell, an Eternal is
uploaded to the EveningStar data arrays.



The Ikari Company is well known for accepting ATTRIBUTES
any job, for a price, without worrying about trou- AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
blesome things like the lawfulness or morality of 9 8 9 9 7 6 8
the job being offered. Ikari Soldiers of Fortune are
capable warriors, experienced in a range of actions FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
and theatres. They are also more than willing Combat +2 1 Movement — — Social — —
to bend or break the rules of what is acceptable Fortitude +2 — Senses +1 — Technical — —
or legal to fulfil a contract. The Ikari Company is
known for the brutal efficiency with which it gets
Firewall 7 Resolve 10 Vigour 11
the job done. They are often hired by corporations
to fulfil morally questionable actions such as Security 1 Morale 2 Armour 2
breaking up strikes and strong-arming or killing ATTACKS
vocal opponents or activists who have become a • Knife: Melee, 1+4§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2,
problem. The Ikari Soldiers of Fortune aren’t inter- Thrown, Unforgiving 1
ested in bleeding heart stories or questions around • Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+5§, Burst 1, 2H, Knockdown, Medium
the legitimacy of a mission. All they want to know
• Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread 1
is whether the money has been paid.
• AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
• Light Grenade Launcher: Range M, 2+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Heavy, Grenades, Area (Close), Munition, Speculative Fire
GEAR: Light Combat Armour
• Experienced: Ikari Soldiers of Fortune may reroll one d20 when
making a Combat test but must accept the new result.
• Immoral: Ikari Soldiers of Fortune don’t really care what the job is, as
long as they are getting paid to do it. They gain 2 Morale Soak.



SCRIPT KIDDIES Named after the character of
Not all the Human Sphere hacker community are
Pip found in Charles Dickens’s
Nomads or ALEPH. Everyone has to start some- ATTRIBUTES
Great Expectations, the Pirrips
where. The Script Kiddies are all teenagers, still AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL are Niamh’s very own network
earning their reputation, or rep. While they avoid 8 9 8 9 11 8 10 of Script Kiddie spies on the
larger targets such as ALEPH or the G5, they none- Circulars. They are loyal to Niamh
theless have a presence on Arachne where they are FIELDS OF EXPERTISE — most of the time — although
tolerated at best. Combat +1 — Movement +1 — Social +2 1 rebellion is in their nature. Their
Fortitude +1 — Senses +2 1 Technical +2 1 age means they are often ignored
Script Kiddies are often found on the Circulars by the authorities, and they often
DEFENCES hear things that could get adults
where they mimic many of the cultural quirks of
Firewall 11 Resolve 10 Vigour 8 into serious trouble.
the Nomads, but in a loud and brash fashion that
many Nomads will find offensive. Not only do Security — Morale 1 Armour —
they co-opt Nomad fashions and speech, but they ATTACKS
consider themselves the next generation of hackers • Knife: Melee, 1+3§ damage, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-hackable,
who know better than the Oldies. Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1
• Hacking Device: CLAW-1, SWORD-1, SHIELD, GADGET-3, IC-1
GEAR: None
While they do have some natural affinity for
hacking, they often lack funding to do any serious • Pesky Kids: Script Kiddies have a nose for trouble, mysteries, and
damage, doing it for the “lolz”. Occasionally though, finding secrets. When investigating such things, Script Kiddies may
they do get lucky, and desperate — or unscrupulous reroll one d20 but must accept the new result.
— individuals use them as cheap labour Infowarriors. • The Kids are Alright: Script Kiddies are gregarious and social. While
at least two of them are in close proximity, they gain +1 Morale Soak.
The Script Kiddies encountered in this adventure
frame the characters for Yildiz’s apparent murder
with some careful editing techniques. Initially
believing they were doing it for a fictitious simcast,
they are terrified when they discover they not only
framed the characters, but it was a faceless corpo-
ration employing them as “total tools, guys.”

Niamh (p. 104) acquires near-legendary status

among the Script Kiddies when she tracks
them down on Arachne and half-destroys their
social network. Niamh is not proud of bullying
kids, but for the Script Kiddies it is a teachable
moment. Besides, having access to that number of
Infowarrior followers has some advantages. She
creates a spy network of her own.

Until recently, Spiral Corps was a failing company. Consisting of only a few squads operating out of a
re-purposed mobile mining rig on Varuna, their reputation was poor. Contracts were drying up after a
string of failures, and the company was struggling to pay salaries, let alone service its debts. Bankruptcy
loomed. Seemingly out of nowhere, Spiral Corps was reinvigorated by an influx of cash at the hands of
its new owner, Luubna Kaaram. Having been stranded in the Human Sphere after the fall of the Daedalus
Gate, some of the Tohaa — Luubna included — began looking for opportunities beyond the confines of the
Trident. The events of the Kurage Crisis focused the eyes of the masses onto the fact that the Combined
Army threat was not only very real, but it could also manifest itself deep inside any system. Suddenly,
nowhere was safe. Enter Spiral Corps. This joint Tohaa-human enterprise specialises in the exposure and
capture or elimination of Combined Army infiltrators, especially the Shasvastii. Thanks to their diverse
range of expertise, Spiral Corps has rapidly established itself as a premium private military company capa-
ble of managing the political, physical, and quantronic integrity of high-profile clientele. Though few admit
to openly trusting them, many have privately turned to this outfit for their unfailing ability to root out the
vipers in a nest.



9 8 9 9 7 6 8 9 8 8 10 8 6 8


Combat +2 1 Movement — — Social — — Combat +3 2 Movement +1 1 Social — —
Fortitude +2 — Senses +1 — Technical — — Fortitude +2 1 Senses +1 — Technical — —

Firewall 7 Resolve 10 Vigour 11 Firewall 8 Resolve 8 Vigour 8
Security 1 Morale — Armour 2 Security — Morale 2 Armour 3
• Knife: Melee, 1+4§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2, • Knife: Melee, 1+4§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, Subtle 2,
Thrown, Unforgiving 1 Thrown, Unforgiving 1
• Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+5§ Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light • Combi Rifle: Range C/M, 1+5§ damage, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI
Mod, Vicious 1 Light Mod, Vicious 1
• Light Grenade Launcher: Range M, 2+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced, • Light Flamethrower: Range C, 1+4§ damage, Burst 1, 2H,
Heavy, Grenades, Area (Close), Munition, Speculative Fire Incendiary 3, Munition, Terrifying 2, Torrent)
GEAR: Light Combat Armour
• Shasvastii Sense: Spiral Corps troops are skilled at locating and • Corahtaa: The Tohaa speak the Tohaa pheromonal language,
fighting the Shasvastii. They may reroll one d20 when making a communicating silently and securely with other speakers within
Combat Test or Stealth Test when Shasvastii are involved but must Close range. They cannot use Psywar actions or techniques which
accept the new result. require deception when using Corahtaa.
• The Only Good Shasvastii Is a Dead One: When fighting Shasvastii, • Shasvastii Sense: Spiral Corps troops are skilled at locating and
Spiral Corps mercenaries gain +2 Morale Soak fighting the Shasvastii. They may reroll one d20 when making a
Combat test or Stealth test when Shasvastii are involved but must
accept the new result.
• The Only Good Shasvastii Is a Dead One: When fighting Shasvastii,
Spiral Corps mercenaries gain +2 Morale Soak.




Bellerophon Corporation is relatively new on

the corporate landscape. Nonetheless, it has
experienced unprecedented growth on the
stock exchanges throughout the Human Sphere.
Bellerophon has offices across the Human Sphere:
Dawn, Paradiso, Varuna, and smaller branch offices
on the Human Edge.
Bellerophon’s speciality is construction, mining,
salvage, and reclamation. From deep space to
deep water, the Bellerophon Corporation is skilled
at sourcing experts and resources with the local
knowledge to get the job done.
That’s what the spin says anyway. In truth,
Bellerophon exists only on paper. That’s all. The
whole corporation is a zhilaohu, a paper tiger.
Bellerophon has the right bureaucratic papers and
can even put on a public façade of board meetings
and shareholder accountability through faked
quantronic identifications.
and she prefers to work through her Eternals and
In reality, everything is subcontracted or staged.
mercenary contracts.
The LAI known as Amaunet is the company. She
has done everything that was asked of her and Not even Amaunet is aware that the initial set-up
more. Not only is the company completely under funding for Bellerophon and her core existence
her control, but it actually works and shows a profit. was provided by Fereydun Yildiz, a Silk Lord Master
Bellerophon has operated for years within the Gardener who plans to use the disaster on Paradiso
Human Sphere unseen by ALEPH and O-12. to terraform the planet into his own Silk empire. It
would take years of investigations to uncover his
The company’s initial founding is a mystery to
involvement via shell companies, strategic removal
Amaunet, although her purpose is not. Bellerophon
of competition, and bureaucratic obfuscation.
exists for one purpose only — destruction of
the Combined Army on Paradiso. Securing the
rights of salvage to the EveningStar was easy
for Bellerophon, but Amaunet’s presence hidden
aboard — and abroad — is a constant challenge,

Bellerophon Corporation 111

10 9 12 8 8 12 9 10 12 8 11 12 7 9
Acrobatics 2 2 12 Tech 1 0 9 Acrobatics 1 0 11 Pilot* 4 1 15
Close Combat 3 2 13 Command* 5 0 17 Close Combat 1 0 11 Spacecraft 2 1 13
Analysis 1 1 10 Lifestyle* 1 1 13 Stealth 1 0 11 Education 1 1 13
Observation 1 0 10 Persuade* 1 1 13 Extraplanetary 2 2 14 Hacking 1 0 13
Athletics 1 1 13 Discipline 2 0 11 Survival 1 0 13 Tech* 3 2 15
Resistance 2 1 10 Thievery 1 0 13 Lifestyle 1 0 8
Ballistics 2 1 10 Resistance 1 0 9 Discipline 2 1 11
Education 1 1 9 Ballistics* 2 2 13
Vigour 13 Resolve 8 Firewall 8 Vigour 9 Resolve 11 Firewall 13
Infowar 0 Psywar 3 Melee — Ranged 1 Infowar 3 Psywar 0 Melee 0 Ranged 3
0 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 1
Athletics: Rigorous Training Ballistics: Marksman, Clear Shot

Close Combat: Martial Artist


Pilot: Ace, Born to the Wheel, Push the Envelope (2)

Command: Professional, Font of Courage
ASSETS 13 Tech: Natural Engineer
Persuade: Charismatic, Socialite INFINITY INFINITY

Genuinely Pious, Someone’s Dirty Little Secret, Trouble in Paradiso POINTS Bitter, Plenty of Rivals, Caught Between the Party and the Emperor POINTS

English, Spanish, German Yujingyu, Spanish, English, Japanese

Sword: Melee, 1+6§ damage, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Parry 2, Vicious 1 Boarding Shotgun: Range C, 1+8§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Knockdown, Medium, MULTI


Panzerfaust: Range L, 2+7§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Munition, Piercing 2, Spread 1, Normal Shells Mode (Primary): Area (Close), Spread 1
Unsubtle, Vicious 2 AP Slugs Mode (Secondary): Piercing 3
Pistol: R/C, 1+7§ damage, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
Medium Combat Armour, Armoured Clothing, Pistol, High-Quality Clothing, Geist

Upgrade (+2 to Education), Breaker Pistol, 2 Heavy Reloads (Needle) Medium Combat Armour, Armoured Clothing, Pistol, High-Quality Clothing, Geist

Upgrade (+2 to Education), Breaker Pistol, 2 Heavy Reloads (Needle)

You don’t know how they manage, living without a code. You were like
that once: lost, floundering. Caring only for yourself. An empty, hollow TAG pilots have a reputation for larger-than-life personalities, and you’ve
existence. One that you’re glad to have left behind with the other rem- done little to dispel that notion. From the jungles of Paradiso, to the count-
nants of your old life. less missions that — officially — never took place, you get the job done. As
For you are a member of the Military Orders. Your purpose is not selfish, a soldier, your skills have never been in question.
nor short-sightedly jingoistic, but divine. Holy. You guide and protect Your loyalties, however, are a different story.
pilgrims along the great Circular routes that connect the Human Sphere.
Functionally, this means that you protect not only travellers to the holy The StateEmpire is ruled by two forces, the ever-present Party and the
sites of your faith, but everyone else aboard the great ships by extension. Emperor. In theory, they guide Yu Jing in perfect harmony. In practice, there’s
a constant tug-of-war for control.
Some — not that you would name any names — wear the trappings of
faith like a flashy garment, putting on airs to impress others. You, how- When you were coming up the ranks, loyalty was a simple question. You get
ever, are as genuine in your faith, as you are reluctant to speak about your orders, you follow those orders, end of story. But as you began to make a
life before the Order. For the most part, the Human Sphere has forgotten name for yourself, important people began to take notice, giving you... let’s
all about who you used to be. say “extra objectives” on your missions.
But not everyone. Some of them were the agents of high-ranking Party members. Others
acted on instructions passed down from the Son of Heaven himself. Rarely
did they agree. In faithfully serving both, you’ve lost friends, made enemies,
and gained a cynical view of concepts like honour and loyalty. But the day
is fast approaching when you’ll be forced to choose between the Party and
the Emperor.
When that day comes, not even you can say what will happen.



12 12 13 9 6 7 10 9 12 8 8 15 6 10
Close Combat 3 2 15 Education 1 0 7 Stealth 1 0 10 Medicine 2 1 17
Stealth* 2 1 14 Medicine 1 1 7 Analysis 1 1 13 Psychology 1 0 16
Observation 2 0 14 Tech 1 1 7 Extraplanetary 1 0 13 Science* 3 2 18
Survival* 3 2 15 Animal Handling 1 1 7 Observation 1 1 13 Tech* 2 2 17
Thievery 1 1 13 Discipline 1 0 11 Ballistics 1 1 9 Lifestyle 1 0 7
Resistance* 5 0 18 Pilot 1 1 9 Discipline 1 1 11
Ballistics 2 1 11 Education 3 2 18
Pilot 1 1 10 Hacking* 3 2 18
Vigour 16 Resolve 11 Firewall 6 Vigour 8 Resolve 11 Firewall 16
Infowar 0 Psywar 0 Melee 3 Ranged 3 Infowar 4 Psywar 0 Melee 0 Ranged 3
0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Resistance: Sturdy
EARNINGS 2 Hacking: Hacker, Tricks of the Trade, Paranoid EARNINGS 3

Stealth: Scout

Survival: Self-Sufficient, Tracker ASSETS 6 Science: Scientist, Scientific Intuition (2), Sorellian Genius ASSETS 11
Thievery: Thief, Bypass Security (2)

Ariadnan Grit, Dog-Bowl Player Contact, Draft Dodger, Survivor POINTS Absent-Minded Eccentric, Black Hat, Black Market Connections POINTS


Russian, German, English, Spanish, Japanese


English, Russian, Spanish


Flash Pulse: M, 1+8§ damage, Burst 1, 2H, Blinding, removes Marked


Heavy Pistol: R/C, 2+§ damage, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, Vicious 1 Modhand: Melee, 1+4§ damage, 1H, Concealed 2, E/M, Stun, Subtle 1, Vicious 2
Teseum Chopper: Melee, 1+8§ damage, Unbalanced, Piercing 4, Vicious 2
Armoured Clothing, Analytical Kit (with 5 Reagents), Sensor Suite, Hacking Device Plus,

Medium Combat Armour, Survival Kit, Survival Rations (x3), Nav Suite, 5 Standard Zondbot

Reloads, Climbing Plus, Garrote, Stims (x3)

Genius is wasted on the masses.
“If you’re asked to fight a war that’s over nothing, it’s best to join the side From your flighty comrades on Bakunin to the hypocrites in O-12,
that’s gonna win.” everyone appreciates the fruits of Praxis’s scientific labours. But oh,
Your grandma was fond of that phrase. She attributed it to some old- the pearl-clutching outrage that occurs when they catch just the
world philosopher, though she could never keep the names straight. faintest glimpse of how their beloved progress comes into being, like
Antipodes tore her throat out, but they left your mom alive. The Bratva weak-minded fools who love to eat steak, but faint at the sight of a
shot your father in front of you over some debts, but they gave you a butcher’s shop.
coke and some cigarettes. You haven’t lived this long by playing hero. You, however, harbour no such weakness. Never one to shield your eyes
You know when to keep your head down and can spot an unwinnable from the truth of a thing. You’ve seen things — done things — that would
fight from a kilometre off. break lesser men. Some whisper that they broke you too. Such are the
So, when they tried to ship you off to die on Paradiso, you gave those petty inconveniences that have pestered great minds across history.
stuffed shirts a two-finger salute and made yourself scarce. Let some You know what a project needs. More importantly, you know how to get
galactic claim-jumper die on those red gorillas’ swords. You’re looking it, and you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, figuratively or literally.
out for you. Whether it’s making the right connection or putting on your proverbial
Sure, you’ve done some things you’re not proud of. Who hasn’t? You take “black hat” and doing it yourself, you’ve no patience for fools who stand
pride in your work, even if it’s not exactly clean. Your degree of comfort- in the way of progress.
ability with the trade makes people nervous. The way you see it, violence Unfortunately, there are a lot of those in the Human Sphere.
is violence, no matter how you dress it up. Anybody who thinks otherwise
is lying to themselves.


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