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DIRECTION: Fill-up the table with correct information.


 Homo habilis, an early hominin species, lived
approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago.
They exhibited a smaller brain size than
Homo habilis modern humans but had a significant
increase compared to their predecessors.
They were toolmakers, using simple stone
tools, and likely had a predominantly
omnivorous diet.
 Homo erectus, an early hominin species,
lived approximately 1.9 million to 143,000
years ago. They were characterized by a
Homo erectus more upright posture, larger brain size, use
of tools like handaxes, controlled use of fire,
and migration out of Africa. Their adaptability
and technological advancements mark a
significant step in human evolution.
 Homo sapiens, or modern humans, are
characterized by their advanced cognitive
abilities, including complex language,
problem-solving, and creativity. They are
bipedal primates with a diverse range of
Homo sapiens cultures, societies, and technologies. Homo
sapiens have a highly developed capacity for
cooperation, social organization, and the
ability to adapt to various environments,
making them the dominant species on Earth.
 Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern humans,
possess unique traits such as advanced
cognitive abilities, complex language, cultural
diversity, tool-making skills, bipedal
locomotion, and a highly developed social
Homo sapiens sapiens structure. These characteristics have allowed
them to dominate the planet, adapt to diverse
environments, and create complex societies.


 During the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age),
which lasted from about 2.5 million years ago
to around 10,000 BCE, early human cultures
primarily focused on survival. They were
nomadic hunter-gatherers, relying on stone
tools for hunting and gathering food. These
Paleolithic Age societies had basic social structures and
likely developed rudimentary forms of
(Old Stone Age) communication and art. Fire was also
harnessed for warmth and protection. The
culture of this era was characterized by a
strong connection to nature, a reliance on
simple tools, and the gradual development of
skills and knowledge that would lay the
foundation for future advancements in
human civilization.
 During the Neolithic Age, which began
around 10,000 BCE, significant cultural
developments occurred. Humans
transitioned from hunting and gathering to
settled farming communities. This shift led to
the domestication of plants and animals,
Neolithic Age enabling a more stable food supply. The
development of agriculture fostered the
(New Stone Age) growth of permanent villages and complex
social structures. Pottery, weaving, and early
forms of architecture emerged, improving
daily life. Additionally, religious practices and
symbolic art, such as cave paintings, began
to take shape, marking the beginnings of
human civilization's transition from nomadic
to sedentary lifestyles.

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