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Names: Alfanta, Buzon, Gabe, Macaponggis, Date: September 30, 2023

Masillones, Puclay, Tuquib
Section: Kochanski Teacher: Ma’am Mitos E.

The Pentanium Construction Firm, Inc. is contracted to design a new building to be

constructed along the city premises. As the company’s architect together with your
team you are tasked to design a construction proposal in line with the demand/need of
the city.

For example: (Hospital, School, Bridge or etc.). As the company’s architect, your
department aims to finish the job with high approval.

Your proposal should consist of the following:

(1)Architectural Sketch

The following should be considered in making your proposal.


2. (Should be composed of the 3 conics namely, CIRCLE, PARABOLA AND
3. Number of conics present (MINIMUM of 10 conic sections of different
4. The architectural sketch can be presented in a (Plain View, Front
View, Right Side View, Left Side View, and Top View)
Architectural Sketch:
 Total Number of Conics: 11
Process Questions:
1. How did you find the scaffold- task 1?
2. How did the lessons help you see the real-world use of the topic?


A. Alfanta, Juleyanna Rose

1. Scaffold 1 was a challenging task that really pushed my creative, analytical,
and collaborative skills. Before starting the project, I assumed it would be
easy since we only had to draw a building. However, it was hard to
incorporate ten different conics into the design without making it look
strange, simple, or pointless. We were confident on how to incorporate
circles and parabolas, but the ellipse gave us a hard time. It was fun sharing
ideas with my groupmates and seeing how each of us imagined our final
project. We asked ourselves if the elements made sense, were they
aesthetically pleasing, or even structurally feasible in real life. It was a long
process filled with confusion, procrastination, and art block, but we all
managed to push through.

2. The lessons helped me see the practical applications of conic sections by

providing knowledge of their concepts, properties, and mathematical
equations. Conics are used in a variety of contexts throughout daily life. They
are found in nature, buildings, and even everyday objects, yet we are typically
unaware of them. As we ventured into designing buildings using these
shapes, it made me appreciate their applications in different fields,
particularly in engineering, architecture, and arts. It made me think about the
little things that go unnoticed and inspired me to appreciate everything
around me.

B. Buzon, Chloe Andrea

1. Despite having varied ideas, we were able to decide on the type of building to
include in our final sketch after considerable deliberation and brainstorming.
It was quite time-consuming and challenging to select the type of building
since we had to consider the conic sections, but again, we were able to come
to an agreement.

2. I was able to expand my knowledge of the various types of structural

elements found in buildings through conic sections. This made me realize
that conic sections have many useful applications, such as in architecture,
where an oval church was designed using conic sections as a foundation. This
entails that conic sections consequently play a significant part in a variety of
fields and are present in our daily lives without our awareness.

C. Gabe, Joannah Celine

1. For the whole duration on the making of our scaffold 1, we were able to
brainstorm different ideas and concepts, along having to acknowledge each
other's opinion by what their preferences are for the design. Additionally, I
find our approach quite strategic as we were considering some various
factors, such as the realistic structure of a specified building we are going to
take reference from. With that being said, the task made me realize how
eager we were to bring out a quality output. I am glad that we were able to
make decisions smoothly, showing how similar our visions are for this task.

2. The lessons on the various conic sections are not only an essential part in the
field of mathematics, but as well as the real world on how such is applied. The
knowledge of conic sections is essential for designing structures such as
arches, domes, and other curved structures. Through the scaffold given, it has
widened my eyes on the application of the different conic sections as it is
commonly seen in buildings. Some are for detailing, but usually, it is the
structure itself. With deep understanding, conic sections are important in the
making of buildings as it can be used for great support in creating a strong
foundation. A strong foundation in which can withstand natural calamities
which is very impressive.

D. Macaponggis, Fatma Hanima

1. As my group mates and I worked on this scaffold, I can say that we’ve had a
great time brainstorming and conceptualizing our ideas and its also a good
thing that for this scaffold we have the same plans and design in mind for our
chosen sketch. This scaffold 1 truly did make our creative and innovative side
come out and combine to develop the perfect architectural design that we all
can relate to. All in all, this scaffold 1 is a great start for my group mates and I,
and hopefully, we may be able to maintain the healthy relationship that we
have against each other and do well in our future scaffolds and most
especially for our performance task.

2. The lessons that we have discussed in this class played a great role in helping
me view the real-world use of the topic by making me understand how these
conic sections are visible in every structure or building in our surrounding
and how they keep that building standing and keeping its structure. Clearly,
these conic sections are not that easy to spot on, on every building, however,
they are doing an important and critical job on each building and their
respective roles in it. Truly, conic sections all around us exceeds beyond our
own expectations on how we view them before, and they provide us essential
concepts and effective way of making an infrastructure stand out. Because of
these lessons, I now fully understand the benefits that these conic sections
have for us and how its concepts are applied in the real world.

E. Masillones, Vince Martin

1. Reflecting on our experience with Scaffold Task 1, we encountered a
multitude of ideas during the brainstorming phase. After rigorous
deliberation, we finally settled on the type of building that would feature
prominently in our final sketch. The process of arriving at this decision
proved to be time-consuming and filled with challenges, particularly as we
had to carefully factor in the intricate nature of conic sections.

2. The lessons we engaged in provided a profound insight into the practical

applications of the topic in the real world. As we delved deeper into the study
of conic sections, I gained a deeper understanding of the diverse structural
elements used in buildings. It became evident that conic sections play a
pivotal role in various fields, including architecture, where they are
harnessed to design unique structures like oval churches. This revelation
underscored the pervasive presence of conic sections in our daily lives, often
operating unnoticed yet significantly shaping the world around us.

F. Puclay, Jachin
1. Our group has worked hard through numerous meetings, brainstorming,
analyzing, and finalizing to perform well and produce an output that is in line
with the instructions and suitable to earn excellent scores. The final design
exactly follows and matches what our group has imagined as its designed
sketch for scaffold 1. In all honesty, our team has found it difficult to cope
with designs that must take creative, analytical, and practical considerations.
The group had the opportunity to work together and share their unique
different views, which enabled us to accomplish our objective effectively and
with confidence. By creating and completing our scaffold, we were able to
demonstrate how these conic sections could be translated into real and useful
architectural designs. These figures continue to contribute to the
establishment of structures and infrastructure that are not only aesthetically
pleasing but also logically designed, solid, and steady.

2. The numerous conic sections that have been identified and are being used to
construct our scaffold 1 each have a specific purpose. through the lessons
that are being discussed about. It made it possible for us to understand
precisely how these conic sections are used in the creation of a variety of
materials, products, and even infrastructure. As a result, knowledge of circles,
parabolas, and ellipses goes beyond what is taught in textbooks or on
PowerPoint slides for precalculus. Similar to the structure we built for our
scaffold 1 task, these principles are also mainly found in the structures and
buildings we see around us every day. The parabola and ellipse curve
provides an effective way of loading that may be found in various kinds of
shapes in such constructions. We now understand that parabolas and ellipses
can visualize complicated ideas in actual buildings, forms, and structures as a
result of how the teachings on parabolas and ellipses were connected to

G. Tuquib, Paolo Enrique

1. I found scaffold 1 as a creative venture into architecture, especially with
implementing conic sections into the structures found in the building. It also
allowed me to work with my groupmates to produce a unique and practical
output that could be implemented in real life.

2. The lessons help me see the real-world use of the topic by providing insights
and formulas on how to make conic sections. There have already been
structures made that showcase conic sections, and they have created unique
and creative structures that stand out from the rest.

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