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THE SECRET OF LIVING ABOVE SIN is a handy revelatory

material that's been proven effective when it's comes to the
warfare of man's independence from the wickedness of the Devil.

The 4 major goals of psychology is to "predict, describe, explain

and control" a behaviour, but if you count how many psychologist
we've on earth, and the amount of moral decadence that's
happened, you'll know that the fight goes beyond just the
provisions of our most prolific psychology.

So many persons are out there looking for a way to scrap out
Christianity and everything that has to do with Christian
education, even nations had gone further to inact certain civil
laws that has handicapped there possibilities and has brought
darkness over them, simple because they feel judged and
intimidated when you mention Jesus Christ and all about God,
but just like Jesus accurately described their situation, so it's.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into
the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because
their deeds were evil.
But I've a good news for you this day, the Jesus Christ who is
our LORD although is God forever, but wasn't "God" during his
33 years on earth, but before I'll tell who he was, let's see what
The Apostle Paul had to say about this.
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ
2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God:
2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the
form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself,
and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Question: So who was he then, He's you and I in the version
God engrafted us into creation in the loins of Adam. That's why
he had to come from the womb of a woman as God promised
the serpent in Genesis 3. Jesus was and did nothing that Adam
couldn't have done and was, before the fall, so in Hebrews 1 v1-4,
we see God tell us to follow Jesus to become the Man we lost
in the first Adam. So Jesus gave us that same position we lost
in our ancestry, and when he completed that particular mission,
he returned as The Holy Ghost to empower us to be exactly as

Therefore this book is for that purpose and if you follow this
series, I'm persuaded that you'll become a Man in the fashion of
the Adam God created prior to the fall, enjoy your study.

(A hand book to overcome the devil's temptations)


1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,

as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

In the above scripture, the Apostle Peter who's one of the

father's of warned us about the personality who's also the
adversary of life tell us his mode of operation, he moves around
and like a roaring lion seeking for who to devour. That reminds
me of the account of Job in the 2nd chapter and the 2nd verse,
we saw this same adversary addressing his pattern of operation
as moving to and fro on the earth, up and down at the same
time and Simon Peter the Apostle found out that he's not
moving aimlessly rather looking for who to tempt, aiming at
shattering someone's hayday.

Knowing the strategy and the target of your enemy gives you an
edge to tame him, and rule over his decisions. The devil is not
really after your going to Heaven or Hell, his main concern is not
about how you will spend your eternity, no, his rather after
something that every believer, child of God, Christian should never
plan to lose, the devil is after your "Dominion".

Matthew 4:8-9 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding

high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world,
and the glory of them;
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt
fall down and worship me.
The above scripture captured one of the devil's temptation
sessions, and this was when Jesus had a 40days and nights
wilderness experience, the Devil came with bags of his lies which
he expected Jesus to fall into. The 3rd version of his lies in this
theatre expression is the version that exposed what his intentions
really are. What the devil was after was not really who Jesus is
or what his mission was because until after the death and
resurrection of Jesus the kingdom of darkness never knew the
implications of the coming of God in the human version (Jesus
Christ) 1 cor. 2v7-10, the devil was rather after the Dominion of
Jesus Christ. Remember that because Jesus had to complete the
requirements of the law which speaks for sin and death in the
flesh that we might be free, so he had to become the Man
according to the disposition of Adam, and that which happened
to the first Adam came again to see if via his subtle means can
reap Jesus of his position or rank in the visible creation.

You see the heaven of heavens is the abode of God and the
devil doesn't have a place there and the Earth according to the
Psalmist in verse 16 of chapter 115 has made us to understand
that Jehovah willed it to mankind and if diligently you look into
the 3rd chapter of the book of Genesis, then you'll find the
scope of the devil's aim and objective in the visible creation.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of
the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the
woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the
fruit of the trees of the garden:
3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the
garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye
touch it, lest ye die.
3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely
3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your
eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and
In the above scriptures we see the account of the 1st temptation
within the visible creation and right in verse 1, the devil was
described and he also began to speak thus: Ye hath God said, ye
shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Now before before we press on further, take a few minutes to


Why would the 1st question has to do with do's and don't's?
Why not other things like going ahead to pluck the fruit and
give it to Eve or try to ask her out of the garden or just try
something else? But he decided to come via the corridor of do's
and don't's. The answer is simple, it's because do's and don't's
signifies "Principles" which the devil knows that he could not
have had his way as long as they stick to the principles given to
them, the devil knows also that if you go against the principles
in any system of life, the system will abort you, thus you can't
break principles, rather principles breaks you. This is the reason
why the Apostle Paul warned his disciples never to think about
messing with their bodies being theTEMPLE OF GOD , the house
and office of the Holy Ghost, lest they be destroyed., So by this
we know that you can't break principles because unlike protocols,
principles areLAWS that are tailored into the fabrics of creation
by God and whenever you go against it, the system aborts you,
your efforts and lock you from coming in again and the
devil(rebel) being a victim of such experience knows that the only
way he could have perverted what God had shown to the the
Psalmist in the 115 chapter, and the 16th verse, is to make the
Man to rebel against the principles of God too by introducing a
protocol that wasn't in constant velocity with his do's and don't's,
since man also is the crown of God's creation in the visible realm,
the devil knows that without dealing with the man, his powers
are meaningless and immediately the Man goes beyond his
jurisdiction came judgement.

Question: Why didn't the devil go ahead and pluck and eat the
fruit by himself?

I will give just 2 response to this question.

1. The fruit couldn't have had effect on the devil, For

" God
knows that in the day ye it thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as 'gods' knowing good and evil".
The above scripture is the response of the adversary to Eve,
and at this time of man's existence, man was the only
creation of God who's also identified as the son of God or
god (PS 82v6) that God kept away from the knowledge of
good and evil and this was because Man was made the
crown of God's creation and the guardian of the visible
creation. Meanwhile the devil wanted the same thing that
happened to him (Ezekiel 28 v11-18) to repeat itself in Adam,
so he dared him to go beyond what God has said don't to.

2. To whom theirs no law, then there's no sin. Fault is not

expected from anyone whom there's no do's and don't's, it's
evil to punish someone, without warning them about an
issue first and it happens that the devil was given no law in
and about the garden of Eden, because he doesn't belong

Note that God God told only the mankind not to eat of this
particular source, not animals, not insects, not even spirits, but
mankind and that's where the woman didn't discern the voice of
the adversary. Most times we humans tends to fall exactly the
victim of Adam, we have this problem of trying to be, have, do
or become things or whom we aren't designed to be, simply
because we want to confirm or affirm a particular school of
thought even when we know that these ideas aren't provided for
our consumption by our maker.

Let me at this time implore the creation of Man as an analogy

to understanding in full my emphasis.

Imagine that Huawei or any of the well known technology

companies decides to design a robot with the aim of facilitating
proficiency in market services and delivery, along the line this
technical support machine somehow deciphered a means of having
full control of its self without the remote control of the company
that made it, you see at this point, even before this machine will
start causing havoc, the company that made it will have to ignite
a kind of shut down programme with any measure available to
tame this product and the reason for this effort is because
robots are made of a certain metallic materials and artificial
intelligence that is able to bring mankind to jeopardy, so the next
effort or assignment of these company will be to retrieve by any
means possible the control system of this machine before it
starts to rain havoc. This is because robots are not designed at
anytime to function as free moral agents. Therefore the principles
to which the system of life is a function of, forbids it to function
as a free moral agent.

Now back to our panorama, the devil came for them to try
something that will make the principles to which they operate to
abort them, because as at that time mankind rank among
creation over Satan and Satan himself wants that position where
he'll have dominion over what God had made. This is what the
adversary is after and not your journey to heaven or hell.

Question: How then does all of these affect my journey to


When Jesus Christ came in the flesh, the Bible made us to know
that his mission was in 2 dimensions:

1. Through Him we could live the life of God as expected of

us at ease, So Jesus heralded that life in the flesh and also
prescribed it to whosoever that desire to work with
God.(Hebrews 1v1-3)

2. Through Jesus we are now reconciled to God as father and

son again. The sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, is the
greatest sacrifice that is and has ever been in the history of
life wether physical or otherwise and the reason Jesus died
is so that we'd not be vulnerable to the wickedness of the
Devil unto slavery, but that by living the life of God we will
become masters to every other creature found at anytime in
this realm.

Now it happens that the only way to overcome into the promise
of everlasting life is Dominion, this is what Jesus meant in his
charges to His disciples prior His ascension in verse 4-8 of
chapter 2 of the book of Acts of the Apostles. And the only
facility that's made for your prosperous existance , is also
responsible for your ticket in eternity and that's what the devil
needs to enslave you here on Earth. And now the LORD God is
saying, that any day you via the scriptures understand what your
value is, then you're able to willed the power of God on earth.

Psalms 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they
walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of
82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the
most High.
82:7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all
The above scripture talk about a prayer session of a Psalmist,
who raised petitions to the LORD God, he witnessed the property
of the wicked and the regressions of the righteous and he came
with supplications and one of the things he said was "how long
will you O LORD judge unjustly, how would you be with us and
the wicked is ruling over us? And at that point the LORD God
decided to open his eyes, to see that the problem of mankind
has been ignorance on our side and He went on to say I've
called them (mankind) gods the sons of the Most High God, but
because they refused to understand like a mare mortal shall they
end and like one of the princes(Satan) shall they fall, and in His
Mercy can a remedial prescription, what is this prescription?
Stand up and cry unto the LORD thus "Arise Ọ LORD and judge
the earth for your offsprings, your posterity shall inherit all
Child of God under the sound of my voice, I don't know your
conviction about your existence, but if only you can pray, if only
you can depend on the LORD God through Jesus Christ our
LORD, your Nation will bow to God in you.

Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the
everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth,
fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his
40:29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no
might he increaseth strength.
40:30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young
men shall utterly fall:
40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
The above scripture shows that the only way we can be like God
is by waiting upon the LORD in the place of prayer and just like
the Psalmist in chapter 91, shall we be the testimony of believers.

With the joy of the LORD in my spirit, I want to use this privy
to say a very big thank you to Jesus, who's turn my night to
day and my shame to honour, may my life mirror his Glory
forever and ever Amen.

I'd never forget Deaconess Mrs. Chinyere Mercy Otuonye the

Mother of priests, the woman whose first son I am, God bless
you dearly Mom.

The Rev'd Pastor Boniface Ogadinma Alozie, the Man who God
used to nurture my infant days in the kingdom and Prophet
Chijioke Eze the Man God used to bring me into the fold.

Apostle Arome Osayi, the Man of God father of many whom God
has been using to bring us into the life of the spirit, Jehovah is
blessed in you.

And my lovely readers and friends out there I love you and God
bless you.

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