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C: Hello teacher, my name is Celeste Luna.

A: And my name is Alessandra Quiroz.

C: Hi, what’s going on?

A: Can you help me with something?
C: Sure, what happened?
A: When it’s Kathy’s birthday?
C: In 2 weeks I think, why do you ask?
A: Because I didn’t buy her a present yet.
C: Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find something.
A: That’s the problem, I’ve been thinking a lot and I still don’t know what to buy
C: And that’s why you need my help.
A: Yes, you know here more than me.
C: Well yeah, we’ve been friends for a long time now.
A: Can you help me with this?
C: Yeah of course, what do you have in mind?
A: I was thinking of giving her something sweet.
C: You mean like chocolates and that kind of stuff?
A: Yes, something like that. What do you think?
C: I don’t think it would be good.
A: Why not? Everybody likes chocolates.
C: Everybody but her. She doesn’t like sweet things.
A: I can’t believe that. What does she like then?
C: She’s vegan, so I don’t food would be a good present.
A: You’re right, I can’t buy her a salad.
C: Maybe you can ask her directly what she wants.
A: No, I don’t like doing that.
C: You’re right.
A: Maybe you can tell me her hobbies.
C: Sure. Well, she likes playing the piano and singing.
A: I can’t buy her a piano, that’s too expensive.
C: She likes classical music, maybe you can take her to a concert.
A: I don’t think so, I don’t have enough money for that.
C: She also likes riding bicycle.
A: Too expensive again.
C: Yeah, it costs a lot of money.
A: Maybe we can go out to drink some coffee.
C: I don’t think so, she doesn’t like going out that much.
A: Another hobby she has?
C: She likes watching anime.
A: I don’t know anything about that.
C: Yeah, me neither. What about a book?
A: She likes reading? I didn’t know that.
C: I just remember that because of an Instagram story she posted.
A: Really, what was it about?
C: It was a book she was reading and she wanted the second one but she didn’t
have enough money to buy it.
A: Oh, I remember that. But what was the book name?
C: I don’t remember, I’m going to check her story.
A: Ok go ahead.
C: Ok the book is called “Boulevard”. And the second book has the same name
but part 2.
A: Then I’m buying the book.
C: Yeah, I think she would love that.
A: Thank you for helping me.
C: Don’t worry, thank you for listening me.

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