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TheView Most Powerful Women

How female leaders are

facing the toughest
challenges of 2018
By Lucy Feldman

Influential women from

diverse fields recently
gathered at this year’s
Fortune Most Powerful
Women Summit in Califor-
nia. They discussed many
of the most pressing issues
of 2018, including sexual
harassment, advances
in tech, the importance
of female representa-
tion on corporate boards
and the mental health of
those serving in our armed
forces. Here, six of the determining what’s desirable—and
noted the importance of businesses’
most poignant moments. embracing that trend. “When you see a
person on YouTube putting on makeup
in their bathroom, you feel a personal
Tricia Griffith connection,” Lauder said, adding that
she thinks influencers are here to stay.
K A P L A N , D U N N , H I L L : P H I L L I P F A R A O N E — F O R T U N E /G E T T Y I M A G E S;

California’s recent move to require publicly traded “It makes it more challenging for us,
corporations within the state to include women on their but it definitely also makes it more
boards proved controversial among business leaders. interesting.”
W E S T: J E R O D H A R R I S — F O R T U N E /G E T T Y I M A G E S

Griffith proposed choosing board members from within Robbie Kaplan

a given company, looking for women “hard at work in Robbie Kaplan and Karen Dunn
operating roles that have a lot of value”—rather than the CHARLOTTESVILLE LITIGATORS
more traditional route of tapping ex-CEOs from outside, Kaplan and Dunn, partners at different
who would not be as familiar with how the company works. law firms, are working together to
represent a dozen individuals injured
Jane Lauder at the 2017 Charlottesville, Va.,
GLOBAL BRAND PRESIDENT OF CLINIQUE protests. Their lawsuit names multiple
Millennials are changing the luxury market. Lauder Karen Dunn defendants, including James Alex
pointed to the trend of social-media influencers’ Fields Jr., who is accused of driving
26 TIME October 22, 2018
Lieut. General Nadja West
In response to a question about
how the military is working to
aid veterans who suffer from
posttraumatic stress disorder, West
described how the Army embeds
behavioral-health specialists within
units to create a more comfortable
and immediate means of talking
through trauma. She also called for
eliminating the stigma associated
with the disorder. “We’ve had
senior leaders—four-star generals,
retired—who came out and said,
‘Look, I had posttraumatic stress
disorder symptoms. I got help,
and you should too,’” West said,
adding that civilians should also
recognize that most cases of PTSD
are treatable.

Anita Hill
Hill took the stage as the nation
fervently debated the sexual-
assault allegations against
now Supreme Court Justice
Brett Kavanaugh. Twenty-seven
years ago, Hill, like Kavanaugh
accuser Christine Blasey Ford
this year, levied allegations
against a Supreme Court nominee
(now Justice Clarence Thomas).
She applauded the strength of
women, saying, “We want to
△ believe that Christine Blasey Ford
a car into counterprotesters, killing Lieut. General Nadja West can survive, that I survived, and
Heather Heyer. Marcus Martin, who discusses her rise through the that each of us will survive this
famously shoved his fiancée out of the ranks of the U.S. Army at the time and any of the indignities that
path of the car, is a client. Dunn and Most Powerful Women summit we have experienced.”
Kaplan described attacks they’ve faced
in response to their work—in Kaplan’s Aicha Evans
case, homophobia and anti-Semitism— CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER
and how they’re pushing forward in OF INTEL
spite of threats. “There’s no settlement Evans spoke frankly, along with
to be had,” Dunn said. “What sort of leaders from Amazon and IBM,
settlement can you imagine would be Anita about the promise—and possible
had with the white supremacists who Hill risks—of artificial intelligence. “To
delivered such violence?” be totally transparent, we are every
day wrestling with how we deal
with this thing,” Evans said. She
asserted that in developing poten-
tially world-altering tech, it’s im-
portant to keep issues like privacy,
safety and ethics in mind. “We need
to be very responsible,” she said. 
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