(Students) Rubrics For Presentation and Written Report

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TIX 2021 Language Acquisition - Presentation Rubric (20%)

Poor Average Good

Presentation on the student background and learning platforms Presentation on the student background and learning platform Presentation on the student background and learning platform
Student background and is incomplete and confusing. is quite complete but the explanation is not satisfactory. is complete and explanation is very good.
learning platform

Limited information in applying the theory and evaluating the A simple description in applying and evaluating the main Good description in applying, analysing, and evaluating key
main concepts and theories of the course / assignment. concepts and theories of the course from readings, discussions, concepts and theories of the course from readings, discussions,
Description of language
Relevance through explanations, conclusions, and / or examples and assignments. Relevance through explanations, conclusions, and assignments. Relevance through explanations, conclusions,
acquisition theory
is quite limited. and / or examples is modest and / or examples is good.
/ concept

The description of the findings is incomplete, quite concise and The description of the findings is quite simple and adequate The description of the findings is very clear with adequate and
Sample descriptions and the examples given are not enough. although brief. More examples are needed. relevant number of examples given.
related examples

Originality & Creativity

Little or no variation; material presented with little originality or Some originality apparent; good variety and blending of Original and creative use of material and good blending of
Original and creative use interpretation materials/media media that captures audience’s attention
of materials

A long summary with some relevant suggestions and only a part A concise & good summary with very relevant suggestions from
A simple summary with some relevant suggestions.
Summary & is related to the findings. the findings.

Presentation Inconsistent use of direct eye contact with the audience, reads Consistent use of direct eye contact with the audience, rarely
Makes direct eye contact with the audience at a minimum,
from the notes several times and speaking with satisfying sees notes and emphasizes important points with a very
while frequently reads notes and speaks in an unclear voice.
Fluency variations of voice tones and of acceptable volume. satisfactory volume of voice and use of voice tones.
TIX 2021 Language Acquisition – Written Report Rubric (30%)

Poor Below Average Average Good

Review of Findings
Review demonstrates limited critical Review demonstrates a satisfactory degree Review demonstrates a high degree of
Review lacks critical thinking. The strengths
thinking. The strengths and weaknesses are of critical thinking. The description of critical thinking. The description of strengths
Criticality of review of and weaknesses are not well described.
described peripherally. strengths and weaknesses is satisfactory. and weaknesses is good.
significant findings

Application of Theory
Insightful and relevant connections made
Minimal connections made with key course Some connections made with key course
Superficial connections are made with key with key course concepts and course
Application of SLA concepts and course materials, activities, concepts and course materials, activities,
course concepts and course materials, materials, activities, and/or assignments
theories/perspectives and/or assignments. through explanations, and/or assignments through explanations,
activities, and/or assignments. through contextual explanations, inferences,
to the language learning inferences, and/or examples. inferences, and/or examples.
and examples.

Language learners and language learning Language learners and language learning Language learners and language learning Language learners and language learning
Background of language
platforms are poorly described. platforms are partly described. platforms are described satisfactorily. platforms are well described.
learners & language
learning platforms

Too lengthy/poor summary with irrelevant lengthy summary with few relevant a quite-concise summary with some relevant
Structure & Conventions

A concise & good summary with relevant

recommendations – not well-linked to the recommendations – partly linked to the recommendations - linked to the findings
Summary & recommendations – well-linked to the findings
findings findings satisfactorily

Writing Quality Well written and clearly organized using

Average and/or casual writing style that is Above average writing style and logically
Poor writing style, unclear, and riddled with standard English, characterized by elements of
sometimes unclear and/or with some errors in organized using standard English with minor
Standard of writing and errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. a strong writing style and free from grammar,
grammar, punctuation, and spelling. errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
organization of points punctuation, and spelling errors.

Academic Style
Attempted to use APA referencing style but APA style in text OR reference list only or > 5 APA style in text and reference list, 3 – 5 minor Accurate APA style in text and reference list 1
Follow APA referencing mostly incorrect. errors errors – 2 minor errors

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