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Hello rekan-rekan mahasiswa,

This week we learn about business letters. Now, please write a business letter from the
following situation.

You organize a charity program with your friends to provide aid during the wildfires in
Hawaii. However, due to lack of funding, you need assistance from some companies to
support your program. Write a business letter asking for donations from Ranz Company.

Your writing should consist of 75-100 words.

Good luck.

Dear Ms. Nagita,

I am writing this letter on behalf Hawai Wildfire Care. Hawai Wildfire Care adalah program amal yang
dibentuk oleh saya dan teman saya. Misinya adalah memberikan bantuan baik sandang maupun
pangan kepada orang-orang yang terdampak dari bencana tersebut.

Sampai surat ini tertulis, kami telah menyalurkan bantuan berupa 1000 kg roti gandum, 1000
selimut, dan 1000 kantong berisi makanan ringan. Kami masih terus menyalurkan bantuan karena
sampai saat ini api belum bisa dipadamkan dan menyebar ke pemukiman lain. Kami berencana akan
memberikan bantuan dengan jumlah yang sama seperti sebelumnya. Agar jumlah tersebut tercapai,
we are asking for your support.

Please consider supporting our program by donating funds. We would greatly appreciate any
donation you can make toward that amount. In exchange for your donation, your company name will
be listed pada setiap paket bantuan.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me at 123-4567 or we thank you in advance for considering our request and for supporting

Hawai Wildfire Care.


Yuyun Sri W.

Leader of Hawai Wildfire Care

Dear Ms. Nagita,

I am writing this letter on behalf of Hawaii Wildfire Care. Hawaii Wildfire Care is a charity program

founded by me and my friends. Its mission is to assist people affected by wildfires in Hawaii.

As of this writing, we have distributed aid in the form of 1000 kg of wheat bread, 1000 blankets, and

1000 bags of snacks. We plan to continue distributing aid because the fire has not been extinguished

and spread to other settlements. We plan to assist in the same amount as before. For that amount to

be achieved, we are asking for your support. Please consider supporting our program by donating

funds. We would greatly appreciate any amount of donation. We will list your company name in each

aid package as a token of appreciation.

If you have any questions or need further information, contact me at 123-4567 or Thank you in advance for considering our request and supporting Hawaii

Wildfire Care.


Yuyun Sri W

Leader of Hawaii Wildfire Care

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