Breachworld Character Folio 2 Elak The Junker

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Jason Richards Publishing Presents

Elak the Junker Breachworld Character Folio #2

A finely detailed, 32mm scale, resin

mini of this character is available on

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Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)
02 Elak the Junker Character Folio

Welcome to the second Character Folio for the Breachworld RPG, and the
first as part of the series of characters featured as 32mm scale miniatures.
Elak is a dark and brooding Tusk who can be a foil for player characters
seeking to infringe on his privacy, or a powerful ally if he can be drawn out
of his mournful isolation. As with all Character Folios, Elak is presented with
stats of varying experience so that he can fit many roles in your game, from
that of a starting character to one with great skill and experience.
Included in this folio:
• Elak the Junker, the Loner Weaponsmith, described and illustrated
• A description of a new mini-location, Elak's Junkyard
• Four sets of full stats for Elak at different levels of experience
• Adventure ideas for getting Elak involved in your campaign
Special Bonus Content
As a special bonus for this offering, you'll also find the complete writeup for
the Tusk as a Player Race. This information is as presented in Breachworld
Player Race Folio #3: Player Races Plus. Check out that title for expan-
ded information on all 13 unique core races for the Breachworld RPG.

© 2017 Jason Richards Publishing, All Rights Reserved. D6 and Mini Six
text, rules, and materials used per Open Game License (OGL). Digital v1.0
(October 2017). Written by Jason Richards. Art by Kevin Cayuela Borg and
Mike Wilson.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elak the Junker
Loner Weaponsmith
I'm telling you that what I found in the junkyard was just that... junk. Elak
isn't there. His trail has gone cold.
- Silver, reporting on her expedition to validate Elak's location
Tusks are renowned for their strength and durability, and more than a typical
share have turned those traits into careers as professional muscle in the Civil-
ized Lands. Others, like Elak, seek out a quieter and more domestic existence,
though violence has a way of showing up in the lives of most Tusks of
Elak is a post-apocalyptic blacksmith who specializes in repur-
posing scrap and junk into usable weapons and armor. He was once
a fixture in Tradepost, where he traded in the market for useful bits
of metal and leveraged his skill at a forge or behind a welding
mask to make a comfortable living with his wife and young son,
Ulari and Elaj.
All Tusks are hunted beings across the Civilized Lands to vary-
ing degrees. Isolation from the anti-alien group, the Resistance, is one
path to relative safety, but the
view of aliens as invaders and
Tusks as inherently dangerous
monsters is well
traveled beyond
just the mem-
bership of
that organiz-
ation. It was
a chance
with a
caravan of
that held such opinions that changed Elak’s
Elak was away from his shop, traveling to the
market at Smoky, when the group of heavily-armed
traders passed through Tradepost. Elak returned to
find his family already in the ground, buried by friends
in the small community. They told a tale of a surprise

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

attack on the Tusks in the middle of the night, their simple home destroyed
with explosives while they slept inside. Others from Tradepost pursued the
murderers and a running battle ensued, but the treacherous merchants were
prepared and beat back their justice-minded pursuers. All escaped.
The news of his family's deaths broke Elak's very soul. He raged and
looked for the murderers to try and extract vengeance, but found no sign of
them. Seemingly without recourse, he simply walked away from his life in
Tradepost to parts unknown.
Months later, talk of a solitary Tusk living in the remains of an ancient
scrapheap started to circulate. Silver, the famed Dru explorer and friend of
Elak, ventured from Tradepost to confirm that her friend had again estab-
lished a residence, but returned only to say that whoever was holed up in that
old junkyard should be left to his own devices.
Despite Silver's report, Elak is the Tusk who has made the junkyard his
home, and he wants nothing but to be left alone. His forge burns and the
hammering of steel can be heard night and day. Anyone venturing close
enough to gain his attention will be violently turned away. Elak is almost feral
with grief and consumed with his desire for complete isolation. Only an en-
counter with the Resistance or the group who killed his family has any real
chance of pulling him out of his self-imposed exile.

Elak's Junkyard
Elak’s junkyard is a bit of hard-packed ground enclosed with a cobbled-
together wall made of scrap metal. There is a small makeshift gate closed
with a chain and a metal pin that has been bent into a sort of lock.
The yard is full of different types of scrap material. Most is metal from
reclaimed buildings, vehicles, tools, and other less-definable sources, but
there are also piles of wood, bricks, plastic, wiring, and scrapped tech.
In the center of the yard sits a reclaimed ruin of a building, erected on top
of an ancient concrete foundation. It is rebuilt in the same manner as the
walls around the compound, with the roof filled in with rough-cut timbers
topped with thatch and fabric. Within the building can usually be seen the
light of a fire and heard the clang of a hammer on metal.

Character stats for Elak follow in four levels of experience: Starting, Experi-
enced, Advanced, and Elite. Utilize whichever best fits your game, or adjust
stats as you see fit.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elak the Junker
Starting Character (0 CP)
Template: Loner Weaponsmith Age: 81 years
Race: Tusk Height: 7 ft (2.1 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 430 lbs (195 kg)
Description: Very large and imposing, but no more than average for
his race. Wears limited, simple clothing and very little or-
namentation aside from a gold band on his left tusk. His
right tusk is broken off near the base.
Personality: Shattered and lonely, and full of rage that lashes out at
anyone that encounters him.
Objectives: Once, to avenge his family. Now, lost and broken, Elak
only wishes to be alone with his tinkering and his grief.
A Quote: "You've got the wrong guy. Get out."
Might 4D+1 Charm 1D
Axe 5D+1 Courage 1D
Brawl 4D+2 Persuade 1D
Lift 4D+1 Intimidate 4D
Stamina 4D+1
Move 14
Agility 3D
Athletics 3D Perks
Dodge 3D+2 Armor, Heavy (already included in Soak)
Throw 3D Unstunnable
Wit 3D+2 Complications
Craft 3D+2 Enemies
Weapons 5D+2 Combat Stats
Armor 4D+2
Repair 3D+2 Block 14
Weapons 4D+2 Dodge 11
Armor 5D+2 Parry (Axe) 16
Search 4D Soak 19
Survive 4D+1 Gear
Partial metal and leather armor (+3 Soak)
Large metal shield
Huge Axe (+3D+1)
Smoke grenades (x3)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elak the Junker
Experienced Character (46 CP)
Template: Loner Weaponsmith Age: 81 years
Race: Tusk Height: 7 ft (2.1 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 430 lbs (195 kg)
Description: Very large and imposing, but no more than average for
his race. Wears limited, simple clothing and very little or-
namentation aside from a gold band on his left tusk. His
right tusk is broken off near the base.
Personality: Shattered and lonely, and full of rage that lashes out at
anyone that encounters him.
Objectives: Once, to avenge his family. Now, lost and broken, Elak
only wishes to be alone with his tinkering and his grief.
A Quote: "You've got the wrong guy. Get out."
Might 4D+1 Charm 1D
Axe 6D Courage 2D
Brawl 4D+2 Persuade 1D+1
Lift 4D+2 Intimidate 4D+1
Stamina 4D+2
Move 14
Agility 3D
Athletics 3D Perks
Dodge 4D Armor, Heavy (already included in Soak)
Throw 3D+1 Unstunnable
Wit 3D+2 Complications
Craft 4D Enemies
Weapons 6D Combat Stats
Armor 5D
Repair 3D+2 Block 14
Weapons 4D+2 Dodge 12
Armor 5D+2 Parry (Axe) 18
Search 4D+1 Soak 19
Survive 5D Gear
Partial metal and leather armor (+3 Soak)
Large metal shield
Huge Axe (+3D+1)
Smoke grenades (x3)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elak the Junker
Advanced Character (1 07 CP)
Template: Loner Weaponsmith Age: 81 years
Race: Tusk Height: 7 ft (2.1 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 430 lbs (195 kg)
Description: Very large and imposing, but no more than average for
his race. Wears limited, simple clothing and very little or-
namentation aside from a gold band on his left tusk. His
right tusk is broken off near the base.
Personality: Shattered and lonely, and full of rage that lashes out at
anyone that encounters him.
Objectives: Once, to avenge his family. Now, lost and broken, Elak
only wishes to be alone with his tinkering and his grief.
A Quote: "You've got the wrong guy. Get out."
Might 4D+1 Charm 1D
Axe 6D+1 Courage 3D
Brawl 5D+1 Persuade 2D
Lift 5D Intimidate 5D
Stamina 4D+2
Move 14
Agility 3D
Athletics 3D+2 Perks
Dodge 4D+1 Armor, Heavy (already included in Soak)
Throw 3D+2 Unstunnable
Wit 3D+2 Complications
Craft 4D+2 Enemies
Weapons 6D+2 Combat Stats
Armor 5D+2
Repair 4D Block 16
Weapons 5D Dodge 13
Armor 6D Parry (Axe) 19
Search 5D Soak 19
Survive 5D+1 Gear
Partial metal and leather armor (+3 Soak)
Large metal shield
Huge Axe (+3D+1)
Smoke grenades (x3)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elak the Junker
Elite Character (21 9 CP)
Template: Loner Weaponsmith Age: 81 years
Race: Tusk Height: 7 ft (2.1 m)
Sex: Male Weight: 430 lbs (195 kg)
Description: Very large and imposing, but no more than average for
his race. Wears limited, simple clothing and very little or-
namentation aside from a gold band on his left tusk. His
right tusk is broken off near the base.
Personality: Shattered and lonely, and full of rage that lashes out at
anyone that encounters him.
Objectives: Once, to avenge his family. Now, lost and broken, Elak
only wishes to be alone with his tinkering and his grief.
A Quote: "You've got the wrong guy. Get out."
Might 4D+1 Charm 1D
Axe 7D Courage 3D+2
Brawl 6D Persuade 3D
Lift 5D Intimidate 6D
Stamina 4D+2
Move 14
Agility 3D
Athletics 4D+1 Perks
Dodge 5D Armor, Heavy (already included in Soak)
Throw 4D+1 Unstunnable
Wit 3D+2 Complications
Craft 6D Enemies
Weapons 8D Combat Stats
Armor 7D
Repair 5D+1 Block 18
Weapons 6D+1 Dodge 15
Armor 7D+1 Parry (Axe) 21
Search 6D Soak 19
Survive 5D+2 Gear
Partial metal and leather armor (+3 Soak)
Large metal shield
Huge Axe (+3D+1)
Smoke grenades (x3)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Adventure Hooks
The following hooks describe possible encounters with Elak, and ways that
he may serve as a conduit for adventure in your game. Use one or all as best
fits your game.
Scavenging Opportunity. The player characters encounter a walled
scrapyard that seems to be abandoned. Inside, viewable through gaps in the
fence, is a treasure trove of possible salvage. In every pile and heap there are
usable bits of metal, plastic, tech, and unknown possibilities beyond. It is a
great find for any wandering adventurer looking to upgrade or repair equip-
ment, or just make a little profit.
Any foray into the junkyard is met by a very angry Tusk, who is more
enraged by the infringement on his privacy than by attempted theft. He
insists on the party’s immediate departure. If the player characters argue,
Elak will attack, though only engage as required to get the trespassers to
Unexpected Reinforcement. The player characters find themselves in a
battle on the road with members of the human supremacist group, the
Resistance. At a moment when the pro-human militants have the upper
hand, the characters receive unexpected assistance from an armored Tusk,
wielding his huge axe and shield. The Resistance fighters turn tail when it is
clear the Tusk means business.
Elak is loath to offer any further assistance for the tired, hungry, or
wounded player characters, but can eventually be convinced. He offers very
temporary shelter and aid in his junkyard refuge. Everyone knows that the
Resistance, who relentlessly hunts the mighty Tusks, is likely to return with
every intent to destroy both the player characters and Elak, leaving a series
of tough choices ahead.
Old Wounds. The player characters know of Elak’s tragic story after once
hearing it from the local Dru guide, Silver, on a stop Tradepost. Sometime
later, the party encounters a band of traders that match the description of
those who murdered Elak’s family. Further investigation finds that this
group of rogues has a history of bragging about taking down a pair of
Tusks and collecting a Resistance bounty. This is all information that would
be very interesting to the regular residents of Tradepost, and to Elak, if
anyone knows where to find him.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

They say we weren’t much more than rodents. We lived in caves and hollows,
scraping out a living as scavengers. Stepped on and eradicated as a nuisance or a
pest. We were the smallest and most helpless of creatures and we lived by luck,
or fate, or whatever.
I don’t know how we came to be here on Earth. Nobody is left who made the
trip. Now, funny enough, we’re the biggest and baddest folks around.
Still hated and hunted, though.
OralHistories ofthe New Earth
G.S. Ritchey
The Breaches have brought to Earth few
more physically impressive beings
than the Tusks. These hulking ali-
ens, despite being rare in the
Civilized Lands, are well
known as elite bodyguards,
hired muscle, mercenaries,
and heavy laborers. They
are commonly said to
be the strongest hu-
manoids ever dis-
covered, and there is
little which can be
done to refute it. The
sight of a Tusk wielding
a squad-operated ma-
chine gun as if it had the
weight of the average
combat rifle, or tearing
trees up by the roots, is
proof enough for most.
They are further
renowned for their abil-
ity to shrug off a blade,
bullet, or even projected
energy beam as if it was
nothing, thanks to their
bony natural armor
and unique body
chemistry. It is easy

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Tusk Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Armor, Heavy
Might: 3D/6D Unstunnable
Agility: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Wit: 1D/3D+2 Enemies
Charm: 1D/2D+1
Move: 14
Other Information
Size: 6 feet, 9 inches to 7 feet, 8 inches (2.1 to 2.3 m)
Weight: 350 to 510 lbs (160 to 230 kg)
Lifespan: 120 to 150 years
Offspring: Bears a child after a a 14-month pregnancy.
Language: The native language of Tusks has been forgotten.
Speaks a variety of common Earth languages.

for a Tusk to find work as muscle of one form or another, but they are also
underrated leaders, tacticians, and mechanics with an intellect on par with
most races.
The Tusks found in the Civilized Lands are all the descendants of those who
came to Earth through a Breach somewhere else in North America, genera-
tions ago. Therefore, none of the Tusks regularly encountered have any
knowledge of their homeworld beyond what oral tradition has been handed
down, and lack even memory of a native tongue, instead conversing in Eng-
lish, Spanish, and a smattering of other regional Earth languages.
Tusk tradition tells tales of a homeworld which is deific in scale, where
they were among the smallest and weakest of races. They lived as little more
than vermin to vastly more powerful, godlike beings. This may mean that,
unlike most aliens who have been pulled to Earth through disastrous or acci-
dental phenomena, these brutes may originally have been willing immigrants
to escape a far worse situation than the trials offered by Earth. The location
of the Breach which bridges the Tusk homeworld and Earth is unknown. It’s

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

possible it continues to bring in refugees from the Tusks’ home dimension,
and that somewhere on Earth there exist many more of these powerful ali-
Feared and Hunted
These monstrous beings are isolated from others by their incredibly frightful
stature and appearance, and their reputation as powerful warriors. Most other
beings, human and alien alike, steer clear of the brutes when they cross paths
on the road or at a trading post, and are quick to defer to them if any dis-
agreement should arise.
Since the first Tusks began to arrive in the Civilized Lands, they have been
the targets of an active extermination campaign by the Resistance. The anti-
alien network is intensely aware of the raw power a Tusk brings to a fight and
has issued widespread orders for their extermination by all available kill
squads. They also publish literature and spread rumors directed at drumming
up fear and mistrust of the hulking aliens, resulting in common fears among
humans that Tusks carry diseases or are cannibals. They also issue bounties
against the lives of Tusks through third parties in the hope that humans, or
even aliens, unaffiliated with the Resistance can be convinced to take a shot at
removing one of the brutes from the board.
Shared Objectives
Through their suffering at the hands of many humans, Tusks have found an
ally in the form of the Cooperative. The progressive group of thinkers, ex-
plorers, and historians are always in need of strong backs and keen fighters to
assist them in their search for knowledge and their quest to close the world’s
Breaches. Their alien-inclusive attitude puts the group at odds with organiza-
tions such as the Resistance, which makes the Cooperative and Tusks natural
Tusks are recruited by Cooperative cells whenever they are encountered in
the Civilized Lands. Even if they do not join the cause, Cooperative agents
are always quick to offer whatever assistance they can to help the brutish ali-
ens keep from running afoul of the Resistance, or other like-minded groups.
Tusks have suffered generations as a hunted people, which has taken its toll.
Many have given over to anger and frustration, aimed squarely at a world
proven to be disproportionately dangerous for them. They are suspicious of
new people and most often want nothing more than to be left alone. Given
the expectation by many that they are savage monsters, it is often easiest for a
Tusk to just accept the role of an overbearing bully.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Given their marked status, Tusks are understandably hesitant to trust oth-
ers, especially humans. They keep fellowship with one or two of their own
race, when possible, but their thin numbers and knack for meeting violent
ends makes building community among their own kind difficult. When a
Tusk does befriend a human or alien, the bond formed is incredibly strong.
Tusks are fiercely loyal to those they choose as their comrades. Fortunate
friends of Tusks can attest to their kindness and devotion.
The few Tusks found across the Civilized Lands can be encountered in most
places free of the influence of the Resistance and other anti-alien groups.
Many, especially those who try to lead peaceful lives, choose to live in relative
seclusion in the wild places of the world. Those who hire themselves out as
soldiers, bodyguards, or other muscle can most often be found in alien-dom-
inated centers of trade, especially those looking to bring violence to the
doorsteps of enemies who would hunt them down. Those working with the
Cooperative travel across the Civilized Lands on their various missions.
Tusks are tall, broad, and massive in every way. Their hairless bodies are
covered in bony gray plates which act as natural armor over the steel blue
skin which can be seen peeking through from beneath. Tusks get their name
from the two tusks that extend from their lower jaw, which are often banded
with metal rings or carved with ornamental designs.
Also Known As
Brutes or Tanks.

Fighting a Tusk
There are many common methods to try and take on a Tusk in combat:
Burst fire. Burst fire is an incredibly expensive option, as it uses a lot of
valuable ammunition, but nobody said fighting a Tusk would be cheap.
Scaled weapons. Weapons designed to take on light armored vehicles
(+2D scale weapons) leverage greater firepower than typical firearms.
Fire with fire. A skilled and physically powerful combatant with a heavy
melee weapon and sturdy armor may be able to go toe-to-toe with a Tusk,
though that is a game with very high stakes.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)
Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

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