Breachworld Player Race Folio 3 Player Races Plus

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Jason Richards Publishing Presents

PLAYER RACES+ Breachworld Player Race Folio #3

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

03 Player Races+
Player Race Folio

Welcome to the third Player Race Folio for the Breachworld RPG. Unlike
previous installments that featured a single Player Race, you'll find expansions
of all 13 original races from the RPG, with additional detail and expanded
material such as more extensive background, more detailed statistics, and
various extras.

Human • Reptilian Raider

Climber • River Folk
Demonkin • Machine Man • Tusk
Dru • Morlock
• Pathos

© 2017 Jason Richards Publishing, All Rights Reserved. D6 and Mini Six
text, rules, and materials used per Open Game License (OGL).
Art by Amy Ashbaugh, Damon Bowie, Matthew Bryan, Marcus Lindren,
Mike Mumah, RJ Palmer, Eric Quigley, and Michael Wilson.
Digital v1.0 (July 2017).

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Creating New Player Races
The following pages are a good representation of the types of Player Races
that are found in Breachworld, specifically in the region known as the Civil-
ized Lands. The game world is one of engless diversity, however, so if you
don't find exactly what you're looking for here, feel free to create your own
alien beings from beyond a Breach.
There are no hard and fast rules regarding assigning stat limits or dice.
Most races have 12D for attributes, plus or minus up to 2D depending on the
“power level" of the race. Most also have 7D for skills, plus or minus up to
3D depending on how advanced or innately skilled the race is, with adjust-
ments made for Racial Perks.
Not all beings are created equal and some will be more powerful than
others, but always be mindful of Rule #1: have fun.

Playing the “Little Guys”

Player Races are designed with the player characters in mind, who on the
whole are above average in many ways. This includes their attributes and
level of skill. For a more down-to-Earth experience, try playing a more
common character. The average human has only 10D to distribute to
attributes at the time of character creation, and only 5D in skills.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

The Historical Record shows us our ancestors wondered whether or not they
were alone in the cosmos. That question was the focus of countless scientific
publications as well as the subject of novels and films and games and all types
ofmedia. They asked, “Is Earth the sole wellspring ofintelligent life?” It is now
abundantly clear the universe is full of sentient beings. And so now, is the
Our World
G.S. Ritchey
Whether a native of Earth or originating from some
other Earth-like world across time and space, hu-
mans represent more or less the interdimensional
average of intelligent species. They have no great
racial advantages, but no great disadvantages,
either. If they have a defining trait, it is a certain re-
silience and adaptability. Humans are found across
all of the planes of existence because they can
learn most any skill required to survive, and are
physically and mentally hardy enough to endure.
Native Earth humans, referred to as Earthlings,
can be found across Breachworld, and make up
roughly half of the world’s population. Earthlings
are much the same as they were during the
Golden Age of the 21st century, with the same
range of ethnicities and variations in appearance.
The Gates made racial diversity more widespread
than ever during the Golden Age, so the des-
cendants of such a varied population are simil-
arly diverse. Racial distinctions have long since
lost any importance they still held at the time
of The Fall. Discovery that other alien beings
exist, and humanity is commonplace across
other worlds, makes the differences
between Earth’s humans seem trivial by
Keeping Earth’s traditions alive through
the Lost Age was important to many sur-
vivors of The Fall, and helped humanity to

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Human Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 7D None
Might: 1D/4D Racial Complications:
Agility: 1D/4D None
Wit: 1D/4D
Charm: 1D/4D
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 5 feet to 6 feet, 3 inches (1.5 to 1.9 m)
Weight: 100 to 240 lbs (50 to 110 kg)
Lifespan: 70 to 90 years
Offspring: Bears a single child after a 9-month pregnancy, with
approximately 3% of pregnancies resulting in birth
of multiples, usually twins.
Language: Earthlings speak a variety of Earth languages. Hu-
mans from other worlds may speak alien languages,
but easily learn those of Earth.
Oddities: An unusual variety of physical characteristics between
humans of various origins.

survive centuries of chaos. As a result, many Earthlings still maintain the

practice of a wide range of religions and societal values. Others lost their tra-
ditional ways over time, only to adopt new customs which may still have
hundreds of years of history behind them. Some Earthlings have even adop-
ted alien cultures or religions, either by choice, or by way of zealous evangel-
Humans who have found their way to Earth through a Breach may look in-
distinguishable from those native to the planet, but many have slight vari-
ances in appearance. Beings who are biologically human with the exception
of some superfluous physical characteristics are often referred to as near-hu-
mans. Common noticeable cosmetic variations are often limited to strange
shades or patterns of colors of the skin, eyes, or hair. Other unusual physical

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

characteristics may include pointed ears, a vestigial tail, abnormal ridges or
shaping to the skull, hands, or ears, or other such distinguishing feature.
The culture of near-humans varies as greatly as does their experience,
with different alien races carrying their own traditions with them across the
barriers of time and space. One universally troublesome dilemma for near-
humans involves altering their appearance to fit in with their Earthling cous-
ins. Many alien-originated humans look enough like Earth natives to be able
to pass with minor physical modifications, such as coloring hair, wearing
makeup, or undergoing simple cosmetic surgery. This presents a conundrum,
as fitting in with the majority of humans can greatly simplify life for these di-
mensional castaways, but being found “impersonating” Earthlings is viewed
as deceitful and subversive by many native humans, even to the point of eli-
citing violence. The discovery and exposure of such “insurgents” is a power-
ful weapon used by anti-alien or pro-Earthling groups, such as the Resistance.
Earthlings of Breachworld,
and many alien humans,
display the same variations Game Design Note: Rolling D66
in appearance as did their Some optional tables presented with this
pre-Fall ancestors. As previ- Player Race call for rolling "D66." This isn't
ously noted, near-humans in the basic Breachworld ruleset, but is a
come in a variety of forms useful and easy tool. It is achieved by rolling a
of what an Earthling would D6 twice. The first roll is the first digit, and
call “human.” Only cosmet- the second roll is the second digit. So, if
ic differences from an array rolling D66 on the Near-Human Traits chart
too vast to list set them yields first a 1 and then a 5, the result is 15.
apart from the native kin. Looking up that number in the chart, the
It is worth noting that trait is “Ear shape.” Very simple.
most species of humans are
anatomically and genetically compatible. The appearance of the offspring of
such couplings varies. In some cases children always bear the physical ap-
pearance of the genetically dominant race of the pairing. In others, the ap-
pearance of a crossbreed child is a fifty-fifty proposition. In still others,
offspring appear as a rough middle ground between the appearances of his
or her parents.
Also Known As
In addition to the typical proper noun, Earthlings, humans of Earth ancestry
are also sometimes called Locals, Terrans, Sols, or Natives. Near-humans are
sometimes known as Imposters, Changelings, or Copycats.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Near-Human Traits
The below table is intended to help determine unusual characteristics for
near-humans. The characteristics may be unsightly or beautiful, incredibly
distinctive or very minor. Traits are outside human norms, but do not create
bonuses or penalties.
Roll 1D6 to determine the number of alien traits. Select the desired traits
from the below list, or roll D66 randomly to determine. Feel free to add to
or subtract from this list, or to discard random roll results which conflict
with each other.

D66 Result D66 Result

11 Skin color 41 No external ears
12 Eye color 42 Very little hair on head
13 Hair color 43 Excessive hair on head
14 Eye color 44 No body hair
15 Ear shape 45 Excessive body hair
16 Nose shape 46 Ridges on head/face
21 Head shape 51 Ridges on torso
22 Thin build 52 Ridges on arms/legs
23 Bulky build 53 Unusually short stature
24 Four digits per hand/foot 54 Unusually tall stature
25 Six digits per hand/foot 55 Vestigial webbed fingers
26 Vestigial tail 56 Vestigial webbed toes
31 Fur instead of hair 61 Vestigial wings
32 Striped skin 62 Warm body temperature
33 Striped hair 63 Cool body temperature
34 Spotted/speckled skin 64 Large hands and/or feet
35 Spotted/speckled hair 65 Small hands and/or feet
36 No external nose 66 Rearranged internal organs

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Random Colors
If you need inspiration determining a color for an unusual trait such as hair,
skin, or eye color, roll D66 on the table below to get you started.
D66 Result D66 Result
11 Pitch Black 41 Magenta
12 Primary Blue 42 Mahogany
13 Silver 43 Peach
14 Green 44 Pink
15 Orange 45 Olive
16 Primary Red 46 Yellow Orange
21 Red Orange 51 Bronze Yellow
22 Sky Blue 52 Lilac
23 Violet 53 Copper
24 Chalk White 54 Green Blue
25 Primary Yellow 55 Pale Yellow
26 Yellow Green 56 Light Orange
31 Aqua Green 61 Maroon
32 Golden Yellow 62 Pine Green
33 Gray 63 Raspberry
34 Jade Green 64 Salmon
35 Teal 65 Slate
36 Taupe 66 Turquoise

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

When my companions and I happened upon the towering habitation of the
Climber community, we were promptly invited up to trade with them, and to
enjoy some rest. Seeing how the kindly aliens casually flung themselves up the
jagged wall toward their residential levels, I deferred to my comrades and vo-
lunteered to stay on watch on the ground. My frame is not optimized for
climbing, or for surviving inevitable falls from extreme heights.
Excerpt from traveljournalofEffee (CDoc ANTH-062-8bap)
In the towering ruins of cities and in the canopies of wild forests live a race
known commonly as Climbers. The natural agility and climbing abilities
which give these aliens their name offer them unique advantages and oppor-
tunities on post-Fall Earth. The highest places of the world, particularly in
ruined cities, are inaccessible for most beings and relatively safe from the ma-
jorities of threats, whether monstrous animals and demonic creatures or the
bandits and raiders which are so prevalent across the Civilized Lands.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Climber Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Climbing
Might: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Agility: 2D+1/5D None
Wit: 1D/4D
Charm: 1D+1/3D+1
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 4 feet, 9 inches to 5 feet, 10 inches (1.4 to 1.8 m)
Weight: 100 to 210 lbs (50 to 100 kg)
Lifespan: 55 to 70 years
Offspring: Bears a child after an 8-month pregnancy.
Language: Native language features many drawn-out "hmmmm"
and "hnnnn" sounds with nuanced inflections carrying
significant meaning. The same sounds tend to carry
over as an accent when speaking Earth languages.

Climbers reach skyward to establish their own villages or just to scavenge

long-unattainable bits of historical treasures.
Climbers originate on a sky-dwelling world where most go their entire lives
without setting foot on solid ground, living out their days atop networks of
massive towers. Their homeworld featured stunning architecture and building
technologies on par with anything from the Golden Age. Their version of
Gate travel was far less widespread than that found on Earth, but just as
sophisticated. It operated without serious incident for generations before it
was affected by the collapse of Earth’s Gates. When the Breaches appeared
on Earth, the phenomenon rippled through space and time and caused
massive malfunctions in the Climbers’ Gate network, leading to the trans-
portation of so many of its people to post-Fall Earth. The state of the world
these visitors left behind is not known.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Life in the Sky
Climbers always feel more at home when off the ground, so when they con-
gregate they build homes and communities in towering structures or trees.
Most ideal for their purposes are surviving apartment buildings and office
complexes intact enough to support some simple structures, but inaccessible
enough from the ground that they do not invite predators or scavengers.
Climbers build very few bridges or anything most would consider stairs or
ladders. They move from level to level and platform to platform by perform-
ing feats of agility and strength which would make most daredevils shudder.
It’s a common sight in a Climber colony to see young children hanging care-
lessly over a chasm hundreds of feet down, or to see parents swing from
landing to landing with a baby held freely in one hand, so at ease are the
Climbers with their physical gifts.
In the absence of anything else suitable, they have been known to erect
tall poles to serve as the foundations for their homes and villages. While it is
hard to build truly spectacular architecture while trying to survive the hard-
ships of Earth, even the comparative simplicity of their makeshift villages
atop skyscraping ruins or networks of treehouses are complex, elegant, and
impressive to behold. Friendly outsiders are often invited to take rest within
the homes of these accommodating aliens, so tales of their wonder are com-
monly traded yarns among travelers.
Climbers do not always stay tucked away in their lofty homes. Necessity
requires travel over land just for moving from place to place in search of re-
sources and trade partners, or to explore the world in which they find them-
selves. Many turn salvage operations into profitable business ventures by
selling goods recovered from towering ruins in shops in various towns or
trading posts, or simply set up mobile storefronts which move between areas
containing ruined high-rises, collecting and selling as they go. If not salvaging,
Climbers often hire themselves out as wilderness guides, navigators, or even
skilled muscle for those making their way through the tall places of Earth.
Climbers are naturally good-natured and friendly, thus are often considered
naive or gullible by bandits or grifters, though in reality are as sharp-minded
as most other races. Their disposition helps them to get along well with hu-
mans who do not mind alien company, and other peaceful races.
Breaches from their homeworld continue to deposit Climbers in small groups
of five to ten across the globe, so they may be found almost anywhere in
small numbers. Because their first instinct is to seek out high ground inac-

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

cessible to dangers, many small groups end up finding other Climbers amid
tall ruins or in the tall forested areas of the region. These reunions in places
of refuge have turned into numerous small villages in what were once down-
town areas of Dallas and Houston in particular, despite the huge concentra-
tions of Breaches found in those zones. Climbers also have a number of
small, but thriving communities in the eastern portions of the Civilized
Lands in the wooded region once known as the Piney Woods.
Climbers are roughly human-sized, but have incredibly long, almost simian
arms and powerful legs which end in prehensile feet. Their wide-tipped fin-
gers and toes have small, retractable barbs, unsuited for combat but ideal for
scaling even the steepest surfaces. Their small, hairless heads have only simple
slits for a mouth, nose, and ears, and sit atop thin necks. They have coarse tan
skin with subtle brown, textured splotches.
Also Known As
Tree Men or Freeclimbers.

Skyscraping Salvage
Climbers who live in the upper levels of ancient ruins have many interesting
salvage opportunities, some of which may include:
Personal electronics. Screens, cells, other consumer electronics of the
Golden Age are incredibly resilient and if somewhat protected from the
elements may even be in excellent condition. Even goods which aren’t still
in working order contain valuable components.
Jewelry. While clothing has almost always rotted away over the centuries,
jewelry made of precious metals, stones, and especially Golden Age
materials can survive for millennia and only needs a good cleaning and
buffing to look like new. Shiny bits fetch a good price in high-end markets,
or in some cases can be melted down and used to construct or repair
delicate electronics.
Birds and eggs. May birds, to say nothing of flying Breach creatures, roost
high in the ruins of ancient buildings. Birds may be captured and sold for
food, or their eggs collected for trade.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

My fear isn't about their tech or the fact that they're damn hard to kill or even
the way they drag us off to eat us as they please. My fear comes from this gut
feeling that they're just warming up and have much worse in store.
Slayers recruitment letter
Tala Ocampo
On Earth, and on every other planet they are un-
leashed upon, the Demonkin are a plague. They are
a warlike, technologically advanced race easily identi-
fied by their demonic appearance. Nomadic raiding
parties of Demonkin warriors are feared across the
Civilized Lands for their brutal violence and tak-
ing of humanoid prisoners for use as
slaves and livestock. They thrive in the
Civilized Lands in part thanks to
their superior energy weapons
which accompanied them to
Earth during their passage
through the Breaches.
The Demonkin homeworld
suffered a fate like that of
Earth, when their own di-
mensional portal techno-
logy catastrophically failed.
Instead of opening mil-
lions of doorways into
their own world, as
happened on Earth, the
portals led outward to count-
less other worlds.
Their failed Gates ripped at
the fabric of existence and did
physical damage to the planet.
The global disaster brought their
world to the brink of destruc-
tion. Seeing their own planet
was doomed, the Demonkin
looked at the Breaches as es-

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Demonkin Stats
Attribute Dice: 11D+1 Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Healing, Lesser
Might: 2D/5D Armor, Light
Agility: 1D/4D Racial Complications:
Wit: 2D/5D Infamous
Charm: 1D/3D
Move: 16
Other Information
Size: 5 feet, 10 inches to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) to the crown
of the head. Horns add 1 to 2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 m).
Weight: 190 to 300 lbs (90 to 140 kg)
Lifespan: 95 to 120 years
Offspring: Bears triplets as often as once per year, only two of
which typically survive past infancy.
Language: The Demonkin language is a guttural set of unintell-
igible growls. If they can learn to speak or understand
Earth languages, they show little interest in doing so.
cape hatches directed outward across space and time. For generations, the
Demonkin have bred and outfitted a never-ending horde on their dying
world, continually sending more hellish soldiers blindly through the Breaches,
not knowing where they might land. Many thousands of them find them-
selves on Earth, intent on violent conquest.
Society of Violence
Demonkin society is based on subjugation within their own ranks, and of
conquered foes. They establish tribal dominions ruled by the strongest
among them, brutally climbing the ranks through murder, intimidation, and
even ritual combat. A Demonkin warlord’s power over his or her people is
absolute, though failure to provide for the tribe inevitably results in a swift
and brutal uprising and new leadership.
The Demonkin of the Civilized Lands do not demonstrate sophisticated
civilization in the sense that they do not participate in agriculture, establish
permanent settlements, or engage in formal government. They constantly

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

hunt for fresh resources to claim, literally devouring anyone who attempts to
stand against them, as they consume little but raw flesh, humanoid or other-
wise. Humans and other intelligent races are taken along with livestock and
other animals to feed the hungry armies.
Tech Demons
Demonkin weapons technology is highly sophisticated and powerful, and
their energy weapon technology exceeds anything produced on Earth during
the Golden Age. Capable of killing or simply stunning live targets, the De-
monkin Rifle is an effective weapon of destruction as well as a tool for gath-
ering live victims as slaves or food stock. Stun Flails and Grenades are
similarly advanced. The secret to fully recharging these weapons has yet to be
unlocked, however, as recharging any Demonkin weapon from a terrestrial
power source sees it made only half its normal potency. Still, they are highly
sought after weapons even when not operating at peak performance.
Heartless and cruel, both to outsiders and to their own kind. Demonkin who
view themselves as in command do not tolerate disobedience or disrespect,
and are always actively looking to take offense, and always itching for a fight.
Demonkin are encountered most frequently in the southern portions of the
Civilized Lands, leading many to believe their Breach of origin lies some-
where to the south. Their nomadic war parties range all over, however, so
they may be encountered anywhere.
There are rumors that a larger, permanent Demonkin settlement exists to
the south, where spoils are sometimes taken along with intelligent humanoids
who are placed into breeding programs to provide a renewable food source.
It is further suggested that the Breach linking Earth to the Demonkin home-
world is stable, and produces periodic reinforcements with fresh shipments
of weapons and equipment, making them a never-ending threat.
Demonkin have flame-red skin, strong legs with hoofed feet, beaked mouths,
a spiked tail, and two long horns protruding from their forehead. Their hides
are thick and their wounds heal quickly, making them formidable enemies.
Also Known As
Breach Devils, Devilkin, or Tech Demons.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Demonkin Rifle
The Demonkin Rifle fires a unique packeted energy charge, as opposed to
the beam of intense light emitted by a laser weapon. While still an energy
weapon, it packs a more substantial punch, yet is still able to be wielded by a
single soldier. Recovered specimens have unique cells that are difficult to
charge by human methods, resulting in a weapon that does half damage.
Skill: Rifle
Damage: 6D; 3D if recharged by traditional human means.
May be set to lethal or stun settings.
Ammo: 25 blasts
Range: 100/500/1000 feet
30/150/300 m
Demonkin Stun Flail
This brutal melee weapon is intended to be wielded by a warrior one-
handed, but requires two for those with lesser strength (Might less than 4D).
It is a savage crushing weapon consisting of a handle, from which extends a
flexible high-strength cable terminating in a heavy sphere. When energized,
in addition to physical damage the flail does substantial stun damage capable
of knocking victims unconscious.
Skill: Blunt
Damage: +1D+2 physical damage
4D stun damage; 2D if recharged by human means.
Ammo: 10 stun charges
Notes: When dealing damage, resolve physical damage first,
then stun damage as a separate Might check.
Demonkin Stun Grenade
A single-use weapon that releases an intense ion charge into the air that is
capable of stunning opponents within its short range. Cannot be recharged.
Skill: Throw
Damage: 3D stun damage
Ammo: Single use, cannot be recharged
Range: 15/40/100 feet
5/9/30 m
Radius 10 feet/3 m

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

For my good buddy Arut, who showed me time and again that book smarts
are great, but a Dru working the field at your side is better.
Dedication from Zel’s Farming Essentials
Zel Ditdit
Dru are a race of peace- and nature-loving humanoids known for their wan-
derlust and limited psychic connection with animals. They are very common
throughout the Civilized Lands and beyond, and have thrived on Earth as
expert agriculturalists,
explorers, and scouts.
The transplanted ali-
ens find Breachworld
to be very much like
their home, a world
they call Wildscape, in
many respects. It has
wide open wilderness
covering much of the
surface, with towns
and cities isolated
from one another
geographically. There
is no urban sprawl, as
the Dru as a people
greatly value the out-
doors and being in the
Breaches appeared
on Wildscape sud-
denly and spontan-
eously. When the
anomalies arrived, the
Dru had no Gate
technology of their
own like most who
found themselves
transported to Earth.
The Breaches simply

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Dru Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 5D Dru Beast Tongue
Might: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Agility: 1D/4D None
Wit: 1D+1/4D
Charm: 1D+2/4D+2
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 5 feet to 6 feet, 4 inches (1.7 to 1.9 m) to the crown
of the head. Ears add 6 to 12 inches (0.2 to 0.3 m).
Weight: 130 to 220 lbs (59 to 100 kg)
Lifespan: 70 to 90 years
Offspring: Bears one child after a 7-month pregnancy or two
fraternal twins after a 10-month pregnancy.
Language: Speaks a soft language full of breathy words and what
sound like stuttering "ut-t-t," "int-t-t," and "ap-p-p"
sounds. They have excellent diction when speaking
most Earth languages.

one day manifested across the planet, where they pulled unsuspecting and
unprepared Dru across space and time. These Breaches are notably unstable
and random, appearing and disappearing all over Wildscape, each time hurl-
ing handfuls of Dru to Earth.
One With Nature
Dru feel great kinship to nature, particularly animals, with whom they can
communicate through a simple form of telepathy. On their homeworld, the
Dru labored in partnership with livestock to work the land and meet other
needs, such as transportation and even as comrades at arms. They continue
this on Earth, trying as best they can to live with the land and among their
animal brothers rather than at their expense. As one might expect, virtually all
Dru are strict vegetarians.
Most Dru keep one or two particular animal friends in close company,
usually for life. These aren’t pets, but companions. Because Dru don’t see an-

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

imals through the lens of which are “cute” or not, Dru animal friends are of-
ten those traditionally seen by humans with little utility or few desirable traits,
or are viewed as dangerous or nuisances. Among others, these may include
such undesirables as skunks, rats, snakes, armadillos, possums, or crows. Vir-
tually any type of animal may be found in the company of a Dru.
On Earth, many Dru find work in their own communities as farmers and
ranchers, which number among the most successful in the Civilized Lands.
These lands are often also worked by beings of other races who come to the
Dru in order to learn their techniques; the Dru are always eager to teach oth-
ers their ways of community with the natural world. Dru who can’t still their
wanderlust enough to permanently settle most often find work as guides or as
traveling farmhands, trading labor and instruction for temporary housing.
Many others simply wander the countryside, exploring and living off the

Dru Beast Tongue

TN: 8
Duration: Concentration
Range: Self
Resisted: None
The Dru can communicate with animals via a crude sort of telepathy; but
this is not an ability to command or control. The animal can give and
receive impressions and some basic information, but only within the limits
of its natural perception. This limits their abilities as scouts or agents, as
complex thoughts and the interpretation of instructions are beyond most

Dru are remarkably easy-going and good-natured. They are very fond of all
who spend their days working the land, or explorers and guides who make
careers of traveling and discovering the wilderness.
Where Dru are distinctly turned off is by those who are cruel or careless
when dealing with nature’s creation. While they are understanding of those
who use animals for food and as servile laborers, they do not abide harsh
treatment of the world’s innocent creatures. They likewise abhor wasteful
misuse or pollution of the Earth’s unspoiled country.
While gentle and kind by nature, Dru are not pacifists. They will take up
arms in the name of a cause, as they often do in support of the Cooperative
and other such groups, or in defense of communities where they live.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Dru first arrived on Earth through a large Breach in the Texas Hill Country
to the west of the Civilized Lands, but have found themselves deposited all
over in smaller numbers. They are well suited to most areas, either civilized or
wilderness, but tend to shy away from towns or even larger villages, and es-
pecially the Breach-filled ruins of ancient cities. They are adept at living off
the land and prefer small farms or the solitude of the wild, so may be en-
countered almost anywhere wandering alone or as part of a small group of
adventurers, explorers, or treasure hunters.
Dru are roughly human-sized, with an elongated head and snout and tall,
pointed ears. They have wide feet with only two large toes on each, causing
them to usually go barefoot or to simply wrap their feet in cloth for added
protection. They also have only three fingers and a thumb on each hand. Dru
are covered in short fur ranging in color from rusty red to bright orange in
youth, but fading to gray with age.
Also Known As
Beast Talkers or Druids.

Dru Animal Companions

Dru select animal companions from a wide array of creatures, often
including those generally thought of as troublesome or nuisances by
humans. Unmoved by such prejudice, a Dru may be accompanied by any
sort of common animal.
Some such suitable creatures native to the Civilized Lands include:
Armadillo Coyote Horned Toad Rat
Bat Crow Mole Rat Snake
Beaver Dog (feral) Mouse Rattlesnake
Buzzard Fox Possum Skink
Cat (feral) Grackle Rabbit Skunk
Cowbird Hog (feral) Raccoon Squirrel


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Thou art a symbol and a sign
To Mortals oftheir fate and force;
Like thee, Man is in part divine,
A troubled stream from a pure source
Lord Byron
Elder are an ancient, long-
lived race of what
many consider to be
superior beings or even
demigods. All are tall,
statuesque, and almost angelic in beauty,
but otherwise resemble humans. Their
incredible mastery and understanding of
science, mathematics, technology, and
even the workings of Aether, combined
with their possible relationship to ancient
humanity raises many questions about
their true role across space-time.
Elder are not a people of a single world,
but of the cosmos. There are thousands
of planets and dimensions that members
of the Elder race call home, and they
are a relatively common people over
the vastness of all universes.
The Elder who find them-
selves on Earth were pulled to the chaotic planet by dimensional disturbances
through the Breaches like any other alien species. Because their race is so
scattered across dimensional space, they exist across the planet, transported
by any number of different Breaches linking to any number of different
worlds. Some have even journeyed to Earth of their own accord to seek ad-
venture, spread peace and hope, or even subjugate others.
Sufficiently Advanced Technology
The Elder are adaptable and have little trouble using human or alien techno-
logy as required, but the advancement of their own sciences are beyond

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Elder Stats
Attribute Dice: 14D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 8D Attractive
Might: 1D+2/4D+2 Racial Complications:
Agility: 2D/5D None
Wit: 2D/5D
Charm: 1D/4D
Move: 16
Other Information
Size: 5 feet, 6 inches to 6 feet, 9 inches (1.7 to 2.1 m)
Weight: 130 to 240 lbs (60 to 110 kg)
Lifespan: 250 to 300 years
Offspring: Bears one child, never multiples, after a 9-month preg-
nancy. While biologically capable, rarely has children
more frequently than every twenty years, raising only
one at a time through adulthood.
Language: Does not have a single native language, but speaks
many from many worlds, including Earth languages.
Oddities: Matures at a rate equal to humans until adulthood,
then nearly stops altogether. Elder never look older
than approximately 35 years by Earthling standards.

compare. As one of the more ancient known races, the technology of the
Elder is advanced beyond the understanding of most mortals and borders on
what many would consider to be magic.
One example is the Lens, a powerful combination of weapon and tool
wielded by most Elder which seems to lack a power source and be activated
by the power of thought. Despite no obvious mechanical, electrical, or other
workings, it can fire devastating blasts of energy, cast a simple light, record
and store visual information, or display projections. This is all seemingly ac-
complished through Aether manipulation without the aid of an Epic.
Those Elder who dedicate themselves to the study of Aether manipula-
tion can become very powerful Epics, as the performance of Aether Feats
seems blended with commonplace mechanical workings within Elder society.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Links to the Past
Despite their wide travels across many universes and dimensions, Earth is a
new world to the Elder, or so at least they first believed. Many Elder have
studied Earth’s history and discovered that some of the world’s most ancient
and important historical sites, now in ruins, may be Elder in origin. This sug-
gests Elder visited the planet thousands of years before The Fall. The fact
that none of these ancient sites exist in or near the Civilized Lands means
verifying their history will require extraordinary measures and effort.
Elder share many physical characteristics with numerous alien races, but
the uncanny resemblance between the Elder and Earthlings is hard to dismiss
as mere coincidence. Also of interest are tales originating from virtually all
Earth cultures and religions which speak of powerful, ascendant beings who
are alternately bringers of knowledge or vengeful destroyers. If Elder have
surreptitiously visited Earth in its ancient history, and helped to shape human
history on this world, it raises all sorts of questions.
For now, these are all mysteries, which many Elder have dedicated them-
selves to solving.
Elder have a reputation of being stoic, which has been earned because they
have such a wide breadth of experience that not much garners an emotional
reaction. They are also objectively superior beings in many ways, which leads
them to sometimes act patronizing or belittling to others.
While their demeanor lends itself to being calm and even, Elder experi-
ence as a broad variety of emotions and states of mind as most other races.
They are often good and compassionate, but can also be cruel and unforgiv-
ing. Elder are usually considered to be beings of good on the whole, but long
life and great power sometimes leads to Elder finding right and wrong to be
less absolutes than nuanced shades.
Because Elder originate from countless other worlds and dimensions, the
Breaches which have brought them to Earth are scattered far and wide. Elder
can be found all across post-Fall Earth, and in all corners of the Civilized
Lands, specifically.
Elder look like Earthlings, and vary similarly in traits like eye, hair, and skin
color, though these ancient beings portray an almost idyllic version of hu-
manity. They stand several inches taller than average humans, and are strik-
ingly attractive, with lean, athletic physiques. Despite living incredibly long

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

natural lives, Elder do not age beyond early adulthood, with the oldest ap-
pearing to be no more than 35 years old by human standards.
Also Known As
Ancients, Angels, Ascended, or Titans.

A Lens is a powerful weapon and tool carried by most Elder. It is a sort of
amulet made principally of a round, opaque, convex crystal, but often ad-
orned with accents of other materials. The overall appearance may be very
simple or ornate. Many Elder wear the Lens on a chain around their neck
of hung from a belt, or keep it in a convenient pocket. It is held in the
Elder's palm when used. Only an Elder is capable of operating the device.
The Lens has several basic functions, both practical and for combat:
Lens Blast
When aimed and activated by mental command, the Lens emits an invisible
blast of force. The Elder can mentally adjust the damage ranging from
harmless up to the maximum.
Skill: Throw
Damage: 4D+2
Ammo: Unrestricted
Range: 10/50/150 feet (3/15/45 m)
Bonus: +3 to strike
Lens Lantern
With a thought, an Elder can make his or her Lens glow with the brightness
of a lantern. The glow emanates from the Lens and can be maintained as
long as the Elder holding it maintains concentration.
Lens Holo
A Lens can record and project holographic images, without audio. The
small projection is emitted from the lens, with a maximum image display of
roughly a foot (0.3 m) in each dimension. The image can be sustained so
long as the Elder operating the Lens maintains concentration.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Grim do not smile or laugh, through no fault oftheir own. It’s biology, but we
seem to all hold it against them. We daily encounter all sorts of monsters and
demons and beings of all types. Some are tiny and adorable, others are massive
waking nightmares. We must look at the Grim in the light of the variety that
surrounds us and remind ourselves that compared to much of the life which
now walks the Earth, Grim are not all too different in outlook or attitude
from most other sentient beings.
That said, I find the hooked, cleaver-like Grim
Blades they all carry to be incredibly in-
Our World
G.S. Ritchey
Many who have traveled the Civilized
Lands are familiar with the phrase, “as
dark as a Grim.” The subject of that
popular saying, the race known as the
Grim, indeed appear dark in every way.
The idiom refers to their legendarily
black and humorless personalities every
bit as much as their thick, smoke-colored
The Grim homeworld is Atadba, a harsh
world with an abrasive atmosphere and
warm climate and a long list of danger-
ous predators roaming its rocky deserts and
canyons. The unforgiving world raised two
hard sentient races, the Grim and their
hated foes, the Bruk.
War was a way of life for the two
peoples, with the larger and more
powerful Bruk consistently holding the
upper hand. It wasn’t until the Grim
developed Gate technology that they
were able to turn the tide in the war
and emerge triumphant. Bruk society
was left broken and marginalized,
though never eliminated entirely,

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Grim Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D+1 Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Signature Weapon
Might: 1D+2/4D+1 Armor, Light
Agility: 1D+2/4D+1 Racial Complications:
Wit: 1D/3D+2 None
Charm: 1D/3D+2
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 5 feet, 3 inches to 6 feet, 5 inches (1.6 to 2.0 m)
Weight: 160 to 270 lbs (70 to 120 kg)
Lifespan: 75 to 100 years
Offspring: Bears twins, one male and one female, after a 12-
month pregnancy.
Language: The Grim language is growly with many hard "c" and
"g" sounds, with a lack of softer consonant sounds
such as "s" or "ch." Grim speak Earth languages with
a heavy accent reflective of these predispositions.

and the Grim were free expand their own culture beyond one of combat and
survival, though the memory of harder times was always top of mind. Dur-
ing this time the ritual of the iconic Grim Blade was formalized and institu-
tionalized, and became a part of daily Grim life.
It was a century later that Gate malfunctions wreaked havoc on Atadba,
transporting unknown thousands of Grim to Earth.
Strength Through Perfection
The Grim who overcame their longtime enemy never allowed themselves or
their progeny to forget the lessons learned in battle, or the importance of
struggle to develop character and encourage innovation. This developed into
a way of life which sought perfection in every act. Constant improvement is
the greatest Grim cultural value, be it in tasks as simple as cooking a meal or
playing a game, or as complex as advanced engineering or mathematics.
This lesson is never more evident than in the ritual practice of the use of
a Grim Blade. On Atadba, daily practice was led in morning and evenings in

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

homes or communal gathering areas. Grim practiced a strict order of offens-
ive and defensive maneuvers, some slow and graceful, and others quick and
savage. To see a family or a whole community of Grim, young and old, male
and female, practice in perfect unison is a sight to behold. Even marooned on
Earth, most continue their twice-daily practice with the blade.
Grim maintain the value of constant improvement on Earth, and even
strive to teach it to others. The associated high expectations can be yet an-
other aspect of the Grim personality which is off-putting to other races, but
those with the patience to learn the lessons a Grim has to teach benefit
greatly by them.
Forged For Battle
Grim travel the Civilized Lands just as any other people, making their way as
best they can in a world that is not their own. Many settle into lives as ranch-
ers or educators or traders, but with their ingrained discipline and martial
skill, coupled with a reputation as humorless killers, many Grim find the easi-
est path is that of the sword. There is no denying that with their training with
a Grim Blade and their tough hides, they make natural soldiers and hunters
of men. A Grim employed as a fighter, mercenary, or hired thug is often a
self-fulfilling prophecy.
The stoic and cold disposition is the defining trait of the Grim in the minds
of most who encounter them. Much of this perception has more to do with
biology than personality. Grim of both genders speak in deep, gravelly voices.
Their rigid, almost mask-like facial structure gives them hollow eyes and pre-
vents facial movements such as smiling. Even when amused or pleased, the
natural Grim reaction is a sort of low guttural growl instead of a laugh or a
grin, which is such a foreign cue to most races that they totally misinterpret it
as annoyance or anger. The practice of carrying the gruesome-looking Grim
Blade does little to dissuade others of their preconceived notions that all
Grim are cold-hearted killers.
Those who know a Grim well will ultimately see they are loyal and
friendly, with a deep love of family and camaraderie. Grim who mix company
with other races work hard to be more personable by the standards of their
Grim have been known to arrive on Earth through several Breaches in the
heart of the Civilized Lands, notably near both Barrows and Laga Cinco. Be-
cause they so often find work as some variety of fighter, Grim travel all

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

through the region and can be found anywhere not dominated by the Resist-
ance or other anti-alien groups. For this same reason they tend to stick
around populated areas and well-traveled routes, as those are the places where
they are most likely to pick up another job with someone in need of protec-
tion or an extra gun.
Grim are humanoid, with thick, muscular torsos that make their long arms
and legs seem a bit skinny and sinewy by comparison. They have tough, bony
hides of dark gray for females and lighter gray for males. Their natural armor
gives their faces very little expression, as if wearing a thick leather skeletal
mask. Behind that facade are deep-set black eyes under a tall brow. Males
have a distinct ridge across their wide forehead, while the head of a female is
topped with black, obsidian-like scales rather than hair. Ears are little more
than holes behind a Grim’s prominent jawline.
Also Known As
Blackhearts, Butchers, or Grayhides.

Grim Blade
The Grim Blade is a short sword, the traditional weapon of the Grim
homeworld. Razor-sharp on one edge, with a large barbed hook on the
other, it is a particularly violent weapon used more in the manner of a
cleaver than of a traditional short sword, as well as using the hooked side to
either disarm opponents or pull them in closer.
Skill: Sword
Damage: +2D


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

The Holy
Greet with warm compassion;
they will embrace our generosity
Revisit with stern warning;
they will heed our genuine concern
Annihilate with great prejudice;
they will serve as example for others
Code ofthe Great Sisters
The Holy are a pious race whose en-
tire culture is centered around reli-
gious ritual and observance. They
view themselves as benevolent re-
formers, but are often viewed by oth-
ers as zealous oppressors. These
deeply spiritual beings worship a trio
of deities they call the Great Sisters,
who call their beloved children to
bring true religion and order to all
people from all worlds. They travel
across space-time to spread the word
of their goddesses, leaving equal parts
sanctified peace and self-justified
death in their wake.
The Holy are a race well acquainted
with dimensional travel, and has tra-
versed space-time for a millennium
via their own Gate travel technology,
and that of their devoted communic-
ants. They exist on uncounted worlds,
carrying the torch of their faith to all
manner of beings.
Some of The Holy have been
pulled to Earth through Breaches, but most have come of their own design.
On the Earth of Breachworld, The Holy have been drawn to a place they
view as an interdimensional pulpit. They are not merely preaching to the
Earthlings, but have a chance to reach thousands of different races, all in one

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

The Holy Stats
Attribute Dice: 13D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 7D Blessed
Might: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Agility: 1D+1/4D+2 Personal Code
Wit: 1D+1/4D+1
Charm: 2D/5D
Move: 12
Other Information
Size: 3 feet, 9 inches to 4 feet, 3 inches (1.1 to 1.3 m) to the
top of the eye.
Weight: 90 to 120 lbs (40 to 50 kg)
Lifespan: 350 to 400 years
Offspring: Lays a clutch of 13 to 16 leathery eggs every 50 years,
which are left in the care of a special order of servants
in secret nurseries. Eggs hatch after a year and children
mature over another ten years.
Language: The Holy do not appear to speak a native language,
but speak the languages of those they evangelize to
their cause, including all common Earth languages
spoken in the Civilized Lands. They sometimes speak
a sacred language in their rituals, which is just a series
of long, chanted tones.
Oddities: The Holy have no discernible gender, but are all cap-
able of both laying and fertilizing eggs, though not
both for a single clutch.

place. To them, post-Fall Earth is the ultimate land of opportunity, and they
work diligently to make the most of it.
One True Faith
The Holy follow a trio of deities known as the Great Sisters. According to
the priests, they were once mortal beings who ascended to a higher plane of
understanding and existence before shedding their physical forms to instead

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

exist as goddesses. They offer protection and prosperity in exchange for
humble supplication, all of which is provided by their devoted servants, The
The governing credo of The Holy, the Code of the Great Sisters, spells
out with great clarity the three stages of their evangelical process.
First, The Holy establish missions which provide food and shelter to
those in need, in order to gather an initial following. Those who flock to
these ecclesiastical communes are taught about the universe as viewed by the
Great Sisters and their followers, who seek peace and justice by stamping out
the unbelieving villains who would take all wealth and glory for themselves.
This is followed by a message of warning to those who resist the peace of
the Great Sisters, lest they find themselves on the outside, looking in on the
Finally, any remaining unbelievers are destroyed by the faithful as a mes-
sage to others that peace comes to those who embrace the true religion.
Converts generally do see genuine advantages, as the pooled resources of
a great number of adherents to the religion can be leveraged for the good of
all. Likewise, a strong congregation is quite capable of doing serious harm to
those who would stand against them; the most heavily armed and dangerous
non-believers are usually allowed to travel their own path if they are resistant
to conversion. The Holy tend not to engage in physical violence, themselves,
but command their eager followers to take up arms on their behalf. If
pushed, they are more than capable of using any and all available means in
defense of their faith.
The Holy, at least in public, are always calm and even-tempered. They speak
with gentle and reassuring tones, especially when challenged. They “kill with
kindness” at every opportunity. If drawn into conflict, they put on a disap-
pointed demeanor as they unleash their minions to use whatever violence
may be regrettably necessary.
In the privacy of their sacred spaces, among their followers and Acolytes,
The Holy can be quite energizing. They are adept at whipping a congregation
into a frenzy with a rousing sermon. They bring out great passion and dedic-
ation in those whom have given their lives over in service to the Great Sisters.
The Holy come to Earth from a number of worlds, so Breaches from many
corners of the region may bring them to the Civilized Lands, almost always in
the company of a handful of other Holy and twice or three times as many
dedicated Acolytes and attendants.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Temples to the Great Sisters are usually established out in the wilderness,
off the beaten path, where congregations may grown in relative secrecy. Most
often this involves converting a small village or even a single homestead to
use as a new base of operations.
The Holy have massive, barrel-shaped torsos, spindly arms, and a long neck
with no obvious head at the end of it, but a single lidless eye. Their four
short, thin legs are generally hidden by the long robes they wear. Their skin is
black, smooth, and cold like marble. Their voice emanates from somewhere
within their large chests and they have no mouth, nose, or ears. They feed by
drawing nutrient-laden gases or fluids through invisible pores in their hides.
Also Known As
Crusaders, Eye Priests, or Prophets.

Set apart from other members of the faith are the Acolytes. They can be of
any race, though on Earth they are most commonly humans. Their sole,
holy purpose is to protect the priests from harm by any means necessary.
Into this role are recruited soldiers, Epics, and thugs of all sorts. Some
Acolytes are even just paid mercenaries who are not true believers, but have
been lured in by security and the promise of wealth and power. Any act in
defense of the faith is permitted, and even encouraged.
Acolytes wear orange robes in the performance of their sacred duties,
though they may go in disguise if sent on missions away from the temple.
Even in the temple, armor is usually worn beneath the robes.
The traditional weapon of an Acolyte is a smooth-headed, one-handed
mace, which evokes the image of the stalked neck and eye of The Holy. All
carry one at their side, but also may wield other weapons of choice, ranging
from swords and hammers to handguns and energy rifles.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Machine Man
How intelligent mechanical beings fit into
God’s plan is one of His many mysteries.
Can a machine receive Grace? Can they be-
come one with us in the light of the Spirit
through Holy Baptism? Does a complex
system of circuits sin, or require salvation
at all? Even at the very height of our
worldly achievement, we never con-
sidered such questions.
Our ExistentialCrisis
Rt. Rev. Desmond Trouca
Not all alien beings are
flesh and blood. One
non-organic race is
the Machine Men,
intelligent robots
from an entirely
mechanical society.
Logical and emo-
tionless, these ali-
en beings adapt
their form to their
chosen function
and take advant-
age of Earth's
available diversity
of experience to
learn, develop, and
grow in addition to
just surviving.
Unknown millennia ago, the Machine Men were created by an alien race on a
now-forgotten homeworld. The mechanical beings began as simple robotic
helpers, but over time and with refinement by their creators, became more
and more complex.
The builders’ civilization was facing extinction as their sun began to cool.
Their Gate technology, which they hoped would provide an escape, failed to
deliver them to a suitable new home. As a last ditch effort to preserve their

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Machine Man Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D+2 Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 10D Recall
Might: 2D/4D Quick Study
Agility: 1D/4D Racial Complications:
Wit: 4D/6D Soulless
Charm: 1D/3D
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 3 feet to 7 feet (0.9 to 2.1 m)
Weight: 100 to 450 lbs (50 to 200 kg)
Lifespan: Indefinite
Offspring: May self-improve or transfer consciousness into a dif-
ferent mechanical frame, but does not reproduce.
Language: Speaks a variety of Earth languages. Between fellow
Machine Men, speaks a high-speed binary language
that is unintelligible to other races.
Oddities: Wounds are recovered via the Repair skill instead of
the Medicine skill.

legacy, the builders programmed their mechanical children to self-improve,

hoping to one day create true Artificial Intelligence, allowing at least their
progeny to live on.
After their creators perished, the machines they left behind continued
along their path of increasing complexity and cognitive power. The first Ma-
chine Men began to achieve self-awareness many centuries later. They awoke
to a dead world without true comprehension of how they were brought into
being. As more and more of the Machine Men awoke to consciousness, they
began to study their creators’ history and civilization to better understand
where they came from.
Among the ruins, the Machine Men rediscovered and perfected the tech-
nology of Gate travel and began to leave their world in search of other hu-
manoid life. Through their travels, many Machine Men have maintained a
fascination with biological sentient life, while others have moved on to other
pursuits. When The Fall occurred on Earth, Machine Men from across space

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

and time were transported along with so many other alien beings to be ma-
rooned on Breachworld.
Form and Function
On Earth, some Machine Men continue an existential quest for truth and
knowledge, while others just seek to exist. Some are conquerors and menaces
while others are healers and teachers. Though artificial, the Machine Men are
a race of beings in the truest sense, and represent the full spectrum of mo-
tivations, goals, and purposes.
Machine Men excel at mathematics and the sciences and are capable of
learning virtually any skill, and have the clarity of memory of a vid recorder.
Where they fall short is their lack of human emotion, ability for nonlinear
thought, and creativity. Because of these shortcomings, many Machine Men,
particularly those who find themselves on a world such as post-Fall Earth,
dedicate themselves at least in part to the study of various aspects of the less
structured elements of most societies. They seek a better understanding of
their mortal creators and hope to learn more about their lives and motiva-
tions by living among biological beings.
Machine Men self-design in order to achieve their chosen objectives,
which leads to a huge variation in appearance and even basic form. Those
who work farms are sturdy and have simple integrated tools as part of their
bodies. Those who study the sciences have enhanced vision to see at micro-
scopic scale or in various bands of light. A Machine Man who works as a
mercenary idealizes its design for combat. When goals or objectives or areas
of study change, the form follows.
Man and Machine
Largely because of their natural curiosity about biological life, Machine Men
seek out the companionship of flesh-and-blood mortals far more than they
do their own kin. They often take up with explorers and adventurers and
wander the Civilized Lands in search of new experiences. Others use their
extreme intelligence to become engineers, doctors, or scientists who seek to
unlock the mysteries of the Breaches, find cures for earthly or alien diseases,
or simply improve life for those around them. Many discover that more
mundane lives among common people teach them the most about humanity.
Lacking a moral compass, many Machine Men find careers as bandits or
mercenaries to be perfectly logical and acceptable in a harsh and unforgiving
world and throw in with the darker side of society.
Despite being aliens, Machine Men can sometimes be found in areas con-
trolled by the Resistance or other pro-Earthing groups. Many humans see the
Machine Men as something other than true aliens, despite their otherworldly

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

All Machine Men are mechanical beings who lack true emotion, though some
hide that fact better than others. Some are quite adept at approximating feel-
ings and go out of their way to seem “human.” Others are content to be en-
tirely mechanical in demeanor as well as body, even if it is off-putting to
those around them.
Within those limitations, a Machine Man is an individual and personality
varies greatly from one to the next. While not capable of love or hatred, they
are very capable of companionship or enmity. Machine Men pursue goals
and have agendas which at least approximate “hopes and dreams” as a flesh-
and-blood being would understand them. Most share a common curiosity
about the world, which they perceive so differently from those around them.
Machine Men arrive on Earth through Breaches all over the Civilized Lands,
and are prone to wander. Because they are so objective-driven, it is not un-
usual for a Machine Man to pick up and move across the country in search of
its next task, target, or bit of trivia. They can be encountered practically any-
The appearance of Machine Men varies incredibly, but they always appear as
mechanical beings; to seek to impersonate a human or other alien leads to
being labeled as a subversive and generates distrust of the entire race. They
typically maintain a bipedal humanoid form, but may appear masculine, fem-
inine, or neuter. Some Machine Men wear clothing, but most opt not to cover
their mechanical bodies.
The appearance of each Machine Man is related to function and is unique
to each individual. For example, those who self-design for combat may be
bulkier with heavy armor plating, while another self-designed to practice
medicine may have thin hands with retractable medical instruments in its fin-
Also Known As
Metal Men, Robotos, or Tinmen.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

We followed the directions we were given in town and found the site. By the
time we got there, it had all been cleared out, but it was obvious just from the
stink that a mob ofMorlocks had made it their refuge for quite some time.
I put on a breather and goggles, grabbed a light, and ventured a few steps into
the basement to look around. It was covered in excrement and full of rotting
fish heads and rat bones, but the fresher kills were clear from the feathers all
over everything. Bits of the stolen pigeons were thrown around, a leg here and
a wing there, and their broken cages were tossed in a corner.
I’m sorry we couldn’t help the people out, but the damn Morlocks had
already wasted it all. We’ll be on the lookout for ‘em as we get a little further
down the road.
Cooperative fieldreport
Younger Saxa
The nocturnal, cave-dwelling humanoids known as Morlocks are a race of
savages who inhabit many of the dark and deep places of post-Fall Earth.
What little society they have is based on the strong subjugating the weak.
They remain a nuisance and occasional problem for other peoples mostly be-
cause the Morlocks can’t stop fighting each other
long enough to mount any serious threat to oth-
Morlocks are believed by many to
be a type of mutant or sub-
human, changed by
generations of hid-
ing in the dark
tunnels and
caves of the
world in an
effort to sur-
vive The Fall and the subsequent
Lost Age. Any biological relation-
ship does little to create kinship
with humanity, which by and large
views Morlocks as dangerous
and disgusting savages.
Whether they share common
ancestors with Earthlings or

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Morlock Stats
Attribute Dice: 10D+2 Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 4D Direction Sense
Might: 2D/4D+2 Nightvision
Agility: 2D/4D+2 Racial Complications:
Wit: 1D/3D Disabled (Light Blind)
Charm: 1D/3D Primitive
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 5 feet to 5 feet, 9 inches (1.6 to 2.0 m)
Weight: 110 to 160 lbs (70 to 120 kg)
Lifespan: 50 to 65 years
Offspring: Bears a single child after a 9-month pregnancy, with an
8% likelihood of twins.
Language: Little more than grunts and body language. No written

came through a Breach hundreds of years ago, they are a race distinct from
their alleged human cousins in many ways.
Life in the Dark
Most everything about Morlock physiology is ideally adapted for their sub-
terranean life. They have extraordinary night vision and an infallible sense of
direction, even underground where most find it easy to get turned around
without spatial context. Further encouraging a life in the dark is the fact that
their eyes are very sensitive to light. Thus, it is unusual to find a Morlock away
from the protection of his or her often-subterranean dwelling during daylight
As different as Morlocks may be from humans biologically, it is the soci-
etal differences which really set the two apart. Morlocks do not seem to un-
derstand civilization or most technology, and while they may scrounge simple
tools they can put to use such as a knife, rope, shovel, or other similar gear,
they do not seek it out. They even shun the use of fire due to their natural
aversion to light, which means eating a steady diet of raw insects, fish, and

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

vermin, or the occasional scavenged food scraps. Morlocks have little use for
language beyond grunts and gestures, and none for reading or writing, though
they possess the mental capacity to learn.
Savages and Primitives
Morlocks live in a brutal, tribal world of physical domination where the only
law is survival of the fittest. They form knots of mutual association known as
mobs. These vary in size from a few members to dozens, and possibly even
The strongest Morlocks, regardless of gender, physically dominate their
way to the top of the mob. Chieftains get the best food, loot, and mates, but
also become a target for younger up-and-comers, making bloody mutinies
and drastic shifts in power a frequent occurrence.
While the mob is the basic social unit for Morlocks, as much as it can ac-
tually defined as social, it’s not unheard of to find a single Morlock living on
his or her own. Sometimes Morlocks are cast out of the company of others
of their kind after being deposed or losing a challenge. In other cases, mobs
just get too large and there are not enough resources for all, so a single Mor-
lock will wander off to try and survive without the rest of the group.
In cases of a lone Morlock, without constant physical domination and
competition for resources, the individual may mellow and calm to a degree.
While likely to always be skittish around other beings, technology, and new
situations, it’s possible for a Morlock to even lurk on the outskirts of a town
or village and coexist with other beings.
Morlocks are notoriously mean and cruel, both with each other and toward
other races. They spit and snarl and bite at any challenge like feral dogs, bar-
ing their rotting teeth in a show of intimidation.
If the typical Morlock has a redeeming personality trait, it’s a sense of
childlike awe that can shine through when encountering a scrap of something
luminous or shiny, or some piece of tech mundane enough to dazzle them
without frightening them half to death.
Morlocks can be found throughout the subterranean ruins, tunnels, and caves
of Breachworld. They venture to the surface at night to scavenge for food
and basic supplies. When mobs find good conditions they can stay put for
years at a time, but typically move from place to place as they spoil or dry up
the resources of each location. Some mobs have developed a migratory pat-
tern and move between seasonal refuges.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Morlocks are shorter than humans, but broad-shouldered, compact, and
strong. Their skin coloring ranges from pale to gray from a lack of exposure
to sunlight. They have very little hair over their bodies, head, or face, and
what is there is usually thin and patchy, giving them an unhealthy appearance.
Their eyes have a bulbous quality and are 50 percent larger than a human’s,
and take up a disproportionate amount of area on their flat, snub-nosed
faces. Their teeth are crooked and often broken and rotting.
Morlocks don’t show much modesty and are often naked, but scraps of
clothing or armor are status symbols within the mob, especially anything
brightly colored or shiny. Scrappy fighters among them recognize the value
of protection and sometimes drape themselves in an animal hide or tie bones
or scrap metal to their bodies as a very primitive style of armor.
Also Known As
Goblin Men, Sub-Humans, or Underdwellers.

Strength in Numbers
Nobody in the Civilized Lands realizes how many Morlocks there really are.
In a few secluded locations, unrelated groups of the subterranean hu-
manoids have reached populations into the hundreds. It’s hardly an army,
but even a hundred Morlocks bent on pillaging farms and towns would do
serious damage.
• One group of roughly 150 Morlocks lives in and around what was once
known as Inner Space Cavern, south of the Golden Age city of Geor-
getown and just off the ruins of Interstate 35. They survive mostly on
bats that live in the caves.
• Roughly 200 make their home in Natural Bridge Caverns north of the ru-
ins of San Antonio. They have a more civilized arrangement than most
Morlocks and utilize gathering parties to collect insect, vermin, and fish at
night to provide for the community.
• Almost 300 Morlocks live in the extensive tunnel system beneath the ruins
of the Texas Medical Center in Houston. Much of the system is flooded
or collapsed, but the Morlocks have discovered or created an intricate sys-
tem of connecting passages. The mob thrives thanks to a Breach in one
of the tunnels which regularly imports a variety of edible slimy, slug-like


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Ten ways a Brain Burner can turn you against your family. #7 happened to me!
Resistance educationaldigitalpamphlet
A major player in the Civilized Lands is the race known as the Pathos, a
people with natural psychic abilities. All Pathos are em-
paths, able to sense the emotions of those around
them. Those who choose to pursue the development
of their abilities can become incredibly powerful
Epics, particularly in matters related to abilities such
as ESP and mind control. Because of the latter,
Pathos are among the most feared aliens among
xenophobic humans or other races. The
reputation is not altogether undeserved, as
many Pathos have become notable tyrants
and despots through the use of their
powers. In truth, however, the pursuits
of all Pathos are as varied as any other
race, with many heroes counted
among their ranks.
Pathos come from a world
which they call Ema, where
empathic ability is the norm.
Not only do all Pathos
possess this power, but
many other creatures of their
world have similar endowments.
Various animals of Ema communic-
ate with each other telepathically,
psychically cloud the minds of
beasts who hunt them, or stun
opponents with a mental attack
as an animal might use its
claws. The true apex predator
of the ancient Pathos
homeworld, the Emanalla
(roughly translated as
“mind hunter”), empath-
ically transmitted emo-

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Pathos Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Pathos Empathy
Might: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Agility: 1D/3D+2 None
Wit: 2D/4D+1
Charm: 2D/5D
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 5 feet, 1 inch to 6 feet, 2 inches (1.5 to 1.9 m)
Weight: 110 to 260 lbs (50 to 120 kg)
Lifespan: 70 to 105 years
Offspring: Bears a single child after an 11-month pregnancy. The
child and mother are empathically linked just weeks
after conception and until birth.
Language: A simple, monotone language with minimal inflection,
and very little colorful expression, as it relies on em-
pathic reading to convey emotional subtleties. Speaks
Earth language with a similar monotone.

tions to its prey and was so feared that it was hunted to extinction.
The Pathos evolved and tamed their wild, psychic world over the ages,
and in their turn invented their own form of Gate technology and enjoyed a
Golden Age much like Earth’s. The Gate collapse on Earth struck a blow to
Ema as it did so many other worlds, bringing Pathos across space-time in the
earliest days of the Lost Age. They have been known to arrive in the Civilized
Lands through different Breaches across the region.
Life as an Open Book
To Pathos, transparent emotions are a natural part of the social order. In their
society, they did not attempt to block others from reading their feelings, and
did not hesitate to read the feelings of others. Pathos have nothing to hide
from each other and developed a culture of saying what they mean and
meaning what they say.
This openness obviously does not translate to most other races, who are

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

unaccustomed to having their hidden emotions or intentions laid bare. While
most other races attempt to resist the advances of Pathos empathy by default,
few have the force of will to do so consistently. Epics typically fare better at
resisting deliberate probes.
Pathos response to a more restrictive way of life varies. Most understand
that other beings find their empathic readings to be invasive, and even if they
do not cease using the ability, at least try to limit or conceal its use. Other
Pathos take umbrage at the idea there is anything wrong with using their nat-
ural abilities as they see fit.
Pathos come off to other races as very emotional and blunt, which tends to
manifest in two distinct personality types. The first is informed by their em-
pathic impressions of those around them to make them particularly consid-
erate and understanding, quick to offer advice or seek to help a person in
distress. People are drawn to this sort of Pathos and the positivity and sup-
port they tend to emanate, even if they tend to over-share their emotions or
be indelicate in their remarks.
The second personality type, for which the Pathos are best known, is ma-
nipulative and opportunistic. Always having a window into the feelings of
others is a huge leg up for a Pathos looking to take advantage of the insecur-
ities, fears, and naivete of other beings. It is this exploitative attitude which
has led to Pathos being so widely mistrusted, and even feared.
Matters of the Heart
No matter if a Pathos is outgoing or devious, an inescapable side effect of
Pathos empathic ability is its impact on attraction and relationships. A Pathos
so inclined can easily turn most beings into putty in his or her hands, satisfy-
ing whims and conforming to yearnings unspoken by a mate. This is an in-
credibly powerful ability these alien psychics are known to exploit, either out
of mutual love and desire, or to pull the strings of smitten puppets.
Pathos are found across the Civilized Lands. Because their natural empathic
ability gives them such insight into the emotions and motivations of others,
those who are so inclined can usually be found in leadership roles, be it of
communities, gangs, Cooperative cells, or any other gathering of people.
They typically seek out towns and villages to make their home near other


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Occasionally a Pathos seeks out a solitary life in an effort to distance him
or herself from the constant ebb and flow of emotions emanating from
those around.
Pathos look almost exactly like Earthlings, similar enough to often be mis-
taken for humans or incorrectly classified as near-humans. They are distinctly
recognizable, however due to their brightly-colored strip of hair which runs
over the crown of their heads, down their spines, and to the middle of their
back; the color of the “Mohawk” varies wildly from individual to individual,
always in bright colors. Pathos have no other hair on their head, and very little
on the rest of their body. Pathos are further distinguished from humanity by
a fleshy ridge running from behind their ears and down their jawline to their
Also Known As
Brain Burners, Dominators, or Mohawks.

Pathos Empathy
Passive Reading
A Pathos senses general emotions in an area - a "read of the room" - from
the immediate vicinity (20 foot/6 m radius). This is an automatic success
unless another person is aware of the passive reading and deliberately resists
by maintaining concentration. Strong or out of place emotions are sensed,
but not pinpointed.
Active Reading
An individual can be specifically and deliberately read, in which case the
Pathos can more distinctly determine the target’s emotional state. The
character knows if the target is happy, sad, nervous, antagonistic, angry,
frightened, or any other specific feeling. All targets get an opportunity to
resist unless willingly allowing the Pathos to read his or her emotions.
TN: Resist Roll
Duration: Concentration
Range: 100 feet (30 m)
Resisted: Epic skill, or Charm attribute


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Reptilian Raider
As dangerous as a Trapcat is when encountered randomly in the
wild, those bred and trained for the fight by their
Reptilian Raider masters are even
more deadly. The Raiders have made
the Trapcats invaluable allies, vital
to their success at terrorizing the
length and breadth of the Civ-
ilized Lands.
Wildlife Codex #1
The Cooperative
In Breachworld, even many
primitive species have
learned to thrive through
adaptation and seizing op-
portunity where it can be
found. Many denizens of
Breachworld laden with
state-of-the-art gear
have fallen prey to one
such race, known as the
Reptilian Raiders. These
predators leverage what
natural abilities and ad-
vantages they have into
being one of the most
notable, if fragmented,
powers of the Civilized Lands.
Reptilian Raiders come from a Bronze Age society,
where they exist in clans as nomadic hunters and plun-
derers. Clans fought each other for the resources and hunt-
ing territories needed to survive a challenging world. When a Breach opened
on their homeworld, drawing countless of their kind to Earth, these roaming
barbarians continued this way of life to great success. In fact, they have
thrived on Earth in ways they never could on their old world. There is plenty
of territory for all, and clans of Raiders can keep their distance from each
other or even work together against the many other enemies and potential
victims presented by the Civilized Lands.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Reptilian Raider Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Natural Weapon, Light (Teeth)
Might: 2D/5D Racial Complications:
Agility: 2D/4D Primitive
Wit: 1D/2D+1 Infamous
Charm: 1D/3D
Move: 14
Other Information
Size: 4 feet, 6 inches to 5 feet, 8 inches (1.4 to 1.7 m)
Weight: 150 to 200 lbs (70 to 90 kg)
Lifespan: 55 to 70 years
Offspring: Mothers in the clan lay their fertilized eggs every 14
months, which incubate for 188 to 206 days before
Language: The Reptilian Raider language is made up of grunts
and hisses. Additional meaning is conveyed through a
body languge of head bobs and turns.. Does not
speak any Earth languages.

The biggest upgrade the Reptilian Raiders have found on post-Fall Earth is
the existence of advanced defensive and weapons technology far beyond the
swords, spears, shields, and other implements of combat they could create on
their own. Despite their impressive skill at crafting archaic weapons and ar-
mor from wood, stone, bone, and metal, nothing in their skill set replaces a
rifle or ion pistol or flak jacket when going into battle.
Raiders love modern weapons and equipment, which they steal or pillage
at every opportunity. They can typically figure out how to operate a relatively
simple device with a safety and a trigger, or a few switches. Even though they
lack the skill to repair, or even sometimes reload a modern weapon, they
routinely use them in their attacks. When damaged or exhausted, the Raiders
usually scrap and discard their high-tech toys and seek to replace them
through constant raiding.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Battle Tactics
Reptilian Raiders always travel in packs, and the general rule is for each Raider
you can see, two more are watching from somewhere in the wings, ready to
pounce. Common attacks include simple roadside ambushes, setting pit traps,
laying salvageable vehicles or equipment out as bait, or chasing prey into dead
ends. They pick their targets well, and don’t waste efforts on those who look
like they might put up too much of a fight. Their favorite targets are small
parties of lightly armed travelers who they think can be intimidated into giv-
ing up their weapons and provisions, or else easily and quickly dispatched
through overwhelming force.
Never ones to pass up an easy target, they also regularly raid livestock and
food stores from wilderness villages. Many simple farmers, ranchers, and
townspeople have learned just to cut losses and not stand in the way of the
scaly menace, opting not to risk their lives and live with the consequences.
Fighting Feline Friends
It bears special mention that Reptilian Raiders are almost always in the com-
pany of the large, feline Breach creatures known as Trapcats. They use these
beasts very effectively as swift-running and climbing mounts, or as trained
and loyal attack animals. It is unknown whether the Trapcats originate from
the Reptilian Raider homeworld, or if they have been found and domestic-
ated by the Raiders after arriving on Earth. Either way, the two species seem
to have an uncommon bond of spirit and cooperation to mutual benefit.
Raiders are very focused and single-minded, spending their somewhat limited
mental energies on securing their own security and prosperity. They think
about their next raid, and how to end the day in a better position to thrive
than the day before.
If encountered in a situation other than at the point of a spear or the
barrel of a gun, Reptilian Raiders are slow-witted, naive, and easily befuddled.
In laying traps or in outright combat, their somewhat simple mental acuity
means they react instinctively and quickly, and well coordinated with their fel-
low Raiders, making them dangerous foes.
Reptilian Raiders can be found anywhere in the Civilized Lands, but are most
often countered along the ruins of ancient roads and highways still utilized as
traveling routes. They use the roads to move swiftly from place to place, as
well as to set traps and ambushes for travelers. Their camps are typically con-
cealed a short distance off the beaten path.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

These aliens are aptly named, given their scaly green-brown skin, elongated
lizard-like heads, and sharp teeth that like to use to tear at the flesh of their
enemies in close combat. They are usually seen wearing armor assembled
from pieces collected from various battlefields, with several weapons slung
about their person.
Also Known As
Cat-Riders or Lizard Men.

Reptilian Raider Traps

Below are several examples from which you can pick, or roll a D6 to
determine a random encounter:
1. At night, the glow of the flames from a campfire is seen off the road.
Onlookers find tents and a wagon alongside the fire, but no travelers. The
Raiders strike from the shadows while their victims are silhouetted.
2. A small river has a simple bridge of felled and stripped trees, wide
enough to pass single file; this is a common structure in the Civilized
Lands. The waiting Raiders strike from the far side when about half the
party is across and one member of the party is making the crossing.
3. Some Reptilian Raiders on foot rush a party of travelers on the road,
particularly if pulling a cart or wagon, and grab what they can. They
retreat hastily without putting up a fight. If the victims pursue, they will
rush into the waiting jaws of a hidden circle of Raiders and Trapcats.
4. Travelers come across a deer that is wounded and lame, making for an
easy meal for any hunter. Reptilian Raiders wait and watch from cover,
hoping that any passersby will be distracted and drawn away from each
other and leave one or two of their party, or their goods, vulnerable.
5. In the ruins of an ancient town, Reptilian Raiders mounted on Trapcats
emerge en masse and attempt to force their victims to flee. They attempt
to herd their prey into an area they have blocked into a dead end.
6. The aftermath of a battle is found. Several mercs lay dead, still wearing
armor and clutching guns. Those who approach must make a Moderate
Search roll or step into the hidden trench around the bodies, the bottom
of which houses sharpened stakes. Raiders attack when the trap springs.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

River Folk
The aquatic race known commonly as the River Folk are something of an en-
igma. They have a reputation as pirates and raiders, though analysis shows this
element likely represents no greater a share of the population than similar
activities among other races. This reputation is somewhat exacerbated by the
fact that common interaction with the River Folk culture through typical ex-
changes (trade, politics, education, etc.) is somewhat rare. This is likely not by
their choice, but a consequence of their need to remain in a marine environ-
ment for the sake oftheir survival.
We may again be drawn to our inescapable conclusion about most intelligent
beings: it is typically unwise to label a races as “good” or “bad,” as the true an-
swer is likely that they experience the entire spectrum
ofbehavior and judgement.
CulturalSurvey ofthe CivilizedLands v30
(CDoc CURR-018-0w0x)
The Cooperative
River Folk are an amphibious
race that can be found living in
and around many of the rivers,
lakes, and marshes of the Civil-
ized Lands. They are air-
breathers, but are far more
comfortable in the water
than on land. Their slick skin
and webbed hands and feet
make them excellent swim-
mers, and they can hold their
breath for extended periods. If
exposed to hot or dry condi-
tions, these amphibious beings
suffer and, with prolonged ex-
posure, die.
River Folk come from a world
which is a single freshwater ar-
chipelago which spans the
entire globe. They enjoyed
advanced technolo-
gies equal to those

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

River Folk Stats
Attribute Dice: 11D+1 Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Swimmer, Major
Might: 1D/3D Racial Complications:
Agility: 1D/3D Hazardous Environment
Wit: 1D/4D
Charm: 2D+1/4D+2
Move: 15
Other Information
Size: 4 feet, 7 inches to 5 feet, 9 inches (1.4 to 1.8 m)
Weight: 90 to 160 lbs (40 to 70 kg)
Lifespan: 50 to 65 years
Offspring: Females lay 20 to 30 eggs in birthing pools twice a
year, which are then fertilized communally by the
males. Only about a third fertilize, and half of those
eggs never reach maturity. On average, 3 to 5 eggs
hatch after 80 days, with the young continuing to de-
velop in the birthing pool for another 80 days.
Language: River Folk speak in a series of long, heavily inflected
tones that carry well underwater as well as through the
air. When speaking Earth languages, they tend to run
words together.
Oddities: River Folk have male and female genders, but there are
no outward anatomical indications of sex.

found on Earth during the Golden Age, including a network of Gates which
connected all of their thousands of island city-states. Their unique architec-
ture blended structures above and below the surface of the shallow seas as
palatial complexes featuring industry, commerce, and research. Submersible
vehicles ferried River Folk between pressurized underwater buildings. Ad-
vanced machines aided them in their daily mundane labors. They enjoyed all
the trappings of a super-modern society.
The Gate disaster that swept across the home of the River Folk was par-
ticularly devastating. Many Gates Centers were found in underwater buildings,
which were damaged in an eruption of interdimensional energy at the mo-

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

ment of catastrophic failure. Walls cracked and chambers flooded, drowning
untold thousands. In the submerged Gate Centers, newly opened Breaches
transformed into giant whirlpools, sucking water and those trapped in the
pull out of their home plane and depositing them on foreign worlds. At least
one Breach in the Civilized Lands known to produce River Folk still continu-
ously pours a steady stream of water from their world to Earth.
A New, Old Way of Life
Adjustment to life on Breachworld has been difficult for the River Folk. They
were very accustomed to high technology, and like many such races find
themselves needing to adopt simpler ways now that they are on Earth. Most
other races, however, have a chance to utilize salvaged technology or work to
recreate their own using the resources they can find, but the River Folk have
limited opportunities to reconstruct what they lost. The home they have been
forced to make their own has lakes and rivers, but not the vast seas they are
accustomed to. Their technology was also very specialized for an amphibious
society, which is unique among the Civilized Lands. This has all made return-
ing to their old way of life practically impossible.
The River Folk now make their way on Earth by farming muddy riverb-
anks and lakeshores, or growing crops of aquatic plants and flowers in the
marshes and shallows. They make do with primitive implements where they
must, but take every opportunity to barter their always-abundant supply of
fish and marine foodstuffs for more modern gear, particularly farming im-
plements and weapons. Their homes are typically built on floating platforms,
just on the water’s edge, or even half-submerged with the primary entrance
accessible only from underwater. These dwellings lack the grandeur of their
ancestral home, but make for practical and highly defensible positions.
Bad Reputation
The hard road of survival is often made easier by theft, raiding, or outright
banditry, and so communities of River Folk have been known to engage in
organized campaigns against their neighbors, whether other River Folk or
different alien races. These efforts may include sneaking into the camps of
those who spend nights too close to bodies of water and stealthily making
off with supplies, or violent attacks against travelers using boats or rafts to
traverse rivers. Sometimes River Folk fall in with crews of bushwhackers or
pirates who can make use of their aquatic skills. Because most in the Civilized
Lands have limited trade or other contact with this isolated river people,
many assume the stories they hear are true and they are all just pirates and


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Too Hot to Handle
River Folk may leave their watery homes to find temporary work as guides, to
engage in trade, or to explore the surrounding territory, but they are not often
found adventuring across the world. Weather and climate can vary too greatly
and unpredictably in the Civilized Lands for most to feel comfortable wan-
dering from the safety of the wet and damp of lakes, rivers, and marshes.
They are most likely to venture away from their wet and humid homes in the
coolest hours of the day, or during wet or foggy weather.
When allowed to dry out in hot or arid environments, River Folk suffer
penalties in accordance with the Hazardous Environment Complication.
River Folk can be found in the rivers and lakes across the Civilized Lands, but
most are associated with the waterways of what was once the Colorado River.
This includes the flooded ruin which was once the city of Austin. Com-
munities of note who live as neightbors to the River Folk along the waterway
include Campbell Camp, Campbell Camp South, Campbell Mill, and River
Bend. Dozens of River Folk settlements exist through this region, ranging
from small family units to villages of up to 50.
Worthy of note outside the Civilized Lands are the large numbers of
River Folk said to live in the area encompassing Lake Livingston and into the
marshland traditionally known as the Big Thicket region. This stretch of ter-
ritory is just east of the bounds of the Civilized Lands and is rumored to be
home to many large River Folk towns, some populations numbering well into
the hundreds.
These semi-aquatic beings have sage green skin flecked with yellow, red, and
blue. Their smooth bodies are hairless, but do have small vestigial fins. Their
eyes are deep-set and yellow. They have a “nose” on top of their heads, large
ears which extend from their necks, and a wide mouth full of jagged teeth.
They have long toes with webbed feet, plus webbing between their long fin-
gers. The difference between the genders of this egg-laying species is hard to
distinguish, and those River Folk who find themselves in the company of
other races often struggle to learn modesty on par with humans, but make an
attempt in an effort not to stand out.
Also Known As
Lakesiders, Marsh People, or Mermen.


Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

They say we weren’t much more than rodents. We lived in caves and hollows,
scraping out a living as scavengers. Stepped on and eradicated as a nuisance or a
pest. We were the smallest and most helpless of creatures and we lived by luck,
or fate, or whatever.
I don’t know how we came to be here on Earth. Nobody is left who made the
trip. Now, funny enough, we’re the biggest and baddest folks around.
Still hated and hunted, though.
OralHistories ofthe New Earth
G.S. Ritchey
The Breaches have brought to Earth few
more physically impressive beings
than the Tusks. These hulking ali-
ens, despite being rare in the
Civilized Lands, are well
known as elite bodyguards,
hired muscle, mercenaries,
and heavy laborers. They
are commonly said to
be the strongest hu-
manoids ever dis-
covered, and there is
little which can be
done to refute it. The
sight of a Tusk wielding
a squad-operated ma-
chine gun as if it had the
weight of the average
combat rifle, or tearing
trees up by the roots, is
proof enough for most.
They are further
renowned for their abil-
ity to shrug off a blade,
bullet, or even projected
energy beam as if it was
nothing, thanks to their
bony natural armor
and unique body
chemistry. It is easy

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Tusk Stats
Attribute Dice: 12D Racial Perks:
Skill Dice: 6D Armor, Heavy
Might: 3D/6D Unstunnable
Agility: 1D/3D+1 Racial Complications:
Wit: 1D/3D+2 Enemies
Charm: 1D/2D+1
Move: 14
Other Information
Size: 6 feet, 9 inches to 7 feet, 8 inches (2.1 to 2.3 m)
Weight: 350 to 510 lbs (160 to 230 kg)
Lifespan: 120 to 150 years
Offspring: Bears a child after a a 14-month pregnancy.
Language: The native language of Tusks has been forgotten.
Speaks a variety of common Earth languages.

for a Tusk to find work as muscle of one form or another, but they are also
underrated leaders, tacticians, and mechanics with an intellect on par with
most races.
The Tusks found in the Civilized Lands are all the descendants of those who
came to Earth through a Breach somewhere else in North America, genera-
tions ago. Therefore, none of the Tusks regularly encountered have any
knowledge of their homeworld beyond what oral tradition has been handed
down, and lack even memory of a native tongue, instead conversing in Eng-
lish, Spanish, and a smattering of other regional Earth languages.
Tusk tradition tells tales of a homeworld which is deific in scale, where
they were among the smallest and weakest of races. They lived as little more
than vermin to vastly more powerful, godlike beings. This may mean that,
unlike most aliens who have been pulled to Earth through disastrous or acci-
dental phenomena, these brutes may originally have been willing immigrants
to escape a far worse situation than the trials offered by Earth. The location
of the Breach which bridges the Tusk homeworld and Earth is unknown. It’s

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

possible it continues to bring in refugees from the Tusks’ home dimension,
and that somewhere on Earth there exist many more of these powerful ali-
Feared and Hunted
These monstrous beings are isolated from others by their incredibly frightful
stature and appearance, and their reputation as powerful warriors. Most other
beings, human and alien alike, steer clear of the brutes when they cross paths
on the road or at a trading post, and are quick to defer to them if any dis-
agreement should arise.
Since the first Tusks began to arrive in the Civilized Lands, they have been
the targets of an active extermination campaign by the Resistance. The anti-
alien network is intensely aware of the raw power a Tusk brings to a fight and
has issued widespread orders for their extermination by all available kill
squads. They also publish literature and spread rumors directed at drumming
up fear and mistrust of the hulking aliens, resulting in common fears among
humans that Tusks carry diseases or are cannibals. They also issue bounties
against the lives of Tusks through third parties in the hope that humans, or
even aliens, unaffiliated with the Resistance can be convinced to take a shot at
removing one of the brutes from the board.
Shared Objectives
Through their suffering at the hands of many humans, Tusks have found an
ally in the form of the Cooperative. The progressive group of thinkers, ex-
plorers, and historians are always in need of strong backs and keen fighters to
assist them in their search for knowledge and their quest to close the world’s
Breaches. Their alien-inclusive attitude puts the group at odds with organiza-
tions such as the Resistance, which makes the Cooperative and Tusks natural
Tusks are recruited by Cooperative cells whenever they are encountered in
the Civilized Lands. Even if they do not join the cause, Cooperative agents
are always quick to offer whatever assistance they can to help the brutish ali-
ens keep from running afoul of the Resistance, or other like-minded groups.
Tusks have suffered generations as a hunted people, which has taken its toll.
Many have given over to anger and frustration, aimed squarely at a world
proven to be disproportionately dangerous for them. They are suspicious of
new people and most often want nothing more than to be left alone. Given
the expectation by many that they are savage monsters, it is often easiest for a
Tusk to just accept the role of an overbearing bully.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Given their marked status, Tusks are understandably hesitant to trust oth-
ers, especially humans. They keep fellowship with one or two of their own
race, when possible, but their thin numbers and knack for meeting violent
ends makes building community among their own kind difficult. When a
Tusk does befriend a human or alien, the bond formed is incredibly strong.
Tusks are fiercely loyal to those they choose as their comrades. Fortunate
friends of Tusks can attest to their kindness and devotion.
The few Tusks found across the Civilized Lands can be encountered in most
places free of the influence of the Resistance and other anti-alien groups.
Many, especially those who try to lead peaceful lives, choose to live in relative
seclusion in the wild places of the world. Those who hire themselves out as
soldiers, bodyguards, or other muscle can most often be found in alien-dom-
inated centers of trade, especially those looking to bring violence to the
doorsteps of enemies who would hunt them down. Those working with the
Cooperative travel across the Civilized Lands on their various missions.
Tusks are tall, broad, and massive in every way. Their hairless bodies are
covered in bony gray plates which act as natural armor over the steel blue
skin which can be seen peeking through from beneath. Tusks get their name
from the two tusks that extend from their lower jaw, which are often banded
with metal rings or carved with ornamental designs.
Also Known As
Brutes or Tanks.

Fighting a Tusk
There are many common methods to try and take on a Tusk in combat:
Burst fire. Burst fire is an incredibly expensive option, as it uses a lot of
valuable ammunition, but nobody said fighting a Tusk would be cheap.
Scaled weapons. Weapons designed to take on light armored vehicles
(+2D scale weapons) leverage greater firepower than typical firearms.
Fire with fire. A skilled and physically powerful combatant with a heavy
melee weapon and sturdy armor may be able to go toe-to-toe with a Tusk,
though that is a game with very high stakes.

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)
Najyb Almaskari (Order #27901385)

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