Depression Essay - Min Thway

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Exploring the Causes of Depression 1

Challenging the Serotonin Hypothesis, and Exploring the Root Causes of Depression

Min Thway

Human Growth and Development throughout the Lifespan - HHG4M-01

Jacqueline De Souza

June 26th 2023

Exploring the Causes of Depression 2

Challenging the Serotonin Hypothesis, and Exploring the Root Causes of Depression

Depression have become a widespread mental disease in the world, afflicting millions

worldwide, leaving no diversities of people behind. Its prevalence cannot be argued with.Yet, an

outdated and inadequate assumption behind its cause still continues to persists; that is emotional

disorders derives alone from “chemical imbalance” in the brain, ignoring much of the other

important environmental factors and outside forces that equally influence the individual’s mental

health and well-being. This essay will analyze the shortcomings of the chemical imbalance

hypothesis behind the disease, and the complex and wide-ranging implications behind its causes

from a myriad of factors.

The serotonin hypothesis, which got started in the late 1960s, follows a simple biological

explanation to the multifaceted problem of depression. By an idea that is inadequately

unsupported; stating that low serotonin levels in the brain is the cause of the mood disorder

(Strain, 2023). It prospered in the mental health, and psychiatric field of the 1990s and the

suggestion that the antidepressant drugs could solve this serotonin deficit attributing to

depression followed suit. Therefore giving drug companies opportunities to advertise, while

giving doctors, and patients a simplified explanation to the causes of depression (Strain, 2023).

The drugs helped about half the people treated with depression, yet it cannot be verified

that just because the mechanism relieves a disease, that mechanism or the lack thereof is the

cause of the disease itself. It’s simply “backward logic” or a logical fallacy as suggested by

psychiatrist Nassir Ghaemi who stated in a Psychology Today essay (Strain, 2023).

Moreover, as the research and scientific field progresses, it is now apparent that the

disease is complex and diversified in nature, therefore the regularly used measures to test
Exploring the Causes of Depression 3

depression that were created decades before ignores a large extent of important symptoms and

factors that are associated. For example, the views and experiences of depression may differ

from different groups of people of ethnicities, cultures, gender, and ages which the traditionally

accessed depression scales do not recognize. While the chief factor of personal circumstances

cannot be ignored.

Depression does not have a single cause, but rather effected by many different

components that are interrelating with each other which include undeterminable factors such as

genetic, biological, and hormonal to environmental factors of family, and socio-cultural

influences (Bembnowska & Josko-Ochojska, 2015). For instance, research is now even finding

that depression begins well before birth. In the early pregnancy period, negative experiences of

the mother’s emotional state such as stress has significant impacts on the infant’s brain, inflicting

certain unhealthy brain activities that may contribute to depression (Bembnowska & Josko-

Ochojska, 2015). Furthermore, studies also show that depression can be inherited among the

mother and infant, while estimating that people with family members who have depression are

also 1.5 to 3 times more likely to go through depression (Bembnowska & Josko-Ochojska,

2015). Certain chemical components in the brain, which includes serotonin among many others,

as well plays a vital role in the development of depressive disorders (Bembnowska & Josko-

Ochojska, 2015).

Regarding the environmental factors, social factors from family issues, traumatic

experiences, different types of stress, addiction, health problems also plays a large part

(Bembnowska & Josko-Ochojska, 2015). For instance, interpersonal relations and conflicts with

parents and children that stem in divorce, alcoholism, domestic violence, and mental disorders

have great influences of its development. In addition to it, the learning period in which
Exploring the Causes of Depression 4

adolescents go through the school environment also create conditions for depression to emerge

(Bembnowska & Josko-Ochojska, 2015). Studies suggest that education pressures, expectations

set by teachers, and parents correlate to the development of stress and depression in students.

Moreover, students who go through bullying and moral harassment in school are also two times

more likely to develop depressive symptoms (Bembnowska & Josko-Ochojska, 2015).

Last of all, other factors that can contribute to depression are a relocation of living place,

school, and mental issues related to hopelessness and meaningless of life. Challenges in

sexuality, discrimination, and social stigmatization may also be accounted (Bembnowska &

Josko-Ochojska, 2015).

In conclusion, the outdated “chemical imbalance” hypothesis oversimplifies and

overlooks the complex nature of depression, ignoring important environment factors. Depression

is developed as an outcome of the interaction of genetic, biology, hormones, and social

influences. Therefore, the generic serotonin hypothesis fails to acknowledge the diverse causes,

symptoms and issues experienced by different individuals. By recognizing this, we can works

toward the development of a more extensive understanding of depression and its treatments.
Exploring the Causes of Depression 5


Bembnowska, M., & Jośko-Ochojska, J. (2015). What causes depression in adults? Polski

Merkuriusz Lekarski : Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, 125(2), 116-120.

Sanders, L. (2023, February 12). A chemical imbalance doesn't explain depression. So what

does? Science News.


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