Unit 4 Summative - Min Thway

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Min Thway

The Writer's Craft - EWC4U-02

Joann Johnston
October 11th 2023

Unit 4 Summative

1. Select:
A. type of article: Science and News
B. topic: Extreme Weather Conditions in 2023 & their Connections to Climate Change
C. type of publication piece might appear: Science, Educational feature articles, News
D. purpose: To educate, inform, alert people about extreme weather events in 2023,
and prompt them to act on climate change
E. intended readers: The general public, policymakers, politicians, scientists,
environments, anyone interested in climate issues

2. In more detail:
A. news value of the topic: The topic have high news values as it takes on an ongoing
issues of critical climate emergencies happening around the world, its possible causes and
effects, and to raise higher awareness to society about it. This is newsworthy because climate
change has direct effects on people's lives, the environment they live in, and ultimately the
future of it.
B. angle: It is written in informed unbiased and manner about the current ecological
weather crisis happening throughout the world in 2023, regarding the exponential effects
caused by human-induced climate change. The article highlights the changing weather patterns
that have become 'abnormal' due to climate change and urges action.
C. information needed: Extensive analysis into the extreme weather events of summer
2023, a scientific inquiry into its connection to climate change, comparison with historical data
of the changes in climate, more expert's opinion on the future events and the general direction
of the earth's climate
D. information sources: Books and articles dealing with the same issue written by
experts, Interview with climate scientists, and analysts, Historical climate data

3. Interview (see Lesson 3):

A. select a person and purpose for an interview:

Person: Dr. Friederike Otto, physicist at Imperial College London and co-founder of the World
Weather Attribution Initiative
Purpose: To further inquire about the nature of extreme climate events, its connection to
climate change, and the future ahead for the world

B. list of questions:
1. How accurate and confident are scientists in measuring the causes and connections of
human-induced climate change to the extreme weather events of 2023, given the complexities
and broadness of the field?

2. Could you delve deeper into how human activity to connected to warming of the planet.
What human activities might be the main drivers? Have we been effective in slowing it down or

3. Can the condition at which these erratic and irregular extreme climate events occur be
considered acceptable? Or signs of a malfunctioning in the system and needs urgent action
4. What is the most crucial things people can do to tackle this issue? Do people have the power
to promote change?

5. What might be the future for Earth’s climate if these extreme weather events and warming
continued? And how much time do we have?

C. set up interview date: 15th October 2023

4. Research topic consulting two sources. Save research notes to be handed in with piece of

Mulvaney, K. (2023, September 8). This summer's extreme weather is a sign of things to come.
National Geographic,

McGrath, M., Poynting, M., Dale, B., & Tauschinski, J. (2023, October 7). World breaches key
1.5C warming mark for a record number of days. BBC News.

Research Notes

Extreme Weather Events of summer 2023

Summer months of 2023 faced extreme weather events in the Northern Hemisphere
-Canada Wildfire, Vermont Flooding, Maui Wildfire in Hawaii (National Geographic)

Hottest summer ever recorded in the northern hemisphere (EUCCCS)

-The same abnormal conditions can be seen in the southern hemisphere (Climate Central)
-2023 in line to becoming the hottest year on record (BBC)

What might be the causes?

Direct correlation between rising temperatures and climate change (Climate Central)

-Carbon pollution leading the cause

-Air pollution from shipping across the North Atlantic, Warming in the Antarctica, the
strengthening El Nino Currents (BBC)

-Half the global demographic experienced weather changes likely caused by climate change

Quebec wildfires were likely exacerbated by human-induced climate change and weather
conditions that have become susceptible to it (Otto)

The complexities of measuring and connecting the weather events

To directly correlate climate change and the irregular weather events of summer 2023 is
complex albeit an evident case Scientists agree that the cause of irregular weather conditions in
2023 summer is greatly connected to global warming from carbon pollution (Mann)

-Looking at specific weather events can sometimes be inaccurate regarding the wider scope of
how warming affects long term weather patterns.
How the warming climate can lead to other extreme weather events such as flooding due to
excessive rain

The future of the Earth's climatic events will be likely "Extreme and Erratic"

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