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Lesson Plan

Submitted by: Lea Mae Labapis

Bea Carmel P. Tingcang
Lovely Galleros
Submitted to: Mrs. Marylene N. Tizon
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:


II. Subject Matter:


Materials: Visual aids, Color rods, Pictures

III. Procedure: 3 I’s /Silent Way

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity



To seek for guidance let’s have first

our Prayer. May I ask Baluarte to lead?
Thank you! (Student Lead the Prayer.)
Before you take your seat, Can you pick up
a piece of trash under your chair and (Students’ do as told.)
arrange yourselves properly.

Alright! You may now take your seat.

Do we have any absentees for today?

(None sir.)
Alright! It’s good to know that you are all
present for today’s’ meeting. It is a good
sign that you really want to learn a new
lesson this afternoon.
Do you have any assignments to be pass
this afternoon?
Ok! (None sir.)
Before we will proceed to our new lesson.
I would like to remind everyone about my
Classroom Rules.

Kindly read!

When you (Students’ read.)

Enter this Classroom
Learning is Fun,
Cooperation is Expected
Our Positive Attitudes &
Mutual Respect are part of
Everything we Do and Say!

Are my classroom rules clear class?

(Yes, sir.)
1. Review

What did we discuss last meeting?

Last meeting, we discussed about adjectives.

What is an adjective?
An adjective describe a noun or pronoun. It
adds color to your sentences.

Very Good!

To test whether you understood our lesson.

We will have a short activity. Give me a
sentence that has an adjective. I will call 5
random students.
(Students’ answered.)

Excellent! You really understood our

lesson. Do you have any question about
our previous lesson?
(None so far, sir.).
2. Motivation

Class, I have here a photo.

Do you know what this is? (Yes Sir, It is a photo of a speaker.)

That’s right. This is a photo of a speaker.

Now, do you want to know more about this (Yes Sir, we are excited to know.)

Fabulous! Let’s get to know about this

Do you know what is the purpose of Yes Sir, the purpose of the speaker is to
speaker and how it works? give/provide a large sounds, it works if we
play some music and mostly people use it
for some events.

Well said! You’re Right

Like this speaker, we should always
remember that we can also produce
sounds, to make our voice louder, clear,
and so that we can communicate well.

Do you agree? (Yes, sir.)

Lusica, can you consider yourself as a

good speaker? Can you share it to the class
what makes you a good speaker? Yes Sir, I consider myself as a good speaker
in a way that I use my voice to produce
sounds, a sound of an independent person, a
sound of having a strong personality.
Wherein I can use it to conquer my fears in

Your sounds, voice and personality would
be your greatest strength, for you to be
heard and to fight and win in your own
battles in life.

So, give yourselves a firework claps. (Students clap)

Now, do you have any idea of what is our

new lesson for today?
(No, sir.)
Well, if that so listen very carefully and
attentively because this afternoon we are
going to discuss the Front Vowel Sounds.

3. Statement of the aim

Please be cooperative so that we could

meet the following objectives. Please read.

At the end of the lesson the student must

a. distinguished types of vowel
sounds; (Students read)
b. used the correct production of
vowel sounds;
c. read words with vowels sounds;
d. discussed the importance of speech
sounds in communication.

Do I make myself clear class?

(Yes, sir.)


4. Defining Terms

Before we go deeper, let us first define

first what is front vowel sounds.
Everybody read.
A front vowel is pronounced with the
highest part of the tongue pushed forward
in the mouth and somewhat arched. (Students’ read.)

Now, do you know what are the types of

front vowel sounds? (No, sir.)

Bear with me class! I have here a colour

charts, which comprises different colours
that corresponds to different front vowel

Eyes on the board and when I tap the

colour all you have to do is to produce the
sounds properly. Ok?

(Yes, sir.)

(15 minutes)

Very Good! Since you mastered the proper

production of front vowel sounds. Let’s
have an exercise using these following
words below. When I tap a word
pronounce the sound properly.

cat drag land task tank answer damp

meet jeep beef beep deep reef breeze

big hill fill hit lip ship bit mink drift

bet best deck wreck bed get kept neat

(15 minutes)

Great job class! You’re all doing great

with the exercise.

For me to find out whether you understood

our lesson, let’s have an activity entitled,
“Find Me”.

Activity A
“Find Me”

1. The students will be divided into
two (2) groups.
2. Each group will be given a set of
color rods.
3. The teacher will give the students
five (5) minutes to finish the task.

Directions: Find at least five words that

has the same sounds of the given colour
rods and present it in a creative way. Best
presenter will get a price.
You have 5 minutes to look for a words
and you will be graded according in this

Criteria: (Students’ performed)

Voice - 20%
Pronunciation - 15%
Clarity – 15%

Total = 50%

Your time starts now.

Congratulations winners, for the losing

group. Do not worry because we have
another set of activity.

Activity B
“Make it Fast”


1. The students will be divided into

two (2) groups.
2. Each group will be given a set of
tongue twisters.
3. The teacher will give the students
five (5) minutes to finish the task.
4. Phase 1: Slow
Phase 2: Medium
Phase 3: Fast

With the same group, I will give you four

sets of tongue twisters and all you need to
do is to choose four representatives to
deliver the tongue twister. You have 5
minutes to practice.

Delivery – 15%
Pronunciation – 15%
Clarity – 20%
Total = 50%

Tongue Twisters:

Black cats catch rats, black rats catch mice.
(Students’ performed)
The green machine sweeps the green
beans. (3x)

The pink pig is pink, the pink blanket is
pink. (3x)

Ted fed ten red hens, the ten red hens fed
Ted. (3x)

Alright! Did you enjoy the activities class?

IV. EVALUATION (Yes, sir.)

At this juncture, I would like to ask one

question. What do you think is the
importance of speech sounds in

Yes, Cubero would you like to share

Thank you! That’s good. Yes, sir I think the importance of speech
sounds in communication is it gives life and
How about, Bamuya would you like to it make our communication more engaging.
Yes sir, as a student the importance of
Very Good! All your answers are correct speech sounds for me is for us to understand
we should take note that a healthy and not to offend other people the way we
communication and a proper placement of talk. We need to know the proper production
our tone makes our conversations smooth of words because in a foreign language
and easy to be understood. That is why wrong pronunciation it gives another
speech sound is very important in meaning.


All right! For your assignment, choose a

short poem, memorize and present it to the
class next meeting.

You will be graded base in this criteria:

Delivery – 20%
Mastery – 20%
Clarity – 20%
Poise – 10%
Total = 70%

Do you have any questions class?

Hearing none, that would be all for today. (None so far sir.)
Thank you and have a great day ahead.

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