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Activity: Exploring Online Ethics and International Inequities (50pts)

Objective: To help students understand the importance of online ethics and how they relate to
international inequities.

Answer the following questions and provide brief, well-informed answers.

1. Define online ethics. Explain what online ethics are and why they are important.
2. Give an example of online behavior that violates ethical principles. Describe a
situation where someone's online behavior goes against ethical standards and explain why
it is unethical.
3. How do online ethics relate to international inequities? Explain how the way people
behave online can impact international inequities.
4. Discuss the concept of the "digital divide." What is the digital divide, and how does it
contribute to international inequities?
5. What are some ways individuals can promote online ethics and address
international inequities in the digital world? Provide at least two examples.


Question 1: Define online ethics.

 4-5 Points: Provides a clear and comprehensive definition of online ethics, highlighting
their importance and relevance.

 2-3 Points: Provides a mostly clear definition of online ethics with some explanation of
their importance.

 1 Point: Offers a basic definition of online ethics with limited explanation of their

 0 Points: Does not provide a definition of online ethics or does so inaccurately.

Question 2: Give an example of online behavior that violates ethical principles.

 4-5 Points: Presents a clear and relevant example of unethical online behavior, with a
thorough explanation of why it is unethical.

 2-3 Points: Offers a relevant example of unethical online behavior with some explanation
of its unethical nature.
 1 Point: Provides an example of unethical online behavior but lacks a clear or detailed
explanation of why it is unethical.

 0 Points: Does not provide an example of unethical online behavior.

Question 3: How do online ethics relate to international inequities?

 4-5 Points: Provides a comprehensive and insightful explanation of the relationship

between online ethics and international inequities, with multiple well-supported points.

 2-3 Points: Offers a clear explanation of the relationship with some supporting points.

 1 Point: Provides a basic explanation of the relationship with limited supporting points.

 0 Points: Does not explain the relationship or provides an inaccurate explanation.

Question 4: Discuss the concept of the "digital divide."

 4-5 Points: Presents a clear and detailed explanation of the digital divide, its significance,
and its contribution to international inequities.

 2-3 Points: Provides a clear explanation of the digital divide with some discussion of its
significance and contribution to international inequities.

 1 Point: Offers a basic explanation of the digital divide with limited discussion of its

 0 Points: Does not explain the concept of the digital divide.

Question 5: What are some ways individuals can promote online ethics and address
international inequities in the digital world?

 4-5 Points: Lists and explains at least two effective ways individuals can promote online
ethics and address international inequities, providing specific examples and reasoning.

 2-3Points: Lists and explains at least two ways with some specificity and reasoning.

 1 Point: Lists one way with limited specificity or reasoning.

 0 Points: Does not provide any ways to promote online ethics or address international

Note: Scores will be multiplied by 2.

Overall Scoring:

 45-50Points: Excellent. The student has demonstrated a deep understanding of online

ethics and their connection to international inequities, providing clear and insightful

 40-30 Points: Good. The student has a solid grasp of the topic, offering clear
explanations and examples, though there may be some gaps in detail or insight.

 20-15 Points: Fair. The student has provided some relevant information but may lack
clarity, depth, or completeness in their responses.

 10 Points: Poor. The student has not provided accurate or relevant responses to the

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