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U1 & U6

by: jan del sol

date: 24/11/22
grade: 4 ESO
Andreu roig
Profile 1……………………………………………………................................................................................................................................... 5
Exercise Section………………………………………………….................................................................................................................19
exercise section
My name is Jan del Sol Cortijo, I am 15 years old and I am from Vilanova y la Geltrú.

This last year I haven't done activities dedicated to English, but I have been quite active
and in many parts of the day I speak and listen to the language. Playing a game and
talking to people from other countries, watching series in English, etc. What has helped
me the most has been playing online games, because I am speaking and listening to
English all the time.

I want to improve when it comes to making sentences, or basically, to improve speaking.

That doesn't mean that I don't need to improve in other aspects, but I consider that I
understand and interpret the language well. Related to speaking, I also have to expand my
vocabulary and correct grammatical errors.

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