Believes of Islam: Rania Khizera Siddiqui 5 S

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Rania Khizera Siddiqui

Believes of Islam
There are the 7 basic beliefs of Islam explained in more detail:

1. One God (Allah):

Muslims believe in the oneness of God, called Allah in Arabic. They believe that Allah is the creator of
everything in the universe.
Allah is unique and does not have any partners or children. Muslims worship Allah alone.

2. Prophets:
Muslims believe that Allah sent special people called prophets to guide and teach humanity. Prophets
include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
These prophets were chosen to deliver messages from Allah to show people how to live good lives and
obey Allah's commandments.
3. Holy Books:
Muslims believe in certain holy books that Allah sent to different prophets. The most important of these
is the Quran, which Muslims believe was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
The Quran contains Allah's teachings and guidance for all aspects of life. Muslims recite and follow its
4. Angels:
Muslims believe in angels, which are invisible beings created by Allah. Angels have specific duties, like
recording people's actions and carrying out Allah's commands.
Angels are not like humans and do not have free will; they only do what Allah tells them to do.
5. Day of Judgment:
Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, when Allah will resurrect all people who have ever lived. Each
person's actions will be judged by Allah.
People will be shown the good and bad deeds they did in their lives. They will be rewarded with Heaven
or punished with Hell based on their deeds.
6. Heaven and Hell:

Muslims believe in the existence of Heaven (Paradise) and Hell. Heaven is a beautiful place where
people who did good deeds and followed Allah's teachings will be rewarded.
Hell is a place of punishment for those who did not follow Allah's teachings and did bad things. It is a
difficult and unhappy place.
7. Predestination:

Muslims believe in predestination, also known as "Qadar." This means that Allah knows everything that
will happen in the future.
However, Muslims also believe that humans have free will to make choices in their lives. While Allah
knows what choices people will make, individuals are still responsible for their actions.

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