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ISSN: 1940-1736 (print), 1940-1744 (electronic)

Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–3

! 2015 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1022748


Complete mitochondrial genome of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) umbratilis

(Diptera: Psychodidae), the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis
Arthur Kocher1, Jean-Charles Gantier2, Hélène Holota1, Céline Jeziorski3,4, Eric Coissac5, Anne-Laure Bañuls6,
Romain Girod7, Pascal Gaborit7, and Jérôme Murienne1
CNRS, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, ENFA; UMR5174 EDB (Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique), Toulouse, France, 2Laboratoire des
Identifications Fongiques et Entomo-parasitologiques, Mennecy, France, 3INRA, UAR 1209 Département de génétique animale, INRA Auzeville,
Castanet-Tolosan, France, 4GeT–PlaGe, Genotoul, INRA Auzeville, Castanet-Tolosan, France, 5Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, CNRS UMR 5553,
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 6UMR MIVEGEC (IRD 224 – CNRS 5290), Université de Montpellier), Montpellier, France, and
Mitochondrial DNA Downloaded from by on 05/23/15

Medical Entomology Unit, Institut Pasteur de la Guyane, Cayenne Cedex, French Guiana

Abstract Keywords
The nearly complete mitochondrial genome of Lutzomyia umbratilis Ward & Fraiha, 1977 Genome skimming, illumina Hiseq,
(Psychodidae: Phlebotominae), considered as the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis, is leishmaniasis, next-generation sequencing,
presented. The sequencing has been performed on an Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform, with a Sandfly, shotgun sequencing
genome skimming strategy. The full nuclear ribosomal RNA segment was also assembled. The
mitogenome of L. umbratilis was determined to be at least 15,717 bp-long and presents an History
architecture found in many mitogenomes of insect (13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs,
Received 5 February 2015
For personal use only.

two ribosomal RNAs, and one non-coding region also referred as the control region). The
control region contains a large repeated element of c. 370 bp and a poly-AT region of unknown Accepted 15 February 2015
length. This is the first mitogenome of Psychodidae to be described. Published online 22 May 2015

Lutzomyia sensu lato is a New World genus of sandflies Inc., San Diego, CA). Paired-end reads of 100 nucleotides were
(Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) that currently includes 477 collected using the Illumina TruSeq SBS Kit v.3 (Illumina Inc.,
described species. It comprises all the proven vector species of San Diego, CA) (200 cycles). The mitochondrial genome and the
Leishmaniasis in the New World (Killick-Kendrick, 1990). nuclear ribosomal gene segment were assembled using a genome
Lutzomyia umbratilis (Ward & Fraiha 1977) is distributed in walking approach and annotated as previously described (Kocher
several countries of northern South America (Scarpassa & et al., 2014). The sequences were deposited in GenBank under the
Alencar, 2012) and is considered to be the main vector of accession numbers KP702938 and KP702939. Because this is the
Leishmania guyanensis (Pajot et al., 1986). Here, the complete first mitogenome of Psychodidae available, we validated our
mitochondrial genome of L. umbratilis was sequenced using a sequence based on the 50 region of the mitochondrial gene COI
genome-skimming approach (Cally et al., 2014; Kocher et al., using the Barcoding of Life Database Identification Engine
2014, 2015). This is the first mitogenome of Psychodidae to be (, Figure 1).
described. These results demonstrate that for a relatively small cost
Specimens of L. umbratilis were collected using CDC light (below 280 euros), it is possible to efficiently assemble a
traps in the surrounding of Saint-Georges de l’Oyapock, French complete sandfly mitogenome with sufficient coverage (the mean
Guiana on 2 October 2007, processed in the Pasteur institute in coverage in the coding region was 84  with a minimum of 30)
Cayenne and stored at the LIFE laboratory, Mennecy, France. as well as a complete nuclear ribosomal cluster (the mean
After traditional morphological identification, heads, wings, and coverage was 101  with a minimum of 31). The complete
genitalia were kept as vouchers (IDs: 1664B, 1667B, and 1669B). mitogenome of L. umbratilis is determined to be at least 15,717 bp
Total genomic DNA was extracted from the thoraxes using the long and presents an organization shared with many insects
DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). DNA was (Boore, 1999). The typical set of 37 genes (13 protein-coding
then sent for library construction and sequencing to the GeT- genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and two ribosomal RNA genes)
PlaGe core facilities of Genotoul (Toulouse, France). The library and one control region was identified. All protein-coding genes
was constructed with 162 ng of DNA using the Illumina TruSeq started with an ATN codon. Nine TAA and one TAG stop codons
Nano DNA Sample Prep Kit (Illumina Inc. San Diego, CA). The were identified. Three incomplete stop codons (TA or T) were
library was hybridized on 1/24th of a lane of Illumina Hiseq 2500 found adjacent to transfer RNAs encoded on the same strand,
flow cell using the Illumina TruSeq PE Cluster Kit v.3 (Illumina consistent with the punctuation model for primary transcripts
processing followed by 30 polyadenylation of mature mRNA
(Nagaike, 2005; Ojala et al., 1981). The sequence of the control
Correspondence: Dr Arthur Kocher, CNRS, Toulouse, France. E-mail: region was not completely assembled, but was determined to be at least 882 bp long. It contained at least two almost identical
2 A. Kocher et al. Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–3
Mitochondrial DNA Downloaded from by on 05/23/15
For personal use only.

Figure 1. Neighbor-joining tree provided by the BOLD Identification Engine for the validation of our sample. The tree is based on the 50 region of the
mitochondrial gene COI, which is the typical DNA barcode for animals. Our sequence is annotated with its GenBank accession number.

tandem-repeats of a ca 370 bp-long element and a poly-AT region project METABAR (ANR-11-BSV7-0020). The collection of sandflies
of unknown length. The latter is probably related with a very low was performed in the framework of the French National Project ANR 06-
SEST-20 IAEL. The authors report that they have no conflicts of interest.
sequencing coverage of the region and the inability to complete
The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
the assembly.

Acknowledgements References
We would like to thank Romuald Carinci and Jean Issaly for their Boore JL. (1999). Animal mitochondrial genomes. Nucleic Acids Res
involvement in the collection and processing of the samples. 27:1767–80.
Cally S, Lhuillier E, Iribar A, Garzón-Orduña I, Coissac E, Murienne J.
Declaration of interest (2014). Shotgun assembly of the complete mitochondrial genome of
the neotropical cracker butterfly Hamadryas epinome. Mitochondrial
This work was supported by ‘‘Investissement d’Avenir’’ grants managed DNA. (in press).
by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (CEBA, ANR-10-LABX-25-01; Killick-Kendrick R. (1990). Phlebotomine vectors of the leishmaniases:
TULIP, ANR-10-LABX-41, and ANR-11-IDEX-0002-02) as well as A review. Med Vet Entomol 4:1–24.
DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1022748 Complete mitogenome of L. (Nyssomyia) umbratilis 3
Kocher A, Guilbert E, Lhuillier E, Murienne J. (2015). Sequencing of the Ojala D, Montoya J, Attardi G. (1981). tRNA punctuation model of RNA
mitochondrial genome of the avocado lace bug Pseudacysta perseae processing in human mitochondria. Nature 290:470–4.
(Heteroptera, Tingidae) using a genome skimming approach. C R Biol Pajot FX, Chippaux JP, Geoffroy B, Dedet JP. (1986). La leishmaniose
338:49–160. en Guyane française. Fluctuations saisonnières de la densité et du
Kocher A, Kamilari M, Lhuillier E, Coissac E, Péneau J, Chave J, taux d’infection naturelle de Lutzomyia umbratilis Ward et Fraiha, 1977
Murienne J. (2014). Shotgun assembly of the assassin bug Brontostoma en forêt dégradée. Cah ORSTOM Sér Entomol Méd Parasitol 24:191–8.
colossus mitochondrial genome (Heteroptera, Reduviidae). Gene 552: Scarpassa VM, Alencar RB. (2012). Lutzomyia umbratilis, the main
184–94. vector of Leishmania guyanensis, represents a novel species complex?
Nagaike T. (2005). Human mitochondrial mRNAs are stabilized PLoS One 7:e37341.
with polyadenylation regulated by mitochondria-specific poly(A) Ward RD, Fraiha H. (1977). Lutzomyia umbratilis, a new species
polymerase and polynucleotide phosphorylase. J Biol Chem 280: of sandfly from Brazil (Diptera: Psychodidae). J Med Entomol 13:
19721–7. 313–17.

Supplementary material available online

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For personal use only.
Supplementary material: Genitalia of male Lutzomyia umbratilis (voucher’s ID: 1669B)

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