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TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY 1 (poziom intermediate) TEST B

The story of bread

Rozumienie ze słuchu If you had bread for breakfast today, a slice of toast, or
1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wiadomości. perhaps a croissant, you are certainly not alone. 1____
Odpowiedz na pytania. Zakreśl A, B lub C. No matter where you travel, you will probably find a
culture that has its own type of bread.
News item 1 The story of bread goes back a long way – in fact,
about 10,000 years. 2____ However, they discovered
1 Where will the military parade take place? that they could use rocks to crush the hard grains from
A Close to the capital’s war memorial some plants, which we know today as wheat, to make
B Inside the National Opera House a rough powder, or flour. They mixed the flour with
C In different places across the country water, put the mixture on flat stones and waited for
the bread to bake.
News item 2
These first breads were hard and flat and they
2 The police know that the burglars … probably didn’t taste very nice, but gradually, the
recipe for bread improved. The ancient Egyptians, for
A had help from one of the employees.
example, discovered how to make fermented dough:
B entered through an unlocked door. they added ingredients to make the mixture rise, so
C previously worked at the travel agent’s. that it became lighter and tasted better. 3____ In the
News item 3 same way, different cultures developed their own
recipes, using local ingredients and suiting it to their
3 The new Finnish device tells you … traditions.
A when you should throw food away. The technology for baking bread also improved. The
B what food you should buy. first ovens were made of clay and a wood fire burned
C which food you should eat soon. inside them. 4____ By the time the oven had cooled,
the bread was baked. At first, bread was made in
News item 4
people’s homes. Then, in the Middle Ages, people
started to take their bread mixtures to local bakeries to
4 The singer and the model met …
be baked. These bakeries had large brick ovens which
A while they were working together. were heated by wood or coal. Today, of course, most
B last night for the first time. of the world’s bread is baked in large factories and is
C at a press conference three months ago. then transported to where it is sold.
News item 5 Most people can easily go to a supermarket or a
baker’s shop to buy bread when they need it. 5____ In
5 What is going to happen to the Buy and Low shops? France in the 18th century, for example, there was
A They will be sold. very little bread in the shops and its price was high.
B They will be closed down. Angry people rioted in the streets and Marie
C They will be improved. Antoinette famously said, ‘Let them eat cake.’ Bread is
Liczba punktów: ___ / 10 an emotional issue. It’s mentioned in ancient books,
prayers, and proverbs of many different cultures. In
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych many places it’s seen as one of the most important
foods, and is central to many cultures in ways that
2 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. other foods are not.
Dopasuj zdania A–F do luk 1–5, tak aby powstał
spójny i poprawny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało A Bread is one of the most widely eaten foods in
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego the world and it comes in an incredible range of
akapitu. shapes and sizes.
B However, when things go wrong, it’s often bread
that disappears first.


TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY 1 (poziom intermediate) TEST B
C The bread mixture was placed inside these and 2 X: It’s raining, so we can’t go for a picnic.
then the opening was closed. I’m so disappointed.
Y: ______ Let’s watch a good film on TV
D In some countries, bread was considered a
greater luxury than the most expensive meat.
A Please hurry up!
E People didn’t grow food then, but went out in B Oh, cheer up!
the grasslands to look for plants and grains that D You’ll never guess!
they could eat.
3 X: Who’s that girl in a pink dress talking to
F The ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, baked Neil?
flat bread and often flavoured it with herbs and Y: _____
spices. A That might be his new girlfriend.
B She looks nothing like her.
Liczba punktów: ___ / 10
C She seems nice.
Znajomość funkcji językowych 4 X: I think John is absolutely right.
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami.
A Could I just add something here?
B Really? I totally disagree with him.
1 ‘Would you ______ to add anything?’
C That’s not true.
‘I’m not quite sure...’
5 X: It’s a lovely day today. Why don’t we go
2 Dan looks about twenty-five, don’t you think?
He ____________ be in his twenties! His
Y: Hmm. _______
daughter’s twelve!
A I prefer getting my bike out.
3 ‘What’s your view on banning hunting with B I hope I won’t get your bike out.
dogs?’ C I don’t fancy getting my bike out.
‘To ____________ you the truth, I’m not sure what Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
to think.’
4‘Would you ____________ opening the window? Wypowiedź pisemna
It’s very hot in here.’ 5 Zamierzasz kupić strój na wyjątkową
5 ‘I think Picasso was a genius.’ uroczystość, w której będziesz brać wkrótce
‘I agree ____________ you.’ udział. Napisz wiadomość e-mail do
anglojęzycznej koleżanki, która obiecała
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
towarzyszyć ci podczas zakupów.
4 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–5. Z podanych • Przypomnij jej o planowanych zakupach.
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą wypowiedź jednej z • Napisz, jakie ubrania chciałbyś/chciałabyś
osób. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C. kupić.
1 X: I’m really, really sorry! • Napisz, gdzie moglibyście pójść na zakupy.
Y: _________ • Zaproponuj miejsce i czas spotkania.
A I regret to inform you. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech
B It will take your mind of it. podpunktów. Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić
C It really doesn’t matter. od 80 do 130 słów.
Liczba punktów: ___ / 10


TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY 1 (poziom intermediate) TEST B
Słownictwo 8 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od
wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.
6 Uzupełnij zdania. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
1 Daniel has a ___________________
1 He hurt himself while playing tennis. I think he’s (CHALLENGE) job. It is both difficult and interesting.
sprained his ___.
A calf B thigh C wrist D shin 2 Composing music requires good ____________
(KNOW) of musical theory.
2 I like wearing ___ clothes when I’m at home, such
as old jeans and T-shirts. 3 The trains are so ________________ (RELIABLE).
A formal B smart C elegant It took us three hours longer than usual to get
D scruffy there.

3 Ellen is so ___! She never changes her mind even 4 Jane showed me a lot of ______________ (KIND)
if she is wrong. during my stay. She was friendly and helpful.
A modest B stubborn C assertive D 5 Crying is a good way to release a strong
ashamed ___________________ (EMOTE).
4 We found some lovely, blue ___ for the curtains. Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
A fabric B china C glass D wood
10 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przyimkami.
5 I’m learning to play the guitar, but I don’t know
1 I fell ___ with my best friend and now I’m not
all the ___ yet.
speaking to her.
A beats B chords C lyrics D arias
2 I’m satisfied __________ my exam results. I did
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
quite well.
7 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki we
3 He spends all his money __________ music.
właściwej formie. Pięć wyrazów zostało podanych
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego zdania. 4 Many types of animals will die ____________ if
we don’t protect them.
split fall get boycott threat
survive conserve contaminate 5 We’ll have to stop at the next petrol station to fill
spread write _____________ the car.
1 The water in this area is ____________________ Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
with bacteria. You can’t drink it.
2 The disease started in the south and
________________________ all over the country.
3 I don’t have any money with me, but I can
______________________ a cheque.
4 Harry and Lucy ____________ divorced last year.
5 People decided to _______________ the foreign
goods and produce their own.
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5


TEST DIAGNOSTYCZNY 1 (poziom intermediate) TEST B
Gramatyka 12 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami
czasowników w nawiasach.
10 Uzupełnij e-mail właściwymi formami
czasowników z ramki. 1 If you hadn’t reminded me, I ________________
___________________ (forget) about the meeting.
go stay visit hear swim
2 We finished our classes early on Friday, so we
Hi Emily! decided ________________ (study) for our exam
I’m writing this email to you from the south west on Monday.
of England. Nick and I 1 ____________ at a nice 3 The dog ____________________ (not look after)
hotel by the sea since last weekend, and we love it properly. He looks too thin and hungry.
here (but I 2 ____________ in the sea yet because
4 By 11.00 a.m. tomorrow, Daryl _______________
it is very cold and the weather is cloudy).
(come) back from the demonstration.
Yesterday, we 3 ____________ to a local pub to
listen to a great local band. They played a type of 5 At this time tomorrow, I ____________________
music I 4 ____________ before! (work) in a charity shop.
We 5 ____________ a friend here before we head Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
to the nearest town. If you have time, please write
to me! 13 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach,
Lots of love, tak aby powstały poprawne i logiczne zdania.
Jenny 1 Eve ________________________ (pomalowano
jej samochód) silver last week.
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
2 My parents’ wedding anniversary, ____________
11 Uzupełnij zdania. Zakreśl literę A, B, lub C. ________________ (którą świętujemy) every year,
1 Mark ___ in France when he was eight years old. is an opportunity for all the family to get together.
A have been living B used to live C would live 3 _______________________ (Na twoim miejscu),
D has lived I would volunteer for this job.
2 Jess ___ be at the cinema. It’s already closed. 4 I wish _____________________ (że nie mogę iść)
A can’t B doesn’t have to C wouldn’t swimming with you, but I haven’t got time. Sorry!
D mustn’t
5 Nathan didn’t like it when we ________________
3 When Sue arrived at the restaurant there was ____________ (zaproponowaliśmy naukę) instead
___ there. They’d all left. of going out.
A somebody B nobody
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5
C anybody D everybody
4 Did you and your sister enjoy ___ at the party last
A yourself B themselves C herself
D yourselves
5 I ___ go to Italy this year. I haven’t decided yet.
A must B will C might D can
Liczba punktów: ___ / 5


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