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Name : Ari iisnaeni

NIM : 33200008

Class : 33.1A.07

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. In ancient times, in Lolong Village, there was a young man who raised a horse since he was a
child who was very obedient, the horse's name was Alhamduillah. The horse is very
obedient, when called immediately comes. If asked to walk we just say "Alhamdulillah", then
the horses will walk. Meanwhile, if you want to stop just say "Astaghfirullah", the horse will
automatically stop.

Ali is the owner of this clever horse, he is very fond of his horse. Every weekend, Ali trains his
horse to speed up his running ability. The more we shout, the horse speed will increase. One
afternoon, Ali was taking his horse to train in the field. While practicing, Ali met a friend named Faiz
"Assalamualaikum ... How are you? Wow your horse is so good .. ". "Good. Yes, hehehe. My horse
is very obedient. Just say hamdalah it will automatically run and if you want to stop just say
istighfar. " Ali replied. "Can I try?" Asked Faiz. Oman is pleased to invite Faiz to try out his horse.

Faiz says hamdalah to run the horse. Over time Faiz grew bored because the horse was walking
too slowly. He had the idea that his horse would run faster. Suddenly * Plaakk, Faiz hit the horse
hard while shouting "ALHAMDULILLAH !!!". The horse was running very fast, so fast that Faiz could
not control the horse. The horse was running towards the ravine in front of him, because nervous
Asep forgot the words to stop him, he said all the words. "ALLAH IS THE GREATEST!!!" but the horse
didn't stop. "INNALILLAH !!!" the horse kept running very fast and he got closer to the cliff.

When he was desperate, Faiz said istighfar for the last time. "Astaghfirullah ...". Instantly the
horse stopped right on the edge of the cliff. Faiz feels relieved and grateful, he is happy that he did
not enter the abyss. "Alhamdulillah, Allah you are still helping me". Suddenly the horse moved
again, Faiz remembered that he had just accidentally said the word Alhamdulillah.

 Topic : Submissive horse

 Main idea : In ancient times, in Lolong Village, there was a young man who raised a
horse since he was a child who was very obedient, the horse's name was Alhamduillah
 Figure : horse has an obedient nature, Ali has a compassionate nature, and careless faiz
 Mandate: teaches to love every living creature even if a horse. so that the horse will love

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